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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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stop leaking and eventually they have something to look forward to. this amusement park reopened, giving many, here for the life is a loss returning to normal, their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. the is very far as, as a gun done and kind of city and scrambling for desperately needed aid over a 100 people that killed this over 3. just, you know, a mastercard is as testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and vito's cost and then it is costing defense. the new people that lives on the world reacts to the potter's sending and box it or asks for un security council to finally call for a cease fire. the
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know about this, and this is all to 0. live it from the i'm also coming up the death toll and israel's water and gaza process, $13000.00 palestinians plus the united states as being overrun by the fighting migrant crime for ages. more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our board migration and response signed on the american campaign trail, joe biden. and donald trump both make trips to the us mexico border. the, we're going to be getting jobs and put at least a 112 people have been killed and what's being described as a massacre of civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians have been gathering to collect food. when they were attacked, israel's army says the soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt spiking by the crowds. michael awful has more. in the early hours of the morning,
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thousands of people flocked to l. rashid road, southwest of gauze, a city desperate for a aerial footage, released by these rainy military shows, crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened was clear. the data and the dying. lying side by side or to gun down by is really fine. it's not a plug in the image on the days really just open random fire on us as if it was a truck. once we approach to a trucks and this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con, board coming means another method that it was at that time to some of our initial instead of aid. they've come away with the dead. why don't kick off call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals,
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all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via the this is exactly what we have been warning about the hospital being out of service to mid this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries, most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms. i stand helpless, we're simply administering 1st, a treatment only with these rightly military says its forces open fire. when troops felt threatened, while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is plowed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down. even inside the as soon as the aid trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting everyone who was on the road. they
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opened fire random killing, innocent men and women. and look, there was gunfire, snipers shooting tanks showing enrolled, and the palestinians are left with a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like an apple, which is 0 by the signs and by send it to you and says, palestinians are paying the price of paralysis and the security council according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to let us today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have now is 102 of them have been can. and the number is increasing and 750 in good, and possibly the number it would be increasing this out 3 just, you know,
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massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives. many of injured are being taken to all ship hospital in garza city, but only parts of it are working medical stuff. so they've been over a found by the number of patients. there's no, i'll go reports that on definitely would be about an i'm now inside a she felt hospital following the massacre that the created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocent and starving dozens who rushed drive a sheet coast of road leading. they couldn't get that hands on some food aid. yeah . and then we'll see random walk down the entrance and call the doors of the hospital all over. the fact was victims. the more you filled with thousands of dead bodies, yet many more dead bodies. the main line of the road, the medical staff stand helpless, i'm in this,
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i'm flux of victims. as we speak more victims are still being dropped to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's listen to some eye witnesses. we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children, but then he is ready. tanks advanced, they opened fire randomly on every one. on the right, dozens were killed a hundreds injured by simply went the hoping to get some food from my young children. we've been stopping for more than a 140 days, with very little ages entering the gall district. and nothing is reaching dental. i o one model. it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flower at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the holland is really tongues open. fire dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children. any aid delivered to soaks in our blood. make
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god punish those responsible for some on the face. it is known to the whole world that the note of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldier shot to him in the chest. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body. is lying here before you implement a lot of these riley's ledge to be with humanity. they showered us with thumbs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us. measure ongoing masika slots was struck by the is rarely is on innocent guys and the multitude many also of crimes. it's 9, it would just be the 1st house you that the it was military said it opened fine and civilians opt of troops would approach them. what it called a threatening manner now is that
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a stampede was partially to blame for some of the depths spun. swift has more from occupied east jerusalem. it is roughly, it recognizes the severe pressure is going to come on the internationally. now as a consequence of what's happened in northern gauze of age, riley military says that initially, what happened was the a trucks. why the gone. so this is why it was ro, has created a divide between the south and the north of garza. the trucks have gone through these check points, and it was rushed by thousands of palestinians trying to get at the food. and people were crushed or even killed by vehicles. the villagers didn't open fire at the stage, and then later the trucks moved to the know some people approached these riley military. they say it was threatening and mama and so that troops opened fire and they open fire on people's legs. now these really media reporting what the military saying and also acknowledging that this could put a lot of pressure on israel to get more concessions in any potential cease find
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source and benjamin netanyahu in a press conference this evening. he's also said that again, he's coming under a lot of international pressure generally, but he will not stop the war until as well as achieved its objectives in cost punishment. i'll just say that occupied is to us. the un secretary general has condemned the killing of those seeking aid and is calling for investigations. the spokesman is also reiterated his call for an immediate cease fire. trouble. alexander has more from un headquarters in new york, a spokesperson for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for accountability. but during his noon briefing, journalist pressed him multiple times about how exactly he was condemning and why the spokesperson would not specifically point the finger. it is real,
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but i question him why not? but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this. a delivery cool on the ground in northern guys are right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know of delivering data on the ground, but we only focus on ourselves, right? so the u. n is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all, so we, we read the press reports of member states doing uh, doing a deliveries the ideas, facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning, the u. n. so they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys and because it's simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these really military on
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simply is not working according to the us. and they say they're trying to find any avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a cease fire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on the out is either at the united nations in new york about us an invoice, been rescued from under the rubble of his whole motto, surviving there for 9 days. the name i'm phone relatives were buried. one is reading this, i'll hit their building and josh, pon assuming and civil defense, as 13 people were killed in the your time. why? severely dying dehydrated, i'm well nourished, decided particular to hospital on a donkey card because there isn't enough fuel for i'm going since it's various types of protesters have gathered that the ad is crossing which separates israel from northern gaza, demonstrators, and try to set up what they call the symbolic settlement and these really side and
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demanded the restoration of the sacraments inside. gosh, on once, the fighting stops. we came here to declare that the day after this was over, we must settle. we must spread jewish towns all over the guys districts. because without that, it's gonna become a fortunate snares. it's, you can't leave a vacuum. we see what happened 18 years ago. we allowed them, uh, we left our agriculture, we left our greenhouses for them, everything was destroyed. so i got an employer. we came here in order to return back home. i live in a community of people evicted, some good former settlement and guys that we wanted to go back and there was no doubt that we need to go back to. israel sees nearly 3 square kilometers upon us to any alons near and indigo settlement in the occupied west by the moving to establish a new settlement to near molly ottoman near occupied east jerusalem. an estimate of 40000 disabilities. settlers lived there. south of expansion is illegal under international law. it is rum top significantly since the watering johnson began in
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october. nobody's has just released a $114000000.00 to the palestinian authority. the cash comes from taxes previously withheld by israel also says more funds are on the way, as you will collect tax on behalf of palestinians. but it regularly use is control of the tax revenues as a way of punishing the authority that abraham has more than how israel controls maybe $200000000.00 of palestinian money every month. more than 140000 palestinian authority and please have not been receiving the full salary for the past 2 years. that's because israel regularly cuts the palestinian authority's tax revenues. palestinians do not control the borders and cannot collect taxes and customs goes under the occupied territories through checkpoints like this one in 1994, the fellow and his radio officials agreed that as a co,
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that's lose taxes on behalf of the palestinians. i'm tries for them every month. is there ok, 3 percent of the money as commission on average is a reflects around $200000000.00 monthly. this money is to show for the palestinian . i'll forward the survival of the mix. up within 60 percent of its revenues time and again, israel has withheld the tax revenue as a way to punish palestinians in 2019, it's possible to deducting what he meant for palestinian prisoners comedies, saying this in fights violence. israel also keeps money for any bills. old by the p a and a says laura and gaza begun as well as withheld the taxes altogether. this time it said it will not transfer one of the p, a pays to public sector and fees and gaza for services in this trip. in response, palestinians refused to receive any of the money if they don't get the full amount . in january,
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a plan was agreed for as well to send the money meant from garza to norway until a solution can be found. why withholding tax payments? israel has caused at least 11 financial crises over the years. palestinian officials say is we'll use as the tax revenues as a threat. another way to exercise control, i'm blackmail, palestinians. me that for him as a to the up to 5 plus bang, the still ahead and all the data is being called kind of as most consequential prime ministers in recent decades. we're going to look at the legacy of brian more running is died at the age of the let's go with your headlines for the america is good to see you. it's been important rain for days in northwest bolivia up against the border with brazil. so
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street level, this is what it looks like. these roads turned into rivers and unfortunately, or rain falling over a top of this area on friday is bad for the western side of the amazon jungle. up against the foothills of the andes, south of this weather alerts remain for a huge spots of argentina because of how high temperatures are. well it is free is coming in off the south atlantic. that's going to pump a lot of humidity into rio de janeiro. so 30 feeling more like $38.00 on friday to central america. we go the winds picking up here. so that's gonna steer some showers into the caribbean coast of nicaragua, for example. and to the us, it's a different story. it does with rain care for the gulf states including louisiana, new orleans could see half a month's worth of rain. we'll see this push into the carolinas. likely the biggest snow storm of the season for this year in nevada, mountains right. of course, as we head toward the coast and some rain could turn to snow, for example, for time and friday on vent in vancouver, i should say with
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a high have 7 degrees and for the great lakes and the us, ne, not bad. temperature is above average in places like toronto, c, a. the, the unique perspective that plays students up, they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you won't find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to reveal all about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the,
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the, the what you all just need a reminder about 12. so is the silence. at least a 112 palestinians have been killed. the officer is waiting. snipers, fired at them, while they were collecting food, aid, me a gauze, and sitting on 700 others are injured. those is attacked by as many troops as being described as a mazda. it was military, such as the troops opened fire. often they were approached by palestinians in a threatening manner. the you and his condemned beings, which came in a day, the death toll and guns on so costs $30000.00 author almost 5 months. the former canadian prime minister brian maloney has died at the age of 84. he was in power from 1984 to 1993 and his best remember for negotiating the pre cursor to the north american free trade agreement. as the 1st time began. what is progressive conservatives on the historic election victory over the liberals?
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the parties are becoming a prime minister. adjusting to adults, we're only left office is one of the country's most consequential and controversial politicians. when newman adults is a former political correspondent with canadian broadcasting corporation, he's joining us from altima. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. how much was maroney shaped by the politics of the time? and how much did he shape politics in canada? it was funny, you know, moody was a conservative, but he was what we call in canada, a progressive conservative, socially liberal, fiscally conservative. james things great deal you were right to call him con sequential. he saw the way of the signing of the trade 5 united states long before it was absolutely necessary to do so. the katie and left their post at the bottom. i don't know what do you want to get any last really big things that in retrospect, it was a bad idea. uh, and he also saw reagan and margaret satcher. richard was close friends on
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a part time. they didn't want sanctions imposed on part of south africa. right. more money did. and back them now look piece came out on the right side. the history of nelson mandela was released from prison. i one of his 1st trips in rather to the most to canada, to check bryan monique. so there's not much question that he stands over in canadian history. and certainly she was a different kind of to ensure that exist today in the mean spiritedness that exist today was not in the nation, was able to leave the ology of the office. um, as i say, an awful lot of people back in his day disliked them. i don't see any words of anger or, or clothing being expressed today. here's tacitly the whole and sadness. you mentioned that the, the stance on, on the positive, but he wasn't averse to taking political risk supposedly. i mean,
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one of the things he introduced was a goods and services tax, which was usually politically unpopular at the time. and yet, as you were talking about seems to have paid off and it was like you're talking with the guys to you did that tax that was introduced here over almost universal public opposition. when people didn't, i cover that. and when people didn't understand is getting into the leisure fiscal policy, but they're already was actually, should already thought it was unfair. it was stupid, it was the tax and export. she replaced it. he replaced it against the advice of a great number of political advisors and even economists. tremendous fits for it, but nowadays is generally considered. consider that it was a smart thing to have done what a lot of the rest of motor and his legacy. she used to say left your garden grow. he knew that he was unpopular in his day. and when he left off, as his partner was reduced from nearly 200 to 2 seats and a short time, close to
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a 175 to 2 sheets and palm. and i never seen as maurice ball. but overtime she has been accepted as a visionary. leader may positive changes to their charges. the last and this day he's a man or the legacy. i mean, he also had, since he was a, he was caught up in a, a, uh, something we call here the airbus scandal. it turns out that he is quietly taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and put it in the shape in new york city. and he had to go in from past this to uh, the tax department. he hasn't declared, it's actually, it was a huge capital and it changes him for some time. but you know, the man has gone out and there's an accomplishment over whelming way. yes. and i know you did a lot of coverage um find more money. it was uh, was in a position. what was your impression of the man himself? i mean,
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i understand that. and on many occasions you were in the room when he was in the room and you had a chance to sit on the sidelines and watch was what was going on. as i did there was i my relationship with mahoney began immunity for election campaign. when he was learning very successfully for 5 minister and he was in the box, it was campaign plan bragging about. we have the, the opposition, by the sure and errors on, on the question and patronage. and the return was granted to remind them that, you know, you yourself have promised a lot of patients. and he said, oh, well that was that. and this is now, his irish barney is charm, you know, listen guys, you know, i don't the never mind all that nonsense i, i'm, i'm, i'm digging the high road now. and then he famously said there's no more like an old for isabel in boulder expression. and it was something that he really meant to say when she was talking about himself as being self deprecating. he understood to be off the record. i was a young reporter and i didn't understand it to be on the record as far as i was
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concerned on the image, separate campaign plane. the journalist was on the record and i ran the story. and brian already and i had a rocky relationship for many years after that, but he told me you would get a call from him at home. and i can't tell you how many colleagues who have personal tragedies or gomez's, or personal try out sure where i'm leaving for changing their lives in some way the phone would ring in there would be a rush. i understand it's a tough time for you. i understand it's a good time for i just want to say that, you know, and who was right, you was able to lead the all and g and work at the office. i don't know anyone didn't appreciate that. and even in our case, you have an ar rocky beginning of oh, i can't say we were friends any more than a journalist of all dish ever are. but she was very decent bad and that sean true and he was a he was forgiving, although i would say there was nothing to forget. even after he left office,
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i understand that he still played a, a role and i'll be behind the scenes in, in canadian politics. do you think that there is a need for somebody like monroney these days and canadian politics? i do. i think there's a need for something like most of these days in any politics. the question is whether modeling leaders, well listen, uh, model leader was a product of the time and there was no social media. and they were just upholstered . pollsters were consulted, but they didn't. uh, you know, moody was helping you not a garden, as an elder statesman. how can you not regarding some of these kinds of accomplishments, someone not worth listening to. but as i say, he was a progressive conservative. there's an awful lot of conservatives nowadays, who were told who told him a liver, don't have anything to do with his find a respect of institutions is willing to compromise the logically politically. there's no more room for any of that kind of approach. now primarily was that old
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school politician. so i'm sure you know, no question. she was here. he was listen to one reason he was here with his advice was on in recent years whether it was changed or there's another question altogether and really give them the times that we live in, which are dyspeptic and have dex aisha's as moroni himself would have said he loved one words. i, i don't think that anybody was listening, you know, mcdonald, we really appreciate you being with us and i'll just do this. so thank you very much indeed for your time. my pleasure. you as president, job, i've known as likely arrival in november's election. donald trump, i've been visiting the mexico border binding to at the time of brandon's role in the state of texas, where he met the border patrol agents. immigration is expected to be a major factor in the upcoming election with a record number of a regular crossings at the us mexico border logged in 2023 stokes. it's real simple . it's time to act as long patch time. i just received
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a briefing from the border patrol at the border as well as immigration enforcement asylum officers. and they're all doing incredible work under really tough conditions. really tough cuz you, they told me what they were, what you already know. we already know they desperately need more resources, say it again, they desperately need more resources. the more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our board. meanwhile, donald trump is being an eagle pass and texas. he's double done on his anti immigration rhetoric, and he's biting joe biden for the spies in illegal crossings. the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime. it's a new form of a vicious violation to our country. it's my grand crime. we guard biden migrant dreamt, but that's a little bit long. so we'll just say but, but every time you hear the term migrant time, you know where that comes from to go head and has more from brownsville, texas,
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and finally came here to frown. so which is a bit of a democratic stronghold ad, this is a place where local leaders embrace the integration. they've got lots of groups that help these migrants, which is great in the community, get legal. a legal pass for donald trump is, has been the center of a lot of controversy, very, very aggressive approach. governors there to turn back migraines and their speeches, putting out even more different. donald trump said that the press president joe biden was allowing in columns of fighting age men from countries that are friendly to us to describe it as an invasion. he said that these countries all over the world are mental institutions and prisons and sending them to try to fix this issue because it is very damaging for months. sort of compromise
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republicans and democrats. they came up with a bill, it would be a broader bill, but it's $20000000000.00 to really focus on the order to do things like change who can apply for asylum, who would add more judges? because right now, if it margaret comes in and they ask for silence, there's such a backlog that they're allowed to come into the country until their case is heard. and that's on average 5 for judges or border patrol for screening for things like that, you know, and you would also create more detention centers, charging opposition, politicians. yeah. yeah. zillow has been killed in an army assault and his party is headquarters and the capital and drama. the attack of came hours of to several people were killed in an attack on the nation's national security agency, government officials and widens these events, followed the arrest of a party member accused of an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president. and addressed reports from a buddha in neighboring nigeria. this awful position indeed i,
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i do not follow to assist on his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition source on his party without voters in jemina on wednesday. but before then, there was a gunfight on tuesday night, been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. we should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the position of toby tried to assassinate the president of the country. stop court . now in that incident, they also, i'm just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and of course, there are also debts that were not the numbers were not given by the with or just in german, on the streets of me. and i saw that i have there is heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of the position socialist party without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, the announced an election date for this year,
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middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will affect the chances of responding.


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