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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the israel is facing the level condemnation. also getting more than a 100 the palestinians while they were collecting aid and what was and also the hello again i missed. don't see a tell you, this is the 0 life from the also coming up and his really as try his of school housing displaced, palestinians, and southern goals like killing 3 people. the us president turns down expectations of a cease fire and garza days of to sing
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a deal could be reached by monday. at least 45 people are killed and a fine, a 6 story buildings and bounded ash this capital the well, there is a global condemnation. of the is rarely sold as shots until the palestinians, scrambling foot desperately needed food and going to the city. foreign ministers and groups and rights organizations have been announced to the attack. at least a 112 people were killed. let us show you some of the scenes that were filmed as palestinians gathered to parties. they're of the dead, around the $700.00. all the papers have also been injured. many of them are set to be in critical condition. they were taken to a nearby hospitals that up as a functioning the un, which has repeatedly failed to secure sci fi, is calling for an independent investigation. of all the is really ministry, has targeted school, housing, displaced, palestinians,
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and southern gaza. these are some of the basis pictures from con eunice, where that is really as trying to pace. at least 3 people killed, and several others injured, a palestinian dest toll from israel's will, has exceeded some 30000 people. and, and gauze assisting is really strikes of targeted a gathering of palestinians and the neighborhood of as a to at least 5 palestinians were killed. the attacks have caused widespread damage, as you can see, and destruction in that area. honeywell, which. ringback is in southern garza, with an update on the attack that we would hope not unpublished in a sequence. the people are still trying to process what happened. we were talking about a tragedy, a tragic event that took place yesterday as people have been for the past 5 months . in the turn of the display, more than one time, largely traumatized and within the past few weeks of famine has been a spreading. is the word causing good?
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yeah, more depth to people and more and creating more difficult conditions on the ground where people resorted to eating wherever they are able to get their hands on their with the animal feeds or plan just to survive. but what happened on the road, the rashid road, that's the, the southern in western part of guys would be a particular area that are known in, involved as a novelty round about where they were shot at the problem now or the aftermath of what happened is the 5 old injuries reported that she was a hospital are risk of losing their lives. we're talking about and barely barely functioning hospitals that mean at the medical supply, availability is equivalent to non home, non and institution. medical staff right now of the how the cold there are 3, are we talking about these 2 or 3 doctors? no specialization whatsoever. and the general practitioners who are providing right
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now in terms of medical intervention, nothing more than the 1st aid given just the typical condition of the created i. d . s. people have to provide after it was formed. and lars, me them to really damage. and then the live by the really monetary we are hearing reports where you know more people, right, right now, minutes. so we have from losing their life down. and there isn't any medical intervention whatsoever. well, let's get the perspective from occupied. the stories that men speak to the monks, the focus through how this is being taught or that the well clearly this has been an incident that has called the headlines here. it is right as well. we wanted to share some of the hebrew language newspapers with you, starting with my that which tends to lead into the left to the ideological spectrum . here i thought, submitted, go bustle, amazon dozens killed on the line for aid. some us so ha,
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he's so essentially you have my saying that the is randy. minute 3 is responsible. in another newspaper here, slightly further to the right. this is the idea that adults they have uh, this very striking night vision image of the people crowded around the truck here and it says, so how that's view is randy minute treat more positive and this is the death of dozens that treats muscle you see uh how do you, uh, this is the, the massacre at the bread line. and this, a lot me, a guy use that aisle. this was not the full, not, not the responsibility of his room did not happen at the hands of israel finally, but not the right when he said, but might have just to point out. this doesn't make the front page here. clearly the is riley is focused on the implications of this incident. as you can see that from some of the media has been covered in slightly different ways. in terms of the responsibilities. as you say,
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a focus on the implications of what's happened. how is really, is talking about those of the so just listening to the various pundents and commentators on his writing television over the course of the morning during that morning or toss one's theme has a much repeatedly from people speaking on the kind of channels they like. to use on morning television here, this focus, but this incident was an example of the kind of challenges these randy minute 3 will face even off to the end of active fighting and gaza. if the army is going to be responsible for the more than $2000000.00 civilians inside garza, these are the kind of complexities around that operations, providing food, providing humanitarian assistance, they will have the security responsibilities that lots of x. i'm gonna take to say, this is the kind of incident that we can expect more of in the future of a saying it's incumbent on israel to put forward its case in front of incense community with so many of the world's eyes currently on garza and make sure that
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they can argue that they followed international law when it comes to this incident . started to have an a mock. so it was a nice as far as from occupied a story. some thanks so much for holding united nations. secretary general is conducting the killing of people who are hoping to get a aaron garza, he's calling for an investigation. his spokesman has also repeated calls for an immediate cease fire. gabriel, as under how's the details from you? and a headquarters in new of the spokesperson for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for accountability. but during his noon briefing, journalist pressed him multiple times about how exactly he was condemning and why the spokesperson would not specifically point the finger. it is real,
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but i question him why not? but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this. a delivery cool on the ground in northern kaiser right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know up to date on the ground where we only focus on ourselves, right? so the u. n is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all, so we, we read the press reports of member states. uh, doing uh, doing a deliveries the, i guess facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning to you. instead, they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys that because it simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these rarely military on a simply is not working according to the us. and they say they're trying to find
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any avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a ceasefire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on to out is either at the united nations in new york or policy times invested to the united nations says that palestinians are the ones paying the price paralysis at the un security council. and according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like you know, fighting in the sky to get his threatened people. if there was a confused use in class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have now is it 100 of them, 2 of us have been can and the number is increasing. and 750 injured and possibly the number it would be increasing this out 3 just you know,
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a massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and vito's cost it, then it is costing the palestinian people their lives while they are as president or 5 and has now been diving back, optimism about the chances of a cease fire and garza. he had suggested earlier this week that a ceasefire couldn't be reached by monday. a white house correspondent can be held contest on his way to visit the southern border with mexico. us president joe biden, surprise reporters by walking back comments made just days earlier, predicting a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. by the end of the week, i was on the phone, the phone was biden's telephone calls with the mirror of come to our and the president of egypt. just prior may
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have been the reason for the shifting deadline. both called readouts agreed, a sustained cease fire of at least 6 weeks would allow humanitarian assistance if the gaza and the release of captives and could be built into something more enduring. biden's comments come as this really forces on thursday, fired on a crowd of palestinians and gaza waiting for humanitarian aid trucks. at least 100 people were killed and thousands more wounded. biden's national security council says it's a white house is looking into the reports. this tragic event also underscores the importance of expanding and sustaining the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza in response to the dyers, military and situation. including to the, the, a potential temporary cease fire as part of a hostage deal as images of the disaster circulated across the globe on capitol
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hill, the only palestinian member of congress expressed or outrage using and starvation as a weapon of wars on denial of work, crime and as a work i'm that we continue again to be complicit to those decisions. we are demanding and immediate lasting speech fire, and that the is riley government commit to see thing any plans to bombard and evade rasa. also in capitol hill, the defense secretary lloyd austin, was asked just how many palestinian women and children the white house estimates have been killed in israel's warren gaza. austin replied, it gets over 25000. it's a comment. the biden administration found itself on thursday for the 2nd time, also walking back. kimberly helped get alj a 0. washington across the atlantic in the united kingdom and outspoken last spring politician has won a by election for a season parliament with
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a campaign advert. promising to advocate for garza, george galloway accused of both the labor policy and the routing conservatives of backing israel in the cause of war. he appealed to malcolm purchase in the community of rocks down in northern england. galloway accused labor parties, me to ship of allowing is really violence. here's darma. this is for garza and you will pay a high price for the role that you have plate in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied palestine in the gaza strip. a little more or less. let's speak to our correspondent how full is that? who is in rochdale for us? how are you? i believe this was a pretty k allstate campaign. how did galloway come to win it quite so comfortably?
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well yeah, it was a starting victory. and i think you heard a portion there of what critics and support as a like a will speak appraisingly, all of in terms of his rhetorical style, which has been well in so many political campaigns in the past. but this one, it was chaos in the labor party ended up having to this own its own candidates. as a lady who came in for a distant 4th in the selection of the heats, a few weeks ago, was found to be making a anti israel conspiratorial remarks. about the october the 7th of tax labor, the so then after a brief moment to a decision as to exactly how to treat what he had said, but not essentially did leave the way much more clear to george galloway to come
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through. this is the constituency of sons 30 percent muslim votes, has he got nearly 40 percent of the vote, more than 12000 votes? twice the number, nearly, all of the 2nd place candidate to themselves was an independent. so it was a bad day around. so the major parties in the selection, he called it a referendum on gaza. his support is that he was also addressing local concerns. and that mixture seems to have got them across the line. very comfortable. how may i say, galloway is saying that this represents a tech tonic shift away from neighbors. what are the implications for the policy nationally now? or are there a couple of ways you could look at it? i mean, not on one metric, this was a very particular set of circumstances. as i say, the major policies did poorly independence and judge galloway's it, whose work is the policy came out much better. and that there was this extremely
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strange set of circumstances and division in this extremely muslim votes, a heavy constituency and labor is well ahead in the polls coming up to what most people expect to be an ultimate election. and so there is a question as to how damaging this will be in the long term. but in the short term test on us, the labor leader has had to move his positions on a ceasefire in gaza. he's seen his support melts away, especially, or least the decrease, especially among those devices who had been very reliable, but just for labor in elections paused. so wasn't political out as we spoke to said the labor code still wouldn't an election relatively comfortably in the able to, even without its muslim support. but that to allow that support to drift away would be a damaging thing, especially for the leadership of the labor party lead
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a test on the so they will have certainly things to consider labors saying that george galloway will be at damaging figured both locally and the community here and in terms of the political culture, they're saying that they will put forward another candidate to try to take this seats back in the or to an election if that is when it comes to the general election. george galloway, when we spoke to him yesterday was saying that he very much intends to fight to retain that and show how he does a hurry for. so they gave him a lot by election for us and rushed out. thanks very much. are a hostile, a head for your head on out of there. how does the noun refugees and 11 on more and the last a fair loved ones and garza, and read the day to might become victims of israel's will. plus the wall between the united states and mexico becomes a major focus of the presidential campaign is both of the top contenders. come to town, a technical hand in brownsville, texas. that story is coming up the,
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the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, tens of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. we're in america. so what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation? $1.00, oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is, was there risk and the sacrifice on out to 0? the latest news as a break,
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closer to the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 last uprising with exclusive reports that pull on the across the board. dr. kalonde is here. say there was is to make sure that go, ma, is protected from around the world has already been banned from running for public office until 2030. but his supporters will show voters that the fear of, of president still has political clout the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0 time this dante here and our hot. that's remind you about top stories. israel is facing global condemnation after its soldiers shots until the palestinians,
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scrambling for desperately needed food and goss essentially foreign ministers, age groups, and rights. organizations have denounced the attack, at least a 112 people were killed. the meanwhile is rarely strikes and gauze us as you have talk, it has a gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of as a to at least 5 palestinians were killed. and in southern garza, these really minute treat, talking to a school district kind of thing. he's all, some of the nations picked us from con eunice where the s drive took place. at least 3 people were killed and several of his engine palestinian refugees becoming increasingly concerned about the face of their friends and families trapped in garza. many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks now. they know how to reports from account in northern another known way as well as well. and garza has,
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we are in some old points. this is the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians. dropped in garza alley mohammed. no shark waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is up there. the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i have no voice. the last time i spoke to my brother's son, he told me many of the somebody ought to know when rough. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months so that i'm not able to reach them communications out about what's happening to the people and does the is the biggest crime getting the cobra on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed in his really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya for and what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war.
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for many garza is all that's left of palestine. a good look on the look on the resistance is our only hope we have been abandoned by on a beat of some of the but the resistance is still strong. but i, you know, we want to be defeated. what is the or wants to push the statements from guys and they won't be able to do that based on the self cut out in the, almost all the more in this camp there's support for what thomas called the l. x of flood the attack against as well on october 7th. they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population. conditions in gaza, they say were unbearable just like their lives in ex, i've. little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor with an
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uncertain future palestinians 11 on struggle. they are banned for many professions . the majority have enjoyed suffering for the past 76 years. i have been good because i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother and my sister and if somebody has so many of our family are still on the but they could still be like for the out of 5 be what is alive is the struggle for a palestinian homeland for those and exiles there is no other option, they say this is a fight for existence. then there was a 0 but that we can northern nothing on the cause of all the world news now. and ron is holding elections for parliament as well as a panel tossed with trees in the countries next to supreme leader. loading stations
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are currently open across around with the supreme data on becoming a among the fast divert. as you see that high profile, reformist candidates, what followed from running moving 61000000 people are eligible to vote, but versa, obviously it remains high. now this is the 1st collection since there's nationwide anti government protest in 2022. well, i spoke to home address that goes on these are political analyst. and so for the general of the asian ms for and he told me he expects to turn out to be higher than previous elections. you should expect that this doesn't house. are the ones with actions all these channels has been the best time for presidential elections. so that is the 1st changes that you should be considering on the presidential election . but i, i would expect that based on the polls that they have seen and the s must squared design seemed around to me, into one and other cities. i have been calling many of them. uh it seems that more 10 now who would be with the i think today what you're seeing on the ground is that
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we have key figures on the reformist caps that are under the and the are important features. we have former m p 's, vf, one where ministers vi probably right. but the she owns opportunity for me in the past. they are those who think that the only way or the change is the world. and they seem that they can explain to express their anger as at this situation. and they are you satisfaction, revolting to other cap or the people who are not so actually know i have now in the position for example, what did they think that they would be changing that direction or the position of the position us a fire has killed at least 45 people in the bank that actually capital dot com. it happened inside a 6 story commercial building. the flames began and a restaurant and then spread through the rest of the building. 5 sizes struggles for more than 3 hours to contain an issue of border control and immigration has domination,
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the early stages of the us presidential campaigns on the us name. both president jury biden and former president donald trump visited the state of texas, which is the rise and the number of crossings from mexico project called hearing reports on the different messages the 2 times. it's sent the divisiveness of the presidential campaign on full display on this brownsville texas street. both sides, so need a message with their presence as they wait to greet president joe biden as he heads to the next can border. the potential front runners, hundreds of kilometers apart, but the backdrops, similar political theatre briefings displays and speeches, but with very different messages for, for president donald trump, or a dark warning without providing evidence. it's uh, allowing to thousands and thousands of people that come in from china and ran jam in the congo, syria and
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a lot of other nations. many nations are not very friendly. josie's transported the entire columns of a fighting age man. he blames president biden. the number of undocumented migrants over the last 3 years have broken records more than 2000000 people apprehended last year alone. president barton blamed republicans for rejecting a bi partisan deal that would have dramatically changed the immigration system and increased funding for more agents and surveillance on the border. after trump urge them to not vote on it. so it would be an issue in the election. i understand my predecessors legal past today. so here's what i would say to mr. trump. satisfying policy issue said of tell the members of congress to block this legislation. join me or i'll join you and tell you the congress to pass this by products and border security bro. we can do it together. and it likely will be a big factor in the election. polls show the majority of americans believe immigration is the top issue facing the country, the number one failure,
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they cite immigration, the wall separating the us from mexico is become the clear as visual of the divide on this issue. donald trump previously said he was going to build a wall and mexico was going to pay for it. that didn't happen, but while he was in office, the majority of americans said they didn't want the wall build. that's changed now 53 percent. say they want it created, this issue is hurting biden. and if he helps doing re election, he has to change the public's perception. but pictures tend to reinforce, voters believes biden. he has pictures of a broken congress for trump. these images of mass migration and cities struggling to cope. particle hanging al jazeera brownsville texas. well, that's it for this bulletin next is inside story.
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the colors did a box the 1st day of materials a coal spring and bang on time is tiny, while the more wintry accost positive west them years ago when facia was coming in here. and it will cooling off for some of the tools used to solely when so, temperature is still very much out of a to here. we are going to see that one with pushing up towards the police and the cost of you have in between because them every flight pressure still bringing some live, the showers along the spouse afraid into italy. slipping a little further, bracelets across grace that will push across into the g and over the next couple of days to study something, to keep an eye on up for the northwest. and here we go. we have got some very strong winds, info's, wind warnings across parts of island, southern areas of england. so for a time and some great weather to i just noticed some started mixed and that'd be some snow around for pot. so if at east the side of island, something up lynn's discussions, northern areas of england over the high ground of wells and maybe even down towards the south, west single figures,
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the gc for edinburgh and blonde. and then the single figures extend the wi fi the south with as we go through saturday. could he be some snow coming into costs a spade across northern parts of spain? pushing a little further south with the showers that we have because central pass off the mediterranean, they are going to continue making their way farther east. and then especially fighting the what role does parliament say in iran, your body is choosing and una just alyssa, and many hope it wouldn't pay the way for with full us with a strict and betting system and see establishment candidates boss from running is change possible in these logic republic, this is the inside story,
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the hello welcome to the program i am. how should my butler do runs problem on 3


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