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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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as a park ranger facing retirements, russell's with the prospect of re assimilating himself to city life monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the killed while waiting for food is really snipers and tanks. open fire on crowds of civilians, just west of garza city. the sponsor of any age that they have you with us. this is allison 0 lights and also coming up nearly 5 months into israel's more on cost of the death toll has no surpassed $30000.00 cubes. israel's seas is hundreds of hector's, of palestinian land, near and illegal is released settlement to be occupied,
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westbank and in chat. an opposition politician is killed during an army assault on his parties. headquarters in the capstone domain of the beginning gods, the city where the is really military has killed at least 104 palestinians. nearly 700 people have also been injured. dozens of them in critical condition. thursday's attack has been described as a massacre of civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked. israel's army says its soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt threatened by the large crowds. michael apple explains how they sold and folded cells. and so people flocked to l. rashid road, southwest of garza city. desperate for a aerial footage, released by these riley military shows. crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose,
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the extent of what happened was clear. the data and the dying lying side by side or to gun down by is really 5 o'clock in the day is really just open random fire on us as if it was a truck once we approach to a truck. so this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every come board coming means another mess initial instead of aid. they've come away with the dead by don't key cost call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about. the hospital being out of service, the mid, this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries. most of our victims
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are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless. we're simply administering 1st, a treatment only with these rightly military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down even inside the house. as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they open fire run w, killing innocent men and women, and look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing enrolled and the palestinians are left with a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like an apple which is 0. many of those were injured were taken to,
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i'll shift the hospital in gaza city, which is only partially functional medical staff. there are overwhelmed with the number of casualties we're having to be treated on the floor as well. goal reports and definitely be about the i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre that the created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocent and starving. johnson's who rushed drive a sheet, coast federal deleting. they couldn't get that hands on some food aid. yeah. and then we'll see round about the entrance and coffee. there is of the hospital all over the fact was victims. the more the filled with thousands of dead bodies, yet many more dead bodies remain lying on the road. the medical staff stand has bless, i'm a this influx of victims. as we speak, more victims are still being dropped to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listen to some eye witnesses. so we headed to al rashid road,
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hoping to get some flour for our children. but then he is ready. tanks advanced, they opened fire randomly on every one on the right. a dozens were killed a hundreds inches. i simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children . we've been stopping for more than a 140 days with very little ages entering the gall district and nothing is reaching dental i o one model. 1 it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flour at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the holland is really tongues open. fire dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children any 8 delivered to soaks in our blood. make god punish those responsible for some of them. the fat. it is known to the whole world that the note of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond
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description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldier shot to him in the chest. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body. is lying here before you implement a lot of these riley's ledge to be with humanity. they showered us with bombs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us. measure ongoing masika slots was struck by the is read these on innocent guys and the multitude many of the crimes that i 9. it would just be the 1st house you that the. 6 okay, we can be joined now by car cowboys who has in rough a southern gaza tarik. you've been gathering all the information you can about this event, what more you learning as well, serial has been collecting and gathering that. i'm the only information regarding what was happening and going to sit. and we've been completely shocked by the level
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of information that we have specifically that we have been hearing from eye witnesses, the crown terrific testimonies regarding what they have been getting. screw, we have been talking to a number of people who were inside a location. they have been saying that they have been waiting for humanitarian cards to be delivered to another part of the call. so send to leave. you have been exposed to the use verify for me, but by the way it may. ringback treat time, people have been short as were waiting for humanitarian supplies. and i was just at the reporting that some people think is happy to tell you to you, to the big size of products that have been used and shooting those people with that . i'm also another witness at states at best is very eye on giving, shooting, had a critically talking to a pallet. the man who was was lucky to get up, that group of slower, he was taking his bag in order to return back again to this to his house. he has been shot most of late, so he's sold to the ground,
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being absolutely free for critical injuries. and this is absolutely terrifying and we need also to point out a key issue is that there is new and humanitarian supplies are allowed to get to the north direct parts of garza without a previous coordination with the is ready met it to. yeah. and this time it had been mostly, again target to work more than 100. full power seems have been killed alongside with more than 700 others being voided. and this is absolutely terrifying and also contributed to increasing the excess of painting the humanitarian situation. inside the another part where people are in a very desperate need for humanitarian assistance to continue to survive. right. thank you very much for that. so we can go now to a burden. smith was unoccupied. east jerusalem for 100. how does israel explain what happened this morning? of the serial servers, rails media, israel as
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a ministry brief to the media earlier. and they said the what happened was the a trucks in the clear why they cause a check point not in the middle of the gaza strip. it's where he's right as christmas check point to divide the know from the south that says crowd gathered around these vehicles and people are either crushed by the vehicles or crushed in the mail a to get to the food. and the military says they didn't open fi here, but then he says the trucks moved away. there was a large crowd of people that approach the soldiers. and the soldiers felt threatened, and they opened fine. i've many people were shot in the legs, these military size now bodies. the story also that he's being of course, reported on his riley television. and there's really media not as a store these riley's accept with back knowledge. that's the commentary going on here. that because of the size of the number of casualties based code for us is royal into agreeing to a cease 5 when they might not be ready to do it. and you add to that. the whitehouse thing it's very concerned about as well as happened. the whitehouse also
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saying basically the home negotiation, so i knowledge meant israel and israel, the best could effect a ceasefire. see, find negotiations. you will get to that part of the story. what the white house, the saying and just the 2nd because kimberly how it is getting ready for that. bernard, this something else, bernard standing by does something else we need him to talk to us about, which is this. israel has seized nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near an illegal settlement in the occupied west. back. this move will establish a new settlement near molly. i do mean which you see on your screen now. that's near occupied east jerusalem. and estimated for $40000.00 is really settlers lived there. federal expansion is illegal under international law, yet it has ramped up significantly since the war on gaza again. so bernard, why is israel taking this land? so all settlements in the occupied westbank are considered illegal under
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international law, but these rarely some settlements and then they have outposts, so they consider illegal. those outposts. 10 of them will acknowledge with signed off last year about a cabinet that they would become settlements. and the 1st one of those is past the military hurdle, and the ministry signed it off. it's interesting, the business just happened now because it's only on monday that we wrapped up from the hague 6 days of hearings. and from the international court of justice, by nearly 50 countries argued as various reasons but principally, but increased an expanding occupation by as rightly settlers of the westbank is making it impossible for the palestinians to have a functioning state on exercise that right to self determination. now it was left with the us and the u. k. a little bit have to find the list task of trying to defend the occupation saying you should be left to cover an un system security council resolutions, wherever israel and these and the pilots in each it negotiate together. that's how we should progress. we shouldn't be relying on the international court, but yet,
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even though the us and the u. k, all you thought is riley, still ignoring those resolutions by expanding in the occupied westbank, which is why the palestinians said they had no option. but to go to the international court because of exactly what his role is doing now in the occupied church. and bernard smith reporting live there from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. i in northern does a hunger is worsening. most palestinian families there once a day at most inter volume people are receiving just a trickle of humanitarian aid, finding food as a daily fight for survival. mitree ment, vanco reports before we wake up to the screams of 4 children asking us for food. they ask us for food night and day. it's a busy morning for my mood and his family and the carriage where they live. the women are cooking. these are pancakes made of animal feed. here in jamalia,
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they're lucky to find anything to eat, haven't even met. but what my wife and daughters are cooking. we spend 4 days looking for this just to get one key to my wife and i will not eat because it will all go to the children and grandchildren. i cannot eat when they are thought for months now and old and garza has been old but cut off from humanitarian aid. survival is a daily challenge. i have not been shot in subject then. 2 months ago, we were on the brink of a famine. now we have no real seminar, you cannot find a kilo of flour or any food if you do the process a so expensive in this market might seem busy, but only at 1st glance the vendors but barely any bias. these spices not t, nothing substantial. this man is selling carrots and says they're affordable, but nobody's buying palestinians here. have nothing left. i haven't because i'm not
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going to go to feel ashamed. do not tell customers how much it costs. they looked at me in law offering if i'm serious, i'm no longer sending pumpkins or anything expensive. it's enough to meet so limits for $0.25 a key low because they're not gonna invest. the thing is we h, clovers, and grass. our children have died from starvation. we have run out of things to eat, and we are starving. we have no money to buy anything. everything is so expensive, which we use to buy for a dollar. now costs $15.00 for these children and their families a ceasefire. is the final hope at least then it should be easier to move around, gaza searching for food to make it through the day. to meet you meant that didn't go out to 0 more than 30000 palestinians have now been killed in guys. this is israel launched it's war in october. we will come back to that. however,
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as i hinted at when i was speaking with bernard, us, president joe biden has come out and said that the ceasefire deal he expected to happen by monday may no longer happy. and we're going to be able to go live now to kimberly how good. kimberly you're in washington dc. sorry, a bit of a scramble. there is where got a lot of balls up in the air and what exactly. let's start there. kimberly, what exactly did the us presidency the yeah, the us presidents a you many of our viewers, a little a call earlier in the week had intimated that he had a lot of optimism that negotiations had been going well, according to his national security adviser. and but he was feeling the prospect of some sort of temporary cease fire that could last a number of weeks that would allow for aid into gaza. that would allow for the release of some captives. that could happen as early as the end of the weekend.
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possibly monday. well now the us president is walking those comments back. he made those comments to reporters as he was headed towards marine one. he's heading to the southern board of the united states with mexico. he was asked about that a promise or suggestion that he made about a temporary cease fire. he says, hope springs eternal, but it may not be by monday, he was also asked about the killing of more than a 100 palestinians who were waiting for aid in gaza. and he is also suggesting that there may be 2 competing versions about what happened potentially suggesting that there, there may be some sort of defense about the is really soldiers involved in that. yeah, kimberly we, we heard right with our correspondence, bernard who isn't occupied east jerusalem. and with tara who's in gaza, we essentially heard those 2 versions, the palestinians saying that they were fired upon. many of those that we else has 0
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spoken to felt say they felt it was a trap. when they got to those trucks, they were fired upon. more than a 100 people were killed is really version is there was some commotion around the trucks. the is really soldiers felt threatened and that's when they opened fire and does, has the president said whether he essentially believes one version over another the us president didn't even sort of suggest what those 2 narratives were right. but what we know from the us president is that traditionally he has always given be, is really government plausible deniability. and that has been the big concern, not only for us voters, but for many within his administration. but he has always given be, is really military the benefit of the doubt, even when it involves us citizens. and so that has been the big concern and that is what he's taking a lot of criticism for. so the us president,
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once again by being ambiguous about these 2 narratives is once again, given the opportunity for the suggestion that the is really military may not be comfortable when it comes to this incident. okay, that's really interesting context. kimberly thank you very much. in the coming hours as you work your sources, if you find out anything more about this, about the thinking within the white house on this event and, and what impact it may or may not have on c, spy or talks will be interested in a thing. you can report, thank you very much. i are still ahead on alice's 0 palestinians living in rural areas of the occupied west bank, say a tax bodies. really settlers have increased since the war on gaza began will be back after a short break. the the
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brought to you by visit capital. hello winter hasn't quite done with us yet. it's across the japan and across the korean peninsula we are moving into major logical spring. but so we have got some snow in the full costs. every flight pressure that is swelling away, that's just nothing gets way further. east was glancing the fall south of japan, fairly getting that wet. and when the wind fee mix or heavy wet snow coming in for a time, because know the pos of japan before moving out into the open more his but still legacy a winfrey shout was the every time. what's the positive one shoot for saturday, cools off the top 10, take care of it. around 10 sales is what was up the top 10. so around 5 degrees celsius re to double figures, the temperatures on the rise full badging. much of china will be dry as we go through the next couple of days allows you try to close in the china with a few showers coming back in across the vietnam. plenty of shelves into southern parts of the philippines, heaviest showers, gathering across malaysia. and of course the usual shows that into indonesia that
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we got some very disturbed weather, making his way out of pockets dawn, at present. the western disturb and spring flooding rains in the deposit focused on particular across the north of the country that went to weather, turning the heavy snow over the mountains that just across the western side of the himalayas, also affecting well 1st india the weather brought to you by visit castle, discussing the defining issues of our times, what military, what government, what multi national doesn't one access as to this hyper hyper hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangers of unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a eyes change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the
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the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. at least a $104.00 palestinians have been killed after his release snipers fired at them while they were collecting food aid around $700.00. others were injured. thursday's attack, why it's really troops has been described as a messenger. civilians were left scrambling to transport the dead and injured to nearby hospital. many of the wounded were in critical condition, most of the medical facilities in gaza, or barely functioning or out of service. and israel has seized it nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land near in the legal settlement in the occupied west bank. a portion of territory will add to the existing illegal settlement of molly. i do mean near occupied eastern was a palestinian is living in caves,
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a south of hebron to say attacks by his release. settlers have been increasing since the war on gods would begin. raids and fests of prophecy and livestock are said to have nearly every day saying this, robbie has more from mazda for yet, though in the occupied with or since israel's war on god. so begin host indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank se simpler attacks have doubled bullying, fear campaigns, intimidation while the world's attention is elsewhere. oh, activists. and myself are, you know, to say settlers are doing whatever they want the shuttle out of who has been attacking us before. no, we haven't met their uniform, have a gun. he's on. which is like, really dangerous. was like making a, as an issue as you know, that taking the people to rising them, which is like effect on other people. people who is lived here for generations
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still use the natural terrain to for shelter. just as their ancestors did, families and livestock, together in a cave, a way of life and posting in communities where the ancient and modern meet with a coordinated campaign by israeli settlers and soldiers, one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves of that could give him a self help, but i will tell you about the dream of any young man in this place. not just me. every young person, dreams of a safe have sort of the car marriage. but most don't people to day dream is sleeping with that stress for a full night, the lives of the stuff for the up. but when we now more know mcquease, subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances wall to wall tiles,
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palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortably. but this threat of displacement violence is never far away or anywhere else in the world a place like this might be a heritage site, something to protect and preserve in palestine. it is another front line, another struggle of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. the same bus route, the old a 0 most of the other in the occupied westbank. this is really forces say that to is really settlers and one palestinian gunmen are dead following a shooting at a gas station. it's at the entrance to the eli illegal settlement north of ramallah and the occupied westbank is really media says the army is looking for possible additional shooters. the
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chatty and opposition politician, the zillow has been killed in an army assault on his parties, headquarters, and the capital jemina. the attack on the office of the socialist party without borders or pss, came hours after several people were killed in an assault on the nation's national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events followed the arrest of a p. s. f member accused of an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president's address reports from a bu a neighboring nigeria. that's awful position. indeed i, i do not followed us enjoying his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition source on his party without voters in jemina on wednesday. but before then, there was a gun fight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. we should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the position of toby tried to assassinate the president of the country. stop court . now in that incident, they also, i'm just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and
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of course, there are also debts that were not the numbers were not given by the with or just in german or on the streets of the me. and i saw that i have there is heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of the positions socialist party without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, they announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will affect the chances of responding to comply to the source on this party without voters or the transition. just really, everyone itself charges a very important online place of very critical roads to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is a dependable ally for western powers, either to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical role in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups,
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especially in the lecture basing why it just comes to hundreds of tubes or even thousands of troops to do with elements of full bottom. and there's not many states in west africa probates. i'm at the address i'll just say to about if you were in peacekeepers or withdrawing from democratic republic of congo, the 1st military base was handed over to con, released forces this week. as part of a phase drawing down the hand over a comes as violence intensifies between the army and m. 23 fighters. catherine, sorry reports from go, but the capital of north cable. one of the longest serving un peacekeeping missions causing this call is leaving democratic republic of congo by the end of the year when new school personnel have been here for 25 years. with a monday to help the con loose government fight on groups and keeps to begin safe, the peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the national police in south
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cable province. i am confident in the ability of the congolese defense and security forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism. commission has become unpopular among kimberly's. they see the peacekeepers. i've not done that job. the frustration has often led to violence against the united nations companies. government eventually told them to leave the homeless, concerned about what happens after the government. he's dealing with our bottling more than a 100 on each. each die says, how many of them are living in commerce like this 11600000 have recently flags from the ongoing fighting between the government forces and the m 20 suite on the group. in north cube,
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providence government to double check on the government that they are so you has to take responsibility of the security situation. visiting troops cannot do a better job than our forces. d. i. c belongs to congo lease, and the leadership should stiff off. it's wrong. the new school says it's done, it's fast and incredibly difficult. so constance is catherine slowly 0 goma, democratic republic of congo. more than 20 people have died after migrant boat sank off the coast of northern senegal. the boat was headed to europe. original governors said that another 20 people had been saved. it's not known how many people were on the vessel at the time, but survivors said could be in the hundreds. langley we left from joel. we've been at sea for a week since last wednesday. it was when we reached morocco, the coming to him told us he was lost and couldn't continue the dining and, and we all seem to take us back to the stomach. i'll know that's how we ended up here and then get the south korean government has issued
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a back the work order for the thousands of young doctors who have abandoned their posts in protest against medical reform plans. they have until thursday to end their walk out or face a possible suspension. even cancellation of their medical license, eunice came reports from so these junior doctors have been on strike for the past 10 days. for the south korean governments, patients appears to have run out. it has issued an ultimatum to more than 9000 striking doctors clock back in or face a 3 month suspension of their medical licenses. and possibly a police investigation well known today is the last day of waiting for the correct judgment and decision from trying. the doctors, setting and desperate patients are in limbo, awaiting the surgeries and severely ill patients who need urgent treatment or struggling to find a hospital that will take them cool. with no meaningful solution inside the government is repairing contingency measures, including the deploy.


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