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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to and also showcase is the incredible story of the foot whole. this is let us down . it's done to escape the time of the generation for episode one of the a no respite in gaza and is really or strikes. it's a home and a mosque and dated by the police. 9 people are killed and dozens wounded. the ultra 0 life or my headquarters in jail for i'm going to also ahead no excuses because the truth is aids line to go. so that is nowhere, nearly enough us president joe biden says he'll send air drops of humanitarian aid
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in 2000. as the situation becomes more dire by the day, the politicians from 12 countries call on their governments to stop selling weapons to israel, citing violations of international law in garza, the the race for president officially gets under way in mexico. we'll explain why this selection is expected to be historic, the so we'd be good and gosh, where at least 9 people have been killed and, and is really bombing off of home in the central region of the strip. these are the scenes i saw hospital. that's where dozens of the wounded had been taken for treatments. the strikes and did and bela also hit a mosque. meanwhile, the military wing of him uh says the for the cosign brigade says that 7 captives
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have been killed by israel. now it's not immediately clear when they died. the group says is really attacks have now killed more than 70 captives. and the announcement comes is as real face as global condemnation, over the killing of a 150, empower simians who are waiting for food aid on thursday. the united nations has sent a team to and ship out hospital in gaza city, where most of the injured are being treated. as i speak to you, this hospital is treating more than 2 hundreds of people that were injured yesterday. you have seen people with gunshot wounds, you've seen up to these and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that were injured. yes street. these events should not be about what we need to have safe secure passage throughout the house and to reach the people that need somebody to taylor and t. as in gaza, city at least 5 palestinians have been killed in an error, strikes the as
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a 2 neighborhoods. alda zeros smart, a lot of who would reports that hold on to month, the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a, to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes cities, but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war and before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and enjoying hundreds in today. dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation as the pictures show. houses leveled buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed. and when you have the model mostly with the salad, but most offers of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed. the a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the
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situation was dangerous. i asked them to leave the company and they told me smart doesn't drones but all around them and they couldn't leave it, but i do not know what else killed the whole buried underneath the debris. i appealed to the red cross, the whole will be most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all now should they have it as at the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these rarely forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens. those was awful. but was my family and i were at home, and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs and training between dark and we were definitely, we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charge a fee of their sons were kids. and one of them had his head of going as buddy. now it is just a minute just, i mean these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in
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the neighborhood. most of them are women and children killed inside their homes as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads. residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. i mean, i know we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. at the grace of god. they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with a carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's been the intentional destruction of homeless i, in the infrastructure in every aspect of life in the gaza strip snyder, who does he have the highest they doing? medina was the basic necessities are in short supply. in odessa, on garza southern border there one and a half 1000000 palestinians crammed into the city. there is little food or drinking water to be found and prices are skyrocketing. michael awful reports
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a make shift market set up next to tens housing, the displaced in russell. there's not much on off the hill. if you can goods, fruits and some vegetables. palestinians are desperate for the basics. but the cost of what's on offer is too high for many families here. remember the time when things were in so desperate? what's the use now? we cannot even find a loss of bread even if i could afford it. i am an old man unemployed and it's too expensive. ramadan is around the corner. i wonder how guys and he'll be able to survive, but the shortage of food is rails will run cause that has caused a humanitarian crisis. people simply don't have enough to ease within one killer frozen meat to sold for almost $30.00. what full pound of commodities in high season use? hoffman dollar. now one key know goes for close to $3.00 or even miller covers. come on. the wall weighs heavily on rough us population. many displaced multiple
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times. sheltering from is riley guns and bones. metal for fish. hello, hello. from the moment we wake up to the moment res, please. we are button linked to survive. fighting to get our hands on some water and get a hold of a loaf of bread for our children, we are exhausted mentally and physically. this is unbearable. i cannot tolerate that any more. a face uncertainty about what the future holds. so the sheltering and rustle defrosting months of ramadan is arriving soon. the time of prayer contemplation, kindness in charity. auto observes, when you are under constant bombard mike level, which is 0. the us has announced plans to begin the air dropping humanitarian aid and to gaza. president joe biden also says he will insist that is real, allows more a trucks into the strip. my kind of reports from the white house that is meeting with the tele and prime minister,
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president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza. this in conjunction with the jo damian air force. these are likely to be m r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land, as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now snow was nearly enough and it's a large are on the line and shoulders lives are on the line and we won't stand by and less. so right? so we get more 8 in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up
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a marine car rental to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to well, that's what becky said. a few days ago that he expects a cx 5 to be in place on monday next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of palestinian prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding, a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduced, creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington as well. dave harden previously served as usa mission director as of the occupied west bank and gaza. and he says that air drops or an effective way of delivering aid and is urgent the us to focus its efforts on
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negotiating with israel to allow more a trucks into gaza. each air drop is going to have about 2 truck was worth a bunch of assistance, and i guess it's gonna be a high altitude air drop so that the us air force and the crew on in harm's way. and so they're going to drop, you know, some cargo from 30000 feet or something i got into and canada and really what needs to happen is just more crossings and more trucks going to come through every single day. i think the united states once a week, as it's frankly very disappointing to me. i feel like drugs are symbolic and design in a way to appease maybe the domestic base of the united states has the leverage to have it as well as open open up arrows and former crossings like con,
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enough laws and sofa expand. com shalom and expand raphael and the solid, the gate which is what am i to use but this really. 2 permission years ago. so the fact of the matter is united states has the ability to do, compel is rosa, open up more aid into this very small enclave. and by not compelling these relatives to do this, we're putting our assets and our people risk. and by the way, we're, we're also potentially trading on, in more chaos in gaza, assuming that these are high altitude air drops. well, those comments from biden follow global condemnation of that is really a tack or palestinians gathering for food aid on thursday. at least a 115 people who were scrambling for supplies were killed after is really forced, has opened fire on them in gaza. city is really army says its troops were
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approached by hundreds of people in a threatening way. several countries have expressed anger at the massacre. you formed affairs, chief joseph harold announced that is totally unacceptable. the german 4 minister lena bear, black said she saw by the killings and called on the is really army to fully investigate how the mass panic and shooting could have happened. the french president of monro, my cross, as he strongly disapproves of what happens and is demanding truth justice. under respect of international law, searches accused israel of committing another crime against humanity and condemning palestinians in gaza to summon on columbia as president, gustavo petro isn't owns, the country is suspending the purchase of weapons from israel in response to the killings asunder. and catchy isn't bogota. with war on president petros decision, president gustavo 5th was bowing to and what has been a decades long security partnership between israel and in columbia for many years.
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columbia has been dependent on israel when it comes to both small and larger, temporary aircraft that the columbia military use, even the training for a special operations. and so if you talk to military experts here will tell you that this indeed will have consequences for military operations in columbia. just to give you an example. the leo, these really got leo rifle is used by every branch of the columbia. and armed forces is even produced here to have paid since that the israel has given to columbia. that while it is produced here it is assembled here, many parts come directly from israel. so all this will have a concept playing says it's also a changing white as being the traditional politics between the 2 countries. essentially, israel, as always, had the unquestioned support the by previous,
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colombian, governments that has changed with this war in guys operations been paid through has been open the criticizing and using very strong were it's against the government, the us and the 5 now against the, at the military operation in guys that he use the i often use the words genocides to describe what's happening there. he's accusing a be essentially a day that these really military of committing and all cost and in guys that. and this also has to do with the fact that the israel, as the long been controversial and among the left here in columbia. because back in the 90s, in early 2000, these rarely mercenaries. in private contracts, there have framed a columbia as notorious paramilitary forces in their illegal war against that unless these rebels in this country allison that i'm 50 as just the you know. but with that, the brazilian president louisa. nasty and the sofa has called on the world to
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intervene an end israel's war on gaza. speaking at a regional summit and criticized what he called the indifference of the international community. to gauze a suffering. i thought i'd share the money died a grab the humanitarian tragedy in gaza, calls on all of us as a stop to the collective punishment that the is really government is imposing on the palestinian people. people are dying in the queue for food. the difference of the international community is shocking, and i want to end by telling you that our dignity and humanity are at stake, which is why we must stop the carnage in the name of the survival of humanity. you money. meanwhile, politicians from 12 countries have signed a letter calling on their governments to ban arms sales to israel. the letter signed by more than $200.00 members of parliament urges leaders not to be complicit in israel's grave violation of international law. it argues that un arms embargo is
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a legal requirement after the international court of justice ordered israel to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide in gaza. 9 of the signatories are current or former leaders of political parties, including the former u. k. labor leader and jeremy corbin, the soul us signatory as palestinian american congress women rashida played simon mot. quinn is a member of the belgian parliament. he says the push to stop arms shipments to israel is gaining traction in europe. for sure. i'm totally agree was the latest and when the end of the band, with an a to stop send within 2 east, right. according to the international court of justice. this is indeed a risk of genocide and us and that the re country of the condition against genocide we have the legal and the more i will be gauged into us and to prevent the risk of genocide slicing. displayed services go off so many and p from europe is
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a good 1st step which we need to move to go further in this to the site. not only just up to says within 2 days with that also to accept the transients of weapons to his rice. so he's quite so good news. but it's true that if not all of the country of europe decided to ship the same action, i mean, they can bring with best buy of the country. so this is the question that i have since small since this all for a tech on guys a. and it's true that i don't know why the sodium in the country you loans want to see to read to you. what is going in in guys i've seen one of the most difficult countries, germany, you know, that 7 percent of guns while the send to is why a from germany. but i, i've seen that know, there are some kind of change in the mind of people for the leaders is try to shake a beat side. you can see the democrats and usa, the intent is going to be disputed, but no is true. that's weird. some country in europe is to complicate and you can
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see like, where is the connection between nathaniel and country? this is from the extreme rights beings body. and you bring this rest east id of donation in europe since many years. and you can see that there was some connection between we can both, but we keep fighting, we can fighting for international law, or we can fighting for a more also obligation to 3 or 4. but assume people are the still ahead on how to 0 . the protests in argentina, the right, when presidents have your malays threatening to override congress and pursuing economic reforms, the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix
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critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. and you live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade, loses its survival skills the tree, discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to with fitness genesis of just behind me. hundreds of people have been about 2 inches in depth coverage. thailand, stakes it's future on fossil fuels,
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out to 0 is teens on the ground. when you close to the house with this during the the man, here's a reminder at the top stories on how to 0 this hour. at least 9 people have been killed and it is really bombing of a home in central because of the strikes and dated by law, also hit amongst the wounds that have been taken to the hospital. the number of palestinians killed in an is really a talk on crowds waiting for humanitarian aid on thursday. has risen to a 150 in the united nations has sent a team to and shift off hospital for most of the injured or being treated. so
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they've also called for more a to be allowed to reach the north of the golf and strip the usaa saying that it will be getting air dropping. she ran it here in a into the gaza strip. president joe biden said he also insist that israel allow more a trucks in 2000 in the u. k. an outspoken, excuse me, an outspoken politician has won a parliamentary via election after promising to advocate for gaza. george galloway accuse both labor party and the conservatives of backing israel and the cause of war. harry false. it reports from archdale. we intend to pilot our rochdale revival at his victory party and rochdale. george galloway was already promising another when at a general election later this year. and the constituency with a 30 percent muslim electorate is focused on gaza alongside local issues. when i'm nearly 40 percent of the vote, a mandate he told l 0 he intended to use. so believe on sticking for millions of
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people in read them whose hearts are broken. who's got solved range by this locked are in gaza. and they are under represented to the point almost of invisibility in the british media minutes earlier and nearly 300 kilometers away. richie still not gave his 1st of a live address from the downing street elect and the focus what he called poisonous efforts to divide british society long and piece do not feel sites in the hugs. longstanding, parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns. and is beyond alarming the last night, the rush style ball election returned the candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on october. the 7th who glorifies has belong and is induced by nick griffin, the racist former leader of the b n p. the also a tough of policing,
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the pro palestinian protests, drawing a line between the months for protection of civilians. and what he said because provided jihad galloway dismissed that was party politics in an election year from a prime minister. he didn't respect this. be much discussion of how much can be read into why the british politics from what's happened in rochdale by elections frequently give rise to a typical results. this one, particularly exceptional in of the 2 main policies would be in the 3rd and 4th, not me. the labor widely took to win the upcoming election. it was a slow motion disaster from the moment did. this owned its own candidate last month . the airing n t is ready conspiracy theories about the october, the 7th, the tax galloway, our new one, because labor didn't stand a candidate. i regret that we have to withdrawal a candidate and apologized devices in rock style. but i took that decision. it was the right decision election and a politician like george galloway and the constituency. like watch sales literacy
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like garza to the full, was always going to attract attention intervention of the prime minister, his id cards and back garza likely to be high on the agenda and the coming of 3 for the next election at least are equal. so i'll just 0 rush though. argentina's president has delivered a major policy address to congress. i've hear me ladies of the country has no future unless the economic model is changed. but they were public protest ahead of his speech with people angry over his economic reforms. terrorism po has more from go on a series of and then here outside of congress where some anti government sol, testers, have gathered. most of the people are leaving down by the president. have you had gave a loan last to about an hour, a speech that meant a needs to reform, to stay the origin seen as economy the origin time stacy postal code 3 main issues . the 1st one is the inheritance, the conditions,
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the state of our economy. when you to call the said that the economy was already prices with a very high inflation. and the, the only way to try to reduce inflation and jumpstart the economy was coughing down government spending. and that's what he did. he managed to reduce the deficit by 5 points of his toys and argentina. he also, for example, spoke about something for his voters that voted for him is transforming political jeff attacking the political stuff. for example, you said that he's going to, we to reduce the privilege of the pension system, those who are receiving privilege, pensions the knowledge, and also said that he's going to write them and, and then to present the politicians, especially the residents and the economy minister, prince money, something that he plans for the very high inflation rate in argentina. and he also calls for the call from the governors for the phone and some dollars to gather on
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the 25th of may to try to agree on 10 points to try to get this country out of a crisis. mexico's presidential election, race is officially begun and for the 1st time the 2 main contenders are women. john holeman has more from the capital behind these makes curious cities sent for the sake of this country. i must be just about right now between 150000 to the the see this, the cloud is showing sounds like this is the mexican presidential race seat. the mayor of main street city for future directors are going to school. so transport to leave the presidential, the error of parents, the favorite choice of coverage president on this monday next is over the diesel, overwhelming the popular in this country. but still, a lot of people,
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the vote took the him a going to be 13 interest to some sort, quite a during 5th stay. as mexico city met, she managed to get down in the cafeteria while it was going that way and the rest of the country. and she's gonna talk to miss adult through an environmental engineering that who shelf the gates. so to, to go visit. this is the kind of a video position. it's someone that's built in famous groups. she says, sending kelly's on the street now she hasn't returned to the tech companies anticipated. she's plain speaking. she has proposed to the touch can also be quite funny. she went into the mexican senate, for example, in a t rex costume to make fun of a bill. but she said was ridiculously late to go up to boston. crowd is showing down at the moment in the polls is projected however, which way this is in june where the culture something historic is going to happen
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next is gonna happen. when i'm president of the 65 may ones and that's a huge deal for this country out to see the mexico city. the weather is next and it's inside story by the gears or weather report for the middle east and africa. look at this video coming out of last got the other day looking more like a hurricane rolled through here. quite a storm system. this is produced flooding and focused on a snow storm in afghanistan, and it has dramatically dropped down to temperatures and most got just 19 decrease for you on saturday, but give it a bit your temperature as well arrives as well below where you're shipping. now that we're in the month of march, looking for about 30, but again, your temperature is calming hope for the next few days. waterview shows us not much
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else going on across the ruby and peninsula. it's quiet. i did talk about that storm system in buckets fun and afghanistan. so cobble looking at about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters of snow and northern buckets. time looking to pick up a months worth of rain in 24 hours. what weather, dancing in. so that western side of turkey, let's go to africa right now where it's dried up across cell. jerry and it's an easy or we did have some pretty violent weather there. and excessive heat alerts had been issued through the central african republic and showed that includes bunky at $37.00 degrees. and some of the temperatures in nigeria is fault of buddha could hit 40 to the south. we go, it's been hot and dry and windy through the cape provinces in south africa. wildfires have erupt it near cape town and that hot weather will carry on through the weekend. the news from i'll just on the go and meet tonight. out is there is
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only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0. new at you think? is it the best renew, debating is right about call chop up. choose being exempted from military service with a local government escalating that on that? of course, the window is that exemption. what would it take to do it and how much politics is that play in vista bates? this is inside, sorry. the .


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