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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the is rarely forces gone down, palestinians waiting in line for desperately needed aid supplies. over a 100 people are killed. this outrageous, you know, massive is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies, vito's cost is then it is costing the palestinian people deadlines. the world reacts to the massacre, the palestinian of bassett, or asks with un security council to finally call for the
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i'm how much room this is out. 0 live from bill. how also coming up the death tool in israel's war on gaza surpasses. $30000.00 palestinians plus the united states is being overrun by the fighting migrant crime for ages. more officers, more judges, more equipment, in order to secure our board migration in the spotlight on the american campaign trail, joe biden. and donald trump both make trips to the us mexico border. the we begin with the rising deaf toll from it is really attack on palestinians who were collecting aid, southwest of gauze, a city, at least 112 people have been killed and what's being described as a massacre. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered to collect food aid. when they were attacked, israel's army says its soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt
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threatened by the large crowds. a michael apple explains how the attack on palestinians waiting for aid unfolded. in the early always of the morning, thousands of people flocked to old rashid road southwest of cause a city desperate for a aerial footage. released by these rainy military shows, crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened was clear. the data and the dying. lying side by side or to gun down by is really fine. it's not a plug in the is really just open random fire on us as it was a truck once we approach to a truck. so this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con board come in means another mess. initial instead of
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aid. they've come away with the date. why don't kick off call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about, the hospital being out of service. the mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries, most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless. we're simply administering 1st, a treatment only with these rightly military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's swell, overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down even inside the law. so
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as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they opened fire, run that by killing innocent men and women and children. look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing enrolled and the palestinians are left with few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like level oh to 0. palace signs of bands that are to the you in reacted to the killings by saying paralysis. and the security council is costing palestinian lights according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to it is today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing and the number that we have now
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is 100 of them. 2 of us have been can and the number is increasing and 750 in good, and possibly the number it would be increasing this out 3 just, you know, massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives. as many of the injured were taken to other ship a hospital in gaza city which is only partially functional medical staff. there have been overwhelmed by the number of patients is made it a whole reports and definitely be by them. i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocent and starving dozens who rush drive a sheep coast time road leading. they could get that hands on some food aid. yeah. and then we'll see, ron double the entrance and coffee,
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there is of the hospital all over the fact was victims the mortgage filled with thousands of dead bodies. yet many more dead bodies remain lying on the road. the medical staff stand helpless. i'm in this influx of victims, as we speak, more victims are still being drawn to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listened to some eye witnesses. so we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children, but then he is ready. tanks advanced. they opened fire randomly on everyone, on the right. dozens were killed and hundreds injured. i simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children. we've been stopping for more than a 140 days with very little ages entering the gall district. and nothing is reaching dental of what it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flower at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the hot in that is really
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tugs open. fire dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children any 8 delivered to soaked in our blood with god punish those responsible for some of them. i gave them the fax. it is known to the whole will that the note of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldiers shocked him in the chest. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body. is lying here before he met them in a lot of these rain, these alleged to be with humanity. they showered us with thumbs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us . measure ongoing mexico slots was struck by the is rarely is on innocent johnson, the multitude, many of the crimes an i 9 and i just the 1st house you that
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the israel's military said it open fire upon civilians after troops were approached and what they called a threatening manner, they also said as to impede was partially to blame for some of those depths. bernard smith has more from occupied east jerusalem on what the israelis have been saying about the incident. it's it recognizes the severe pressure is going to come on the internationally and as a consequence of what's happened in northern gauze of the edge really military says that initially, what happened was the a trucks. why? because of this is wherever is ro has created a divide between the south and the north of garza. the trucks have gone through these check points, and it was rushed by thousands of palestinians trying to get the food. and people were crushed or even killed by vehicles. the military didn't open fire the state and then latest the trucks moved to the know some people approached these riley military. they say it was threatening and mama and so that troops opened fire and
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they open fire on people's legs. now these really media reporting what the ministry saying and also acknowledging that this could put a lot of pressure on israel to get more concessions in any potential seats, find tools and benjamin netanyahu in a press conference this evening. he's also said that again, he's coming under a lot of international pressure generally, but he will not stop the war until, as well as achieved its objectives and cause punishment. alger 0 occupies to us us president joe biden has dialed back optimism about the chances for a cease fire in gaza. that's after suggesting progress was possible earlier in the week. white house correspondent, kimberly how could reports on his way to visit the southern border with mexico? us president joe biden. surprise reporters by walking back comments made just days
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earlier, predicting a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. by the end of the week, i was on the phone, the phone was biden's telephone calls with the mirror of cats are and the president of egypt just prior may have been the reason for the shifting deadline. both coal readouts agreed a sustained cease fire of at least 6 weeks would allow humanitarian assistance in the gaza and the release of captives and could be built into something more enduring. bivens comments come as is really forces on thursday, fired on a crowd of palestinians in gaza, waiting for humanitarian a trucks. at least 100 people were killed and thousands more or wounded. biden's national security council says some white house is looking into the reports. this tragic event also underscores the importance of expanding and sustaining the flow
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of humanitarian assistance into gaza in response to the dyers military situation. including through the, the a potential temporary cease fire as part of a hostage deal as images of the disaster circulated across the globe. on capitol hill, the only palestinian member of congress expressed or outrage using starvation as a weapon of war is undeniable, a war crime. and is a work time that we continue again to be complicit to those decisions. we are demanding and immediate lasting fees, fire and that the is really government commit to spacing, any plans to bombard and evade rafa also. and capitol hill, the defense secretary lloyd austin, was asked just how many palestinian women and children the white house estimates have been killed in israel's warren gaza. austin replied, it gets over 25000. it's a comment. the biden administration found itself on thursday for the 2nd time,
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also walking back. kimberly help it l g 0 washington. adam shapiro is in israel palestine analyst. he says the massacre is unlikely to change the by the administration stands on israel's war on costs. honestly, i don't think that this administration has any interest in moving things forwards towards achieving the lasting, permanent ceasefire, and certainly one that would make a meaningful difference in. ready lives the palestinians, and guys, i think the binding ministration is very much on the time table. ready of what the american elections are driving, which is unfortunately november. and it's only at that point uh after that the outcome of your options are here, are determined that we might see decisive movement by the, by the administration. i say that we just, the one caviar basically that you know something really and, and this sounds trivial to say that this point given how many people. ready killed in gaza, but something catastrophic. the bad happening and does
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a might shift things in a way, but 112 dead in one incident in gaza as people and doesn't know that's a day in guzman. that's north. ready day and because at this point, and unfortunately that's much shifting things for the binding ministration. but you in secretary general has condemned the killing of those seeking aid and called for investigations. the spokesman also reiterated his call for an immediate cease fire . gabriel elizondo has more from you and a headquarters in new york. the spokes person for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for account ability. but during his noon briefing, journalist pressed him multiple times about how exactly he was condemning and why the spokes person would not specifically point the finger. it is real, but i questioned him why not?
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but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this a delivery. a cool on the ground in northern guys are right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know of delivering data on the ground, but we only focus on ourselves, right? so the un is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all, so we, we read the press reports of member states doing uh, doing a deliveries the, i guess facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning to you. instead, they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys that because it simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these rarely military on simply is not working according to the us. and they say they're trying to find any
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avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a ceasefire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on to out is either at the united nations in new york. a palace indian boy has been rescued from under the rubble of his home, after surviving there for 9 days of the law. and i am in full relatives were buried when and is really missile hit their building and gaza outstanding and civil defense say 30 people were killed in the attack. i talked to you the boys severely dehydrated and malnourished. i'm not gonna have to be taking the hospital on a donkey cart because there isn't enough fuel for ambulances, or you're is really settler. protestors have gathered at the air is crossing which separates israel from northern gaza. demonstrators tried to set up what they called
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a symbolic settlement on the is really side. they demanded the restoration of settlements inside gaza, once the fighting stones. we came here to declare that the day after this was over, we must settle. we must spread jewish towns all over the gods districts, because without that it's going to become a forwarded snares. it's you can't leave a vacuum. we see what happened 18 years ago. we allowed them, uh, we left our agriculture, we left our green houses for them. everything was destroyed, so i got a boy, we came here in order to return back home. i live in a community of people evicted, some good, a former settlement and guys that we wanted to go back and there was no doubt that we need to go back. the whole thing is realize these nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near and illegal settlement in the occupied west bank. the move will establish a new settlement near molly. i do mean near occupied east jerusalem and estimated 40000 is really settlers lived there. settler expansion is illegal under international law,
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yet it has ramped up significantly since the war on gaza began in october. are still a head on out 0 on doors is a vari into around one millions of radians are eligible to cast ballots in parliamentary elections on friday. the board or apathy is that an all time high? all have the story coming out, the hello quite the story system. we have over bucket start. let me show whats going on on friday running in the very real risk of seeing some flooding in northern focused on as long as i could see a months worth of rain over 24 hours. now that's on the warm side of things, but look to the west. this is going to be a major snow storm for, i've kind of started kabul, looking to pick up 20 centimeters. maybe more. temperature is well below where you should be for the sum of the year, but because you're close to the freezing mark,
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this will be heavy wet snow, this one packing a punch in terms of moisture. this energy now moving into northwest india, where weather alerts here are beginning to rise for the risk of some torrential downpours, but otherwise across the country. things are looking fairly, quite, quite hot though, in thailand, looking at the temperature in the book at 38 degrees, bangkok, looking at 30 for the high on friday the 1st day of march. quite cool though, for this eastern side of china it's a northerly wind. so you're certainly going to feel it in places like shanghai and this storm system now moving away from japan's main island to poncho, but it straight down colder air over here across the korean peninsula. so sub 0 in sol and we've got rounds of rain to go right across indonesia is main island of java. some of this could be severe and produce some flooding the because of the war. and you praise, run deep,
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but the devastation of the countries precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear the people in power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows the premium for prizes investigators, as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine ground 0 on that just the the you're watching, i'll do 0 reminder about top stories this hour. at least $112.00 palestinians have been killed after his release snipers fired at them while they were collecting food
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. a near gauze is sitting around 700. others are injured. thursday's attack by israeli troops has been described as a mass of israel's military says. its troops opened fire after they were approached by palestinians in a threatening manner. the you in is condemned to the incident which came on a day. the death toll and gaza surpassed 30000 after almost 5 months of us president joe biden, and his likely arrival in november's election. donald trump are visiting the mexico border bite and toward the town of brownsville in the state of texas, where he met border patrol agents. immigration is expected to be a major factor in the upcoming election with a record number of irregular crossings of the us mexico border logged in 2023 folks . it's real simple. it's time to act as long past time. i just received a briefing from the border patrol at the border as well as immigration enforcement asylum officers. and they're all doing incredible work under really tough
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conditions. really tough cuz you, they told me what they were. what were you already know? we already know they desperately need more resources, said again, they desperately need more resources. the more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our board. meanwhile, donald trump is an eagle pass, texas. he's double down on his anti immigration rhetoric and blame biting for the spike and migration numbers. the united states as being overrun by the biden migrant crime is a new form of a vicious violation to our country. it's migrant crime, record bite and migrant drive. but that's a little bit long, so we'll just leave it. but every time you hear the term migrant drive, you know where that comes from. patty cole, head and has more from brownsville, texas finally came here to frown. so which is a bit of a democratic stronghold ad. this is
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a place where local leaders embrace the integration. they've got lots of groups that help these migraines, which is great in the community, get legal. a legal pass for donald trump is, has been the center of a lot of controversy, very, very aggressive, a governor's there to turn back libraries and their speech is putting out a bit more different. donald trump said that the press present joe biden was allowing in columns of fighting age men from countries that are unfriendly to us to describe it as an invasion. he said that these countries all over the world are mental institutions and prisons and sending them to buy it in those charges ships. this issue because it is very damaging for months, sort of compromise republicans and democrats. they came up with a bill, it would be a broader bill, but it's $20000000000.00 to really focus on the order to do things like change who
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can apply for asylum, who would add more judges? because right now, if it margaret comes in and they ask for asylum, there's such a backlog and they're allowed to come into the country until their case is heard. and that's on average 5. the judges or border patrol for screenings for things like that. you know, if i add, you would also create more detention centers, former canadian prime minister brian motor and he has died at age 84. he was in power from 1984 to 1993. and his best remembered for negotiating the precursor to the north american free trade agreement. his 1st term began with his progressive conservatives winning and his story collection victory over the liberals, the party of current prime ministers. justin trudel, he left office is one of the country's most consequential and controversial politicians. a chatty in opposition, politician. the ideal has been killed in an army assault on his parties, headquarters in the capital. joanna,
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the attack came hours after several people were killed in an assault on the nations national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events followed the arrest of a party member accused of an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president. i am ready to risk reports from a butcher in neighboring nigeria. that's helpful position. need i? yeah. do you know what else he's doing? his house and the house or some other top officials of the opposition source on his party without voters in jemina on wednesday before then. there was a gun fight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. so you should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the opposition of w tried to assassinate the president of the country. stop court. now in that incident, they also, i'm just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and of course, there are also other debts that were not, the numbers were not given by the, with the origin in german or on the streets of dom united. so that i have there is
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heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of the opposition socialist party, without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, they announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will offer the charges of your opponent to comply to the source on this party without voters. oh, the transition. just really everyone itself charges very important online police are very critical roads to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is dependable allies for western powers. e got to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical. busy in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups, especially in the lecture basing why it says coming to hundreds of tubes or even thousands of troops to do with elements of full bottom. and there's not many states in west africa probates,
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but i'll just say to you at least 43 people have been killed in a fire in bangladesh. most of the dead were restaurant customers in the commercial building in the capital dock. a firefighter struggled for over 3 hours to contain the flames. fire is the latest over the last few years and commercial buildings in the densely populated city. iran is holding his parliamentary elections on friday, nearly 61000000 people are eligible to vote, to elect the 290 member. assembly dorsey jabari reports from the iranian capital to front zacko. sorry. and her team are in a hurry. they want to reach out to as many voters as possible before fridays problem entry elections. site is no stranger to the world of politics in or on. she's a former member of parliament from her hometown of temporaries, where she was an m. p from 2016 to 20. 20. now she's running in a group of moderates in the capital where she's one of more than 3500 hopefuls
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trying to land one of 35 seats. a job she believes is critical, essentially calling me to see that sometimes we can see that some of those are interpreted differently and so i'm not executed completely. all of these are duties of parliament, members of the institution of parliament as a main pedant, in all countries to secure a national interest. supreme leader i to live the company has been urging the public to vote. and to about broken their elections. the main pillar of these womic republic, it's the way to reform the country. those who are looking to fix problems should move towards the elections. the right way is via an election as the to hey rhonda. the troll system can be complicated with candidates having to be pre approved by the authorities of district guidelines. high unemployment rates and the double digits, record inflation rates at around 40 percent, and 30 percent of the population living below the poverty line. many people are not
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convinced change can come from the ballot boxes turn 5 for so get only poverty corruption, ends, inflation all the while people's miseries increasing day by day. no one cares about all problems out of 290 m. p. 's. maybe just 30 of them back the people. so vote for who a corrupt government. no one is happy with the system at all. what i said that i'm on the slide is about voting because i feel that the destruction of a country starts at the ballot box folder. se remains an issue, not only for the candidates, but also for the larger political establishment. this is the 1st election at a time when parliament, the judiciary, and the governments are all controlled by conservatives. the conservative candidates dominate the ballots and they're expected to continue their control of the parliament. with little challenge from the reforms, count, well, voter turnout will be seen as the end of the tests for those in power at
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a critical time in her aunt's history. door such as laurie l. 20 tapper on brazil's president louise and ask you like the sofa is trying to find common ground between diana and venezuela. the 2 countries are locked in dispute after venezuela claimed the oil rich region of s a cable as its own. a latin america editor, let's see a newman reports, prime minister of barbados, the elephant in the room at the annual summit of leaders of caribbean nations. or carrick home was increasingly tense, territorial dispute between host country diana and it's south american neighbour, venezuela. the 2 countries had been in a border dispute since 618 hundreds with venezuela, claiming the land west of the essex, labeled with our equivalent to 2 thirds of love. diana considers its territory well, not a member of carol. com, the president of brazil lula. that's the law weighed in on the way to st. vincent. it wasn't the proficiency issue, can't be ignored because it's almost a century as old. we've been dealing with it for years to the courts and the un and
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this will continue. what we're going to do is work to ensure that it continues to be discussed and debated, and that we can find a solution as friendly as possible. brazil is one of the mediators and current negotiations between the disputing countries. and this really does not recognize the international court of justice as viewers diction and just building up military forces along the porter with we don't know who might say, minutes on the front it off president, me for less than i do to accuse is brianna. i'm carrying out a, quote, google dispossession, venezuela sovereign territory. with the principal reason for the renewed push to take over the as a keyboard region is the discovery of large oil deposits. there covered the republic of granite. we on it is also appealing for washington. the support is that we need to advise this conversation. how we mobilize investment in security in this


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