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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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l u n. d, and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the footfall this in fluff. dennis done to escape the telegraph generation for the episode. one of the phase shortages take the toll at a hospital in news, in gaza for children die and several others on critical condition as a result of now nutrition. the, i mean site this is own, is there a knife from dell also coming up agencies on the ground. tell us about the dog situation. people in rough at all facing violence breaks out in chance capital soldiers on the streets and reports the internet is down across the country and and
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opposite in unrest in mos on beach resort rich note prompts tens of thousands to fleece and i like the we begin in northern garza, west food shortages are taking a deadly toll on children. these are pictures from the canal ad one hospital and northern garza, west 6 children, all dead and 5 others on critical condition as a result of dehydration unknown nutrition. now the infant has died from inhaling toxic gas cause bite is really bombardments. the hospital is no longer functioning, often running out of fuel. and i saw sharif reports. the larger the definitely we are inside. then you need to intensive care units of to come a large one hospital where we have a number off. you go and babies who are suffering from severe manju attrition. and
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finally, it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment is really occupation continues to prevent relief and human syrian aids and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies, as well as the patients and the wounded in northern gas on the equipment or something, we used to receive 500 to 600 babies. however, today that number has jumped to between 1001200 marking a significant increase in the number of patient of us up to find out when we stand in the reception area of the emergency department to, to come out and add one hospital we noticed that all patients are showing signs of paleness and weakness. i mean the 2nd a picture is worth a 1000 words or even newborns are macey added in it. so solve it can pull clips in . in the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. the majority of newborns we are treating
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today have to come out and had one hospital without parents. they were referred to us by shelters of the hospitals, and they are without the mothers. therefore, it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is absolutely catastrophic. we usually see newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, but we're forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that weight height even though i didn't pull all the massage was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and the dental progress. additionally, given the poor health care and when they were admitted, they need a sufficient quantity of nuke to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly the, which means i have to one to go to treatment for longer period of time. and usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauged their health and find out if
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they are recovering well. however, given the limited supply, we're using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to possibly, i'm a esna. hi fi and i, they, i'm scheduled for my child. she has substitutes on the severe chest infection. she's only $23.00 days old. she and this is on a multiple who not have a jimmy on at the desk continues to haunt everybody here in northern gonzales. babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave. you really tell you that because a including baby formula into a district and a city of just the all of us or you and agencies have repeatedly wound up increasing salvation. i'm hung up among calls us 2300000 people. now they say one in full people is on the brink of 5 and the circle of 8 entering the strip is largely to blame. michael apple thoughts empty bones
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and the empty stomach in northern gaza. about one in 6 children younger than 2 is male. nourished and nearly 600000 palestinians all with the world food program says is one step away from the progress that you that we need food. we are sick. we have children, we suffer a lot. we are deprived of everything. even if the palestinians don't a little food to us, we still have to cute to get it. i've been here since 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for this meal. in the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering. garza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. that's an average 98 trucks a day in february,
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fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. but that aid isn't reaching the north of the strip thing garza city attempts to get your hands on. what little age you can find can cost to your life. i don't understand. i've been here since the early morning. i need food. i have a 40 year old son and a 40 year old daughter would kind of go out who will take care of them. we don't have rice and we don't have flour. my children are sick. i told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. it's a hot meal, but it isn't enough. it's the i've come to get something to keep myself alive. it's only soup. we need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. for god's sake, we need help. i hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. as soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however,
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is tempted by months of suffering and disgrace of salmon on the horizon. might level. is there any we spoke to young glen, the secretary general. busy update norwegian refugee cal's so he's in rafa and explain the dive conditions that palestinians are facing, that it is worse than i see. it really is that you have to really be in godsa in rafa to understand the destruction that despair, the best solution, the best the ration of people as they say this roughly is this more place to 250000 people lift, you know, 1400000 a blood crammed to get that all or around where i am, there are a small, a improvised refugee camps where people best have
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a tense menu on the plastic sheeting uh many people are chrome to get that thousands in schools. i wasn't at school today with 4050 or more people in a smaller class room where they sleep at night. 4500 people in this school had to share 18. let trends epidemic deceased is spread thing. i mean that there is no food, there is no water, there's no sanitation. and there was no feeling of hope. this here is a rock, but there is some availability approved some 8 what we were doing. only because the, the few age organizations that aren't yet going noise is less and less. so the 300000 people, north. nobody go sir. they are on time. and now i, they,
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i think there was never was a situation way to describe it. the con, the crossing and the air is crossing could be open by, is run tomorrow. and that will leads avenues for 8 organizations to reach these people to come from brock or all the way up. know is very difficult. road trucks looting in security is this not reaching northern casa outdoor h at them at this time, mediators have been trying to work through a secure a cx, 5 deal between homos and israel. this week, the us president suggested that an agreement was imminent. but how must downplay this optimism saying it had yet to receive a proposal? palestinians inside guns on wasting any news about whether a deal to something defined thing could be reached before the holy month of ramadan . and l canada has been speaking to people in general by the
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needs of the drago, sir, are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done today. we're indebted by downtown and we're going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements. what was the last couple days back young, i hope, and i wish for a ceasefire. we've heard things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come with being disappointed every time the people will always be the victims, the people are really suffering. the people have no more energy. ramadan is approaching. we ask god to make our life easier and visit enough is enough with the smart enough that every time they took about a ceasefire and never happened. at this time, i have a feeling. the b. c. 's filed on my son, my son in law, and my brother a little i present as in israel details. and i hope there was a really, steve, the last we all got to have the see far into the back to our homes, to our kids,
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to our neighborhoods. we left our lives and got decision came here to pray for true . so we can go back to our normal lives and prices here, a scary. we can't afford to buy food for our kids. i haven't seen my daughter for a 100 days, theories and signed their prey for a see far. so going back to our homes. some palestinians are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the we score is an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done. this isn't gonna study. i just need a that is enough. are we getting reports that is riley asked, strikes of targets. it rainy and forces positions and the outskirts of the syrian capital, damascus. witnesses say that a large explosion was heard in the so you to zane a neighborhood. according to state media, syrian ad defenses have been activated and the targets were intercepted. and so i'll know if there were any casualties. the security forces in charles have
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surrounded the headquarters of the main opposition party and comes hours of to several people were killed in an attack on the national security agency. the government blames activists from the socialist policy without borders or pci for carrying out the attack. the armies been deployed and grades in the capital in jemina have been blocked. internet disruptions have been reported. well, earlier it was announced that jobs long delayed presidential election will take place in may. you know, positionally that y'all, a dealer is considered to be a strong contender in some clear whether he's been arrested until there is a fee is crazy because the president, how much interest debbie, you know, who is also his cousin. they beat no seas pallet in 2021 of his father was killed by rebels. an interest has more on this from the neighboring nigeria is
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capital a bush, you the mexico to pressures. we understand that is still continuing and the headquarters of the socialist party without frontiers. they, one of the main or position parties of the country is still and sees their security dakota on the streets of the capital. internet and telephone services have been completely disrupted in most parts of the capital. i was able to get in touch with the when the social worker in the east of the country who told me that in fact, they have a disruptive services there. but of course they can communicate. oh, i understand that also that some people with alternative means of connectivity, like i said, lightnings, we're able to make some calls and also make some co communicate on what's up. but the situation still remain fluid. we understand that military personnel are now patrolling the streets and the capital honey. i spoke to some individuals in the afternoon time in jemina who told us that they what came down because of the heavy
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count 5 in the center of the city. not far from the presidential palace and of course not far from the headquarters of the position a socialist party without frontiers. so we understand that a lot of people have died, but the government is not saying how many people have died in that incident, which happened overnight and of course would be with morgan fi i reported earlier today or in the afternoon. and then the numbers set to rise. so far, the security still remains the security situation in german that remain floyd a series of attacks by on screams in northern mozambique air force, molten 67000 people from the homes. couple of delgado has seen an upsets invited in recent weeks fussing in the gas, which province began in 2017 when science is affiliated with iso declared to campaign to establish a kind of fate of went past the people here run for their lives. when
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on demand, it's act that villages reports of the headings and homes being set on fire. a wide spread. many of them of arrived here in the town as an impala and the last week the sounds of gunshots will cuz they begun to chase people. we watch that this, the cutoff, the men's had with machetes, and we run away with the little we had. those terrorists are evo. i'm groups started attacking the police and now me in cupboard delgado provence more than 6 years ago. some have since pledged the legions to these lennox days. it took control of several coastal towns, schooling preparations to extract off show natural gas with tens of billions of dollars. nearly 3 years ago, soldiers from rwanda and southern africa came to help the government forces. they now control much of the coastline once again, a fringe oil john toe tile who is expected to resume operations right to this. yeah
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. the groups still operate further in round much group of men arrived with firearms and machine and building the cars were to flight service. let's here. we had been here for the week and we haven't eaten almost anything. all of us who came here had been suffering. president phillips, a new c is said, the security forces have the situation under control. some of the people here have slept before and had returned home in the last 2 years, only to be forced to flee again. they joined about half a 1000000 who were displaced by the conflict with many living in camps. malcolm web address era. still has on the out, is there a set by the u. k. government a little giving conditional immunity for crimes committed during the circle troubles era and move or not and is ruled until the
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frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in the neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, with fearless genesis of just behind me, hundreds of people have been about 2 inches in depth coverage. thailand, stakes it's future on fossil fuels. out just ears, teens on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. what do you consume amazing lexus and we believe in the luxury of choice. introduce each cross the
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why each the power of session with you energy with bills itself analysis plug in hybrid electric the you're watching, just bear in mind and thoughts old story is this our food and medicine shortages in northern gaza, taking a deadly toll on children. these are pictures from the come on out of one hospital in the north where an infant has died from inhaling. tungsten gas cause mise riley
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bombardments. 6 of the children have died and 5 others on critical condition. as a result of dehydration and non nutrition. when people are scrambling for walk level for you, they can find and gaza with many on the brink of salvation, there was no less off in the is really bombardments, 76 people were killed in the past 24 hours of the security forces in charge have surrounded the headquarters at the main o position policy on the armies below. roads in the capital in jemina, following the killing of several people in the tax on the national security agency . hi codes in belfast has a rule that a u. k. no covering the pos conflict in northern odd and breaches. human rights. and legislation ends all investigations into the crimes and office conditional amnesty for some involved and come of 3 decades of conflict between mostly catholic republicans and mostly protest and loyalist as well as the british ministry.
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beginning in the late 19 sixty's high force that has this report from belfast here to find out if they'd be able to find the own families and victims of northern islands violent paused. so think of the controversial new law on how those crimes would be addressed. would be struck down nearly $4000.00 people were killed in decades of violence under the trouble is that an independent commission would replace prosecutions inquests and civil cases in examining past crimes. crucially, it would have the power to grant amnesty to perpetrators who came forward and cooperated. we welcome the findings from the court today, particularly in respect of the immunity from prosecution at the high court. on wednesday, the judge ruled that would reach victims, human rights under european law, preventing the possibility of getting justice. he also struck down a ban on people pursuing cases in the civil courts. we have feels victims for successive decades in northern ireland to have been fighting for the truth and
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justice to which they are entitled to pass for me into the presence for victims. and it will continue to do so until they get the truth and justice. they are entitled to, one of the cases under consideration was that of shameless didn't killed by protestant government in 1997, his widow, as long alleged there was collusion by british police finality acts to prevent so from pursuing an inquest into his death. this time last year i hadn't been chris in front of me. i was pretty sure of my inquest this time today. i am stone. i don't think i haven't been 1st, but i continued to try it on. i continued to try to on tonight yet, but i want that's the truth and justice. the british government says it remains committed to a law. it defends is promoting truth telling and reconciliation. it's critics alleged it was set up to protect full members. the persons army and security services for prosecution to the government says it will take time to study the judgment which could well end up in. so the repeals of higher courts is also a separate challenge to the law in the european court by the irish government. what
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happens next, though, is as much political as it is legal, there is a general election likely to take place in the alton with the opposition labor policy, which is pledged to repeal this legislation. why the tips to win between now and then? it's hard to see how this whole mechanism designed to address the troubles can really operate. one legal expedite spoke to said it'd been hold below the water line parcels that i'll just 0. so fast to assign the site back hate crimes on the rise in the united kingdom with a 3 fold increase and incidence since the beginning of the one gaza as a country edges to was a divisive general election. later this year, several senior partition politicians have been accused of sewing division. i'm feeling ration tensions, the bulk as move from london. the goal is that conflicts inflamed a culture war, the hearts of britain trusting, pulsating, and restaurant to help him corolla into the firing line of his summer play. a big
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hate and the 1st of many death threats aimed at him and his stuff. yes. okay, so i'll come over and take away your life. i'll come over and take away your life, says the voice left on his own to phone. when somebody calls you, i'm gonna cut your head or i'm gonna come and close you down. i'm gonna send you back to guys today you out. i live to model you. i'm not. you have to take it serious. the problem is of jewish, i'm kind of seeing the problem. we have extreme is government and is right and everybody, even that is why are these are the whole speech of the extreme is government? it is right, multiple monitoring groups say the nc muslim hate crime. so a woman tripled in the past few months. it takes various different forms, physical, verbal abuse, vandalism, death threats, much of it directed against muslim women in head scarves was cost
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a shadow over british society, and many muslims fee that elected members of parliament with a duty to protect all communities in the cast and making things much much worse. senior conservative m p. lee on this and refused to apologize for the comments he made accusing london's mostly mass study con, but being controlled by what anderson called islam is for allowing anti gauze a wall mount is to go with had said gone to the con, unable control alone, then mister speak, i don't believe it. 5 minutes to reach you see next and suspended him as a conservative and p for full and shows of calling his comments some a photo big. meanwhile, the former home secretary. so while abraham and a possible future leader of the conservatives is claimed that is luminous extreme as an anti semites. and now in charge of prison cannot be a hierarchy of racism. you've got to be universal an equal and you'll condemnation of food forms of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. whether it's anti semitism,
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or indeed is found the food be it sends a message to those in the u. k. that it's totally acceptable to use dangerous language. rhetoric against british muslims is a critical here in the u. k. the general election looms where the cause of war will thing u. k. politics provoking angry parliamentary will counts. but instead of coming tensions and condemning racism in all its forms, some and power are accused of turning up the heat. the fall couch is 0. love to the united nations human rights office has condemned reese and public executions. and i've got a strong coating it in humane and crew. the tied up on publicly executed 3 convicted murderers in the past week. all 3 men were shout multiple times in front of launch crowds that included the victims, families. even a serious concern. we urge the defect to all parties to establish an immediate
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march 4th on any further execution. and to ex, wish to prohibit use of the death penalty events in time. a full time ensured must lose sight more general. we pull on the defect to for actions to ensure respect for due process and fade strong. in particular, access to legal representation for any deep confront with criminal charges. the us senate republican leader and mitch mcconnell has announced that he'll step down in november for 17 years. he's held the top potent host as the leader of the republican policy in congress. more than any other policy leader in history. addressing his colleagues on the senate floor, the 18 year old mentioned that it's time for the next generation of leadership to take over to serve kentucky on the site. it's been an honor of my life,
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lead my republican call, $0.80 a man for the highest privilege. but one of life's most under appreciated colleagues is to know when it's time to move on to lives. next truck in mexico, 2 candidates hoping to stay on some and the same town had been shot dead days before an official election campaign was due to start. the sure things took place within hours of each other in not a vast show in the states. a mutual icon, elections are held across mexico in june, but experts, one this is campaign is non duty to be the most vonage. in the country's history. a whole kind of garage and it has force lines to counsel some flights in and out of mexico. se, se, the popo cuts apache volcano lies 70 kilometers from the mexican capital,
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and has been interrupting for several weeks as far as east at mexico city, airport. se safety checks are being conducted off the plains and counts at volcanic ash. that's it for me. while inside where that coming up like the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. hello. it is very much a case of to wet or too hot for australia at the moment. lots of sundry showers, rumbling away across the northern parts of the country. lots of heat down towards that southeast and everywhere the country victoria knew south wells full the time big was cold front, little try to not fight heat ad. so the way we do have extreme of catastrophic data,
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warning simple as it was positive. se in australia, temperatures in sibley getting up to around 35 celsius on thursday. not quite as hot as it has been recently. the melbourne on thursday. when started to have a little more of a, a west leo, south west the direction. so just knocking around 10 degrees off the temperature across that south eastern corner. then. so we're not going to see things coating off a little further. is it go through friday? 29 celsius for the few showers. the for sydney penny is sat, was the every to the interior. much event say no matter of the queensland northern areas of the w. i still sing big down pools and that continues as we go on into the weekend by the weekend. we can see a few showers just creeping into a new zealand. we have got some wet weather coming in to southern positive japan over the next couple of days, increasing cloud and rain coming through here. dry. i'm fine. northern china. the weather brought to you by visit cut some tens of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in
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a dangerous route to the us. we're in america. so what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation? $1.00, oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is, was there risk and the sacrifice on out to 0, the in russia as making gains and a toy to crane. and so west is considering its response. bronze has not pulled out sending troops to ukraine, but the only thing has been rejected by size is the west existing support enough for kids and more so if somebody took me to face russia, this is inside story, the
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color there and welcome to the program. i'm just gonna say ok now the war and ukraine has raged for the 2 years. western allies a boost.


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