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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the, the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the is rarely spacing global condemnation after killing at least a 193 palestinians. while they were collecting aid in northern garza, the other the i'm joe to help us is obviously rely from the also coming up and is really asked for our kids to school. housing displaced, palestinians in southern gothic healing for people that at least 45 people die in a fight in a fire at a 6 story building in bangladesh as
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a capital dot com and the radians vote in the 1st upon them into the election since nationwide. protests swept the country in 2022. the this global condemnation offerings riley soldiers shot and killed out of students scrambling for desperately needed food in gospel city. foreign ministers, a groups and rights organizations of denounced the attack. the death toll has now risen to at least a $193.00. these are some of the scenes filmed as palestinians gather the bodies of the dead. around 920 people have been injured. many of them is said to be in a critical condition. they would take them to nearby hospitals that are badly functioning, the un, which has repeatedly failed to secure a cease fire is cooling for an independent investigation. a. and it's really
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striking garza cities is talking to the gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of outside to at least 5 palestinians were killed in that attack. and attacks of caused widespread damage and destruction in the area of deserves the smell. oh, go reports now. now hold on to month, the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a, to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities, but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war and before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and enjoying hundreds in today's dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation as the pictures show. houses leveled buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed. and when you have the most of the value, but most office of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property, bestowed the a bad think. and i shall say,
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i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago. and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to me and hopefully they told me snipers and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave it. but i do not know what else i went to killed oh, buried underneath the debris. i appealed to the right across the whole we'll see most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all nations they had as at the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these rarely forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens the awful bubble with my family and i were at the home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and training and lunch between dark and we were definitely we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charge
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a few of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going as buddy the, just a minute just, i mean these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. and most of them are women and children killed inside their homes as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads. residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. i mean, i normally, i know we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water at the grace of god. they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's been the intentional destruction of homeless i, in the infrastructure and every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder, who i just, the, of the highest they doing. medina was in the south, east valley ministry has attacked the school, housing displaced, palestinians in con eunice. at least 4 people were killed in that attack. bolden,
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30220 palestinians have now been killed in israel's war on gaza. let springing, honey, it must move now joins us on the phone. from rafa in a southern gauze and honey in the last hour. also the death toll from thursday's attack on people trying to get their hands on aid in gaza. city has risen to a 193. meanwhile, among the hundreds of people injured, one can only imagine that many a still trying to get medical attention in facilities overloaded and unable to provide it. meanwhile, of course, attacks continue yes. well, what we're, what they say right now is the tragedy is on the non folded right now. and the fact that there are no operational shots because but just confirm what we expected within the pos hours in the atrocity to play that we almost everybody we all here
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including the medical, the staff of the ship, a hospitality. busy all the people who wouldn't miss out a quote to get the number is going to go all the higher within the coming all of that week stuck. it is very, very close to 200 people. just a tragic thing. happenings like now, and we're expecting more of each of those who just within the top our died. it shouldn't be a cute 6th street in charlotte or medical supplies and been sufficient medical staff in the hospital and to just they will keep going on very nice, almost 900 people of different injuries and the fact that those injuries arriving to the hospital collected it from beach the road and from the beginning of various since early hours. the last, the last night to the hospital are waiting for the medical doctor check on them and to provide the necessary medical intervention to save their life. but they come with injuries that either they are shot in the back or the deck or the government
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area. if you really need to have a proper health facility to do all the necessary medical intervention to save life without this would be kind situation of district hospital. we were told by people, family members who have relative are being treated right now that you the hospital do don't have hope that they're going to make it because they were told to get the hospital and the medical staff aren't able to provide them. what to do anything in terms of changing their life. now despite all of vince right now and this atrocity that is it going into a world wide, these really monetary continue to do things bombing campaign across the gall, just for just a few hours people work in the neighborhood checking. got me that can be great. sure. great deal and sure level of destruction caused by the intent carpet bombing campaign within the past few days. and entire families are still under the levels that we're looking at. more people are going to be removed already killed under the
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level that in the past hour and looking at that has residential homes here in central time, very close to a book. the job. how does a residential homeless, targeted and destroyed there? there's one person reported please go to many other injuries. the situations here and rough or how know defend down to northern park and the central area in terms of health care to put it in the hospital as a mid sized truck because that is on days or might be unable audits repairs to receive this number of injuries and unprepared for emergency such out what was the, the, the products of this jenna father was so far, economy on this western part of the city can be within the vicinity of how much rather than show them tall more than the national homework targeted for people reported scale down in very close to and evacuation center of school that's been on the school with it's a flat on top of that. it's coordinated coordinates our non to the jury. despite
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that has been targeted before people get back. we've been reported to an off the hospital already yet. honey, i'm just gonna correct myself for the sake of clarity that figure of a $193.00 people killed refers to people who have died in the last 24 hours across the gaza strip, including of course it says there's a tack on people at scrambling for aid in gauze, a city that was to do with hungry people who are, of course, still hungry a day later it's done. nothing. has it to change the age situation on the ground. the right, well there's to hear exactly is the number of people not only where the, the bolts around about trying to get to the, from the, the, the 80 truck but also what of the people who died at the end of this morning because of the high version of our vision, so you don't have to be directly targeted by the very military to die. people right
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now are falling dead because of the high ration and starfish, particularly when looking at all of the children. and in terms of a delivery and human cherry and 18 to, to the northern part is extremely difficult. and it's only me difficult because of the ongoing, its practice is on the ground in a sense, bombing campaign to destroy not only a distribution points, but also the infrastructure. and the roads are supposed to be the trucks are supposed to go through the uh, the aid workers on the ground who don't have any guarantee of safety whatsoever. just the whole mechanism has been broken since the beginning and also here in the southern part of both of the golf should've been over. it's how to drop. there's also a depletion of resources. and you know, we're going to be looking at a situation similar to what's going on, the northern part, and all the city right now. the number of the trucks in the mountains a didn't get into the gall, this tract and target is very little compared to the greater need. and we're
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talking about every 5 days. right now. there's one day that the crossing is open and only a few trucks left. so there is a growing concerned here in the over crowded southern part of district as possible . and the family going to start because we're seeing that now the build, the killed here where people are tripling a number of people are waiting for a bottle, so some water to drain or get some food parts. so the number is increasing and does the policy be, which is only an indicator that we are going to be facing more challenging times in terms of the honest break it down to the humanitarian capacity caused by the ongoing into the bombing can scan. and as you can probably share right now, there is a, this is the presence of the strong in the sky. and that's totally a bad all mean for a lot of people hear me there is some in going to how okay honey,
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we'll leave it that honey. must mood lie for us on the phone from rough or in southern gaza and let's go now to occupied east jerusalem with ben smith is standing by and staying with that a, a, a tax story that took place in the early hours of thursday. and we've heard differing at contradictory in many cases, narratives out to the is there any government the is really ministry is riley mediator about what happened, who was responsible. but i wonder what's being said now about what it will means, what it means to israel's war. if it, what it means potentially to efforts towards a ceasefire as well, don't of these really military narrative is the woman generally is the accepted now to in israel. that's where you're here and was ready television and, and is writing newspapers on the narrative. describing the describes a stampede of thousands of people surrounding a convoy 38 a trucks where people were killed in the crush by the trucks on why the troops
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opened fire, believing that they pro, that the crowds posed a threat. what is also being debated to is the consequences fall is riley to nationally off the what happened in gauze or on thursday morning i'm, we're talking about this what the ramifications that happened in an area, the golden gauze where quotes of a 1000000 people live and no matter how exactly what happened happened, israel military was in control that i'm responsible for. what happened them? that is a, that is recognized here. so then there is a question about quote of what happened be used by washington for example, as a way of leave it leave it to leave, urging israel to agree to a cease fi sooner than it's ready to rain in these rated miller trees actions. and when you hear from countries across the world, what they said about what happened on thursday, you can see why that is a concern. you know, we have the saudi arabians saying they condemned the targeting of on civilians. a
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spanish spain spar minutes to saying these events, so unacceptable on the, on the lines, the urgency of a c spot columbia or announcing the suspension, alarms, purchase it from israel, friends, calling for an independent pro, china strongly condemning the desk is just a sample of a sort of global condemnation that is hold on as well because of what happened to northern gauze on thursday morning and a recognition here and is realized this could be a capital moment in the prosecution of the war and cons. okay, bernard, thanks very much for that. bennett smith standing okay, buddy's trust now the united nations secretary general is condemning the killing of palestinians that we're trying to get agent gaza. he's also called for an investigation kinda stands ambassador to the, to the united nation says palestinians of paying the price for paralysis at the un security council. according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like, you know,
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fighting in the sky to restrain people. if there was a confusion class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have now is that $100.00 of them, 2 of them have been can and the number is increasing and $750.00 injured and possibly the number it would be increasing this out today just, you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives. and frances, echoing the winds cool for an independent investigation into what happened. it costs a city as the boldest just remained independent and no easy. all so the humanitarian situation has been catastrophically for several weeks. it's somebody, it is m defensible on that of the 5. 0,
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is repulsive israel most of us at long and it was that you still had what people are fighting for food and almost riots or she may have heard the demand, un secretary general for an investigation and from what zip goes in, those adults that there's still a head on al jazeera, hundreds gathering must go to say good bye to russian opposition leader election development who died in prison 2 weeks ago. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fixed, critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions. we don't live in a post colonial award, and you live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al
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jazeera, what constitutes exempt, so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we won't be in my want, we do. we don't have lead them in different countries. policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit. no 1000 service this claim and then you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust that unity austin is 5 times the cool that used to produce outstanding generally some elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the
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the other back here watching out is here is a reminder of our top stores, israel, he's facing global condemnation, offered soldiers shots and cube palestinians scrambling foot desperately needed food and goss with citrix foreign ministers, age groups. and right, so we know his actions of denounced the attack, at least a 112 people were killed. he's really strikes in gauze the city of target to the gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of outside to at least 5 college students with 2 that didn't southern guns of these really military targeted to school housing displaced college students, latest pictures from on eunice with these really struck, took place. these 12 people were killed and several others. let me bring in my guest number, how much mastery is professor of media studies at the institute for graduate
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studies. he joins me live on the said here in the good to have you with us. i want to pick up what a correspondent bennett smith was saying a short while ago he was speaking just talking about east jerusalem, about not the question of who did it, or what happened even in casa city. but the issue that he says is now being discussed in sections of these really media is what it means, what it means is rails continued war if it what it means efforts towards some sort of ceasefire piece. do you think is riley's rights to be concerned that this could be a pivotal moment around which real change could now happen as well? i think it's interesting that they're, that they're concerned, but the reality is that until the us changes its position in a meaningful way, this isn't going to have, this isn't going to be of much consequence on the ground. the reality is that it's
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been 5 months. israel has killed more than 30000 palestinians. i'd have to do the math, but i think we're talking in the range of a couple 100 per day being, being killed. so a massacre of a 100 or so people is, is almost par for the course. so what's different about it is obviously, you know, the detail that people are waiting, waiting for food and starving, a starving population. but this kind of massacre has been perpetrated over and over again. the us hasn't change its position and the us holds an awful lot of cards. in this situation, we've seen a gradual change, haven't we? in the us position, opiates perhaps not as far as it needs to go, but certainly a gradual change it's taking on now. for instance, at the desk told the $25000.00 civilians. now the white house and the pentagon appear happy to accept as having died in gaza. with regards to this incident, the wedding tremendously alarming used by the white house, the very clearly not taking the so to view they might have done 3 months ago. so
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where they would have insisted on a different narratives and the possibility of 2 sides and coding for a thorough investigation as indeed other countries. ok. plus the u. n. frances, as well, it's not going to be a thorough investigation. they must know that. yeah, no, there's not going to be a thorough investigation it's, it's impossible, given the conditions on the ground. i don't know that the us position has changed all that much. i might push back on that a little bit. if you go back to, you know, a few months ago the us was calling for investigations van as well. and after mass occurs and attacks on hospitals and so on and so forth. they called on israel to exercise restraint. they said that they were deeply troubled about reports of israel is really violations. so i'm not sure that things have changed all that much from the us standpoint. uh, a recent poll by harvard harris shows that the overwhelming majority of americans are still on the side of israel in this, in this war. they believe that israel is exercising a restraint,
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israel's not trying to kill civilians that israel's not carrying out a genocide. so given those empirical realities dividing administration doesn't have a great deal of incentive necessarily to change their position dramatically. okay, we will speak in coming bulletins for, for now we'll leave it there to ron is holding elections for parliament as well as a panel responsible for choosing the next supreme leader. boating stations are opened across around with supreme data. alex coming to a among the 1st a vote high profile, reformist candidates with bod, from running more than 61000000 people are eligible to vote. but voter apathy remains high since the 1st election since nationwide. anti government protest in 2022 will do. i'll send you a body has more now from a public station intel wrong on a couple different things that are very important for the establishment or the person we've heard from this highlighted the fact that the old eyes are
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on a wrong on this day, the world's eyes are watching what happens here very carefully. you said both our friends and our phones are watching us. so it is important that people head out to the polling stations to show a country that is united and that is together. that is not there. there should be no division as the era wrong. that's or see the last election in 2020 had the lowest voter turnout in the countries history at about $42.00 and a half percent at this time around. many analysts believe that number to be lower, but at the voter turnout is always seen as it has of the establishment and how people feel about the system. and as we move forward, given everything that's happened over the past 2 years here, and unemployment rates being at an old time high inflation at double to this new or 40 percent and 30 percent of the population living below the poverty major will
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feel that the government doesn't really make a difference, they're not able to change the reality of their data a lot. so they are not just coming to the holding spaces. so the voter turnout is seen as a critical test for the established waiting to see what kind of numbers hundreds of people on a queuing and long lines to pay their respects to russian opposition data alexis development in moscow. the funeral services being held at the moment, western diplomats including the us and gym, and ambassadors of will. so come to bid farewell to the politician police and security of stepped up the presents near the church. the kremlin has banned large gatherings. melanie died 2 weeks ago and optic prison rational authorities say he died of natural causes, but many blamed presidents that he may have put in for his death. now if i is killed at least 45 people in the bundle that she capital dot com inside the 6 story
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commercial building. but that this total is expected to rise with thousands of people in hospital with critical beds and looks bad reports now. forensically trying to skype fi, fi does attempt to save dozens of people from the 6 story commercial building in bangladesh is capital. i'm the people when the fire started in the front and broke the glass or cashier and service, men got everyone else. but both of them died later i went to the kitchen and broke a window and jumped to save myself over the fire broadcasts. and it'd be the restore home which was packed with families eating dinner. it quickly spread throughout the building, burning out of control for several hours. talk to say many people died after jumping from windows, while those trapped inside suffocated the as we move to the roof of the building around 30 people with the off to the fire was under control. 5 service personnel
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broke into one side of the roof and rescued us. and although the fire was now out, so many family members, the pain has only just begun. but the total is expected to rise with thousands of people taken to hospital with critical beds. fire the fire service and law enforcement personnel work together in the sea. although the fly was brought under control and the people suffered massive casualties. we haven't got all the information yet. we hope to know more with time. this guy is the nicest of many which have broken down some unsafe buildings across the densely populated city. hundreds of people had been killed in recent years and with concerns that many of those old buildings have not been maintained properly. they could be more accidents like this alex bid. l g 0. going bobbins has escalated in the haitian capital pool to prince, while prime minister ariel henry is out of the country, it was heavy gun fired the city. 3 major gang seemed
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to have joined forces. the fort against police officers killing 4 of them and tried to rate the national prison, criminal gangs of taking control of much of the capital in the past few months. the prime minister in kenya talks on the deployment of a foreign forced to hate the gangs invaders. we are forced to leave our homes. they put us outside the shelter. people are injured by bullets. we'll if a key thing to move the audio because it's a scale take. i'm is on the monday the police and the games were not fighting. i would not be a victim today lying in hospital. a new zealand court has ordered tool or operators on white island to pay more than $6000000.00 to the victims of a volcanic eruption. 24 people died during explosions in december 2019. the funds which owned the island and operated tools were found guilty of not insuring
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the safety of visitors. many of the survivors were badly, but by sealing gas and ash. well that is it from me for now. the weather is next. and then inside story, looking at those elections in iraq, stay with us. the, the hello are the big sound, 3 down pools continue across the western side of the amazon base and more flooding issues into west and brazil, bolivia, southeast and pops up routes. still less lobby storms banging away here. some of a lot of the storms to, to the east, to sort of a 0 close to a realism there. right? so very much in place as we go through fast. i'm not going to touch it down a couple of degrees. is that system makes us quite further north of the system making his way federal pushing into the river, played for a service that
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a sticky so that he celsius c. so i was just pushing further northwards into the positives and tell you how much a power required will turn somewhat drive and project with the next couple of days, trying bright to up to as a bundled with the confidence spent his way to not too bad at so not too bad across the carrier being that will be a scattering of showers to come. just around the li was for a time pushing across into his spine. you know that he might still csr with 2 inch to make a better sense. guessing more in the west, sunshine and showers, and that is the case to across central america. sunshine and show is here as well. you know, just a little more pat, a little more savvy, right? coming into the think south of the us we could do with the right just around the texas panhandle. web applies continued to, but elsewhere because know across the northwest heading towards the rockies. the coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel,
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whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more top listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a p a and on and as an african, i couldn't be more proud to be part of what role does the bottom and say in iran, yvonne is choosing and unit dyslexia and many hope it's wednesday the way for with full us with district banking system, an anti establishment candidates boss from running is change possible in baseline equip. opposite this is the inside story, the .


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