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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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set out is there is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the best renew, debating is read about call chalk. both of the jews being exempted from literature service with a will or does it ask anything that are now cool to remove that exemption? what would it take to do it and how much politics is that play in vista bates? this is inside, sorry. the hello welcome to the program on the hush him on. the bottle is why it has pulls on his reserves to wage it's ground will on gaza. but it's all true of the jewish
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community has an exemption to move to service going back decades. now the defense minister says the need to adjoining the flight, but the kind of natural consensus beach on such a divisive issue and compartment as a bunch of and the government survive the full dollars from such a policy change. we're bringing all gas and the moment 1st, this report from phantom on israel has cooled up more than 300000 reserve. it's for it's more on gaza. but one group has always been exempted. ultra orthodox jews make up around 13 percent of israel's population. they're an exception to conscription and mandatory military service, but that could be about to change a volume you own. the immediate need arises for the expansion of military service for all active soldiers and the port on gaston of reserve due to you for reserves. i mean, we deeply respect those who devote themselves to taurus studies. however, it's vital to recognize that without ensuring our physical safety of spiritual
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legacy cannot be sustained. exemption is a deeply divisive issue in israel. ultra or adults activists protest against any move to make them in list. a supreme court ruling and 2018 struck down the exemption. but that's yet to be implemented by the government, the altar orthodox, a forcing them to fight would destroy their way of life. they want the people, the people to build their one and friends and they want us to be not really just nursing with us and we, we don't mind the guy in the army, but others believe the religious community is not doing its part as reserve as their cold up to risk their lives and gaza. many say it's time for everyone to serve the justice room service of 2 months and then going back probably a few weeks. and again to many people. so malware country by low
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it's difficult balancing. act for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. gallons and others is coalition one change. but netanyahu also relies on ultra orthodox politicians to remain in power. the by i do, we will determine goals for the drafting of the ultra orthodox to the id f and national civil service. and we will also determine the ways to implement those goals. we can reach that agreement without dividing the nation and without incitement against any members of the public. i am sure we can get disagreement with the majority in the capacity, but also one thing is clear to me that it's impossible to obtain a total consensus. miss smith is really, society could be on the brink of a major change one that could also consequences for the months while we're on gaza inside the face of netanyahu's government, benjamin l. just sierra for inside story.
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that's bring it, i guess in west jerusalem, professor, if from inbox president of the jerusalem is that you'd force throughout the g n secuity instead of a i keep as a political economist on former economies for the highways newspaper also in what do is to them you know short staffed community, rob, i'm an executive member of the nets. you hold to a civilian organization that supports ultra office of jews. subbing in the is riley ministry. what come to the program? but if i to, if i'm, the ami is bracing itself for what could potentially become a long per long politic ministry campaign in gaza. and for this, they need more soldiers to join more reserve. it's the only way to do with now is to convince the hobby team to join the army. all these considerations ave enough to change the mindset of the ultra orthodox jewish community or
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a, the community is not tumbled. jane is, is out. this is definitely segments was in this community. so the more likely to accept the sound guy in the nation to serve as beads is the only disability of service and say, i don't understand the social question as well as the commercials coming from just so we go to just these leaves and no choice but to integrate into basically the society or so by joining the minutes of the call obviously will not be bound to it and may be easily, i should think about the exemptions only to the best studying good students off the on the study of the is indeed a jewish manual,
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and as we have a bags of highly position and the size of really small twins and not exempt from surveys, the same 3 french would be given to a much smaller than a number of us doing. so we issue our but yeah, they, me good the studies and the, the find the go much. okay, but this is a pivotal moment. it is right out to the point where at a cost sharing of the beds and has become of the center stage of the political debate. where do you see it moving forward? as well as the 5 said here, you have a very unique combination. if you like, all the timeline over the course of justice and also coming from inside the quote, i don't miss the defense you all the guy that went out to the media to
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declare that he will not be part of the deception of the cold. and this is really people, these very society as submitted. so the 1st, he knows this is what cannot actually afford security wise and socially wise, this inequality because we're not talking about unit quality in the quality of life. we're talking about life itself literally is uh, quote is really oh yeah, is ready to risk his life seems about to be up there and who is exempted. and i think that the actually if we don't give us any credit for something, this is what they did to us in october service. this has set
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a clear message to these a society that there is no shouldn't be any difference between doing who serves the reserves, inc. indian guys up and for 4 months missing is missing his lesson, say the university is a student all for a lot of a student of uh, madison. and the student is she who has started to show up. and i think the government is challenged. the 2nd, you know, like he did at the beginning home, the crisis over the judiciary reform. and i believe that he would go all the way with guns and i can quote the other above his over the college. she a raw by a hush. well, how do see this whole debate? is it a politically motivated debate, or it is about time for the altima off of those community to understand that the
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need to change for them to keep the society united. but i like that streaming. first of all i, i wouldn't give credit to come out for anything, but i think that of course the current score has raised this issue in a much more urgent way. then before previously, before up to the 7th. the main issue about ultra orthodox integration that to israel was maybe the economic issue rather than the army issue because it was january. how's that? we could have a small uh thought, taking the logic, the advanced army. and therefore, there wasn't really an urgent need for the integration of oliver orthodox young man into the idea. now that's completely changed and everybody understands. there is an urgent need for this and it's not so much politically motivated as socially motivated. it's about a very large pods. of israel's population pre paid up to 50 percent off as well. that generally doesn't do army service alongside of the issues of integration. but
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it is very important to understand that from the region, from the ultra orthodox perspective, this isn't just about we would draw the study to rock. this is about what the army back present for the author owes it up as a narrative around the army. and that this is ben, go beyond the 1st prime minister of israel. so to basic purpose is full army service. one of the, of, of course is to defend the state to base route, but the other one is to serve as the melting pot. busy creating full moldy and you type of is rated you, which is very different from the old exhibit european style to and the author orthodox they wish to perpetuate. they wished to maintain and to continue on this additional image off that you from what it was before the state of israel. and therefore they are extremely suspicious of the army in terms of not the defending.
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and then we need to leave the study benches of to restart the part of what will be due to due to the image about this to the image, but to the east thoughts of this heavy. the also it was that of young man. and this is something that requires build a cross, it's load happened by collision. conversion has been tried a little bit, it's about a decade ago. and it led to a large regression in also orthodox participation in the army. so collection is just not a good option. i think that can be yes. good. well, go ahead. this month would be the quite long to just all time goes to cover here every time you've just heard about bios who are talking about basically the ultra all physics community willing to preserve a way of life, which has been that for generations. and for them is important, they believe it house protect the unit and the identity of the jewish people. but this skeptical of admitted to establishment, this skeptical to take
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a decision that might change their own way of life. how to respond to that. i think this is the best option as well, but it is a all of the aides. i want to be a citizen. so this statement on to the benefit form, the owner is a good days that sustains or gifts do in citizens. they must think about those. so in imaging bins, i think story, i am even the head the, the judge, the one difference is the i to go on. there are some kind of nation so it's the same. ringback the nation without the sharing the bell. nobody's nation. we all a nations that these by our enables we, uh, we have good, secure with the needs and even the joins the benefits. always what you mean by the said needs. i want to enjoy the benefits of, oh,
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social services. they also want to share with the bill and things they don't want. so the bill, i want to not gives us the height to akiva the this debate. is there any consider the, the create mobility divide within the society to the point where sometimes for example, people have been the median when he was talking to people on the streets in intel avoid jerusalem. and people were basically saying, we cannot afford to see funeral just in certain neighborhoods, not on the other side of the city of the what are the things basically to alter, alter the community neighborhood where people are exempt from it. it's a service. yeah, actually this issue is crossing political and even saucer an economic lies. uh, i think that the vast majority of, uh, the is right. not only 2nd or not, but also the uh,
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sinus ultra docks, believe in equality. and uh, the facts that does uh rep, by your show mention is well, should be invested in boy. is a sill part of it as well as us. and it's important to remind viewers that to, in 20 or 30 years, we might see also books almost majority lives. we're just not sure why it was out as strong as we saw right now. no global savings. so it's not just a matter of a low a quality and then everybody has to says and there is no, there's 2 ways out. but this patient, oh no, but that's what dissipation was out. succession, it's a matter of his last existence. we talk to 60000
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young people who are exempted and they're just people survive in the go uh in your oh well you my great grandfather. so who is that read by. so is the pressure on me and you know, he, a lot of the same outfit as usual. all the dogs in mass are really jerusalem, but he was listed and he had to serve his country left alone to serve the george country. i think that it should consider good big privilege and a sort of i yeah, sure is doing was uh uh, his unit. uh, he's supposed to be just possible to be a good jew and a good soldier. okay. but i buy a so uh, i want to ask you this question if you don't mind or do you believe because they have it in the community seems to be pretty much a fund. this is coming from the ministry establishment asking them to change a way of life. what if the rob,
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by the high. busy religious authorities decide one day, it's about time for the hobby day to join the army. would that be on its own enough to make this seismic shift that these writers are looking forward to see happen? well, it's would be enough to say the however, it's important to realize that changes within the ultimate orthodox well generally does come from the rep in a stablish. neither authentic establishment sees its role as prison. i think and considering that which we've been doing for all these many centuries, wild changes often come from the field. and in this case to the fact that there is already an author orthodox battalion in the idea which doesn't represent the main stream of out for orthodoxy, but rather more of the periphery. but the fact that it exists is not something that the rabbis created bought,
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that was it eating rabbi that gave his permission. and also his definitely going to see a trend of also orthodox entry into the army. it's where people bottom up from the field and then we'll receive rabbinic authorization over panic, acceptance rather than being led by the rabbis. i think that the discussion here, which has mentioned that demand based on a quality needs to be softened a little bit because absolute equality is never possible. even today, the religious soldiers that stuff less time in the idea then secular. so just and of course there are many secular individuals who will that then 70 idea how many different units and types of duty and the idea. so it really, we should be looking for me. absolute equality. but if you look at some of the religious religious scientists calls for all to orthodox engagements with the idea rather than absolute equality, it's a call for responsibility. with together here,
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where a unified nation, you need to step up to take that responsibility. and responsibility can also be differentiated. we can leave a certain percentage in the us here, but then that's how many different categories and the others control the idea on different levels. okay, the more we have participated in different types of units, whatever it is, the greater the um, the, the, the identity with the id f as with is oh and then things will become easier as time goes on. as i'm, let's try to i'm, i'm back where do keep play is now it is wise done when it comes to the exemption issue is concerned. you, i've got on them and this has to happen. then your guns is on board 5 minutes. have benjamin. that's in the house, seems to be in the most extremely delicate situation. how do you explain the situation to all viewers?
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should be aware of this is also the thinking competition for who's going to be the next 5 minutes and the age while position sits in the best that wins is ability, you know though to be able to be really into what does it next go. so. busy it's not just a question of. busy principally in this situation. so going to go through the lectures. the gate is an issue and make it more difficult to say. and it's quite clear that the guy that wants to be private is styles it to, in the video watch the video to be blind, but it's still as well as guns. so. ringback i'm not sure what was the state of the guns too because it needs to go easier.
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busy they need c c o they're. busy okay, this is a go. oh, that's really good. i keep i is, there's an indication of that to you. i've got on one got on once to see prime minister. hey larry h as in bought us to in the near future because he does understand like anyone else, but there's absolutely no way for nothing yahoo to say yes, i am on board knowing that he would lose the most important block in his coalition, which was basically the all trouble for those as well. i say that go on to he's in a position that he's doing if he does a dooms, if he does not, he doesn't want to be part of another attempt to tell the high codes of just these, some falls pre sizes that we can heavy both ways and we
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would reach some kind of another combination was the old oh to dogs that day they wouldn't be able to save a few lines. is photos of the bluff? he also was this probably in the next elections. he was not be the candidate to be the minister of defense since he was also and he agreed to. i liked it on how he took responsibility for the blunder of october 7th. so he hasn't got much to use short of his dignity. and he is rich, be attention, that's an honest politician and a former major general. and he's also talking to his media and he knows better than everybody else. that as i said before, we need those people to 70. i and i wish that one day we will also have these ready
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out of the 48, but his student is being bought both our defense forces. okay. a lot by who is well, i'll be listening to you basically saying that the 2nd does have to understand who we are. where do we stand and they have to be appreciative of our own historical concerns. now you have your own organization, which is fine to integrate the ultra office of jews in the ministry establishment. do you believe that this could be the moment for you for the have with them to, to move a step forward for the sake of bridging the divide with the, with that with that with the 2nd with 2nd us. but i think that absolutely this, this must be a time to step forwards because we must not step backwards. we cannot go back to october 6th. we cannot go back to the boys of the jews among themselves. and
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without some kind of resolution of this issue, we run the danger of taking a step back to the pre of to the 7th day, and that is an impossibility for the sustainability of israel. now how do you take that step forward is a delicate question and i think it requires you to understand it on both sides. of course, it's up to the canadian to be it's the opposite with it all to be able to take a step forward and, and grace to some degree. the greatest story of the state on is right. yes, we're a part of it. yes, we want to be responsible and also i think a frightful one of you are the guest. it's amanda. this needs to be a privilege. i'll tell you which way we are now standing at the moment where the state of israel is really society is going to be re constituted. this is a, a seminal movement for the state division. and i think that the onto the don't want to be there in taking that responsibility and playing
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a role in the re constitution of the state of israel clearing the role requires responsibility. i think it's possible thought needs to be understood that this is the process. it's not a one night fixed, that would be an impossibility. you might be agree, it's a process and it will go, you know, it needs to be at vast. but as far as that, now, gentlemen, if this stays the same, there's no consensus about the exemption, right? what happens next for as well, a political deadlock government collapses will just be this. as usual. you may be a government of the crisis and the, i know the people initially and there is a one to the new elections. busy need to get to the know a, this is obviously a possibility. so just because of this situation i a o z
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is. busy with the dogs, with a mix up go to mines is because they don't want to lose this car issue. this one nation is the best the was it can have the, you know, the sickly was the society and is a stick. you that goes with the, the, like say, accept all the i keep the they, they, they, they, they all top off of the little make us tried and failed to bring about, and the dislocation that would present that can that exemption forever. the supreme court also avoided the load i was planning to waive the draft of the ultra orthodox . could it be the supreme court, the ultimately would have to have a say in the near future is actually this guy size, who is the,
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is with the consolidation uh that was produced by n w o. and he's gang on the basis of the democratic rules and respecting the judgements off the high court. but i want to add to the discussion. why don't say i also would like to see the alter the community and the orthodox for the dishes. so i think the piece process, because if you want to make sure that we don't need so many soldiers, we need to have peace, ultimately as to how fortunately, the old adult spot is that a politician have left the option of collision. where is the, is where the center left in order to reach an agreement with the senior on a 2 state solution. you've called heavy both ways. you want a big,
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what you need is piece a run by it, which was in 20 seconds. please. can you respond to a case of 20 seconds? well, that's what i said. let me just congratulate you and your team. i find you very well prepared, so well done for the preparation. and in response to a key, you know, the orthodox, generally inclined to believe in peace through strength, is that they lean towards the right, but that doesn't preclude the possibility of other co relation to on the 4th of time, gentleman a biased about fafsa. i came by the professor if i'm in by i really appreciate you insight looking forward to talking to you in the near future when there's more developments on this particular story. thank you. a tool for it. so you can see the program again, any time by visiting our website as a z dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash aga insights. so you can also have a conversation with alex, a 100 is at a ga,
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insightful for me. ask you about about on the inside team here in the back one of the on march, the 70 us president joe biden delivers his state of the union address with issues such as economic recovery, integration, and america's response to global conflicts on the agenda. 10 by me, reaffirmed his leadership credentials in his personal election year, special coverage from washington dc. this is the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. not too long ago, this kimberly's 5 to is one box named naomi. how they call themselves was a lender. their role on the side that differentiates to how the government forces defeat the homeland enemy. thousands of fighters have been deployed to post the number of soldiers on the phone line. they accuse brundis positive on coming upon me and 2 to 3 examples. karen says, she's not afraid to die. i am a soldier. i see my relative suffering. that's why i decided to come here. not one across the border. the colanda here say there was, is to make sure that go, mom is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that enter 235 does not seem to the 16th for now the see their focus is pushing back empty 3,
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your colleagues, buddhas, or di trying the a no respite in gossum and is really air strikes. it's a home as a mosque and didn't buy it off. at least 9 people are killed and dozens wounded. the you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters and i'm getting obligate to also coming up. no excuses because the truth is a flooring to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. presidential guidance as the us will air drop humanitarian aid into god.


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