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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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we make the rules, not the people empower, investigating, exposed, and questions. they use them to be just of our around the go on out just there. the innocent and and things. and several children die in the north garza hospital because we didn't have enough food. no. all was the know about this and this is all to 0 life from don't. i'm also coming up for the children still alive. and guys, every day is a struggle for you and one's one and for palestinians. and the strip is on the brink. assignments turned 80 to last week. the
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end of my contributions are closer and i prefer changing up the guard. mitch mcconnell says he will step down after nearly 17 years as us senate republican leader. plus you on peacekeepers withdraw from the democratic republic of congo was fighting escalates between the government and rebels. the we're going to begin to northern goes for several children, have died at the comm allowed one hospital because they didn't have enough to eat or drink is really mandatory is said to be making it more difficult to deliver aid . dozens of children admitted to the hospital on getting proper medicine. i'll just eat as honest i actually sent dish report of the definitely we are inside. then you need to intensive care unit to come. i loved one hospital where we have a number off you've own babies. who are suffering from severe minute attrition and finding it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment as this
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really occupation continues to prevent relief and human c, n 8 and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies as well as the patients and the one that the northern gas on the equipment or something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital. and now we admit between 1001200 babies a day. yes, we notice that old patients are showing signs of pay on this and a weakness. second picture is worth a 1000 words. even new bonds are macey aged. both need so solve it can pull the lesson in the past. every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. the majority of newborns we are treating today have to come out and add one hospital without parents. they were referred to us by shelters or other hospitals, and they are without their mothers. therefore, it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is
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absolutely catastrophic. we usually say newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, but with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that white . if it had even your didn't pull all the massage was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and then progress. additionally, given the poor health there and when they were admitted, they needed sufficient quantity of milk to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to undergo treatment for a longer period of time. of in usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauged their health and find out if they are recovering well. however, given the limited supply, we are using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to mostly, i'm a esna. hi fi and add
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a homestead for my child. she has substance under severe chest infection. she's only $23.00 days old. is on a multiple who will not have a gym here on that desk continues to haunt everybody here in northern guns. as babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave. you really tell you that because a including baby formula into the street and a city of just the all. so now that i've got these other fire is have, if you monitoring policy and advocacy and save the children and she says things will get worse unless there's a cease fire. what we're, what we're seeing now is the worst case scenario and folding right before our eyes . our organizations were been working on the ground in gaza for the last months had been warning that children were going to start dying of severe mt. nutrition and disease. and that's exactly what's happening. and in the last few months,
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what we've seen is that reports are indicating that food and security ad malnutrition and gaza has only intensified by the day. and we also know that this is because of the role what the list is really been. barnett the ongoing is restrictions that i presented, the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance and the complete estimation of the civilian infrastructure and services that was leading to the situation right now. what i can say is that when children suffer from severe amount of attrition, they are high, a higher likelihood of dying from common diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia are coming cold because their bodies just can't withstand it. and we know that in gaza right now, 90 percent of children under 5 suffer from some sort of infectious disease and more than 70 percent have suffered from diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. so the situation
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is dire, and it is getting worse and it won't get better unless there is a ceasefire and we're able to scale up humanitarian assistance. several times have dropped 8 into northern gaza advisor then say boxes have landed around the indonesian hospital having jamalia on choose day plains potter shooting supplies of a rough or a con unit 8 agencies say it's becoming even more difficult. i'm going to deliver humanitarian supports in gaza. what, what's, what are you and agencies have repeatedly, one of the guys is 2300000 people are facing starvation that they say one person and every 4 is on the brink of finding michael awful reports. the empty bones and the empty stomachs in northern garza, about one in 6 children, younger than 2 is male. nourished and nearly 600000 palestinians all with the world food program says is one step away from
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the progress that you that we need food. we are sick, we have children, we suffer a lot. we are deprived of everything. even if the palestinians don't a little food to us. we still have to cute to get it. i've been here since 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for this meal. the you an agency for palestinian refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering gaza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. that's an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. but that aid isn't reaching the north of the strip. being gaza. city attempts to get your hands on. what little age you can find can cost to your life. i don't understand. i've been here since the early morning. i need food. i have a 40 year old son and
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a 40 year old daughter. we kind of go out who will take care of them. we don't have rice and we don't have flour. my children are sick. i told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. it's a hot meal, but it isn't enough. is the i've come to get something to keep myself alive. it's only suit. we need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. for god's sake, we need help. i hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. as soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however, is tempered by months of suffering and disgrace, a salmon on the horizon. like level, which is there a series inside guns waiting for any news about why that a deal can be done to stop the fighting many or hoping an agreement can be reached
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before the holy month of ramadan. and carter has been speaking to people in general, butler, as well as the needs of the gaza strip, are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before remo. done today we're good, but downtown we're going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements. what was the last the produce value for young i hope and i wish for a ceasefire. we've heard things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come, but we've been disappointed every time the people will always be the victims. the people are really suffering. the people have no more energy. ramadan is approaching, we ask god to make our life easier and better enough is enough. when the smart enough, we've done every time to talk about sci fi, it never happened. at this time. i have a feeling that won't be a ceasefire. my son, my son in law, and my brother a little after isn't, is in, he's really jails. and i hope there was really steve, the last we all got to have the see far and go back to our homes, to our kids,
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to our neighborhoods. we left our lives and guys, decision came here to pray for truth. so we can go back to our normal life prices here. a scary. we can't afford to buy food for our kids. i haven't seen my daughter for 100 days, theories in the sand there. we pray for us to be far so in the back to our homes. some palestinians are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire. personally before remo, done, this isn't gonna study, i'll just see it. uh, that has been us. started media and loving owns reporting that 2 people have been killed and several have been wounded in is really strikes in the southern times of tougher and supervision. is really, i'm, is, i'm has ball, i've been talking to each other with the cross border with tax since the war on guns a began is it was defense minutes, or your goal on says, is really, is from all parts of society must be drafted into military service including ultra orthodox jews, is as he believes it's possible to get an agreement enough no,
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not sales me to come when the war and i whole heartedly believe that we are bound to embark on a new journey. yet the immediate need arise at home to the extension is melacy service of an active soldier's reserved duty for reserve is supposed to show it is not a matter of choice. we must and been defending a homeland before i thought it will be done. the commercial it is possible and important to, to reach and a great framework for a draft and long even for a growing possible ultra orthodox community which is already contributing to the civilian effect. on amongst is joining us from occupied east jerusalem given the fight. this is coming from the defense minister you of got on how significant is this? this is an issue that has to realistically risen in israel since the foundation of the mountain state of israel. the also the whole thoughts community typically not serving inside the minute 3 and the political representatives often fighting hard
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inside the capacity to maintain that state is quote, which as you might imagine, upsets all the elements of is ready. so i think given the scale of the maximize ation of these right, the military over the past few months, this has once again been raise. the challenge in terms of implementation is that the representatives that sits in the connected and form parts of benjamin netanyahu . his government around like key to, to approve this kind of measure. and if they was to be forced into, it's likely they with then leave the governing coalition and the government would collapse. but what's really significant about what go on the defense minister was talking about earlier yesterday is the focus on the alex, the most k n o 5 eastern use of them. and as a huge, huge dispute with the hearts of v as rated government right now about access to that most during the her, the month of ramadan, the i to being floated by the national security minister. it's him up and give it,
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has created a huge, huge control received 1st amongst promising and amongst all the x rays. he's suggesting the restriction, it should be even more onerous on worship as traveling through the mosque during ramadan. this is something that seems to have led to him being sidelined from decision making by the other members of the won't cabinet here in israel saying this is going to create even more of a powder keg. the last thing we is the is right and government and these ready minutes we want to see is a new from, of resistance being opened up by say, hey, we're not fight east jerusalem. and in the west bank, which is something that i'm us, has been courting full over this very precise issue. but i'm thank you very much indeed for the mocks, tells me to have some occupied east jerusalem on this, on the following hate crimes are rising in the u. k, with a 3 fold increase in incidence. since the start of the war on garza, the country is edging towards a general election later this year. several senior british politicians have been
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accused of selling division. i'm feeling racial tensions. they've walker has more from london because that conflicts inflamed a culture war. the hall to britain trusting policy and restaurant to halim corolla into the firing line of a summer for a big hate. and the 1st of many death threats aimed at him and his stuff. yes. okay, so i'll come over and take away your life. i'll come over and take away your life, says the voice left on his own to phone. when somebody calls you, i'm gonna come to your head or i'm gonna come and close you down. i'm gonna send you back to guys. today you are a life to model, you are not, you have to take it serious. the problem is don't jewish, i'm part of senior problem. we have extreme is government and is right. and every by the, even that is why are these are the whole speech of the extreme is government that
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is right. multiple monitoring groups say the nc most than hate crimes of woman tripled in the past few months. it takes various different forms, physical, verbal abuse, vandalism, death threats, much of it directed against muslim women in head scarves was cost a shadow over pressure society, and many muslims fee that elected members of parliament with a duty to protect all communities in the cast and making things much, much worse. senior conservative m p leanne to send refuse to apologize for comments he made accusing london's mostly mass study con, but being controlled by want anderson cold is limits for allowing antique guns. a wall mount is to go ahead, save the control the con, unable control all alone, then mr. speak honorably to 5 minutes to receive see next, and suspended him as a conservative and p for full and shows of cooling his comments, his slumber photo big. meanwhile, the former home secretary swell abraham and
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a possible future leader of the conservatives is claimed that is limits extremist and anti semites. and now in charge of prison, that cannot be a hierarchy of racism. you've got to be universal and equal and you'll come to a nation of food forms of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. whether it's anti semitism, or indeed is found the food be it sends a message to those in the u. k. that it's totally acceptable to use dangerous language. rhetoric against british miss sims is a critical here in the u. k. the general election looms with the causal warping u. k. politics, provoking angry parliamentary will counts pop up. but instead of coming tensions and condemning racism in all its forms, some and power are accused of turning up. the heat may fall couches 0 london. the still ahead and i'll just get a box to work or face fines or
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a rest. stop 3 and striking junior dumpsters present end of month deadline. the the latest news as it breaks, ukraine has made vast improvements to the defenses around its major cities. with detailed coverage, the former president is expected to appeal this decision, but it's just one of many legal issues he's facing the run up to the november election from around the well, the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage, less than 6 percent of the homes and we are connected to the government sewage network discussing the defining issues of our times, what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of war?
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we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on it just the you, the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the what, you know, just need a reminder of a child stories. this or at least is 7 children have died at the campbell,
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antoine hospital and northern johnson. most of them are suffered from the lack of food and was doctors there. so there's no milk for newborn babies are describing the situation as catastrophic kinds of jump data into the northern jobs. a strip supplied trucks trying to get to the north because the situation is getting more dangerous. when i said nations is more than one and every for palestinians is on the group or finally, a boat reported to be carrying hundreds of african migrate. it says some gulf, the coast, senegal, more than 20, but these have been uncovered. so far. some survivors said the vessel had 2 to 300 on board and were a meant to reach the canary islands. the spanish territory of west africa, united nations peacekeepers of withdrawing from democratic republic of congo around 15 files and un personnel are handing over their bases following violent protests that they failed to keep the peace around one and a half 1000000 congolese,
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originally fried, fighting between government forces and m. 23 rebels. catherine, sorry, reports from government. the capital of eastern province of north k, for one of the longest serving un peacekeeping missions calls. and this call is leaving democratic republic of congo. by the end of the year, when new school personnel have been here for 25 years, with a monday to help the con loose government fight on groups and keeps to begin safe. the peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the national police in south cable province. i am confident in the ability of the congolese defense and security forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism. the wellness commission has become unpopular among kimberly's. they see the peacekeepers. i've not done that job. the frustration has often led to violence
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against the united nations companies. government eventually told them to leave the homeless, concerned about what happens after the government. he's dealing with or filing more than a 100 on each, teach twice as how many of them are leaving in comp snake. this 11600000 have recently flags from the ongoing fighting between the government forces and the m 20 suite on the group. in north cube, providence government to double check and then we'll go check on the government that they are. so you has to take responsibility of the security situation. visiting troops cannot do a better job than now. forces d, i. c belongs to congo, lease. and the leadership should stiff off. what's wrong with the new school says it's done, it's fast and incredibly difficult. so constance is, catherine saw you alls 0 go, ma, democratic republic,
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all the doctors and sides because they have until the end of the day to end the strike or face sanctions. and the government issued the ultimatum to 8 files in training. so booked out in the last week if i'm not back in hospitals by the end of the day, if he's having the medical license is suspended on legal action units. kim's live with us and the capital so. so the government's put the deadline in place. any movement on this? so yeah, so, so far we are seeing a trickle of those junior dr. is returning to work according to the health ministry . reading this morning, less than 300 this week. heating the call that's compared to then more than $9000.00, you know, doctors that have walked off the job accounting for some 73 percent of the total. so the government will be back watching very closely. how many more joins we return to work by the deadline. today as they have made clear that if this walk out that
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started last tuesday extends into march, they will most certainly face a 3 month suspension of their medical license and a possible police investigation that could lead to the replication of their license . now we are outside, so national university hospital, this is one of those top 5. and this is where a junior doctor's account for more than 40 percent of the overall is dr. population . so you can imagine the impact their absence has had, as they have late he roles in bedside care when it comes to uh, e r rooms as well as cancer words, for example. and we are starting to see fisher is within the senior doctor community here in south korea, with the director of his hospital email, a junior doctor's last night. se calling on them to return to the patients where they belong. saying there is some series has been noted that they will work with them to build back a better medical system breaking ranks with the message that we've been hearing
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from the korean medical association. the main doctor's loppy in the country, which has for want of a large riley on sunday to push back against the government's plan to increase the number of medical school entries by 2000 starting next year. it is. thank you very much and enjoy this. kim, talking to is from so as well. then the u. s. one in washington dc is best known politicians as, as he's retiring here. senate lead to a 2 year old. mitch mcconnell is the lead republican senators for a record time, at least 17 years. he says it's time for a new generation to take over, but he will stay on as a senator until this time ends in 2027 on an official reports from washington, dc. sort of my thoughts about what it is arguably the moment that finally listened. mitch mcconnell is grip on power, struggling after a fall for the 2nd time in just a few months. he froze in front of an audience. the critics were brutal. the color
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will be remembered for the control you exercise for so long, and how you re shape the face of america supreme court for generations. you want to seat in the senate from his own state of kentucky. in 1984, he was elected. the party's leader in the senate in 2006 in 2014 republicans took control of the senate. and mcconnell became majority leader, a position of significant power and influence. he made the and i just want to step down surrounded by colleagues. he'll continue in the senate, but he will no longer be the minority leader. lead my republican color to such a bad the highest privilege. but one of life's most under appreciated college is to know when it's time to move on to lives. next truck. when consecutive supreme court judge until then, scalia died. in february 2016. he blocked obama's picked for the post from even
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getting a hearing for that year's presidential election. and the next, just as good fundamentally alter the direction of the supreme court and have a profound impact the on our conference. it was a gamble that paid off when donald trump one with the co support, the to quickly work to fill the course with republicans, including 3 supreme court seats. changing the face of the judicial system and america corner was on capitol hill on january the 6th, 2021, with an angry mob. stone, the buildings, the push to have proceedings continue with order was restored. but with donald trump facing impeachment for provoking the cried makoto block, the heating until after trump left office, then argued it was wrong to impeach him because he left offers voted against conviction. but after the vote staggered, colleagues by attacking trump trolling the assault on the hill, the mob was fed large. there were provoked by the president and other powerful people completed describe makoto as a dollar,
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sullen on smiling political act. trump wanted to him, replaced carlos departure demonstrates the grip, the donald trump and his allies that have won the republican party. the people who would be described as traditional republicans, like mitch mcconnell, no longer feel they have a police or a voice in the park. 2 hours for sure, i'll just see the capitol hill. the us supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's claim of immunity from prosecution for his role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election result. the judges are expected to hear legal arguments in late april comes, lawyers say they're going to trial would radically disrupt the former president's re election. campaign drums also facing 3 other criminal cases and the judge has ordered from to be removed from the illinois state republican primary ballot. on march, the 19th, the decision won't take effect until friday,
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giving trumps lawyers time to appeal which they say they will. the same ruling was made by colson, both colorado and maim. colorado's case as being appealed, the supreme court. the weather is next. that inside story is going to examine the issue of western intervention in the frame war time robots, us, and stay with us on the hello. we have seen some rather like the weather, making us way across parts of the middle east. the 2nd cloud that just spinning across the ron, pushing over towards afghanistan, snow over the mountains, a significant rain forwarding to sell them, passed over on some localized flooding here, i suspect as we go through the next couple of days, and that will grassy make his way into puck this donald west disturbance basically pushing across moving parts of india behind that it is allowed to try and clear it
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with some pleasant sunshine. it's sunshine extends up into northern parts of the region into that is the side of the mediterranean, generally quiet and fine. with a good deal of sunshine here, that's just a little bit of whether it's a central pos of the met. it's right. you just heading to we'll see a june wisdom positive that the sinks and what the weather was. he makes away until the latter part of the week this same system bring some very heavy rain chop system flooded the light to hit a flooding into the northeast of algeria. 3 fast day going on into friday. what's the weather? just coming into some this, you have has stage, meanwhile, scattering the showers across the gulf of kidney joining up with the heavy showers that we have across central parts of africa and both big down pools. and i just around the lobby pushing across the times in the northern positive. nice and big is thing very just the medic ask a team
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in the gaza strip as is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, the best russia is making games and a tool with ukraine and so west is considering its response. phones has not pulled out sending troops to ukraine, but the idea has been rejected by darlise. so is the west existing support enough for kids? and what else might that need to face russia? this isn't fine story. the


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