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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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done to escape all event, generations for episode one on how to 0. the un says many of the palestinians in june define is really forces all waiting for food days on passed a tough with gunshot for at least a 116 people were killed in that of the other one. this tells you tell you this is out of here at life and also coming to us says it will edge on the food and supplies into gaza. that agencies that say it will not be enough for more than $2000000.00 palestinians facing starvation. the politicians from 12 countries called on their governments to stop selling weapons to israel fighting violations of international no votes have
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been counted in iran following fridays complementary election news . while we begin in the gaza strip, where the united nations says many of the palestinians who were injured and then his really attack on garza city. on thursday, suffolk gunshot twins, at least a 116 palestinians were killed when his really forced his shots at the crown through dissembled to collect food aid. all the un send a team to el cheapo hospital in garza city where most of the injured have being treated as also quote for an independent investigation. the she like food and medicine is, was, is especially being felt in northern garza. we understand 5 more children has now died from acute malnutrition. have to come out on one hospital. this fall, that is among many who are desperate to save his child. and i want to know what it is and because i am your husband's father before the war. as you can see,
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his condition was good. they always provided him with food and the necessary medical care. during the war, all the necessities of stopped. so his condition has become, as you see now, his condition has changed as his whole, life has changed. this picture was taken a week before the war and giovanni, a at least 20 palestinians, have been killed. and 16 others wounded by is really selling, targeting house and the western part of the refuge account had falls on which begins our coverage. goes under fire again. and is really air strike hit the residential area and the mosque and did all fall off over night, killing several palestinians, an injury and many more the attack spirit, and no one feeling alexa, hospital with victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday,
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striking palestinians queuing for food or bodies have been found. the you in teams, it met the victim says many of those the so in a north guys a hospital had suffered gunshot. once, as i speak to you, this hospital is treating more than 200 people that were injured yesterday you have seen people with gunshot wounds, you've seen up to fees, and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that were injured. yes. street. these events should not be about want uh, we need to have a secure passage throughout the house and to reach the people that need somebody to take me. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians who are struggling to survive. of the un is now demanding full access to northern gaza. we need every single crossing into guys that hosting that we need them to. and people need
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to have not to do was put me plead specialist services any special machines. but despite global outcry and condemnations, efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. and this been a sort of w monday. children play some major role in the number of children that come to us as a result, the number of desktop any. when a charlie is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal smoke enough for him, doctors and aid groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront is role for its military reactions and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population axles i know which, which is here. well, honeywell for the correspondence on the ground, joins me now on the phone from rough and southern garza honey. amid this deteriorating humanitarian situation of involvement is continuing to consider
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what's been happening over the last few hours. yes, been staff there. we are actually looking at the complete and utter disregard for palestinians life of the god for not all the people that it's hard to death right now. it will report the more children in the part and got the diet, the hydration, and, and it's harvey's, should you do the acute salmon that is quite a like fire right now. everywhere would trickle amount of getting in the hole. so i've been enjoying this intense bombing campaign and from north to the southern part of this trip, just within the past hour than early hours of this morning. got there. about 3 people came in the city of big cadillac here in other culture land farmers are where they're just trying to get some of the food that they planted. and they were shot dead at by these really military and jump valia where i'm going constant. he's the artillery selling targeting global residential home in refugee in july,
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the refugee camp caused the death of all of 20 people right now was more people to so under the rubble and many of the indians were reported to the uh, the area hospital facilities were expecting the number to go out, bad health facilities, cost dog, and the northern part are non operational and that's the aftermath and the tragedy that everyone is facing right now. there people cannot afford the injured right now or being shot because there are no operational health care facilities and the likelihood of the number to go up is very, very high right now. so when i talk to him, david by law, we're at least at 60 people including this place family within the vicinity of the heidi mosque that was targeted and destroyed. they were their tents. and these died in their tents as a result of the degrees in the flying, the shrapnel on you just picking up on something. he was saying that with the
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rising death tolls using reporting on the hundreds who were injured in, not a convoy incident on thursday. so in many of them, when you were in critical condition, the death toll that has risen, do we know how the rest of them are doing? i mean, especially given the stage of health facilities as you've described them, to explain the difficult situation with inside the hospital. right now we're talking about a large, the non operation of those facilities right now. and she talked to them, turned it from a high place of feeling into right now. more of that, the great yard where more people are in need of being buried in the corner of the hospital because of fit on state conditions. the rounding a people and dog and don't know the type of those injuries arriving to the hospital or in 5 uh with within hours it from being a pronounce that there is in, you know, medical supply. it desperately needed to protect and these my, particularly those were still being shot in the box or the neck or the i don't know
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the area that we were told by the medical staff in a ship at hospital, very serious injuries and do work pleading for a quite some time to the point, it's hard to do any unnecessary interventions to save them. on top of that, we're talking about a, in not almost a non available operation rooms that and a life saving items or a or elements inside the hospital. so the number has been increasing by the hour, and we're actually most people pulled it from or collected it from the room. that's what happened. those when they were shot air with us. but when they're across the client, they ran into an area where the water is too high. but the died at the very air the . they were hiding it from the ongoing a shooting matcher. anita took place at the level. they run the risk, but more people are collecting, more bodies, collected from the roads, arriving to the hospital and looking at the large number. and it is likely to continue growing up by the hours. and again, this is
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a complete and utter disregard for, for like in, in martin dog and the northern part, people are not only hungry now on the side, but they are getting ever length of sleep bombs or shut out by these very military honey lockwood or forcing for us from the ground in the gaza strip. thank you, honey. well, the united states now says have tons to and dropped humanitarian aid into gaza with president joe biden pushing for israel to also allow more a truck send to the area like kind of has moved from the white house that is meeting with the a tele and prime minister, president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza this in conjunction with the jordanian air force. these are likely to be m. r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition,
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expanding deliveries by land. as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now. snow or nearly enough and it's in large are on the line. it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by less until we get more 8 in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to woke that one back. he said a few days ago that he expects a safe spot to be in place on monday, next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of kind of sitting in prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand,
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but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduce creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington dave houghton previously served as the usa id mission director to the doctor pied west bank and gaza. he says and drops are an effective way of delivering aid. each air drop is going to have about 2 truck was worth of, of goods of assistance. and i guess it's going to be a high altitude air drop so that the us air force and the crew on in harm's way. and so they're going to drop, you know, some cargo from 30000 feet or something i got into antibiotics. and really what needs to happen is just more crossing more trucks going to come through every
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single day. i think the united states once a week, and it's frankly very disappointing to me. i feel like the a drugs are symbolic and design in a way to appease maybe the domestic base of the united states has the leverage to have israel is open over the arrows and former crossings like carn, enough lows and sofa span. come shalom and expand raphael and the solid, the gate which is what am i supposed to use, but this really. 2 permission years ago. so the fact of the matter is, united states has the ability to, to compel is rosa, open up more aid into this very small enclave. and by not compelling these realities to do this, we're putting our assets and our people at risk. and by the way, we're,
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we're also potentially trading more and more chaos in the gaza, assuming that these are high altitude air drops. at least 3 people have been killed . and then as riley strike and southern 11 on the attack targeted vehicle in the vote, a ton of no cora, the restaurant comes at 24 hours of the hezbollah finds, it said they had carried out 6 attacks against israeli forces near that japanese border the the moving to the other walls and years now and the minute tribute of chad. so if he will be running for president in an election that counts even kind of a may know how much it is w i seized pilot 3 years ago after his father was killed by a rebels child's main opposition. anita. yeah, i did. was killed on wednesday. during an army assault on his parties, headquarters in the capital in jemina, one of the regional correspondent, i'm editors. he joins us now from the in janina. and can you put this all in
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context for us? mama, debbie heads the doing to empower but now he wants to popular mondays. what exactly you're searching popular minded now, and there is a correlation of more than 200 political parties and associates just that just endorsed him on the last one, our he accepted endorsement in his speech to accept the endorsement of these organizations. and for some projects, he said that it wasn't his intention to run for president or well, the opposition, fortunately disagreed with that. but he said his 1st priority when he came to power was to ensure that child is safe, the political system is in place. and that it's peaceful for, for chad, yours to go about their normal businesses that you said has been achieved for why the transition area or what they're looking to do now is to consolidate. advocates of power charge in particular is a very, very important allies. well, how much interest debbie in size is one reliable partner for many international
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organizations and countries? farms in particular after it's been moved out or for other just based out of many. so you didn't countries as established old pro, it's based here in charge. and it's particularly trusted with developments over the past few days. been put in charge here and apart from charge apart from the front itself. but other, several other countries will see chart as a very, very important in dealing with time groups. in the region chart, the military is button had been in the region is in fact one of the best in that region, but chuckles a complex phone over the place. both part, i mean i did a book order and i swap intellect at region. countries like terminal and charged and the ship along with that junior chide has devoted thousands of troops to that particular us. organizational outreach to deal with these on groups about things that also individuals, several countries being above the central african republic. it before that. and so a lot of people i worked in what is happening here in charge in until the may 6th,
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when the elections will be held. i'm sure, and you mentioned developments over the last few days. we've seen a lot of unrest including the desk of debbie's cousin, the opposition leader. yeah, a dealer. there are a lot of complex rivalry is a play ahead of these elections. so i'm rivalries that also across the board. is i police exactly the death of mister zillow passed along shuttle all by the impressions of the president to run in the may election. in fact, with the out of the way now, but it's probably on the one notable opposition i need to run the guess the preston . oh, by the way it is kind of tell you the prime minister of the current president. he has refused to say whether or not to be running in the may 6th election. so fox, but again, people are watching what will happen over the next few days as we left or tells to come to this particular opinion. why i'm mr. debbie declared his intention to run in the election. we also left and about one of the 2 appointments. conf. projects
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that just organizing. i'm not like you meant that endorsed the candidates. we understand what it meant to own. joined the coalition of more than $220.00 political parties to support the president and the elective. so uh right now it looks like the cost is clear for uh, how much it was to be to make a significant uh, in road, in his presence just cost on the power right now. a lot of people are neighboring countries in particular. i also watch what will happen over the next few days, 2 months until the elections and what happens after the next. just remember his father died shortly after he was re elected to be in office again on the front line . so people i work closely with being pressed, what is going to happen over the next few weeks or months? yeah. can check and it will be fun. all right, very interesting for you here on out to 0. 2, i'm gonna address that for us. and then 2 minutes, thanks on. so i'll set a head here on out of here the
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mexico, the race for president is officially gets on the way. we'll explain why this election to be historic the, you're just in time for your world's weather update. great to see, let's kick this one off in asia pacific. still a bit of snow through the mountains of japan's honshu island. and would you look at this? temperature is a bounce back quite nicely through the korean peninsula. 8 degrees and soul just a few days ago. temperatures were sub 0, temperatures also on the rise across a huge spots of china that will include hong kong in a few days. so your temperature now 18 that's below average, but let's go 2526 over the next few days. highest level alerts issued for a snowfall in india administered kashmir and him not shopper, dash heavy bouts of snow there. that's moving up against the foothills of the himalaya. pushing into the paul as well. this storm system did sweep through
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afghanistan and we saw some flooding and bucket stuff, but now look at stuff behind cold, dark purple. the lower the temperature waking up to minus 15 and cobble on sunday morning that is well below where you should be for this time of year at some snowflakes. fine around quite so for the 1st time in march in 5 years, but up to 14 degrees, sunday afternoon, windsor shifting around out of the cells for saudi arabia to watch what this does for the temperature you're up to $29.00 and re add we can expect much of the same in doha over the next few days. see later i as the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct water sheds. moments international law is vehicle. be this model on. so to discussions the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how
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does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a psalm of 12. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0 of the the welcome back to watching out a 0. that's remind you about top stories, the sounds. and you and team says that many of the palestinians who are injured and gaza city on this day, suffolk gunshot is right. the soldiers opened file and a large crowd of people. as i gather to collect at least a 116 people count. as now 5 more children have died from acute mal
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nutrition. i think a lot of odd, one, hospital and northern goals. the one is quoting for all border crossings integral, and so to be open to allow the free flow of humanitarian. i'm united states says it will now begin and dropping age into the gospel strip. presidential revising says, you're also insist that is around allow me a trunks and took off a politicians from 12 countries have signed alaska calling on their governments to ban on sales to is around. the $200.00 men is upon them into edgenuity. does not to be complicit and israel's grave violations of international law. they argue that an honors and vulgar is a legal requirement of to the international court of justice, ordered israel to ensure that it's for says, do not commit acts of genocide and garza. none of those who signed got less of a car into formulators of political parties, including the format butcher, slavery, to german colvin and palestinian american congress. remember, she's a time, is the only us official to assign that alaska?
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well it's, i mean we'd come as a member of the belgian parliament who did also sign that lesson. he says the push to stop on shipments to israel is also gaining support across your, the for sure. i'm totally agree was the latest and when the end of the band, with an a to stop send within 2 east, right. according to the international cooler of justice. this is indeed a risk of genocide in us. and that's a re country of the condition against genocide. we have the legal and demo right. it will be gauged into us and to prevent the risk of genocide slicing displayed service this go off. so any m p from your piece of goods 1st step, which we need to move to go further. i mean these 2 of them, the site, not only just up to said within 2 is way and that also to accept the transit of weapons tweeze. why? so he's quite so good news, but he's true that if not all of the country of europe decided to ship the same action, i mean, they can bring with best buy of the country. so this is the question that i have
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since most, since this all for a tech on guys a. and it's true that i don't know why got so many country loans want to see to read to you. what is going in in guys i've seen one of the most difficult of countries, germany, you know, that 7 percent of guns while the send to is why a from germany. but i, i've seen that know, there are some kind of change in the mind of people for the leaders just tried to shake a bit. so if you can see the democrats and usa is uh, $1010.00, he's going to be disputed. but no, it's true that we have some country in europe is too complicated and you can see like, where is the connection between it and, you know, and country. this is from the extreme rights beings body. and you bring this rest id of donation in europe since many years. and you can see that there was some connection between we can both, but we keep fighting, we can fighting for international law or we can fighting for
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a more either or so position to 3 or 4. but us and people are to the security of energy supplies is being discussed in algeria at the gas explosion, countries for, and the 12 members together control more than 70 percent of the wealth, natural gas reserves, russia, ron and cats all have the 3 largest resides. and not full gas, as seen as a cleaner source of power than other fossil fuels, but attacks on russian and iranian pipelines of war and ukraine. and israel's war on garza demonstrate the markets vulnerability. well, that's good. so it's always been jervey and he's a correspondence about summit and al j as he joins us live. now from that, as on this is the final day of the summit. what have you been looking out for in particular what we've been speaking to energy ministers here at the summits in the, the russian and did you minister told us that pressure is okay with the sections that have been put on it by western powers. and it is okay with other countries
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such as algeria taking the lion's share of exporting gas to europe. there's going to be a lot of talk about what is the future for gas, how to secure supplies for gas, and to make sure that there is a transition from hydrocarbons which are more polluting than gas towards gas, which is seen as a transition the fuel out towards greenest sources bid us to discuss, all of this is norton's will come from the energy new service. mantell lawrence, there's a lot of talk about the exports of gas securing supplies of gas. and it'd be to multiple incidents such as the north stream, the ritz see how our gas exports is going to continue to expand, pumping out more costs, and also secure supplies. and i think it's a very important question which we asked with wondering and also in europe with them. i mean, it's been a very, very hectic, difficult task, couple of years. because since, since representation of ukraine, european countries and faculties have to william cells of the significant amounts
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of gas, we have like 40 percent to serve on gas from russia before. now we're down to less than 10 percent. soon as you say, we were speaking of elsewhere, places like i'm sure has taken, you know, taking the place um, in some parts. we've also realized know more than and g, and he mentions that help you issues with us as well. because i'm, we're talking about, i'm supposed to be getting energy for like market um 3 major people in comes you, it's like the, the red sea and i'm also having to compete with all the market. so for example, asia, you know. ready we've been relatively fortunate to my father's, i haven't really stepped up the mountains major, nice running g and the so i'm going to the guest books. if they do, then you know, and then we're gonna have to fight. so we have to pay up. we have to unless i suspect it's gonna be more expensive. so securing gas supplies and going towards a transitional fuel is important. but again, there's been a lot of talk about which went through the back burner during the war to ukraine,
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about transitioning towards renewables, towards vineyard and cleaner energy. is that back on track and how it is a form like this? going to help? yes, i mean, you know, i'll see of the, of these questions because any balance is within the can see my in terms of the renewals change. i think for the producers here, a major pos is that they can contribute to all green transition in europe. at least by supplying regina city, i guess place where we have transitioning away from coal. so you kind of going to be placing last copeland this? yeah, there's many other countries across europe where they're fighting it out. that's the case. i gets placed some extent. so, you know, it seems like there's also been criticism off the europe because there was a lot of push towards renewable sources, but which completely sort of went out the window of into war and you've seen happen . i wouldn't say that completely gonna have to be not sunny for the 1st year or so there was a mad scramble to get as much gas as i could. so i'm so you know, any kind of short term energy supply that's going to ensure that nice thanks. let
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me go out pots, i think now we have plenty of gas. so should i spoke to the very food prices are pretty low now compared with the some of the mass of spikes we had initially. so people can think more down about renewables also, renewables is pumped about security supply. so now the more when the funds we have model, the small solar panels we have um, if we develop battery storage quicker or these things hydrogen, i think people realize these are also key some security surprise services. so the export is here. they have to be able to connect with fight for places and that's as well. so it'd be interesting to see what they come out with. that's lawrenceville co, their full energy, new service in europe, mantell, and as needed here have been coming together and you heard from lauren's there, that it is not just about the future and supply of gas, but also about the price of gas. but these produces, are going to have to agree upon to try and mitchell not just helping out guests,
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but pumping our profits from it as well. i'm sure some of them today, and they force out that some analogy is thank your summer holes around now where ballot counting is on the way off to friday's parliamentary elections. this is the 1st time the voted has been held nation since nationwide. protests took place in 2022, russell side of has moved from the capital, tyrone uranium voted for the new parliament on friday in an election seen as a test for the particular establishment in the country. to this election is the 1st for my measure of popular opinion, cease nationwide. protests in 2022 spots by the death of 22 year old mess and many in police cost. you running officials have enjoyed high water turned out, ceased to establishment of the stomach, the populace iran in 1979. but that changed in 2020 parliamentary elections were turned out to remain at 42.5 per cent. a significant throughout compared to previous elections. but as you move from now,
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the government and institutions are seeking a high turn out to restore the less than the seats, which was damaged by economy cautious, social unrest. andrews. jason, with the eyes of the world are on iran and on your, on the people of iran. they want to see what you will do, that you both are friends and foes from all sides. their eyes are on us so. so pay attention to the ministry of interior fields is in charge of conducting the elections extended within time by 6 hours hoping to secure high turn out. well, you know, yes, because others show you that considering reports received from cities and requests from know who governors, the interior ministry based on the election law with the approval of guardian council announces that the voting hours across the country are extended until midnight values. many reformist.


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