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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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give to the palestinians this place starving. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their people. the israel from bards central garza, for another night. it starts have killed almost 13000 palestinians physics over this. the time about this. and this is obviously of a live from deal hom, also coming up. food aid is dropped into parts of southern johnson. thomas jennings, in the north se is really blocking delivers the criticism of jo biden's
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guys are policies, he wins the democratic primary in the us state of michigan. you don't have to go very far to find that stories of to read. well, i've done the reports from the front lines of democratic republic of congo and the plight of children's forcibly recruits as by homes groups the we're gonna start and gaza with these really ministries unrelenting, and is bombing campaign. the was killed nearly 30000 palestinians, most of them women and children. these are pictures from the city of daniel by the central guy. some overnight is really air strikes or targeted a residential building, killing at least 2 children. volunteers have been racing against the clock to rescue any survivors shopped onto the rubber. and you guys are sitting thousands of people have been scrambling for bags of flour as a hunger of crisis unfolds. cause i was cold on the international community to
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stand against what it calls the deliberate starvation of the palestinian people by israel un agencies and age groups say is very attacks on the collapse of law and order by making it more difficult to get a to into the stress, the palestinians who being camping along the main road and northern guys are waiting for a sort of supplies, reaching them are nowhere near enough. i got the 2nd i was sitting here in the middle of the will, out in the cold. i'm a waiting for a to land on the beach along the outer sheet street. we've never had to do this, but our situation is become a lot more difficult as a result of the war and the weakness of some hard version unless we had to wait to aid and collect whatever we come to feed the children and fill our empty stomachs on the food, the prices have been rising exponentially and people find themselves in dire straits as a result, all the men and gone. so standing here out in the cold waiting the see is the
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biggest piece of i man. and with all the number of people who are suffering and dying need a staggering and the aid that into the strip only covers 10 percent of the needs of those who a staffing and suffering. tommy mom who's got the latest updates from the rough. i in the southern gaza and we're getting the consent reports to fill up the extra coming there. that's where there are 7 people reported killed in the overnight attacks. me and holding deposit. hours are the hours of this morning as a group of people were gathered in one of the medium boards in there. that's what they were fired at by a going to 7 people, including the 2 children from the overnighted flag. when i visited the store home and the eastern part of the extra data report is more than injuries already and a lot. so has, because it does the tragedy of the over not attack of the residential on the there are people still under the rubber. we were told by an eye witness. that house was
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pretty much hocks with displaced families from honeymoon and god in the northern part of the big shouldering inside the residential home for the past weeks. and it's more reason please, since the beginning of the ground invasion in the, in the city of honeywell. what the tragic right now is the fact that people as the ordinary for that i can the on the mean goes across the doctor where they're here in the city that was part of the close to one or the city of rashid road or in the central area they're coming in the cold and it's 5 the danger waiting for human, a chance it's truck and they're being fired at as of now where there's point, we've got a naval forces. i find that people who are the coastal world right at the western part of do by city. that's very cool. that goes to vote. and in gaza city rashid road, that goes with a quote of all that was in part of the city. one person reported killed from the tv and fire and from the naval,
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as from the gunboat at the shores of both garza and there is by the city in southern gaza. plains of drops humanitarian aid into rafa where 1500000 palestinians are sheltering. is there any bombs and evacuation comprehensive forced them to move from the northern and central parts of the strip age? the sand park caught on egypt. jordan the united auto benefits and funds and it follows in and drop by jordan area. in the week we spoke to on both on some he's a media of advisor for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees. and he explains just how desperate the situation is. we are talking about hundreds of thousands of but it goes on that actually starving and an awesome part with the guns type on it because of safety. so what we are seeing there that, you know, pushing people to do things that to, you know, they never have done it before, like, you know, gathering with the thousands of people waiting for the trucks to get into it.
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because i said, did unders in all, there is no police that there is no actually no system in there that they kinda protect, you know, the, the convoys and on the other hand, the, and many times and these are the far says the and on the open file, you know, many, many of the people and many of them die down into or, you know, and some occasions you know, and then austin, part of got us to really start but they've been, you know, i mean, most food they're not there anymore. they tried to use it for a while, but now everything a gun actually there is not even a, you know, a foot for animals that they've been posting as in many places. they, you know, trying to maneuver around that. and to me, you know, some bread from it, but now there's no more something like that. and then we are communicating with people, contacting people there. and they're telling us that they are starving. and you
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know, somebody or from the big windows x with this top or, you know, eating, i know no good. it gets to eat, you know, when maybe in 24 hours or 48 hours. and we are afraid that people there will die. you, members of the un security council have been meeting to discuss the severe food shortage and gaza. deborah alessandro has got more than the adults from the united nations palestinians, and guys that continue to suffer with not enough to eat. in many cases, nothing at all. 2 months ago, the united nations warned that by february, the people of guys a could face imminent risk of famine. on tuesday, the security council was told that is exactly what is happening. and here we are at the end of february, or with at least 576000 people in the us out. one quarter of the population,
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one step away from freshman, with one of the 6 children under 2 years of age. and nothing draws us suffering from acute knowledge vision. the un said they're working to restart delivery to northern gas a, a. this is an absolute humanitarian imperative. the staff on our home was witness catastrophic conditions in the north. for then keen motor scars malnutrition restoring and the seas is right. well the u. n is hesitant to explicitly say, palestinians are dying of hunger. it's becoming increasingly clear that it can not be denied. for witnessing and gaza right now, is that mass killing of children in slow motion? there is almost no food left and nothing is getting to them. and children are being starved while trucks of food are literally sitting just a few miles away,
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waiting to get in. and we know that this is happening largely because of is really bombardment and restrictions that are preventing the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, a parent, the security council, even the united states, encouraged israel to do more. we urge israel to keep border crossings open for humanitarian aid, to enter gaza, to facilitate the opening of additional crossings to meet you mandatory and needs at scale. and to support the rapid safe delivery of relief items to vulnerable people and all the cause of the un continues to say to avoid a famine, there needs to be an immediate cease fire, but the u. s. continues to block any draft resolutions the call for that, the meeting. it's a joint gabriel's on do. how do you see it? at united nations in new york, the thomas has done played optimism by the us president. that sees 5 deal with
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israel is imminent. a senior member of the groups political ring boss from 9 am told audra 0 homeless is still waiting for unofficial proposal. the state department, however, remains optimistic that an agreement can be reached. our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. so what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week. when we had officials of united states government in gauging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible that amongst joining us not from occupied east jerusalem, so the us state department being fairly upbeat about some sort of a deal being reached. thomas, however, doesn't playing it, what it is, how much responds to all of this a rob,
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i just got off the phone with us and i am again, ann assembled telling me that there is still no formal proposal on the table around a deal. so what he's saying is going on at the moment and still has been going on for several days. is that mediate is from the us from, from egypt. ha, still it's whole can use these ready side to come up with formal details that will be presented to him. ask for them to then responding to in a formal manner that red lines remain the same. he says those are an end to fighting a withdrawal of is there any troops to outside of gaza, a massive increase in a to support rebuilding. and of course what so t, hey or is that the details around what by 8. ready look like the level of support has not yet been clarified. another element of any deal will be a swap of prisoners. we've got at least 40 captives inside garza from these riley side that would be released on the any del, potentially. as a women,
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children older men and those with medical conditions and the details around who on the palestinian side, prisoners inside is ready to tents and who would be released. that is still seemingly an open question. some of the most high profile people held in is ready to 10. some of those i'm asked would like to see released and of course that will be politically complicated for this and you all who but the very center of this, the rob is the idea that that will be an overall end to the wall. something from us would like to see or just say send us a temporary cease fire from the as rainy perspective. they would like to have the option to continue the military operation at the end of this prison. this won't period and move into rafa where from us, maintains military operations to some extent for them. thank you very much indeed for the marks talking to us from occupied east jerusalem in the middle call to us as the international community is failing to both end the suffering of palestinians and protect civilians in gaza. take time and been home with all the time. it was speaking during the state visit to funds,
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presidency might go back home. welcome to paris. on tuesday, the visit follows the su spar proposal discussed last week in the french capital. and then in the hospital, highly alarming, you worked in mobile with the counter and risk a higher than ever before. as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly palestinian people using starvation force displacement indiscriminate showings out. in the meanwhile, the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an end to the war and the gaza strip. and it provides a minimum level of protection of children, women, and civilians. and is there any forces, again, carrying out a rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank. confrontations broke out between palestinian fighters and his reading forces, manageable doses have destroyed infrastructure and dug up roads. local journalists are reporting a drone strike with at least one person wounded about hours of rockets as being
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fired from level on into northern israel, a residential building until you ex model was destroyed. no injuries have been reported. exchanges a fire across the board or have intensified since the is really on the bottom to city in east $1100.00. on monday the warren garza has overshadowed the us presidential primaries in the battleground states of michigan. donald trump defeated nikki haley and the republican primary president joe biden easily won the democratic one, but more than a $100000.00 people cost a protest vote against barton. over his support for israel's warning garza, that's 13 percent of the total of 10 times the target set by campaigners john hands and reports from dearborn and michigan. in michigan, the message to president joe biden has been delivered to the 10s of thousands of arab and muslim americans voted for uncommitted. and the states democratic presidential primary,
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a protest vote against president bite and support of the war and gaza from a community that over whelming li voted for him last time in the majority air of american city of dearborn voter after voter told us which box they checked did you vote uncommitted? yeah. and as of right now, as i'm coming to you, why do you want the new president? because of what? because of the way you've been telling me why because it was to and they want to stuff it was. there was little doubt that donald trump would when the republican primary in michigan for the bible would come in 1st and the democratic campaign. and they had their supporters. i voted for donald j. trump. i know the way the surprise of the night was the 10s of thousands of democrats who cast a vote of no confidence in the man most supported 4 years ago. biden is clearly been listening, saying he hopes for a cease fire. by next week, dearborn mayor abdullah, her mood was not impressed. or you simply can't look past the genocide where
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there's been the killing there's been over 100000 now. we've been killed wounded or who are missing. so you can't really, really just right off. committed voters haven't come close to the meeting, joe biden, in the michigan primary, but they don't have to be one by just 850000 votes. here in 2020 and 4 years earlier, donald trump won this date by just 10000 votes and the uncommitted campaign believes it has the votes, didn't i bought it in a key? so wednesday did he is holding on to when a november is biting edges ever closer to amassing the delegates to win his party's nomination. the uncommitted vote marks a warnings to president. many of these voters help put into office john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan. still ahead and i'll just see the us expedited sa pharma, finalized part of military leader to columbia for crimes including murder marking moments. so i wanted to celebrate an identity,
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very different from the one they say. it was forced upon by mainland china, the hello a signal, very big salus, across the good parts of indonesia width is whether it be to the west side of the reason in jakarta should be starting to turn less wet. so we say it's always way, but the end of the really rainy season, $95.00 millimeters afraid in 24 hours him always came from as well. what's the weather? willow, so slight its way to that western side of borneo. so what's the weather to into southern areas of the philippines, federal fist and we talk might be some planning. so i'm showing $32.00 celsius the image that a lot of warm sunshine continuing across much of the indo china will the same as we go one into the last a parts of the week. have you show us at last?
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i just noticed teddy pretty well across a job very well. meanwhile, across northern parts of australia and usually wet weather the i'm on central for really has a rump ramp top here. but it's down towards the south where we still have concerns about the wall fires. we have this cold front coming for you. i will try to flush eat out to the way south australia, 46 celsius the on wednesday afternoon, the high temperature schedule squeeze for the east with just the head of a, a one front 25 celsius. the in melbourne, besides the 35 to safely and then cooling off as we come to friday of the applicant narratives from african perspectives, the competitive vehicle this timber service, and to show documentary spot african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew cl,
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easy on the drive on and reinventing a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra the the you want, you know, just need a reminder of i told stories, this is video strikes and a home and dead on paula and central guys that appeals to children, volunteers of times of s be survivors from under the rubble. israel's war has killed any 13000 honest indians since october the 2nd year and security council members have been discussing the fruit crisis and jobs. i. senior 8 official says
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more than half a 1000000 people are only a step away from simon. and it's accused israel of systematically blocking a deliverance on the drums of war has overshadowed the presidential primaries in the us state of michigan presidential by and easily won the democratic race buddies face backlash from some voters about who stands on the war in democratic republic of congo, the largest, the un peacekeeping base and south cable is being handed over to the government forces. the un mission has been order to withdrawal by the end of the year. it's been helping the military fight on groups for more than 2 decades. but the companies government says it's failed. meanwhile, you estimates more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo being abducted and forced to become child soldiers last year. catherine, sorry, a spoken to some of the boys who managed to escape and bilingual, and east of domestic disputes are all under 18 years old. they say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of entity 35 to
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is very used as neighbors for the escapes was heat in the identity for security reasons. you will call these boys on these days armed men, a talked his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this come school, be my my, you know, like, i mean, you know, that was not fine. my family is still back there, i keep thinking about them. i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if they're ok. youngest, here is 11 years old. the wine known to each other and did not separately, but they found comfort in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children. well, abducted, some of them are very traumatized. they say they cannot find help to florence
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b. o u t is trying to support them. one of her sides was count. the other is in the hands of the fighters. she does what she can, but she's also taking care of 17 other family members. william, how you. my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time so the, you're an estimate that around 125 you said on support with i'm actually number we're. 8 supporting children who have been re released from i'm curious to hear very terrible stories on the his boys still not say not easy. pray for on groups locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry, level. com, democratic republic. 2 days of national dialogue and set a goal have ended with a proposal to hold a rescheduled presidential election on june. the 2nd president democracy solves
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indefinite postponement of the vote. out of this month, sparks days of protests as nicholas hawk reports from the capital money account is it's a bank concert. the discussions trying to find his way at the national dialogue is probably minister. i'm a do by the ruling party candidate. he was one of the few presidential hopefuls attending talks organized by president mike, you sell to set a new election date where he says he's very confident for an outcome, the following weeks of political instability. and sometimes the violent protests sparks by solid decision to cancel. last sunday's presidential election, politicians civil society and religious leaders met for 2 days of talks. the result, is it suggested date for the rescheduled election, jude the 2nd lot, it's much more than an election date. it's a moment of communion for the nation. and the senegalese people to choose a leader for our country. well,
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we need to put our egos aside and put the interest of the nation 1st. 15 of the 18 presidential candidates refused to join the talks. instead, they appealed to the constitutional counsel to set the new election date. for many people in this room, a date to the presidential election will end the crisis, but it will be the beginning of a process to rebuild the trust in the democratic institutions if the country during talk. so announced a proposed legislation for a general amnesty for what he describes as acts relating to political demonstration since 2021. thousands of imprisoned people, including opposition, the dirt which men sancho could be released. but for presidential hopeful, began godaddy. the proposed amnesty is a ploy to protect members of solid security forces. suspected of crime is at least 40 people have died in political protest in the past 3 years on the ship. ah,
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why the need for reconciliation? there was no war only demonstrations where people died and cause these murders need to be investigated. those involved should be judged and then, and present to the don't kind of fat, solid spinal years it office appear to have brought its ability to a normally stable nation. participants in the national dialogue hope the 2nd of june will bring national units in election date chosen not by the president, but through consensus in the country where politicians appeared divided. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car, a former leader of the far right columbia and part of military group as arrived back home after being extradited from the united states. so i'm not totally mancuso served a 15 year sentence for drug trafficking, you know, faces several trials for killings and other crimes is already testified before the peace tribunal and the hope of a lie to sentence. i sent over on p a. t. as more from the capital vulgar to 16 years after being extradited to the united states of cocaine trafficking charges,
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columbia as former right wing power, military leader, celebratory mancuso returned to his home country. the former so called war lords was greeted by a massive security operation to ensure safety victims, organizations, and government officials, hope them inclusive will provide information about housings of crimes when paramilitary groups spot left wing rebels in the 1990 in early 2000, call me or out the thing, so it how does it often with the complexity of governments forces and the political them business elite for now i'm inclusive will remain in prison and is due to face several trials. but he's hoping to get a reduced sentence and an early release by collaborating with columbia as transition will justice system and working as a so called special piece emissary for the government in talks with the remaining groups. what's clear that mind, so kept meticulous records about what happens back then. he has detailed
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information including naming names, locations, and information about specific operations that took place that could be very valuable in reconstructing some of the crimes that took place during the prior military era. for years, victims of paramilitary groups have seen the extradition of commanders such as someone who's a as a way to slow down investigations involving safe forces and the political establishment. many, many hearings with columbia and judges. mancuso has already spoken of the involvement of high ranking police stations in war crimes. in previous testimony, before transitional justice authorities here, he provided information about a mass graves that subsequently led to the discovery of many corpses and for any families, that means the difference between knowing what happened to their family member and not the victims say the former, commend their needs to prove his word for them. it's hard for us to believe that
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a power military, someone who has done so much damage to society is truly regretful. and now he, since they have to peace, many people here in columbia, i believe them on cause as uniquely positioned to set the record straight on a number of pass crimes. we're also helping the government moving forward on new piece process is that the government, the institutions will have to be careful to strike a delicate balance between offering him a life sentence and also ensuring that the victims will receive a truthful testimony list and that i'm 50 as jesse and i will look down to marrow candidates have been find a shot dead, and they're causing this central mexican city or model of it to you that would expect you to have on an upcoming junior elections experts and wanting to devote to be the most violent of the country's history about 3 dozen candidates were killed in the previous election in 2021. a major fire was engulfed
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a market in the city of out of bill in northern iraq. the blazes believed have been started by an electrical short circuit. local, medium sized, hundreds of shops, of the length of bizarre, have been burned down. tens of thousands of astronomy and this have been told to evacuate from a possible fire zone in the southeast authorities. certainly one residents to move because of a key to if it could help to spread a mass of bush 5 in victoria state. since thursday, the fire is destroyed, 6 homes killed livestock unbuttoned more than $20000.00 heck. tears of land, hundreds of firefighters are still working to get the blaze under control of the area. the entire one, the february. the 28th is the anniversary of the 1947 crack down. but the chinese nationalist government, 77 years on time when he was celebrate an identity, very different from the once they but the east was forced on them by mainland china . and one of the ways of doing it is by reviving a language previously banned in public life. totally changed reports from typing
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high rise, stepping out into the world stage, taiwan spying list in the midst of global pensions. his costume from time when he is mythology, one of the generals who protect the items from evil spirits. when he was attacked online from the looking time when he's he was quick to find back the coverage. great thing is like how, what's the kevin, what's it, i mean think walk it i you see that one down. i'm go was kind of down on all kevin's health tie. when he's an huff, paraguayan low. he grew up in brazil. he was raised speaking time when he's not vendor and we have people from a lot of different places coming to taiwan, you know, and especially the upper regional preparation here. if you were to say of the traditional or the classic counties feature, the aboriginals, they don't really have the counties teachers in downtown type. hey, a new generation with.


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