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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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meals for i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the the massacred while collecting food aids at least a 104 palestinians have been killed by his reading snipers and tanks in the west of kansas city. once we approached the 8 trucks, that is really thanks and worsley started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every convoy coming means another message, the
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other i've driven all this is down to 0 line from the also coming up. the desk told in gaza crosses 30000. this is as these riley attacks across the strip intensive hospital struggle to cope with the rush of survivors. many, all fairly folks, because of the lack of stuff and of medicines, the . well, we begin with breaking news from casa city with israel has killed at least a 104 palestinians around 700 people have been injured. thousands are in critical condition. more than 30000 people have now been killed since israel began its war in october as well. so those days attack is being described as a massacre of civilians buys randy troops. hundreds of hungry and stopping palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked. by his ready
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snipers and showed by his right the tax, michael apple reports now on how the events unfolded. in the early hours of the morning, thousands of people flocked to l. rashid road, southwest of gauze, a city desperate for a stayed. survivors say they walked into a trap and by the time the sun rose, the extent of the hara was the date and the dying lying side by side or 2 gun down by his riley fly out of the days really just opened random fire on us as if it was a trunk, once we approach to a trucks and this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con, board coming means another method that it was that i've talked to some of our initial instead of aid. they've come away with the dead. why don't kick off call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby
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hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about the hospital being out of service to mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries, most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms. i stand helpless. we are simply administering 1st a treatment. only. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they would come down even so i the, i don't know. as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting every one who was on the road as they opened fire, randomly killing innocent men and women and children loved. there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing enrolled and the palestinians are left with few
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options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like an apple oh to 0. i'll just hear a correspondence smell. i'll go has more now from gaza city, which i'm not sure about the b. as we speak, hundreds of gaza civilians are still trying to recover the dead bodies of the relatives who were trying to get their hands on the aid being delivered. at the same time, the el cheapo hospital is no longer able to cope with the large number of victims. many of those victims were transferred to come all at one hospital in the north of the gaza strip. the number of dead will no doubt rise, as other victims rushed to i'll she find elsie and georgie and hospitals ambulance vehicles cannot reach the area as the roads are totally destroyed as the is really forces open fire on the 8th seekers is really tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead bodies and injured all the victims rushed to hospital were carried by the hands of the relatives on seeing hospitals are no longer able to accommodate those
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huge numbers in an absence of fuel. let alone medicine, hospitals also ran out of blood. it's nothing short of a massacre. adding to this is the starvation of civilians all across casa. it's a compound and war crime by the is really forces or some of the injured in the as riley attack, which i can do. i'll see for hospital in gaza city. here's an account from one of the doctors, the doctor dollar. i'll shop a hot that the level of the edit definitely is my a lot of it has seen it now really no words to describe. the situation reminds us of the doc seeds from the baptist hospital 4 months ago with 500 people were killed . and one is really yesterday. since the early hours of the morning, the hospital has been flooded with thousands of dead bodies and hundreds of injured . the majority of the victims suffered gunshot wounds and trap, though in the head an upper parts of the body. they were hit by direct artillery. shelly droned missiles and gone. the fire. all peroration rooms are full and full
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medical stones have been deployed. above all, we ran out of medical supplies and fuel necessary to operate the hospital. we hope we will be able to provide any live saving procedures to those victims. will victims are in critical condition that lying on the floor, we stand helpless. i'm in the shop shortage of supplies and stuff we can to kind of corresponded honey must mood now in rough, fine southern gauze, or unfortunately we've only got hyundai on the phone. but how do you thank you for joining us? and perhaps you could bring us up to date with the very latest on this attack in gaza city, which presumably must also be reverberating down in the south where you will yes, that's exactly what's happening. and unfortunately, we're looking at a very difficult situation right now in the northern part of the guy. this trip people were waiting very anxious to receive the humanitarian
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a to the northern part has the have been dealing with this acute famine for the past few weeks, where 2 people at least died of the hydration. and it's harvey's shannon, and just the a delivery process itself, they were just waiting because that's the only option that they had, the only the only element that will keep them alive. and the more we talk to people about what happened, we managed to speak to 2 people on the phone and it be, they were bored with a unanimous agreement. what happened was more of a traveler and an blow to shed. as soon as people approached the humanitarian, it tried to be were fired at the where the attacker droned into this kind of the sudden western part of the city. anyway, i also fighter from the naval forces and from army vehicles who are within the vicinity of the area to the eastern part of the city. all at once. finding a group of people, largely hungry, traumatized this place in turn,
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or even more than one time trying to get their hand on whatever they're able to get this to feed their families and to stay alive. the number have them, fortunately cried into a 104 people and as there are still people on the road, then there is a difficult you would describe as one of an eye witness will describe the situation are still very difficult. mcgruther some people who are still on the road, the rashid road, and the paramedics, and, and civil defense, a club member and volunteers who are trying to how to get people to the hospital. find it very difficult to get to the area as they are constantly fired. at either by the attack of drones or by the of the army vehicles, then the area. so we expecting the number to increase by the coming our there at least the 300 and different injuries that arrived a shufa hospital. and the problem with this right now is this is the aftermath of
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what happens to the hospital large the out of service right now, it doesn't have a medical supplies in there is in sufficient medical staff inside the hospital and there are no specialized doctor to enter the properly and help save lives right now . so that's why the number has increased and we expect and it didn't double and probably because of the, the kind of injuries that have have arrived the hospital. but they're waiting for long hours for a doctor or a nurse or medical as tab as to intervene. and also waiting for the proper medical supplies that are not. they are the hospitality that has completely been out of service for the past months and unable to deal with the kind of emergency right now at a place of healing just turned into a task. the cam right now, and unfortunately this is the only thing that is left or people in the northern part and all the safety either they have to face is tar vacation and, and, and die because of it or the to risk their life. and to try to get to areas that
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are becoming more of a few minutes hurry and a blush. okay, how do you must move in rough up in southern gaza this? thank you honey as ever and let's move now to be occupied. westbank was in bus. robbie is standing by for us in ramallah and zane, just as those events in gaza, city reverberate all the way through the south of gaza, so they will reverberate. i've no doubt in the west bank and in romano, where you are, how people react to as well. we are expecting protests later today and more in coming days as the calls to demonstrate, continue to go out in a week in just about a week. it will be 5 months since this war will have been going on and palestinians continue to ask themselves. when will enough be enough? how much suffering and gaza will be enough before the international community takes a proper stand to bring an immediate cease fire into effect. the palestinians. describe what has happened today. what's been going on for so long,
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and garza is unprovoked deliberate and targeting civilians. now we've heard from these rarely is in a statement who say that is that during these a drops during this, a delivery by the trucks that were there, palestinian groups approach their, the israeli troops in a way that posed a threat. and that's why they opened fire. so while they had mid opening fire, they said that there seemed to be a threat, posted them now how an armed starving civilian men and women in an occupied area like gaza in a war torn area, displaced in suffering, how they posed a threat remains an open question, it will be difficult to ascertain the facts without an independent investigation, which is unlikely to happen any time soon if ever at all. let's stop for a moment and look at exactly who these people were. who it is. that was standing in line to get food aid. these were people who are suffering from famine conditions. medical standards being applied to the population there suggests they are starving human statistics. at least 576000 people in gaza. one quarter of the population are
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one step away from famine. practically all of the 2300000 people in the strip in the gaza strip, rely on a woefully inadequate food aid to survive. that's the reality. now, trucks have been stopped on the different side of the border for weeks a that isn't being allowed to enter. it's a trickle at best ariel craft from cuts or egypt. jordan are trying to carry out a drops, but just earlier today, israel confirmed that a drawer. daniel, military aircraft that was dropping aid into guys that floated into is really space . so it is not effective and it is not enough. and the image is coming out of guys are horrifying. the bodies of the dead from this massacre being piled on 2 large flatbed trucks used to carry shipping containers. people dead bodies with injuries to the head and torso, a bloodied food 8 boxes, lying strewn on the street. these are repeated images. we've seen things like this
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before, not at the scale, but just to give you a sense of things, the health industry. and as i said, this is the 9th massacre to be carried out in 24 hours. so even when they don't make headlines, even though we don't see it happening every day in gas post and you're suffering from is really bomb and a bullet and palestinians are pointing to a double standard saying that during the war and ukraine, the international community came out far more strongly to condemn russia to call for an end to this, to deliver, helping to open their, their countries and their arms and their, their checkbooks to helping the ukrainians they point to a, there was a, there was a report of people in the red line and you trained that was struck with russian artillery a showing. and 9 people died that made headlines and they say different standards are applied to ukraine as opposed to palestinians where the level of suffering is that a scale but as far bigger. but the response is far smaller from the international community. okay, is there any tanks for that? and from the occupied westbank that'd be take you to occupied east jerusalem. now
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we've been in smithy standing by for us, but it, and you've had some reaction from these really all may as i understand it, the army suggesting they've vulnerable felt threatened by the crowds gather, trying to get their hands on that. a jonah. initially, these riley military and a statement trying to pin the blame on the crowd. they said that in the early hours of this morning, the was a violent gathering of gauze, a residence around the trucks, and those people looted equipment. dozens were injured. as a consequence of being crushed on from folds. and then after some pushing these ratings went on to say, well, they felt threats and that troops set hundreds of people approach that troops like they posed in a way that posed a threat to them. so they responded by opening fire, so it looks like the vast bulk of those casualties that we've seen from this,
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from what happened around these 8 drugs. what people were couple of people who were shocked by is really troops. the idea says that terms of trying to secure the passage off the trucks to the pick up point for the aid when this happens. but we hear and we've been broadcasting for weeks now. story compounded by story about the shortage of a to about a lack of food, about infants dying of malnutrition and about famine spreading among the population of gaza for clarity. what are the, is really saying about the amount of a do these actually getting into gaza and why if they do offer an explanation, is not enough getting through so these riley is upset in the past that in no faith is getting through in that are being a trucks are getting through, they blame the distribution aspects of the united nations relief and works agency, but not getting the 8 out quickly enough. they say there was
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a cure to concern to delay the entry of a. but then you watch the un low cost to gauze in philly plaza, really the head of the u. u. n. o w. i. and realize that the aid is to come down by 50 percent in february compared to january $98.00 trucks a day on average in february. that's that he said his aid was supposed to increase, not to decrease and he blames a lack of political. well, he says the regular closing of the to crossing is also to blame. and he says, insecurity due to military operations and the collapse of civil order. as well on top of box the head of us a id, samantha power. she also has, as israel leads to open mold crossings. it's a matter of life and death. and god has health minister, as you say, says children are dying from malnutrition, dehydration and widespread 5 minutes. so everybody else say that these, these riley's, it was stopping, you know, a trips getting it. okay. but it really than that, but it's my slide for us. no bodies tourism,
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thank you and still to come on out to 0. as we were saying that several babies have died at the hospital in northern gospel because they couldn't get enough to eat field trip the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it to the question, to place an unflinching questions rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into a golf. and without his real permission, nothing leaves scottsdale without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. this is the 1st genocide that we see realty is the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the highest front of the chinese government, the national people's congress, is missing in the agents outlines its vision for the year. but as the economy fails to recover from the pandemic, what's called the cushions has been increasingly weak outlook for the rest of it was told that the latest development the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the back of what you're going to 0 is a reminder of our top story is this at least a 100 and full time students have been killed off for his reading. snipers fired at them while they were collecting food a around $700.00. others have been injured. thursday's attack is being described as a master by his reading treatments civilians. with that, scrambling to transport the dad's an injury to nearby hospitals, many in critical condition, most of the medical facilities have gone up fairly functioning or out of service. the animals and 30000 palestinians have been killed in gaza since israel launched its war in october. that's 1.3 percent of its population. so let's take a look at how this percentage compares with other countries. if it was launched against israel on the same scale and direction 1.33 percent of its population would be killed at schools and a $120000.00 sees riley's and the same percentage. and ukraine would see nearly
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half a 1000000 dead in the united states. that would translate to nearly 4 and a half 1000000 americans did china, over 18 and a half 1000000 people would be killed on that scale. when nearly half of palestinians killed in gauze of children, at least 7 babies died, come out loud one hospital because they didn't get enough food or liquids. the health facility of northern garza was also forced to suspend operations because it ran out of fuel on us of the roof as this report sooner definitely, we are inside. then you need to intensive care units of to come a large one hospital where we have a number off you've own babies who are suffering from severe manju attrition. and finally, it's very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment as this really occupation continues to prevent relief and human syrian aids and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new won't babies, as well as the patients and the wounded in northern gas on the equipment or
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something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital and now we admit between 1001200 babies a day. yes, we notice that old patients are showing signs of pay on this and a weakness. a 2nd, a picture is worth a 1000 words. that's even newborns or may see i did little unit. so solve it can pull clips in. in the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. the majority of new bones we are treating today have to come out had one hospital without parents. they were referred to us by shelters of the hospitals, and they are without their mothers. therefore, it's incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. the situation is absolutely catastrophic. we usually see newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. however, due to the limited supply, but with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. and this to fix that
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weight and height even though i didn't pull the massage was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. and this will definitely affects the baby's weight and the time of progress. additionally, given the pool of health care and when they're admitted, they need a sufficient quantity of nuke to support their immune system. and the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to one to go to treatment for a longer period of time. and the other person, usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauge the health stuff and find out about recovering well. so however, given the limited supply, we're using a 10 percent glucose base solution to try and get them to stop crying. well, i'll get to possibly, i'm a snuff hyphen id. i'm scared for my child. she has substance on the severe chest infection and she's only $23.00 days old. she and this is on a multiple who not have a jimmy on at the desk, continues to haunt everybody here in northern guns as babies and adults continue to
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stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave you any tell you medical aid including baby formula into the street and a city of just the all. so now let's let's bring it down to 0. senior political analyst, my one be shout out. to unpack some of the news we've been discussing about this. a slaughter of people. my one in garza city who power they were simply trying to get their hands on some a we used to hearing on where he's really ami, talking about what happens in these sorts of events as being a case of hamas using civilians as human shields, civilians being therefore collateral damage and the responsibility essentially all from us. there is no space is there in this instance to claim that i think the entire logic. of course,
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that's been sold quite solidly to most western media elites and leaders about the human shield needs a whole lot of session to talk about. but just as you said, it's definitely not a case in this very particular instance. and the claim is that that is very limited to the uh, she did with the heavy harm or where attacked by a mob of starving people. seems like something of a fiction movie. you know, it's like the to the, the walking dead because they were starving. you know, attacking those radius or just it does, it doesn't work. it doesn't wash every time over the past 5 months. we've had a war crime of some sort of this nature there. is there any side to sell it to us as if it was accidental? incidental or coincidental?
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it's not. it is part of a pattern. it does more by design, then it is by default. it's so bryce and it's so brutal says a temptation to look at an event like this and see it almost as provoking is the co incidence in the timing. in other words, why not? why do something quite so brazen as this? now, there are a good number of possibilities, right? i mean, it depends on what are the people pay in uh, and is really establishment are okay now quickly i would go to the, i would say the following. basically i have not signed on to the so called biden deal for a temporary cease fire. they probably be one that's tore p, do it with as much violence as much hoopla in guys as much
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destruction. basically the question come awesome guys over to the break, the, how about possibilities is that they know mondays coming, they signed onto it and they just want to carry whatever death and destruction they can as so against the palestinians because they just hate them and hate the place and they would like to fix as much damage as possible. it's also as you and i spoke . busy earlier on the side, or it's the possibility that the understand that this is as comp and i've been saying for a good number of weeks now here on there. but the logic of this florida has basically run its course. right? is there and cannot achieve its objectives. maximilian objective discount distort, garza cannot distort from us. and it's gonna bring to it says peace and security through more death and destruction. right?
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but apparently those is there. i'd have other concerns then the strategic concern that national security concern that it did logical, political and personal concerns and interest. and as they would like to see the world continue, and hence they would like to destroy and do whatever possible in order just to keep on carrying with this genocide, right? in order to make sure that the government stays intact, that they stay in power. and whatever the logical designs they have over palestine between the river and the see the continue semester just today. and yesterday as the on store continues in gaza. we've been hearing about building the legal documents that i was thinking on. thanks for your thoughts as ever. we've talked again in a little while, but if you're just joining us, a reminder of the news we've been discussing this, this post and at least a 100 and full palestinians have been killed in gaza or off there is randy smith is
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fond of them. while they were collecting food a around 700 others have been injured for the says the tack is being described as a master. that's it for me, joe, to hold for now another bulletin of the day's news. about half an hour to stay with us the . the hello recent days with a valid stones across the western side of the amazon. plenty of fun, but head showing up here and there has been some flooding just around the border between bolivia and brazil. we are all going to see more heavy down pulls coming through here as we go through the next couple of days just aging the way up into a equity though a lot of the storms to just around the eastern side of power required. we have seen flooding here recently, temperatures down
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a little and asencion have you show us the tools that southeastern corner opposite for a time at least a repeat performance as we go on into a fraud. i still some big pockets of very heavy rain that close that western side of the amazon. one of the 2 showers, meanwhile into the carry, but nothing to speak of, nothing too much to speak of more in the way of sunshine, then showers. you may see a shower to run the lee with puerto rico, dominican republic, haiti, maybe into jamaica and into cuba. much of central america is dry suppose here, but i'm actually did show that to drop it pumps of mexico on the other side of the gulf of mexico. we have got so much water coming into the deep south of the us. we could do with the rain here as well. of course it's cool enough in dallas at the time celsius on thursday, the big change here. what was that once it came with a return to spring for the central plains by friday.
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the latest news as it breaks for survivors deliveries of food. i didn't really need that because at the acute level of hunger and medical supplies need to r. rawlings to with details coverage no sooner to repair works, present is really military rates, resume and there is more property destruction from the hearts of the story. this 10 has been a home and the only shelter for as someone who families, the living conditions are for perfect. the or russia is making games and a tool with ukraine and so west is considering its response. phones has not pulled out, sending troops to ukraine, but the idea has been rejected by finalize. so is the west existing support enough for kids? and what else might that need to face russia? this isn't fine story,
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the color there and welcome to the program on this policy. okay. now the war in ukraine


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