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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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as the the other one several then yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the program. this hour is really snipers and tanks open. fire on crowds of civilians and gaza while they were waiting for food. over $100.00 palestinians are killed. medical staff, a guy says al shift the hospital say they are over whelmed. treating those who survived the massacre. israel sees is hundreds of hector's, of palestinian land near and illegal is really settlement to be occupied, westbank and reports. the 2 is really settlers and one palestinian had been killed
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in a shooting at a petrol station north of vermont. and i support french will cut when a full punk, the size ceased show and heart broken up, been given a full, it's our best events. his plan is this. you would never knowing the cheats and will appeal against the decision the so we're starting this news our and gaza city where the is really military is killed at least $107.00 palestinians. and newly 700 people were injured. dozens of them are now in critical condition. thursday's attack has been described as a massacre of civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked. now israel's army says that it's soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt threatened by the large crowds. michael, apple explains how this attack unfolded. in the early hours of the morning, thousands of people flocked to all rashid road, southwest of gauze,
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a city desperate for a aerial footage, released by these rainy military shows, crowds gathering around what looks like several aid trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened was clear. the dates and the dying lying side by side or 2 gun down by his riley fly. the image on it is really just open random fire on us as it was a truck. once we approach to a trucks and this is really tanks and were playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con, board coming means another method that it was initially, instead of aid, they've come away with the date. why don't key caught call and make sure it stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and barely function involved via
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the this is exactly what we have been warning about the hospital being out of service to mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries, most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless. we're simply administering 1st, a treatment only with these riley military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survive is says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down even inside the law. so as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they opened fire, run that by killing innocent men and women and children looked there was gunfire
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snipers shooting tanks showing enrolled and the palestinians are left with few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like level oh to 0. many of the injured were taken to al, shift the hospital in gauze, a city which is only partially functional medical staff. there have been overwhelmed by the number of patients. it's my local reports and definitely be about them. i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocence and solving dozens who rush drive a sheep coast time road leading. they could get that hands on some food aid. yeah. and then we'll see round about the entrance and coffee. there is of the hospital all over the fact was victims. the more the filled with thousands of dead bodies. yet many more dead bodies remain lying on the road. the medical staff stand
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helpless. i'm in this influx of victims, as we speak, more victims are still being brought to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listened to some eye witnesses. so we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children. but then he is really tanks advanced. they opened fire randomly on everyone, on the right. dozens were killed and hundreds injured and i simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children. we've been stopping for more than a 140 days with very little ages entering the gall district. and nothing is reaching dental i o one model. it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flour at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the honda in it's really tongues open fire. dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children any age delivered to soaks in our blood. make
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god punish those responsible for some of them. i gave them the fax. it is known to the whole will that the note of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldiers shocked him in the chase. seeing him cling to the bag of flour, these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body. is lying here before the lot of these riley's ledge to be with humanity. they showered us with thumbs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us. measure ongoing mexico slots was struck by the is ready zone, innocent johnson, the multitude many of the crimes an i 9 and i just the 1st house you that the houses here was dark up with whom is in rough southern guns that he joins us over the phone park is good to talk to you,
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tell us what more you've been learning about this morning's mass killing in northern gaza. the oil, in fact, serial the conditions and lowering costs, sound shocking on sustainable and really desperate off. so what has happened specifically? that's 100 trip palestinians have been killed as the we're waiting for humanitarian supplies to get to the know the opponents of calling for people to start to, to gather in the metal, to round about since the down allies will or the are trying to wait for early hours of the morning, just to reach out both have an access for the human to cherry and trunk. people were gathering for long hours and in the moment that the humanitarian folks had reached to that location, that is very forces open the front against thousands of people were trying to take at least a bad cough flow of that could, could be help for the for them in order to survive and to keep going on and this is
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a complete e, something in human specifically to spot. it is very plain that they have been taking precautions in order to avoid civilian casualties with today's casualties and distort. the situation sounds completely the opposite and those people were completely hungry, waiting for an h a to, to help the family members to survive and come to light of the amount of entry gone . but they has to like 80 percent since the current conflict began. and this what united nations that over to national and human cherry and organization have been warning regard real time and complete blood should those people who are waiting for humanitarian supplies. and this also will lessen the possibility for any functional humanitarian organizations to keep working on the crowd because there is a complete collapse in security there. and people in miller and goals are, are complete, you suffering just to receive a very minimum rates. a few military supplies that can help them to go on and to
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continue so far, i think on the cold is really been brought me to this unfolding goals of and boss of gospel at tarik. thank you very much. they are reporting their, i know you and our team at alpha 0 since this morning. and since this happened to have been trying to speak to witnesses, people who were there and build as complete a picture of as possible of what actually happened. thank you very much. talk last spring and bernard smith in occupied east jerusalem. as i do this, i've just been told that the official death toll from this morning's attack is now 112. 112 palestinians were killed this morning and you can expect that death toll to continue to increase since hundreds of people were injured. some of them in critical condition. bernard, how does israel explain what happened this morning in northern garza? so israel recognizes that he's now coming under a lot of pressure and the ministry out of press briefing, they are what they said. what happened was they trucks have gathered at
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a crossing point in the water. you guys are crossing what is row a splint goes into north and south. they've gone through the check point to the north and it was surrounded by crowds and crowds. a ph stroke, a truck surrounded by crowds of crowds of people. and in the melodies that tried to get of the food, people would run over, all crushed across by the vehicles are crushed in the crowds and the ministry says they didn't open fire it's sold. but then, as the trucks disappeared, another crowd of people approached these really military. they said that was threatening, and the soldiers opened fire and they say they opened fire on the people's legs. now israel recognizes the media, hey, was reporting based on those facts on these rarely military. and it says that the large number of casualties could have a significant impact on israel's government. in terms of forcing it to try and concede more, to have a c spot on prime minister benjamin netanyahu had
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a press briefing. you didn't address what happened in gaza and, and gauze of this morning's specifically. but he repeated again, political pressure into national political pressure is increasing, but i will reject all international pressure to end the war until we achieve uncle . okay, bernard smith reporting there from the occupied east jerusalem, thank you very much for that reporting. we're not done with the story. the commissioner general, the un agency for palestinian refugees on the law, has commented on the massacre of palestinians as they were trying to collect his food aid. he wrote on x, gaza reaches an unprecedented report, a death total of 30000 palestinians killed while an additional 100 people are reportedly killed and 700 injured when they were desperately trying to get life. saving humanitarian aid from the convoy neither on wall nor any other un agency were involved in this distribution. when will this madness and what we're joined
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now from rossa by scott anderson, the senior deputy director of guns, the operations for the united nations relief and works agency for a while. it's great that we have you on this our we're trying to understand as much as we can about this morning's events. what can you add on to your understanding about what happened unfortunately, not much more that is already been reported. what we can confirm is that there are no un vehicles involved in the conroy and then we've heard the death toll. but i think what this speech to is the general situation of the norse, the deterioration of law and order and the security environment. but most importantly, it's based on the desperation of people, and we know that our pockets and starvation in the north we've had reports from hospitals of children, died of malnutrition. and i think today's a bad just really underscores the desperation. people feel north water you as a,
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as a try to find food for their families. it's extremely difficult as we know. and as we've reported to get food to northern guys, a world food program just last week said they're not doing it anymore because it's not safe enough, is only was still in a position still able to deliver, make a deliveries to northern gauze. we're currently not delivering much like the world food program due to the prevailing security environment. we last attempt to the delivery february 8th were we were unfortunately unable to complete the delivery. and for the un as a whole is it's been very difficult since 2024, which is 1st of january. we've only got 93 trucks with a north water jago, which i think we can all agree for 300000 people that are still living there. is not enough, a for them to send them sells and again has let us through the situation where people are desperate, desperate to find food for them and their families. and can you give us a little bit of context on the security circumstances,
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the safety conditions for the trucks that are still conducting those meager deliveries into northern gaza? i mean, i think that the situation is very difficult. um, i mean in addition to the security environment being difficult, the road networks are difficult and just the situation overall is very dire. and i think you have the pressure general set of best buy. when will this all land, which we can all say, we hope to soon, but there aren't any police working, any blue police which continues to degrade the security situation and leads really to last us and events like that happened today. so what we would really need is to have a functioning police force, try to re establish the law in order, which would make a delivery of aid for the you and, and others much easier to the north as well. so the rest of guys are in question that may illuminate what happened this morning. would it be typical as was apparently their case this morning?
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would it be typical for is really forced, has to be in the vicinity of an a delivery but not necessary to a delivery. i think the location where this happened is near the check point from the south, a golfer to the north scenario, the wadi, and certainly it wouldn't be normal for us. really force has to be near the check point. but without knowing the exact location of what happened, i can't speak to more than that. okay. um the i, i would like to put to you what essentially has been israel's explanation of what happened this morning. they're saying, well essentially there was a crowd, there was people died in a crush, a step stampede of sorts. and we, therefore, as real is not directly responsible for this, for most of them. now seeing this this morning, is that something that you can speak to? i mean, the wider context of the level of desperation that palestinians have when they do
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get that trickle of aid coming in to write. okay. i don't think any of us can speak to attend or what happened if we weren't there. but as i said before, what we can speak to is that it's a very desperate situation. north water jasa, they're still 300000 people living. they're trying their very best take care of themselves and their families. you have a very desperate situation with pockets of starvation. and when people are that desperate they will lead to tragic events like happened this morning where we had significant loss of life, significant injuries. and what we need to do is get a to the north. somehow it scale which, you know, hopefully we can get another crossing open so we can enter the north from the north . and that would allow the u. n. and others to move things in that scale and begin to address the pockets of starvation. the mal nutrition and the other challenges that we face. scott anderson, senior deputy director of gauze operations for an why, thank you very much for joining us. this. our israel has seized nearly 3 square
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kilometers of palestinian land and near and illegals settlements in the occupied west bank. the move will establish a new settlement near molly. i do mean near occupied east jerusalem and estimated 40000 is really settlers lived there. several expansion is illegal under international law, yet it has ramped up significantly since the war on gaza began in october. as a bring back bernard smith, who's standing by it occupied east jerusalem. bernard, why is israel taking this land? so old settlements illegal under international law, but israel distinguishes between settlements on what it calls illegal outposts last summer. tiny little outposts by the cabinet were approved to become full settlements on the 1st of those has now been signed off by these riley military.
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now the timing of this is fascinating because only on monday we were in the hague of wrapping up 6 days of hearings. well, almost 50 countries around you before the international court of justice, that israel's occupation of the westbound contributed cloud legal because continuous ramp and ex, accessible continuing settlements construction. and these really supplements in the occupied west pine, which preventing the palestinians from uh, from self determination and creating a palestinian state or bay. you've seen directly these re lease ignoring really international calls you and calls to stop settlements. the us was given the, the list task of defending israel occupation in front of the cold saying the should be left to the un. and these regulation the policy needs didn't go sacked directly . well, there again, we have evidence that these riley is ignoring you ankles not to increase settlement to construction on the policy and cycle,
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which is why we have to go to the i c j because these are all just keeps ignoring goals to stop in the settlement construction and burn smith reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you. vernon of israel says the 2 is really settlers and one palestinian gunmen had been killed in a shooting at a petrol station in the occupied west bank. the incident took place at the entrance to the eli illegal settlement. that's north of ramallah is really media says the army has blocked off roads in the area as they search for possible additional shooters. let's bring in zane bas robbie zane, you're in ramallah in the occupied west bank. tell us more about this shooting. what do you know? well, we heard about this about 3 hours ago at about 533 p. m. local time, a posting in man, seemingly in his twenties or thirties armed with what appears to be an automatic assault rifle, possibly an american. i'm 16. according to the videos that we've seen, you arrived at a gas station that actually opened fire. killed 2 is rarely is another is rarely
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done been at the scene, been shot and killed this posting in man. it's not the 1st time and an incident like this has taken place at the specific gas station june last year. in a similar attack for his relatives were killed. the 2 palestinian gunmen involved are also killed one of the seen one later on down the road near a 2 bus. now there was another incident earlier today in which a palestinian man was killed. 2 others injured when it during this incident west of hebron. according to locals witnessing the incident there, these men were trying to cross a barrier either to get to work or to collect wild herbs for food and were shot for being at that place on that land. and of course, when shootings like this occur, the story never ends there. what are you looking up for next? what do you think happens from now as well? we've already seen settlers take the social media calling for retaliation, saying they should not be silent. posting and communities are expecting a,
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some kind of retaliation, some kind of response. some of the areas uh, between romanella and novelist where palestinians drive back and forth. there's already been a settler tax on at least 3 vehicles. fair cities in north of romo around them. a lot of places like sins are thomas i yeah, dominion municipalities. there. have started to open their doors to palestinians too afraid to travel by road back home, or people stuck in limbo in between places because of road closures because of settler attacks. so we're already seeing palestinians been stranded because of those roadblocks, as these rarely forces continue to carry out. man hunts and locals of also spotted military cars. vehicles moving towards columbia, a refugee camp south of ramallah, where the shooter and the it involved in the attack. it early was sought to have come from now. whenever incidents like this happen posting and say collective
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punishment is always part of the problem. the shooters, family and friends are identified detained. questions harass, often times of the family home is marked for demolition. so the expectation is that it will be a potentially busy and a busy night in the columbia refugee camp for the residence there. that same bus, one of the reporting from all the thank you very much. i for more than 30000 palestinians have no been killed in gaza since israel launched its war in october. that's 1.3 percent of guns as population. so take a look at how this percentage compares with other countries. if a war had killed 1.3 percent of israel's population, for instance, that would amount to more than a $120000.00 is really is killed. and ukraine, the same percentage of people killed, would mean nearly half a 1000000 are dead in the united states. that would translate to nearly 4 and a half 1000000 americans. and in china, more than 18 and
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a half 1000000 chinese would be killed if 1.3 percent of the population have been killed. us president joe biden has commented on today's events and gaza, saying that efforts to reach an agreement for a temporary cease fire by monday are unlikely to turn on. okay, let's go live to washington dc. i'm joined by our white house correspondent. kimberly how good, what more did bite and have to say give us the whole context around. this is pretty short statement here. so yeah, it's a short statement, but it's a surprising one in that the us president just a days earlier had intimated that there was a possibility that there could be some sort of temporary cease by fire by the end
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of the weekend as early as monday. and so there had been a lot of optimism. the white house had been suggesting optimism and even had released the statement just hours ago from the national security council suggesting the potentiality of that saying that there may be a potential temporary cease fire. so then from the us president to walk out on to the south, lot of the white house and say, hope springs eternal, but maybe not by monday. and at one those comments back was rather surprising for many reporters. and the reason for that is it's unclear, but the possibility that there happened some complications and negotiations. we still don't know. okay, so we know they've been talks negotiations ongoing about a possible ceasefire in that context. joe biden spoke to the mirror of guitar. we're just finding out what do you know about that? so yeah, and this may be why the us president is now walking things back. these negotiations
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has been going on for a while. they're delicate, and now we're learning that the us president has had 2 very important telephone conversations. one of them with the mirror of cuts are the other from the, with the president of egypt. and in those conversations, what we know is that they discuss the need for captors to be released. that's not new. and also though, that when this happens, that this should trigger a ceasefire, that should be at least 6 weeks. and that it should be in, during, in other words, this may be what the hiccup is that perhaps this in, during aspect the need that they want this to trigger something longer than just 6 weeks. may not be quite ready. and so that's why they wanted to delay this a little bit again, speculation, but the, the fact that they want this to go longer than 6 weeks might be the reason that they are prolonging these talks. now the other part of this is that they discussed
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the fact that there has been this tragic incident that, of course, our colleague bernard smith has been reporting on the fact that as people were desperate with hunger waiting for a that many died in the attempt to do so in gaza the the both leaders discuss with president by the not only that this is tragic and alarming, but underscore the need to bring these negotiations to a close to get 8 into gaza. and that all 3 of these leaders would remain in contact in order to achieve these goals in the coming days. kimberly thank you very much that reporting there from just at the white house. let me bring and she hubbard time see now she have you're also in washington and you've been listening to lloyd austin that us defense secretary, he's been talking about gaza to congress. what's the headline there? the it's a rather it just didn't have the inside and also was speaking at
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a congressional hearing, which had been convened to discuss his disappearance at the beginning of the a. he went into the hospital for a few days in january, but he didn't inform the whitehouse. he didn't inform his commander in chief the president. so that was the all sensible reason for this hearing to get to the bottom of why he did that. but congressman wrote, kind of california is side step that issue and went straight into the issue all of us culpability for the thousands of dad in gauze of you've been discussing over the last 202030 minutes or so. and that's where austin raised some eyebrows with an estimate of the number of women and children that let's take a look mister secretary about how many palestinian women and children had been killed by his world since october 7th. it gets over 25000. mister secretary. yes, last week the un high commissioner for human rights weren't that any transfer, a weapon or ammunition to israel violates international law. about how many
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precision guided many nations has the united states given his relatives the beginning of the war. uh, i don't have that number at my fingertips, but uh we have uh endeavors right. it's about $21000.00 precision, guided munitions to is role since the start of the war. if netanyahu defies the united states and invades rafa, will you commit today that you will hold any future military set sales to as well? obviously, sir, that's a, that's a presidential decision. but um, you know, we expect that uh and by the way, i spoke to the district a lot last night. and i, i expect that uh we provide munitions to uh, to allies and partners that they'll use them in a responsible way. austin was assassinated over 25000 women and children. that is, is interesting because you've been using that figure for the last off of the of 30000 some 30000 estimated to died in gauze as
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a result of these ready bone baldwin. it's usually folded around 70 percent of those women and children, so that would mean $21000.00 women and children. that in fact, the latest goals are health ministry of figures are 8000 women, 12500 children and teens around 20 and a half 1000 number said also saying twin for the 5000 without hesitation is interesting. perhaps he has spoken meant 20500. we're not clear. we don't care whether this means or the best. some other means of, of us collecting cash or do you think it's good? because usually the administration just doesn't really call into, if it does come with it actually down pays the number of casualties and garza so we're still trying to get to the bottom of what austin meant when he said 25000 women and children debt and gaza. because of us ready? bombard mitchie, one things pretty clear about this number, even if he, if he's slightly misquoted, let's, if we, let's just make that assumption for a 2nd. one thing still pretty clear from that the us president joe biden at the beginning of this war,
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had said that the numbers coming out of the because the health industry that the death toll, the number of palestinians killed, couldn't be trusted because it was almost run in fact the us is own and assessment is very close, maybe even the higher then the death tolls that we're getting out of the gods. in other words, the us agrees with the number of palestinians were being killed. the biggest thing about joe biden, downplaying looks like it was coming out of gauze. what he did was he made a point of doing that about raised all sorts of questions about, about his own draw stuff, the a normal to you. if the conflict what he's being told, clearly the pentagon mostly in order to have the conflict, it understands how many women and children are being killed every every day. but yes, another way, the state department as long use the cycle time off health ministry officials as the world health organization has everyone else's numbers as of the casualties. but yeah, i think the striking think about that was it was a reflection of joe biden himself, that he made a point of saying all the casualties. all that by the mag and we got pops,
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reflects by its own own personal feelings about about the conflict and the need for his role to do what it's doing. and goals are. all right, she advertise the reporting from washington on the us secretary of defense saying to congress that israel has killed 25000 women and children in gaza since this war began. thank you very much. you have still ahead on alice's 0 representatives of how is the infractions, including fun and how mos, nathan moscow was times foreign minister has played down expectations of an agreement in chad and opposition. politician is killed during an army assault on his parties. headquarters in the capital in jemina and one of motorcycling all time greats wants to else a 0 about his new challenge that's coming up with andy. richard simmons, the
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the hello. we've seen some pretty nasty weather across parts of the middle east. recently, see this area of cloud here, that's just a rolling across the rock. turning to snow heavy snow to into afghanistan just to celsius the for couple. and we got to say a bit of rice, some snow, the mountains know that to into pocket stunted old gathers more as we go one into fast by behind, that not too bad it to him in the hot temperatures. around 22 celsius wins. easing off, just feel quite pleasant type of the next hour. so and you can see further, no, it is generate dry and similar temperatures here as well. so that is the side of the mediterranean, essentially set fabulous, somewhat to whether slipping across the g, announcer grace, pushing into the western side of the key. i think it should be long as you drive for the east and metal load. she also wanted to shout was just around little event as we go on into fast ice, the other side of the met the same,
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the really heavy rain recently like it's like system mass thing producing some breakdown, pulls across northern areas of algeria, still some showers in the forecast for friday, pushing across in to, to miss you could again cause a more localized studies was continued. meanwhile, just around the coastal fringes of west africa, then begin to kind of rude into and god was saying what to whether to on the other side of the riff, probably with some heavy down pulls the for tens in there. the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade, loses its survival skills the tree, discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on
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a jersey to examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only to question the most is what we are moving out. is there a sense the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice? i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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you're watching else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour. at least $112.00 palestinians have been killed after his release snipers fired at them while they were collecting food a around $700.00. others are injured. thursdays attacked by israeli troops has been described as a massacre. civilians were left scrambling to transport the dead and injured to nearby hospitals. many critical condition, most of the medical facilities in gaza, or barely functioning or totally out of service. and israel has seized a nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near an illegal settlement in the occupied west back. the portion of territory will add to the existing illegal settlement of molly. i do mean that's mere, occupied east jerusalem. representatives of palestinian factions, including for thought and homos, are meeting in moscow. they are expected to discuss the formation of the unified government and the rebuilding of gaza. the visit is expected to last 3 days. it's the 4th time russia has hosted a meeting of this kind. you will get
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a shot of oliver reports from moscow of representatives of all major palestinian movements, including thoughts of how much palistine and as long as your hat on functions from syria and lebanon, a gathering and most k to develop a unified strategy for further action that visit is to last mostly days all the way things, including with rushes for administer survey novels are being held behind closed doors. no media representatives are allowed that we also know that presentation is not planning to meet with them. russia has previously held similar meetings trying to achieve reconciliation between the policy and functions. and this is a full such me thing, the usual mediation wife of roster i can say about that. it's claiming one of the leading positions in the middle east, but also the gaza will broke. things have changed for russian to israel because they are very fond of such or me. so you is considered by israel support for
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terrorist and how's origin led to a series is here a ration and relations between the countries. at the same time, despite all the statements about corporation, it does not seem to be crammed in how much send as well as other policy or functions can reach a decisive agreement. and according to, unless the unification of palestine will most likely fail. again, you'd ask your profile about o 20 most go as a spring and summer, come with the assistant professor of public policy at the door institute, the graduate studies time, or how significant is this meeting of policy infections? the side of it is very significant. giving all what's happening and you know, the water and all the consequences of, of, of the days that i knew was there is a huge pressure on both homeless and fit, the fluid concern and for the same splits once and forever. the dean ends expect from the 2 leaders from the 2 movements to put together
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a unified plan that looks into agreeing on, on a strategy to liberty, palestine. how to engage with the piece of process many big important slides. so they need a that's the time for it to do it because otherwise, i mean is it or is, is very vocal and clear about it's, it's, it's plans for the day after which good involved and imposing some administrative government structures and that goes a step away from the personnel authority and they have been vocal about it. they don't want any involvement from the personnel. sort of the in the running the guy, the slip that the after this, what is all netanyahu and said, well, obviously no, i'm us, since they're out. yes. eat, i'm us, no palestinian authority and last week's plan presented by netanyahu for posts, for what would happen in postwar gaus. he wants people with management experience, but that would be approved of rubber stand by israel. yes. correct,
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correct. and this is objected by or us to. yeah. so including the fact that, yes, so now what, what's happening here is that if we look at how much, how much is regarded as a 3rd of this move with my many with some countries, including the us on these that i'm about shot is one of the few big powers that typical guys is how much and have no issues engaging with homeless. i mean that, but the norman listens with how much i'm thinking so that it does that. it just for the steam in resistance movement that they have been dev. invite to it must be the submitted times to multiple and also to have no malicious website that has what so . so the timing is important for the student has that option because that option is wants to send a message that they are a that it means relevant twice because it off with us or as a member of the you on for that that what that is, the money that was stablish in 2002, the 1st of the piece of process and it includes the u. n. the us, the new on the show. and so it also has a little historically in, in, since the subject of the, of the piece process in 1994. so the restaurants again are sending
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a signal that the audible event despite they've greenwood and all the installation they face and measuring the but they have a say in this, as we know, the question is, would they be able to really make a break someone's comes to this okay, yeah, that was gonna be my question. that's just a reminder of us, but on how much you have been fits or bits arrivals ever since. i'm us kicked out of a gaza and this was what? 14, sorry. the math is about 17 years ago. so yes, so what's happened is in 2006, but a stain on how to free elections according to international observers. how much one? yeah, that's what happened next. another time to you and what it was was present the led by funding live. they took a position of elf and beautifully, essentially, thomas, i'm requesting homeless because of its, the fields up there who nice is right. and how much was the me that as related and the subject li, like you know, that tony blair, himself, when he step down as the invoice of the quote, the t a method in 2017. that this decision was the wrong. yeah. and you're,
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you're not gonna be able to get it to this decision because how much was that like the democratic, the democratically. and he was of the opinion of that. we should have engage with him as, but that is what i think it's because now we're dealing with this consequences of isolating how much i mean this also has to do with the cut off for now they've never reconciled. do just because i have to run. so i need you to keep this brief, they've never reconcile. do you think now with the pressure of this for they could, that could be what spurs them to reconcile when they this should. and if they say that will be at, assess the students most. so the expectations, the pressure hasn't been political inside, so they need the political. what to do is they can do it anywhere. it doesn't need to be most good could be even over a phone conference. so it doesn't, but, but let's wish that they have the political will this time to do it all right, time or come. we thank you very much for shooting light on all of that and the context. thank you. it. shoddy and opposition, politician. yeah, zillow has been killed in an army assault on his parties, headquarters in the capital, jemina,
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the attack on the office of the socialist party without borders or p s. f. came hours after several people were killed in an assault on the nations national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events followed the arrest of a p. s. f member accused of an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president's address reports from a butcher, a neighbouring nigeria. the position indeed i do not follow to see you on his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition source on his party without voters in jemina on wednesday. but before then there was a gunfight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. you should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the opposition of w tried to assassinate the president of the country, stop court. now in that incident they will fall just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and of course, there are also debts that were not, the numbers were not given by the with torches in german or on the streets of japan
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. i saw that i have very heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of the opposition socialist party without voters in japan on his desk . and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, the announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will affect the charges of responded to comply to the source. i'm just watching without voters or the transition just to really ever want itself charges a very important life. please, a very critical role to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is a dependable ally for western powers. he got to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical role in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups, especially in the lectures basing why it just comes to hundreds of tubes or even thousands of troops to do with elements of white. um, and there's not many states in west africa probates. i'm at the address,
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i'll just say to more than 20 people have died after a migrant boat sank off the coast of northern senegal. the boat was headed to europe. regional governor said that another 20 people had been saved. it's not known exactly how many people were on the vessel after time, but survivors said could be in the hundreds keys, while langley we left from joel. we've been at sea for a week since last wednesday. it was when we reached morocco, the coming to him told us he was lost and couldn't continue the dining. and then we all seem to take us back to stomach. i'll know that's how we ended up here. and then the leaders at a summit of caribbean leaders have urged the international community to do more to help haiti. those calls come as member states of the carrier. com, regional block say the haitian prime minister has agreed to hold elections by mid next year. armed gangs have taken control of much of haiti in recent years, shattering its economy and health care system. the crisis began after the
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assassination of the president juvenile movies. more than 2 years ago. the editor in chief of independent russian newspaper, viagas, that has been arrested. so gay sancho off has been charged with discrediting the russian military. it's understood the charges are in relation to an article published in the paper. papers license was revoked in 2022 as part of the criminal crackdown on descent. russian president vladimir putin has said western countries are risking nuclear war if they send troops into ukraine. the remarks come just come just days after the french president, a mentor and nicole said that nato should not rule out sending its soldiers to ukraine. sonya yeah, go reports a valid email, a valid email, each will tell them an address to the nation just 2 weeks. before russians vote in a presidential election, an election with letting me put in will almost certainly win again, giving him another 6 years and how much of
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a speech was dedicated to russia's internal issues, the economy, and social security. the obvious question of the war and ukraine was also addressed and despised signaling that russia was ready for dialogue with the us on strategic issues. no sign of a talent on the threats of a nuclear strike. if nato countries send troops to ukraine, we will keep you posted yesterday. it wasn't the consequences for possible interventionists will become much more tragic. we also have weapons they know about this is i just said we also have a weapon that can hit targets on that type of tree. and they should understand what they're doing now to try and scare the whole world. it does risk a conflict with nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization chest for which the comments are being seen as a repost front says president and mind writing my call. earlier this week he said
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nato shouldn't rollouts sending troops into ukraine. more than 2 years since russia launched its assault on ukraine, there is little progress, a far cry from the promise of bringing keith on the kremlin control in just 10 days by the special military operation. as putting coals rushes invasion and the casualties continue to climb. a moment of silence for rushes dead troops. well, loss is already reported by most ago. the ongoing tests, the stalemate and the declining morale or of list will come foot for the kremlin. so nick, i jago, i'll just sarah, or australia and philippines have been conducting joint see in the air patrols in the south. china sea. china is foreign ministry, responded saying maritime security cooperation should not harm other countries. paging warships have been detected in waters off the philippines coast. philippine president ferdinand demarco's junior says his country is on the front line of
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maritime dispute and will not see one square inch. our coast is in australia and will attend a special summit to the association of south east asian nations in melbourne next week. stability in the in the pacific region is a utmost priority for both our countries. the philippines recognizes australia's indisputable role as a regional step allies as a flourishing democracy in a staunch advocate of the rules based order and rule of law. a change of responsibility discharges. it's economic and strategic capacity, thereby sustaining the regional framework that has allowed us to experience unprecedented growth and peace. the city of co behind bolivia has been declared a disaster zone due to flooding. thousands of homes have been damaged across northern bolivia, days of heavy rain. 42 people have been killed due to a heavier than normal rainy seasons,
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which experts have blamed on the el nino weather phenomenon. at carbon emissions from wild fires and the amazon rain forest or their highest levels for the month of february in 21 years. brazilian authorities say why fires are up more than 465 percent compared to this time last year. scientists say the resulting air pollution is also a significant concern. a lot of same price in terms of bank policy will be closer to the buyers. but there are some components, some chemicals release, and some of these emissions which can assist the longer in the office fair. and then they could potentially affect tech products. the hundreds of thousands of commitments is dominated. so like i said, there's no evolution doesn't know about national boundaries and the overturned oil tanker that cause the large oil spill earlier this month of trinidad and tobago will take months to clean up. officials have so far cleaned up more than a 1000000 leaders of oil mixed with water that are near tobago,
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where the vessel capsized. some of the spilled oil has reached the shores of the duct caribbean island bonaire hundreds of kilometers away. and still a head on alpha 0, sports a 4 year doping bad may have just ended the plane career of this world cup winner. andy richardson. we'll have a story after a quick break. the a business like this, this will to you believe, i guess is i like flying on one of your makes modern plates.
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates the the okay. size farm for your sports news with andy richardson. andy, thank you so much sir. i will french will cut when a pull papa may have played his last game of professional football events,
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his thoughts being hit with a full doping gun. but after finding a test last august, the 3 year old study was shocked to the verdict and would never do anything to cheat his fellow ashley's son. how many triples pull papa was once the most expensive football or in the world. he's $110000000.00 move to manchester. united in 2016, confirming his place at the top level of the game, the jews later, he was central to france's woke up when in russia. now at the age of 30, his plain days did already be behind him. football has tested positive for high levels of testosterone and being given a full year band, full rejoined to its honey and club, the event is 2 years ago but has barely paid due to injuries. and he didn't feature phones at the last woke up. but but won't be able to pay again until 2027. you
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read. last year he talked to all the 0 about the challenges he's faced away from football. in 2022, he was the target of a kid not being put an ongoing police investigation. and for us, lead to the rest of his brother and for childhood friends the right then it means you know where they are and they will not like, you know that there. but the people that they close, the friends family that you thing though is they will have like the happy for you. they can the other one that they can like destroy, you destroy your so yeah, it definitely is. people in change when you get money and stuff, the money change people in a statement foldable has said he's sad, shocked, and heart broken and will be appealing against the ban on homeless i'll just there of a head of world athletics has dismissed the concept to the so called enhanced games, which you choose to take place next year. the enhanced games will not have the
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usual drug testing associated with international competitions from australia, assuming shemkin james micah center, said he will type in the build ups event to see if he can break a world record. and there's only one message and that is if anybody is moronic enough to feel that they want to take part in that and they off from the traditional philosophical end of hospital, they'll get by and, and they'll get them for a long time. so hey, you know, i'm sure there are crazy things happening in other sectors. we occasionally get them ripples f one boss christian. honda says the team has never been stronger on wednesday and then suddenly investigation played him is inappropriate behavior towards a female colleague when he sees is underway info, right. your site is loose, hamilton, head going quickest and 2nd practice dreadfuls. raining will champ them next. stoughton was 6 past 4 and says he's please investigation into him is over. the site is to manage it types. i was calling for more transparency about the details of the case and one of microsoft things full time grades, valentino rusty is taking on
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a new challenge in call. racing he'll make is debbie with the world insurance championship when the seas and stones in castle on saturday. jim and ash reports the cat's eyes gearing up the highest, the f o a world in george championship for the 1st time. the 10 hour race features . 37 costs and a 111 drive is with one name in particular, attracting a lot of attention. 7 time most who g p. well champion valentino, rusty, why don't you sell socket full times on mesa bikes? and now he's hoping to make his market in call racing. they have to say that there's a better defense with the, with the cab. and especially with the d. p within the summer and the 7th line compared to them with the cycles. and by the way they got. busy the fact is always that you go is always beautiful. i like and the i feel good though, so we'd roughly quit to motorcycling premier competition in 2021, but retirement was never on the cost of the 45 year old is my passion. i'm of a so,
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and i have already in my mind that, that the, when they finish with the month of cycle, i want to try to raise with the costs of these parts of bmw w r t t. there were 3 drive is every call in the championships and they take tons to do students behind the wheel races, various links from 6 hours to be iconic. 24 hours of them all. then the space is a be fine. so you have a lot of strategies in what that to be or is there more? why is the, is the 4th, you mean for the pilots and go yeah that you need that to and save the tie up because uh you say you're saying the catalog. most of you seem to be fine. you can seem to cut also more than 2 hours. so for the course information is that you'd be fine. the autonomy that was the biggest driving force to make to gp popularity. and he's hoping he can have a similar impact on insurance, racing. these type of races, and for me, they themselves, the,
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the photo that they sell. he's been incredible the way he has progressing to, into a sports. you know why he was so special on to is there really was only one number that could have seen on rough. these call 4 to 6. the same number he had on his slice, the entirety of his illustrious life surging with his presence at this championship of shoals to put in the crowd with his legions of fans, eager to see him on tuffs of how you do here. once again, 7 s aus is 0. the cell international sockets and cameron greene came to the rescue to australia on day one of the 1st test against new zealand. the seas was struggling on 89 for, for a while in sudden put green healthy endings together growing on base when i 3, the 2nd session is trying to finish in the day on 207 to 9 to 9. all right, that is nice for is looking for that. so any thank you so much and that's it for me . several then. yeah, if, if today 1000000 site you will have all your news in just a moment. that means you're in great hands. stay with us.
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the salvation is being used as a what the only way to stop cutting costs ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks gold with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. war is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement the, the 10s of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. where in america, what happens once they make kids impart to of a special investigation?
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$1.00 oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is worth the risk and the sacrifice on out to 0. unique perspective that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the are asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power or no understanding the reality reporting from the action, the hospital with fearless german is just behind me? hundreds of people have been in fact to h isn't in depth coverage,
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tying on states it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the israelites knife is and times open fi on crowns of civilians in gauze, while they're waiting for food over a 100 people all killed the money in sight. this is out. is there a life from 10 or so coming out? medical stuff and gone says i'll shape a hospital say they don't overwhelm tracing. those who survive the mass again. as are all seasons, hundreds of hexes of palestinian lynette and the legal is rarely supplements in the occupied westbank and reports that too is riley settlers and one palestinian have


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