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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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close the views from all sides, the the out of the welcome to the program on children. all this is the news, our life, doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes massacred while collecting food a to at least a 100 and full palestinians have been killed by is ready snipers of tanks and the west of gauze assist side of the ones we approached to a trucks. this is really tanks and work lane started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every convoy coming means another method is right now, me sources say troops 5, the palestinians,
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collecting aid off the feeling threatened by the crowds, but provide no evidence for the obligation. the, the desk told him, goes across the states. 30000 mile quantities rarely intensifies its attacks. across the strip and israel grabs hundreds of acres of palestinian land. they are a major illegal settlement in the occupied westbank. the beginning gauze of city with these riley ministry is killed at least a $104.00 palestinians. in the 700 people are injured. thousands in critical condition, bulls and 50000 palestinians have now being killed since israel began its war on gaza in october. those days attack is being described as a massacre of civilians by his ready troops. hundreds of hungry and stopping palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked by his raining snipers and showed by is rarely tax. israel's army says it's soldiers were
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forced to, i can find because they felt tracking by the large crowds. michael apple begins coverage in the early hours of the morning, thousands of people flocked to rashid road south waste of cause a city desperate for a instead. survivors say they walked into a trap. by the time the sun rose, the extent of the hara was the date and the dying lying side by side or to gun down by his riley fly. the image on it is really just open random fire on us as it was a truck. once we approach to a trucks and this is really tanks and were playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con, board coming means in other mass initial instead of aid, they've come away with the dead. why don't key caught call
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and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and barely function involved via the. this is exactly what we have been warning about, the hospital being out of service to mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries. most of our victims are in critical condition which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless, we're simply administering 1st a treatment. only one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down even inside the law. so as soon as the aid trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they opened fire, run that by killing innocent men and women. and look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing. enrolled,
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the palestinians are left with a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like level oh to 0. well, some of the injured in the attack, which i can do, i'll see for a hospital in gaza city. here's an account from one of the stuff, the doctor data i'll show fee is that the level of edit davi is may, a lot of it has seen it are really no words to describe. the situation reminds us of the dock scenes from the baptist hospital 4 months ago with 500 people were killed. and one is really yesterday. since the early hours of the morning, the hospital has been flooded with thousands of dead bodies and hundreds of injured . the majority of the victims suffered gunshot wounds and trap though in the head and upper parts of the bodies. they were hit by direct artillery shelling droned missiles and gun fine. all probation rooms are full and full medical stuff has been deployed. above all,
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we ran out of medical supplies and fuel necessary to operate the hospital. we hope we will be able to provide any live saving procedures to those victims. will victims are in critical condition then lying on the floor. we stand helpless. i'm at the shop shortage of supplies and stuff. how did you get in with them? well, we will make contact with our correspondent inside garza, just as soon as we're able to but say investor avi, standing standing by for us in romano in the occupied west bank. i'm sorry, and i know that you've been watching closely what has been going on in gaza, break it down for us. describe those events for us as best to understand the as well. we saw it. we've seen this mask or carried out this morning as palestinians here in garza tried to get to a truck's tried to get to food aid that was being distributed. now we have to remember that the population in gaza is incredibly desperate. there are famine and
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starvation conditions according to statistics by the u. n. at least 576000 people. one quarter of the population are on one step away from famine 2300000 people practically the entire population of the gaza strip. relying on wolf, fully an adequate food, a that is coming in. and the latest that we've seen coming out with regards to this massacre, the specific incident, we're now over a 100 people, a 104 people are confirmed dead. horrific images of bodies being piled up on the backs of trucks, paramedics without ambulances, using donkey carts to transport the dead, an injured to get them whatever help they can horrific images. and what we have seen is israel released aerial footage to try to point out as to why they had to open fire is real, and the statement has said that it did open fire on the crowd because a crowd approached their troops posed a threat, and they opened fire, they released aerial footage that seems to show incredibly chaotic crowds,
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large crowds surrounding very few a trucks. this aerial footage really seems to be more of an indictment of the chaos caused by the israeli occupation of cause a, by the, is rarely warren casa, and it less so an explanation as to why they would open fire on an unarmed starving civilian population. now one of the problems that this video illustrates is that israel has blocked a sufficient amount of aid from coming in and has blocked the international age groups from being able to go in it to a reasonable scale to be able to deliver the help that people need then to say, after effectively the destroying a land mass of with urban centers, half the size of new york, twice the size of the seat does then suggest that the civilian population suffering, they're representing some kind of a threat posting is we'll see as a clear example of adding insult to a very serious injury and saying of course what happens in gaza frequently
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reverberates loudly across the occupied west bank. what sort of reaction is for venting now on the streets around where you of what we've seen protests beginning, romo, a few crowds coming out earlier this afternoon. there's been a called by home, us calling on people across the occupied by sprague to come out and protest tomorrow across the cities in the occupied west bank. they've also put out a call to the error of the countries in with some countries to come out onto the streets and demand from their leaders to place more pressure on the west on europe, on israel to bring an end to what they classify as a genocide being carried out in gaza just a little while ago, we also heard a call for protests here in room a low to happen later tonight after evening prayers. so we are expecting more process to come out onto the streets later this evening. okay, sorry, and thanks for that and let's take you now across to occupied east jerusalem at
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burnett. smith is standing by and phone and you can perhaps flash out a little bit what say and was mentioning this, this statement by the is really ministry attempting perhaps to justify what happened in the response of its troops in those circumstances. yeah, and it's, it's why these really miniature will put out that to video just shy it to try and show that perspective initially. these really ministry time trying to put in pin the blame for what happened on the palestinians in gauze, in northern gauze, on that as they were trying to get hold of food. a. the ministry says that that was what it called a violent gathering of gauze or residents around the trucks who looked at equipment . dozens were injured. as a result of being crushed, i'm trampled. and then military later said that it admits that hundreds of policies of pro shop was insight in a way to pose a threat to them. and we responded by opening fire. so
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a lot of the casualties that will be seen in the hospital will have been injured by come 5, put that in the comb sex of the will program size in northern gaza. that has been no aid for a month. so you can imagine what they all to imagine naturally the desperation of the people that it needs to eat and drink. okay, but it stay with us because i want now to bring in another story, israel seizing nearly 3 quarter as raw the 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank. the portion of territory will add to the existing illegal settlement of money. how do you mean near the okay, by the american studies, theresa, an estimated 40000 is ready, settled as live that will settle our expansion, which is ramped up significantly since the war and guys have began. is it legal under international law? i'm not spring and backing now with what else you can tell us about this is randy
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government decision to mit stole these other events taking place in gaza to to continue to expand the settlements while while all settled and so considered illegal under international law. israel has legal settlements and illegal outposts. it's an outpost. it's the 1st of 10. the cabinet last year said would be allowed to become the official is really supplements about the 1st one has been signed off. now the timing is fascinating because only on monday, we were reporting from the hague at the end of 6 days of testimony from the all countries. most of them saying that the occupation should be declared illegal because of israel, amongst other things, continued relentless settlement to expansion. which prevents the establishment of a palestinian states only really the us. i mean, you okay, we're getting that pretty fine. plus the task of trying to defend the occupation. well the u. k said, do they would, the court should recall both policies agree,
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but not to activate that dispute by taking any steps to try and change the status or integrity of the occupied territories until the negotiated solution is agreed. because what, when you k in the us, it argued senses. you went resolutions in place for decades. the post politician debate this, the international court was told, well, is rather than just paying on it isn't paying any attention, is listening. hey, we see israel going ahead with settlement the expansion, despite clear calls from the you and already not to do that. they just ignore it. that's why the i c j is being asked. ok, but, and thanks very much for that update from occupied east jerusalem. and that's bringing now with stuff about booty, who's a moscow, he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. and i'd like to ask you so about meetings taking place in moscow in just a moment. but 1st, the pick up on what we've just been talking about this decision by these really government to expand it to lands. uh for the land. of course in the occupied
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westbank sally, a treat to the mitchell, the certificate events taking place in gaza. the very same time expansion continues despite the un and in spite of the international court of justice what, what do you see from all that is happening? both same guys on the list. the bank is that we are dealing with that product. i state a structure that has become fascist, run by specialist and then the government that includes the specialist like smoke that hasn't been viewed. and they've committed to the heart of the crime, another crime, a must have to. that took the lives of more than 140 people, these and, and, and, and just more than 760 these, we have civilians who are starving because it is depriving them from 4 to 4 months and does not allow any supplies to them for more than a month now. now the of them bought them,
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not the thing was out of committee. they know very well that when you use our committee, you can cause so much damage. and so many killings in this, i'm this amount of, they use drones. they was gunshots, they and then the tried to justify it by saying best buy this thing is, are responsible for being killed by the same. is there any soldiers? it's unbelievable. and on top of that data stealing gland continue to see land in the west bank. this is happening because of the silence of the western countries in particular that united states of america, because of the fact that the united states of america and the government of britain and many other wisdom, governments are complicit with these crimes. allowing them to happen, this field stopped immediately. i did not stop without immediate betterment and complete until after the cease fire without as early autumn you withdrawing from gaza. often they have destroyed it so much and i've started they haven't driven so
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many people. millions of people to the age of starvation and this some stuffing. and of course stuff about go to the palestinian people entirely powerless to defend themselves. they don't have an army, they don't even have a state a say now don't even have a government. they called easy politically defend themselves with presumably leads us to why you are in moscow palestinian factions meeting in moscow. i want to ask you festival is any sort of political unity, even feasible and, and what is the russian role in all of this? of what i said, just provided the space and the invitation. it's the size facilitating this meeting . nothing more and uh it does up on a student, police to me, a meeting happening, going down to the restaurant and the must go because they invited us and provided us with the venue. but i can tell you that they have discussions of time taking
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place are quite positive so far. and i think i've never seen the atmosphere so so, so close to unity as it is today, i think mainly because people see that responsibility. after all, these must have cars that i want to people have been subjected to that issue of future government is also being discussed with the idea of having some kind of a national consensus government, a government that or baptism would agree with a government that develops it's a intention and it's worth mainly to leave a disturbance of funding and garza but event. uh, is there any efforts to enforce the cleansing on the people of guys or to allow the supplies or anything that is necessary to for people to satisfy their i'm the, i think this is the most viewed way of talking about the fib statement that came out from this meeting was specifically a statement when didn't into this started but of mexico that the army has just
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committed then does a, i think there is a general feeling both responsibility here. and we have enough to think about something that will end in 2 days. we have to think about and the shifting of initiation of a process that hopefully will lead eventually to complete the unity within that acts of unified policy and leadership. i say the palestinians don't have a voice politically, of course the post and your pharmacy has responded to these events with forceful woods, aimed at the international community in the hope that they will redouble efforts towards a cx, 5, presumably a fairly faint hope that these events on top of everything that has happened in the last, almost 5 months, we'll move the dial significantly in terms of international opinion. and in terms of bringing about a cease file that we know that it will, the, this is that are in the government is a fascist one. and i insist on this description. they don't care about palestinian
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lives. i think they don't even care about is there any present those lives? and they can only about staying in power. they can't on to about destroying the future of palestinians and destroying the lives of as many but as soon as possible . but it is also the responsibility of the united states of america that has prevented the passage of uh, i mean it is a nation sort of ceasefire in the united nations security council. they prevented that 4 times. and that because of that, the, i'm not on the complicit with this. could i am the participating in the screen? because the pickup side also participates in goodness and they've done their plans out over the guys and their ships out on garza. and they are so blind, is it a and with all these woodlands of advocating group of students. so time has, has come to stop this atrocity and stop talking about international under international legitimacy when it comes to companies like 2 grand but nothing when it comes to by this time this, the standard is awful. and these crimes that,
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that happen again by this time of sending very didn't just message one, do i, that's what we, what we live by. and this one today is nothing promotional bundle of jungle. and is that it is allowed to commit all these crimes with other governments and companies conclude from all these events? wouldn't they have anybody think? now that if you have that problem, you can do whatever you would like to contend whoever you want that is totally unacceptable. they are playing with the fire, the whole world in a very dangerous direction. and this has to stop and the time stop immediately by the clinic and media. government sees fire. i'm these criminals who commit to domestic up to their commit to the master code of getting the notice done to the 70000 palestinians sofa. and injecting more than $70000.00 has to be a can to court, has to be held responsible in front of the international court of justice to
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another order that we're talking about to cease fire. and eventual cease $51.00 assumes, it will happen. it must happen. who was and what happens next of course brings us back to why you are in moscow now to come up with a unified palestinian voice that can take part in future negotiations. you're doing this in russia. can you give me a sense of whether there is a roadmap emerging from you'll meetings now that will take you further down that road towards unity on whether it will be appropriate at some point points to involve other international powers in your deliberations. for instance, the americans yes, i can tell you uh add on the map as being phones gradually. you can save that. as i said that uh for the 1st time these meetings are happening in a much positive atmosphere. and uh, i think there are 6 or 7 points that we all agree about. now what are these and uh,
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i think this is a very good beginning about the whole and still headed police to national unity is most welcome and on the they can contribute to the most important thing here is that this should be an independent palestinian position. we all are aware of the fact that we need to agree and not the about a national consensus government very soon. but also about the eb thing didn't go back to the whole democratic process. understanding is having that i to, to, to, to choose that lead us to a democratic city elections. but one very important point that everything about the lives as well that you have to think about us or find out from us or anybody else that we cannot allow other countries, other sources to take away a lot of light. most of the presenting go a sense to take we that i those, but it stands to present that if they're the interest and the goals and aspirations
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for, for gifting. 3 from the start button, okay. patient and the system of apartheid. and now these mess, it goes to the conduct it against the people. okay. most stuff about go to secretary general of the palestinian national initiative, speaking to us of the from moscow. i thank you for your time. thank you. and let's bring it out. is there a senior political analyst, my one shot right now to talk a little bit more around these issues in my one. i mean, perhaps it's appropriate to pick up on what stuff of bar codes he was talking there about. i mean, people might say, you know, with these extraordinary events happening and goes a lot of the palestinian politicians doing sitting in moscow. but it's important isn't it that they try somehow to define a way towards unit that has to be eventually a palestinian voice. unacceptable. if you don't me, before i get to your question, i just want to pick up on something he said,
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and of course it's not the debates really per se, but you know, when you see what's happening and guys are today when you see the massacre over a 100 people to quote what's going on and guys like what has been going on in other places in the world today or before in terms of genocide and war crimes. according to the laws of the jungle. it's an insult to animals. you know, i name is don't kind of genocide kind of most don't care for the sake of killing animals either for substance subsistence or they go to protect the loved ones with the what i'm saying in the jungle, the likes of crimes committed on the genocide. i'm not just saying and gaza anywhere in the world anywhere. it's why it is that we as human race, we have if each and every phase, especially nowadays and the modern times,
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right in 2000 and 24th to be creating these quite of crimes. we're really song way beyond the laws of the jungle kind of way to get to a point on a national unity. again, it's a totally disappointing and i'm not talking for my not because once, if you, i'm talking most palestinians look at what the leadership, what that it's in fact the how about us and others had been doing for the past 1718 years. it's laughable. not probable guys went through has gone through 4 wars. we have seen the occupation, double and triple over the past 20 years. we have seen massacres against the palestinians, confiscation of non what have the policy need to ship done under? i'm on the order and guys of what real steps towards unity have they taken a look at them now? we are in the 1st, almost 6 months of the war. 70000 again. 70000 killed,
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mostly women and children, 100000 casual. there's how's it gets even unite. what kind of a need to ship is this? what kind of responsibility? what kind of make sure it is this of what people of leadership might even elected the really for the past 20 years. not to be able to reach consensus about this immediate danger to it's very on being the human ear to the kills every day there massacred the people are starving and what are they doing? political tourism in moscow. okay, that's how what most, prof, i say is correct. that would be wonderful news, definitely in fact, this time around after mac and the how and fairies and i'm cut honest on board. i'm and gods always worked. all these attempts over the past 18 years of diplomatic community tourism that they've done that this time around to in moscow,
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the fridge that goes on somebody is going to lead the fellow students. where's the ship going to come from? you know, i think they need to pick up their responsibilities. i mean, they are responsible the people that are my lot are responsible for some 100000. uh, you know, people are working and the seasonal father to the p. i. lo presents the front of cigna people throughout the world, right? so it's not about reinventing go recreating or changing the passenger. so by this, by the senior edition that condemns is that claims to speak for the same people that claims to fee is for palestinians offering that seals that claims to have programmed for palestinian liberal ration. and whatever that kind of thing is the ship that also sacrifice greatly in gaza the past 4 months, because we've seen the many, many better spending and how much 5000 other fighters. and we're seeing those in the west bank and so on, so forth. we have stuck, 7000 activists,
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and others is really prisons been just the over the past. so i'm not saying that, you know, we are going to have to create something. so it's a new, i'm just saying those who are today are responsible. they need to act responsibly, the 2 nights they need to come up with a united front. they need to have a clear program. it's time to stop bickering and start being crushed. most of what you describe doesn't inspire a great deal of hope, but perhaps we can talk about that a bit later. well, earlier we spoke to unicef spokesmen test ingram. she said that a key component of international lawyers and did access for humanitarian relief to civilians in need. let's say news reports coming in tonight. i'll be on the anyone's website when it's unfathomable that the sky, all of the horrors, but bullying the people of palestine continues west and, and,
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and this is why we overlooked less. we might have a safe fire because they didn't distributed nature of so many of the tactic. gaza is why we have such a large number of civilians in children and families. big joe, we've had tremendous difficulty getting a paper, but we are assisting to spot those challenges. but you know, as we know, we're discussing the situation in the middle here where people have had such limited access to i included food and we as unit x. that last week that almost 16 percent of the children on the trip that we saw by our acutely massage. that is almost percentage for the population. the in the northern does a strip. and so from what was said in your report, that the people who have been left without food in the simple active trying to get the basics that they need. so then, so for the children to survive, to something that like this for that to happen is, is just a holy it's, it's
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a corner starting to be successful, give monetary and will they be able to receive? i excitedly and we've reached a point where the restrictions, all the preventing that so we need those restrictions to be listed. and when the i get in, we need people to be able to access it's isolated solvable software. but of whether now let's see what happens in house for us to hello winter hasn't quite done with us yet. it's across japan and across korean peninsula, we are moving into major logical spring. but so we have got some snow in the full caustics area, fly pressure that is swelling away. that's just nothing gets way further. east was glancing the fall south of japan fairly getting that wet. and when the winfrey mix very heavy, wet snow coming in for a time, because northern parts of japan before moving out into the open more has but still, legacy of winfrey shows them and tell us, deposit fun, shoot for saturday, cools off the top 10. take care of it, around 10 se one's up the top 10. so around 5 degrees celsius re,
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to double figures, the temperatures on the rise full of aging, much of china will be dry as we go through the next couple of days. losey try to of course they and i chatted with a few showers coming back in across the vietnam, plenty of shelves and the southern parts of the philippines, heavier showers, gathering across malaysia. and of course, the usual shows that into indonesia, that we got some very disturbed weather making his way out of buckets dawn at present. the western disturbance spring flooding rains in the deposit focused on particular across the north of the country that went to weather toting the heavy snow over the mountains that just across the west side of the himalayas. also affecting both west india. the still ahead on elder 0 talk to then guys or appeal to the international community to pressure is room to stop the killing and a watch toby's warning about severely declining freedoms and political presses around the world, the
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a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills such re discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to asking questions. were you ever worn about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action of the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me, hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels, nope,
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renewable, i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. news the present back you're watching out a 0 is a reminder of our top stores. at least a 104 palestinians have been killed after his ready snipers fired at them while they were collecting food a. around 700 others were injured. thursday's attack is being described as a massacre of civilians by his writing. treat. civilians were left scrambling to transport the dead and injured to nearby hospitals. many in critical condition. most of the medical facilities in gaza,
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barely functioning for out of service. loading, 13000 palestinians have not been killed in gaza since israel launched its war and october. that's 1.3 percent of its population. let's take a look and imagine how this percentage compares with other countries. if it was launched against israel on the same scale and duration 1.3 percent of its population would be killed. that would be more than a $120000.00 these re lease. and the same percentage in ukraine would see nearly half a 1000000 dead in the united states. that would translate to nearly 4 and a half 1000000 americans. and in china, more than 18 and a half 1000000 chinese would be killed. as well as the death toll from israel's war on cause or exceeds 30000 doctors and civilians in gauze i urging the international community to take urgent action the philippines. if he does,
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he 1000 mazda is. that's a big number. that's why i send a message to all those with awakened consciousness. those who still have what remains of awakened consciousness. i'm a stop this genocide against the palestinian people. stop these crimes, stop the hung up. well, committed by, designed as enemy, against our own people. all people deserve life's good for you for that kind of a salad with the would you have. yeah, this is the message i need to send to the entire world. we are above 30000 dead. i hope that the world looks at us enough, dest enough destruction, enough, demolishing of buildings, enough displacement, we hope this war will stop, and then we can go back to rebuilding our country. the scenes now are all grades that people get blood and destruction. it's a horrible situation. i don't know what to tell you. it's beyond control. we hope that there will be progress and then the go, she ation and to find a solution for us on the item. well let's bring it out to 0, senior political analyst model, and the shadow here is about to unpack some of this detail,
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my one big picture stuff and it's really great. so that's 30000 milestone has now been reached across 30000 listing. is that in gaza? 1.3 percent of its population equal to the $120000.00 is riley. so half a 1000000 ukrainian know 4 and a half 1000000 americans. huge, huge numbers, a huge impact. any measurable impact on us society. is it presumably well when they never recover? yeah, you know, one doesn't need the alone the memory to think back to the time when we were shocked by the number 5000 and then 10000 and then 15000, right. i just kept going on and now we are start to 1000. i remember before the land and vision started of ours saying that there are estimates out there unbelievable estimates that there would be tens of thousands of, of, of casualties,
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perhaps hundreds of thousands of casualties. now where are they tens of thousands of that's so this is really beyond, i need wild expectations. again in the beginning, the likes of prayers then by then if you remember, i told him he would. uh, he would say something like, uh, you know, those numbers cannot be trusted when we were like 10000 or 12 sauces. and then he was corrected that the state department to use is the numbers that the health ministry using does. and it's all reports. well now the health minister does that is announcing the 30000 number. so that's kind of chip shocked. no longer works because once again, this is genocide, unraveling on our television screens. this is not world war 2, right? this is not even some province in china that the i c j also could see that
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something of that nature happening that this is on a scale that's unprecedented in this timeframe. in this kind of a small piece of land against the people who have been in a state of a dispossession for 75 years, a state of military occupation, 56 years and a sort of siege for 17 years. in addition to all of that, 40000 kids, mostly women and children. yes. the implications for that on the long term in this piece of land in historical satisfied is right about us time between the jordan river and them is that i see wouldn't be colossal. it's because what does it need when each and every but a single family wouldn't claim a death of some relative or some beloved ones or some neighbor or some, some of the new ones on so for that's what have huge implications on any future
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existence between palestinians and jews and not part of a line on the long term. i think neither side would be forgiven. i think these ratings with their hands soaked in blood. i don't think it's going to be easier for them to bypass this moment in time and their history. i know older generation took decades to forget what happened in the area that pastor fee of $94.00 to $8.00. and now we have another catastrophe on our end. my one, thank you. now we joined on the phone, but i understand, you know, blessed you 3. i'll go who was in the area, in fact, in gaza. city during the attack by is riley forces on our students who were scrambling to get hold of aid. it is good to have you on the phone. are you able to
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hear me? and if so, can you, can you describe to me what you witnessed? yes, uh, good evening. good to you and to, uh, the whole live human is that around the world. and we are pedestrians, any humans that are out on the world do out of just the thought of being. so we went to a show about area which is uh, the place where the uh, the cool boys i, we don't know. oh, really cool. shouldn't these humanitarian aids, because bed where no international or any other, no, can, and institution sees the race and the aids we just, we discovered that every morning greer with a clue. if someone calls us, oh, you need to go to get in the sure about area. so we every d go to that to please, which is the near to. and if you close to the as of right, any tanks, because we're, we are starving. we don't find for even before the month before about 2 miles,
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an hour to cheers, the stopping, we don't need find to have to meet the water as well. so what happened today morning is we are the but it's sitting here in 2 levels in north guys, up the displaced by the city and i lost my house, which is destructed by the dryly uh, water plains. i went to the doctor and as i make charter at the noblest on i went to the uh that area and like many a 1000 so, but experience to that area to get the age. and unfortunately, unfortunately, we come back with lots to do with the industry and to where to go. live is really dense and it's nice, but it's based my been a front to me, denzil, but it's been yeah. and by the way, the, the thought to get the bill that's available is, and he's because the one of the story every single bit by the city. and because one of the hands of the, of the, if you're the youngest, but it's been a need, been women, an old man when to find them to get food. dsl go, we've had
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a statement from the israeli army that suggests that in the chaos us around this a, this crowd is substantial crowd of palestinians trying to get their hands on food aid that the crowd became out of control. and that at the 2nd point, the is riding soldiers felt threatened by the crowd and therefore opened fire to defend themselves. is there anything in that statement that you recognize as truth that they. 1 always say the better prove, again, those like what has happened daily. my, my dad, he lost it that the, when they said that they'd settled kits for, but it's been informed by the students to try to get 3 v v, v, v, v, v. but if it has to themselves, but there were no ground to places, we are tens of thousands, but we would have magic route last night. the $310.00 to us i year them when they out of info, think a sudden shouting wouldn't be anybody's been hands,
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even the children in the out as well. i just the feeling that we will make many things in front of you when can you every day? well, they said that and they said that this is the cloud. what had happened? why are the knees and elbows are being shot by these right? in the 60 and we buttons, why we is there anything start to get to be but it's brittany, i'm in this room. yeah. yeah. i think it was, it was because they don't have even any thing to say to the old community which, which is being silent about the blood should. unfortunately all the blood is very cheap. it's the 100 people in the city and is able to take one's been go out. it's because the price of the bread is justin dollar every day. and they said to live in the city. but the situation before the shooting on gaza offsets events of october, i want to ask you about the optimize of the attack. hundreds of people as we
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understand it, have been injured. and yet in many medical facilities, if not all, have been to some degree, some to a very large degree damaged and incapacitated by the war. what has happened to those hundreds of injured people who perhaps have not been able to get the medical help. they require, as you said, there were no hospitals, even the shifter whole should be done, which is the largest toast between and gather city and, and does this trip doesn't work. we just have some doctors. i know then because the out of my friends and colleagues, so i'm of them, are working to be honest because most of the, the, the, the city and the doors are now and be, is still certain garza and south guys us. and uh, because one of these, and then i might as of the been a city and, or was injured by these really score injured by visual image fibers. and is there any thing where, uh and, and other,
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what's the benefit of the clinics and other places? because unfortunately, i'm to know where money money will be, but it's been young. we buy these are in the streets near the place where they thought it'd be really, really easy to understand when to have assistance and aids. humanitarian aids are from the the, the we don't know from home. oh, okay. yesterday, i'll go with very grateful for your time and wish you well, i promised didn't you know the list and i witness to that attack by is right in the course is on the crowley or something before to end this interview. yes, please go ahead. yes, i'm talking to right now in front of the ceo of the beach. come, which is an out of future become what she was established in 1948. this is a dangerous place. we don't have communication. they thought it every, every civilian journalist, doctors like charter dot writers and, and, and when i,
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i x accepted an agreed to make interview this interview. i really was very, very uh, afraid of myself because of the drones they thought to get to the front of me last week to women because we are chatting with their systems, the front of me. it's a little uh through the internet because midway and there were no signal is just in the, in the, in front of the beach. this way i'll go accidentally. i'll see you my hope for your safety. and my thanks for your time. the well moving on that freedom around the world has severely declined, according to the report by freedom house, political rights and civil liberties have deteriorated. in 52 countries of conflict
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and election, manipulation with the main causes, more than 70 journalists, were killed in gauze, allows to about 300 schools and universities were destroyed. the conflict into them is also harming the rights of many with more than 7000000 people displaced and criminal gangs in ecuador disrupted that nation's elections last year. the officials and political candidates were assassinated, one of them just days before a general election. global freedom will be tested again this year with at least 40 countries holding elections in the coming months. when it's bringing this reading so same now she's a sudanese or student analyst, i should say served on the united nations use advisory group on climate change previously. and she joins us from london. thank you so much for being with us. and i know we're going to talk about suzette sudan. now of course, one of the most notable mentions on this list where fighting just seems to get west
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west. it's one of the best under reported civil was currently happening you with the recently. what was your experience on the 1st of all, allow me to greg you. this war is not the civil war. civilians have nothing to do with this war. it's a war between the army and the militia and also civilians. we don't really have righty. say in it. um, the only thing that we get from this war is displacement is hunger, is death. so please don't call it the civil war. okay. your, your correction is no teeth, can you to, can you tell us your recent experience being there pretty well. um the situation is done is getting worse and worse as we speak to. and you said, announced that the kid dies every hour in one of the refugees or the id discounts inside or the, our outside sedan. more than 14 with the kids are also in need of an urgent to me, terry and nutrition enrolled months because the situation is getting worse and
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worse also. so them has now completed 22 days of adult and the couch in terms of communication of connections, there is no internet, there is no phone calls. and yes, connection is coming back slowly um to some areas through only one network. but this deliberate a blackout of communication is something that we seriously worry about. um, also there is an use of, of targeting a lot of stuff. so videos in the special ed in cartoon, and in different areas of that for and also in a, just the are states also that are news and reports that the army started using chemical. what his, that they got from you, from your on, in the last visit. but also there is a huge need currently for humanitarian. but unfortunately all of the efforts to reach scoring doors are su squire. and so that i did not really work as we speak,
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the actual number is 9 meeting in person, in displacement, whether inside or outside of the country and what prospect, if any, of any sort of resolution as well. first of all, both sides who are fighting need to understand that despite is only applied for power is not applied for democracy. as some parties claim is much vied for dignity of other parts claim because fighting for dignity and democracy building in for involve a huge destruction for the infrastructure, a huge loss of supply. people are dying and so dense from it's not what it is our strikes, it's not air strikes that it's hunger and thirst. if not, then is the huge lack of access to health sector unhealthy. and in this war, how they have to understand the realize that a serious conversation,
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stories and serious determination of ending the war is really needed. and also both sides have to sit together and negotiate. and this negotiation doesn't really is not going to involve any continuation for both of them because the destruction that both sides actually you cost is to them, is not describable. okay? the screen i'll say, will have to leave it that many. thanks for your thoughts on to don speaking to us from london now and on the number of south asian men fighting in the war between ukraine, russia, according to relatives. they've also been promised money if they've joined up with the the side. but instead some of the man to believe to have ended up that we know fernandez has the story from the street on capital columbus. this is full as much rain can also have children when the us for that 5,
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the mohammed he traveled to russian last november. so what he thought was a job described as a help with the russian army. all of willis, if i've done the same sort of of us, they told him just sign on it to help his job. they trusted the agents and signed it off to that they were sent to the front line. these people are completely trained, but they were still taken to the crane for the in the middle of a was a fellow indian who escape the front lines cold assembly to say mohammed had been shot and in bad condition. responding to reports of indian seeking discharge from the russian army, india is ministry of extending affairs, says every case brought to its attention, has been taken up with the russian authorities, saying several indians have already been discharged as a result. height, unemployment is one reason for taking such risks. the 2nd be under, but those who are employed, they are also either very poorly paid or on working much below their capacity. and
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there is other major reasons that are driving revenue should have a gave was among the former sherlock and soldiers who signed up with the international legion of ukraine military unit 2 years ago. seeing he addressing fellowship lock and fight as he was killed last december. how do i was trying to beat up this more t, or you can do deep any question and destroyed the targets at the same time. and they say it's unlikely large numbers of reluctance of fighting in russia and ukraine. although there are many skewed and baffled soldiers here it's a different story. nick paused hundreds, drawn to the front line by financial incentives, prompting a government clamp down. meeting the families of men fighting on both sides of the conflict. nipple is foreign minister is appealing to all citizens,
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not to send relatives to was owned by the government has nothing drawn to permission to travel. we are in discussion and dialogue with the russian government, especially to stop. the recruitment of napa leads into the russian army and we are working towards the immediate release and return of those that police who have already been recruited while economic survival has pushed many across south asia to risk their lives in someone else as well. that families are desperate for the safe return home. you know fernandez, just ear colombo, us. ok time now. so some sports news and far off is standing by with that. jonah, thank you so much. woke up winning football. are paul paul has been bad for, for years for doping by it leaves anti doping cord of friends and events has midfielder was provisionally suspended last year and for testing positive for testosterone. he claims he and jessica by accident, prosecutors rejected that and have now potentially ended his career 30 year old papa who was once the most expensive player in the world could appeal at the court
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of arbitration for sports. let me pull beats of hampton to set up an a cub court, a final tie against manchester, united with liverpool as long injury list manager, your office was still a young team to 18 year old score. their 1st goals for liverpool, who was thomas gave them for the lead the 1st half at anfield. then fellow teenager jaden dance came on and struck twice his 1st coming in 73 minutes and then again 15 minutes later wrap up a 3 know 312 time as a cup champions, a man to to united reach the last 8 with the wind, over nodding and forest got some nearest cord in the 89. dement for you cited to give his side one no victory. josie managed to avoid a shock upsets again 2nd to your side leads united in their 5th round time. connor gallagher scored a 90 minute goals. give chelsea a 3 to win and keep alive their last chance winning the trophy this season.
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christiana rinaldo has been suspended for one match for making them seen a gesture falling on masters. when on sunday, the saturday football federation has also find him around $5000.00, and he cannot appeal to want to motorcycling all time greats. valentina rossi is taking on a new challenge in car racing. i'll make his debut in the world in durance championship when the new season starts and cuts are on saturday. german ash reports catseye is gearing up the highest the f o a world in george championship for the 1st time. the 10 hour race features, $37.00 costs and a $111.00 drive is with one name in particular. attracting a lot of attention. 7 time most who g p well champion valentino, rusty wanted to sell socket full times on mesa bikes and now he's hoping to make his market in call racing. they have to say that there's a better defense with the, with the cab. and especially with the g p,
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within the summer and the 7th line compared to the month of cycle. and by the way they got, the fact is always that you go is always a beautiful i like. and the i feel good though, so we'd roughly quit to motorcycling premier competition in 2021, but retirement was never on the cost of the 45 year old is my passion. i'm of a so, and i have already in my mind that, that the, when they finish with the month of cycle, i want to try to raise with the costs of these parts of bmw w r t t. there were 3 drive is every call in the championships and they take tons to do students behind the wheel races, various links from 6 hours to be iconic. 24 hours of them all. then the space is a be fine. so you have a lot of strategies in what that to be or is there more? why is the, is the 4th you mean for that's how it's and go. yeah. that you need that to and save the tires because uh you say you're saying the catalog. most of you seem to be fine. you can seem to cut also more than 2 hours. so for the course information is
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that you'd be fine. the autonomy that was the biggest driving force to make to gp popularity. and he's hoping he can have a similar impact on insurance, racing these type of races. and for me, they themselves, the photo that they. so he's been incredible the way he has progressing to into a sports, you know, why he was so special on to is there really was only one number that could have seen on rough. these call 4 to 6. the same number he had on his bike, the entirety of his illustrious life. searching his presence at this championship, the shoals of putting the crowd with his legions of fans, eager to see him on tuffs of how you do here. once again, 7 s aus is 0. the cell international sockets to and that is all used for, for now, jonah back to you. follow. thank you. stay with us. i'll be back because i know the bulletin of the days news in just a few minutes. the
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early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of joel southern melisha. while my ridgemont works here, okay, show me after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago. when my phone was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly in less than 5 minutes, that would launch waves and my photos. and i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. changing with mountains mean that fuel months with safe for small scale fishermen to head up to see serena rahman is a conservation scientist has been studying the impact of climate change on root communities. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean side creasing. this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish the season now let's you know, they're not where they used to be for sure. not coming in ice. so easy to touched when keep the grams of clips before. no, it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms near shore. fishing has been the backbone
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of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on different exploring diverse culture, exciting political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east on. i'll just see around a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction. the smallest businesses we have just started seeing inflation come down in many costs. well, to understand how it affects daily 9 outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in
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the last a good while collecting food age at least a 100 full palestinians killed by his reading. smart bosom tanks in the west of gauze, a city side of the ones we approached to a trucks. that is really tanks and workplace started firing on us. and this continues like this. we do not want any h deliberate at all. every con boyd come in means and other masks the i'm doing all this is of.


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