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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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protected, they say that they're trying to make sure that implants respite does not seem to have a 15 for now. the see that focus is pushing back empty. 3, your colleagues bowed. as for di, trying the global condemnation and calls for an independent investigation into these riley killing of a 112 palestinians collecting food in gaza. the go to all this is out to 0 live from the also coming up. we report from a neighborhood in gaza city where it is really strikes, hit a gathering of palestinians, killing at least 5 p, cindy and refugees, 11 on hole in the loss of their loved ones in gaza. glory then they too might
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become victims of these rebels nations plus get involved in scripts, hate t once again lost friend prime is the prime minister visits, can you seeking international help the well as global condemnation off to is ray the sold his shots and killed palestinian scrambling for desperately needed food in garza city, or administers a groups and rights organizations of old denounced the attack. at least a 112 people were killed and 700 injured. many of them are in critical condition. these are some of the scenes as filmed as palestinians gathered bodies of the dead . the un which has repeatedly failed to secure to cease fires, calling for an independent investigation. in the south, the is really ministry has attacked to school housing displaced the palestinians in
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hon. eunice, at least 4 people were killed. there was 30225 students had now been killed in israel for on casa to lancaster city. and these really struck, tom could do the gathering, his palestinians in the neighborhood of outside to at least 5 palestinians were killed in that attack. and the tax of caused widespread damage and destruction across the area. now deserves the smell. i'll go reports, now, hold on to month, the tie as i'm standing in the middle of l as a to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in cause a city, but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war, before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and injuring hundreds. and today, dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and uh, and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction, large scale devastation as the pictures shown on the houses level. the buildings
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burned down and infrastructure destroyed near one year. at the most, only the only salad, but most office of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed. the a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to lead into helping they told me, scientists and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave together. i do not know what else killed as a whole buried underneath the debris. i appealed to the red cross, the whole will be most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all now should they have it as that the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these rarely forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens. those was awful. but with my family and i were at the home and
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all of a sudden we were showered with mrs and training between dark and we were definitely, we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charge a fee of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going on, but now it is just a minute just, i mean these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. and most of them are women and children killed inside their homes as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads. residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. i mean, i normally, we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. at the grace of god, they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's been the intentional destruction of homeless i any infrastructure in every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder the whole just the
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of the highest a doing my, the another was a latan, a couple of assume joins us on the phone now from rough uh, in southern gaza and tonic. well over 24 hours now off to that attack on people scrambling for aid in garza city, one can only imagine that among the hundreds of people injured, some of them critically. they will still be struggling to get emergency medical help. and meanwhile, of course, the attacks simply continue elsewhere. yes, that's right. in fact says we have been seeing that because yesterday you have been facing a really good method can change in terms of the, the, the mass casualties. and the total that had been resulted from the very bottom ends of the entire place as people that were waiting for humanitarian supplies and co. now, according to the ministry of health, at least $700.00 spinning and receiving a treatment of being injured,
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as they were rated for humanitarian supplies. on the same time its incidents spread smooth fields among those people. the disparate parts of northern casa who are in a very desperate need for humanitarian, fastest, as they are afraid again, to go to our rescue, drew in the sea round about to wait for humanitarian troops in order to be not shut again by the it's released snipers and these very many treat tanks, and at the same time today or it had been more operations of a dropping to the another part of the turns out which is, which is a particularly cannot be very sufficient to match the needs of those desperate people. and the, the, the attacks that had happened yesterday, i've completely sparked a wave of to the nation and from the east, very side. there are things that the will investigate, particularly the situation in order to know what's happening and who is responsible for that. on tonic. meanwhile, no sign whatsoever of any more a to get to get into the gaza strip and reaching people. who is you say
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a suffering from hunger, from malnutrition, from the hydration. yes. so that's why we have plenty of generally, if i did not touch key chains in terms of the rate nor even the numbers of the humanitarian strokes are getting into the sounds of a positive particular from the course. and i'm calling about percent across the board that we're both about what does have being left but also disclose mechanisms of a delivery could play a very contributed to contributing part control or not. and helping to mitigate to relate to human cherry crisis because the majority of the human material supplies are subject to minute to check a little flight. but not the majority is such a could reach to the node or parts of causal until previous coordination. we think is very many treat. people also see a freight that it must be kind of more replacement to buddhist. and depending on power, she can eat supplies to the people. here it was going to be any more potential
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military encouraging for rough time. this is what we have been hearing from residence in russell and the course of the past few days as they are completely terrified. from the point that any further mid a tree attacks and the means that there's going to be a complete station of a to flow from both forward is which means that the military crisis will be key rate move. if there's going to be move in a ceasefire. down the road, turn a couple of them on the phone for us, from rough, fine, southern gaza. thank you to eric. and let's go now to ok, bodies to resubmit. ben smith is standing by on bernard again, more than 24 hours on. we've talked a lot about the narratives being put about and these really media what the government is saying, what the ministry is saying about how and what happened in that a tax. but are they talking about or beginning to wonder what he might mean for his ralph or his rails or and for attempts to reach
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a cease 5 the damage on the yes, i mean, the narrative that is generally accepted in israel is that's of israel's military says that they describe a stampede with thousands of people crowded round associate a trucks in northern gaza. and people were killed in the crush around those trucks or even run over by the vehicles. and the military, acknowledging that it opened fire on the parts of the crowd, leaving the ministry says they've posed a threat to these riley soldiers. what gets more debates now here? and israel is what happens next. what are the rom, if occasions, from what happened in northern gauze or on thursday morning, because there are half a 1000000 people, the quarter 1000000 people living up there in northern garza. and that is an area that remains under as rarely, military control. so the much a how those people killed israel's military is responsible for the cat around that israel recognizes the maybe the us good. now use this to put more pressure on his
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ro to agree to a c spot earlier than it might be ready. it could encourage us to persuade israel to stop the war and gaza and agree to a ceasefire. and when you look at what the international condemnation has been like, you know, from the saudis, condemning the targeting of anom civilians, the spanish foreign minister saying these unacceptable events underlying literally to, to receive spa, he says, and the germans, calling the israel to conduct a thorough investigation these rarely, i mean most fully explain how the must panic and shooting could have happens a whole lot pressure piling on israel and that there's a, a belief. busy an indication here that could be if it's simple, pivotal in how because it will contribute. okay, but and thanks for that. bennett smith live for us in occupied east jerusalem. united nations secretary general has condemned the killing of palestinians who were trying to get aid in gaza. he's also called for an investigation. his spokesman
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repeated calls for an immediate cease fire. gabriel, that is on the has the details from un headquarters in new york, a spokesperson for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for accountability. but during his noon briefing, journalist pressed him multiple times about how exactly he was condemning and why the spokes person would not specifically point the finger. it is real, but i questioned him why not? but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this. a delivery cool on the ground in northern guys are right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know up to date on the ground,
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but we only focus on ourselves. right? so the un is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all. so we, we read the press reports of member states. uh, doing uh, doing a deliveries the, i guess facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning to you. and so they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys that because it simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these rarely military on simply is not working according to the us. and they say they're trying to find any avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a cease fire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on the out is either at the united nations in new york. and france is also occurring that cold by
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the un for an independent investigation into the killing of palestinians seeking aid as the boldest just remained independent and no easy. all so the humanitarian situation has been catastrophically for several weeks. the somebody, it is m defensible on that of the 5. 0 is repulsive israel most was that long and it was that you still had what people are fighting for food and knows that riots or she may have heard the demand. un secretary general for an investigation and from what zip code the most adults in palestine zone by send it to the united nations. meanwhile, says palestinians paying the price for paralysis at the un security council. according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like you know, fighting in the sky to restrain people. if there was a confusion class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have now is that 102 of them have been can,
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and the number is increasing and 750 injured and possibly the number it would be increasing this outrageous, you know, massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives and the mass res, professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies joining may live on, set it to trying to impact some of this good to see you back, and i want to talk about these calls. we've just been listening to you in the we present 2 fronts. we know that other countries as well, spain, easily calling for an independent investigation to take place into what happened in gauze and safety. now, you know, i get the idea that one would like to have an objective assessment of what actually
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happened that everybody can agree upon. but surely everybody must know that, that he's simply not possible, but no independent assessment can take place. right, and that's precisely one of the problems here, right? i mean that there's a long literature on israel's post atrocity routine, right? they do the denying, deflect, blame. they systematically lie, and in many, many cases they will at some point, do some sort of investing investigation themselves, but they will inevitably exonerate themselves. i thought it was interesting that the united states called simply for a thorough investigation as did germany. some countries are, are called as opposed to an independent as an exact route, as opposed to an independent investigation. that's what we have to keep, keep our eye on. but as you said, how can such an independent investigation be carried out under the circumstance? because it also points doesn't it to, to sort of
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a central floor in the international reaction to these events in the sense that, and nobody's willing to stick with the next. they're quite happy because perhaps it's more comfortable to take a seat behind the idea of a thought or a or independent investigation because until you could have the outcome of that investigation, you don't have to take sides on that. absolutely. i think you're right and i thought it was interesting what chris gives us, that he's the former, under what spokesperson, united nations are even worse agency. he said, it's an illustration, this massacre. it's an illustration that you cannot leave the protection of the palestinians and garza in terms of food security to the israelis. and that's what we're seeing is rarely have complete control of countries in the region are not willing to do more. whether that's because they're scared or because they're under pressure from the united states or some other regional power. but that's still, that's still unclear, but there's a lot of blame, certainly to,
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to go around. and if we assume that all of these countries even now are still not willing to put the, the stock behind one version of events and act opponent. does that perhaps suggest that israel's worries such as we were hearing about me to go from bennet smith. but this event might be used to force them into an online wanted see if by that those worries are essentially unfounded. nobody's gonna force them to do anything. i think if there's worry and i've said this before, but all the cards that really are held by the united states, they're the one entity that can truly pressure israel. they could end all of this with one phone call in, in my estimation. so if, and i think this is what we have to keep our eye on, if the international community rallies to put pressure on the united states in such a way that sort of necessitates a stronger american response, then i think, you know, that will be worth having a conversation about but until the us shows an inclination that's going to bend
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that it's gonna change as pastor. i don't think israel has a whole lot to worry about me. okay, mama down that. sure. thanks for that. and still the head on elder 0, at least 45 people die in a fire to a 6 story building and bangladesh capital dot com the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. there should moment international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that andy out of bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. what else is there? a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal wise life trade loses
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its survival skills. but re discovering them is possible with the literal. how in a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life, monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the the brother back you want to him to 0. he is a reminder of our top stores is riley's facing global condemnation offering, so just shot and killed thomaston and scrambling said desperately needed food in
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gaza, city, or administer as a groups and writes. organizations of all of denounced the attack, at least a 112 people were killed. these radio strikes in kansas city of target to the gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of outside to at least 5 kind of students. we killed the taxi and the area, of course, widespread damage and destruction. uninstalled. and because of these really ministry talk to the school, housing displaced, found a students. these are the latest pictures from ton unit with these really struck to place that these poor people were killed and several others around the world health organization as well. and the unfolding humanitarian crisis across because the system and gaza is what we said in many times is all his needs is more than on its needs. the fresh water supply has been cut off since immediately off. the 7 of 12 of the electricity has been cut up since immediately after the whoring attacks on
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the 7 of october. all the lifelines and gas, i have more or less been cuts still. around. 15 power suits loaded with humanitarian aid, have landed in gaza city. they'll do all day and you know, i, me says you'd carry down 3 drops of food 8 in northern yasser palestinians in the strip of facing and on folding. i'm good process with food supplies, growing scarce. israel is blockaded, strip has made it difficult for a to enter jordan and egypt to the drop date in recent days, while the us and canada say they're considering playing a similar role. understanding refugees are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the friends and families trapped in gaza. many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks, saying a lot of reports from a camp in northern level non where israel's war on goza is reopened old woods. this is the story of a palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians. dropped in
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garza ali mohammed, no shark waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is up there. the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i have noise. the last time i spoke to my brother's son, he told me many of the somebody ought to know when rough. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months, 11. i'm not able to reach them communications out about what's happening to the people in drugs. the is the biggest crime getting the cobra on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed in his really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya, for in, what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war. for many garza is all that's left of palestine. a good look on the look on the
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resistance is our only hope we have been abandoned by on a beat of some of the but the resistance is still strong. but i, you know, we want to be defeated. what is the or wants to push the statements from guys and they won't be able to do that. being said, they cut out in the, almost all the more in this camp there's support for what thomas called the l. x of flood the attack against as well. on october 7th, they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population. conditions in gaza, they say were unbearable just like their lives in ex, i've little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor with an uncertain future. how does the indians 11 on struggle, they are banned for many professions. the majority have enjoyed suffering for the
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past 76 years. i have been there, but give up. i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother on my system that somebody has. so many of our family are still on the, but they could still be like for the out of my be what is alive is the struggle for palestinian homeland. for those in exile, there is no other option. they say this is a fight for existence. then there was a 0, but that we can northern nothing on the military adviser has reportedly been killed in syria in a target to these really strikes that's, that's according to locally right in media residence is that right was an advisor with a ron's revolution regard. the attack took place in the coastal city. a funny ass was since the war in gaza began. israel has stepped up
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a tax against the radians positions inside syria and iran is holding elections for parliament as well as a panel responsible for choosing the next supreme leader. it's the 1st election since nationwide anti government protests in 2022 high profile reforms. candidates with bod, from running, and the government has been looking to tackle voter after state, which remains high in the country to also do battery reports from tara to southern . both of them on unimportant days for the political establishments. iran supreme leader, i told wiley, harmony was one of the 1st of boats with a message to the nation close out of church with this. he already has that in the, near the eyes of the world are on the wrong on the people of around. they want to see what you will do. oh, south friends and foes from all sides. the riser on us, so pay attention to them be used on message that's being heard here. one of the $59000.00 polling stations across the country 27 year old will have much of upside
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. the thing is one of the nearly 61000000 people eligible to vote. a fact that carries great responsibility for him. he needs a full body, considering the timing of developments in the region, the country needs the unity of the people with the strong support of the people. it could achieve its goals, including economic, social, and cultural issues within the country. it could also achieve goes beyond the borders which are strengthening the resistance front, american voter turnout is a major issue for officials here who hope they can rally the electorate. the last complimentary election in 2020 had the lowest boulder turn out at 42.5 percent. this time around, many analysts predict that number to be even lower. an outcome officials are trying to avoid the amount of the election is why people show that will to be involved in their own fates. in future, we can save upon them. it has the highest place to show democracy. and people express their opinion to make the change. rising unemployment inflation and nearly
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30 percent of the population living and poverty have all had an impact on people's enthusiasm for the selection. this is also the 1st boat since nationwide, protest swapped around in the wake of mass and staff in police custody. the readings are not just voting for the next parliament, but also the assembly of experts. that's an $88.00 see body of clerics were responsible for selecting the next supreme leader of iran. with little presence from the reformers, cap, friends, former president has been disqualified to run in the assembly of experts voter turnout will be seen as a test for the system as the government marks 45 years of the revolution that brought them to power in 1979 sources of lori l. 205, who's killed at least 45 people in the bangladesh capital dock inside a 6 story commercial building. but that desk told is expected to rise with
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thousands of people in hospital with critical buttons. alex bed as more frantically trying to escape firefighters attempt to save dozens of people from the 6 story commercial building in bangladesh is capital. i'm the people when the fire started in the front and broke the glass or cashier and service, men got everyone out. but both of them died later i went to the kitchen and broke a window and jumped to save myself. the fire broadcasts and it'd be the restore home which was packed with families, eating tennis. it quickly spread throughout the building, burning out of control for several hours. talk to say many people died after jumping from windows, while those trapped inside suffocated august. the, as we move to the roof of the building around the t people with the, after the fire was under control, 5 service personnel broke into one side of the roof and rescued us. and although the fire was now out, so many family members,
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the pain has only just begun. but the total is expected to rise with thousands of people taken to hospital with critical beds, fire, the fire service, and law enforcement personnel work together in the sea. well, the fire was brought under control that the people suffered method casualties. we haven't got all the information yet. we hope to know more with time. this guy is the nicest of many which of root canals and unsafe buildings across the densely populated city. hundreds of people had been killed in recent years and with concerns that many of those old buildings have not been maintained properly. they could be more accidents like this alex bid, which is 0. the funeral of alex a no problem is taking place at the moment in moscow. these are life pictures you're looking at now. hundreds of people have queued up to pay their last respects to the russian opposition. lead security has been stepped up around the church
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where the settlement is taking place around the died 2 weeks ago as an arctic prison rational authority. so he died of natural causes, but many blame president funding may have put in for his death in haiti, violence as flanders gains appeared to be working together to try to take over the capitol. it's happened while the prime minister is abroad and a bit to secure international help to restore order to meet you and that. but then go reports the constant ruffling of assault rifles. people fleeing with their hands in the air to avoid getting killed. bodies left in the streets. the neighborhoods of haiti's capital port of france have turned into a war. so how's the help of the guns have invaded? they forced us to leave our homes. people are getting shots. we're back ready to leave the area because this count.


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