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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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the, the, the arm, the wing of how much the 7 captives have been killed by is really a tax on the causes the i'm how much room this is out is your live from. don't also coming up the number of palestinians killed by israeli soldiers while waiting for food rises again as leaders around the world content. the attack no excuses because the truth is k flooring to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. us president joe biden says he'll send air drops of humanitarian aid into gaza as the situation becomes more dire,
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like the day plus protests in argentina ahead of the right wing. presidents, key policy speech to congress, probably emulate has angered unions are rolling back subs the we began in gaza where the military wing of how most of us, some brigades says that 7 captives have been killed in his really air strikes. it's not immediately clear when they died. the group says is really attacks of now killed more than 70 captives. it's thought around 130 people are still being held captive in gaza. the announcement comes as israel faces global condemnation following the killing of dozens of palestinians who were waiting for food aid on thursday. at least 115 people were killed and 760 injured many in critical condition victims have been describing what happened to win the head of the most uh that from the moment say trucks appeared at the tank and dry and began to fire at
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the people gathered the people who went to get food for themselves and the children they started shooting at them. they were many dead and injured and lived with it. oh yeah, it's a pay on. i went to get a sack of flour from my parents. we are very hungry, we don't have food or anything. they find themselves so they attacked us. they stopped us. there is no food. there is nothing. we want flour to eat. they shut the little ones that humiliated us. and didn't garza city at least 5 palestinians have been killed in an error. striking the as a 2 neighborhood repeated attacks have cause widespread destruction across the area . just the it is my little who reports now hold on to month. the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a, to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities. but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war, before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing an injury. hundreds and today,
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dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation. as the pictures show houses leveled the buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed near one year. at the gl model, mostly with the most office destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed. the a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to leave the company and they told me snipers and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave. i do not know without killed or buried underneath debris. i appealed to the right across the whole we'll see most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all nations they had as the columns of smoke are still seen rising
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from buildings which were set on fire by these really forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah, then when the awful bubble was my family and i were at the home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and training and lunch between dark and we were definitely we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charging me 2 of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going as a party. now if you just let me know, just these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. and most of them are women and children being killed inside their homes. as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads, residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. normally, we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without
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food or water. the grace of god, they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's being the intentional destruction of homeless i in the infrastructure and every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder. the whole i just the of a high is that doing medina was the us has announced it plans to begin air dropping humanitarian aid into gaza. president joe biden also says he will insist that israel allows more a trucks into the strip. my can are reports from the white house that is meeting with the a tele and prime minister, president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza this in conjunction with the jordanian air force. these are likely to be m r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land,
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as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now solar nearly enough and it's in large are on the line, it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by less until we get more 8 in there, we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to well, that's what becky said a few days ago that he expects us the spot to be in place on monday, next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of kind of sitting in prison is however, he said in the past 24 hours,
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that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduce creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington dave harden is the managing director of the georgetown strategy group of washington, dc based consulting firm you previously served as usa admission director to the west bank and gaza. you join us live from washington dc. dave, you and officials have warned that at least one quarter of the population in. gotcha, that's around 576000 people. that they're one step away from famine unless urgent action is taken. so how effective our air drops as a means to get much needed aid to a population that is suffering through this humanitarian catastrophe. i mean,
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a drops or the inefficient expensive and not particularly effective way of meeting that overwhelming need you just described. mean each air drop is going to have about 2 truck was worth of, of goods of assistance. and i guess it's going to be a high altitude air drop so that the us air force and the crew fine in harm's way. and so they're going to drop, you know, some cargo from 30000 feet or something i got into antibiotics. and really, what needs to happen is just more crossings and more trucks needed to come through every single day. they, president biden said that the us would insist that israel facilitate more trucks and routes to get more people the help that they need. he also said the aid is flowing at the gaza is nowhere near enough, but the u. s. continues to press is real to allow more aid and they've done this for a while now. and at the same time,
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israel continues to get weapons from the us. so as long as that continues, this is real actually feel it has to comply with us requests to allow in more 8. and i think united states such late as, it's frankly very disappointing to me. i feel like drugs are symbolic and design in a way to appease maybe the domestic base of the united states has the leverage to have israel is open over the arrows and former crossings like con, enough laws and sofa span. come shalom and expand right. but then the solid, the which is what a master's to use, but these really. 2 permission years ago. so the fact of the matter is, united states has the ability to, to compel israel to open up more aid into this very small enclave. and by not compelling these realities to do this,
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we're putting our assets in our people risk. and by the way we're, we're also potentially trading more and more chaos in the gaza, assuming that these are high altitude air drops. okay, so we've talked about the fact that the usaa saying they're going to start air dropping 8 into gaza bite. and also i said for the 1st time that the us was also looking at the possibility of a marine corps, a door to deliver large amounts of aidan to gaza. how feasible is that and how much help my dad provide in the long run that, i mean again, right, these be sure has got to be opening up the existing or the shot or the crossings. the a long as really guys of were, is realize, control that space and they can open it up a marine channel and it's better than an hour drop. but they're still in the numerous amount of force protection that wouldn't have to be behind the that share of and that protection. and then you would have to control the beach had to make
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sure. 2 there's not a lot at the end of their thought violence and staff keys and desperation for big ones are simply getting more food in from multiple channels. is the answer to the conflict as all these other ideas. my are, you know, marine landing or high altitude air drops. this is not in any way of getting into the course of the matter. all right, dave, hard managing director of the georgetown strategy group. great to get your perspective. thanks so much for joining us in alger there. thank you. thank you. israel has announced plans to expand it's illegal settlements on thursday. it sees nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land and the occupied westbank. same as robbie has been speaking to palestinians, who fear they can be displaced soon. waving as a re, uh, in the occupied westbank on palestinian land between jerusalem and bethlehem. communities that have lived here for generations are under threat. and let me show
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you why that but right over there isn't, is really settlement. israel's government has said that it plans to expand that settlement and displace the people living here. the move threatens to shut down businesses along the longest stretch of commercial road in the occupied west bank. people come here from all over to find what they need and the furious roads will be closed. shops will shut down and people will lose their jobs in our grad, this is land. it is very important to the people here. if you think because when you think you saw it and we feel very painful when this happens because we really suffer the 2nd phone there. what color is that a? yeah. if they do it, they will feel is that if they think valencia and then but a was a new, we never can get a little here. that means is that it would be surrounded by the was
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whatever is real, does this, it is about connecting illegal settlements to each other and expanding their footprints and disconnecting palestinian communities from each other, making them weaker and their daily lives much more difficult issue for the almost done, definitely to fit in everything. palestine is targeted by the occupation land people, countries. we always fear for our children on their way to school. or when they go there heard sheets. we remain apprehensive until they return home. children have even been ran over on the road about tucked article that pro palestinian activists say, how is real is behaving in posting and territories is akin to the wild west. they are treating it like a smashing crab. they are going in and carrying a conflict in war and garza. they are caring a brutal raids in the occupied westbank. and while the world's attention is elsewhere there, scooping up more and more palestinian land and claiming it as the roll gross violations of international law, st. beside the old g 0,
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a lot of the in the occupied west back in the u. k. an outspoken politician has won a parliamentary by election after promising to advocate for gone sir. george galloway appealed to muslim voters in the community of rochdale in northern england . he accused both the labor party and the governing conservatives of backing israel and the gods of war. harry fonts at reports from rushed that we intend to pilot a rochdale revival at his victory party and rochdale. george galloway was already promising another when at a general election later this year, and the constituency with a 30 percent muslim electorate is focused on gaza alongside local issues. when nearly 40 percent of the vote. a mandate he told out to 0 he intended to use. so i believe i'm speaking for millions of people in read them whose hearts are broken, who's got solved range by the small star in gaza. and they are under represented to the point almost of invisibility in the british media minutes earlier and nearly
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300 kilometers away. rush you through not gave us 1st of a live address from the downing street elect and the focus what he called poisonous efforts to divide british society among m. p. 's do not feel sites in the hugs. a long standing parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns and is beyond alarming the last night, the rush style ball election returned the candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on october. the 7th, who glorifies has the law and is induced by nick griffin, the racist former leader of the b n p. the also a tough of policing, the pro palestinian protests, drawing a line between the months for protection of civilians. and what he said because provided jihad galloway dismissed was party politics in an election year. i'm a prime minister. he didn't respect. does the most discussion of how much can be
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read into why the british politics from what's happened in rochdale by elections frequently give rise to a typical results? this one, particularly exceptional in of the 2 main policies would be interested in for the labor widely to, to win the upcoming election. it was a slow motion disaster from the moment that this owned its own candidate last month for airing. and t is ready, conspiracy theories about the october, the 7th tax galloway, our new one because labor didn't stand a candidate 5 regrets that we had the withdrawal of candidate and apologized devices in rock style. but i took that decision, it was the right decision election and a politician like george galloway and the constituency. like watch style, with issue like garza to the full, was always going to attract attention. the intervention of the prime minister is only carts and back garza likely to be high on the agenda and the coming on to the next collection. at least our equals that i'll just 0. rush. the still ahead on out
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0 falls of clothes in the ron's parliamentary election is the 1st boat since nationwide. protests in 2022. the the phone causing the call save will revolve. tom is around the world, which has to go see to the lake and climate policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico with coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central buttons put interest rates soon? counting the cost on l, just their stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop cutting costs ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks goes with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket,
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no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement. the challenges with the of the you're watching others. you're a reminder of our top stories. this how,
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how much is the military when cassandra gates says 7 to 3 of the captives being held in gaza and been killed in is really airstrikes assigned brigade says the number of captives killed that is really attacks is now within seconds. the announcement comes as the is really military is facing global condemnation. after its soldiers shot and killed 115 housed indians trying to access food aid in carson, city. foreign ministers and rights organizations have denounced. the us says it will begin air dropping humanitarian agents, the gaza strip. president joe biden said he'll also insist with israel allow more 8 trucks to cost. argentina's president is due to give a major policy address to congress in the next hour. but there been protests in the run up to the speech. there's anger over heavier malays, economic policies, these roll back many subsidies since he came to power in december. he was forced to withdraw a bill which proposed sweeping changes after opposition from congress. is threatened
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to rule by decree. are. all right from one is let's cross over to the boat and winter side is that i said, what are we expecting to hear from me late tonight? the while i'm here right where the selected under is expected to address several 1000 people against precedence. he has been, you know, we might have managed to anger many people here in argentina. he has implemented hard measures in the very beginning in order to reduce the deficit inflation, which was one of his campaign that the president condition and talk about the inheritance of the state of argentina. they caught on me when he took off the submission management of corruption of attacks against argentina
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because of origin seen as calm since economic prices were also going to hear he's for the next few months after he failed to pass. what was the. a that was expected to carry out many of the reforms that he promised to change that comes with the economy. what was the worst thing have you had to be late right now that i've been calling, since we'd argentina's political system? we have heard him talk about ogden seen, of course, as of right, that's what he referred to them. yeah. those are, for example, being in a constant fight with governors from the part of the region that are right now. questioning. he's often everything that shirts and they said is affecting the populations that live in the southern part of ogden. so there's lots of expectation about the what the president is going to say. he's going to say it and how aggressive he's going to be,
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especially with those. and then she's ideas and citizens has been in office nearly 3 months now. how's his approach going over with argentinians thus far? what is important to me that'd be like 156 percent off the boat in argentina. we saw however, we have been speaking in the past months and we have seen human mental fair. we've seen measured very harsh post everything measures. that'd be valuation that happened in december, and we saw that the nation waiting argentina, only in january and february to gather, was almost 50 percent. when you talk to people here that have gathered outside of congress, they're telling us that they cannot make tends to meet that friend for taishan have for now that amex terrific that you have for not cisco food has gone up. so it's really difficult for not check the result that population one or 2 ways are right now to say over 50 percent. but this has to be set made. some schools are
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say that around 51 percent of the population continues to support. president relay and low speed is because they say that she does not lie to them. that when people call, she said that she was going to carry out. everything matters to solve that, that situation was going to be extremely difficult until the situation begins with the big question here. one is going to happen how much there's going to be, how much patient is going to be until the situation begin to improve. and also what manage your stages if it starts to improve. and there's a many people in argentina that are questioning whether the president will be successful, whether you cannot make reforms, he wants to carry out. all right, that's all zeros today. simple life for us and winner slide us. thanks so much. that is, mexico's presidential candidates have kicked off their campaigns for elections in june with a ruling party is claudia,
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shown balm and delete shine bounds running under a coalition led by the party of current mexican president on the responded way. lopez over the television that has lead of 20 percent in recent polls and a 1st for mexico, it's almost certain the top job will go to a woman with both the ruling party and the opposition fielding. female candidates, hundreds of people have queued up to pay their last respects to russian opposition leader alexis of all new. and his funeral and moscow security was increased around the church where the ceremony took place. western diplomats including the u. s. and german and passengers have paid their tributes of only died 2 weeks ago when an arctic prison. russian authorities say he died of natural causes, but his supporters blame president vladimir, put in for his death. it falls enclosed in a ron where voters have been elect the members of parliament and a panel responsible for choosing the next supreme leader. it's the 1st time elections have been held since nationwide. protest in 2022 doors, which are by reports from there on the southern law settlement an important day for
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the political establishments. iran supreme leader, i till i leave hominy. was one of the 1st of boats with a message to the nation close out of church with this. he already has that of the don't you know, the eyes of the world are on the wrong, on the people around. they want to see what you will do, both our friends and foes from all sides, the riser on us, so pay attention to them be you don't a message that's being heard here. one of the $59000.00 polling stations across the country 27 year old will have much of upside . their thing is one of the nearly 61000000 people eligible to vote. a fact that carries great responsibility for him. he needs a full body, considering the timing of developments in the region, the country needs the unity of the people with a strong support of the people. it could achieve its goals, including economic, social, and cultural issues within the country. it could also achieve goes beyond the borders which are strengthening the resistance front voter turnout is
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a major issue for officials here who hope they can rally the electorate to the last problem. entry election in 2020 had the lowest boulder turn out at 42.5 percent. this time around many analysts predict that number to be even lower. and outcome officials are trying to avoid the election is where people show their will to be involved in their own fates. in the future, you can see the parliament has the highest place to show democracy. and people express their opinion to make change. rising unemployment, inflation and nearly 30 percent of the population living in poverty have all had an impact on people's enthusiasm for the selection. this is also the 1st boat since nationwide, protest swept around in the wake of mass and staff in police custody. re needs are not just voting for the next parliament, but also the assembly of experts. that's an $88.00 see body of clerics were responsible for selecting the next supreme leader of iran. with little presence
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from the reformers, cap, friends, former president has been disqualified to run in the assembly of experts voter turnout will be seen as a test of the system. as the government marks 45 years of the revolution, the brought them to power in $1979.00. that's a vari, l 20. facebook's parent company meta says it will no longer pay australian news outlets for content that appears on facebook's website. met assigned a number of deals with the traditional media outlets in 2021. after australia pass laws requiring tech platforms to pay for news content on their sites. the move has prompted condemnation from the australian government and the media industry. and i'll be back in half an hour with more of the day's news. you can find more information on our website and i'll just 0. don't com,
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counting. the cost is up next. thanks so much for watching the the route to you by visit capital. they're good to see. let's go with your headlines for the americas right off the bat was talking about this flooding that we've got along the border with brazil and bolivia. this is the 2nd worst round of funding we have seen in this part of brazil. it has been pouring rain here for days, really. there's western side of the amazon jungle around brazil's amazon estate as well impacting and now. so we're running the risk of seeing some funding here as well over the next little bit. storms through central argentina hopping over into the river plate on saturdays. some of these could be severe. let's go to central america right now. it's a quiet picture, mostly studies spells,
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but you could see the odd hit miss shower there, or send you some of the by and large. it's looking pretty good. saw you forecast though, for the us se this pushing away from this carolina is moving up. the atlantic will pick up the story there. one second blizzard conditions through the sierra nevada mountains last with rain and waiting for san francisco. and we've got cool air for this part of western canada winter storm alerts in play, really up and down that west coast of the us. further to where the is for the temperatures here. there's that rain coming up the atlantic. so it's a what day in new york, but your temperature is up to 10 degrees on saturday. that's it for now. see you later. the weather brought to you by visit castle. on march, the 7 us president joe biden delivers his state of the union address with issues such as economic recovery, immigration, and america's response to global conflicts on his agenda. 10 by me,
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reaffirmed his leadership credentials in his personal election year. special coverage from washington dc. the of the color and civil robin, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll weekly look at the world of business on the comics this week. a rule revolts, farm is around the world amount 2 in protest against each no big and climate policies. so why is it proving so difficult to boot, stuttering comes.


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