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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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wayland migrates from the us southern border to the democratically controlled city . he's doing it to embarrass president joe, but a democrat who abbot accuses of doing little to stop record numbers of new border crossings. habits also doing it to embarrass so called sanctuary. cities like chicago and to turn democratic leaders against each other. alderman andre vasquez, a democrat and son of guatemalan immigrants, says it's working. the democratic party is like a disaster and the president looked like it is after months away from the presidential election. so it's, it's pretty, pretty evident to see what the plan is. the fact that the democrats are acting in the present himself isn't doing anything to executive action, is exacerbating the problem. at the height of the city is brutal winter. many new immigrants slept in police stations. then democratic may or brandon johnson built a massive migrant, 10 shelter, as it turned out on toxic soil. illinois democratic governor, j. b, prisoner condemned. the site is unsafe,
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leaving the city scrambling to find shelters for thousands of new refugees. just ahead of january's frigid and polar vortex, more than 2000 migrants lived here at the shelter in downtown chicago and they're the lucky ones. they found a place to live. so we'll have to move as early as march for some of them that's likely to mean right here on the streets or chicago. thousands of migrants we've already received eviction notice is ordering them to leave those shelters. in march, the city only gave the newcomers 60 days of housing. city leaders have extended that time and made lo, winter temperatures with time is running out. when the, when we arrived, they had to sign a paper saying that we could stay 60 days because of the cold. we can stay until march. but after that we have to leave and we have no other options. the worst is likely yet to come. abbot is expected to send in armada of buses loaded with
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migrants to fill the streets in the spring just in time for chicago to host the democratic national convention in august. john henry and l g 0. chicago, the following sizes in brazil, a baffling to contain launch was fine in the north of the country. the states of ranma is experiencing a sharp spike and well flies this year. now over the past 2 months, because those northern waste states has been hit by almost as many files as it did throughout one of 2023 names to 5 have been on yeah, no money, land and indigenous community that primarily resides in northern for sale. okay. that's the name of the inside. lots more on a website. i'll just there a. com upfront coming up next. on march. the 2nd us president joe biden delivers his state of the union address
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with issues such as economic recovery, emigration, and america's response to global conflicts on his agenda. 10 by to reaffirm his leadership credentials in this crucial election year. special coverage from washington, dc of what is the cost of descent and today's israel, while most of the cultures political plaza has been support of benjamin netanyahu. war on guys of a small minority have denounced. we'll talk to in his really member of parliament, who opposes the government's actions. that conversation is coming up for the 1st. when smiley president has some shape, let's move to the office almost 2 years ago. he promised to read the country of the armed group as to bad, but after early successes, the government's military campaign has reported installed. meanwhile, the country is also facing a diplomatic crisis with neighboring ethiopia over a brick away region in the north of the country. so what plays ahead for somalia and can't win the war against al should bad. alas,
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those questions to this was headliner. somali is deputy prime minister. so last asked me to jump on the mr. w prime minister. thank you so much for joining me on upfront. it's a pleasure to be here, mr. hill. on january 1st, the self governing region of some island, which is internationally recognized as a part of somalia, signed a memorandum of understanding with ethiopia, which would allow land like ethiopia to use ports along 20 kilometers of the regions coast. somebody lands president said that you'll be in return would recognize somalia as an independent state. that of course would make if you'll be the 1st country in the entire world to do so. uh, where does that situation stand at the moment? well, thank you very much and i'm glad to be here. yes. on the 1st of genuine and the sierra there was son m o you assigned between util up here. and the
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regional administration of, of somebody language is the bottom part of that, of somebody. and or some of the government has in the last sentence, then clear left to politically that we do not recognize that and will you as it is against the international law. and custom of the law as you right to play stated, somebody land is part of somebody. so an agreement that in francis, on the side of anti and the toner and integrity of a somebody. yeah. so somebody has no place in, in the room based. well, it, we believe it is, we don't, we have not seen the m o u in its totality of people from what we can extrapolate to from the somebody provided in the media by the token government and some of the public discussions by there. it actually if of some other than it is supposed to
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include a military naval base and access to the sea. so 1st thing i would like to observe here is hope is not the shaft of ports and comes to fax us. the ability to pull it uses the post office, you go to, it uses the post, a felt better in somebody than somebody uses the ports off level and, and, and the pod stuff came in. so this is not the one of accessibility to the see. you're on the other wanda. a lot of other countries to utilize the port stuff comes in. yeah. or can you that, that doesn't entitle them to get to into an illegal agreement with the end of each and also how do you respond to that? as a nation? i've heard your president has some share for my mood. i say the disagreement is nothing more than annexation. you specifically said it's nothing more than annex in part of some malia to ethiopia. he also told somalis to pull, prepare for the defense of their homeland when i hear that that sounds like the
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kind of language that prepares the country. it may be the global community for war . all right, i think we have to clarify few things here. when our president says that this is, i can find that stations a thing, and that is that a simple thing to understand when it comes to international law and getting into agreement and treat it with another country involves dealing with the federal law. the central government of the country, it is not the sort of agreements you get with some national entities. and there's hope you and government has probably passed that practice. on the other hand, it is only natural for somebody is that a government to try to defend, defend, that's something to so far the, some of the government has gone down the path of legality, but it's been a year and a half since your president declared. i think use the language of total war against
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al chabad. in december of 2022. the president was right here on the show. and when i asked him about this, he was very confident about the governments offensive. if excellent, let's take a look at what he said. you're thinking 2 weeks of what's like will be, will be completely free of us about 2 weeks. you look which statement, particularly good look on his shopping. what will be considered out of that for you? 2 weeks out that's building your her with the president said, but it's been over a year and the armed group is still controlling parts of the states has the office of stone which, which is states. he was specifically talking about the government to get a hardship that so uh to a very big and populous states. yeah. a company about 1000 kilometers. think i've shut off is now limited to a very, very narrow strip. of course that i've been few talents in the form of the reins
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and droughts and, and some of the calibration of the strategy and logistics. but it is a widely accepted both within somebody and i'm on the observers unpopular. so somebody that this war has been very, very successful, despite being very challenging. and we lost a lot of the lives of a lot of young men, men and women. but h ones in the front lines. it's not an easy walk into park, but we are making gains. the read of many people is that there were a considerable successes. and then over time, there were considerable setbacks, not just external factors, but that should bob recovered and that the expectation of the president to do that within a few weeks out, should buy, would be gone from that region. it was simply inaccurate. for whatever reason, would that be fair to say? i don't think that it's fair to say, i mean the do addition may have taken a bit longer, much on what side of it and vicious. but we have fighting a very important and,
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and, and, and very at a well equipped and trained actor the farmer for a show up over the years. but the one thing i can guarantee is that in the last year on have, i'll show ups capabilities, military capabilities, financial capabilities, an ideological base, has been dramatically diminished, degraded, and destroyed. and that's needed, a very, a sophisticated on comprehensive approach to this war. it is not purely mechanical, a connected community anymore. it is a logic of its social, logical semester course, as, as i hear you talk, you sound very measured. you said sound very pragmatic. you're saying it's again, it's a big fight. it's a long fight. it's an entrenched fight that makes sense to me. the president, however, a year ago says again, you know what would be rid of them in a few weeks. i won't hang my head just don't that in august of last year, he went even further saying that the aim was to eliminate else about in 5 months.
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this was last august. why does he continued to set such unrealistic targets? so the, what i'll shut off is, is, as i told you, of the multi dimensional one, it's a financial work. it's about, we just completed our hipaa initiative, which is the debt, or leave a program that we were going through for the last 10 years. we were able to lift the arms and burn, but that has been on us for the last 32 years. we are providing services to the new and if a couple of areas we have recruiting police and, and, and do they should have to with respect to understand your point. my concern is, and my question is, then why does the president knowing all that information and still say he'll be going in weeks he'll be going into planning mazda and just to give you some kind as to why i'm concerned it is, it seems to me that it's not just political rhetoric, but that there might be an actual danger. and setting those types of, of, of, of unrealistic goals. i find that there is a study i want to respond to the study that there's
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a study of the security situation in somali. publish just a few weeks ago, uh, by the combating terrorism center at west point. specifically, they pointed at these ambitious timeline set by the government as a bone or ability. they said that it inflates public and partner expectations and risks stretching. the national armies limited human and material resources as a result of a hurried military strategy. when you hear that the, the hurry military strategy actually makes you more vulnerable, make sure you're at your allies and partners more vulnerable because you're sitting unrealistic dates and then trying to fulfill them. what do you make of that? mr. hill may take you back little bit 2 or 3 years ago. 40 years ago, 10 years ago. the research and the analysis from people on 5 we're from somebody. was that the, somebody, the government is not doing much about the fight against. i'll show up. i know we're debating they scale and they scope photo patients. i think we have come as a long way. yeah. as the president said that's we will be eliminating of somebody
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from hip chevrolet, which is the regional administration and the government of the okay. yes. in august you said that you completely go on the 5 thing we're talking about this to me just let me, let me no, no, no, not just i just, it was like you said it's a reason to get me in a year ago. but in august for the audiences benefit in august, you said the country would be completely rid of allison bobbin, 5 more minutes and then the chamber october november. and that by january last month actually about be completely off in the country. i think that's an unrealistic goal. could we let me, let me, let me once again give you a perspective on this. ok. the objective force on face one to eliminate i'll shut up from these 2 regions and we had about 82 to 90 person. that will show up is a very more bio and sophisticated organization that move is around uses all kind of technical and
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minutely techniques to try to get into the hands on line or somebody not escape. but i think compared to the previous years, this a one and a half year have been the most successful time. that the somebody, the government has support. i guess i'll show up. we're not here to deny the talent stuff come, i would wait. but adapting to and adjusting to challenge is part and parcel of the world here and moving forward in march of last year, president must move, assigned a law, and then expands the powers of somalis, national intelligence and security agency, also known as nisa human rights watch. had previously called on the president not to sign this. they stated that instead of court rubber stamping somali is notorious intelligence agencies, extensive powers. the government should restrict its authority and to improve account ability. what is your government doing a safe guard? the human rights of citizens from abuses, you know, from the security services. so i'm on
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a government is continuously and i've been administer. if i see a surprise to my kind of position as the d p. m and the some of the government has gradually and consistently been working on the protection of the rights. a house, our citizens. and the government has a ministry that's in charge of human rights and, and then the website of children we have, we will be soon finding the human rights commission. we have a very useful and meaningful interactions with several sites organizations in terms of trying to make the humorous agenda and national issue. and it's, it's, we're headed by the president. you know, the, what do you use here is notorious. yeah, the very strong what to use, what do we have be what, what an accurate one. i mean, this is the human rights organizations around the world of talking about this. and so certainly somebody is not alone. lots of places, enforceable,
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security agencies in our own here our, our yeah. our son wants to dealing with the case up since i'll stick with the agency. so let's not compare the imaging, mess them to institution. so if somebody a to more and friendship institution is that it went on for the data, you know, historical practices. i mean, it's a pretty strong recent history of this happening in somalia, but i respect your point about about oh we're about to nathan for the 1st time we have given nisa league of foundation, my friend. yeah, but the problem with the bill is that it doesn't create mechanisms of account of billing if it is nascent. as you discussed a been that seems all the more reason to create more mechanisms of, of, of oversight and the amount of business that needs to be sent has been accused just where the audience has benefit. and you say, has been accused of a number of abuses in the past, including arbitrarily detaining children, subjecting them to cold course of treatment and interrogations, denying them access to relative and legal counsel, threatening them on occasion, meeting and torturing them. and business bill gives the news the director power or
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whether to allow arrest or investigations of those nissan officials, especially providing the immunity from prosecution. this is not account ability. i can guarantee the human rights of citizens are respected if the security forces can grant themselves immunity. they can literally say, you know what, we're arguing from prosecution to like a friend. nice off the past used to be governed by laws that the so, you know, like i said last from the previous government dictatorship in the past. me. so if the day comes under the nasa, the, the national security ministry, which has a civilian oversight over it, and that are probably meant to be subcommittees and the parliament that oversee so yes, it's a growing institution. but we are on the path to ensuring that we have the legal and regulatory mechanisms to govern our institutions the bill and gives that needs the director power on whether to allow arrests or investigations of needs.
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the officials so effectively making decide whether or not to do this and because of the organization, as you pointed out, has a very tough this on the been states that it would be uh, that would be procedures to prosecute and, and, and, and help hold is the agencies account, okay, in fact, you're right where it says that while the bill put bands, torture and inhumane and degrading treatment, it could still be misused to protect abuse of nissan members and prosecution. or to provide the agency with the legal cover. if it decides not to cooperate in criminal proceedings, so, so this one is me speaking human rights organizations have set the same thing that this bill creates the space and the mechanisms legally, to protect these organizations from accountability, from oversight, from investigation, from prosecution participation. my friend, i think if you put it up in front of me and if you read it within the context of the lobster and your girlfriend, most of the nation, it's a, is, it could potentially be used that's. that's the what do you have to do with that
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could be protect and then let me, let me know. nice is i my, my, my girlfriend, i think we have enough national instruments to ensure that the protection of the right so far civilians were moving away from a nice side that had a militaristic background to on the side that is under civilian oversight. and the framework, the policies, the procedure is at also be put in place. so it is heading in the right direction. and i think that as an exaggeration of what would be the range of possibilities coming over to me. so that's asked museum. i think it was originally meant upfront . thank you very much. the one month ago, the international court of justice found that there was a possible risk that israel may be committing genocide and it's more on guys that one of the few voices within is really politics. supporting this case was overcast eve, a member of israel's parliament, called the connecticut from the left wing arab jewish had dashed to our party. when
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can safe argue that the icy j case was a legitimate and necessary investigation? his fellow lawmakers attempted to expel him from the legislature. narrow lead failing to do so. last week. overcast save joins me now to discuss the current climate and is really politics and society. mr. can see. thank you so much for joining me on upfront. your fellow lawmakers tried to expel you from the connected because you're support in south africa's genocide case at the international court of justice. although you consistently condemned for massive attack and you've been lost friends personally on october 7th. your fellow legislators called you treason is, and they accused you of being a supporter of how much, how bad are things right now, how repressive would you say conditions are for those with the st. inside of israel? a, we, i don't want to bring coffee foss use dictates of shape. let's be frank to before
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the master k. i wish you the why did you say they totally condemned that they lost some good friends there and they bought the 1st and foremost i do are logically in mobility. i totally condemn this domestic of this cottage committed against innocent civilians bicycle boss a. so this even before we know that the government offended them. yeah. ready that needs a companion which will fax a mostly fussy, stay. ready once they try to, to a good suit, carry out a, quote, the top under the sugar coat to tell them to do $74.00 bots. once the mazda of go from us was committed, they've been using the government has been using the disturb with mastercard. this is the capacity for free as an excuse to pursue with the very same cool that,
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that under this most screen of the well thought defeat is not the only the old going. you must look at this direction that these are the government to fees. where is this sponsor before we got so it's also the ethnic cleansing of the west bank of egypt was of an occupied used. it was the name of the west bank, but it is also where you take out the secure sion of any opposition. voice that uses have we seen the state of the latin? mainly if it comes out of up to see these this, but not only will all fuss, let's this, it democratic can choose. and as i said, the mainly 1st and foremost are obviously do this. we owe them and own going volume, and to basic use in by the government, any splunk. so use like these, like the police for instance, which is, well there's, i'm glad you mentioned that because these people, this coalition of dissenters that you're talking about, it's not a small number anymore. just this past weekend of thousands of israelis took to the
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streets and protests against the prime minister netanyahu and, and his government, they demanded early elections. they demanded a deal to release the remaining hostages. and it has a poll show that netanyahu has low support and that the support is dropping. so that's tingled. and what's interesting is oftentimes war time, presidents numbers go up. here's the thing. yeah, there's no dropping. so given all given, all of that isn't leaving any times you look, it isn't though he does have likes to he doesn't smoke. he's terrified to sleeping because he knows he's the only chance he has to stay out of please. and he's by clinging to his chair, that's the amenities of the piece ready. and actually does suck, defies not only thousands and thousands of bodies finance but also these are the most pages in storage is they have such a bible as to hopefully nathan, y'all and his dogs own interest in the a to survive in got in power. the government for them is more important. the
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citizens of the people is well, let the police stand. yes, they don't care about the people who are feasible, let alone the police steam. he helps the government and that by minister and he said meet his desk with the point about the bank i was talking about who his day is because there was a pole in january. there was a pole in january that showed that over 90 percent of jewish is rallies, believe that the military use is either an appropriate amount of force or did this to little force in, in, in, in, in guides. they get against the palestinians. how do you explain that? how do you make sense of it? first of all, i am not sure that we can speak about 90 percent stop. seems to me, you'll know exactly what it next destination but, but the, the bottom line. unfortunately, the vast majority of fed you see because then the news i am and i really lament that's a dose thing that the, these are sort of guys like, it's not going to get to me. but like, why are the a there is a so nami ok,
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a fanatic nationalism in these 80 society for may for a quite a long time though. even this government and especially since october 7th, definitely the government wants to survive. as i said before, that by many step and the and there is a lies, is not the lights. most b mitsy, i'll make lunatics, they don't coat care about the blad may of palestinians and be able to have these. as i said before, full been glad is a kind of fits god certainly. and that was the machine that me see i make fanatic machine. now unfortunately, the use of power, the evidence will and of course be a but in order to a, you know, bring, watch the, then the people are leaving easily and i think the media play and at what role does the media play in that brain washing product you mentioned and i, i say that because as we watch the news coming out of god's it,
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it's printing showing it's harrowing just to the last couple of weeks old. but we've seen footage of a 2 month old infant dying of starvation. we've heard 6 year old, he never has jobs. please for help. what being trapped in a car surrounded by her dead family members are it's a journalist i get in. libby said that in most is really media coverage. it's as though palestinian civilians quote, do not exist and that quote in israel's uses the only the soldiers only the hostages. how true is this? are ours really seeing the suffering and guys of what you just quoted instead the said 100 percent correct? are they, these are the media, the vast majority of these are the media, jo, that is, i can count on one and, you know, one problem with my and i way many jo lease due. it'd be faster. the catastrophe that goes on in gaza. but think generally speaking, the media, especially television, don't show anything about the ongoing gods. the software,
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the best of ation, the destruction to this story that the bug using this on the streets. they don't show and the book talk about it. it's not only that they don't show the ongoing website destruction the custom freedom garza, they actually cooked a view to the fact that the most of the people in use. i don't want to know about what's going on. you've got that many people. so because the core logic on etc, its ways to analyze that explain that is this kind of a, you know, a little call up after fi or even a celebration of that. they have story and guys that and i get unfortunately with the time i can only say that the vetting to some publication seem to pass for the suffolk of loved zip zip. well, it no one likes to see in the me. oh and feeling so way in the head. the problem is
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that instead of changing your a one sales, the villain sometimes fails to break the meal. and that's what we're experiencing about overcast if thank you so much for joining us. thank you for your insights. alright everyone, that is our show upfront. we'll be back next week the once somebody shoots somebody else dead. most people expect the police to arrive, which can pass on that person and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in getting your truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder. but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrest. that's why it's
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a get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. what do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law. i feel like she's hiding behind the stand your ground. the business latest is real. do you believe? i guess is i like flying on one of your makes modern plates. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model and plates the the hello am. my name's site. this is the news life from dr. hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. beyond the wing of how much says 7 captives have been killed by is ready attacks on the gaza strip. the number of palestinians killed by is riley soldiers while waiting for food rises again as late as around the world condemned the attack. also ahead i would never.


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