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tv   People Power Ukraine Ground Zero  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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the voicemail earlier today, a funeral service phone and i was only at the charge of the icon of the mother of gold to place and also that thousands of people from near the church move tools the cemetery tron saying the name a alex alex's name and johnson slogans we won't forgive, and russia will be free. now people can see it's a cute to the symmetry structuring for several killing me says from the charge you that should pop all of a to z, right. my square trade unionists of joined climate activists and a series of demonstrations across germany. don't wanna came reports from berlin. the next step, which one school policy you to this is one of the slogans with now united straight unionist employment. actives, until now these 2 groups haven't often taken much joint action. but at this demo in berlin, there is consensus. and to clear them on from the transport workers taking part. we
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have one that's the striking for better working conditions, more time off between genies. so we get just a brief, more time between shifts so we can spend more time about 5 minutes. as fridays for future sees it, the sources more collective protest is a chance to show germany bits that concerns on their main stream. i'm the wider society needs to change the demand, the social is like the devil, and we need matter. and as long as the government public transport minister say they have introduced new plumbing protection rules and off trying to make public transport more foldable for their own limits. the people, the demonstrations like this truly believe the time is now for radical solutions of
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massive investment. and what they say is necessary. but does, why does society agree with them? i'm kind of government that is really challenged in terms of its projects, find that massive investments beyond that is not quite so clear. so i'm going to chain al jazeera bullet form and canadian prime minister brian mil rooney has died at the age of 84. the conservative leader was in power from 1984th of 1993. he has best remembered for negotiating the pre course into the north america free trade in the agreement, nafta. monroney left office is one of the country's most consequential and controversial politicians. alright, that does it for me. so then you stay tuned up next and else 0 people in the news from i'll just on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only
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mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the significant damage to the countries? natural environment? many of you, for a major city, has been devastated forest, have been destroyed, of the cultural lands and waterways contaminated ukraine's government accuses of russia, which of course, eco saw and is calling on the international criminal court to prosecute alleged environmental tri,
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we sense reports the nicholas are reduced to ukraine to investigate the toxic impacts of the the you are into hall, foster rushes invasion of its neva. many of you cranes, precious because the systems live in real life come here to the documents, the environmental impacts of all the funding and to follow ukrainian war crimes investigation is, is like collect evidence of what they describe as dk side the
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shuttle launch images catalog, the trial of destruction in ukraine. some sign just claim the war in ukraine is close to the most catastrophic ecological destruction of any single country since will won. i think it goes to show like this is and deliberate community activity to let to what's can be labeled as it goes side ukraine has accused russia of scorch those tactics, tactics that have left vast tracts of forests destroyed and agricultural lands strewn with land mines. in the black sea cetaceans are dying in large numbers. hob inches of an environmental catastrophe. the one sort. those are for us, destroyed,
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born or affected by the work. in this war we lost some parts of our nature which will last forever. ukraine's environment, you know, stuff is struggling to comprehend the damage. we understand the whole concept is will feel in the future, the input of this war and the input of this environmental damage of pollutants and other things. this is environmental crime. now i understand that the total environmental damage for today is more than $54000000000.00 us dollars. it's a huge fingers. so if there is deliberate attempt to have this large impact on the environment through human activities, then people should be held accountable for those kind of impacts from his vice in
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the netherlands. reset show when we switch, that bug has been charging the environmental full outs of the wall for the dutch peace organization packs. so immediately after the innovation started in february, you sold like large scale strikes on industrial facility. so russia was trying to hit all the bose some industrial productive areas. i think it goes to show like the ecological catastrophe. that's a, those kind of actions mutual reactions can have although they filed and it'd be to catch it. cute russian forces continue to palm city with me. solve and tried strikes let's just give you the list here. um we will ukrainians regard to text like fish as acts of terror.
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water from the all the teams are investigating every incident like this. michelle strike on an oil depot as a potential environmental crime. while it's in living scenic, isn't it? yeah. yeah. so when the pictures are limited, some way as much and have them in them, i was watching to see it was through the window. and it was a little a little bit, especially when i was a looseness for putting professional some of it this to the key when you put in a different honest, typical symbol in the said look you up with the so so one was even yeah. because when we, when we were the source of was in the cube region alone, many hundreds of industrial complexes have been destroyed by russian. we saw across ukraine. hundreds of investigations have been opened into allegations of environmental war crimes by russian forces,
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including 15 the ukrainians have classified as the judge side. so i'm the ukraine. you're lower questions going to be prosecuted for the for ego side. and disregard i think is, is helpful because we see a lot of confiscation of russian assets financial assets sooner or the estimates between $2.00 and $3.00 and a half $1000000000.00 in a sense which i think confiscated by the your, in the us. so uh, having the discussion go so potentially free of money for ukraine to invest in remediation reparation and clean up of environmental damage. shift as being recognized in president for a lot of me is elaine skis. hometown, the city of creevy, read the environmental impacts of a war of being felt if you will have sit and when the ball assembled the pool, the more stopping to political,
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including tional was because you will store him in your ear because they have been the hopefully will not send the key the was not quote them was that us with them not enough to buy to let us need lots to do before to put that out. the letter she said, i said, i should say that it doesn't have to have difficult adjust the truth. is it management didn't go down to below. it should be an immediate need for the funding or for to pay it. i mean, you wouldn't even need to pull on the approval. so let me know though, we'll say, who is the, has sci fi? yes, the name, she's not to bozza. i live no wish to keep us through such a festival. a shy, it's a blessing of his today insist with a fit nausea to as well. you know, chris old, which, you know, he's a member of parliament, he's being personally appointed by president zalinski to co ordinate the
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investigation into potential environmental war crimes. that's a full size in the most difficult position is looking at city and see in the bar to there's no size in that they should be focused on police. that was a boy for citizen dollars for these to go home. see what the, what the, what is a, who, and for the board, the full, the native would they have flipped poolside may actually not lazily set that authority crane to a school will. he's in his lunch. and then that was my, as we had said that or through could i, you know, the task of investigating allegations of the cuz side falls on the site because logical inspector, which ukraine's eco inspectors. they have painstakingly accumulating evidence, using message that i hope will be accepted by an international court. will probably metal snead, the one you have says that little company, johnson, and you have received the before get that in those people. cuz not the most
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vehicles seem kinda, you know, should we get seen before we complete this, but that's a for sure. great. and they are kind of what does it gives all of the food it's supposed to get put down with the boots for the diagnostic. the for lawyers, the content about that in the but about the blow up still a tool here, one of the captains systems awful. you know, most of the show home, we're heading will never cause author say federalists from what are you in ukraine? southern region to make a live eco inspectors a trolling through what remains of one of the many local forest. it was badly damaged during baffle parks with a low, a temporary position. this is curious so much about still school come a position in that ever. yeah. and i was born your stipulation. you want me not to
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miss. there's a to think of amiable for percent that are available now it's the assignment really simple as a fix on the case that gets or then each symbol, this could get from the service, gets a status in the waterways of nikolai, as port eco inspectors have been monitoring water quality closely. local officials say the russians blew up storage tanks containing sunflower oil in october 2022. um alrighty. forgive me remember to be to show the chatting enough to it so it looks like isaac is a political with them. i'm all, i stumbled them off for a loss. so when you think of, well yeah, liberal consist? cmt full. let's see what some someone's here to show me on the invoice piece for each. now, are you surprised that the russia ukraine is taking
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a heavy toll on the black sea? especially on its largest species? like dolphin some of the can you handle up searching it? what's a doable? yeah, just loves a short finish. those that could be interesting that showed a little more to bullet dealer pick, not state court. i believe he visited somebody in the acute took the wallet bill. i'm not sure of a particle or medium degree in the folks who move finished. those. i can know the was, but it showed a little more to yvonne elusive, is a well known environmental active as the new crane and the head range at truthfully lagoons national park south of odessa. nick is of lexi, this big area of water because there's no products on this side. 2016 mazda is the size. i think a little bit of both and it's pretty important for the good see for, for the ocean to the, the top of the food bit,
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i need the need for this ecosystem. no, we have very few of felicia. so if you lose those things, you lose it. cool system during the 1st months of the war with naval battles, re g, not far away. schools and dolphins and porpoises washed ashore, including some with signs of trauma with. so pick on you want me to the spinning is a little not, not me. and if you pull into that for you, you will get a sketch. but if this goes on, should say a set of believe for sort of makes me really advise you of what i've tried. at 13, with many of the caucus is watching a show in advanced stages of the composition. it's difficult to independently verify the causes of death. but ivan says the timing of russian naval activity in
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the black sea, especially the use of sun and uh, it's hard to know who we did pretty well. so not, i mean we've done a bore do just with google glass blue. i do not it. clearly, most of this is tim. when me a supervisor, give a zillow to you. the female issue is uh, the fullest each. it is, of course most of them will soon after the stops of rushes, invasion videos, move on, social media of this risk. adults turning up in russian, annexed crimea, 8 lou budget with the video. so we will look the schools. but as you did, the thing is really should be a bullet only contusion motor through the motor. forgot to be easy. the only move of send it not a negative limit. each it is, they can make a new one. implement all on northridge to marine life naval mines,
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rusher and ukraine have blamed each other for installing mines that have broken free and drifted far into the black sea. just one of the many consequences of ukraine is known as europe's bread. voskus is the spot that we have found, the mine t m 62 feet 3. we found it on $24.00 for april this year. but here in the finals east, close to the russian border. all of the don't keep pipe settlements in the hot active region, are infested with land mines. combined harvester, as you can see, it is quite destroyed a designated to mind. it's a deadly payroll. this is a rating cost, sushi 2 lives in the heart of cuba region alone. since it was d,
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occupied by russian troops. the highlight of trustees and international humanitarian organization that helps countries recover off drum conflicts like clearing the land mines. but given the enormity of the problem in ukraine, they are already busy at work. a very common technique of mine laying in ukraine that we have seen so far. and they use this one to actually prevent you bring in forces from advancing a further towards their position. even using the motion of domestic projections, the land mines will take decades to clear. right across the form of front lines and this was retreating russians. polls have been accused of laying tens of thousands of mines, which are paralyzed agricultural production and claimed many lives. but here in the village of a block of about an hour south of how to cave desperate farm is have come up with
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a ryan home grind solutions to the massive environmental problem. gosh, if there's a slight flush or store sort of the some of the saw this up i sent over to you all or cause a new wallet in the wall, a resident site for the time the russians list of it's church was badly damaged. the school reduced to rubble in the local farms destroyed itself, the purple or moss on no wasn't so well fixed within a single cream. so many more times i threw bull and went and was gonna see it when it was a widow speaking, when it was him for the whole office suite. him with a family who was up for you. a local farmer alexander could be suing, eager to show visits, is the deadly menace lying hidden in glock of his fields. what about the
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wireless? lots of people did that it was all the exams and saves that one. feels need by more than 300 minds were discovered and with the planting season upon the village farm is collectively searched for a solution for us where we do more while approval approval. if there's something wrong with the personally good luck of as farm is modified tractors into remote control, de mining vehicles began clearing the fields less than october rip, if there was a better off if list or the support there for hope. the mean spirit of the person
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with the group name deal, m u as low as a postcard. your 6 if that start pretty well is becca succeeded. the 6 for us dollars is low, has pulled out of software, but either key or veterans, new orleans and the fact that i'm looking for building sites that are 3 you can move and say that i've got about is typical of hundreds of villages for a while. to ukraine, that it would be largely destroyed and contaminated with mines and toxic debris. you are paying scientist, are we ready worried about the environmental ramifications to the school spreading file beyond few crimes borders. we're seeing that this has to be a national plan. you can say to even a marshall plan for the environments right. this is one important thing that needs to be considered in, in, in new claim. individual winey, environmental scientist, palo peta,
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has been using satellite dasa and open source information to monitor the toxic full well. it is important to understand that they are connected with each other. so what's happened in the cycle? what's happening, the forest river back the air lead back to the sea. so that go systems i interconnected. see how was your station response in forest areas in over environmental scientist, building a forensic snapshots of the was impacts is complex task. so this is a cascade of, of the elements when one is interdependent from the other. but if i would drink one, i think i think now the, the pollution causes by to, by the bombs on the critical show areas. so we're talking about soil contamination . focus the nationwide can be very high. yeah. so this is a process that can, takes the kids to, to return to the previous levels. the use of another type of weapon could cause
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further. environmental hom, monitoring groups say russia and ukraine has both fused cluster munitions during the war. in july of 2023, many if you cranes, allies expressed concern the team's decision to acquire a cluster, munitions from the us by a conceited, by many is indiscriminate weapons and banned by more than a 100 countries full. unexploded bump the legs can stay on the ground for used, terminating lodge areas, and injuring severe cranes government, as defendants, they use against military targets. ultimately, it, is she a, the international criminal course in the hike? the, any alleged war crimes from this conflict will be brought to account. but to what
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extent environmental crimes, including eco side, can be prosecuted, is yet to be seen. the international criminal court, the i, c. c, has only limited skype to prosecute. environmental will crunch under the run statute, which defines its main data. but it's a magnitude of environmental destruction in ukraine is revealed. there's a growing push from around the globe for a swift recognition regarding the legal definition of eco side, so that it can be recognized as an international crime. reports the allegations made by ukrainian officials in the film to the russian government for comment. we did not hear back the in the months following russians, full scale invasion city, if big a live was newly surround page, the skies, which article call of the book or am i for terms of when i was, it was
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a musician. i'm going to remember you most of it when they pull some not you may have shared with the port center nice the old, the young a maybe a little heads up, make a lives eco inspectors team. keeping her forensic view into the a tax on her city and it's frank should environment the should them? no, she doesn't want to live. yeah. the. so there's just this guy start a know as soon as i a friend that's a yana says the environmental repercussions of the war a difficult to quantify. you should look us the so efficient, the more them cause that them so that us one them, most of them from watch if they have to go to the moon. sure,
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the book keeping them. look, the last just given those will do it as a whole don't trick business unless you can wouldn't do it and switch it to a simple destination. yeah. uh, new to source, to me wise, yet view it as many times the roman yahoo into for wouldn't be up to the destruction of costco. could that mean june 2023. another layer of complexity misery has been added to ukraine's environmental devastation. the destroying hope for cold cut them is a big gift. the environmental impact of the children know, but a couple stalls and but then surely, you brain the last a deep cubic kilometers of fresh water. russia and ukraine have blamed each other for the damage destruction.
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the flooding that followed has had an enormous impact on a region ready batch of several or 415 boy, you know, what do you mean to me single for picking up the message to him? i that doesn't mean to. yeah, you should also you today there's a large team at work, including eco, inspectors, will crimes, prosecutors and sciences have with them and brought the problem with them a lot. the thought the cheers about these new ukrainian officials claimed that the flooding such poison thousands of kilometers of farm land with a devastating consequences for food production. some more, some equipment they put in the warranty. okay, is it for green? the last no, not a full expedite but things out with that allow it. yeah. keep working on within the
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drive so it doesn't matter when it, when it why it says it doesn't mean to show me the write this book on. yeah. to just the soul and then they sufficient as the will grind, show on the total amount with every active destruction shine just collect the data and ukrainian is a confident when the war and they will be adjust, reckoning will the impressions that well the bits of top destination for travelers seeking them by the paradise experience. but the idyllic archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global war. rising water levels and unforgiving storm. i've triggered some of the world's 1st
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government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people in power, us want fiji, the last resort on a jersey to instead of these cries, it's could have been debt simon's if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal about how was a neighbor after midnight trying to get to a hospital includes, is really me to 3 check points to the way i wasn't. there is a lot of men we're around, but my fear for the baby was stronger. but not every story has a positive and through last day, it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. you, she started shouting. i gave birth, followed by silence. and then another shot,
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i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this keith at the entrance to the village mother is about to give birth, the music to go to the hospital. like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the the number of palestinians killed by his really soldiers while waiting for food rises again more than 24 hours after the attack, which has drawn condemnation from around the world. the good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life from the also coming up the system and gaza is what we said of many times is on his knees is more than i'm, it's a warning from the world health organization.


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