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tv   Africa Direct The Driver Reinventing Cassava  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 4:30am-5:00am AST

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doing this one, it's one of the world's largest platinum mining companies and it blames lower profits for the layoffs when we meet a group of union leaders outside. we aren't allowed to form inside the disability bit to for, for this done but to be caught in despite now i have what you're going to do. we're going to go the process of what is the whigs looks like and we're going to fight the fall. i people not to have that number that companies propose to and it shows anglo american platinum says a dropping commodity prices and lower demand has led to a decline in production. and so it has to restructure it says as a last resort, because he said the broader opportunity is really creating a more diverse and a job opportunity spaces. and i forget that you have other industries which are able to tear tracks and go say, retain employment. according to the world bank, south africa has one of the highest levels of any quality in the world. with 62
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percent of the population living in poverty. rolling power outages crumbling, infrastructure and corruption have negatively affected investments and economic growth. this says, i mean election year for south africa during its manifesto, launch the governing african national congress promised to create 2 and a half 1000000 jobs over the next 5 years. critics say, despite being in power for 3 decades, they and c hasn't managed the economy effectively. and even more people now want employed, at least a 3rd of south africans, most of them young unemployed. and anger is growing with the mining sick days unionized, but many a part of an alliance with the governing party. the amc barbara going to the congressional really caught up yourself and see how best can we, we installed the lives of the poor people in this company. well, we're interested, we definitely can, there's a congress coming in and they've done that. i do next is a recent poll by market research firm epshaw suggest support for the agency. is it
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58 percent down from 45 percent in the last election? thousands of people at other minds also likely to be laid off. the industry is one of south africa's largest employers of local and foreign workers and job losses. won't tony affects them, but their families to so me demo, ultra 0 top us in b, limpopo province, south africa. all right, that's it for me my how much i'm doing for lots more news and headlines. you can go to our website to 0 dot com. africa direct is up next and i'll be back with more news in less than 30 minutes. thanks for watching the a phone causing the call saves little revolt. farm is around the world, which has to go see to the lake and climate policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico. with coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central buttons put interest rates soon?
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counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the credit will get to you for the new system. so as soon as king us to have crush levine is you chose to no hope of you, you know, jump for the, the,
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the length of it is off and then you need to call the dentist. generally the d, i know i 1st co driver. so you're putting it on gramma johann with glass a half feet cola, wouldn't emitted huh. not a dental go. oh computers, doug's folder cuz gundy gets a color, just cutting video daddy calling to confirm the need to nobody to understand. but any who, detroit i can look, you know, to meet your sister, could you give me combo? no, i said run up the says they hold my snack time that i like kindly to go. i can give you
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a quick cream jim's sand is of cool zeta. a general questions that way, you know, i and him better so. so the next one is loose on the focus. gums run the quick lane, but it's a full time to do. things was designed. i'm on you quinn. i'd say is not a pool to do to him the to that as a sunday, it's a technical book, but we're going to consult with them. let me see what i'm getting me to quite. it's quite easy to get close. it's 10, you know, google, when i get these, we can use a. so going to go do is a tell me that you know what i can get a class. i was out of my room had to send that to send you january. so it's going to k yet, you know,
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seduce me to go ahead what would take you to 0 in is a t u we exposure book and then am, i can take a look at the physically just to be to most of them. yeah. that cheats, i mean your, i like 0 with to buy so we can get you a say to do so that we put the what do you well, when do i suppose attendance where they play a to the, how about the 5250 on the side of the seen the corner know named put these in west hills line in traditional to monte seems to see in florida, you know, just look, could you quite
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a as much as i can the i did my best and the hopelessness continues to succeed this. so i'm going to do the really, what do they need to remove the data sources? tell me what's good to go. a community college and then another one for you should come. what do you go home, the youth to go to and get us in the corner, the pretty to see what a face to forgive the scrub. do not know if they'd be able to use a computer. i'm a heated with a symbol now in that hope of to do with, you know, as a, as a pay list,
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which is amazing. the superintendent bit of them do they need to go to the computer listed and do computers didn't go or you want to know, we kind of move move kind of, she moved, you know to those, to somebody primitive which and then a 9 to create a little photograph of that and give it to now highlighting sort of create a good thing using
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the of the service name and as a result were to me. so this is doing the personal assistant well co founder and my done my fees for the phone, the little done. done the same thing and as of i will come to me how you cool helen . she is goose. tiny assigned, assigned to me brand new and it is designed maids and souls in africa. i could go to google the scrum, rossi condo, and said, you know, good to cover the most seat vending leak. yeah, yeah. got to yeah. allow them to tell us with teams to hands. it's not, not to me, and we've got
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the 100 available the 50 in the quarter who hundreds in grades if you would ask you to mail it to me. uh mostly a no, you need no one to hunger. that won't be in good afternoon,
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double cuz of the the
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the with the
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the to the with the total love but stating what we're doing the level the on monday. no level present. mccree are a no show for me now. is this i put it in the, in the, in the end and the one where did enough was it out. uh huh. but how do you do have a movies, a sound, good movie, the full not it to, to, to, to,
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to more to move on. know on the moon or the . ready ready when the, when, when he doesn't have to have done bidding book, and i simply just thought would you 40 and tell us, tell them about how to put a whole support team. cool was so when i got a 2nd, b, c, musical. finally, how to get a one because the teen um vehicle? uh
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the of the
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the website, the frontier for domains you can see the
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the the $1212.00 foot ceiling done on his on no, no, not see it. i got the
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man these are the is this can be, is anybody the most of the local pre will noise. they need be twice. i got the clear breakdown. do me the number was no good even with the couldn't you know he's just the kind of cool how do i when i use this is yours over to one of the sides is indian visiting the hundreds of physical space, antonio in this there's, if we break down hello the seth, i'm going to move it down to the new since my new and then you know under a floating with because we've labeled them
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the data is open, close to a cooker quite a time. and we are, the last one is and this is the ident, and so for me is then go to the us, you know,
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to go to the very stuff because i send them what content is the cool because i didn't put the, the,
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the story on my land, but the man to the tune, i also need on land. no problem, sir. i finally got the call. we have the to sell on friday. now mind your 2 sided, i moved by my 5, i got to there, but now when i try my visa to setup gumble by background, i bumper to bumper to go to the boss. so give me no, but when i, when they gave me the best buy, gives you another one that is as buy, gives you buy site down without that email,
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minute the investigative face, the sun. com, the same issue. been with google on, think of them to send it to meadow sauce and consummate. yeah. the photos alice is fine. if you guys gonna belong to me, it says click through my damn dividends. well, just the inside inside, outside in the blue. the hind informa requesting the bumper, i do mean event get ready to be getting more frantic approval via the west end and normally show up on these because all of us that i find to my new
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over thank you know, defending the minute to go and i me sees it, it look of all of our lives, right? so get a full full and then you to so see, and i did this 58 a i now pretty 0. so this is to the funded the money to so coordinate to be the piece of 0 and offers to whom do i need to be? so for me, allows you to think of my new kid diffuser, because he said that he might be advised if this is meant it makes diesel. see the property 5 to the pro g dom. i know if you look on
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the is on 5, do they me? except when you're comes they do a duplex and it's the most of it. and obviously if tiffany did that number the, what is that coupons can to keep the mood to premier. this is, this is yours, my services. my, you please have the availability. can you do you mind your,
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the efficiency n u c l e z a on for those who are still under on under emanates model and just says the show and ships selected for most of the news. uh, visa vision is done. mazda is the vehicle in fuel main to deal with a key, or possibly this needs to be done and do, please. the honest, when you did, why i'm on
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the table, the man live. yeah. the supposedly i think it is not a very clear in my new york on the sunday i but i'm up on a lawyer, but i think i'm what can i can level set on mobile on the way also shared my new
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face. i guess the new venture, i'm new to the, the african narrative from african perspectives. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key, is you to do short documentary fund for can still make it from ivory coast and san the the guy journal got an animate in zambia, new series of african direct on our stuff ation. it's being used as
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a what the only way to stop cutting costs ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks goes with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death star bases and displacements, the wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade, loses its survival skills the tree, discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect of re assimilating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on
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a jersey to the a no respite in gaza. and it's really air strikes. it's a home and a mosque indeed, but at least 9 people are killed and dozens wanted the i'm how much them to them. this is how does your live from don't also coming up. no excuses because the truth is paid flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough us


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