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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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actually before he is the . ready the color of the jonah, how welcome to the news out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is riley's facing global condemnation off to killing more than a 100 palestinians while they were collecting aid in northern gospel and his really strive kids to school housing displaced, palestinians in southern goswick, getting 3 people the the us president touches down expectations of a cease fire in guns with days off to saying a deal could be reached by monday. these 45 people die in a 56 story building in bangladesh as capital dot com. and uranium spoke
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to the 1st part of entry election since nationwide, protest sweat the country in 2022 and support lewis hamilton will be out to cause a shock in the opening formula. one race of the season, mercedes, roger finished the fastest and the 2nd practice session in bahrain as qualifying takes place later on friday. the us, all these global condemnation officers ready soldiers shocked him to palestinian scrambling for desperately needed food in gloucester. city power administers age groups and rights organizations of old denounced the attack. at least a 112 people were killed and around 700 injured, many of them in critical condition. these are some of the scenes as fulfilled as palestinians gathered the bodies of the dead. the un,
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which has repeatedly failed to secure a cease fire, is cooling for an independent investigation in gaza. city and is really struck targeted a gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of owls a tune. at least 5 palestinians were killed. the, didn't the south. these really military has attractive school housing displaced palestinians in comm, eunice, at least 3 people killed that. more than 30000 palestinians have now been killed in these rows on gossip. well, honey must move joins us now on the phone from rough in southern gaza. honey, a good to have you with us. i hope you can hear me a day now on from those tragic events and the as of thursday morning newest of where you are in gaza city. and i'm wondering what you're hearing about these people amongst the hundreds injured, who presumably are still struggling to access medical care. uh, even 24 hours off to this event happen.
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yes. well, this is the, the time where we can safely say that you don't have to look for a tragedy in gaza. try give you will find you and i'm to read it. i'm, i'm starting with that because there are so many family members who manage to read the note inquiring about the the are here, but the hot remaining family members in the northern part and among them where those who gathered at the bulky round about to get a aid from the trucks coming in and they are, they just heard about their relatives, family members. we stayed there among the one who were killed to it. just a very difficult thing right now they've been trying to get. busy those of their family members and, and relatives within the past to, to make sure they're still alive. they're not going to be affected by the, the state of government. and to they happened, they did, they, they occurred about been being very difficult situations right now in
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a tragic indeed that those who have been shot and, and the critically injured are in the hospital. right, right now at the, at risk of losing their lives. we're talking about an entire health facility, a super complex and the other hospital does not know the kind of complete the amount of operation of don't have the medical supplies necessarily needed for immediate and a cover and medical intervention. there is insufficient medical staff right now. we heard from one person inside the hospital, the nurse will describe the injury that reported to the hospital, either shutting the bath for the abdominal area or the next just poses a threat to their life. and they don't have the ability to intervene and just pay them there are left on the floor of the hospital for hours waiting for someone to take care of them. and then fortunately, just the institution medical staffing and almost no medical supplies made to make it very difficult to inter,
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being close to 112 people so far of being killed the number he is likely to increase and already the, the court emerging it from god that we're getting close to a 130 because of those who are on the floor of the hospital, either in a coma right now or the have to have to be russian to be live, saving a tools that are not operational right now as well. because the entire hospital is not, we're just very, very difficult situation right now for people are being displayed internally more than one time and large. they've been struggling with family and an extreme, a shortage of school. just this morning, about 6 the children died of dehydration and starfish, and this picture of them the i'm going to the bombing campaign and also the, the restriction on the ground to deliver 8. well, you touch on it. there. it is with, remember in with reminding our view is, isn't it that at the root of those events on says day was
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a lack of the most basic of basic needs food. and as you say, water in the gaza strip. people hungry so hungry that they were willing to clamber over trucks at risk of their lives to get their hands on whatever they could and the cause 24 hours later, no sign that these events have changed to the age situation in any way whatsoever. people just as hungry, just as thirsty as they were. yes indeed, and it's all the worse for named by the hour. and in fact, do you want me when we talk to people and the kind of responses that we get, it is not difficult to fix your humanitarian trucks into the, the northern part, the in golf is that even here in the southern part is fully be, is really military have the well to do it so, but the fact that we're seeing the ongoing intense bombing camp and the 0 safety guarantee or for aid workers on the ground, the supply chain,
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not going to them that is largely broken. and the ongoing restrictions on the ground, it just gives the feeling that it's all done, all done on purpose in what looks like for a lot of people. it, it would be nice things to it. it's a way of using a par patient, a game that large me trying to tie the population and according to the one, the right to move. just put it very unequivocally. it feeds in one narrative. and not only people are getting killed because of the bombs that now star vision it all feed into one narrative which is eventually exposed in by making life very unbearable on the ground for those who decided to stay in the know the park well for that update as of how the mock mood in rough up many thanks to you. as we've reported these ready forces of attacked gospel cities outside to the neighborhood, it's been targeted on several occasions before the attacks of cause widespread
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destruction has outer 0 is the smoke of who reports. now hold on to month. the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a, to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities. but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war and before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing an injury. hundreds and today, dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying. on roads, but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation as the pictures show. houses leveled, buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed near one year at the most only the most office of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description on homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed. the a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the
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situation was dangerous. i austin, to leave the company and they told me snipers and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave. i do not know without killed or buried underneath debris. i appealed to the right across the whole we'll see most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all nations they had as the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these really forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah, then when the awful bubble was my family and i were at the home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and training and lunch due to and dark. and we were definitely, we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charging me 2 of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going up as a party of age doesn't mean that just, i mean, these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the
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neighborhood. and most of them are women and children being killed inside their homes. as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads. residents and civilian defense teams, hand in hand, are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. normally, we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. the grace of god, they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's being the intentional destruction of homeless i in the infrastructure and every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder the whole, i just the, of the highest they doing. medina was well, let's go to the occupied east jerusalem now with the box is standing by and philip, competing narratives have been merged over the past 24 hours about what happened in gaza with the 8 attack on says that i want to ask you about the media report tags
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on this in a moment. tell me 1st of all what the government does say, any change to the official line. it's shifted over the course of yesterday, jonah, and in fact it was at times quite contradictory initially when i was trying to get comments from these ready minute treats. soon off to the instant became apparent. they said that what happened was that a crowd of people around in a truck had seen pushing them from things that have led to injuries. and that individuals from that crowd advancing towards is really positions had seemed, seemingly pressing the soldiers and the soldiers, the return fight against those individuals. later on is ready, officials started to say that there was essentially 2 separate incidents. that was an incident around the a truck where a large crowd ended up with pushing and trumping leading to injuries and then the wrong. and the time the chronology as it was a timeline that was a separate incident that involves
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a shooting against some of the individuals on the ground and gaza. late last night, these randy minute trees spiked the bus and released the videotape statement. last thing about 5 minutes in which he didn't. busy acknowledge any shooting against individuals inside garza insisted repeatedly that they had be no strikes on what he called the aid on boys. and instead sort to highlight the fact that the several nights previously these ready ministry had been over watching, safeguarding, whatever time you want to use to monetary and convoys off towards the north of the gaza strip. this was a similar incident. and at the time these writing times in that area, trying to set that portal had moved away from the cotton boy without. he said, lot in see any strikes on it. and how the media picking up on all these lines. really, i imagine differing perspectives across the, across the political plane of the. that's right. i mean,
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you look at some of the major newspapers here and that i mentioned this on my front page is all those like products which tends to the less to israel's political spectrum. they gave a headline in which they acknowledged the masses accusation that this was the is ready ministry's responsibility. meanwhile, a more, right? they didn't use paper that they talked about in that headlines. the fact, but this was not according these ready minute 3. anything responsible in terms of israel's actions that day on the television, we've had a lot of ex ministry officials, commentators talking about the implications for israel, but desire to try and put full with that case to say that that not in breach of international law. acknowledging that gods are in the events that are all central focus, full of above attention right now. and also using this incident, essentially as a way to move the ministry in public. this is what you can expect if you see curve of the long time to take up the control of more than 2000000 civilians inside casa
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. and what about his writing, right? so we're going to is actions and g as groups like bet, sell them and, and all this yeah, i mean the, probably the most high profile when they came up with a statement in response to this event, talking about the fact the whether the was from thing or the shooting that led to but, but that's and the injuries, the fact that this was done intentionally by soldiers firing into a crowd rep just to quote them a severe violation of international law and constitutes a war crime. they talked about the fact that these, what people thousands of people simply begging for help. and they said, but you know, in response to the fact that'd be more than $30000.00 deaths reported by the ministry of health inside garza and immediate c spot is the only way they've set to protect civilians. the okay villain will leave it there. many thanks for that for the box, for us live and occupied east jerusalem. us now from seas echoing the winds cool
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for an independent investigation into the massacre of palestinian age seekers in gaza. the boldest just raymond, independent and no previous so the humanitarian situation has been catastrophic. with a several weekly somebody, it is and defensible on justifiable, is repulsive israel. most of us it long. and it was that you started what people are fighting for food and knows that all the riots or she may have heard the demand, un secretary general for an investigation. and from what zip goes in. those adults that the united nations secretary general is condemning the killing of palestinians that we're trying to get a didn't cause a he's also cold for an investigation. his spokesman has also repeated calls for an immediate cease fire. gabriel and his on the has the details from you and headquarters in new york. the spokes person for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for account ability. but during his
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noon briefing, journalist pressed him multiple times about how exactly he was condemning and why the spokes person would not specifically point the finger. it is real, but i questioned him why not? but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this. a delivery cool on the ground in northern guys are right now is delivering aid on the ground, not the united nations. it is any other country that you know of delivering data on the ground, but we only focus on ourselves. right? so the you and is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all. so we, we read the press reports of member states. uh, doing uh, doing a deliveries the, i guess facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the
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tragedy that happened this morning to you. and so they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys that because it simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these rarely military on simply is not working according to the us. and they say they're trying to find any avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a ceasefire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on to out is either at the united nations in new york and palestine, ambassadors the to the united nation says palestinians are paying the price for paralysis at the un security council. so according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not like you know, fighting in the sky to let his threatened people, if there was a confused use in class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have
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now is 100 of them. 2 of them have been killed and the number is increasing. and 750 injured and possibly the number it would be increasing this out 3 just you know, massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and vito's cast it, then it is costing the palestinian people their lives well, us present, joe biden has dialed back optimism about the chances of a cease fire in gaza. he had suggested earlier this week, so to see if i could be reached by monday. white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare triples on his way to visit the southern border with mexico. us president joe biden surprised reporters by walking back comments made just days
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earlier, predicting a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. by the end of the week, i was on the phone, the phone was biden's telephone calls with the mirror of cats are and the president of egypt just prior may have been the reason for the shifting deadline. both called readouts agreed, a sustained cease fire of at least 6 weeks would allow humanitarian assistance if the gaza and the release of captives and could be built into something more enduring. biden's comments come as this really forces on thursday, fired on a crowd of palestinians in gaza, waiting for humanitarian aid trucks. at least 100 people were killed and thousands more or wounded. biden's national security council says use a white house is looking into the reports. this tragic event also underscores the
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importance of expanding and sustaining the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza in response to the dyers, military and situation. including to the, the, a potential temporary cease fire as part of a hostage deal as images of the disaster circulated across the globe. on capitol hill, the only palestinian member of congress expressed her outrage using starvation as a weapon of wars undeniable a war crime. and as a work i'm that we continue again to be complicit to those decisions. we are demanding and immediate lasting speech by are and that the israeli government commit to ceasing any plans to bombard and evade rasa also. and capitol hill, the defense secretary lloyd austin, was asked just how many palestinian women and children the white house estimates have been killed in israel's warren gaza. austin replied, it gets over 25000. it is a comment. the biden administration found itself on thursday for the 2nd time,
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also walking back. kimberly help it alj a 0 washington. well, that's pretty my guess. now, luciano is a car here on the setting though. he's an associate professor of golf politics. that's katasha university's gulf studies center. and he's going to help us unpack some of the international reaction and the politics emerging in the last 24 hours around the tax in gaza. and we've seen the un security council, the an emergency session. we've seen arab countries pointing the finger at israel, accusing them of targeting civilians. we've seen a number of european countries talking about it. it's in the spain france, the unjustifiable nature of these attacks cooling again for an immediate cease fire . i mean, to an extent we've heard all of this before. we may have been hearing it at a sort of increased tempo of a recent weeks. but he is this event, this attack likely to change the dial shift the dial significantly in terms of
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piling pressure on these reilly's enough pressure, but it can possibly make a difference. and this, the pressure is increasing. probably coping in this increase in the fact that melanie micron are making very clear statements about what happened shows that there is something changing about the, the, it's a good the comfortable for you. not to mention just the block, i was blocked again by the number of sites. so, so far, united states did not change their, their opinion. they are still the same that they need to read more reports about what happened. so the most basic done the with the, with, with the u. k. in the in mean or at least saying that this is not acceptable anymore. but even though it was an accident, it's impossible that the 100 people died because they are trying to get food. if they don't understand that this is something that these by parts acceptable. i don't know what else we need to change the by them said perception about the cult. tremendously alarming was language used by the white house, the white house calling for
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a thorough investigation. it is this. there are 2 sides to the story. and indeed, as if there are independent observers on the ground who are able to provide a thorough investigation day, well knows that he's not going to happen. so what's the point of coolant for? exactly, i mean that's, that's the most tragic thing. all and all the stuff, i mean since the beginning there was no 2 sides, there was always one side, mainly informing, mainly providing only 10 information. every time that there was a report about the death and media, mainly with or media us. maybe it was referring to how much control the ministry of have without giving for the media to the, to the numbers that they were providing. now for the 1st time, we started to, to see that the united states recognize more than $25000.00 victims. eh, regal, nice and in the way that they probably used to use that's ministry of have without saying that there was information that this from how much on this is valid for. and so therefore, we'd see that also there is some change in the, in the,
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in the way that the formation is provided. somebody can people, if somebody come public and however there is no way to have any dependent on the service of what is going on. every time we see that they ask for people to enter into that because of strep, to observe. yeah, he's for the house or with the concert, so nobody's going printer gets the street as far as the start, the so but allowing them to enter and nobody independent. nobody from united nations or perhaps supple, they things are changing inside the white house inside the administration, but still it doesn't appear as though they have any sense of control over what israel does. indeed, any sense even of a consistent flow of good intelligence. you've got joe biden saying just a couple of days ago, he expects a deal by monday that's already been walk back. the suggestion is from the president. this might complicate negotiations, said to be ongoing hearing, the complicate them or potentially torpedo them altogether. what do you think? well, i mean, when by them was very optimistic about their,
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they did the as everybody, including these fairly same, that's where his wife is. so slow up to michigan in the colonies, they will not accept the weather for how much. and these rel both said he, the most said that they will simply and so it still keeps saying that the delay is possible. and i don't think that will be the, the covers addition, we can think about indeed we can reduce the level of financial as far as that is no, every commission that this happened on not 5 days, nor ever going to the nation, but there is some breast plus, i believe you have to be due today today is fairly mediate, or even though we do a selection of, of the it needs to be a recognition of what's happened in order to think about seating together and to talk about something. and yet still that hard deadline for so many important reasons and guns are leaves of the 10th of march, the beginning of the month of ramadan. we're going to leave it that we can pick that up at another moment. the challenges that kind of thank you for your thoughts now iran is holding elections for parliament as well as a panel responsible for choosing the next supreme leader voting stations that are
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open across the around with supremely the company among the 1st to vote high profile, reformist, candidates with bod, from running more than 61000000 people are eligible to vote. but voter apathy remains. hi, it's the 1st election since nationwide. anti government protests happened in 2022. well for more on this, let's go live to, to around. also to about it. is that the opposing station that for us to us and we've had a little outline there of the significance of these elections? tell us more about what's at stake, what you've been hearing from people about how they feel about the but it's very, very important one for the system because it is the 1st time that people will go to the since you mentioned that the nationwide protests took place from september 2022 after the last signed meaning,
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while in police custody. and those such as 16 months on it. and the government has been very quick to ensure that they deliver the message that they want to see in writing nations united. the supreme leader saying, yes, the message is for the public, and that is that the eyes of the world are watching error on their friends and their phones and what happens today. so resources, watch come out to the polling stations and both early we are in one of those patients now. where we've been here before. age 2020, and 2016. there used to be a lineup of people in for the polls. we didn't see any lineup of people this morning and people are trickling in and out of here throughout the past few hours. i think it's going to be seen as a very important one for the system. these the elections parts have stuff how popular they are. they've been decreasing voter turnout has decreased every 4 years
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upon entry elections of in house, just looking at 2020. the voter turnout was $42.00 and a half percent 2016 was at $61.00 and a half percent. so it gives you an idea of where things are going. but for now, the officials here are adamant that people will come out to vote and they will be a show strange whether or not they're not. numbers will reflect as well. that issue, turn out the cost is important as you explain that for the government, because it lends that a vote to a measure of legitimacy. if more people turn up, it also is a reflection of hope for the extent to which people feel that the election can provide them with change in a low tone, not turn out. the cost would suggest that how easy and low supply. what do you sense about the hope that people place in an election like this given the economic situation in a wrong given inflation given the cost of living there's 2 issues. so now the 1st one being that a number for miss candidate square,
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disqualified. they weren't even allowed to stand in this election. so what people are angry about 1st is that there isn't any real competition within the candidates that are approved. that is the 1st issue or 2nd is that many people i've spoken to the past few days say they bought in the past, and they didn't see the change that they wanted to see from the government in terms of how they look after the people in this country and their economic situation and wellbeing. so those are the 2 factors that are create a very important role in voter apathy. and many people have been speaking to say that they don't really see the points of taking part in the selection. but the ones that did turn out today say that regardless of whether or not you agree with the candidate or not, the process of voting is very important because it is part of a democratic process that should continue in the country. and if we don't take part in the elections,
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then it becomes very dangerous situation. ok door so many thanks for your reporting there for us from to around dosage of our now fi has killed at least 45 people in the bank that actually capital dot com inside a 6 story commercial building. bought that desk told is expected to rise with thousands of people in hospital with critical bones. alex bed has more, a frantically trying to skype. 5 slices. attempt to save dozens of people from the 6 story commercial building. and banquet is capital. i'm the when the fire started in the front and broke the glass or cashier and service, men got everyone out. but both of them died later. i went to the kitchen and broke a window and jumped to save myself. the fire broke house and it'd be the restaurant which was packed with families eating dinner. it quickly spread throughout the building, burning out of control for several hours. doctor said many people died after
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jumping from windows, while those trapped inside suffocated the as we moved to the roof of the building around the t people with the officer, the fire was under control. 5 service personnel broke into one side of the roof and rescued us. and although the fire was now out so many family members, the pain has only just begun. the death toll is expected to rise with thousands of people taken to hospital with critical bits. fire the fire service in law enforcement personnel work together in the scene. although the fire was brought under control, that the people suffered massive casualties. we haven't got all the information yet . we hope to know more with time. this client is the licensed of many which of root canals and unsafe buildings across the densely populated city. hundreds of people had been killed in recent years and with concerns that many of those old buildings have not been maintained properly. they could be more accidents like this alex bid,
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which is 0. well, looked at the rashid joints, me now he's a journalist with the new age newspaper. that's an english language daily in bangladesh. and he is of course, in the capital dot com. thank you for being with us. you've been down. i understand to the site of that file. you've had to look around. what is your impression of the conditions in which this file started and was allowed to spread so rapidly through the building causing such devastation? the thank you john. uh, basically the billing is this transferring the building. it's a very popular place. we call the be rolled. and the reason what we come to know by now that to the fire origin, which is from the ground floor and creates a huge fuel that basically blow the only escape the building had
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so that the fire in the ground floor definitely went through different floor and granny really, i mean, you know, i'm in those where is this a big boy? i to go to the top and to survive after the fires to her can they be brought in uh no to the college and a little something to i spoke to the she also at the hospital and this they the on at least uh uh for the the people who want to see who died due to the fire basically they died office location and that was a huge stipulation that resulted there with that. and. and so i used to not buy a cheap. 2 d a and i also whether the visual title for us of know,
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the building, the fact that you to call it had. and they said that they saw the price that you know the issue for 3 times and it didn't do well. and so, and so it didn't, so this it was, and that is the result of these kind of home is the off the show say the launch investigation to identify the digital $84.00 did try to find out what does that have basically got to do the early ice. earlier this year, there was an election in bangladesh, a deeply one sided affair that the opposition didn't even take part in shakes. i've seen a and a party, of course with voted into another to, you know, face unopposed. but one of the offerings that she's most proud of and puts fluids, the population is economic growth is in 1st structural growth. and yet files of
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this sort. i'm not unusual. uh, fire safety is totally not the top of anyone's agenda. or is it fair to say that fires like this are at risk of happening again? well, or is it leasing any you can see that uh uh, easily we found the buyers and, and the domino effect was strict or, and then the government was serious about the government because it has been that it has many connection to the business and office. but when it is the to the troops that are becoming, show, meeting the government to even to really for a whole, well, i'm the ocean by today to say that the national accounts are the g m there. uh, a monitoring uh, basically resolved it. uh, this fire bill because it shouldn't be, it'd be, uh, definitely comes up with this allegation to the government and they say there is no accountability anywhere. and that,
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that is the manifestation such find is the manifestation on this kind of, uh, uh for uh, no, uh, one actually for supervision for consummately. jeez, what's the, what are they gonna say? so, oh, okay, happen time. okay. but i think we can leave it there and looked at it, looked at it. rashid with a new age newspaper. he's a journalist, has been down and had to look at that file and says, the sort of thing could well happen again. many thanks to you for your input. yeah. still a head on this news out honest. and you and refugees, and 11 on more and the loss of their loved ones in garza worried they 2 might become victims of israel's latest war. hundreds gather in moscow. these of us fictions you're looking at now as they prepare to say good bye to the russian opposition leader alexi novel. neither died in prison. 2 weeks ago, the tenant sports,
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this russian tense stays on track to defend. it's due by open tide is coming up later, the salvation is being used as a what the the only way to stop the homecoming station is to allow you. then people are surrounding it. sparks filled with the flour just hard to break it and shows the level of difficulty because of the shortage of human materials aid, we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements. the good morning america is a region of wonder of choice tragedies and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter
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where you are. you have to be able to relate to the human condition. no country is a lie and it's my job to shed light on how and why the . the welcome back you're watching out is there is a reminder of our top stories. israel is facing global condemnation, offered, so just shop and killed palestinians scrambling 1st, but desperately needed food in gaza. city for ministers, a groups and right. so what we know is actions of old, denounced the attack. at least a 112 people were killed is really strikes and gaza cities of talking to the
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gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood developers like to at least 5 palestinians were killed. that and in southern guys are these really ministry talking to the school housing displaced out of students. these are the latest pictures from eunice. with these radio struct took place, at least 4 people who killed and several others intern. now around 15 pounds shoots loaded with humanitarian native landed in gaza city palestinians in the strip of facing and on folding hung a crisis with food supplies growing skiffs. israel's blockade of the strip has made it difficult for aid to enter heavy. i'm of a lot of senior refugees and becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the friends and families trapped and got so many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks. then called the reports from a camp in northern lebanon, where israel's war and gaza has reopened old woods. this is
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the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians trapped in garza. alley mohammed, no shars, waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is up there. the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i have noise. the last time i spoke to my brother's son, he told me many of the somebody out in the wind rustling. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months so that i'm not able to teach them communications out about what's happening through the people and does the is the biggest crime getting the cobra on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed in his really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from the apple in what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and no displaced by war.
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for many garza is all that's left of palestine. a good look on the look on the resistance is our only hope we have been abandoned by on a beat of some of the but the resistance is the strong. but i'm, you know, we want to be defeated. what is the or wants to push that, but his damian's from guys and 2nd i, they won't be able to do that. i'm being cut out in the almost all i'm open more in this camp. there's support for what thomas called the l. x of flood attack. against as well on october 7th, they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population. conditions in gaza, they say were unbearable just like their lives in ex, i've little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor with an
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uncertain future palestinians 11 on struggle, they are banned for many professions, the majority have enjoyed suffering for the past 76 years. i have been good but give up. i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother and my sister and if somebody has so many of our family are still under no, but they could still be like for the out of my be what is alive is the struggle for palestinian homeland for those in exile there is no other option, they say this is a fight for existence. then there osha 0 but that we can northern nothing on in the u. k, an outspoken left wing politician has won a bi election for a seat in parliament with a campaign promising to advocate for gaza. george galloway accused both the labor party and the routing conservatives of backing israel in the guise of war. he
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appealed to most of them voters in the community of rush. so in northern england, galloway accused labor the labor about his leadership of allowing israel's violence . here's dom uh this is for garza and you will pay a high price for the role that you have plate in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe. present leg going on and occupied palestine in the gaza strip. hundreds of people have gathered in moscow to pay their respects. the russian opposition lead alexa novel name, he seems to be buried later on friday. the farewell, the ceremony is expected to stop. in the next few hours, police and security have stepped up the presents near the church. the kremlin has
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banned large gatherings around the died 2 weeks ago as an optic prison. rational authorities say he died of natural causes, but many blame president fuzzy may have put in for his death now women and children and sounds too down to being abducted for rents and method growing and alarming. right. so that's part of the findings of a year long un investigation. it found that those of talk to the being traffic forced into sexual slavery and marriage. the un says officials routine, the paid money to a doctors which they say promotes impunity off the population is also facing food shortages or level thirties, prioritize the interest so to politically lead to the humanitarian aid that's according to the reports findings. the report also says violence in south to down is directly linked to a lack of government reforms and weak justice institutions. while yasmin suca is the human rights laura,
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i'm shep person of the un commission on human rights in south suzanne to joins us from johannesburg. many thanks to you for joining us. this report makes pretty grim reading about so many things that appear to be wrong in africa's youngest nation. if it isn't too fast, solid question, can i ask you what you think? fundamentally, you're going so wrong? it sounds to them. thank you for the opportunity. i would say that, you know, this question of impunity. a complete class of accountability is really why these violations continue. because i think the truth is, know that they can actually get away with that. you know, you hardly have a traditional system that is functioning, the, you know, you have one judge for instance, in the whole of the jungle, a state. so this is one of the states we, these abductions of women have increased explanation b,
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which women actually have no recalls to anybody for any kind of accountability. and in fact, um, you know, what is being quite shocking is when we spoke to a number of young women, many of whom were under the age of 14. at the time they were adaptive and taken hostage. and in fact, they asked me to give full full yes, as full wives and sexual slaves. and they tell the story of hollywood taken to a market and aftermarket they were actually sold both, you know, to other people. and at the end of the adaptions, with many of them escaping, they had to escape with the children. and so that separation remains with huge problems with them. i think the of the issue being for us was deeply consenting was when, when we spoke to local authorities in people as full feel far as these told us that
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they were a colleges to do anything about it. i mean, they were actually encouraging families to play a ransom to get these women and children that we pointed out to can fact this is confusion and they themselves have been complicit in the theater as international crime. and that's the more, this is incentivizing be adaptions. and so it's no accident, but at the level of sexual violence against women and children, east side, not just in the states, but across the country. so i, i mean another sip, simple question to you would be, what is to be done about it through painting, unrelentingly pessimistic at picture of the situation and the problems at hand. surely somebody is going to step in and do do some of these at the u. n is a partner countries in africa, who is you know, the,
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the members that the african union actually, you know, inserted in the piece agreement h to close to 5. and that is main to establish the transitional justice mechanisms. the one was on criminal accountability, a hybrid quote. the 2nd on the commission on tooth and healing understood was really a compensation. and draper ations, now many years since the revitalized agreement was signed, union of the government has failed to save up this hybrid quote. and so there is no fee of any kind from that accountability in the country. the government has taken steps to consult with civil society on drastically deflation for these 2 of the bodies. but that has been sitting front with the latest fletcher for months on end. and civil side cps id be, may be a management switch,
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they won't be not be privy to. i don't like to say, and then you my conversations with many cabinet ministers in the last 2 weeks in sauce. and then i was told, well, we need reconciliation 1st and then the only will we think about setting up a hybrid court to be quite frank. if you look at the experiences across the would be, is no way that you can ever achieve reconciliation. if you don't, it would be underlying who poses of the conflict. you know, the issue is that just people live in fear. they don't have freedom of expression association. and in fact, the national security services picks them up and they base in, let's lance a pre trial dictation. and so in this kind of context, it is very difficult for them to speak up into being the media. and this is going to be particularly important as the country goes to elections in december. just
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make sure cuz we'll have to leave it there. but thank you for helping us understand a very difficult i think just a human rights insensitive as to how you to now with violence this plan does guns appear to be working together to try to take over the capital. that's happened while the prime ministers abroad in a bid to secure international help to restore order to be treatment with didn't go reports. now a constant ruffling of assault rifles. people fleeing with their hands in the air to avoid getting killed. bodies left in the streets. the neighborhoods of haiti's capital port of france have turned into a war. so how's the help of the guns have invaded? they forced us to leave our homes. people are getting shots. we're back ready to leave the area because discounts the past months. have seen
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gangs room the streets really believe that controlling 80 percent of the capital already the prime minister ariel on re, is in kenya trying to secure into the national health the canyon government at early a pledged to send a 1000 soldiers to help police in haiti. but it still needs international approval . the no such ship was this man jimmy barbecue chevy. ca is using the opportunity to rally gang wasn't able to fix it, but that was asked to be the 1st objective of our fight is to ensure that i have all these government does not remain in power by any means. all of us, the armed groups in the provincial towns and the arm groups in the capital are united today. at least 4 police officers were killed in violent confrontations on thursday as gaines tried to break into a prison, thousands of civilians. what quote on the cross file they've been trying to lead
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into the capital. this woman was hit by 2 bullets and says she's not getting the help. she needs some margin so i can find a doctor to decatur for me, but i don't have any samuel, i can't, i can't find any gangs have previously competed over territories and influence in haiti. and it is not yet clear if that truly working together. now, the violence killed some 5000 people just last year with no and insight to meet. you may have a didn't go out to 0 time for the latest spots headlines here with far. jonah, thank you so much. the 2nd time from the one world champion, louis hamilton says he was shocked. he said the facetime in 2nd practice ahead of the season, opening bar in ground. pri. this is set to be the britons final season with mercedes for ari bound hamilton. and let a one to a teen named george russell,
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creating plenty of interest. go into qualifying after our b honda's. daniel ricardo was fastest and practiced one defending 3 time champion. matchers happened is heavy, fraser, and once again. but he was unhappy with the handling of his car in the 1st session and then failed to match hamilton speed. and the 2nd, it's the busiest f one calendar ever, and it all kicks off with qualifying later for the main race on saturday. i don't understand. it's, it's a shop to see us where we are, but we'll take it for now, but i'll get ahead of ourselves. we need to keep a heads up and keep working on the set up. i'm trying to track more, i think alone run pace is not nowhere near the rebels for example, and i think the closest so we just don't want to do that. i think it was not too bad. it just started, i think is very close. yeah, maybe some people around is already 10 of the engine of it, you know, in terms of the top speed. but uh, you know, we just focused on ourselves as the position of red bull f one boss,
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christian horner is under renewed scrutiny. a day after being cleared of misconduct, a series of messages, allegedly between horner and a female staff member had been leaked. redbull dismissed charges of inappropriate behavior against horner, but the reigning role champions. i've been criticized by many with in f, one for lack of transparency on thursday. dozens of people involved in the sport and received an e mail with a link to messages that claim to be between horner and a woman who made the complaint. foreigner responded with this statement. i have always denied the allegations i respected the integrity of the investigation and fully cooperated with it every step of the way. it was a thorough and fair investigation conducted by an independent specialist barrister . and it has concluded dismissing the complaint made, i remain fully focused on the start of the season that it was really draw in the sandy pro league as all now sir, let their lead slip po 4 times as they drew with bonham side l hasn't. they were
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without the suspended chris, you on a rinaldo? the legs top score was forced to watch on and discern the house guys stepped up without him. he scored a hat trick. sorry him on a look like he'd given his side. sorry. let's go to the story now and the all now sir, we're without rinaldo and they let their slip 4 times as they drew with bottom aside, all has them. and they were without as a side christiano. rinaldo who was suspended. he is the legs, top score and was forced to watch on anderson's house. got stepped out without him . he scored a hat trick a sadie, oman, a looks like he'd given his side all 3 points with a stoppage, a time, a penalty. but in the night, i'm in and out of time all kinds of equalized. it's a blow to all. now sir. slim title helps. there's 6 points behind. oh,
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hello. to have a game and hands a while. jerry have appointed vladimir or packed convictions. there a new national head coach petrovich, a coach, a switzerland for 7 years, guiding them to the quarter finals of the 2020 european championships. algeria currently lee, they're a world cup qualifying group, but decided to part ways with jamal delmonte. after twice failing to get past the advocate captive nations group stage defending champion daniel met with deb has reached the semifinals of the dubai. i opened the top, seated russian used his way to a straight fence victory over spain's. alejandro damaged for tina. mad with that who is aiming for his 1st title of the year. it's just 77 minutes to quench the 166 print when i watched him in ours mexico open title defense remains on track. the australian rally to beat stuff in a sense of his and 3 set to reach the semi finals and alco poco. this is the 1st time denman our is b r in the previous 10 meetings. the defending champion will face britton's jack draper. next,
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australia are incomplete control of their 1st tests against new zealand. after a bad and collapse from the house has left it all to do. cameron green was on a 100 and to go into the issue and that the insurance is a 170 for nato. as australia, we're both at for 383 new zealand stop order was taken apart. they were at one point on 29 for 5 highlighted by t williamson's run out without scoring australia started their 2nd endings late in the day and new zealand made some early in rhodes. but us really still have the significant lead of 217, with 8 wickets and hands. and that is all used for canal and back to you, jonah. thanks file. and that's all from me, joe to hold for now my colleagues say will be able to attend today's views, just about the
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a frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work, and we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera applicant, narrative from african perspectives, the competitive nicol 15 percent of do show the documentaries by applicants. filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew seattle easy on the drive on and reinventing
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cassava for a new series of africa. direct on how to sierra instead of these cries, it could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and have a seal of a house as a neighbor after midnight. trying to get to a hospital includes is really me the 3 check point student know when i was embarrassed. a lot of men waited around with my few for the baby was stronger, but not every story has it positive. and through last day, it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. you, she started shouting, i gave birth, followed by silence. and then another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really minutes reinstalled this case of the entrance to the village mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital like not know
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which gate is open and which one is closed? the hello. there i'm this nausea, tando, how with the top stories for you here on how to 0. there's been global condemnation of the israeli soldiers shot and killed palestinians scrambling for desperately needed food and cause a city for administers age groups and rights. organizations have denounced the attack, the death toll has no reason to at least a 193. these are some of the scenes films as palestinians gathered bodies of the dead. around 920, all the people also injured. many of them are set to be in critical condition. they were taken to a nearby hospitals that are badly function.


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