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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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to join him, let's discover a better world. expo 2023. the ha killed while waiting for food is really snipers and tanks open. fire on crowds of civilians just west of gaza city. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 lives from know huh. also coming up, the is really army insists its soldiers opened fire because they felt threatened by the crowds, yet provided no evidence to backup those claims. nearly 5 months into israel's war . on gaza. the desktop has now surpassed 30000 palestinians killed. and israel
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sees is hundreds of pictures of palestinian land, near and illegal is rarely settlement in the occupied wes thing. the so we're beginning garza city where the is really military is killed at least $107.00 palestinians. nearly 700 people were also injured. dozens of them are in critical condition. thursday's attack has been described as a massacre of civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked. israel's army says its soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt threatened by the large crowds. michael, apple explains how this all unfolded. in the early hours of the morning, thousands of people flocked to l. rashid road, southwest of gauze, a city desperate for a aerial footage, released by these rainy military shows,
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crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened was clear. the data and the dying, lying side by side or to gun down by is really fine. it's not a plug in the image on the is really just open random fire on us as if it was a truck once we approach to a trucks and this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con board coming means another method that it was that that's out to some of our initial instead of aid, they've come away with the dead. why don't kick off call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about the hospital being out of
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service to mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries, most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms. i stand helpless. we are simply administering 1st a treatment only that these riley military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they would come down even inside the house. as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they open fire random, killing, innocent men and women, and look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks, shirley and drunk palestinians are left with
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a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like level, oh to 0. as many of those injured were taken to else as a hospital in gaza city, which is only partially functional now medical staff there have been over whelmed by the number of patients is not allowable reports on definitely mature. maxwell would be by them. i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre that the created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocent and starving. johnson's who rushed drive a sheep coast time road leading. they could get that hands on some food aid. yeah. and then we'll see random walk down the entrance and call the those of the hospital all over. the fact was victims. the more the filled with thousands of dead bodies, yet many more dead bodies. the main line of the road, the medical staff stand helpless. i'm in this influx of victims, as we speak,
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more victims are still being brought to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listened to some eye witnesses. we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children. but then he is really tanks advanced. they opened fire randomly and everyone on the right dozens were killed a hundreds inches. i simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children . we've been stopping for more than a 140 days with very little ages entering the gall district and nothing is reaching dental i o one model. it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flour at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the honda in is really tongues open fire. dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children any 8 delivered to soaks in our blood with god punish those responsible on some of them. the fear it is known to the whole will
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that the note of the cause of strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour us and is ready, soldiers shocked him in the chase. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body is lying here before you implement a lot of these riley's ledge to be with you man a t. they showered us with thumbs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us. that's just ongoing mexico slots is struck by the is ready zone, innocent guys in the multitude many o for crimes on the i 9. and i just the 1st house you that the house is 0. historic of was whom is in rough in southern gaza. he's joining us over the phone. what more are you learning, and what more can you tell us topic about this morning's mass killing in northern?
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got yes, 0 and fact to the number of people have who have been killed them today is mess i can to know the parts have gone into the lines into more than 2 at least 100 the true have themes being killed while 760 other the one that they are, these are the latest updates by just books back some of the type of thing and ministry of hills. and this is based off of what happened in k earlier. they were, palestinians were waiting for humanitarian supplies, being delivered to the number of parts. it's gone. so they have been completely surprised by the existence of the military troops that was open defiance directly on the people by didn't for using the minute treat tanks and also by off to read them bottom. and also people who started to gather around to humanitarian folks in order to get their mississippi's from such a humanitarian assistance. and this is all, by the way of what has been happening in the course of the last few days, i think has been repeatedly carried out by the disability military. but today it
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was one of the glue these attacks. and we also important to mention them to point out that there was no any activity for any international humanitarian organization into another part of garza could be carried out. we bounce informed him to is really not a treat, at least in order to have access to this area, which was a csr for the is really military operations. and at the time, this part is very a trial of knowledge about the he didn't call the deliveries to another. ok, people have been gather, the people have been talking to on the east. very side have been just if you could just define what happened today is that the, are the good. the people have been imposing threats against these were the troops which were operating in the pontiff gone them, but again to the phone and that they were looking for something to eat and to feed their family members with absolutely tar place. and thank you very much for that reporting. thank you. also for the context, i note what you said that no humanity or in activity can be carried out. and no aid
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can be delivered in northern garza without israel's se, so. and without israel's knowledge. tar. thank you. very much now the un humanitarian affairs chief martin griffith says he is a pull that the killing of dozens of people while waiting for food. and his social media posts. griffith said, even after close to 5 months of brutal hostilities, gaza still has the ability to shock us. i'm appalled at the reported killing an injury of hundreds of people during a transfer of 8 supplies west of guys, a city today. this comes as the death toll across garza since october. the 7th hits the $30000.00 mark. life is draining out of gaza at terrifying speed. bernard smith is an occupied east jerusalem for more on this. bernard is real. acknowledges that it opened fire on palestinians, but it's not taking full responsibility for what happened. what are they saying happened and why do they say they opened fire?
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the serial is riley military brief, the media a few hours ago on what it says happened in northern gauze. or it says it'd be a truck to clear the why the gauze, the check point, this is a, this is a division that is right. was made to separate garza from the north and the south. it had gone through the why the cause a check point, and it was huge. crowds of people gathered around the age trucks and in the mail a to try and get it by aid. people are, are the crushed or even run over by the trucks in the middle years as a did not open fire at that stage. and then as a trucks pulled away said a large crowd of people approach these really military. they said they found the threatening, and that is why the troops opened fire and they say they fired people's likes accounting of a large number of shot gun wounds that have been seen in the hospitals in the received people injured by this. now, in these rarely media, there's been
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a lot of coverage of this, of course, the coverage, focusing on the fact that because of the high number of casualties, then this code for these rarely government into position where it could have to have a safe spot because of the international pressure that will come onto his route because of these large number of casualties, right? international pressure, it has been condemned by a number of countries, egypt, jordan, among them we'll see what the white house, the thing we'll get to that in a moment. first though, another story line out of israel today that i want bernard to talk to us about israel has seized nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near and illegal settlements in the occupied west bank. the move will establish a new settlement near molly. i do mean that's near occupied east jerusalem. an estimated 40000 is really settlers lived there. a central expansion is illegal under international law, yet it has ramped up significantly since the war on garza began. so bernard, back to you, why is israel taking this land?
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so old is rarely sacraments are illegal and in international law, but israel divides them into it has supplements and then it has what he calls a legal outpost. and last year the government set the 10 of those legal outposts could become full settlements. and the 1st of those has now been signed off by the military. the timing of this is fascinating because we only wound up on monday from the hague 6 days of coverage, all the ins national, at least national court of justice. what country up the country is, money is $50.00, argued that his rails, the quote to declare as well as occupation illegal because of the relentless settlements of the occupied westbank and the fight in the bodies preventing the palestinians from exercising their right to self determination. it was left to the us to have the fight list task of trying to defend the occupation by saying it shouldn't be an international court. it should be the power steering. and these, these riley's negotiating had to had with along the lines established by the un
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security council books. as we've seen today. these, the palestinians repeatedly say is riley is not playing by those rules. we have to go to the international court of justice because is rarely expanding its sacraments as proof we needed. there it is today with this decision to expand and take yet more around those settlements. everett smith reporting from occupied east jerusalem . thank you. bernard. in northern guys, a hunger is worsening as we've been reporting. remember the event this morning happened when palestinians were queuing to get food from those a delivery trucks, most pallets thing and families there. once a day at most, in jamalia, people are receiving just a trickle of humanitarian aid. finding food is a daily fight for survival between method and co reports. before we wake up to the screams of 4 children asking us for food. they ask us for
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food night and day. it's a busy morning for a boom, mood and his family in the carriage where they live. the women are cooking. these are pancakes made of animal feed. here in jamalia, they're lucky to find anything to eat. have even met the what my wife and daughters . ok. okay. we spend 4 days looking for this just to get one key to my wife and i will not eat because it will all go to the children and grandchildren. i cannot eat when they are starving for months now and old and gone. so it has been all but cut off from humanitarian aid. survival is a daily challenge. i have not been shot in so about then 2 months ago we were on the brink of a famine. now we are in a real seminar. you cannot find a kilo of flour or any food. and if you do the process a so expensive, this market might seem busy, but only at 1st glance, the vendors, but then the any bias. these are spices, not t,
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nothing substantial. this man is selling carrots and says they're affordable, but nobody's buying palestinians here. have nothing left. i haven't because i'm not going to get a feel of shame. do not have a cost with how much it costs. they looked at me a long offering. if i'm serious, i'm no longer sending pumpkins or anything spent several hours. it's enough to meet so lemons for $0.25 a key low. so they're not coming back to you. my friend, the thing is we ate clovers and grass, our children have died from starvation. we have run out of things to eat, and we are starving. we have no money to buy anything. everything is so expensive, which we use to buy for a dollar. now coasts 15 for these children and their families a ceasefire, is the final hope at least then. it should be easier to move around casa, searching for food, to make it through the day to meet you meant vanco out as 0. you as president joe
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biden has commented on today's events in the gaza, in the wake of the killing of a 104 palestinians waiting for food aid. he has said an agreement for a temporary cease fire by monday is unlikely to turn on. okay, our white house correspondent kimberly he'll get a standing by in washington dc on this. so obviously it's significant when the us president walks back his earlier optimism for a ceasefire. tell us everything you can around today statement or yeah it's, it's a little unusual given the fact that the us president just days earlier had expressed much more optimism about the potential for a temporary cease fire. had given an interview here in the united states and just
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prior to an election on tuesday in the battleground state of michigan, where there is a significant error of american population in which he said that he was optimistic, that there could be a cease fire. that his negotiating team was working very hard and there could potentially be one, a temporary cease part that could last weeks long. but it couldn't really allow for the release of captives that could allow for a deliveries into gaza. and then it could come potentially by monday, in addition to that, in reaction to the horrific incident involving today on thursday, be the dozens of people killed in gaza as they were awaiting the aid deliveries. the national security council put out a statement saying that we continue to work day and night to achieve an outcome of a potential temporary cease fire. so to have the president walk back the comments with regard to optimism towards
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a temporary cease fire is particularly unusual. given the fact that there had been so much optimism express from the white house just even hours and days earlier. okay, kimberly how good reporting there from washington. thank you very much. kimberly still ahead on al jazeera in chad, an opposition politician is killed during an army assault on his parties, headquarters, and macapp. those are meeting the the landlords day in the race for the president's watch. they will see millions votes across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump a step closer to a re match. stay with alger 0, so continue to cover it should be us elections 2020 because of the war. and you praise, run deep,
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but the devastation of the countries precious eco systems may take the longest to heat the people and power documents the environmental impacts of the fight to, and follows ukrainian war prize investigators as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine ground 0 on the jersey to a unique perspective. the place himself told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, even upon proceed. landscape connect with our community and tap into conversations . you won't find elsewhere. it takes every day, this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you are watching alger 0, a reminder of our headlines this hour. at least $107.00 palestinians have been killed after his release snipers fired at them while they were collecting food a around $700.00. others are injured. thursday's attack by it's really troops has been described as a massacre. civilians were lift, scrambling to transport the dead and injured as to nearby hospitals. many are in critical condition, most of the medical facilities in gaza, or barely functioning or completely out of service. israel has seized nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land near an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank. the portion of territory will add to the existing illegal settlement of
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molly. i do mean near occupied east choose palestinians living in caves, south of hebron say attacks by his release. settlers have been increasing since the war on gaza began. raids and facets of profit and livestock are said to have nearly every day. same bas robbie has more from mazda for you all to any occupied westbank since israel's war on guns. so begin post indians living in remote communities in the occupied westbank say, settler attacks have double bullying, fear campaigns, intimidation wildly, whose attention is elsewhere. oh, activists. in the software, you have to say settlers are doing whatever they want. the satellite of who has been attacking us before. no, we haven't met the uniform, have the gun. he's on, which is like really dangerous. was like making a, as an issue as you know, attacking the people to rising them,
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which is like effect on other people. people who is lived here for generations still use the natural terrain for shelter. just as their ancestors did, families and livestock, together in a cave, a way of life in posting in communities where the ancient and modern meet with a coordinated campaign by israeli settlers and soldiers, one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves of that could give him a self help, but i will tell you about the dream of any young man in this place. not just me. every young person dreams of a safe hide sort of the car marriage. but most don't people to day dream of sleeping with that stress for a full night. the lives of the stuff for the up. but when we now more know mcquease, subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing,
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modern appliances wall to wall tiles. palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground. but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortably but the threat of displacement violence is never far away. anywhere else in the world, a place like this might be a heritage site, something to protect and preserve in palestine. it is another front line. another struggle of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. the same bus route of the old to 0 most of the, of the in the occupied westbank. israel says the 2 is really settlers and one palestinian gunmen had been killed in a shooting at a petrol station. and the occupied westbank incident took place at the entrance of the early illegal settlement. north of ramallah is really media says the army has blocked off roads in the area as they search the possible additional shooters.
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the shoddy in opposition, politician yaya dillo, has been killed in an army of sold on his parties headquarters in the capital in jemina. the attack on the office of the socialist party without borders or p s f came hours of to several people were killed in an assault on the nation is national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events followed the rest of the staff member accused of an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president's address reports from my boots, a neighbouring nigeria. so that's the whole position the the do not followed us. he's doing his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition socialist party without voters in german not one wednesday. but before then there was a gunfight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. we should say they confronted comp elements belonging to
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the position of toby tried to assassinate the president of the country. stop court . now in that incident, they also, i'm just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and of course, there are also debts that were not, the numbers were not given by the with torches in german or on the streets of the domain. i saw that i have very heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of single positions socialist party without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, the announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will affect the chances of responding to comply to the source on this party without voters or the transition disability. everyone itself charges a very important online place of very critical roads to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is
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a dependable ally for western powers. be got to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical role in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups, especially in the lectures basing why it just comes to hundreds of troops or even thousands of troops to do with elements of both bottom. and there's not many states in west africa probates. i'm at the address, i'll just say to about more than 20 people have died after migrant boat sank off the coast of northern set of goals. the boat was headed to europe. original governors said that another 20 people had been saved and ukraine says it has shot down 3 russian fighter jets since this morning, bringing the total number of planes that it has down in the last 10 days to 12. this comes at a moment when ukraine is facing growing challenges on the front line with lack of ammunition from mcbride has this latest report from keith. with these latest success is being claimed by ukraine bring to around
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a dozen the number of russian role plays to have been shot down to the past week. and a half of most of them are on the still to have been cited yet. but one of the craft is claim to have been an, a 50, a large surveillance, a plane shot down well within russian s space. and according to ukraine, it's the last of surveillance capability by russia, which makes it spite of jets now easy, a targets. what could also account for the rise in the number of russian will 5 being shut down is increased activity of russian forces. generally pushing east is understood that a number of these jets were on the bombing runs, releasing so called collide phones which fly a distance before hitting targets on the ground. but it does mean that those at cross don't have to get closer to the front lines. putting them within range of ukrainian defenses, which have becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially with help from ukraine's west and back is the successes in the ad will
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be welcomed use to ukraine's military, which has been suffering setbacks on the ground with the new head of ukraine's armed forces. or legs on the surface, ski visiting frontline units in the east to shore morale, robot, pride, elders, era, teeth that's it from me inside story is up next the color was saying some pretty nasty weather across pa itself. the middle east recently. see, it was the area of cloud hair that's just a rolling across the rock. turning to snow, heavy snow to into afghanistan just to celsius. the full couple. and we've got the fab bit of rice and snow, the mountains know that to, into pockets on it. it'll got as much as we go on and to satisfy behind that. not too bad it to have been done. hot temperatures, around 22 celsius winds,
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easing off just feel quite pleasant type of the next hour. so you can see farther. no, it is. generate dry and similar temperature here as well. so that is the side of the mediterranean, essentially set. fabulous. what's the weather slipping across? the g? announcer grace. pushing into the western side of the key. i think it should be long as you drive for the east and meadow load. she also wanted to shout was just around little of and as we go on into fast ice, the other side of the met the same, the really heavy rain recently, the same system that's been producing some big down pulls across northern areas of algeria. still some showers in the forecast for friday, pushing across institutions here could again cause a more localized studies was continued. meanwhile, just around the coastal fringes of west africa, then begin to kind of rude into and god was saying what to whether to on the other side of the riff, probably with some heavy down pulls the pretends in there. the
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latest means as it breaks. and the thing is very blue paste. they used to be able to face up to 37 kilometers out to the same spot, know any more from the hall. so the story, this is how this experience is waiting for. the 3 of your patients fall at the tax illegal supplements and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population is already starving. the what role does parliament play in iran? your body is choosing and una just alyssa, and many hope it wouldn't pay the way for with full us with a strict and betting system and see establishment candidates boss from running is change possible in these logic republic. this is the inside story. the, the
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news hello, welcome to the program i am, how should my butler do runs problem on 3 elections?


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