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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the pine is tackling climate change. children living through the groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on out his era. the innocent and in harm's way. several children die in a northern gauze, a hospital from malnutrition, and dehydration the time how much i'm doing this is algebra live from door. i'm also coming up for the children still alive and gaza. every day is a struggle. the you in warren's one and for palestinians and this trip are on the brink of famine. plus, i'm not so sure on capitol hill in washington,
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where the senate majority leader of the top republican and the center has decided to be stepping done previously to ship room and sent to war under false pretences. the south asian men who ended up on the front lines in russia's or on you print the . we begin with the deteriorating situation in northern gaza, or several children have died at the come out one hospital from malnutrition and dehydration. these really military has tightened restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian supplies, and dozens of children admitted to hospital in the north are going without proper medication. i'm just here as honest as should have sent this report from the hospital. the definitely we are inside, then you need to intensive care unit to come a large one hospital. well, we have a number off, you've owned babies who are suffering from city and money, attrition and funding. it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and
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treatment as this really occupation continues to prevent relief and human syrian aids and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies, as well as the patients and the one that the northern gas on the equipment or something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital and now we admit between 1001200 babies a day. yes, we notice that old patients are showing signs of pay on this in a weakness. a 2nd on the picture is worth a 1000 words. even new bonds are macey aged. both needed so solve it can pull clips in. in the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. the majority of newborns we are treating today have to come out and had one hospital without parents. they were referred to us by shelters of the hospitals, and they are without their mothers. therefore, it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is
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absolutely catastrophic. we usually say newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, but with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that white had even though i didn't pull all the massage was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and then progress. additionally, given the poor health there and when they were admitted, they needed sufficient quantity of milk to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to undergo treatment for a longer period of time. and usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauge their health and find out what recovering. well yeah, so however, given that limited supply, we're using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to mostly, i'm a, a snuff hi fi and add
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a homestead for my child. she has substance under severe chest infection and she's only $23.00 days old. is she? and this is on a multiple who not have a gym here on the desk continues to haunt everybody here in northern gonzales. babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave you any. tell you that because a including baby formula into the street and a city of just the all shallows. alexander fi is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy and save the children. she says the situation will continue to get worse unless there's a ceasefire. where we're seeing now is the worst case scenario and folding right before our eyes. our organizations were been working on the ground in gaza for the last months, had been warning that children were going to start dying of severe mt. nutrition and disease. and that's exactly what's happening. and in the last few months,
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what we've seen is that reports are indicating that food and security ad malnutrition and gaza has only intensified by the day. and we also know that this is because of the real what the list is really bus barn in the ongoing is restrictions that i present to the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance and the complete estimation of the civilian infrastructure and services. that's what's leading to the situation right now. what i can say is that when children suffer from severe mental attrition, they are high, a higher likelihood of dying from common diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia or common cold because their bodies just can't withstand it. and we know that in gaza right now, 90 percent of children under 5 suffer from some sort of infectious disease and more than 70 percent have suffered from diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. so the situation
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is dire, and it is getting worse and it won't get better unless there is a ceasefire and we're able to scale up humanitarian assistance. several planes of air drops humanitarian aid, and the northern gaza strip. resident said, boxes of supplies were dropped around the indonesian hospital in jamalia on tuesday, plains dropped, aids in the roof and find you in as a group say it's becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous to deliver supplies and goss that you and agencies have repeatedly warned of increasing starvation and hunger among causes 2300000 people. now they say one and 4 people are on the brink of famine. michael, apple reports and t bones and the empty stomach in northern gaza. about one in 6 children younger than 2 is male. nourished and nearly 600000 palestinians all with the world food program says is one step
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away from the progress that you that we need food. we are sick. we have children, we suffer a lot. we have deprived of everything. even if the palestinians don't a little food to us, we still have to queue to get it. i've been here since 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for this meal. the you an agency for palestinian refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering gaza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. that's an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. but that aid isn't reaching the north of the strip. the thing garza city attempts to get your hands on what little age you can find can cost to your life. i don't understand. i've been here since the early morning. i need food. i have a 40 year old son and
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a 40 year old daughter. we kind of go out who will take care of them. we don't have rice and we don't have flour. my children are sick. i told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in day. it's a hot meal, but it isn't enough. i've come to get something to keep myself alive. it's only so we need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. for god's sake, we need help. i hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. as soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a break through however, is tempted by months of suffering and disgrace, a salmon on the horizon might level of desert. earlier we spoke to jani glenn the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council. she's, it was rough and explain the conditions the palestinians are facing their it is
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worse than i see it really be that you have to really be in godsa in rafa to understand the destruction that despair, the best solution, the best the ration of people as they say this roughly is this more place to 250000 people lived yet? no one point. 4000000 people are crammed together or around where i am. there are a small, a improvised refugee camps with people, especially have attend menu on the plastic sheeting uh many people of crime to get that thousands in schools. i wasn't at school today with 4. ready 50 or more people in a smaller class room where they sleep at night. 4500
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people in this school had your share 18. let trends epidemic deceased is spreading. palestinians inside garza are waiting for any news about whether a deal to stop fighting can be done many or hoping an agreement can be reached before the holy month of ramadan. and the hold that he has been speaking to people in debt or by how does the needs of the drago strip are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done today, we're indebted by downtown and we're going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements, what was the last couple days, rather young, i hope, and i wish for a cease fire with hood things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come with being disappointed every time the people will always be the victims, the people are really suffering. the people have no more energy, ramadan is approaching, we ask god to make our life easier and better. enough is enough. with the smart
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enough that every time they talk about sci fi, it never happens. at this time i have a feeling the b c 's filed on my son, my son in law, and my brother a little i present as in israel details. and i hope there was a really, steve, the last we all got to have the see far and back to our home, to our kids, to our neighborhoods. we left our lives and goes decision came here to pray for true. so we can go back to our normal lives and prices here, a scary. we can't afford to buy food for our kids. i haven't seen my daughter for a 100 days, theories and sams. there. we pray for us to be far, so going back to our homes. sometimes the needs are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire, especially before remo. done, this isn't gonna study. i just need a that has been a state media and 11 on his reporting that 2 people have been killed and several wounded in his really strikes in the south of the country. it happened in the towns
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of cover. and so the king, these, where the army and his bullet had been carrying out across the border attacks on each other since the war on goss, i began the the, one of the best known politicians in washington has announced his retirement as senate leader, 82 year old mitch mcconnell has led republican senators for nearly 17 years or record term. it now says it's time for a new generation to take over, but he'll stay on as a senator till 2027 when his term ins. allen fisher reports from washington dc. sort of my thoughts about what it is arguably the moment. finally, listen, mitch mcconnell strip on power struggling after a fall for the 2nd time in just a few months before was in front of an audience. the critics were brittle.
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mcconnell will be remembered for the control you exercise for so long, and how you re shape the face of america supreme court for generations. you want to seat in the senate from his own state of kentucky. in 1984, he was elected the parties leader in the senate in 2006 in 2014 republicans took control of the senate, and the colonel became majority leader, a position of significant power and influence. he made the an ice, went to step down, surrounded by colleagues to continue in the senate, but he will no longer be the minority leader. lead my republican color to such a bad the highs, privilege. but one of life's most under appreciated colors is to know when it's time to move on to lives. next truck when consecutive supreme court judge until then, scalia died. in february 2016, he blocked obama's picked for the post from even getting a hearing for that year's presidential election. the next,
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just as good fundamentally alter the direction of the supreme court and have a profound impact that on our conference it was a gamble that paid off when donald trump one with the co support the to quickly want to fill the course with republicans, including 3 supreme court seats, changing the face of the judicial system, and america corner was on capitol hill on january the 6th, 2021, with an angry mob. stone buildings. the push to have proceedings continue when order was restored. but with donald trump facing impeachment for provoking the crowd, makoto blocked the heating until after trump left office, then argued. it was wrong to impeach him because he left office, you voted against conviction, but after the vote staggered, colleagues, by attacking trump trolling the assault on the hill, the mob was fed while they were provoked by the president and other powerful people completed. describe makoto as a dollar sullen on smiling,
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political black. trump wanted to him replaced carlos departure demonstrates the grid that donald trump and his allies that have won the republican party. the people who would be described as traditional republicans, like mitch mcconnell, no longer feel they have a place or a voice in the past 2 hours for sure. i'll just see the capitol hill. the us supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's claim of immunity from prosecution for trying to overturn the 2020 election result. the judges are expected to hear legal arguments in late april trumps lawyers say going to trial would radically disrupt the former president's re election campaign. trump is also facing 3 other criminal cases. and a judge in illinois has removed trump from the states republican primary ballad on march, the 19th, the decision is on hold until friday, giving trumps lawyers time to appeal. the same ruling was made by courts and both colorado and me. the colorado case has been appealed to the supreme court. i mean,
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while joe biden has had his annual physical exam and his doctor say he's fit for duty. speaking later at an event with police leaders, joe biden joke, the journalist that they thought he looked too young, the oldest president in us history is running for re election in november just before his 82nd birthday. the state of texas is facing one of the biggest wildfires in its history, prompting the governor to issue a disaster declaration for 60 counties is just one of a cluster of fires the scorching the region, driven by high winds and growing at an alarming speed. the local forestry service says the flames are only about 3 percent contained, and are ex, still expected to get bigger. a nuclear weapons plant in the area was evacuated on tuesday, is still a head on al jazeera, an upsurge, and unrest and most on beach resource bridge. north pumps the 10s of thousands to flee for their lives. plus mexico faces election violets before the campaign as
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even officially kicked off the hello as we had towards that meets were logical springs in japan, we are looking get some snowball winfrey weather coming in. would you believe fixing cloud that just spinning out? so central china little area of light pressure just spinning away, throwing some very white level into q issue using into something positive. how issue tends to snow over the mountains? 12 celsius, the for tokyo, further north, so we're around 9 celsius fine. and right. why 2 is a good part of northern northern china because the temperature of so we get to minus one as we go through friday. so quite a key northly wind coming back in and a fair bit of snow that just making his way in across northern past all depends that it goes to the west. the nearest of can show up to was
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a car to go back to tokyo, shelter by the amount to the 15 degree celsius. she'll be a little tri there across the central areas of china and down towards the south. tried to it too much of the philippines in the china. good scattering of shouts at the southern edge of the philippines. elijah, i'm pushing down into innovation, more big showers, coming through here. and i would like to use and make sure i was making the way into india over the next style. so weston disturb, and spinning out of afghanistan into pockets. don, setting increasingly what he could call some localized flooding. and we'll see the flooding, rice pushing into the funnel with west of india, the applicant narrative from african perspectives in the, in the company to go visit him. and to show documentaries, by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of andrew cl,
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easy on the drive. and reinventing cassandra new series of africa, direct on how to sierra the you're watching out 0, a reminder of our top stories, the sound at least 7 children have died at the come out of one hospital in northern gauze, most from malnutrition and dehydration. doctors there say that milk is no longer available for newborn babies and call the situation catastrophic. plains of air drops humanitarian aid, and the northern gauze and strip supplied trucks have been unable to reach the
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region. as the situation becomes increasingly dangerous, the united nations has worn one in for palestinians, or on the brink of the united nations peacekeepers, all withdrawing from democratic republic of congo, around 15000. you in personal are handing over their basis following violent protests that they failed to keep peace around one and a half 1000000 congolese have recently fled. fighting between government forces and m. 23 rebels. catherine. so i reports from goma capital of eastern province of north cable is one of the longest serving un peacekeeping missions calls in this call is leaving democratic republic of congo by the end of the year. when new school personnel have been here for 25 years, with a monday to help the cumberland government to fight on groups and keeps to begin safe. peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the national police in south
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cable province. i am confident in the ability of the congo leaves defense and security forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism. the wellness commission has become unpopular among kimberly's, stacy, the peacekeepers have not done their job. the frustration has often led to violence against the united nations companies. government eventually told them to these companies are concerned about what happens after the government he's dealing with or filing more than a 100 on each each item. how many of them are living in comp, like this 1? 1.6000000 have recently flags from the ongoing 5 thing between the government forces and the m 23 on group in north cube proteins. government just double
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checking, then we'll go check on the government of d. i see you has to take responsibility of the security situation. visiting troops cannot do a better job than our forces. d. c belongs to call and delays. and the leadership should stiff up. it's wrong, the new school says it's done, it's fast and incredibly difficult. so constance is katherine saw you alls 0 go, ma, democratic republic, in nearby sudan, the u. n. has ended his mission, which was set up to support transition to civilian rule. it opened, after a long time ruler, i'm of the machine, was deposed in 2019, but another to 2 years later derailed the you ins, activities, and months of fighting since last may killed hundreds and cause the refugee crisis has to dance on forces and parent military rapids support forces battle for power. security forces and chad have surrounded the headquarters of the main opposition party and the armies blocked roads in the capital in germany with the internet disruptions reported. the clamp down follows the killing of several people in an
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attack on the national security agency. the government blames the socialist party without borders or p s f. if leader is a strong contender in the upcoming election. time address has more from a boucher, the capital of neighboring nigeria, the most secure to pressure as we understand that is still continuing and the headquarters of the socialist party without frontiers. they are one of the main opposition parties in the country is still under siege. there security code on the streets of the capital, internet and telephone services. i've been completely disrupted in most parts of the capital. i was able to get in touch with the when the social worker in the east of the country who told me that in fact, they have the disruptive services there. but of course they can communicate. oh, i understand that also that some people with alternative means of connectivity, like i said, lightnings,
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we're able to make some calls and also make some co communicate on what's up. but the situation still remain fluid. we understand that military personnel and now petroleum districts and the capital honey, i spoke to some individuals in the afternoon time in jemina, who told us that they what came down because of the heavy count 5 in the center of the city. not far from the presidential palace and of course not far from the headquarters of the opposition, the socialist party without frontiers. so we understand that a lot of people have died, but the government is not saying how many people have died in that incident, which happened overnight. and of course, with the with more gunfire i reported earlier today or in the afternoon, i've been death numbers set to rise so far. the security still remains the security situation in german that remain floyd. the international criminal court is awarded $27000000.00 to around $50000.00 victims of a former rebel commander in uganda. dominic on gwin is serving
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a 25 year prison sentence for war crimes. and crimes against humanity. his own group is blamed for the killings of more than $100000.00. you've gannons 20 years ago to renewed attacks by armed groups in northern mozambique have forced tens of thousands of people from their homes fighting and the gas for its province of capital. gato began in 2017 with fighters affiliated with isolated, declared a campaign to establish a caliphate. welcome web, it has more the people here run for their lives when on demand attack, the villages reports of the headings and homes being set on fire. a wide spread, many of them of arrived here in the town as an impala. and the last week the sounds of gunshots will cuz they begun to chase people. we watch that is the cutoff, the men's had with machetes, and we run away with the little we had. those terrorists are evo, whelmed groups started attacking the police and army uncovered delgado provence.
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more than 6 years ago. some have since pledged the legions to the lennox days. it took control of several coastal towns spooling preparations to extract off show natural gas with tens of billions of dollars. nearly 3 years ago, soldiers from rwanda and southern africa came to help the government forces. they now control much of the coastline once again, the fringe oil john toe tile has expected to resume operations like to this. yeah. the groups still operate that further in around group of men arrived with firearms and machine and building the cars were to flight. so it was slick here. we had been here for a week and we haven't eaten almost anything. all of us who came here had been suffering. president phillips, a new c, a said, the security forces have the situation under control. some of the people here have fled before and had returned home in the last 2 years,
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only to be forced to flee again. they joined about half a 1000000 who were displaced by the conflict with many living in camps. malcolm web . ouch is era of the families of indian and nipple. these men who found themselves at warren ukraine or appealing to their governments to bring them home the family, say somewhere tricked. while others were forced to fight in the russian army. others say they signed up to fight with ukrainian forces, but now fernandez has more from the sri lankan capital colombo. this is full as machine can also have children when the us for that 5, the mohammed. he traveled to the russian last november to walk. he thought is a job described as a help of with the russian army. all of willis, if i've done the same sort of of us, they told him to sign on it to help his job. they trusted the agents and signed it off to that they were sent to the front line. these people are completely trained, but they were still taken to the crane board in the middle of a was
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a fellow indian who escaped the front lines cold assembly to say mohammed had been shot and in bad condition. responding to reports of indian seeking discharge from the russian army, india is ministry of extending affairs, says every case brought to its attention, has been taken up with the russian authorities saying several indians have already been discharged as a result. height, unemployment is one reason for taking such risks. the 2nd be under, but those who are employed, they are also either very poorly paid on working much below their capacity. and there is other major reasons that are driving around the shape of gave was among the former sherlock and soldiers who signed up with the international legion of ukraine military unit 2 years ago, seeing he addressing fellow sherlock and fight as he was killed last december. how do i was trying to beat up this more p,
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and we can do the many creation and destroy the dog goods at the same time. and they say it's unlikely large numbers of long tons of fighting in russia and ukraine. although there are many stewed and buffalo houghton soldiers here, it's a different story. nick paused hundreds, drawn to the front line by financial incentives, prompting a government clamp down. meeting the families of men fighting on both sides of the conflict. nipple is foreign minister is appealing to all citizens, not to send relatives to was owned by the government has nothing drawn to permission to travel. we are in discussion and dialogue with the russian government, especially to stop. the recruitment of napa leads into the russian army and we are working towards the immediate release and return of those that police who have already been recruited. while he cannot make survival has pushed many across south asia to risk their lives in someone else's will that families
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a desperate for the safe return home? you know fernandez, just need a colombo. mexico is gearing up for the biggest selections ever. with more than $20000.00 offices, including the presidency to be decided, but voting season in the country has become hopelessly intertwined with violets. this time around, the killing began even before the start of the official campaign season. john holeman has more from mexico city. the mix codes becomes predictable is stump. speeches and voting varies during election season, a certain political violence met about to the small town and which we can state the killings began even before the official campaign stopped on friday. a bundle pet is the time policies candidates, amiga and hills above. the ruling more in the policies, month of may, were gunned down on the same day early this week. sofa officials don't know why
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they were killed. there were strong suspicions.


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