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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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it's a fly does not seem to have a setting for now. the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your colleagues borders or di trying the no respite in gossum and is really air strikes. it's a home as a mosque and didn't buy it off. at least 9 people are killed and dozens wounded. the, you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters, and i'm getting you navigate is also coming up. no excuses because the truth is a flooring to gaza. is nowhere nearly enough. presidential guidance has been us will air drop humanitarian aid in 2000. so while the situation gets more dire by the day, the mexico's race for president
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officially gets underway will explain why this election will be a story. and haiti's prime minister isn't coming out to ask for help to fight criminal gangs who've taken much of the capital photo for the beginning dollars all where at least 9 people have been killed. and then is really bombing of a home in the central area off the strip. these are the scenes the oxo hospice. so that's where dozens of the wounds that have been taken for treatment. the strikes and didn't by law also hit a mosque. meanwhile, the military wing of him asked, that's bill cut. some brigade says that 7 captives have been killed in is really air strikes. it's not immediately clear when they died. the group says is really attacks have now killed more than 70 captives. the announcement comes as real face
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as global condemnation for the killing of a 115 palestinians who are waiting for food aids on thursday. the united nations has sent a team to and she felt hospital in gaza. city were most of the injured are being treated as cold for an independent investigation. as i speak to you, this hospital is treating more than 200 people that were injured yesterday. you have seen people with gunshot wounds. you've seen up to these and we have seen the children as young as 12 that were injured. yes. street. these events should not be about what we need to have safe secure passage throughout the us and to reach the people that needs to understand and in gaza. city, at least 5 palestinians have been killed in an air strike and in the ends, a 2 neighborhoods. delta 0 is assigned and who is there?
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now hold on to month. the tie as i'm standing in the middle of as a to a neighborhood. it was one of the most densely populated areas in causes city, but it was invaded by these really forces on 2 occasions during this war and before the land defensive them of the area was carpet bombs for days, killing and injuring hundreds in today. dozens of dead bodies remain buried under these ruins and dozens more are still lying on roads. but there's massive destruction at large scale devastation as the pictures show. houses leveled buildings burned down and infrastructure destroyed near when you're at the mountain, mostly with the salad. but most offers of destruction on a massive scale beyond any description of homes were destroyed. this is all that is left of my property bestowed. a bad thing can also say i'm gonna pass off a dock out of the last time i called my family was 5 days ago and they told me the situation was dangerous. i austin, to the company and they told me snipers and drones were all around them. and they
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couldn't leave it, but i do not know what else killed so buried underneath the debris. i appealed to the right across the whole will be most to help us remove the trouble to find well, some of these all nations they had as at the columns of smoke are still seen rising from buildings which were set on fire by these rarely forces had they've destroyed every aspect of life in the gaza strip, even depriving people of the possibility of returning to their holiness at hail on . yeah. then opens the awful bubble with my family and i were at the home and all of a sudden we were showered with mrs. and training between dark and we were definitely, we kept calling out to one another. our neighbors to start to charge a few of their sons were killed. and one of them had his head of going on. but now it is just a minute just, i mean these are some of the dead bodies recently recovered from under the ruins in the neighborhood. and most of them are women and children being killed inside their homes. as these really missiles and shells fell on their heads,
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residents and civilian defense teams on hand in hand are hoping to find any survivors under this multi story building. i mean, i normally, i know we are doing our best to recover dead bodies and hoping we can find any survivors. we found some trapped underneath the rubble. they've been there for 10 days without food or water. the grace of god, they're still alive. there's large scale devastation with that carpet bombing and followed by a landing page. i think there's been the intentional destruction of homeless i in the infrastructure and every aspect of life in the gaza strip. it's night of the whole just the of the highest. they doing medina to as well. the u. s. has announced that plans to begin air dropping humanitarian aid into causal precedent. joe biden also says he will insist that is real, allows more a trucks into the strip. my counter reports from the white house that is meeting with the a tele and prime minister, president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into garza this in conjunction with the jo damian. air force. these are
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likely to be m r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land, as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now it's nowhere nearly enough and it's in large are on the line, it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by less until we get more 8 in there, we should be getting hundreds of trucks out to several photos this time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get
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a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to woke that one back. he said a few days ago that he expects a safe spot to be in place on monday. next week this would allow the release of captives in garza and the release of palestinian prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduce creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington. israel has announced plans to expand its illegal settlements on thursday. it sees nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land and the occupied westbank. saint bas robbie husband speaking to palestinians with fear,
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they could be displaced soon. waving as a re, a in the occupied westbank on palestinian land between jerusalem and bethlehem communities that have lived here for generations are under threat. and let me show you why that. but right over there isn't, is really settlement. israel's government has said that it plans to expand that settlement and displace the people living here. the move threatens to shut down businesses along the longest stretch of commercial road in the occupied west bank. people come here from all over to find what they need and the furious roads will be closed. shops will shut down and people will lose their jobs in our grad issues. then it is very important to the people here. if you take this land, you take a solid and we feel very painful when that happens because we really suffer the 2nd floor and then what colors that are. yeah. if they do it, they will feel is that if they think valencia and then but a was a new,
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we never can get a little here. that means is that it would be surrounded by the was whatever is real, does this, it is about connecting and legal settlements to each other and expanding their footprints and disconnecting palestinian communities from each other, making them weaker and their daily lives. much more difficult issue for the almost died up in interstate and everything. palestine is targeted by the occupation land people, countries. we always fear for our children on their way to school. or when they go to her sheets. we remain apprehensive until they return home. children have even been run over on the road, about tucked article that pro palestinian activists say, how is real is behaving in posting and territories is akin to the wild west. they are treating it like a smashing crab. they are going in and caring out conflict and war and gaza. they are caring a brutal raids in the occupied westbank. and while the world's attention is
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elsewhere there, scooping up more and more palestinian land and claiming it as their own gross violations of international law, st. beside the old g 0, a lot of the in the occupied west back as a palestinian refugees in lebanon, are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of their friends and families who are trapped in gaza. many haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks. zayna hood reports from accounts in northern 11 on israel's world also has reopened old wounds. this is the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians trapped in garza. alley mohammed. no shars waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is that there the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i am the holy. the last time i spoke to my brother's son,
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he told me many of the time in the autumn, no interruption. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months and i'm not able to reach them communications out about what's happening to the people in guys the is the biggest crime. getting the cobra on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed in his really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya for and what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war. for many garza is all that's left of palestine. a good look on the look on the resistance is our only hope we have been abandoned by on a beat of some of the but the resistance is too strong. but i'm, you know, we want to be defeated. what is the or wants to push the statements from guys and they won't be able to do that. i'm being cut out in the, almost all i'm open more in this camp. there's support for what thomas called the l
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x of flood attack against as well on october 7th. they say it was in response to the years long type blockade on the strip. and the collective punishment of the population. conditions in gaza, they say were unbearable. just like their lives and excise, little has changed for palestinian since they were forced to flee from their homes when israel was created in 1948. they've only known a life of displacements and remains faithless. marginalized and poor with an uncertain future palestinians 11 on struggle, they are banned for many professions, the majority have enjoyed suffering for the past 76 years. i have been good, but give up. i call you every night. i'm very worried about my brother on my system that somebody has so many of our family are still under no, but they could still be like for the out of my be what is alive is the struggle
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for a palestinian homeland. for those in exile there is no other option. they say this is a fight for existence. then there osha 0 but that we can northern nothing on in the u. k, an outspoken politician has won a parliamentary bi election hoster, promising to advocate for him does on george galloway appeal to muslim voters in the community of rochdale in northern england. and he accused both the labor party and the governing conservatives backing israel. and the goals of war, harry faucet reports from rochdale, that we intend to pilot a rochdale revival at his victory party and rochdale. george galloway was already promising another when at a general election later this year. and a constituency with a 30 percent was the electorate is focused on gaza alongside local issues. when i'm nearly 40 percent of the vote, a mandate he told out to 0,
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he intended to use. so i believe i'm speaking for millions of people in read them whose hearts are broken, who's got solved range by this locked are in gaza. and they are under represented to the point almost of invisibility in the british media minutes earlier and nearly 300 kilometers away rush, he's still not gave his 1st of a live address from the downing street elect and the focus what he called poisonous efforts to divide british society and piece do not feel sites in the herbs. longstanding, parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns and is beyond alarming. the last night, the rush style ball election returned to candidates who dismisses the horror of what happened on october the 7th. who glorifies has belong on his endorsed by nick griffin, the racist former leader of the b n p. the also
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a tough of police seem to pro palestinian protests, drawing a line between demands for protection of civilians. and what he said because provided to hi, galloway dismissed that was party politics in an election year. i'm a prime minister. he didn't respect. there's be much discussion of how much can be read into why the british politics from what's happened in rochdale by elections frequently give rise to a typical results. this one particularly exceptional in the 2 main parties would be interested in full, not me. the labor widely took to win the upcoming election. it was a slow motion disaster from the moment that this owned its own candidate last month for airing. and t is ready, conspiracy theories about the october, the 7th tax galloway, our new one. because labor didn't stand a candidate 5 regrets that we have to withdrawal of candidate and apologized devices in rock style. but i took that decision. it was the right decision election and a politician like george galloway in the constituency. like watch sales literacy like
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garza to the full, was always going to attract attention. intervention of the prime minister is on the cards and back garza likely to be high on the agenda and the coming on for the next collection at least the fullest. and i'll just 0, rush. the still ahead on al jazeera protests, an urgency no. as the right wing presidents have given a, threatens to override congress and his funds for economic reforms. the cares are weather report for the middle east and africa. looking at this video coming out of las scott the other day looking more like a hurricane rolled through here, quite a storm system. this is produced flooding in bulk astonished snow storm in afghanistan, and it has dramatically dropped down to temperatures and most got just 19 decrease
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for you on saturday. but give it a bit your temperature as well arrives as well below where you're shipping. now that we're in the month of march, looking for about 30, but again, you're temperatures coming. hopefully the next few days, waterview shows us not much else going on across the arabian peninsula. it's quiet . i did talk about that storm system in focused on and afghanistan. so cobble looking at about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters of snow and northern buckets. time looking to pick up a months worth of rain in 24 hours. what weather, dancing in. so that western side of circa, let's go to africa right now where it's dried up across cell. jerry and it's an easy i, we did have some pretty violent weather there. and excessive heat alerts had been issued through the central african republic and showed that includes bunky at $37.00 degrees and some of the temperatures in nigeria is fault. boucher could hit 40 to the south. we go. it's been hot and dry and windy through the cape provinces in south africa. wildfires have a wrapped in near a cape town and that hot weather will carry on through the weekend.
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the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade loses its survival skills that re discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the the,
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here's a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera this hour. at least 9 people have been killed in an is really bombing in a home of the home and central gauze, off the strikes and dated by not also had a moss and the wounds would have been taken to a hospital. the number of palestinians killed it is really a tap on crowds waiting for humanitarian aid on thursday has risen to a 150 in the united nation. so sent a team to and she's on hospital. that's where most of the injured are being treated and it's called for more a to be allowed into a northern 1000. us as it will begin error dropping to monitoring an aid and to the gaza strip. presidential guidance at he'll also insist that is really allow more a truck in 2000 urgency and as president has delivered a major policy address to congress. have you mean a said his nation has no future unless it's economic model is changed? and there were public protest ahead of his speech with people angry about his
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economic reforms. malay has ruled back many subsidies since he came to power in december. the presidential candidates in mexico had begun their campaigns and for the 1st time the 2 main contenders are women. polling will take place on june. the 2nd, the nation is facing several economic and security challenges. townhome and reports in the capital of mexico city. it was a statement when time cavities showing down to mexico city central plaza, the hall of the country to launch a presidential campaign, about $200000.00 people showed up to the front of the presidency in large part because she's a chosen to the current populate incumbent and today's manual lopez over the door and she's not afraid to play on that. you can now. so you gotta be in the shop so that the president can hear it's an honor to follow over the door. so no. c to the
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full name of mexico city and environmental engineer pledge to continue have predisposes, look us up and i'll be going to let the privilege didn't corrupt return. that's why we're going to keep fighting for the trust the nation of mexico for opponent the opposition candidates. so to, to go was up to, to start her own campaign with midnight. rephrase me. you the town and mexico with most residents, fee for the safety and no insight. facebook 96 percent of the people in the city feel insecure and no one to the mess because some of sides missing people, models of civilians and police offices. here in front of me, i, as in all of mexico, people are afraid she's trying to attend the achilles heel of showing bowman lopez over at those ruling paul tay morrenda. but it hasn't been able to stop mexico's in demik violence. so now the guy is plain spoken with indigenous rates and miss g. b
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a side, the ones who will have parade through the country. you send it in a t rex cost you to protest outdated policies. gov is how's the popular touch somewhere, but she's facing an up hill back to the post showing them would move in double her projected bugs. whatever happens with mix categories to be a visit to this selection is going to be his story a and that's the best for it's going to have. it's the president for a country mixture. these were the savings for women. pretty much that's huge. now come 3 months of grueling campaigning for so to to go was to try and break what looks like an unshakable lead showing about john home and how does it mit screws today? there's been a surgeon violence in haiti's capital with the top gang leader threatening to prevent the prime minister ariel henri from returning to the country. henri is in
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kenya, which has agreed to send police officers to a t as part of a un approve mission. rob reynolds reports, 80 street, so been engulfed in violence for 2 days with heavy gunfire reported near the international airport and residents leading in droves in the roby, acting prime minister ariel. henri and kenyan president william router o, signed an agreement that they hope will clear the way toward the deployment of 1000, kenyon police officers to haiti as part of an international security support force . what these mission of these bringing is hope for the future. we are making this at this point because it is what is right. it is what you money to. it is what schuman kind. you can do 2 fellow human kind. can you agreed to lead the united nations authorized force last year?
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but the canyon high court blocked the move unconstitutional grounds, including because of the lack of formal agreements between the 2 countries. it's unclear now whether the new pact will satisfy those legal requirements. on thursday, apparently coordinated gang attacks on police stations left at least 4 officers dead and on no number of civilians were killed. airlines cancel flights to to us on low of a to airport when the area came under heavy fire. jimmy barbecue shows a, a powerful gang leader said, a confederation of armed groups plan to prevent only from returning to haiti and said they would arrest police commanders and other senior officials. if i go to music, c, d r e o, on re has no the tennessee to sign any contract. how are you losing power? thanks to the international community, especially the us, canada and friends. but far from being reassured, residents say they're terrified there was heavy shooting,
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a lot of gunshots. everybody was lying down on the floor. he has suffered a downward spiral of gain related violence, killings, rates and kidnappings. since president juvenile them was a, was assassinated in 2021. many haitians consider henri and illegitimate ruler because he is not held the elections, but on reset. now is not the time for voting. put up desire name like you know, to, to finish. last year, nearly 5000 people were reported killed in haiti, according to you and report more than double the number of deaths from the previous year. rob reynolds, l. g 0 to russia now, where hundreds of people queued up to pay their last respects to the kremlin critical accent of all needed his funeral and moscow. they've only died 2 weeks ago and an arctic prison. russian authorities say he died of natural causes, but his supporters, blaine positive leveretts would send for his death. julia shop
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a. val lavolle reports from moscow. a precious number one position activist faces corruption flight to the symbol of freedom for many takes his last journey at exceeding the ball. and his parents and loved ones gathered for a solemn ceremony of the church in the remote district of mosca, where he wants lived. his wife usually who blames president fledging? the pacing has been steph, could not be present as it's no longer safe for her to enter russia. but she published the firewall note to her late husband, the most of his own. these allies were not in attendance either. as the old living exile, thousands of he supposes filled the roads leading to the church to pay tribute to the mind. please the vision of quote, a beautiful rochelle. the future continues to inspire and resonate with them. this is the death of all future and all hope i didn't come here to more unity,
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but to see the unity of the people in the fired vine of all. and the struggle with vice he up to switch to the academy at to see if everything was lost. nothing is lost guys. it's terrible that the chico for people to govern. still being silent was a bit of election divani. but we see that we are together. we are ready to change the country and it's great. several for an and boss. it isn't russian or position. the thing is was suppose that among the crowd, after the church service sounds proceeded to the cemetery. a stream of people stretching over several kilometers and translating the volunteers name, new enforcement offices, world highlighted to insure the procession remains alternate and without incidents unexplainable. and it has been buried. be very suspicious. symmetry and se, most check, the 10s of thousands of he supposes, keeps coming to the symmetry to be in power of sources didn't prevent the media from covering the event or the state news. let's widely ignored it. there's
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a short reaction, was brief, but the claimant, spokes person had this warning to of only supposes you really need some training. you and they're, any on authorized gatherings will be illegal, and all those who would heart dissipate in them will be held accountable by law. all those who came to pay their respects was photographed by most men and out do surveillance cameras. with facial recognition technology, a reminder for them to haze the criminals was of caution you lash above oliver ultra 0 most go zambia has announced the state of emergency to tackle a severe drought. its government is seeking international aid to make up for a food shortfall after annual range fails. dry conditions have threatens corn crops and the livelihoods of small scale farmers around 70 percent. and so i'm going to rely on these farms for their food, the software, cuz unemployment rate is higher than ever. it's then it's ever been so sophistic
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show that one in 3 people are unemployed. the mining sector is the latest to layoff stuff. and with just 2 months until elections, the government's under pressure through create jobs and attract voters. farmington miller reports this morning type is indeed south africa. thousands of workers could be about to lose their jobs. and little american platinum is planning to cut the $3700.00 jobs across its mines, including this one. it's one of the world's largest platinum mining companies and it blames lower profits for the layoffs when we meet the group of union leaders outside. we aren't allowed to form inside the disability bit to for, for this done, but because it is just by now i have what you're going to do. we're going to go the process of what is the way it looks like. and i'm going to fight for all my people not to have that number that the company to propose to and it shows anglo american platinum says a dropping commodity prices and lower demand has led to
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a decline in production. and so it has to restructure it says as a last resort, because he said the broader opportunity is really creating a more diverse and a job opportunity spaces. and i forget that you have other industries which are able to tear tracks and also retain employment. according to the world bank, south africa has one of the highest levels of inequality in the world. with 62 percent of the population living in poverty. rolling power outages crumbling, infrastructure and corruption have negatively affected investments and economic growth. this says, i mean election year for south africa during its manifesto, launch the governing african national congress promised to create 2 and a half 1000000 jobs over the next 5 years. critics say despite being in power for 3 decades, they and c has.


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