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tv   Witness Monkey Man  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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to the world of politics in iran. she's a former member of parliament from her hometown of temporaries where she was an m. p from 2016 to 2020. now she's running in a group of moderates in the capital where she's one of more than 3500 hopefuls trying to land one of 35 seats. a job she believes is critical, essentially calling me. sometimes we can see that some of those are interpreted differently, and so i'm not executed completely, or these are duties of parliament members of the institution of parliament is a main product in all countries to secure a national interest. supreme leader i to lot of the company has been urging the public to vote in to about broken their elections. the main pillar of these lemme republic. it's the way to reform the country. those who are looking to fix problems that should move towards the elections. the right way is via an election as the to iran. zillow troll system can be complicated with candidates having to be pre approved by the authorities of district guidelines. high unemployment rates and the
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double digits. record inflation rates at around 40 percent, and 30 percent of the population living below the poverty line. many people are not convinced change can come from the ballot boxes 2 and 5. for so did we poverty corruption and inflation all the while people's miseries increasing day by day? no one cares about old problems. out of 290 m. p. 's. maybe just 30 of them back the people. so vote for who a corrupt government. no one is happy with the system at all. what i said that i'm on the slide is about voting because i feel that the destruction of a country starts at the ballot box folder. se remains an issue, not only for the candidates, but also for the larger political establishment. this is the 1st election at a time when parliament, the judiciary, and the governments are all controlled by conservatives. the conservative candidates dominate the ballots and they're expected to continue their control of
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the parliament. with little challenge from the reforms, count, well, voter turnout will be seen as the end of the tests for those in power at a critical time in their aunt's history. the doors such as laurie l g 0 tapper on the city of columbia, and bolivia has been declared as aust. as the jews are floating. thousands of homes have been damaged across northern bolivia, off days of heavy rain. for the 2 people have been killed due to a heavy at the normal rainy season, which expensive blamed on the new why the bathroom. okay, that's fine. for me, my name's side as a waste. we have a website. i'll just share a top. com, which has all the latest on our top stories to check it out. witness coming the the highest branch of the chinese government, the national people's congress is missing in the agents outlines its vision for the
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year. but as the point of view fails to recover from the pandemic, what's called a group discussion has been increasingly weak outlook for the rest of the color. the latest development the, the, the, the people, people. yeah. the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, i mean, easy, can you or the so you paid i peebles. so i go to the independent variable.
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the legal law locates the people the communities due to the b to b, the idea. yet if you can use the easily to get the money
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the me i repeat the, the, the, the uh the, the, to the lease or like the cobra did go to g or nothing by that says he already i did call my policy the to g g or you could see the oh, i can go i gave you the age of gigi as the
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the peak with the guys. k as you already cut those. can you still want to people cool with the toner? cool. my cause in the room to be real, into manually getting my, your contents or the gay use things or putting must see notated, but in most cases i met with reading. it will literally only say to life and i'm glad that you put me to let you know, hopefully because then most well equal poor and beautiful. and then you know the
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model they need to relate to here. again, model music gave who they need to be made out and they need to take you to do to hold up in front of the team. please use this a companion, orlando, lanyard santa. we are excited for kindly it'd be it all of the english both that are less keen mika, like kiddos. okay. i can, i say color,
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yeah. can i? that's what that means. and therefore, it is thought as soon as how do i get up and do the, the i the guy who suggest the comments. i don't know from the other, but i'm at the local guys needs that that he has a cl again with him of that over. i know i'd be a bland task. is that what i'm seeing? the yep. there we go with the yeah, the with the uh is, is the front of the little side is a boy, is a part of the legal is a lot of general, incredible legal, but they got to be the key for revisit this real quick. it could be okay. yeah, yeah. when it goes into doing that, a lot of the teeth of how do i get the numbers? no florida is. if we look at ways the machine to communicate with them, give me a call. bobby, i'm used to click on the
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the 5. 0 yeah. let me get you to give me an idea of the most of the needs are usually you know, we get that on a piece, but i put in the a local move. yes, irene. yeah, possible. it a who, the less you can use a to assess those have been so i use units have been like this order is, let me, let me tell him in orlando be in the media in data will be able to be a that would be for the family to be on the way that if you,
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you get out of st. animal for you. so you go, go to level and be more of the g e as a whole lot of things that this, this, that comes out there for, for them, for me as hall. i'm or can see and ask him is on the matter that, you know, does that go to some others but those is, there's a so that was kind of the comment was laid out this countertops. i mean, a woman. thank you again the and the a nice that was on the slips that me most leave it on saturday that i was looking at the moment though, let me see i'm moving to chicago, the name of guess i'm i've been there, let's close a way of sales began security, i believe
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you'll be able to get that again. i will not fix the whole point if you need to go to handle the the bills normally. oh yeah. and i really need to move it to the, to the video and we go because, you know, a course that we love a, it's the media does it when it goes well, yeah, it does. a good way to get did for you go by the beginning because i think it's
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only a better team. is it fair? because i already meet the know how do we need to timing we do need to be in a curriculum didn't go and take it. 6 ringback for the team it but it didn't. we overlap the way i'd be that i brought up is what i give. i got to be a good deal, but i get we agree, i get all of them. you need the you can ok. i mean, how you, people believe he's, he didn't in there. so you'll be really kind of the hey, you know what you mean? okay. do you think if you kind of go back literally to the uh
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the, or the cable to low someone some of the same much you can do that for me. so for a letter, you know, say when i say mama meal or have you spoken for the month and discuss the those might take as much as i can. i may then be like the get a get up in the of where somebody would or he will tell you that just
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because we have the money to do it. is that oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was yours was easily the reason why i moved here to your your he's for the appraisal for them. you go with that thing underneath amazing deal ability, but over i said your, your thing we got to we as a menu. yeah. that's live close to that.
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yeah, well let me go by the, by the said the dealer did he hold. let me see if i me see what i mean by the weight of the bike hang up with me. i'm in the example conflict, since i'm going to quote, i'm going to pay the the, and i'm going to get a, i mean the
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the the degree of the you said he got the number, but a book is really busy. yeah. of the the
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move who, who who, who are you the zip code you know who can no pool, good nor poor. okay. maybe you're thinking we, you know, there's a lot of people in it to him. i don't think it's do you think the way you i might need to do. i'd live in the building. they're using the menu and then yeah, yeah. get new employer when you get a good deal for you know,
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you have to know the date though. it's super brief about yes, at the the community is winning a you isn't maybe angry you it's a wonderful day. you too, you guys will be leaving the thing when you get to a ingram. i was not really going to put it on pay the the get the money the and then and for the rest of the, of the night for the bottom of my, you know, thing to him for monday night. you know, you need to know, you mean you, but again, a good deal. they pretend i must say
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political move over. i'm going to give you. so he says, i found the go back to your part of the time you see sake when i see no, we human go for most of the on the only knowing me on the know started looking your use the manual middleton, you know the committee, the table meals are the government the know if in the you, underneath each i think it's i like to know if it does come with a new black because i was like home, me my you know of the ladies, you don't update my little braces. my mind. yeah. boy, boy, you'll be doing is if you do to be looking to get up on our point. okay. understand, you know, do you think one of the
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other that you see i think it's more month to us. what is the news? the news about the money to the value of the play by the fitness the deals the
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the. ready what is the, the the the, the yeah g 3, is that what it but oh yes. oh, that'd be a good one. 0, beautiful. i got one little boy zillow. hello. thank you very simple. even though it doesn't take on those more or less any yes. once a year, before i look with a little quicker closing, i will let you take the videos that we got about the theater. you're gonna use it handled if you need the that sounds example
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constantly as an mpi those categories. the instead of it's the littlest to find out we of course the cables have a c p u turn to at the winner. you know,
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the 44 guy isn't here, but you know, you think we'll continue as important to you a little bit more for the, you know, the stuff in the google thing. confident. easy. ok. they were to do the sewing songs where you guys and this new gun, this idea of use to send the can you think, which is what i want you to view orlando, you know, in the, in the moody, not did you. what do you do? you give me send me that they put up with you. they had like a new the i don't want to put a thing that you moved your body to forgive you. beautiful. you'll get all the kind of how to go. you know, we, i couldn't wait, but i mean, it will be a 6 also
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is you see in the, in the mail every uh and when people, the people cvd the course, i didn't look at it at the moment though they do, they feel this would be less, you know, paid or is it mostly so? no. the ok and then you go on the sign the why job i even only some side will think of some of the visa and i mrs. you this, the kid to do is, you will see you say to the must be with the mental to the side of go to utilize it. or do you tell your people plan to do you mean to get a call at the delivery of a busy time? would you compile your ability to go into my credentials? you can take care of that, but we have again,
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but i was and your boss is ridiculous. i knew you the guy that will give you a book to create a the need to move you over to me to get this handy because the you and what to do see, do you want me for the name or the date? we're getting a new release of the need to know the story. so we can go from the the,
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the blind like police fruits, salads and indigenous mother and box on an incredible jenny for justice time must be seeking reparation all dislike with no political background. she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st line sen. within the realm of politics, the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. the latest news as it breaks for survivors deliveries of fluid out a typically needed because of the acute, let them of hunger and medical supplies need to r. rawlings to with detailed coverage, no sooner do repair words present is rarely,
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military rates resume. and there is more property destruction from the hearts of the story. this 10 has been a home and the only shelter for as someone who families, the living conditions are for perfect the african languages from african perspectives, the competitive vehicle this timber service, and to show documentaries, by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew cl, easy on the drive on and reinventing a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties that just looks like beaches,
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historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the is rarely snipers and times open fire on crowds of civilians in golf while they were wasting, sustained over a 100 people on the online site. this is out. is there a knife and also coming up medical stuff and causes all shape for hospital? say they all overwhelm tracing. those who survives the months. okay. is are all seasons, hundreds of factors of palestinian land, nan and eagle?
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is there any settlement in the occupied westbank reports that too is rarely settlers in one palestinian have been killed in.


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