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tv   Witness Monkey Man  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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is as a last resort because he said the broader opportunities really creates a more diverse and job opportunity spaces. and i pretend that you had other industries which are able to tear tracks and also retain employment. according to the world bank, south africa has one of the highest levels of inequality in the world. with 62 percent of the population living in poverty. rolling power outages crumbling, infrastructure and corruption have negatively affected investments and economic growth. this says, i mean election year for south africa during its manifesto launch the governing african national congress, promised to create 2 and a half 1000000 jobs over the next 5 years. critics say, despite being in power for 3 decades, they and see hasn't managed the economy effectively. and even more people now want employed, at least a 3rd of south africans, most of them young unemployed. and anger is growing when the mining sector is
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unionized, but many a part of an alliance with the governing party. the amc was going to a congressional in the product itself and see how best can we, we in the lives of the poor people in this company. well, we're interested, we definitely can these on congress coming they've done that? i do next is a recent poll by market research firm. if so, i'll suggest support for the agency. is it 58 percent down from 45 percent in the last election. thousands of people that other mines also likely to be laid off. the industry is one of south africa's largest employers of local and foreign workers and job loss as well. and tony affect them, but their families to so many develop ultra 0 type as in b, limpopo province south africa for hundreds of times. and so i've attended a memorial service for the former president on me has on when he he was tons and he a 2nd post independence presidents and served from 1985 to 1995. he opened
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the door, it's a multi party democracy and private entre prize. but his 10 year also sol, corruption scandals, the force, some donors to freeze 8. facebook's parents company meto, it says it will no longer pay australia, news outlets for content that appears on facebook's websites. and that's assigned a number of deals with traditional media outlets in 2021. after australia pass laws requiring tech platforms to pay for news content on their sites. okay, we'll have more news coming up right at the top of the hour, but up to next. it's witness, thanks for watching the zeros here to report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lives and making sure that you're
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hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the region and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care, district, the or the book is done with the book and the people, people. yeah. the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, i mean they, you think you're good, so you pay like peebles, so the gallery don't accept the money.
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yeah. there we go. the legal law locates the people the communities due to the, the b to b. the idea. yet if you can use the easily the clue because somebody makes
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me, i repeat the, the, the uh, the b to the lease or like the cobra did go to g or nothing by that says he already i did call my post in to g, g, or google or z. uh oh, i can call i gave you a to gigi as easily. yeah. okay. as the happy
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k as he already got those vocal up there. totally. oklahoma called us in the room to be we'll into manually getting my your contest or the gay use. think or putting must see notated, but it will not tell you the thing. it will literally only say to life and i'm glad that you put me in to let you know, hopefully because in most we are legal porter and critical. and then you know the,
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you know, you model the need to relate the yeah. again, model it gave who they need to be made out and they need to take you to the to hold up in front of the team. please go to join the line. your tanza. i todd to be i'm excited. i for kyla, it's a v yet all of the english, both that are less key mika. and i like it. uh, okay,
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i can, i say color. yeah. can i? that's what that means and therefore it is thursday and that's how do i get up and do the, the i the guy it was, which is the only settlement from the other. but i'm at the local guys. it needs that, that he is. he uncles him of it over. i know i'd be a lot of task is that i'm a $10.00. yep. there we go with the. yeah. the with the uh is it expensive? plentiful side is a 2, is a part of the legal is a lot of static on global legal, but the guys who revisit this will be able to give you. okay. yeah, yeah. well, when it goes into doing that, if there's the truth of when i get the numbers offline, it is and we look at ways to communicate with them. give me a call. the take on the
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the the by the, the get the most of the needle usually you know where you're never going to piece but i believe in the local move. yes. i mean yeah, totally. that will be less. you can you say to assess those have been so i use units have been paid for this order is, has, let me, let me double name orlando, the in the media in data will be able to be a set of these for the boundary to be the issue you get out of st. animals for
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you. so you go go to level and be more than the people. yes. all the things that this this i comes i forget that for, for them, for me is hall a more can see in the house, you know, those on demand that, you know, does that some of the, some of those. but those is, there's a so that was kind of the comment is laid out, is countertops. i mean, thing? well man thinking deanna and the, unless it was on the slips, i mean most leave it as i live on 70 last. i mean, the momentum i moving to chicago, the name of care settlement in the schools the way the fields began to me. i believe
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i wound up in the hopefully you need to go to to handle the the bills normally. oh yeah. and i really need to move it to the, to the helium. we go because, you know, we're a court that we love a me, this is ebony those for you. it is a good way to get there for you. i go by the beginning because i think it's only
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better to me, a favor because i never really meet the no not a week ago moved on the edge of the timing. we didn't include them. didn't go to some take a told me the email, but it didn't. we overlap the we have these that i brought up is there not give? i got to equal deal, but i get we have we have to get all of them. you need the you can ok. i mean, we believe he's, he didn't in there smoking, you'll be really excited to be able to know what you mean. okay. do you think if you kind of put it over to the uh
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the the
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the, the do the same. what do you guys do like when we sell for a lot of you know, say when i say mama, me, you work at least a couple of the month and discuss the those my thing as much as i got. i may then be like the get a get up in the where i might, it would or he was are you ready? yep. h
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to help you with the money to do them over the order. yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah. okay. well here's what. usually the, the movie. yeah. the your yeah, he's probably the basement. what room you go with the, you know, really what i said we were your thing. we had to we as a menu which is close to that.
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yeah. well let me go by the by the some of the cities will let me see if i me see what they mean by the word of a panic. he won't open to the minute. the example, if we can someone to quote, i'm going to be the and i'm going to get a, i mean the
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the the degree yet i will be that he got the number pretty book is really busy. yeah. of the the
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moon. oh oh, here you go. easy because you're like you know who to get normal pool, get a normal pool. maybe your think on wheels is more know how much. ok. and it to him. i don't think it will take away you. i might need to move forward. i live in the building there using the menu and then yeah, yeah. get new employer when you get a good deal for me?
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no. yes. it has to be at the 2 for 3 of them, but yeah. at the, you know, going towards religion is winning a you is who maybe angry you, it's a wonderful day. all your through. you guys will be leaving the thing when you get to a, including my was not really going to put it on the face, the the getting the money the and for the rest of the really a my poor, you bottom of my, you're not into him for making a, you know, getting to know your man, you, but again, the get us a little different. i must say
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move over. i don't wanna give you. so he was the go back to your part of the time your he said when i seen only human comfort, most of the 990 and listen me on the know started looking your utility for me. so if you my mind woman with the, you know, the committee does take wheels for the government. the know, if it be you underneath these are the kids that are to you does come with a new black because i really like home me my, you know of the me, you know, the update my little braces, my mind looking pretty low. yeah. well, your boy is if you just to be looking to the whole point. okay. i understand, you know, do you think one of the
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other that is the ticket for my new year? that's what they gave us the news. the 2nd, if i moved the money to the value of the play by the the deal the
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the the, the new quote was sent to you. yeah. g 3, is that about it, but oh yes. oh, that'd be a good one. 0, beautiful. i got when boys, you know, i would, i could barely simple even though you said that they kind of more, less than me. yes. when you pull that up with the with you get a cool thing i, when did you get the videos that were kind of on the theater? you long as the if you need the sounds example can. so
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the big i love categories, the da instead of the of the inquiry with to find out we of course the most of it is the team you turn in
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to let them know the guy is in the tampa. you know, if they will get them to you as a, put in to you a little bit more for the cvc therapy, the good thing confident they were to do these sewing strongly with new guns this idea of use to send a u t, which is what we attribute orlando, you know, in the g monita not, did you more? do you use any voting for example, put up with, you know, they had the mean the do, you know, you don't want to put a thing that you want to body to the mean? you beautiful, you know, you know, can we, i couldn't wait, but i mean, it will be a,
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is this also is you see in the, in the know the and will be for the, the force he really the course i didn't look at the some more mean though they do, let's see. let's see. oh no. they don't is they must be still know the ok. and then you go on the sign, the why job i even though it's inside the single single, the visa and i'm is, is you this the kid to do is the c e o, fatal. the feedback that i might be get me into to the side of the yard with it or do you tell your people part of that nature? you mean you did, they call it the easy way to compile your ability to go into my credentials. you can take care of that, so you have again, but i will and your kids will give us
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a new deal. the guy that will give you a good movie or that you may take up to sunday the because the un what to do or can you hear me for the name or the day? yeah, we're getting a new release of the need to know the story. so we can go from the the,
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the blind, like the lease fruits salads and indigenous mother and box on an incredible jenny for justice. time was the seeking reparation for others. like with no political background. she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. john . so that's kind of the, you know, that comes in should be a whole new look of the what the last of the, of the,
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of the top of head. also the vision is gonna then of been the for sure. like this. still assuming most of the hard hitting the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito, in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did x or to hear the story on talk to how does era
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the . ready the united nations, as most palestinians who were targeted while waiting for food aids, suffered gunshot wounds. the 0 lie from the headquarters in delphi, and getting you navigate is also coming up no respite in gaza and is really or strikes. it's a home and a mosque and did, and by now at least 9 people are killed and dozens wounded. no excuses because the truth is a point to go. nowhere. nearly president joe biden says the us will era drop humanitarian aid into cause off.


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