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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business like just is free to you believe i guess is minus my on one of your just makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm not inside. this is the news life from dr. hall coming up in the next 60 minutes beyond the wing of how much says 7 captives have been killed by. is there any attacks on the gaza strip? the number of palestinians killed by is riley soldiers while waiting for the food rises again as late as around the world condemned the attack. also ahead. i
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would never leave the published demands alone under the promise i've got. and i'll keep it until my final breath. george got away tells out, is there a he will continue to fight for palestinians off to winning a key by election for space in the u. k. parliament and polls have funny clothes in around parliamentary election. it is the 1st vote since nationwide. protests took place in 2022. the sign is for red bulls max for stop in his impulse position for the behind going pay. despite the teams off track of problems, the reading world champion has made the perfect starts to the new season. the hello welcome to the program is 21, g m t. that's 11 pm in golf. so warehouse has ministry wing. the cas obligates say
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that 7 captives have been killed and is riley asked. right. it now is not immediately clear when they were killed. the group says the number of captives killed in is really a tax is now more than 70. it's thoughts around a 100 and fast and people are still being held captive in gaza. the announcement comes as israel faces global condemnation following the killing of at least a 115 palestinian civilians. so we're waiting to receive food, aid, foreign ministers in a groups. and right, so we can as ations, have old denounced the attack. meanwhile, in dogs, a city and as rainy as tried, called the to the gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of all as a tune. at least 5 palestinians were killed that attack so cool was widespread damage and destruction across the area out as there is a smell. i'll go, begins our coverage. now hold on to month. the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a, to
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a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities, but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war and before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and enjoying hundreds in today. dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation as the pictures show. houses leveled buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed near when you're at the mountain, mostly with the valley. but most offers of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed, but i'm not thinking i shall see. i'm gonna pass off a block out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to me and hopefully they told me snipers and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave it. but i do not know what else i want to killed or buried
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underneath the debris. i appeal to the right across the whole we'll see most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all nations they had as the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these really forces they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens the awful bubble with my family and i were at the home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and shirley between dark and we were definitely, we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to well start to childtime is the key of their sons were killed. and one of them had his head of going as a party. now it is just a minute, just these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. and most of them are women and children killed inside their homes . as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads, residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any
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survivors under this multi story building. normally, we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. the grace of god is still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's being the intentional destruction of homeless i in the infrastructure and every aspect of life in the gaza strip. it's night of the whole i just the of of high is they doing? medina was is there any forces all continuing to target rafa in southern gaza on friday a house was hit by strike cause a depth of stating damage. ambulances and bulldozers was seen in the area as people inspect to the destruction um search through the rubble oven. hoff of gauze is 2300000 people now live in rafa mostly intense, and all the temporary shelters. the listing safely in our house is when the missile
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land. it was around 4 to 5 meters away from me. the people next to me a little known from gauze that we of a have been displaced southern me, they destroyed the house without any warning. this is not just, i'm just, this is one of the ugliest domestic as it is, not enough domestic that we woke up to yesterday. the massacre and gauze always a flower. today, we were having lunch. we had just finished all friday praise. we were sitting in our houses was sitting in the house that we've been displaced to to okay, we can speak now as a topic about a zoom, who is in southern gaza. he has the latest on developments and gone. so, i want to start by asking you to alric about be 7 captives who homeless says, have been killed in his riley strikes. what more do we know about the circumstances around that desk? yes, inc. and mailing the announcements and the statements released by these folks by some of the military when the from us is a part of the ongoing psychology kind of work that's being launched by the ministry
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when since the out to pick up this conflict to the parts of the ongoing efforts to, to that much more pressure on the east may be shiver from somebody specifically on the couch to assemblies. we've been seeing the statement back at please. 7 is where the capitalist had been killed because of because of the ongoing brockman sunday, the stipend itself, also insisting on the fact that we need the ongoing issue from destruction. or the goal is just press the number of it's really got tips to predict, to, to be killed. that could be a, please 70 is one of the captive giving please sign a message for not only be these very tech system tilt. and so that time is running out the cold. so for the assembly members forcing them to undertake practical step enforcement. enforcing is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to take further steps in order to return. i'm to release at there a time from time to come on,
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specifically batch at the bottom bottom and to describe the moment did not stop as we have been seeing new accelerating rate. so is by the attacks, of course the gauze is correct and tire. keep in monitoring the desktop from yesterday's devastating attack on those palestinians who are waiting and not feared line in dogs. a city, apparently that number keeps rising. what more can you tell us about that? yes, of course. today the, the ministry of hills here in gauze, or has stated that the number of people being killed has lives in to 115 pounds city and been killed. and now those palestinians have been killed because they were waiting for humanitarian supplies. and also this folks that some of the ministry of homes that you said that there are still $700.00 others at least are still critical injuries, are receiving no treatment on the cost. the tools that can be thoroughly functional
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right now in the positive cause of saying that those patients are receiving the treatment of the light of old distribution, which is medical supplies that must be at least forwarded to such cases in order to be treated specifically. that is the will the ground have been telling me, i would just say around that people have been short, something leaks happens and hits a do a rating for 8 trucks. and this is absolutely terrifying. and this number is also expected to rise. if there's new, any further medical intervention can, can be afforded into foreseeable future. so typically that to now is, will keep those think restrictions and deliveries and also medical supplies to hospitals and the cost is coming from. okay. parents assume that for us in southern goals. so thank you for your reporting. well, several countries have condemned as well as targeting of palestinians waiting for food in northern gaza. the you for an fs cheese,
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joseph burrell denounced it as totally unacceptable. the gem and foreign minister and elaina babble said she was shocked by the kennings and cold on the is randy on me to fully investigate how the mass panic can choose and could have happened to the french president emanuel macross. busy he strongly disapproves of what happened is demanding truth justice and respective international tech. he has accused, as well, of committing another crime against humanity and condemning palestinians in gaza to famine. meanwhile, columbia as president. this of a, petro is announced, the country plans to suspend the purchase of weapons from israel in response to the kennings, alexander on pitts, he's in bogota with mo, on president petro, his decision, the president gustavo panthers bowing to and what has been a decades long security partnership between israel and in columbia for many years,
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columbia has been dependent on israel when it comes to both small and larger temporary aircraft that the columbia military use, even the training for a special operations to. so if you talk to military experts here will tell you that this indeed will have consequences for military operations in columbia. just to give you an example. the leo, these really got leo rifle is used by every branch of the columbia. and on forces is even produced here to have paid since that the israel has given to columbia. but while it is produced here it is assembled here. many parts come directly from israel. so all this will have consequences. it also is changing what as being the traditional politics between the 2 countries. essentially, israel, as always, had the on question, support the by previous, colombian governments that has changed with this war in guys operations been paid
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through has been open the criticizing and using very strong words against the government, the us and the side now against the military operation. in guys that he use the, i often use the words genocides to describe what's happening there. he's accusing it'd be essentially a day that these really military of committing and all cost and in guys that. and this also has to do with the fact that the israel, as long been controversial and among the left here in columbia. because back in the 90s, in early 2000, these rarely mercenaries. in private contracts, there have framed a columbia as notorious paramilitary forces in their illegal war against that unless these rebels in this country less than that, i'm 50 as just the you know, but with that, the basic necessities, all in short supply in rough uh, ongoing is a southern border there,
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a 1500000 palestinians crammed into the city. and this little fatal drinking water to be found in prices have been skyrocketing. michael, apple reports a make shift market set up next to tents. housing the displaced in russell. there's not much on off, they have a few can goods, fruits and some vegetables. palestinians are desperate for the basics. but the cost of what's on offer is too high for many families here. remember the time when things were in so desperate. what the hold of this now we cannot even find a loss of bread even if i could afford it. i am an old man unemployed and it's too expensive. ramadan is around the corner. i wonder how guys and he'll be able to survive, but the shortage of food is rails will run cause that has caused a humanitarian crisis. people simply don't have enough to eat within one kito a frozen meat to sold for almost $30.00. what's fault about the pound of tomatoes in high season? what's the cost of the dollar?
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now one quino goes for close to $3.00, or even though it covers the bowl weighs heavily on rough sized population. many displaced multiple times. sheltering from his randy guns and buns. little fish. hello, hello. from the moment we wake up until the moment restraints that we are both linked to survive. fighting to get our hands on some water and get hold of a loaf of bread for our children. we are exhausted mentally and physically. this is unbearable. i come up to the right that anymore. the phase uncertainty about what the future holds for those sheltering and rough uh, the 1st thing, month of ramadan, is arriving, sued. the time of prayer, contemplation, kindness, and charity. hard to observe when you are under constant bombard mike level, which is 0. well, us has said that it plans on beginning and dropping humanitarian aid into gauze
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with president joe biden says the us will insist that israel help, but that process a good addition expanded deliveries by land. as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing. augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now snow was nearly enough and it's a large are on the line. it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by and less. so right? so we get more 8 in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several like how that has been following those comments from president joe bought in the last hour or so from washington. so talk us through in a bit more detail what president joe biden was saying that interesting turn of phrase and fist, we will assist in fist,
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the israel help with that process of getting the aide to the people that need it. so what more did he say? yeah, that was the significant with that would insist to saying that the us will insist that israel facilitate more trucks and also creates more groups to get assistance into gaza. that's an unusual word for president biden to use in regard to israel. he explained that the us military will be starting ed drops off a. it's likely to be m r. e's meals ready to eat this we've done in conjunction. he said with a jo damian air force. now president by didn't, he was meeting with the italian prime minister also spoke about the possibility of opening up a marine route to put a into gaza. this is something that hasn't really been floated before. obviously it's something that is now on president biden's agenda, and mike president button also talking about efforts to reach some sort of sci fi
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he's going back and forth in the last few days about when back could be. what did he have to say today? a back and forth indeed, initially he said that he expected the ceasefire to be in place by this coming monday. this would allow, he said, the captives being held in gaza to be moved out and palestinian prisoners to be moved out of the prisons in terms of an exchange. however, in recent days, he's now pushed back against that. he's kind of said that he might have been a bit too optimistic coming up with a monday date. however, he says the us is continuing to work towards establishing such a ceasefire. now he was speaking as well, and this appears to be his ongoing policy offer 3 stage process gets an immediate cease fire in place. and then during that period, possibly reaching into rumba. done which begins round the 10th of march to be able
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to facilitate the movement of people out of gaza and prison is out of a palestinian prisoners. but then he brought up the concept of a 3rd phase in which a new dynamic has been created in last thing seems fine, which will allow the parties to stop negotiating on a more long term agreement. so this appears to be still what the biden administration is thinking, creating at 1st the cx 5, then to extend that sci fi, and then to use the com that is created to start real negotiations to a last thing settlement. this is all in the future. the president, by the end at the moment, welcome back to the concepts of and it ceased by within days. however, still saying that the us is hoping to see it in place in the coming weeks. thank you for that. my kind of that for us in washington. meanwhile, israel has announced plans to expand its illegal assessments on thursday and seized nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land the occupied westbank. same as
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robbie has been speaking to palestinians who feared they could be displaced soon. a . we're in l as a re, a in the occupied westbank on palestinian land between jerusalem and bethlehem communities that have lived here for generations are under threat. and let me show you why that. but right over there isn't, is rarely settlement. israel's government has said that it plans to expand that settlement and displace the people living here the most threatens to shut down businesses along the longest stretch of commercial road in the occupied west bank. people come here from all over to find what they need and the fear is, roads will be closed, shops will shut down and people will lose their jobs. and our grad issues. land is very important to the people here. if you think is land, you take a solid and we feel very painful when that happens because we really suffer the 2nd floor. and then what color is that a?
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yeah. if they do with that, what is that if they say valencia and then but a was a new, we never can get settled here. that means is that it would be surrounded by the was or whatever is real. does this, it is about connecting illegal settlements to each other and expanding their footprints and disconnecting palestinian communities from each other, making them weaker and their daily lives much more difficult issue for the almost died up in interstate and everything. palestine is targeted by the occupation land people, countries. we always fear for our children on their way to school, or when they go to her and she, we remain apprehensive until they return home. children have even been ran over on the road about tucked article that pro palestinian activists say, how is real is behaving in palestinian territories, is akin to the wild west. they are treating it like a smashing grab. they are going in and caring out. conflict and war and gaza, they are caring
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a brutal raids in the occupied westbank. and while the world's attention is elsewhere, they are scooping up more and more palestinian land and claiming it as their own gross violations of international law. st. bus route of the old to 0, a lot of the in the occupied was back. the halls enclosed in a ron where voters have been electing members of parliament and a panel responsible to choosing the next to premier to suffice time elections have been health since nationwide. process took place in 2022 little search bar reports from tech from. this is the last set of mon, unimportant days for the political establishments in iran. supreme leader, i till i leave hominy. was one of the 1st of boats with a message to the nation, close out of church with this. he already has that of the don't you, the eyes of the world are on the wrong,
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on the people around. they want to see what you will do. you close out friends and foes from all sides, the riser on us, so pay attention to them. be you don't a message that's being heard here. of one of the 59000 polling stations across the country. 27 year old will have much of upside . anything is one of the nearly 61000000 people eligible to vote. a fact that carries great responsibility for him. he needs a full body. considering the timing of developments in the region, the country needs the unity of the people with a strong support of the people. it could achieve its goals, including economic, social, and cultural issues within the country. it could also achieve goes beyond the borders which are strengthening the resistance front voter turnout is a major issue for officials here who hope they can rally the electorate. the last problem entry election in 2020 had the lowest boulder turn out at 42.5 percent. this time around,
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many analysts predict that number to be even lower and outcome officials are trying to avoid the election is where people show their will to be involved in their own fates. in future, we can say the parliament has the highest place to show democracy. and people express their opinion to make the change. rising unemployment inflation and nearly 30 percent of the population living in poverty have all had an impact on people's enthusiasm for the selection. this is also the 1st boat since nationwide, protest swept around in the wake of mass and staff in police custody. the readings are not just voting for the next parliament, but also the assembly of experts. that's an $88.00 see body of clerics were responsible for selecting the next supreme leader of iran. with little presence from the reformers, cap, friends, former president has been disqualified to run in the assembly of experts voter turnout will be seen as a test of the system. as the government marks 45 years of the revolution that
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brought them to power in $1979.00, that's a very l $20.00 has been less than an hour since poles closed in a wrong, very seeing ours was extended several times or so we'll start as late as from so this is not an unusual practice in iran in previous elections. also we have seen that the minister of interior extending the wooden time again and again to secure the high water turned out because the school about the high turn out to him, you want the high water turned out, has all these beam to god as the primary source for the polls they can is published meant and whenever the for this particular establishment in the wrong order is what makes it pod because iran was attacked or criticized. well, when they were questions about this, let me see, the running officials will say, well, look at the, the, the, the turn out to the root is turning out the non elections. so ready for the western democracies are having that much of the turn now. so we are receiving and getting
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our list of the see directly from the public, but that has changed in 2020, during the fundamentally elections. and that's year we've seen that the turn now remain around 42 percent. this was the lowest, ceaseless top judgment of the republic of islamic republic if you run in 1979. and now that is also again, again here, because we want to more people are questioning village the mercy of the government here. and that's why we see that the supreme leader of the country is urging people toward the administer of internal affairs. also, here is x standing, what in time? almost as they started to woodson time 3 times by 6 hours to secure a high turn. now the psychological tassel here is 42 percent. so if it goes above 42 percent is going to be regarded as a dictated by the particular establishment. but the, if it's full force or that many are going to see these, a significant decline in public support for the particular establishment in the
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wrong to hundreds of people have keyed up to pay that last respects to the russian opposition. lead alexi, nev only at his funeral. in moscow, security was increased around the church where the ceremony took place. western diplomats including the us, some german investors, paid the attributes amounting died 2 weeks ago as a note to prison, russian authority, se died of natural causes. but as the forces blame president vladimir putin for his death, nearly a ship of a has moved from the funeral and most good. and i'll explain of all it has been buried, a beat, very suspicious symmetry moscow. his coffin was lowered into the grave to the song my way by frank sinatra and the tune of determination movie around these parents and a tony. and leave me. linda vonny as well as union of own is mazda while out into the symmetry. while most of his allies are in exile abroad, they fit to be persecuted, haines,
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russia and the phone is onto corruption. foundation has been branded extremely so when eyes ation and bonds in russia. we've also seen some high profile figures here like a boss. it is to russia and opposition politicians like more recent edition, cuz sabrina didn't serve until you've got any royce when it today a funeral service for and that's only at the charge of the i can of the mother of gold took place and also that thousands of people from near the church move tools to symmetry, chancing the name uh alex alex's name and johnson slogans. we won't forgive, and russia will be free. now people can see it's a key to the symmetry switching for several killing me says from the church you national pop, all of a to z, right in, oscar still ahead on al jazeera. i'm john 100 in
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chicago, a city that is struggling with an influx of migrants, many of found homes, but for some time is running out the food and dramatic tentative events at the divide tennis championships, details coming up with found out later on in the program. the, the ring comes point in to northern spain and portugal high for one will pick up the story. they're not just the rain, but we're going to be lashed with wind and as a result off the coast of lisbon and port. so we could see waves get up to 10 meters high on saturday. north of this, spill disturbs whether impacting the islands of ireland and britain. cool shot of air here. so that means it's been cold enough for snow in northwest starland,
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and we could see some more on saturday, complete opposite story, though, for a huge swats of europe. central europe, i should say, temperature is well above where they should be. that means a snow pack in the alpine region is stabilized with this warm weather. there has been an avalanche in northeast italy. let's go to turkey right now. what are their dances into the western side of the country or breeze off the mediterranean here means that the temperature in ramallah is up to 20 degrees. excessive heat alerts in place for the central african republic. same goes for chad. i mean, look at the temperature an engine mean at 4142 degrees and sticking with this theme of hot weather. let's go further south. in south africa's western cape providence, it's been hot, dry and windy so that sparked some wildfires near cape town. and there was hot, dry and windy conditions will continue this weekend, cape town, shooting for a high of 24 on saturday. the odd huge, i mean to be used as
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a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thought provoking on my question to you. all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era, what do you consider amazing alexis? and we believe in the luxury of choice introducing the each the power of session with you energy reveals itself analysis of a plugin hybrid electric
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the the, you're watching out, just bear in mind at the top stories this hour, how much military wing the custom brigades says 7 is really captives being held in dallas. i have been killed in is rarely as strikes. catholic, regret for gain, say the number of captives killed in his writing. attacks is now more than 70. the announcement comes as b is rarely, ministries facing global condemnation offsets soldiers shots and killed a $115.00 palestinians trying to access few days in $1.54 ministers in right soap. and as ations have denounced the attack,
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a law as well as attacks across the gaza strip. continue 5 palestinians were killed . and as far as the targeted cause, the cities out they 2 neighborhoods palestinian refugees are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the friends and families. trapped in gaza, many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks. so i know how the reports from the camp in northern 11 on west rose war and gaza as a reopened old wins of the. this is the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians trapped in garza alley mohammed. no shars, waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is that there the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i am the hoary. the last time i spoke to my brother and son he told me many of
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the somebody i don't know enough. i know that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months and i'm not able to teach them communications out about what's happening to the people in drugs. the is the biggest crime. jenny michel bray on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed and is really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya for and what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war. for many garza is all that's left of palestine. a good look on the look on the resistance is our only hope we have been abandoned by on a beat of some of the but the resistance is still strong. but i, you know, we want to be defeated, what is the or wants to push the for the statements from guys, and they won't be able to do that based on the self cut out in the, almost all the more in this camp there's support for what thomas called the l. x of
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flood the attack against as well on october 7th. they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population. conditions in gaza, they say were unbearable just like their lives. and excise little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor with an uncertain future palestinians 11 on struggle. they are banned for many professions . the majority have enjoyed suffering for the past 76 years. i have been good, but give up. i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother and my sister under if somebody has so many of our family are still on the, but they could still be like for the out of my be what is alive is the struggle for palestinian homeland for those in exile there is no other option,
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they say this is a fight for existence, then there was a 0, but that we can northern nothing on to me. you know, as a king's admin, outspoken politician has won a by election for seats in parliament with a campaign promising to advocate for gaza. george galloway appealed to invest in verses in the community of real style. in northern england, he choose both to labor policy and the ruling conservatives of backing israel. in the gospel, galloway told algebra that many people in the united kingdom sympathized with the palestinians. i believe i am speaking for millions of people in prison, whose hearts are broken. who's got salt wrenched by the small star in gaza and they are under represented to the point almost of invisibility in the british media . and so when i put to the people of rochdale,
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my perspective on gaza. i one with a something majority. and i can tell you even this evening, the political class in britain are in a state of panic about both the conservatives and labor because they know they've been rumbled inside the toxic bubble of the political and media class, which virtually to a man and woman supports the genocide against the people of gaza. when you bar stop bubble, you discover actually the amongst the general public, even in a country like prison for all it's imperial faults, most people simply based on the size of the victims and not the perpetrators to the british prime minister where she soon act has condemned to galloway's bi election, when it is beyond alarming the last night, the roach dial bol election, returned the candidate,
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who dismisses the horror of what happened on october the 7th, to glorify it, has been law and is endorsed by nick griffin, the racist former leader of the b, n p. the to hazy, now with violence has flat up as gains appeared to be working together to try to take over the capitol. it's happened while the prime minister is abroad and have been to secure international help to restore order to meet tree menu and then cut reports. the constant ruffling of assault rifles. people fleeing with their hands and the to avoid getting killed. bodies left in the streets. the neighborhoods of haiti's capital port of france have turned into a war. so how's the help of the guns have invaded?
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they forced us to leave our homes. people are getting shots, but we're back ready to leave the area because discounts the past months. have seen gangs room the streets reading it's believe that controlling 80 percent of the capital already the prime minister ariel on re, is in kenya trying to secure international health the canyon government at early a pledged to send a 1000 soldiers to help police in haiti. but it still needs international approval with us no sa ship of this man, jimmy barbecue chevy. ga, is using the opportunity to rally games. were you able to fix it? but that was asked to be the 1st objective of our fight is to ensure that we got all these government does not remain in power by any means. all of us, the armed groups in the provincial towns and the arm groups in the capital are
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united today. at least 4 police officers were killed in violent confrontations on thursday as gaines tried to break into a prison, thousands of civilians. what quote in the crossfire they've been trying to lead into the capital this woman was hit by 2 bullets and says she's not getting the help, she needs them. i can't find a doctor to decatur for me, but i don't have any sense. i can't. i can't find any gangs have previously completed over territories and influenced in haiti, and it is not yet clear if that truly working together now. the violence killed some 5000 people just last year with no and insight to meet you met with in co, out to 0 and an unprecedented move. cuba is government has off the u. n. well, food program for supplies of milk. the country is reeling from massive shortages, provides,
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in part by us sanctions at augusta and reports from havana. stevens have been a custom to standing in line to basic goods for decades, but off to full use of deep economic crisis. scottsdale in the island has become even more acute right now and have on a long lines of cos, snake outside petro stations, because there's nothing a few. meanwhile, agricultural production on the island has plummeted in recent years because there's no longer enough money to import fertilizer. not all of these things end up reducing cubans access to food, which is running into major disorders. now for the 1st time in history, the cuban government which trumpet screwed security as one of the main achievements of the revolution. as i'll see you on well food program to help it get milk. c i miss own so the children is supposed to get 3 kilograms of milk models, but now they are only given 1.5 kilograms, and then then the okay, so that
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a milk i can't remember the last time i drink mill. it's very expensive. only people died, although we have difficulties and we're still alive, like we cuban, se thomas. see when i'm going to, if i, as, as far as milk is concerned, cuban children are very privilege compared to other children in the world. in the month before they used to get to phone 3 kiddos of rice per person per month. now they give nearly half a kilo of rice per person per month. and that's when it's available. humans that lived on the top of us sanctions for whatever half a century. and yet, ever since 1962, the cuban states has ensure that every child in this land has access to milk. today, every showed up to the edge of 7 is supposed to receive 3 kilograms of powdered milk every month. now that's one of the reasons why unit a little over a decade ago, the glad that cuba was the only country left in america and the caribbean to have eliminated severe child mom, nutrition costs and recent years amongst the population at large and has increased was hung up, as were sent at augusta and i was just there about
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a cube. and the pos to use texas has bused 1000, says, my brothers to know the municipalities, controlled by democratic governments that have declared themselves sanctuary. cities, the move has transferred the issues facing border states to democratic cities with more liberal immigration policies. no place to struggle more to accommodate the migrant crisis than chicago, which plans to evict move and 8000 of them from shelters. stone. say this month. john 100 has a story. buses from checks is, are driving thousands of migrants to the north and they're driving chicago when decay us. it's a total mess if you're watching from any angle since 2020, to the republican governor of texas a ship. 30000, mostly venezuelan migrants from the us southern border to the democratically controlled city. he's doing it to embarrass president joe by
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a democrat who abbot accuses of doing little to stop record numbers of new border crossings. habits also doing it to embarrass so called sanctuary. cities like chicago and to turn democratic leaders against each other. alderman andre vasquez, a democrat and son of guatemalan immigrants, says it's working. the democratic party, logan disaster, and the president looked like it is after months away from the presidential election. so it's, it's probably pretty evident to see what the plan is. the fact that the democrats are acting in the present himself isn't doing anything to executive action, is exacerbating the problem. at the height of the city is brutal winter. many new immigrants slept in police stations. then democratic mayor brandon johnson built a massive migrant 10 shelter. as it turned out on the toxic soil. illinois democratic governor, j. b, prisoner condemned. the site is unsafe, leaving the city scrambling to find shelters for thousands of new refugees. just ahead of january's frigid and polar vortex,
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more than 2000 migrants live here at the shelter. ready downtown chicago on over there, the lucky ones. they found a place to live. so we'll have to move as early as march for some of them that's likely to mean right here on the streets or chicago, thousands of migrants we've already received eviction. notice is ordering them to leave those shelters. in march, the city only gave the new comers 60 days of housing. city leaders of extended that time a made lo, winter temperatures with time is running out. when the again my husband, when we arrive they had assigned a paper saying that we could stay 60 days because of the cold. we can stay until march. but after that we have to leave and we have no other option. the worst is likely yet to come. abbott is expected to send in armada of buses loaded with migrants to fill the streets in the spring, just in time for chicago to host the democratic national convention in august,
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john henry and l g 0, chicago. let's get more and this we can speak to robin potato, he's a human rights lawyer. he joins us from las vegas. thank you for joining the program. legally. what options are available to these new migrants in chicago that are facing eviction? the, there's a little closer of really options because baseball entered is the legal ports of entry may have coined beside them. they've been given by the court date. so these court systems typically be overburdened. so there's no telling will be way to be able to get a, a sort of hearing that he wants to do to get asylum here and be presented to bill. she will end up staying the last long term. i probably under 10 percent there's a pulse of the legal ops available, and that's why it's so important to have federal action to try to address the comforts of integration and form that will provide a safe and ordering process for which people can immigrate to country seek asylum, and hopefully to find the better what they're looking for. there is
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a lot of bank isn't there in cities like chicago, new york century cities who have seen these huge numbers of migrants being boston, putting pressure on resources, couldn't the democratic policy of handle the entire situation better as well? it was written for a very much has been ham strong by the federal laws that are on the books. if you look at citizenship cargo, new york at washington dc, you're looking to be there already have some ocean systems or overburden. and at the ranking point you thousands of. ready us citizens, to sleep on the streets for almost every day and all the cities are hope you ordered it to finish it all with it. and you have voluntary veterans or homeless. you have a cost of living crisis, and that you take relative interest in just tens of thousands of microphone know where to go. what has happened is this turned man for go for a few beer you do forgive for margaret. can you repeat me while i'm doing spring, attempted to back, that'll be the federal level for the last 20 years. we have had
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a carpet in the original can bills that we're talking about waiting from other mccain given. being driven by there was a sewer bill in 2013 the obama bill in 2015. the durbin ruby. ready bill of 2018, the president trump, that was you. beta is as whole country comment. we have be working so we should be on point point one through may build sen. link for bill, just this year. republicans know that this, the good what you get an issue and they do not want to to do it too much. what about uh, i mean this taking a step back and give us a bit of historical context on these circles century cities. how, how did they come about, and what does it actually meant so many migraines in the united states? and are you worried, given how things are going, that we have reached a turning point on the same tree series. and i'm very concerned about that very issue. think tori, so that the city will support from generations. have been this idea, but certainly city, both part of their values. values migrants via valued asylum seekers show creating
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points and st. where, where are people who may not have the documentation paperwork necessary? i could come and seek 2nd toward while their legal process will work will work his way through us court system. but by to people like break abbot and a rod, the sandra, flying people to these communities overburdened with the assistance we violate the spirit by which these communities have sought to provide st. where you were saying . but the boulders are variable starting and guess just the idea that this afternoon could have been done the very orderly fashion. there are any states in this country. they have population declines, that could use tens of thousands of new young people who are ready to work and really come in and revitalize communities with me, agricultural communities of the country, but need people who are willing to work on solid working field. manual labor infrastructure projects, etc. but because as you start to stay spiteful way without federal oversight, that's why we're seeing the system problem in front of us. uh. okay. robert patel really good to get your thoughts. the human rights lawyer speaking to
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a staff from las vegas. thank you. i'll try the union this have joined climate activists and a series of demonstrations across in germany that demanding the government to more to combat climate change and prioritize public transport. i'm gonna came reports from that it the next step which one school policy you to this is one of the slogans with now united straight unionist employment practice. until now these 2 groups haven't often taken much joint action. but at this demo in berlin, there is consensus and to clear them on from the transport workers taking pods. we have one that's the striking for better working conditions. more time off between jenny, so we got just a brief, more time between shifts so we can spend more time about families. as fridays for future sees it, this source has more collective protest is a chance to show germany that, that concerns on their main stream. i'm the wider society needs to change the
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demand, the social is like the devil, and we need matter everyone. and as long as the government and the ministers say they have introduced new plummet protection rules and off trying to make public transport more foldable, but their own limits. the people of demonstrations like this truly believe the time is now for radical solutions of massive investment. and what they say is necessary, but does, why does society agree with them? i'm kind of government that is really challenging terms of its projects, find that massive investments. beyond that is not quite so clear. so i'm going to chain out is there a bullet? are still head on the island is there in sports by and munich aiming to stay in
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contention for 12 consecutive jen and i to send over the these business uptake these voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the dashboard to use
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the these business uptake these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the the, let's get this for now. his center. thank you very much. meanwhile, red bulls max for stopping is in poll position for the behind going okay. despite the teams of track of problems, the reading will champion has made the perfect stuff to the new season and there were single thoughts out there, sorry for the 1st pole position of what's expected to be another season of
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dominance, the max to stop him and his ripple team, the raining will champion, will be at the front of the grid for the fall, rain chrome pre not everything is running smoothly at ripple teen pulse, christine horner has again, how to deny allegations of inappropriate behavior. so was a female colleague follows the leak of a series of alleged messages on thursday earlier in the week when it was given the green light to continue in his job after an internal investigation followed in full the grievance process, which was completed in a cetera way uh, the results of which was the grievance was dismissed and as i said, i can comment on online sources. toner, who's been in charge of the rental team to close to 2 decades overseeing 7 tried to well titles on the wrong is that the stuff in his position at the top of the sport, the duct strongly the is targeting a full straight championship when to really get everything out of it and q 3 was
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a little more difficult. but of course very happy to to be able to go. this was a little bit unexpected, but luckily in golfing, i think the car came to us and uh, i felt a bit heavier with, with the whole car, much the stuff in this, this was the drawing of it doesn't you know that i'm outside of pressures of faxing and you know, you're going to be surprised say farms that say no i, we see him sign of insults that the audio, but i'm sure we've been missing. this is definitely been a distraction to them and talking ripples rivals will be hoping this off track drama does have some negative impact on the performance of a team that was on stuff people last season. they to draw the richardson outages, era you have to buy munich, have dropped small points in the durham and tied to race, a brilliant individual effort from dom i let myself look to have won the game for bind, a gets paid well, but the home team grabbed the late each alonza to make the final score to, to move on as a cruise and have
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a 7 point advantage at the top of the table. so the way be i have so many last it's s a to host the 2034 woke up is the only country bidding to host this addition of the tournament for both the governing board. the pizza is set to confirm. so the host native this year watches andrew b of a has been disqualified from the divide tennis championship after this incident was seen lights off his housing at the line doing he said he finally gets alexander of leg problems. disqualification. that means that he will lose all the points and prize money and from the thomas. it also means that he will drop out of the top 5 in the world ranking. spending time he'd done image with that was beating in the other 70 final the world number for losing you straight. that's a guess for us as you go home that that with that that had been thing in his
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success tournament since using deal strain. open final guess. yeah, the fitness us in the last few minutes, a cushion call and it has won the 60 me to world in the title is colton. you finished ahead of federal american? no, i live kind of this. it's in that will also arrive at this is it has lympics as a wall champion. she broke the national record twice on her way to shut, puts gold, her best efforts of 20.22 meters coming, the 6 and final i'm pretty much known with the 6 around like that's my thing. i always know that i'm 6 round like it's going to be a big one. i'm able to just put it all it on the field. and so i was ready, as anyone responded in the last couple around to each stand there and you know, it's just a free throw. so that was really looking for something big and the look you sensation of you to a one by me. i'm a has set yet another record to until the front side is the 1st land league history
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with 10 rebounds 5, this is 5 book and 53 points is in a game. you helped his team san antonio spurs to win over the oklahoma city center . in cricket though, straight now in control of the 1st test against new zealand. and wellington come on green hits and on beaten $174.00 has upgraded to $308.00. if we left us any in the, was in a bows out for just a $179.00. and williamson was run out without scoring. surely a finish to the day with the lead of 217. and it still has 8 with gets in hunt and on and have won the 1st ever test matches on beach and half century from captain andrew's offer any let his continue to 6 wicked victory over i've done his son and i'll put the crowd jersey andrew and that so it's both coming back to many to thank you for that,
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and that's it for me. my insight for this new zone. so done go way, i'll be back in just a moment. more of today's needs to stay with the president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop cutting causation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks goes with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of human materials aid, we have no blanket, no food,
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and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. war is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements, the this magical facility in the mind, incidents coughing so hard to them is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people. every day, and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is needed destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapid support forces. d u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are
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sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with gunshot wounds, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many inver fixing volunteers and say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm on the inside of the news line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the wing of how much the 7 captives have been killed by is really a tax on the gaza strip. the number of palestinians killed by is riley soldiers,


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