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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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a, how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm associated pay this isn't use our life for me. i had for this here in the home, coming up in the next 16 minutes. dozens of palestinians are killed by is really 5 in the west of garza city while they were collecting food. and now that helps us and as he comes on the is really attacked now. so hospital in southern gaza suspends operations off to it. quote fine. well,
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so it seems as robbie and myself in the, in the occupied westbank were posting and communities who live in tape drawings for generations are seeing their way of life threatening by is rarely self and sufficing. the role in ukraine. we report on the plies of south asians who have promised jobs, but ended up on the front line the while we begin this news, our in garza west civilian casualties on mounting as the israeli army systematically attack civilians reading from north to south. now nearly 30000 palestinians have been killed by as well as will most of them women and children as well is there any forces has opened fire on palestinians who are trying to collect loud and goals of 50 have of these on images from al rashid street. dozens,
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they were killed and injured civilians were left scrambling to try to get to hospitals on the side of the we have come here to get our hands on some 8. i've been waiting here since noon yesterday at about 430 in the early morning with the truck started. the district land is really just opened random fire on us as if it was a truck. once we approach to a truck that is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con board come in means another method. is there any strikes, meanwhile, of targeting crowded refugee accounts across casa, including sarah, and bridge. at least a $107.00 palestinians have been killed in separate attacks or the 24 hour period. and not the hospital in con, unice has now suspended operations off to a fire broke out during a barrels of his randy strikes. that facility has been on the seas for weeks. well, that's feet tall correspondents on the ground. honeymoon when he joins me now. from
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rafa and southern gaza hunting, we've been getting these reports of that attack on civilians in garza city. what do we know? it is not possible. within the past a few days, the alex didn't even get a picture of it from the northern part of garza city. and the northern part of the trent who gathered in larger groups waiting for the aid of talk on the door or the call to require that but to have the most to try the men to quiet that early hours the yesterday really rarely our the night yesterday were large number of people were waiting for human to turn charts to be delivered to the northern part of the got a dog and the where shot add by the neighbor forces and by the to the military vehicles that were very close to the area weren't talking about at least 40 people are being killed in more than $300.00 of it for an injury that the tragedy of what happened.
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the target was supposed to deliver the, a 2 people in gauze and another part turned to be the parent to be the tractor carried in reed and the ones who were shot and killed to be close to 12. the quality in the area, the being is becoming very devastating towards the larger the desperate population on how far acute families due to the extreme shortage of food supply. the medical supplies this week within the past 2 days. another incident, similar to what happened on the law, had been road work, a google people were also waiting for the truck to be delivered, were actually shot at it becomes becoming more like a as photos, a dehumanizing kind of the power opinion. hard, not only it trying to ties because of the ongoing, the dentist by the word, but it could be medically, be in a pack, was hungry. i'm looking for
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a scrap to see where they're and according to what we've heard of from the people is just the fine. and this continues to happen. people are going to be dying because of the bombs, as well as in because of the, our vision that is part of the to take. it's called a cost because of the trip. and that reminder at 1st. 2 of the right to do a goes across the gods trip, then israel has failed, could take the minimum, it's 10 to protect the and then to ensure the delivery of the pick up to 10 and a health a food supply to enlarge me. hungry under my population, i need to talk about the systematic attacks on civilians trying to reach food. and we know there has been systematic types to on, on hospitals. what is the situation now at nasa and across the strip when it comes to what so far? what we're seeing here, i'm just,
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i'm the patterns of pockets and health care facilities across the jobs for nearly in the, in the city of hon. you understand the entire northern part of what we are seeing and according to what we part of the doctors admitted to 5 and international organization such as the a doctors without borders who the card because it's not a tax on health care system. i got to get to not only get out of service, the colonel james hired just come to the point where not only do want the health care system available operational and the golf tournament old. so the police to go in and visually pushing people into, into exposure. and the 2nd week of the month and a half of the very tragic not only was being a hospital, that part of people in con units and the entire southern part of the city. because the only 2 small health facilities here,
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unprepared for emergency. so not parents were present the same child health care facility as much as a chip. i represent the central healthcare facility or the northern pardon now which top a target they've completely damaged and, and, and then a vendor lies and caught in fire to destroy large deal of the property and damage the medical equipment is any military needs to be doing this i'm part of that because we're looking at the whole city right now with no operational health facility at all, including the small and mid sized healthcare facilities in the cities that include the atlanta hospital in the time part of the city as well as a private me phone in the hospital, in the eastern part of it has been out of both people who are inside the hospital, who i told her the patients, the injury. those in the incubator tools are in need of immediate and direct medical and prevention and without, without
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a few to run the power generators and the ongoing a blockade on main trail release convoys including medical supplies and food and water supply. the stipulations are getting very difficult so far. what is going on on the ground at another house. it does constitute more than a genocidal acts unfortunately. and that's and by the testimony to many right, groups on the ground or internationally. honey lock, much de, describing the situation on the ground for us and the gaza strip from rough. thanks so much hon. while you had honey talking about the situation, health facilities, at least 7 babies have died as kamala od one hospital because they didn't get enough physics or let quotes that help facilitate and northern garza was also forced to suspend operations because it run out of fuel thousands of children admitted to hospitalized on not receiving proper treatment throughout free program
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says cause that has the highest level of child on nutrition. now in the wild, us actually fastest report the definitely we are inside. then you need to intensive care units have become a large one hospital where we have a number off you've own babies who are suffering from severe manju attrition. and finally, it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment as this really occupation continues to prevent relief on human syrian aids and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies, as well as the patients and the wounded in northern gas on the equipment or something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital and now we admit between 1001200 babies a day. yes, we notice that old patients are showing signs of pay on this and a weakness. a 2nd, a picture is worth a 1000 words. that's even newborns or may see i did both. yeah. and it's a solve it can pull clips in, in the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals. and today we can barely find
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a single box for the entire department. the majority of newborns we are treating today have to come out and add one hospital without parents. they will refer to us by shelters or other hospitals and stay out without them others. therefore it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is absolutely catastrophic. we usually see newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, plugged in with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that weight and height, even though i didn't put all the shots was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and that then progress. additionally, given the pool of health care and when they were admitted, they need a sufficient quantity of nuke to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to one to go to treatment for a longer period of time of. and usually once newborn babies have recovered,
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we give them small doses of know to try and gauged the health and find out if they are recovering well. however, given the limited supply, we're using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to possibly, i'm a snuff hi fi and add a homestead for my child. she has substance under severe chest infection. she's only $23.00 days old. is on a multiple. he will not have a gym here on that desk continues to haunt everybody here in northern gonzales. babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave. you really tell you that because a including baby formula into the street and a city of just the all shall as well. meanwhile, pains have to live a desperately needed humanitarian aids to northern garza. this is the 1st time that an ad drop has actually happened in the north, the strength, palestinian se books has landed there around to be engineers and hospital,
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and jamalia. on tuesday, plains dropped supplies into rafa, and con eunice for the south. they were donated by tom egypt. jordan from the united arab emirates agencies say it's becoming more and more difficult and dangerous to deliver a to the millions of palestinians in need of alexandra site is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy. and the, and you save the children, she says, unless there's a cease, 5 things will only get was that we're, what we're seeing now is the worst case scenario and folding right before our eyes . our organizations were been working on the ground in gaza for the last months, had been warning that children were going to start dying of severe mound nutrition and disease. and that's exactly what's happening. and in the last few months, what we've seen is that reports are indicating that food and security and malnutrition, and gaza has only intensified by the day. and we also know that this is because of
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the real what list is really been barnett the ongoing is restrictions that i presented, the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance and the complete estimation of the civilian infrastructure and services that was leading to the situation right now. what i can say is that when children suffer from severe amount of attrition, they are high, a higher likelihood of dying from common diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia or common cold because their bodies just can't withstand it. and we know that in gaza right now, 90 percent of children under 5 suffer from some sort of infectious disease and more than 70 percent have suffered from diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. so the situation is dire and it is getting worse and it won't get better unless there is a ceasefire. and we're able to scale up humanitarian assistance. while apollo stands and gaza are waiting for any news about
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a possible face. find you many all hoping that an agreement can be reached before the fostering month of ramadan. and could already has been speaking to people in there, although not from central cause. or how does the needs of the gaza strip are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done today? we're indebted by downtown and we're going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements. what is the law and the produce product, young i hope, and i wish for a ceasefire. we've heard things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come, but we've been disappointed every time the people will always be the victims. the people are really suffering. the people have no more energy, ramadan is approaching, we ask god to make our life easier and better enough is enough. well, the smart enough, i hope you've done every time to talk about sci fi. it never happened. at this time i have a feeling there will be a ceasefire on my son, my son in law, and my brother
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a little i present as in israel details. and i hope that was really the last thing we all got to have the csr and back to our home, to our kids, to our neighborhoods. we left our lives and guys decision and came here and pray for truth. so we can go back to our normal life prices here, a scary. we can't afford to buy food for our kids. i haven't seen my daughter for 100 days, theories and sounds there. pray for us to be far so we go back to our homes. some palestinians are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done this isn't gonna study, i'll just need a that is enough. well, there are reports that israel's will cabinet, has rejected coals by the security minutes to is i'm, i've been given to restrict the number of worship is deluxe a mosque during ramadan. it's another sign of a whitening wrist within these really government. well, that's bringing the monks, he joins me now from occupied the stories. and then what more do we know about these discussions on the,
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the numbers of worship as that alexa restrictions which i understand are illegal under international the yeah, that's right. it. and it is on the inside symbol, some of them dating back conventions and treaties to the 20th century and the sides . yeah. the conversations repeatedly and very frequently in on fridays through series of them involve use radio authorities and worship as wishing to access the most times of what israel proceeds is fights and security. there are restrictions placed on sions placed on young man and take care of being able to access the mosque and what it's him up and give it. there is a national security minister here in israel has cancelled this month. it would only be meant over the age of 60, able to pray at most during the honey months of amazon. this is something that i see one, what i'm asking you is my web imagine upsets many people as vote. they know it's
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quite serious of them and in the west bank who would like to have access to that most of what seems to have happened over the last 24 hours. is that because of mr. ben gives statements on this subject is being fined by all the members of the israeli government. they have said that they do not want to in spain, the situation beyond what is already very very heavily inflamed and because of the war on garza. and so it may be that the restrictions while be solomon place may not be a surprise to spend give it would have liked the run, the done is tossing. and what less than 2 weeks. this is obviously going to be an incredibly sensitive period move on date to it isn't, and that's obviously in lights of what's happening in dollars in particular. but also important to note that is not, i mean, the head of a mazda is political bureau, has called for sort of our so you would like to see kind of seconds from like,
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twice to the reason i'm from the west bank much palm the i like some of that have been periodic flashes between worship is and the is ready place. that may be something we see more of in the weeks ahead during ramadan, in particular for the mock side, with a license for us from occupied a story some thank you very much. as well, representatives of palestinian functions including thought and thomas tarkey, musing and moscow. now expected to discuss the formation of the united government and the rebuilding of casa palestinian foreign minister. re add mulky says that the meeting is a positive step. louise's heart waiting to see what was come most full. of course, we don't expect miracles to happen in simply meeting and most spoke. but i do believe that the meeting and must close would be followed by other meetings, you know, an invitation soon. and those are to continue with such collective efforts among all of us, you know,
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functions for the sake of policy and unity for the sake of the us, you know, people on how to be able to get the, to the folks from the challenges that we do faced us punched in people the next spring. you some of the news now and a bose report of the caring, hundreds of african migrants has sunk off the coast of senegal was 20 bodies have been recovered. so from some survivors said the vessel had 2 to 300 people on board . they were heading for the canary islands. the spanish chartres off the coast of west africa activists estimate $9000.00 migrants have died while making the advantage johnny last year. mexico is gearing up for its biggest selections ever move in $20000.00 offices, including the presidency,
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will be decided. violence has also search during the campaigning period. john haldeman has more for us from next. courtesy of the mix codes becomes predictable is stump. speeches and voting varies during election season. a certain political violence met about to the small town of mitch we can state the killings begun even before the official campaign stopped on friday. a bundle pet is the time policies candidates, a mega land hills. the butler, the ruling morrenda policies, month of may, were gunned down on the same day early this week. sofa officials don't know why they were killed. there were strong suspicions. or was this done at the hands of organized crime? naples? yeah, absolutely. and i said no, the okay. it could be, i'd say that everything points to that being precisely what it is,
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because of the way in which they act it to me, it gives me a mutual con, as in several of our areas of the country, criminal groups are powerful enough to play a large part of deciding who gets into power and making sure political opponents don't make it to the post is who post the playbook. as you know, have those come to that mexican president under his manual lopez over the door to cooper killings unfortunate more than $600.00 officials and politicians have been killed during his administration. the selection there worries the criminal groups could go further. even interfering with votes is on the election day in june mazda, it seems to adjust time that i think that even at the polling booths, i don't know, these people can show up there, and they can intimidate, and if they can intimidate rich people, it's going to be even easier to intimidate them for and where is the state? if no, absent, then we can didn't the gain sphere of influence as met,
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screw heads into the biggest elections and it's history that most inevitably means more politicians will die. john home, i would say to mexico, city and number of south asian men of fighting in the war between ukraine and russia. according to relatives, they've often been promised money if they join up with the of the size. but instead, some of them and all believed to have ended up dead. when all fernandez has a story for us from the sri lankan capital columbia. this is full as measuring can also a tube in when the us for this, the mohammed you travel to russian last november. so what he thought was a job described as a help of with the russian army, all of willis, if i've done the same sort of us, they told him just sign on it to help his job. they trust if the agents and signed it off to that they were sent to the front line. these people are completely trained, but they were still taken to the crane board in the middle of a was a, a,
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from the indian who escape the front lines. holes assembly to say mohammed had been shot and in bad condition, responding to reports of indian seeking discharge from the russian army. india's ministry of extent and the fact says, every case brought to its attention, has been taken up with the russian authorities, saying several indians have already been discharged as a result. height, unemployment is one reason for taking such risks. the 2nd be under, but those who are employed, they are also either very poorly be or are working much below their capacity. and there was other major reasons that are driving around the shape of gave was among former sherlock and soldiers who signed up with the international legion of ukraine military unit 2 years ago. seeing he addressing fellow sherlock and fight as he was killed last december. how do i was trying to beat up his more t,
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or you can do deep any question and destroy the targets at the same time. and they say it's unlikely large numbers of city long kinds of fighting in russia and ukraine. although there are many skewed and buffalo houghton soldiers here, it's a different story nichol. hundreds are drawn to the front line by financial incentives. from thing a government clamp down. meeting the families of men fighting on both sides of the conflict. nipple as foreign minister is appealing to all citizens not to send relatives to was owned by the government has nothing drawn to submission to travel . we are in discussion and dialogue with the russian government, especially to stop the recruitment of nap leads into the russian army. and we are working towards the immediate release and return of those that police who have already been recruited. while we cannot make survival has post many across south
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asia to risk their lives in someone else's will that families are desperate for the safe return home. you know fernandez, just need your colombo, all. you kinds president of the muse lensky has been lobbying, polk, and nations now for more weapons and support. and it's war against russia. he's visiting albanians where he's met to the prime minister at a rama. they all co hosting a 2 day summit. the. this has an unexcused fast trip to the bowl comes since russia invaded ukraine 2 years ago. or alexandra and the registrar which has the foreign affairs committee in the ukraine in parliament. he says good relations with the bowls and countries all very important. the 1st of all, ben, yeah, has proved many times that, oh, it is our reliable friend. and i believe the president of your cree came to albania, to visit assignments, or, uh, western uh, bulk and states. and to express uh, the grid to acute uh, based off of ukraine and people for support political and military support provided
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by o benya and other western bolton countries. fortunately, the leader of the president of serbia will teach he for example, if he meets a russian dictator pulled in shakes, hands with him and in symmetric concern for ukraine. unfortunately, serbia didn't implement. you're not being sanctions against the aggressive state against russia and a short amount of people in ukraine is viewed as a russian life. unfortunately, your is working on developing a military capabilities that to produce more artillery shells because right now on the battle field, this situation is difficult because of the lack of a team recommendation to waive this more latricia. we need to have in a adequate quantities. i'm a nation and germany and other countries have started to develop all of the ability
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to use more of the nation. and of course to give me. busy more military and technical 8th grade. while we're talking now to the story that we were talking about, that representatives of palestinian factions, including thoughts on him, us amazing and moscow that they've been discussing well expected to discuss the formation of the unified government and the rebuilding of casa of one. let's speak to your leadership of all of us in moscow for us unit. there have been many calls for posting unity, especially as the negotiations continue. should we see this as part of the well, i have to tell you that there's a lot of assessing to say about these meetings here in moscow at the moment. we're guessing report said the lead is of those functions amazing before minnesota and the russian for minnesota. actually we do not still know the venue where they are
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meeting right now. we know for sure that that visit this visit is going to take place is going to last for 3 days. and we also know that's your right, representative of the major policy and movements including santa how my spell of cnn is my major hot and other functions from syria and lebanon. a gathering in moscow here for 3 days to develop a strategy, a unified strategies. what to do next during the, with israel and russia has previously held similar meetings. so we know that this time around, this is the full, amazing, already kind of it's kind and obviously they try to help to achieve brick installation between all these policy and functions. and there was also nothing special about that because this is kind of the usual mediation work of a plat, claiming a leading position in the mid least the but off to the guns of who broke um, everything appears in a different light. now,
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because the very facts of such amazing is considered by israel as support for terrace and has already led to serious the terror ration and relations. and it's interesting though, usually that this meeting is taking place in mosca. how is russia trying to place itself here? as well, once again, the russian wants to play a more decisive role in b. i'm resolving the conflicts between israel and palestine and when to stand up. so despite all those loud statements about corporation, it does not seem that the kremlin and how much can agree on the many things here. and because obviously they won't touch you. some kind of the unification of all those published palestine functions at hand most go, but probably. a they will most likely fail to do that to get your
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next couple of out of there for us in the russian capital with all relations to thanks for your you all still ahead here on the old is there. a new zone is not a phobia on the rise, and the u. k was more reported cases and systems to find out why thousands of people once again it's the it hello is the weather remains pretty quite close eastern path. so if you've got a nice area of high pressure, just keeping things saffel here, but is helping to grow in relatively warm, solely wins across the region as well as a high the just out to, to the east to be have got a bunch of crowd on the right no, i would tools the baltic states pushing further east was not the middle system.
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this is still my male swelling away in central parts of the mediterranean, slowly turning its way by the east with and yet more cloud and brain, yet more mild weather, trying to push its way back in across the north, west of cube for the time base i so what's the weather coming in across the wells? england? bunch of cars coming back for having 2 audits and all of them all the 3rd time. i to some snow showers to every, to the west side, all scuffling weather to across the low countries pushing down across the good pots of frogs, northern areas of spite. there's a system still swelling away in central parts of the mediterranean. it's still there, as you go on through fraud. i smoke coming in across the offices just payments a little further north. now just a little more on the west. no cool the weather up towards north west at this stage . meanwhile, our system in the med will bring very heavy right into the northeast of algeria. cool, cool. some localized flooding. i've lived the showers for tennessee. yeah. the, the
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unique perspective that plays students up. they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding that's local landscape, connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on al jazeera, asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action? the hospital with fear this gentleman isn't just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the master watching elders here on this. remind you about top stories. the cell is really full size of opened fire on palestinians trying to collect flowers and cause a city watching images from the main receipt. strange doesn't this, we understand have been killed or injured without medical crews. civilians are transporting them to me, but it's really strikes. meanwhile, i've been targeting refugee. it comes across garza and creating a sarah. it's an album raised at least a $107.00, and how the students have done as the 24 hour period. these are in the army has
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killed nearly 30000 color centers. since this is not the hospital, the largest facility in the south, the strip has suspended operations of the fire broke out during a barrels of as rarely strikes the facility. and con, unice has been on the stage for the state, media and 11 on, on our reporting that 2 people have been killed and several wounded and is rarely strikes on the towns of catherine and some deacon. these really ami and hezbollah had been exchanging file over that order since the will and also began. palestinians who's been living in caves, south of hebron say attack spike is really such as of an increasing since the world again raise and facets of prophecy and live stock on also to happen nearly every day. same as robbie has more for us from muscle for you in the occupied westbank since israel's war on god. so begin post indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank se simpler attacks have doubled
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bullying, fear campaigns, intimidation while the world's attention is elsewhere. oh, activists. in the software, you have to say settlers are doing whatever they want. the set levels who has been attacking us before. no, we haven't met the uniform, have the gun. he's on, which is like, really dangerous. was like making a, as an issue as you know, attacking the people to rising them, which is like effect on other people. people who is lived here for generations still use the natural terrain for shelter. just as their ancestors did, families and live stock together in a cave, it's a way of life and posting in communities where the ancient and modern meet with a coordinated campaign by israeli settlers and soldiers, one of home demolitions,
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forrest evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves of that could give him a self help, but i will tell you about the dream of any young man in this place. not just me. every young person dreams of a safe hive. sort of the car marriage. but most don't people to day dream of sleeping with that stress for a full night, the lives of the stuff for the up. but when we now more know mcquease, subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances wall to wall tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live in comfortably. but this threat of displacement violence is never far away. anywhere else in the world, a place like this might be a heritage site, something to protect and preserve in palestine. it is another front line, another struggle of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. the same
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bus route, the old to 0. most of the other in the occupied westbank of hundreds of people have protested in new york to pressure the cities council. to cool for us to use funding and garza corresponding christian funding me sent us this report. demonstrators are gathered outside of new york city hall for a 24 hour visual. they are targeting new york city officials. specifically, the 51 members of the city council who represent the 51 districts of new york, demanding that they call for a cease fire in gaza to make their point. they are reading the names of the $29000.00 plus people who has been killed in gaza since the conflict has started. i do get to speak to one city councilwoman who believes very strongly that the council should take a stand on this issue. people are dying under a have
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a fascist government. we know whether it is here in new york city. i know, or my constituents know whether it's here in york city or anywhere across the world that we do not achieve safety for folks through control and punishment. and violence, but it's through care and compassion, dignity equal rights, a strength and democracy. and so that's what we're fighting for. now at this stage, they don't have the votes for a ceasefire resolution to pass in the city council, but the people i spoke to here believe that there is a growing public sentiment for such a call for a ceasefire. and they are committed to steering out here through the night to make their voices heard. present salumi, algebra, new york. well, the number is on the 4 big hate crimes and united kingdom is now 3 times higher than it was before israel's war. on garza general elections are taking place space of this year. and some senior politicians have been accused of causing divisions and fueling racial tensions. the bulk of has moved from london because it conflicts
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inflamed a culture war, the hearts of britain, trusting, pulsating, and restaurant to help him corolla into the firing line of his summer play. a big hate of the 1st of many death threats aimed at him. and his stuff. yes. okay, so i'll come over and take away your life. i'll come over and take away your life. says the voice left on his own to phone. when somebody calls you, i'm gonna cut your head or i'm gonna come and close you down. i'm gonna send you back to guys. today you are a life cycle model. you are not. you have to take it serious. the problem is the jewish, i'm kind of seeing the problem. we have extreme is government and is right and everybody, even that is why aries out a whole speech of the extreme is government. it is right, multiple monitoring groups say the nc muslim hate crime. so a woman tripled in the past few months. it takes various different forms, physical,
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verbal abuse, vandalism, death threats, much of it directed against muslim women in head scarves was cost a shadow over british society, and many muslims fee that elected members of parliament with a duty to protect all communities in the cast and making things much, much worse. senior conservative m p leanne to send refuse to apologize for comments he made accusing london's mostly mass study con, but being controlled by what anderson called islam is for allowing anti gauze a wall mount just to go ahead, save the control con, unable control alone, then missed this week i don't believe it 5 minutes to reach you see next and suspended him as a conservative and p for full and shows of cooling his comments slumber photo big. meanwhile, the former home secretary. so while abraham and a possible future leader of the conservatives is claimed that is luminous extreme
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as an anti semites. and now in charge of prison cannot be a hierarchy of racism. you've got to be universal an equal and you'll condemnation of food forms of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination and whether its anti semitism or indeed this on the so be a, it sends a message to those in the u. k. that it's totally acceptable to use dangerous language. rhetoric against british muslims is a critical here in the u. k. the general election looms where the cause of war will thing u. k. politics provoking angry parliamentary will counts pop up. but instead of coming tensions and condemning racism in all its forms, some and power are accused of turning up the heat. the fall couch is 0 love to the south korean government has appealed to junior doctors to return to work by the end of the day. will face sanctions,
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health services have been interrupted for the past week with about 75 percent of old, your new doctors working off the job. the angry about a government plan to increase medical school admissions, which they say could reduce their wages from gloomy autoland is. today is the last day of waiting for the correct judgment and decision from trying the doctors now desperate patients. so waiting for surgery and medical facilities, which training doctors have left and civilian patients who need urgent treatment. also having a lot of difficulty visiting the hospital and did training doctors who left the medical facilities, police make a wise decision so that people no longer need to worry because all the units can has one of them. so the time is now taking for the more than 9020 doctors who flopped off the job in protest of the government plan to increase the number of medical schools feet by 2000 starting next year. now the health ministry has said that if they don't return to their hospitals and extend this walk out into march,
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they face a 3 month medical license suspension and the potential police investigation that could lead to a license verification. now the director of this top 5 hospital, so national university hospital e mails the residents on the eve of this thursday deadline, leading with them to return to the sides of their patients where they belong, pledging to work with them to feel that a better medical school system, but the korean medical association, the lobby group, that's really been driving this movement in a briefing this afternoon, said that the use of the government is ill advised and questioned why the young doctor is, would comply with an invitation to dialogue. if none of their demands has been met, but patience is running and especially among patients groups who say that the resident doctor is need to return with no conditions saying that anything less with the unacceptable to the public,
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you just skim all to 0. so the united states supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's claim of immunity from prosecution for his role in efforts to overtime. the 2020 election results. the judges are expected to hear arguments in late april. lawyers say that going to trial would radically disrupt the former president's reelection campaign. trump also faces 3 other criminal cases and the judge has removed the trunk from illinois republican primary ballot on launch. the 19 that decision is on hold until friday, giving is always time to appeal, which they said they will quotes in colorado and main levels that are handed down. some of the really a tom so is, are appealing, the colorado pays out the suit security forces. and chad has surrounded the headquarters of the main opposition policy. in the capital, the army blocked roads and in janina on wednesday. and internet connectivity we understand is still disrupted. this comp down follows the killing of several people
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in an attack on the national security agency. the government blames a socialist policy without borders, which has denied enforcement. tried is set to hold presidential elections in may. the international criminal court has ordered $56000000.00 to victims of a former revel. colanda in uganda. dominic on when is having a 25 year prison sentence for war crimes and crimes against humanity. his own grief is blamed for killing more than a 100 thousands ugandans 20 years ago. the reparations order covers almost $50000.00 people, including former child soldiers, as well as children born out of rates and forced margins. renewed attacks by on groups and organizing beach have force tens of thousands of people that from their homes, fighting in the gas, which province of cupboard delgado began. i can 2017. when finance is affiliated with iso,
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the can i have plans to establish caliphate knocking with has the people here run for their lives when on demand it's like the villages reports of the headings and homes being set on fire. a wide spread. many of them of arrived here in the town as an impala and the last week the sounds of gunshots will cuz they begun to chase people. we watch that this, the cutoff, the men's had with machetes, and we run away with the little we had. those terrorists are evo. the great stuff that attacking the police and ami encumbered delgado provence more than 6 years ago . some have since pledged the legions to the lennox days. it took control of several coastal towns spooling preparations to extract all show natural gas with tens of billions of dollars. nearly 3 years ago, soldiers from rwanda and southern africa came to help the government forces. they now control much of the coastline once again. french oil john toe tile has expected
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to resume operations like to this. yeah. the on group still operate that further in round group of men arrived with firearms and machine and building the cars were to flight. so it was slick here. we had been here for a week and we haven't eaten almost anything. all of us who came here had been suffering president felipe a new c, a said the security forces have the situation under control. some of the people here have fled before and have returned home in the last 2 years. i would need to be forced to flee again. they joined about off a 1000000 who were displaced by the conflict with many living in camps. malcolm web . ouch is era. especially in brazil is hoping that genetic a motor, 5 mosquitoes will help to control an outbreak of thank you. fever the almost a 1000000 cases have now been detected in brazil this year. the insights have been
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released and susanna only female mosquitoes bite and transmit diseases still it has here on out of here the one piece cape is all withdrawing from democratic republic
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of congo. even so, fighting between the government and office is the united nations has ended its mission and through don, which was set up to support the transition to civilian rule. again, after a long time rule on the, she was deposed in 2019, but another group to usa is a di, around the you and is active. it to use
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a month of fighting has killed hundreds and cool. was the refugee crisis as the armed forces and the permanent true route that support forces baffled for power. while you're in peace keepers also withdrawing from democratic republic of congo, the 1st military base was handed over to congress. these forces this week as part of a phase to drill down. the government has a curious and u. n. a. failing to prevent attacks by on the groups. the honda of it comes as a violence intensifies between the army and and $23.00 fighters, catherine. so he reports from going by the capital of north cuba. one of the longest serving un peacekeeping missions calls in this call is leaving the democratic republic of congo by the end of the new school pass. and now have been here for 25 years with a monday to help the con loose government fight on groups and keeps to be done safe . the peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the national police in south
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cable province. i am confident in the ability of the congolese defense and security forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism. the wellness commission has become unpopular among kimberly's. they see the peacekeepers. i've not done that job. the frustration has often led to violence against the united nations companies. government eventually told them to leave the homeless, concerned about what happens after the government he's dealing with or filing more than a 100 on each, teach twice as how many of them are leaving in comp snake. this 11600000 have recently flags from the ongoing fighting between government forces and the m 20 suite on group in north q will province the government to double check on the government of
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d. i. c has to take responsibility of the security situation. visiting troops cannot do a better job than our forces. d, i. c belongs to congo, lease, and the leadership should stiff off. what's wrong with the new school says it's done. it's fast and incredibly difficult. constance is catherine slowly 0 go. ma, democratic republic of the high court and bell phones has a little bit of controversial you cable. on the past conflict in northern ireland, breaches human rights for legislation, ends all investigations into crimes committed in the so called troubles era. and also office conditional amnesty, so some of them involved have a full set of what's ross from the fast here to find out if they'd be able to find the own families and victims of northern islands violent post hoping that a controversial new law on how those crimes would be addressed would be struck down . nearly 4000 people were killed in decades of violence under the trouble is that
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an independent commission would replace prosecutions inquests and civil cases in examining past crimes. crucially, it would have the power to grant amnesty to perpetrators who came forward and cooperated. we welcome the findings from the court today, particularly in respect of the immunity from prosecution at the high court. on wednesday, the judge ruled that would reach victims, human rights under european law, preventing the possibility of getting justice. he also struck down a ban on people pursuing cases in the civil courts. we have field victims for successive kids in northern ireland to have been fighting for the truth and justice to which they are entitled to pass for me into the presence for victims. and it will continue to do so until they get the truth. and just as they are entitled to, one of the cases under consideration was active shameless, did an killed by protestant government in 1997. his widow is long alleged there was collusion by british police finality act still prevent. so from pursuing an inquest into his death,
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this time last year i hadn't been chris in front of me. i was pretty sure of my own place this time today. and so i don't think i haven't been chris, but i continued to try to on. i continued stay there until i get, but i want, that's the truth and justice. the british government says it remains committed to a law. it defends is promoting truth telling and reconciliation. its critics alleged, it was set up to protect the former members of britain's army and security services for the prosecution. the government says it will take time to study the judgment, which could well end up in so the repeals of higher courts is also a separate challenge to the law in the european court by the irish government. what happens next though, is as much political as it is legal, there is a general election likely to take place in the alton with the opposition labor policy, which is pledged to repeal this legislation. widely tipped to when between now and then. it's hard to see how this whole mechanism designed to address the troubles can really operate. one legal expedite spoke to said of the being told below the
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water line parcels that i'll just 0 belfast all in the united states. one of washington dc is best known and politicians says he's retiring as 70 to 82 year old . mitch mcconnell has led republican senate says for record time of nearly 17 years, an official report from washington, dc. sort of my thoughts about what it is arguably the moment that finally listened. mitch mcconnell, scripling power struggling after a fall for the 2nd time in just a few months before was in front of an audience. the critics were brutal. mcconnell will be remembered for the control you exercised for so long, and how you re shape the face of america supreme court for generations. you want to seat in the senate from his own state of kentucky. in 1984, he was elected the parties leader in the senate in 2006 in 2014 republicans took control of the senate, and the colonel became majority leader,
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a position of significant power and influence. he made the an ice, went to step down, surrounded by colleagues to continue in the senate, but he will no longer be the minority leader. lead my republican color to such a man the highest privilege. but one of life most under appreciated college is to know when it's time to move on to lives. next truck, the conservative supreme court judge until then, scalia died. in february 2016, he blocked obama's picked for the post from even getting a heating for that year's presidential election. and the next, just as good fundamentally alter the direction of the supreme court and have a profound impact on our country. it was a gamble that paid off when donald trump one with the co support, the to quickly work to fill the course with republicans, including 3 supreme court seats. changing the face of the judicial system and
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america corner was on capitol hill on january the 6th, 2021, with an angry mob. stone, the buildings, the push to have proceedings continue with order was restored. but with donald trump facing impeachment for provoking the cried a total block, the heating until after trump left office, then argued it was wrong to impeach him because he left office voted against conviction. but after the vote staggered, colleagues by attacking trump trolling the assault on the hill, the mob was fed large. they were provoked by the president and other powerful people completed describe makoto as a dollar, sullen on smiling, political black. trump wanted to him, replaced carlos departure demonstrates the grip that donald trump and his allies that have won the republican party. the people who would be described as traditional republicans, like mitch mcconnell, no longer feel they have a place or a voice in the party. i was for sure i'll just see the capitol hill. well that's it
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for me and associates. hey, for this me is out. remember, you can always find a much more on a website that's out. is there a dot com? but don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of the days news. stay with us on the and instead of these cries, it's good. it's been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal about how was a neighbor after midnight trying to get to a hospital includes is really me to 3 check point student. i wasn't, there is a lot of men waited on what's my fear for the baby was stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit
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quiet. yeah, she started shouting, i gave birth, followed by silence. and then another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this gate at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? how do i attain interviews as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade
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loses its survival skills the tree discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements, ruffles with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life, monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the thousands of palestinians are killed and injured by his riley science in the west of gauze and cities while they were collecting the color that one this tells us, hey, this is out of here a lot from the 2nd and now that helps us as he comes under attack. now. so hospital in southern garza,
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suspends operations after it catches fire. following is ranisha. also i'm seeing bus robbie and myself in the,


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