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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that was happening because of the task of media attention, the stream on out to 0. we don't have a focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering that the reports are? we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the un says most of the palestinians injured via is really forced, as while waiting for food aid on the last day. suffolk gunshot, a 115 people were killed them out of the hello again. i'm just don't see it, hey, this is out of the right life from the also coming. and his really as striking a home and a mosque and they're all on these 15 people killed. thousands of us says it will add, dropped the food and surprise into the cost of it agencies and say,
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and weren't fee enough for the millions of palestinians facing salvation. the mexico, his race for president sufficiently gets under way will explain why this the election is expected. to be starting the while we begin in the gaza strip with united nations as most of the palestinians, so injured an israeli attack on gauze, a city on thursday, suffolk gunshot wounds, at least a $115.00 palestinians were killed. when is there any forces? shouted crowds who had gathered to collect food aid, the un sense of team to see if a hospital in garza city with most of the injured increases. it's also cool for an independent investigation. to do this hospital is treating more than 2 hundreds of people that were injured yesterday you have seen people with gunshot ones.
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you've seen up to tease and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that were injured. yes. street. these events should not be about what we need to have safe secure passage throughout the house and to reach the people that needs this amount of 10 p. o is around. meanwhile, it has continued its bombardment to central garza where at least 50 new people have been killed off to is really strikes that targeted hundreds and they're all the mosque was also hitching up on boardman. meanwhile, the minute 3 wing, a mass, the cast them brigades says it is rarely as strikes, have killed, 7 captives being held in gauze, that's not immediately killer. when they died, the group says it's rarely attacks, have so far killed more than 70 captains. well that's beat trial correspondent, honey, before he joins me now on the phone. from rafa in southern garza news, we've been reporting more strikes overnight. also in the last few hours took us through what's been happening and what yes,
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world more. and then bombing campaign across the guy that sort of just within the 45 minutes, the car as his very own car. and then for the drop off was targeted by a draw near to the reports about a fleet by the critical injuries within the city, including the driver of the carpet. people who were walking by on the sidewalk were injured by this missile attack on the cargo reported too much on the fence on about now i must say that these got pack confident attacks on, on the back to the particularly bright. now with looks like it'd be a deliberate attacks on cause just only for pressure on health care facility that costs $50.00. we have to wait hospital or both sides, both facility and the job hospital. a lot of the little bit larger than the good hospital, but large data prepared for these emergencies. and the large number of injuries on top of the house that i have turned into
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a refugee camp already. literally people are inside the hospital on it's a 3 floors inside the crow door that makes the court yard like leading most space for paramedics, for, for doctors, for ambulance to move it freely, just slowly increasing the pressure on the health facilities it overnight or park it needs to be more concentrated in the central area and that has been consistent within the past few weeks. we've talked about 2 residential homes in there and by the vicinity of ross square, a penny counts was set up by a ton of videos including the mocked itself. of the high last last but targeted and destroyed, we'll look it up to you. people so far has been killed. the other injury is over forwarded to a lockbox that goes in the northern part of the city. the situation remain terrible and only getting worse. our way more people, more children, right now, side of star vision and hydration. i see what was the living, the app store,
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not of the flower atrocities as they describe it up to date or honey. you've also been reporting on the 100 and so it ended in thursday's incidents and calls us at eastern many of them. we know we're in critical condition. do we know how they've been doing, especially given the stays of the health facilities, as you say? well unfortunately, the tragedy of what's going on is the box, but there are no operation of the facilities in the northern park and got so many were talking about the super hospital, the largest health facility. and another part. i didn't the entire garza, it's for it. it served everyone as more the, the, the entire city. but right now it's turned into a play. it's worth people's are dying and i did the floors there is insufficient medic right now there is a really positive medical supplies. in fact, the availability of medical supplies and super hosted on our equivalent to non and with type reported from doctors without borders and,
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and united nations of their inability to deliver these not to very much needed medical supplies to the hospital. the only other a complicate that the stipulations inside the hospital doctor does not have that right now to intervene. it properly provide the medical the treatment needed to save life. and that's why we're expecting the number to increase or then the, the kind of injuries that arrived at the hospital is there's a perm folder or large number of at the close to 700 or even more important if at all different injuries that in the, the back in the neck or that little area there requires operational totally flipped operation rooms that are not available right now. it requires the availability of necessary medical supplies that are not available right now. just put the life of many of those injuries at rest. honeymoon was that was the latest for us from the ground in the gaza strip. thanks very much, honey. well, the us has now saying it problems to add drop humanitarian aid into gaza. we
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present joy buys and pushing for israel to allow more a trucks to into the area like kind of has moved from the white house that is meeting with the tele and prime minister. president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza. this in conjunction with the jo damian at both. these are likely to be m. r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land. as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing. augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now snow was nearly enough and it's a large are on the line and shoulders lives are on the line and we won't stand by
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and less. so right? so we get more 8 in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to, well, that's what becky said. a few days ago that he expects a ceasefire to be in place on monday next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of palestinian prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduced, creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington
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a whole dave houghton previously such as the usa id mission director to the occupied west bank and gaza. he says that drops are an ineffective way of delivering a each air drop is going to have about 2 truck was worth of, of goods of assistance. and i guess it's going to be a high altitude air drop so that the us air force and the crew on in harm's way. and so they're going to drop, you know, some cargo from 30000 feet or something. i got into the pentagon and really what needs to happen is just more crossings and more trucks and to come through every single day. i think the united states that's weak as it's frankly very disappointing to me. i feel like the a drugs are symbolic and design in a way to appease maybe the domestic base of the united states has the leverage to have it as well as open open uh arrows and former crossings like carney enough or
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lowes and sofa span. come over and expand raphael and the solid, the which is what am i to use but this really permission years ago. so the fact of the matter is united states has the ability to do. compel is rosa. open up more a into this very small enclave. and by not compelling these relatives to do this, we're putting our assets in our people risk. and by the way, we're, we're also patricia trading more and more chaos and the gaza, assuming that these are high altitude air, drones well, at least 3 people have been killed and is really striking southern 11 on the strike . we understand targeted vehicle traveling on a coastal road in the boat, a ton of no cora, let's be doing the mox, he joins us with more from occupied east or some. but i'm still no more comments
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from these really is on what happens in the course of the just in the last few minutes the saws. yeah, they have responded. they are looking into this incident that took place very, very close to these ready bought every 4 or 5 kilometers, just north of that bought a new car, a small, small town on the coast. that is the time of the, essentially the law settlement in that part of southern lebanon on the coast. a road then travels east from that all the way into the area more or less good thing, not for the we've seen these kinds of incidents and the policies right, is typically have not commented on these kinds of strikes on moving vehicles. but we do know that was the hezbollah yesterday claimed 6 set for a time on is ready for his i'm set for at least one a time on his rating drive. and i'm your an occupied easters, and i understand there is some kind of a not being organized by the families of, of captives being held in garza. obviously we've seen mounting pressure on these
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really guzman to change the the stones or do something more over the last few weeks and months. this has been a central issue trout, this conflicts, particularly domestically in israel. it's an increasingly vocal and politically influential movement led by the families of those believes to be held captive inside gaza. they're going to be meeting around 20 for them. it says north north west of the city of jerusalem, around 1 o'clock today gathering and then marching into the city for riley this evening. and as you say, this is something that is facing a huge amount of pressure on benjamin netanyahu. his government, it's something that he has said regardless of whether the ceasefire or not, he wants to bring those cop to time. but in terms of those conversations around the c spot, as negotiations involving egypt, capital, and the us between hum us and israel. it's a very so any question as to how many of those individuals, austin, a live inside garza netanyahu just
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a couple days ago saying he would not want to move forward with these piece thoughts until they have more information. they have the names of those that are still verify. i live just opposite the box there with the latest for us from occupied eastern east and we'll keep an eye on that launch for you as well. thanks so much fun. a lot of sessions from 12 countries have now signed a letter courting on their governments to ban on sales to israel. the $200.00 members of parliament judging lead is not to be completed and is rouse, grave violations of international. they argue that in alms and ball go is a legal requirement of to the international court of justice, ordered is round to ensure that it's forces do not commit acts of genocide and garza. and 9 of those are assigned to lead to our car rental. formerly does a political parties including the format u. k. labor lead, jeremy colbin and palestinian american congresswoman where she did live is the, or need us official to sign that. that's a well it's, i mean would count as a member of the belgian problem and who did find that nasa. he says the push to
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stop on shipments to as well as getting support in your a for sure to i'm totally agree was the latest and when the end of the band, with an uh, 2 steps and within 2 east, right. according to the international core of justice, this is indeed a risk of genocide and assume that the re country of the condition against genocide we have the legal and demo right. it will be gauged into us and to prevent the risk would of genocide slicing, displayed service this call of so many and p from europe is a good 1st step which we need to move to go further or in the store. the site, not only just up to said within 2 is way and that also to accept the transience of weapons to his. right. so he's quite so good news, but it's true that if not all of the country of europe decided to ship the same action, i mean, they can bring with funds by other countries. so this is the question that i have since months since this all for a tech on guys a. and it's true that i don't know why got so many country loans want to see to
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read to you? what is going in in guys i've seen one of the most difficult countries, germany, you know, that 7 percent of guns while the send to is why a from germany. but i, i've seen that know, there are some kind of change in the mind of people for the leaders is try to shake a bit. so if you can see the democrats and usa is uh, $1010.00 is going to be the speech of a noise too. that's weird. some country in europe is to complicate and you can see like, where is the connection between the 10, you know, and country. this is from the extreme rights beings body. and you bring this thrust id of donation in europe since many years. and you can see that there was some connection between we can both, but we keep fighting, we can fighting for international law, or we can fighting for a more also obligation to 3 or 4. but assume people will scroll ahead here on al
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jazeera for look at why versa townhouse appears to be at an all time low and runs parliamentary election. the a frank assessments here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fixed, critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial work and we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. real people, true stories close to home for so essential and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the welcome back. you're watching i was a 0. let's remind you about top story is the sound. and you and team says that most
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of the palestinians who were injured in gauze the city on thursday suffered gunshot, which is rarely soldiers opened fire on a launch crowd of people as they gather to connect food in at least a 115 people were killed. and at least another 15 people have kills. and is there any bombing of 2 homes and central dos strikes and girls all that? well, so here's a most of the windows have been taken to the the, the us as it will begin at dropping humanitarian aid. and so the goal is to strip present dry bite and said he'll so insist that is really loud, more a trucks and took off. well, that's dig into this along with fulton bar count. he joins me here in the studio. he's a professor of public policy at amada and cliche university. so tom, thanks for being with me. again, i want to unpack a little more about these adults with you. what sort of capacity are we talking about here, given the enormous names that we see or, or be really a drop in the ocean or flight is required as the specialist from usa,
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that you attribute area indicated at the best age address. we provide a cover that affects us 8, but the problem with that of course, is that they can't drop everything that is needed. they will drop what is available for them to drop. so they will drop most likely resumes meals that are usually provide. this has been hearing the truth from the russian hill, but that is not what the population necessarily require at this moment. certain items are for oil is very important for their depression is on can never be dropped from there because they will, the, the pilots will simply break. so it's not the ideal way to deliver aid. also, it requires assistance on the ground. someone on the ground does go to identify a safe zone for the job to take place. and that has not happened to now, if you recall a couple of days ago, the jordanians attempted to drop some and it ended up into the sea. now it also,
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it carries a lot of risk for the local population as they start following those drops for it to also uh it removes the ability of what the, what usually organizations do. they're able to identify who is the most valuable was in most need. and so this becomes a rather a base. it just, it drops on the population. the fittest would go and get more. and in fact, there might be more risk of the time us fighters will gather the drops, then the, then the local population. so in all way in old, i mentioned it is not to the most effective. and worst of all is it cannot happen without the approval of israel. now is there a has allowed jordanians to do it at the very beginning to help them relief pressures. and it's a bit within the streets and enjoyed that they're doing their part to doing their best and so on. but to now allow the nice it's to do it is really and think about is that the guys has the ability to make sure that is that follows the
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international which calls for unimpeded access ground access, the right quantities on time targeting the right people now and this is not on the trying by international humanitarian little now, it is as this was the ability of having reoccupied the gaza strip. they need to make sure that the population under the provision is protected. so if i want to pick up on something that you said, how do we know, for instance, a lot fee program has had to suspend a deliveries to an old and cause a because of, of an order status and, and the inability to, to secure the convoys i remember watching at drops and south through dawn when they were happening, the happening mostly on the road areas and, and there's no way as you mentioned, to, to secure the distribution on the ground because they're coming out of planes and people are running for them. could something like this, just add to the list of this on the grounds and creates more dangerous than dangerous situations. the people trying to get a and also actually kinda access for trucks. of course it's well understood also
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a very dangerous guy think add to the, to the d. my vision of the palestinians will again present them to the media as people who are ruthless running around the following packages of aid. and that doesn't really have a system. it will not help in terms of the long term objectives of nathan. yeah. on that is to do you have to collide the population so that they could live side by side. so it's not always great ticket. your thoughts here with us on the news? alice, thank you very much just for listen, thank you for being with us again. all to around now where ballot counting is under way of to friday's parliamentary elections. conservative candidates are expected to do well. now this is the 1st time that that verse has been house since nationwide. protests back in 2022 muscles that are reports now from the capital era to uranium is what that's for a new parliament on friday in an election seen as a test for the particular establishment in the country. this election is the 1st
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form, a measure of public opinion ceased nationwide protest in 2022 spots by the death of 22 year old mess. and many in police cost you running officials have enjoyed high water, turned out cecily establishment of the stomach republic of iran in 1979. but that changed into one to 20 parliamentary elections were turned out to remain at 42.5 percent. a significant throughout compared to previous elections. but as you move from now, the government and institutions are seeking a high turn out to restore the less than the c, which was damaged by you're going to be cautious now social unrest. andrews. jason, with the eyes of the world are on the wrong and on the, on the people of iran, they want to see what you will do, that you both are friends and foes from all sides. their eyes are on us so. so pay attention to you. go the ministry of interior fields is in charge of conducting the elections extended within time by 6 hours hoping to secure high turn out. well,
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you know, yes, it was always tell you that considering reports received from cities and requests from local governors, the interior ministry based on the election law with the approval of guardian council announces that the voting hours across the country are extended until midnight. while yes, many reformist, including for more than a sampler, you're running, present several honey. we're bare from the race ready and supposed to vote. as for members of the company's 88, c s complete of ex, verse, an 80 of turn on a panel that's with potentially a point. the company is next supreme leader of the company. that's why does election, may have a significant impact on the future of the islamic republic. to me around the turn off is a primary source of measurements the for the particular establishment of the war. 2 to be being counted. turn off may indicate a decline in public support, but the high turnout will give you good as a significant victory. by the point the committee eats this. you said that, oh,
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to 0 to wrong. oh awesome gina's president has delivered major policy address to congress. how do you hear me? lady said that his nation has no future unless its economic model has changed. they will have public purchased a head about speech with people angry about. his economic reforms really has rolled back many subsidies since he came to power back into some presidential candidates and mexico has begun. the campaigns polling is expected to take place on june. second, the nation is facing several economic and security challenges of correspondence on home and reports now from the capital mexico city. it was a statement in time cavities showing down to mexico city central plaza, the hall of the country. to launch a presidential campaign, about 200000 people showed up to the front of the presidency in large part
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because she's a chosen to the current populate incumbent and today's manual lopez over the door. and she's not afraid to play on that. you cannot. so you gotta be in the shop so that the president can hear it's an honor to follow over the door. so no. 7 to the full in their mexico city and environmental engineer pledge to continue have predisposes work by me of a bit. i'll be going to let the privilege didn't corrupt return. that's why we're going to keep fighting for the trust the nation of mexico for opponent the opposition candidate. so to, to go was up to, to start her own campaign with midnight. rephrase me. you the tell me mexico with most residents piece of the safety and no insight facebook, 96 percent of the people in the city feel in secure and no one to the mess because some of sides missing people. models of civilians and police offices. here in front of me, i as in all of mexico, people are afraid she's trying to type the achilles heel of showing bowman lopez
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over at those ruling. paul tay morrenda that it hasn't been able to stop mexico's in demick violence. so now the guy is plain spoken with indigenous rates and miss g . b a side. the ones who will have parade through the country, send it in a t rex cost you to protest outdated policies. gov is how's the popular touch somewhere. but she's facing an up hill back to the post showing them would move in double her projected bugs. whatever happens when mix categories to do this, selection is going to be his story a and that's the best for it's going to have. it's the president for a country to destroy. these were the savings for women, but she's got huge. now come 3 months of grueling campaigning for so to to go was to try and break what looks like an unshakable lead showing about john home and how
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does it a mexico city? well that's it for me in this policy. okay. next inside story and takes a look at growing goals, ultra orthodox jews to subs in the years. really ministry. i will see you off to that to stay with us here on i was was here in the the as being wits with rain and wind across portugal. in spain, hey, for one, that's where we're going to pick up the weather story. and as a result this is going to produce some pretty big waves off the coast of portugal, potentially up to 10 meters high. that's going to dump quite a bit of snow through the parent is think about 30 centimeters when you get above 1200 meters. now north of it's chilly air, still swirling around the islands of ireland and britain. there has been some snow northwest, ireland, southwest, england, and wales. so yeah,
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cold enough to see some flakes flying around. different story though, for a central europe temperature is on the high side here. but as a result, the snow pack not so stable in the old pine region, we have seen an avalanche in ne italy and certainly we could see some more over the next few days. otherwise, cloud covered gloomy conditions, some showers, but a few spells of sun as well. we've been of showers working across the turkey, so sharp seemed likely and assembled with a high for 11 degrees. then we'll call it the calm before the storm in algeria into needs the on saturday. let me show you what happens on sunday that active weather from the mid it training and drops down. so what and wendy for both elders and tunis for example, and it remains wendy in the western cape providence, including for cape town were wild fires. are burning of the heroes from i'll just on the go in the tonight i'll just there is
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only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites app to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the best renew? debating is right. a balance call charge of jews being exempted from military service with a will or does a escalating that on now cool to remove that exemption. what would it take to do it and how much politics is that play? invest debates. this is inside, sorry. the .


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