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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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pulse with the prospect of re assimilating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the of no risk in gaza and is really air strikes. it's a home and a mosque and dated by at least 9 people are killed and dozens wanted the i'm how much him to him, this is l g 0 live from don't also coming up. no excuses because the truth is paid, flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. us president joe biden says he'll send air drops of humanitarian aid into gaza as the situation becomes more dire by the
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day, the protest and argentina as right wing presidents. javier milly threatens to override congress and pursuing economic reforms. and haiti's answer in prime minister travels to kenya to ask for help as armed gangs run riots back on the we begin in gaza where at least 9 people have been killed and then is really bombing of a home in the central region of the strip. these are the scenes that i left to the hospital where dozens of the wounded had been taken for treatment. the strikes and data, but i also hit a mosque. meanwhile, the military wing of how much the cosign brigades says that 7 captives have been killed in his really air strikes is not immediately clear when they died. the group says is really attacks have now killed more than 70 captives. the announcement
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comes as israel faces global condemnation, following the killing of 115 palestinians who were waiting for food 8 on thursday. the united nations has said a team to a ship, a hospital and gaza city, where most of the injured are being treated. they've called for more aid to be allowed to reach northern cause as i speak to you, this hospital is treating more than 2 hundreds of people that were injured yesterday. you have seen people with john short ones. you have seen up to fees, and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that weren't injured yes. street. these events should not be about what we need to have face to passage throughout the house and to reach the people that needs to understand and engage the city. at least 5 palestinians have been killed in an error striking the as a to a neighborhood. as it is, my little who reports not hold on to month, the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities.
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but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war, before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and injuring hundreds. and today, dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and uh, and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction, large scale devastation as the pictures shown on the houses level. the buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed. and when you have to model mostly with the most office destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of your homes were destroyed, this is all that is left of my property. this started but i'm those a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to lead into helping they told me, scientists and drones were all around them and they couldn't leave together. i do not know what else killed as a whole buried underneath the debris. i appealed to the red cross,
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the whole we'll see most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all now should they have it as at the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these rarely forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens the problem with my family and i were at home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and training between dark and we were definitely we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charge a fee of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going on. but now it is just a minute just, i mean these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. most of them are women and children being killed inside their homes as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads. residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this
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multi story building. i mean, i normally, i know we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. at the grace of god, they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's been the intentional destruction of homeless. i any infrastructure in every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder the whole just the of the highest they doing my, the unit was that is really force is also continued a target about by hand, southern gaza, leveling residential buildings and camps, leaving no place safe in this trip, earlier on friday, a house was hit by a striking ambulances and bulldozers were seen in the area as people inspected the destruction and search through the rubble more than half of gauze as 2300000 people now living that are fine, mostly intense and other temporary shelters, the listing safely and our house is when the missile landed on it was around 4 to 5
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meters away from me. the people next to me a little known from cause we of a have been displaced. suddenly they destroyed the house without any warning. this is not just, i'm just, this is one of the ugliest domestic has. it is not enough domestic of that we will come to yesterday. the massacre and gaza is a flower. today we were having lunch. we had just finished all friday appraisal was sitting in our houses, was sitting in the house that we've been displaced to us has announced that plans to begin air dropping humanitarian aid and to gaza. president joe biden also says he will insist that is real, allows more a trucks into the strip. my can are reports from the white house that is meeting with the tele and prime minister, president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza. this in conjunction with the jo damian air force. these are likely to be m r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more
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trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land, as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now, snow or nearly enough, and it's a large are on the line and someone who's lives are on the line and we won't stand by unless we get more aid in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car rental to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to, well, that's what becky said a few days ago that he expects a cx 5 to be in place on monday next week. this would allow the release of captives
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in gaza and the release of palestinian prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduced, creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington those comments from bite and follow global condemnation of that is really attack on palestinians gathering for food aid on thursday at least 115 people scrambling for supplies were killed after is really forced open fire and gaza city. these really army says its troops were approached by hundreds of people in a threatening way. several countries of expressed anger at the massacre. you foreign affairs chief joseph portal, denounced it as totally unacceptable. german,
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a foreign minister on a lena bear box, said she, shocked by the killings and called on. these really want me to fully investigate how the mass panic and shooting could have happened. prince president, emmanuel, my crohn says he strongly disapprove of what happened in his demanding truth justice and respective international law. turkey a q is israel, of committing another crime against humanity and condemning palestinians in gaza to fan and columbia as president, gustavo petro is announced, the country is suspending the purchase of weapons from israel in response to the killings. jorge with strep o is a political analyst, and director of c, r a c conflict analysis resource center. he joins us from bogota, jorge, this marks a major escalation of tensions between columbia and israel, over the war on gaza. how did things get to this point? and what did it take for president petro, to make this decision a well columbia side for very many years, israel as no light in terms of the probation of securing the intelligence equipment,
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especially for gathering and probably intelligence and for defense equipment, including our air superior to sleep sadly, dining daily and she's lost and i say sadly because it means that the taking a correct moral standing against the actions of the is where i live me the tree in gaza. they columbia and press the and has decided to break up. that long new board to line of provision for equal on again, is applies for the colombian really truly intelligence kept a religious and are a security analyst said that if the banner sustains, it can seriously affect columbia as armed forces due to their reliance on his really hardware and technology which you were just talking about, what kind of impact could this have overall it will have a medium term impact the even the short term bro, we'd,
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we'd only reviews the, the duration of the columbia and heresy. barry to plead that it was already aging. very many of those planes were already of, of age riley provision where already taken out of surveys because it were very aged . but in the medium term, i think the most significant mean, but it will that, that it will, it renews the gate. but we do so think colombian, that there is capability piece of the colombian retreat, especially in the, in the ocean. and also they can relate these to fight against criminal organizations, especially in terms of electronics. surveillance is riley has been for very many years, also provide their of that type of capability piece which are not necessarily the things equipment, but also the science technology. or hey, from your vantage point,
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do you think this decision will set a precedent when it comes to other latin american countries and their relationships with this real? yes, the press is better, has decided to take a leadership position. but and most likely, the older governments will follow his steps. most likely they will start going. their name is the strongest terms, the, the, the action. so this is riley nature e. nevertheless, i don't think they will follow on. it's the steps of these, the steps in terms of decided to break up the supply lines to ease royal lower to the science industry is right there. but definitely one thing that means that we will see dispensing of the colombian on all the left in american countries with these really in terms of relations. all right. jorge with strep o, director of the complex analysis resource center. thanks so much for joining us
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here on algae here by palestinian refugees are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of their friends and families trapped in gaza. many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks. the reports from a camp in northern 11 on where israel's war on gaza. it has reopened old ones. this is the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians trapped in garza alley mohammed. no shars waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is up there. the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i am noise. the last time i spoke to my brother's son, he told me many of the somebody ought to know when rough. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months and i'm not able to reach them communications out about what's happening to the people in guys the is the biggest
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crime, a dream, a cobra on me. at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed and is really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya for in, what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war. for many, gaza is all that's left of palestine. here's the resistance is i would only hope we have been abundant by on a beat of some of you, but the resistance is still strong, but i, you know, we won't be defeated, but is there a wants to push that button stevens from guys, and they won't be able to do with that being said, these are cut out in the almost all i know to move in this camp. there's support for what thomas called the l. x of flood attack against israel on october 7th. they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population conditions in garza, they say,
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were unbearable. just like their lives in ex, i've little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor, with an uncertain future palestinians in lebanon, struggle their band for many professions. the majority have enjoyed suffering for the past 76 years. i have been good, but give up. i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother on my system that somebody has. so many of our family are still under no, but they could still be alive for the might be. what is alive is the struggle for a palestinian homeland. for those in exile there is no other option. they say this is a fight for existence. then there was a 0, but that we can northern nothing on are still ahead on al jazeera and moscow
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under its pay their respects to the funeral service for russian opposition leader alexis, of all the lo, there's been flooding in southern focused on this was introvert or looking more like a hurricane rolled through here, but now we're running the risk of seeing some flooding in northern buckets done so for example, around is level of i could see about a months worth of rain in 24 hours west of this. it's going to be a snow storm. so cobble looking to pick up anywhere from $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters is going to be heavy wet snow. this storm system is packing quite a punch in terms of moisture. all of this now coming into india as well. the northwest, so from india administered kashmir down to one job right through to the con.
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dropping down to rochester on stage. we are running the risk of seeing some funding here with torrential downpours while those flight advisors had been dropped for the philippines. southern mid and now island still hot though in parts of thailand, look a bouquet. 38 or 39 degrees and trying to temperatures of bounce. in fact it is. we look to where the shanghai a 10 degrees, but that cool air has slipped into hong kong at just 16, but temperatures will rise over the next few days. temperatures rising through the cream peninsulas. those winds now shift around and about 10 centimeters of snow over the mountains of japan's honshu and who kind of islands. and it's a washout, red cross indonesia over the course of the weekend. so yeah, the 10s of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us where in america. so what happens once they make kids
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impart to of especially investigations, $11.00 east, aust chinese, my friends, the american dream is, was there risk and the sacrifice on out to 0. i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country gives a life and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the you're watching out 0 reminder of our top stories this out at least 9 people have been killed and then is really bombing of a home and central gaza the strikes and did it. but i also had a most the wounded have been taken to the hospital the number of palestinians
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killed. and that is really attack on crowds waiting for humanitarian aid on thursday. has risen to 115 the united nation to send a team to and ship a hospital in gauze and city where most of the injured are being treated. they've called for more a to be allowed to reach north in the us says it will begin air dropping humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. president joe biden said he'll also insist that israel a lot more a trucks and to god's argentine as president has delivered a major policy address to congress. heavier malay said the country is no future unless the economic model is changed and has threatened to rule by decree. in order to effect change, there were public protests in the run up to his speech and anger over his economic reforms. that a symbol has more unbelief speech from winter situs. and here outside of congress where some outside government has gathered most of the people that are leaving now . but the president have you had a 1000000 dave alone last about an hour,
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a speech that meant needs to reform, to save the argentine as economy, the origin time stacy postal code 3 main issues. the 1st one is the inheritance, the conditions, the state of argentina economy, when you to call that the economy was already prices with very high inflation. and the, the only way to try to reduce inflation and jumpstart the economy was cutting down government spending. and that's what he did, he managed to reduce the deficit by 5 points that at this point in argentine, he also, for example, spoke about something for his voters that voted for him is transforming political jeff attacking the political craft. for example, you said that he's going to, we to reduce the privilege of the pension system, those who are receiving privilege. tension st. argentina also said that he's going
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to read to him and, and send to present the politicians, especially the residents and the economy minister, friends, money, something that people in for the very high inflation rate in argentina. and he also calls for the call from the governor's for the phone and some dollars to gather on the 25th of may to try to agree on 10 points to try to get this country out of a crisis and heating violence as flared as gangs appear to be working together to try to take over the capital. it's happened while the countries enter and prime minister was in africa seeking the help of kenya's government to restore some semblance of order. rob reynolds reports. he's streets have been engulfed in violence for 2 days with heavy gunfire reported near the international airport and residents fleeting in droves. in the roby acting prime minister ariel henri and kenyan president william router, oh, signed an agreement that they hope will clear the way toward the deployment of 1000,
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kenyon police officers to haiti as part of an international security support for us . what these mission of these bringing is hope for the future. we are making this at this point because it is what is right. it is what you money to. it is what schuman kind a can do to fellow human kind. can you agreed to lead the united nations authorized force last year, but the canyon high court block the move unconstitutional grounds, including because of the lack of formal agreements between the 2 countries. it's unclear now whether the new pact will satisfy those legal requirements. on thursday, apparently coordinated gang attacks on police stations left at least 4 officers dead and on no number of civilians were killed. airlines cancel flights to, to us on low but to airport when the area came under heavy fire. jimmy barbecue
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shows a, a powerful gang leader said a consideration of armed groups planned to prevent only from returning to haiti and said they would arrest police commanders and other senior officials violated by work. amazing. c d. r e. o. henri has no the tennessee to sign any contract ariellas in power, thanks to the international community, especially the us, canada, and friends. but far from being reassured, residents say they're terrified there was heavy shooting a lot of gunshots. everybody was lying down on the floor. he has suffered a downward spiral of gain related violence, killings, rates and kidnappings. since president juvenile moiz, a was assassinated in 2021. many haitians considered henri and illegitimate ruler because he has not held the elections, but on reset. now is not the time for voting. put up designers like you know, to,
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to finish. last year, nearly 5000 people were reported killed in haiti, according to you and report more than doubled the number of deaths from the previous year. rob reynolds, l g 0, a poles of clothes. any ron where voters have been elect the members of parliament and a panel responsible for choosing the next supreme leader. it's the 1st time elections have been held since nationwide. protest in 2022 for suicide reports from different iranians voted for a new parliament on friday in an election seen as a test for the particular establishment in the country. this election is the 1st for them. a measure of public opinion ceased nationwide. protests in 2022 spots by the death of 22 year old mess and many in police cost. you running officials have enjoyed high water turned out to cease establishment off the stomach and popular fuel run in 1979. but that change in 2020 parliamentary elections were turned out
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to remain at 42.5 percent a significant throughout compared to previous elections. but as you move from now, the government and institutions are seeking a high turn out to restore the less than the c, which was damaged by you quite a bit cautious social unrest. andrews judgment, the eyes of the world are on the wrong and on the, on the people of iran, they want to see what you will do, that you both are friends and foes from all sides. their eyes are on us so. so pay attention to you. go the minister of interior affairs is in charge of conducting the elections extended within time by 6 hours, hoping to secure high turnouts. well, you know, yes, it was always tell you that in considering reports received from cities and requests from local governors, the interior ministry based on the election law with the approval of guardian council, announces that the voting hours across the country are extended until midnight values. many reformist, including for more than a sampler, you're running, present several honey. we're bare from the res randy. i'm supposed to vote. as for
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members of the company's 88 seat assembly of x, there's an 80 or turn on a panel that's with potentially a point. the company is next supreme leader of the company. that's why does election, may have a significant impact on the future of the islamic republic in the wrong the what the terminology is a primary source of measurements the for the particular establishment of the was our students. we being counted, turn off, may indicate a decline in public support, but the high turnout will give you good as a significant victory by the particular needs. this is have that which is 0 to around hundreds of people of cued up to pay their last respects to russian opposition leader alexis of all the eddies funeral and moscow have only died $2.00 weeks ago and an arctic prison. russian authorities say he died of natural causes, but his supporters blame president vladimir, put in for his death. you'll be a shop of all of our reports from moscow.
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fresh is number one, a position activist spaces onto corruption flight to the symbol of freedom for many . takes his last journey unexplainable and his parents and loved ones gathered for a solemn ceremony of the church in the remote district of mosca, where he wants lived. he's one of us who blames president fledging and pacing for her husband's desk could not be present as it's no longer safe for her to enter russia. let's republish the firewall note to her legs, husband, the most of his own. these allies were not in attendance either. as the old living exile, thousands of he suppose, has filled the road leading to the church to pay tribute to the mind whose vision of quote, a beautiful rochelle, the future continues to inspire and resonate with them. this is the death of all future and will i hope i didn't come here to more unity but to see the unity of the
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people in the fired vine and fall and the struggle with vice. yep. you're supposed to, the, came yet to receive everything was lost, nothing is lost guys. it's terrible that the chico for people to come and stop being silent. was a bit of alexi, nevada. but we see that we are together. we are ready to change the country and it's great. several for an in boss. it isn't russian or position the thing is was suppose it among the crowd after the trip said this sounds proceeded to the cemetery. a stream of people's treachery over several kilometres. and tron, saying the volunteers name, new enforcement offices were on high loud to insure the procession remains alternate and without incidents unexplainable. and it has been varies at the various discuss symmetry and se small stress. but tens of thousands of his supporters keep coming to the cemetery to bid farewell associates didn't prevent the media from covering the event of the state news. let's widely ignored it. there's a show reaction was brief, but the equipment spokes peasant had this warning to the only supposes we need some
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training you and they're, any on authorized gatherings will be illegal and all those who had heart dissipate in them will be held accountable by law. all those who came to pay their respects was photographed by most men and out do surveillance cameras. with facial recognition technology remind to for them to haze the criminals was of caution. you lash above all of a to z right most go in the war, a new crane red sea shipping attacks, and the push for green energy are expected to dominate discussions of the gas exporting countries. for him, it's a meeting for the world's biggest gas exported block that's being taking place in algeria saw a bunch of a it has more from algiers on how the energy blog plans to tackle challenges africa's largest gas producer plans to invest an additional $14000000000.00 to increase output, algeria became the world's 1st exporter of liquefied natural gas, r n n g. when it's in the shipment to the u. k. in 1964, and in the last few years,
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it's remain a critical gas supply it to your. now it's hosting countries which holds 70 percent of the world's known gas reserves. then it gets from the 19 member block gas exporting countries for them. for g c, f, i gather years. member states produce nearly huff with the was natural gas output is made, then went to a car and the zip natural gas is expected to play a key role in achieving a smooth and fair energy transition into long term investing and natural gas resources requires high capital in pennsylvania, so it was necessary to conduct a continuous and serious dialogue. go to common forward looking vision and sharing energy security for better and fair pricing. for all. it is worth mentioning that technology will be crucial for the future of natural gas. by 2050 the most likely to get boiler by 1.5 degrees. even if global emissions move to a very low carbon footprint. but the fossil fuel production, the confusing plan, is a 120 percent higher than what's accepted.


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