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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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days that another link is taking place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves us out with that as well as permissions allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without the the hello online site. this is the news outline from coming up in the next 60 minutes is really forth, is gone down, potter simians waiting in line. some desperately needed a supplies over a 100 people all killed. if there's anything that the aerial footage of today's incident makes clear, it is just how desperate the situation on the ground is. the wells reacts to the masika then us condemns a loss of life while the united nations, again pools for
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a cease high upsize, the death soul in israel's wound also surpasses 50000 how the signatures and why gratian and the spotlight on the american campaign trail. joe biden and donald trump both made trips to the us mexico border. the hello welcome to the program. it's 22 g m t. that's midnight in gaza. we have a desk toll from an as riley attack on palestinians who are collecting aid continues to rise. at least a 112 people have been killed. and once being described as a masika of desperate civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered earlier today to collect few days when they were attacked, as well as ami says its soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt threatened by the large crowds. now this comes as
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a number of palestinians killed since october has passed. 30000, moving 13000 of those all children. it's michael. apple explains how the attack on palestinians wasting to aid unfolded. in the early always of the morning, thousands of people flocked to l. rashid road, southwest of cause, a city desperate for a aerial footage, released by these rainy military shows, crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened was clear. the data and the dying. lying side by side or to gun down by is really 5 o'clock in the day is really just open random fire on us as it was a truck once we approach to a truck. so this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any
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a deliberate at all. every convoy coming means another mess initial instead of aid. they've come away with the dead by don't key cotton call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals. all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about, the hospital being out of service. the mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries. most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention, but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless. we're simply administering 1st a treatment only that these riley military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has
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provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down even inside the as soon as the aid trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they opened fire run w, killing innocent men and women, and look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing. enrolled, the palestinians are left with a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like an apple which is 0. many of the injured were taken to al schafer hospital and gaza city, which is only partially functional medical staff that have been overwhelmed by the number of patients as my uncle reports. that on definitely would be about an i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre that the created by the is ready,
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occupation forces against innocent and starving dozens who rush drive a sheet, coast federal, deleting. they couldn't get that hands on some food aid. yeah. and then we'll see random walk on the entrance and caught those of the hospital all over. the fact was victims. the more you filled with thousands of dead bodies, yet many more dead bodies remain lying on the road. the medical staff stand helpless. i'm in this influx of victims, as we speak, more victims are still being dropped to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listen to some eye witnesses. so we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children. but then he is really tanks advanced. they opened fire randomly on everyone, on the right. dozens were killed a hundreds injured by simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children. we've been stopping for more than a 140 days with very little ages entering the golf district and nothing is reaching
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dental of what model. it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flour at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the holland is really tongues open. fire dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children, any aid delivered to soaks in our blood, make god punish those responsible for some on the face. it is known to the whole world that the north of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of the earth. this man is a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldier shot to him in the chest. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body is lying here before you implement a lot of these riley's ledge to be with humanity. they showered us with thumbs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and
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stopping us measure ongoing masika slots was struck by the is read these on innocent guys and the multitude many also of crimes is mine. and i just the 1st house you, that the on the mascot at north in gauze and this morning has installment is rarely strikes from continuing to attack tarka. but resume is in russell with the latest. this is where is a pressing on with you. it's been a treat forensics, causing a great deal of destruction and also displacement for palestinians. and we have been seeing a gradual increase of military strikes in the past few hours for the district and another part of the city. a group of palestinians have been targeted with a trone this time. we're at least 2 palestinians have to report that into the dues for indians have being transported from the to our hospital for receiving medical treatments. but also we have been hearing in the past how exactly will
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confrontations and phonics change between the policy and fine to sunday is really school just in this kind of a part of the city of con units. now this area i'd be also on board to today, what for palestinians have to reported killed specifically in the area that have been fairly designated as a sage 7 and a the western part to conduct a city. also witness mobile involvement by these pretty artillery, specifically. and how much it, it was, it didn't show the neighborhood where there are injuries a month. there is a desktop being transported to the repeat hospital for medical care and do the same city at least 17 kind of thing. and found a cute and have been recovered since the 80 hours of today's morning. and we have been here in more a confrontations and back towards reaching in the city of a conference to, to you specifically. and it's a to a neighborhood between the power city and pointers, and it gets very sore just as it's considered to be right now as an ex of
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battlefield there, as well as trying to complete a militarily dismantle of the military infrastructure. the of the claims as well as military set it open fire on civilians, off the troops approached in what they called a threatening manner. they also said that a stump paid was partially to blame for some of those tests. but it's smith has moved from ok potty stories, them on what these writings has been saying about the incident. i say it recognizes the severe pressure is going to come on the internationally and as a consequence of what's happened in northern gauze of the edge, really military says that initially, what happened was the a trucks. why? because of this is wherever is ro has created a divide between the south and the north of garza. the trucks have gone through these check points, and it was rushed by thousands of palestinians trying to get the food. and people were crushed or even killed by vehicles. the military didn't open fire the state. and then later the trucks moved the know some people approached these riley
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military. they say it was threatening and mama and so that troops opened fire an open fire on people's legs. now these really media reporting what the ministry saying and also acknowledging that this could put a lot of pressure on israel to get more concessions in any potential cease fine souls and benjamin netanyahu in a press conference this evening. he's also said that again, he's coming under a lot of international pressure generally, but he will not stop the war until, as well as achieved its objectives in cost punishment. i'll just say era occupied these 2 as well. you, as president joe biden has dialed back optimism about the challenges for a cease fine in gaza itself to suggesting progress was possible. earlier in the week. white house correspondent kennedy helped get reports on his way to visit the southern border with mexico. us president joe biden surprise reporters by walking
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back comments made just days earlier, predicting a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. by the end of the week, i was on the phone, the phone was biden's telephone calls with the mirror of come to our and the president of egypt. just prior may have been the reason for the shifting deadline. both called readouts agreed, a sustained cease fire, of at least 6 weeks, would allow humanitarian assistance in the gaza and the release of captives and could be built into something more enduring. bivens comments come as, as really forces on thursday, fired on a crowd of palestinians and gaza, waiting for humanitarian a trucks. at least 100 people were killed and thousands more or wounded. biden's
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national security council says some white house is looking into the reports. this tragic event also underscores the importance of expanding and sustaining the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza in response to the dyers, military and situation. including through the, the a potential temporary cease fire as part of a hostage deal as images of the disaster circulated across the globe. on capitol hill, the only palestinian member of congress expressed outrage using and starve ation as a weapon of war is undeniable, of war crime and is a work i'm that we continue again to be complicit to those decisions. we are demanding and immediate lasting speech fire and that the israeli government commit to see thing any plans to bombard and evey. rafa also in capitol hill, the defense secretary lloyd austin, was asked just how many palestinian women and children the white house as estimates have been killed in israel's warren gaza. austin replied, it gets over 25000. it's
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a comment. the biden administration found itself on thursday for the 2nd time, also walking back. kimberly helped get l g 0. washington. a statement on behalf of being un secretary general has been issued condemning the kennings. the secretary general a condemns the incident today, northern gauze, in which more than a 100 people were reportedly killed or injured, was seeking life saving aid, the desperate civilians in josh, i need urgent help, including those in the busy siege. northern part of garza with united nations has not been able to deliver aid for more than a week. the secretary general reiterates his call for an immediate humanitarian cease fire and the unconditional release of all the hostages held in gaza. he once again calls for urgent steps, so that critical humanitarian aid can get into and across garza,
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for all those who so desperately need it. oh, we can get more on this last class. i've had to gabriel as long as i who was at un headquarters in new york. so i took us through in a bit more detail that statement. i mean, what else did he have to say about the masika this morning in gaza as well? number one, the, the spokesperson for the secretary general is not calling you to mass securities, calling it an incident that needs to be investigated. you clearly condemned it, but was questioned by journalist multiple times and repeatedly during his daily noon. a briefing that takes place here every day at the un headquarters. ask him who exactly are you condemning and what actions and this and i think he's trying to walk a very fine line there. because as you heard him say there,
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it has been more than a week since the un has been able to be on the ground in northern gods are delivering aid themselves. so, and they're trying to get as much information as they can, as are everyone else. so he was very hesitant to specifically name israel as the corporate of this, or get into too many details without more information. but the bottom line is i, i asked him repeatedly as and specifically if the u. n. was involved at all in this a distribution and he was adamant that the u. n. was not taken. listen, a little bit more to what he had to say. cool on the ground in northern kaiser right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know up to date on the ground we, we only focus on ourselves, right? so the u. n is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all so we,
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we read the press reports of member states doing uh, doing a deliveries the ideas, facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning. now i was asking those questions because the spokesperson continued to, to say we condemned whatever happens there, the incident, but wouldn't really point the finger so much directly. it is real. but i said, israel is the only party that's on the ground really there that would oversee any sort of a distribution that was sort of the background of that question, of course, but it's not because the u. n. does not want to deliver a to northern guys or they very much do want to it's just they cannot get aid in and it's too dangerous. and that the conflict should mechanisms that they had set up with this really authorities just simply are not working according to the un. so
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they had to take the very difficult step to pause any a delivery. but they say they're working as hard as they can to reasonably find some avenues to re started a delivery and overseen by the un as soon as possible. okay, thank you for that, gabriel. let us onto that for us at un headquarters in new york. how does that mean boy has been rescues from under the rubble of his home off to surviving the after 9 days for the law and name and for relatives were buried when and is writing missed on hit the building in gaza about a senior, the civil defense says that the people were killed and not attacked. the boy is severely dehydrated, as well as malnourished and have to be taken to hospital on a donkey cock because there isn't enough fuel for ambulances in casa,
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as well in northern dogs or hunger is worsening. most palestinian families that eat once to day at most in your body of people receiving just a trickle of humanitarian aid. finding food is a daily fight to survival. to me, a cheap man for that and co reports. before we wake up to the screams of 4 children asking us for food, they ask us for food night and day. it's a busy morning for my mood and his family in the carriage where they live, the women of cooking. these are pancakes made of animal feed here in jamalia. they're lucky to find anything to eat. hardly hear what my wife and daughters are cooking. we spend 4 days looking for this just to get one key to my wife and i will not eat because it will all go to the children and grandchildren. i cannot eat when they all saw. for months now,
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northern garza has been old but cut off from humanitarian aid. survival is a daily challenge. i have not been shot in summer then. 2 months ago we were on the brink of a feminine. now we have no real family, no, you cannot find a kilo of flour or any food. and if you do, the price is so expensive. this market might seem busy, but only at 1st glance, the vendors, but then the any bias. these are spices, not t, nothing substantial. this man is selling carrots and says they're affordable but nobody's buying palestinians here. have nothing left. i haven't because i'm not going to get a feel of shame. do not have a cost with how much it costs. they looked at me a long offering. if i'm serious, i'm no longer sending pumpkins or anything expensive. it's enough for me. so lemons for $0.25 a key, looked at. they're not the same number. see if we ate close. there's and grass. our
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children have died from starvation. we have run out of things to eat, and we are starving. we have no money to buy anything. everything is so expensive, which we use to buy for a dollar. now coasts 15 for these children and their families a ceasefire, is the final hope at least then, it should be easier to move around casa, searching for food, to make it through the day. to meet you meant vanco out as 0. israel says that 2 is ready, settlers and one palestinian have been killed in a shooting at a petrol station in the okay. pod westbank incident in place of the entrance of the eli illegal settlement north for and all that is really media is say the army has blocked off roads in the area is a search for possible additional shoes has it is rarely satellite protesters. symbols are gathered at the air as crossing which separates israel from northern
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gaza. demonstration is trying to set up what they called a symbolic supplement on the as riley side, they demanded the restoration of supplements inside gone. so once the fighting stops, we came here to declare that the day after this war is over, we must settle. we must spread jewish towns all over the gods districts. because without that, it's gonna become a fortunate snares. it's, you can't leave a vacuum. we see what happened 18 years ago. we allowed them, uh, we left our agriculture, we left our green houses with them. everything was destroyed. so i got a boy he came here in order to enter, to return back home. and i live in a community of people evicted from dish, good teeth, almost settled with and garzo as role has sees nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land there and a legal sacrament in the occupied westbank. and these will establish a nice estimate, nit molly, a domain which is now a few bodies wisdom,
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estimated $40000.00. is there any such as lives a separate expansion? isn't ego on the international law yet? israel has run the top significantly. best since the war and gaza began in october no way says that the palestinian authority has received a $114000000.00 and withheld taxes by israel via also. if more of the funds on the way, israel collects tax on behalf of the palestinians, but regularly use its control of the tax revenues as a means to punish the authority is abraham has moved on this more than 140000 palestinian look forward to him please have not been receiving the full salaries for the past 2 years. that's because israel regularly cuts the palestinian authorities tax revenues, the hello cindy, is there not control the void? there is and cannot collect taxes and customs goes under the occupied territories
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through check points like this one in 1994, the fellow and his radio officials agreeing that as a collect loose boxes on behalf of the palestinians. i'm tries for them every month . is there ok, 3 percent of the money as commission on average is a reflects around $200000000.00 monthly. this one is to show for the palestinian authority survival as a mix up within 60 percent of its revenues time. and again, israel has withheld the tax revenue as a way to punish palestinians in 2019, it's possible to deducting what he meant for palestinian prisoners comedies, saying this insights violence. israel also keeps money for any bills owed by the p . a. a says, laura and guys have begun as well, has withheld the taxes altogether. this time it says it will not transfer money. the p a pays to public sector and fees and gaza for services industry. in response,
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palestinians refused to receive any of the money if they don't get the full amount . in january, a plan was agreed for as well to send the money meant from gaza to norway until a solution can be found. why withholding tax payments? israel has cost at least $11.00 financial crises over the years. hello, send you an official se as well. news is the tax revenues as a threat. another way to exercise control and blackmail palestinians need that for him as a to the occupies less thing. the. the u. s. president j barton on his line key arrival in november's election. donald trump booth visiting the mexico boulder, bought in arrived in the town of brownsville in the state of texas, where he met with border patrol agents. immigration has been a big political issue bought and isn't using the trip to highlights house. some
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republicans in congress got food and buy pops on for the secures a deal on the orders of donald trump was making the land bought and said the time has come to commit more resources to securing the us for the folks. it's real simple. it's time to act as phone patch times. i just received a briefing from the border patrol at the border as well as immigration enforcement asylum officers. and they're all doing incredible work under really tough conditions. really tough cuz you, they told me what they were, what you already know. we already know they desperately need more resources, say it again. they desperately need more resources. the more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our board. it. meanwhile, donald trump is an eagle pass, texas. the city is out the sense of ongoing state federal disagreements over border security. scheduled patsy calhane, who is also in brownsville,
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texas for us passing. what do we make of these journeying visits by barton and from is it a coincidence that that by visiting texas of the same time well, donald trump campaign announced that he was going to be here last week. and then we heard or just days later from the, by the ministers that he was going to come here. it does show you how the issue is going to be in this election chip present. joe biden, you can tell by the troopers are so block it off the street. so in there, in the border patrol facility, just a few kilometers away. i'd really think it's a very interesting finding came here to frown. so which is a bit of a democratic stronghold ad, this is a place where local leaders embrace the integration. they've got lots of groups that help these migrants, which is great in the community, get legal. a legal pass for donald trump is, has been the center of
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a lot of controversy, very, very aggressive approach by the governors there to turn back migraines and their speeches, putting out a bit more different. donald trump said that the press president joe biden was allowing in columns of fighting aged men from countries that are unfriendly to us, to describe it as an invasion. he said that these countries all over the world are, as you know, mental institutions and prisons and sending them to us, tried to fax ships this issue because it is very damaging for months, sort of compromise republicans and democrats that came up with a bill. it would be a broader bill, but in its $20000000000.00 to really focus on the order to do things like change who can apply for asylum would add more judges. because right now, if
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a migrant comes in and they ask for silence, there's such a backlog that they're allowed to come into the country and show their cases heard, and that's on average 5. so what do you more judges for border patrol for screening? so things like fentanyl and we would also create more detention centers. so finding somebody here to say, look, i can fix it, but it's the republicans who won't help me. and it was very interesting. he actually challenge donald trump. it's not name usually uses very often, but he said, let's work together. let's get this done. can you both get credit for the interesting to see how donald trump responses that i don't think that they're going to be sitting down and have her and have a plan any time soon? no. okay, thank you for that pets echo. and that for a set from that, a very busy highway there in brownsville, texas. thank you for that. we can speak now to lee on fresco. he's a former deputy assistant attorney general in charge of immigration up and
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u. s. department of justice. he joins us now from washington, d. c. thank you for joining the program. why to using immigration has become an assumption line, better thing for president barton, particularly when it comes to his class against donald trump. the main reason is because the governor affects us has been very successful in use public relations campaign to move the people who are coming across the southern border. so all of the big cities in the united states, which email of itself may not have caused the issue of the campaign, except that then this prompted the mayor's themselves to actually speak out which amplified the message of the governor of texas and stated that the local budgets of the cities could bad sustain more people coming into the united states to try to depend on city resources. and so that i both occasion flaws what is in a normal move cycle, about conservative media, and that i'm now getting out of the normal bottle of news worse when people listen
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to stories and others down. now this story is that mation wide story that's out of the bottle, and now this is why it's become such a big election issue. right? i mean, i mean, trump, himself, when he was president, wasn't particularly successful in solving america's immigration problem. and they were many bad stories around that people seem difficult and that it's absolutely correct. there are some things that other ministration can do to be thought for on people crossing the borders. then other administrations have done this. so there was certainly more of the bind commitments administration going to be doing of the margins with regard to obtaining something individuals increasing. so i don't capacity, but really in the those will have very marginal effects without the kind of legislation that both republicans have previously been talking about them. but democrats are not talking about which will actually expand the authority to deal
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with asylum seekers in a way where the case of don't take 7 years anymore. that's the largest problem, is that people know that the barriers to entry are very easy and they saw screening had been 7 years later. they can have their substantive case. then even if they lose their substance of gaze, what difference does that make? they've already been able to live in the united states for 7 years. and so that's the big incentive. the backlog be gets further back logs. right and listening to bob and, and the ad his, his message seems to be to blame trump and the congressional republicans fed blocking that senate's post immigration reform legislation in the house study of this month. how, how is that going to resonate with vases? and i think bad for the people that are inclined to give president bite in the benefit of the doubt, this will be sufficient that have them give him the benefit of the doubt. but for
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the people who believe the bind administration was reversing. what president trump was trying to do from the beginning, they will not believe this, or they will think that these are just partners in games that are not actually designed to control the border. there's this very delaying the debate in america right now about whether a president can unilaterally shut down the border. and quite frankly, the answer to that is no, unless there's a public health emergency. but people don't seem to understand the actual legal issues involved here, or court that rule, that when there aren't these public outs emergencies, people have to be given the right to apply for asylum of the current sites authority framework. and so you need a change to the car, inspect the story frameworks to make a meaningful difference. yes, you can make differences at the margins and the buying and ministration hasn't been willing to amplified to the expense humanly possible, which is what truck was willing to do. to make those marginal changes,
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but as you just mentioned earlier, even trump was not successful with the global scale changes that will be necessary trumps message at this time around when it comes to an integration is promising. this he's going to be even more aggressive than he was before. i mean, he is promise sweeping res. join comes mass deportations. is that what the majority of americans want to hear? and i don't think that's what the majority of americans once a year. i think people would be satisfied with large, with the idea that people could cross the border without a meaningful screening process. that's where people are upset right now is they don't feel that there's a meaningful screening process to prevent people who might harm americans from coming across the border, given the large numbers that are there. otherwise, i mean, quite frankly, it is evident that if you were to have a meaningful screening process with the numbers that we're talking about, you'd have to be the same people for much longer than we're designing them every
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time. but that's happened. we've had these horrible conditions on the border that people start putting out the videos, freeze, and are you start losing in that direction? why are you styling people in such fall as conditions wire screening by men? so there's really no great way out of this, but i think that's where people are really focused on. and i think that's understandable and a reasonable thing as opposed to this sort of punitive thing of basically saying we want to upon is everyone that we want to just the part b, volkhart blunt without any sort of due process or any sort of looking into whether they're an actual real refugee, i don't think that's where people are, but people just want the abuse or the lack of screening taken out of this as well. okay, leon fresco, really good to get your perspective. former deputy assistant attorney general in charge of integration and us department of justice speaking to a staff from washington dc. thank you. has own alcera and watch dog as warning about civilian declining freedoms on
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political wills around the world. the the hey there, welcome to your world's weather update. some good news right off the bat. temperatures are lowering in that southeast corner of australia, so that will push down the bush fire threads over the next few days. when a peel out can be a water look at the country right now. and in the kimberly region, we're getting dallas with rain just to the east of room in this zone here, we could pick up to a 100 millimeters of rain over the next several days to new zealand. we go not much to report, no weather alerts here, but some showers coming in to the south island and also clipping to escape. it gets bitten, but the sun will also okay. throughout the day. rounds of rain to go though,
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for into these is main island of java, particularly bad for central and eastern job of profit. it's all about the heat though, in thailand for book at $3039.00 degrees for the 1st day of march, and that could be good enough to set a record for the month of march. strong northerly wind in eastern china. you're going to feel that in shanghai 7 degrees, but it will feel cooler than that. and it's a bigger system we had in japan starts to slide a way about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters itself. were japan's mountain area here. but look at the cold air. it's draped in sol at minus 2 and again, remember fridays the 1st day of march, you should be all have in degrees for this out of the year. bye. for now, the 10s of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. where in america, what happens once they make kids impart to of a special investigation?
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$1.00 oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is worth their risk and the sacrifice on out to 0. diverse a nature color and meaning with these really made it to your occupation front and center. nothing about this. exemption is traditional or permanent or dis work place next to younger artists. it's a reminder that there is one under his way the bombardment i think that something they refuse to die certain to very few. so they quite an openings edition only to be closed after the war. and as it drags on menu on these paintings, maybe a survivor of causes are the
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and watching out there in mind that on top stories based out least a 112 palestinians have been killed off to as writing snipe is fine at them while they were connecting food a me goes, assessed 8 around $700.00 on images that say is attacked by his writing. troops has been described as a mass again as well as ministry says its troops opened file, so they were approach 5, how the stadiums in a threatening manner. and you and has condemned the incidents which came on a day. it's a desktop. when does this deposit? $13000.00, often almost 5 months. representatives of palestinian factions, including fossa and homeless. so meeting in moscow, the discussing the formation, if a unified government, i'm the rebuilding of casa visit is expected to last 3 days. it's the 4th time.
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russia has hosted a meeting of this kind, usually uh, ship. a rollover has moved from muska representatives of all major palestinian movements including thoughts of how much palistine and as long as you had on functions from syria and lebanon, a gathering and most scared to develop a unified strategy for further action that visit is to last mostly days, all the way things, including with rushes for administer survey lab roles are being held behind closed doors. no media representatives are lounge that we also know that presentation is not planning to meet with them. russia has previously held similar meetings trying to achieve reconciliation between the policy and functions. and this is a full such me thing, the usual mediation wife of russia. i can serve on that. it's claiming one of the leading positions in the middle east, but also the gaza will program. things have changed for russian and israel because
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they are very fond of such a me. so you is considered by israel support for terrorism. how's origin led to syria? is it tara ration and relations between the countries the same time, despite all the statements about corporation, it does not seem to be crammed in how much send as well as other policy or functions can reach a decisive agreement. and according to, unless the unification of palestine will most likely fail again, you left your profile about o 20 most go the freedom around the world has severely declined. that's according to a report by freedom house, which is an engineer based in washington dc. political rights and civil liberties have deteriorated according to this report and 52 countries. this conflict and election manipulation,
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whether main causes more than 70 janice were killed in dallas and last year. well, 300 schools and universities were destroyed. the conflict in see don is also humming the rights of many with more than 7000000 people displaced on criminal gangs in ecuador, disrupted that nation's elections. last year. officials and political candidates were assassinated, one of them, days before a general election. global freedom will be tested again this year with at least 14 countries holding elections in the coming months as big now to tunnel on us having not yaga. and he's a junk, profess and know at volks and university in india, he joins us now from bras, as a lot of us, as i camp. thanks for your time. so i want us to get your reaction to this report by this us based and year of freedom house. thank you very much for having me. first of all, i mean freedom house is in
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n g o and the organization that is lawfully funded by the us, american governments. and it has also some additional funding offered by um, independent persons, but also other organizations. but at the end of the day you read them. house is sca holding in my view of scientific research and to buy a bravo. uh uh, hiding up political ameritas. uh at the end of the day. freedom house is uh full other ringo own agenda. um that is serving for a certain ideas of its own funding organizations. and that is at the end of the day, a western post right in there. for example, it's highlighted in this reports by freedom house as
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a country that is full and sharp play in the rankings during 5 minutes and they're in the moodies tenure is. is that something you disagree with? everybody at lunch, they are certain issues. certain countries obviously where we have to purchase ice, a box of freedom, also setting something parramatta's. they are setting a certain narrative in the road and that are making it easier for western powers like united states and its allies to discuss the ground before it comes to a diplomatic or even a military, militaristic intervention. and the current have to go has off freedom holes of which he said, we don't want to live in a world in which we are surrounded by people like doing things without him. you're putting the auto bottle in the class model. google's at that sort of world in which
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americans feel safe and for a world in which businesses or other engines of american prosperity but the quick price. i mean this very quote by the figureheads of freedom of can give you a taste for what freedom whole status for. okay, so just to be clear, just to be clear and your issue is your issue here is with freedom house itself, not free to from reports, freedom reports, the issue is but freedom house is the issue of these particular reports that all setting a sense for descriptive barometer for was freedom is want and democracy is. and i think that is something that is dangerous in the car, runs a very diverse world that we live in. and we cannot understand freedoms in the western world as we see. freedoms in the post colonial global.
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seldom world, we need to understand the world more holistically. and we need to also understand that a democracy is one thing, but democracy is understood in different parts of the world. so freedom calls reports our freedom reports as such. cannot be the cause. i like the you to let fro and universal guidelines for the entire world. a space that makes sense. yeah, i think i'm getting your point. uh so. so what is the old tentative as well, the old alternative is coming from the old scholarship. the 3rd motor produce international law is to build an international law from below, and also to consider different cultures, cultural and cultural narratives to governments to understand what the different traditions are and different approaches to human rights are. and i think that was
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very much like kings when we are discussing freedom halls and o s and institutions, but also particularly these organizations and as the reports that they are issuing, we need to be aware that freedom holes and, and it's reports, cannot be the strict guidelines we need to involve more strictly, and the people from the bill will solve, solve ulten, voices in order to be included in these. and so i have reports at the end of the day, if i may, if you can give me um, just a way to, to explain this, am the person who wrote freedom holes reports and was a person called raymond castillo. and he was quite a sense, essentially the only person who wrote this report until the 19 ninety's until the this was been taken over by a team at the global law. it, most of the, essentially,
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people from the sold will help. right. to elaborate. all right. i, i think i'm understanding your point and you essentially you're saying that freedom for one person is not necessarily the same for a pass and from another part of the world. thank you for your perspective. the meal and then a 7 year gun junk prevents the new books and university in india. thank you. thank you to the child in a position politician. yeah, yeah, d o has been killed in an army of souls on his parties. headquarters in the capital in jemina, the attack on the office of the socialist policy without borders, also known as p. s. s, came out as off to several people were killed in an assault on the nations national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events for the rest of the p . s. f member accused different assassination attempt against the supreme court.
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presidents that address has more of this us. that's awful position. indeed, i do not followed us. he's doing his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition socialist party without voters in jimmy, not one wednesday before. then there was a gunfight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. you should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the opposition of w tried to assassinate the president of the country's pop court. now in that uh, incident, it was all just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and of course, there are also other debts that were not, the numbers were not given by the, with the origin in german, on, on the streets of dom united. so that i have there is heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of the position socialist party without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just
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a day after the warranties. they announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident on the past 48 hours will affect the charges of your opponent to comply, to be switched on this party without voters or the transition disability. everyone itself charges very important online police are very critical roads to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is dependable allies for western powers. e got to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical role in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups, especially in the lecture basing why it just comes to hundreds of tubes or even thousands of troops to do with elements of full bottom. and his mom in state, in west africa probates, i'm at the address, i'll just need a couple just a need. is that a summit? as car being late as a village, the international community to do more to help pay 3 phase cools come as member
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states of the carrick own regional block, say that the haitian of prime minister has agreed to hold elections by mid next year. the gangs have taken control of lots of hazy and recent news shattering its economy and health care system. process began off to the assassination of the president. german now mosey opened 2 years ago. so as on al jazeera, on doors of our entire onboard, millions of radians are eligible to cast ballots in parliamentary elections on friday. the border obviously, is that an all time hard, i'll have the story coming up the in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the
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this business uptake the restaurant. net bundle dash move forward to use the
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the, the editor in chief of the independent russian newspaper and the via cuz that's how it has been arrested. so it goes so close has been charged with discrediting the russian ministry. it's understood the changes on relation to an article published in the paper. the papers license was revived in 2022 as part of the criminal crackdown on descent. meanwhile, russian president vladimir pierson has said western countries all risking nuclear. whoo, if they send troops to ukraine's remarks come to his days off the french president and my new my cross said that nato shouldn't rule out sending it soldiers to ukraine. sonya gave her a report, valid email village, you need of each hotel an address to the nation just 2 weeks before russians vote. and a presidential election and election with letting me put in will almost certainly
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win again, giving him another 6 years and how much of a speech was dedicated to russia's internal issues, the economy of social security. the obvious question of the war and ukraine was also addressed and despised signaling that russia was ready for dialogue with the us on strategic issues. no sign of the tone and the threats of a nuclear strike. if nato countries send troops to ukraine, we will keep you posted yesterday. it was the consequences for possible interventionists will become much more tragic. we also have weapons they know about this is i just said we also have a weapon that can hit targets on the territory. and they should understand the what they're doing now to try and scare the whole world. it does risk a conflict with nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization chip,
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or which the comments are being seen as a repost front, says president and monroe my call. earlier this week he said nato shouldn't rollouts sending troops into ukraine. more than 2 years since russia launched its assault on ukraine, there is little progress, a far cry from the promise of bringing keith on the kremlin control in just 10 days by the special military operation. as putting coals rushes invasion and the casualties continue to climb. in a moment of silence, the rushes dead troops. well, loss is already reported by most go. the ongoing tests, the style mates, the declining morale or blissful comforts for the kremlin. sonya jago, i'll just sarah. iran is holding a spot of entry elections on friday, nearly 61000000 people eligible to vote to elect the 290 member assembly. but a serious economic crisis could affect to announce in the 1st boat since nationwide
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. i don't think i'm and purchased in 2022 to send you by reports from tyrone zacko. sorry. and her team are in a hurry. they want to reach out to as many voters as possible before fridays. problem entry elections. site is no stranger to the world of politics in or on. she's a former member of parliament from her hometown of temporaries where she was an m. p from 2016 to 2020. now she's running in a group of moderates in the capital where she's one of more than 3500 hopefuls trying to land one of 35 seats. a job she believes is critical, essentially quality, because sometimes we can see that some of those are interpreted differently and so i'm not executed completely. all of these are duties of parliament to members of the institution of parliament is a main product in all countries to secure a national interest. supreme leader i to lot of the company has been urging the
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public to vote. and to about broken their elections. the main pillar of these, lemme republic, it's the way to reform the country. those who are looking to fix problems that should move towards the elections the right way is via an election as to iran. zillow troll system can be complicated with candidates having to be pre approved by the authorities of district guidelines. high unemployment rates and the double digits. record inflation rates at around 40 percent, and 30 percent of the population living below the poverty line. many people are not convinced change can come from the ballot boxes 2 and 5 to so did we poverty corruption and inflation all the while people's miseries increasing day by day? no one cares about old problems. out of 290 m. p. 's. maybe just 30 of them back the people. so vote for who a corrupt government. no one is happy with the system at all. what i said that i'm on the slide is about voting because i feel that the destruction of
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a country starts at the ballot box folder. se remains an issue, not only for the candidates, but also for the larger political establishment. this is the 1st election at a time when parliament, the judiciary, and the governments are all controlled by conservatives. the conservative candidates dominate the ballots and they are expected to continue their control of the parliament. with little challenge from the reforms, count, well, voter turnout will be seen as yet another test for those in power at a critical time in their aunt's history. door such as lori l. g 0, tapper on. nice 44 people live in, killed in a fight in bangladesh. most of the dead with restaurants, customers and a commercial building in the capital, duyka $55.00 to struggle for over 3 hours to contain the flames. that's the latest in the series of fires in the past few years in commercial buildings, in that densely populated city, an asset for me,
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money in size. this news on my colleagues and challenges will be here in a moment with the landlord today in the rates for the president's march 5th. we'll see millions vote across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump, a step closer to a re match, stay with alger 0, so continue to cover it to the us elections 2020 a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh, no, just the
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colleges with the african narrative from african perspective, the competitive to show documentaries by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew c r e z on the drive on and reinventing cassava for a new series of africa. direct on how to sierra, what do you consider amazing alexis, we believe in the luxury of choice. introducing the
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a white collar position with you in a g with bills itself analysis plug in hybrid electric. the israeli forces gone down, palestinians waiting in line for desperately needed 8 supplies of the time. how much i'm doing this is how does your live from bill? how also coming up if there's anything that the aerial footage of today's incident makes clear, it is just how desperate the situation on the ground is. the world reacts to the mask or the us condemns the loss of life. while the united nations again calls for
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a ceasefire such as the death toll and israel's war on gaza surpasses 30000 palestinians.


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