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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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that defines all, wow, so we live here. we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate, expose this and question the youth and abuse of power around that. go on out of there. the innocent and starving. several children died in north garza hospital because they didn't have enough to eat or drink the enrollment center. this is all 0 live from dell home, also coming up. but the children still alive and gaza every day is a struggle. the u. n. one is the one and for palestinians, and the strip is on the brink of firemen. not a medical complex. the largest hospital in con eunice, that's called, far for me, is really selling and sent to fight under false pretenses because of asian men
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prevented up on the front lines of rushes. want a new train. the we're going to begin is southern guy. so for the largest hospital in con, units has on fire blazed up and also hospital started during a bottle. as of is really showing, the complex has been under scenes for weeks garza's health when history says is ready for us as of stuff medical and office stuff going into the medical buildings . they're also set of rejected, repeated demands for safe escape routes. from those sheltering inside united nations previously called nasa place of death. in the north of guys us, several children have died at the come all on one hospital from the lack of food and liquids is really military is making it more difficult to deliver humanitarian supplies. dozens of children admitted to hospital don't have proper medication. i'll just say it as honest, i'm sure they have sent this report from the hospital as the definitely we are
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inside. then you need to intensive care units have to come a large one hospital. well, we have a number off, you've own babies who are suffering from city and money, attrition and funding. it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment as this really occupation continues to prevent relief and human c, n a and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies as well as the patients and the one that the northern josh on the equipment or something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital and now we had meant between 1001200 babies a day. yes, we noticed that old patients are showing signs of pay on this and a weakness. second picture is worth a 1000 words. even new bonds are macey aged for unit. so solve it can pull clips in . in the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. the majority of newborns we are treating
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today have to come out and had one hospital without parents. they were referred to us by shelters of the hospitals, and they are without their mothers. therefore, it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is absolutely catastrophic. we usually see newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, but with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that weight height even though i didn't put all the shots was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and the dental progress. additionally, given the poor health there and when they were admitted, they need a sufficient quantity of nuke to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to undergo treatment for a longer period of time. usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauged to health and find out what
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recovering. well, yes, so however, given unlimited supply, we're using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to mostly, i'm a esna. hi fi and add a homestead for my child. she has substance on the severe chest infection. she's only $23.00 days old. she says she and this is on a multiple who not have a jimmy on at the desk, continues to haunt everybody here in northern johnson's babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave. you really tell you medical aid including baby formula into the street and a city of just the all shamella and he's on his, i is head of humanitarian policy and advocacy. it saves the children. she says the situation is going to get worse unless there's a cease fire, where what we're seeing now is the worst case scenario and folding right before our eyes. our organizations were been working on the ground in gaza for the last months,
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had been warning that children were going to start dying of severe mt. nutrition and disease. and that's exactly what's happening. and in the last few months, what we've seen is that reports are indicating that food and security ad malnutrition and gaza has only intensified by the day. and we also know that this is because of the real what the list is really big barn in the ongoing, in restrictions that i present to the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance as a complete estimation of the civilian infrastructure and services. that's what leading to the situation right now. what i can say is that when children suffer from severe amount of attrition, they are high, a higher likelihood of dying from common diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia or common cold because their bodies just can't withstand it. and we know that in gaza
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right now, 90 percent of children under 5 suffer from some sort of infectious disease and more than 70 percent have suffered from diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. so the situation is dire and it is getting worse, and it won't get better unless there is a ceasefire. and we're able to scale up humanitarian assistance. several times of drop date in the nose and guys have strep presidents, a boxes of landed around the indonesian hospital in jamalia on choose day pines, potter shooting and supplies of a rough uh, 100 units. a welcome to say it's increasingly difficult on things you have to deliver. helping guys, s u n. agencies have repeatedly one of the guys of 2300000 people are facing starvation. now they say one person and every 4 is on the brink of funding. michael awful reports and t bones and the empty stomach
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in northern gaza. about one in 6 children. the younger then to his mail, nourished and nearly 600000 palestinians all with the world. food program says, is one step away from the progress that you that we need food. we are sick, we have children, we suffer a lot. we are deprived of everything. even if the palestinians don't a little food to us, we still have to queue to get it. i've been here since 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for this meal. the you an agency for palestinian refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering gaza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. that's an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. but that aid isn't reaching the north of the strip. the thing garza city attempts to get your hands on what little
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age you can find can cost to your life. i don't understand. i've been here since the early morning. i need food. i have a 40 year old son and a 40 year old daughter would kind of go out who will take care of them. we don't have rice and we don't have flour. my children are sick. i told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. it's a hot meal, but it isn't good. i've come to get something to keep myself alive. it's only soup . we need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. for god's sake, we need help. hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. as soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however, is tempered by months of suffering and disgrace. a salmon on the horizon
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might level of desert reports that israel's war cabinet is ignoring caused by a national security minister. it's not going to be there to restrict the number of worship those that are lock some oscar during the whole, the month of ramadan. it seems to be another sign of a whitening rift to the top of the is really government's one of the boxes. joining us from occupied east jerusalem, what more do we know about this kind of, of the robots and the concepts historically, it might meant swear also, or it isn't as well have concerns about security both here in jerusalem and then nationally they have restricted access to the out so most to, let's say people over the age of 40, if the game and then give a, as a national security minister has popularly cold, full days restrictions to be heightened this year. so that would be men or any over the age of 60 able to attend the most. during the higher the month of ramadan, this is something that clearly he knows and many other people here and on friday's
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tourism, fully aware of could create a pallet. ok, of tension in the days and weeks ahead. the leaders of a mass of publicly just yesterday told us about a dissolved for people to march on. i look at the stats of ramadan, again, seemingly a desire to get some sort of directly from college students that are not quite history, some of the west bank. and what we're talking about here is the fact the bank of it who has been excluded from israel war cabinet. now a 10 city. the issue at the hearts of that disagreement is design access to the online. so most he, himself, someone that seemingly is trying to, for men, even more attention here. but what we're hearing from you, i'll go on. yes. today speaking to is really minute 3 forces in the central come on barry of israel. is that those kind of inflammatory statements from people with influence. he didn't name but and give it shouldn't be problematic and should be ignored when it comes to this highly, highly problematic tense,
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an issue here in jerusalem, then thank you very much indeed for the mox, talking to us from occupied east jerusalem as well. publish things inside guys are waiting for any news about why that a deal can be done to stop the fighting. many hoping an agreement can be reached before the whole month of ramadan. and carter has been speaking to people in debt or obama. the needs of the dogs are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before remo. done today, we're good. by downtime, we're going to talk to people about what they think about needs these all your agreements. what was your last name? the produce product, young i hope, and i wish for a ceasefire. we've heard things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come, but we've been disappointed every time the people will always be the victims. the people are really suffering. the people have no more energy, ramadan is approaching, we ask god to make our life easier and best enough is enough. well, the smart enough,
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we've done every time to talk about sci fi. it never happened at this time. i have a feeling that won't be a ceasefire on my son, my son in law, and my brother a little, i present as in these really jails. and i hope there was really steve. the last thing we all got to have the see far and go back to our home, to our kids, to our neighborhoods. we left our lives and guys decision and came here to pray for a cruise. so we can go back to our normal life prices here. a scary. we can't afford to buy food for our kids. i haven't seen my daughter for 100 days, theories and symes there. we pray for us to be far so we go back to our homes. some palestinians are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire. personally before ramadan, this isn't the study i just need uh that has been a little palestinian community living near hebron and the occupied wise buying says a tax buy is really suffers have increased since the watering guns have begun.
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that's of property and animals happen nearly every day. they say same personality has more from muscle jasa in the occupied westbank since israel's war on god. so begin, post indians living in remote communities in the occupied westbank say, settler attacks have double bullying, fear campaigns, intimidation while the world's attention is elsewhere. oh, activists. in the software, you have to say settlers are doing whatever they want. the set levels who was attacking us before? no, we had have a method uniform, have the gun is on which is like really dangerous. was like making a, as an issue as you know, attacking the people to rising them, which is like effect on other people. people who is lived here for generations still use the natural terrain for shelter. just as their ancestors did, families and livestock together in a cave,
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a way of life in palestinian communities where the ancient and modern meet with a coordinated campaign, buyers rarely settlers and soldiers, one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves of that could give them a self help, but i will tell you about the dream of any young man in this place. not just me. every young person dreams of a safe hive, sort of a car marriage. but most don't people to day dream is sleeping with that stress for a full night and left to the city up. but when we now more know mcquease, subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, wall to wall tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortably. but this threat of
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displacement violence is never far away. anywhere else in the world, a place like this might be a heritage site, something to protect and preserve in palestine. it is another front line, another struggle of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. the same bus route, the oh to 0. most of the other in the occupied westbank still ahead on all. does it a mexico faces election violence before the campaign is even officially kicked off the hello. we have seen some rather live the weather making its way across pa, so the middle east like a cloud that just spinning across the ron, pushing over towards afghanistan, snow over the mountains, a significant rainfall into something passed over on some localized flooding. here
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i suspect as we go through the next couple of days, and that will gradually make his way into buckets, donald west, the disturbance eventually pushing across moving parts of india behind that, it is logic, try and clear with some pleasant sunshine. it's sunshine extends up into northern parts of the region into that is the side of the mediterranean, generally quite in fine, with a good deal of sunshine here. that's just a little bit of whether it's a central part of the mit. it's right. you just heading to, we'll see it in western parts of the sinks and what the weather was. he makes away until the latter part of the week, this same system bring some very heavy right chunk system slattich, the likelihood of flooding into the northeast of algeria. 3 1st day going on into friday. what's the weather just coming into some busy at that stage. meanwhile, scattering the showers across the gulf of guinea, joining up with the heavy showers that we have across central parts of africa and both big down pools. and i just around the lobby pushing across the times in the northern positive mesa and big this thing,
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very just the medic ask in the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills. such re discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect of freest simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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watching. i'll just see that remind over told stories this i'm in southern gaza, the largest hospital in con eunice, suspended all formations. a father of naso hospital, started giving about hours of his reading. shelling complex's been under seas for weeks because health industry says is really full of stops. medical and office start going into the buildings. at least 7 children have died at the comm allowed one hospital in north and got some, most of them. a suffered from a lack of food and liquids, doctors, they're safe. there's no milk for newborn babies. describing the situation as catastrophic is obviously him government's appeal to junior dumpsters to return to work on strike over. changes proposed by the government is confirmed that over 9000 have walked out some gloomy autoland today. today is the last day of waiting for the correct judgment and decision from trying the doctors now desperate patients.
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so waiting for surgery and medical facilities, which training doctors have left and civilian patients who need urgent treatment. also having a lot of difficulty visiting the hospital and did training doctors who left the medical facilities, police make a wise decision so that people no longer need to worry. you know, this came is longer with us from the capital. so you know, so is there any indication that this government deadline is having an impact on the doctors as yeah, the time it certainly is taking rob and we have seen a just reco less the $300.00 doing our doctor is made up of insurance and resident doctor is returned to work this week after the ultimatum was issued on monday, that was forwarding to the health ministry briefing this morning. that is still far small compared to the $9000.00 remains off the job accounting for 73 percent of the overall junior. dr. group, now the government is very closely watching and urging for more young doctors to
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return to work as the have one that is walk out that started last tuesday continues into next month. these young doctors could face a 3 month suspension of their medical license and following procedures that could include a police investigation. they could lose their license completely that we are outside of. so nash one university of hospital. this is one of the top university hospitals in sole and junior doctor is make up more than 40 percent of the doctor population trust. you can imagine the impact that their absence has been having over the past more than one week. uh they have been offering they had been offering bedside care for ice, used yours and cancer voice. so these are tests that are being done by senior doctors and nurses. uh for the interim. now we are also starting to see fishers from the doctor community here. and so the director of as
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a new hospital coming out just health the inter and residence to return to the job . so it gets time to return to the side of the patients and is that they will work with them to rebuild a better medical system. this is in direct conflict with the message we've been hearing from the reading medical association, which is crushing forward in opposition to that plan to raise the number of medical entries to 52000 and starting next year. it is. thank you very much indeed that soon as can talking to us from. so mexico was giving up for his biggest of elections. more than $25000.00 offices are going to be decided, including the presidency voting. susan in the countries become hopelessly intertwined with violence. this time around kennings begun even before the start of the official campaign season. john holeman has more from mexico city it makes codes become as predictable as stump. speeches and voting varies during
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election season. a certain political violence met about to the small town of mitch we can state the killings begun even before the official campaign stopped on friday . a bundle pet is the time policies candidates, amiga and hills above the ruling morrenda policies, month of may, were gunned down on the same day early this week. sofa officials don't know why they were killed, they were strong suspicions. or was this done at the hands of organized crime? naples? yeah, absolutely. and i said no, the okay. so it could be, i'd say that everything points to that being precisely what it is because of the way in which they acted to make use a of the image. what kind as in several of our areas of the country, criminal groups are powerful enough to play a large part of deciding who gets into power and making sure political opponents
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don't make it to. the post is who post the playbook. as you know, have those come through that's minutes can president under his manual lopez over to door to cooper killings unfortunate move in 600 officials. politicians have been killed during his administration. the selection there worries the criminal groups could go further. even interfering with votes is on the election day in june mazda of st. the guest, i think that even at the polling booths, i don't know, these people can show up there, and they can intimidate and, and if they can intimidate rich people, it's going to be even easier to intimidates them for. and where is the state? if no absent, then we can didn't the gang sphere of influence as met, screw heads into the biggest elections and it's history that almost inevitably means more politicians will die. john home, out to see the mexico city in the us. one of washington dc is best known
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politicians is retiring a senate leader 82 year old mitch mcconnell as loved republican senators for nearly 17 years. he says it's time for a new generation to take over the real estate on as a senator until 2027 official reports from washington dc. as sort of my thoughts as i was running for re election. it is arguably the moment that finally listen. mitch mcconnell is group on power struggling after a fall for the 2nd time in just a few months before was in front of an audience. the critics were brutal. mcconnell will be remembered for the control he exercised for so long, and how you re ship the face of america supreme court for generations. you want to seat in the senate from his own state of kentucky. in 1984, he was elected the party's leader in the senate in 2006 in 2014 republicans took control of the senate, and the colonel became majority leader, a position of significant power and influence. he made the an ice,
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went to step down, surrounded by colleagues to continue in the senate, but he will no longer be the minority leader. lead my republican color to such a bad the highest privilege. but one of life's most under appreciated colors is to know when it's time to move on to lives. next truck when consecutive supreme court judge until then, scalia died. in february 2016, he blocked obama's picked for the post from even getting a heating for that year's presidential election. and the next, just as good fundamentally alter the direction of the supreme court and have a profound impact us on our conference. it was a gamble that paid off when donald trump one with the coin and support the to quickly work to fill the course with republicans, including 3 supreme court seats. changing the face of the judicial system. and
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america connor was on capitol hill on january. the 6th 2021, with an angry mob. storm the buildings, the push to have proceedings continue when order was restored. but with donald trump facing impeachment for provoking the cried total block, the heating until after trump left office, then argued, it was wrong to impeach him because he left office voted against conviction. but after the vote staggered, colleagues by attacking trump trolling the assault on the hill, the mob was fed large. they were provoked by the president and other powerful people completed. describe makoto is a dollar sullen on smiling, political black. trump wanted him replaced. carlos departure demonstrates the grip that donald trump and his allies that have on the republican party, the people who would be described as traditional republicans, like mitch mcconnell, no longer feel they have a place or a voice in the party. i was for sure, i'll just see the capitol hill to the families of asian mountains and find
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themselves at war in ukraine. never appealing to their governments to bring them home the family say somewhere tricked while others were forced to fight in the russian army. others from india and nepal. i'm sure like i say they signed up to fight with ukrainian forces. middle fernandez has more from the shoreline capital, colombo. this is full as machine can also have children. when the us for the father mohammed, he traveled to the russian last november for what he thought was a job described as a help over the russian army. all of willis, if i've done all my science or the, they told him, just sign on it to help his job. they trusted the agents and signed it off to that they were sent to the front line. these people are completely trained, but they were still taken to the crane board in the middle of a was a, a fellow indian who escaped the front lines, holes assembly to say mohammed had been shot and in bad condition. responding to reports of indian seeking discharge from the russian army, india administrative,
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extending the fast says, every case brought to its attention has been taken up with the russian authorities saying several indians have already been discharged as a result. height, unemployment is one reason for taking such risks. the 2nd be under, but those who are employed, they are also either very poorly paid or are working much below their capacity. and there is other major reasons that are driving on that level of the revenue shave gave was among the former sherlock and soldiers who signed up with the international legion of ukraine military unit. 2 years ago, seeing he addressing fellowship lock and fight as he was killed last december, how do i was trying to beat up his more t. and you can do the many creation and destroy the targets at the same time. and they say it's unlikely,
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large numbers of functions of fighting in russia and ukraine. although there are many stewed and baffled soldiers here. it's a different story and they paused hundreds, drawn to the front line by financial incentives from think a government clamp down, meeting the families of men fighting on both sides of the conflict. nipple is foreign minister is appealing to all citizens, not to send relatives to was owned by the government has nothing drawn to submission to travel. we are in discussion and dialogue with the russian government, especially to stop the recruitment of nap leads into the russian army. and we are working towards the immediate release and return of those deputies who have already been recruited. while we cannot make survival has pushed many across south asia to risk their lives in someone else as well. that families are desperate for the safe return home. enough and then there's just the uh, colombo, now divisions, peacekeepers of withdrawing from democratic republic of congo,
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around 15000 un personnel handing over their bases following violent protest that they failed to keep the peace around one and a half 1000000 calories have recently fed fighting between government forces, and i'm 23 rebels. catherine, sorry, reports from go the capital of the eastern province of north keep one of the longest serving un peacekeeping missions calls, and this call is leaving democratic republic of congo by the end of the year when new school personnel have been here for 25 years. with a monday to help the con loose government fight on groups and keeps to begin safe, the peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the national police in south cable province. i am confident in the ability of the congo leaves defense and security forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism.
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the wellness commission has become unpopular among kimberly.


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