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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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era the and is really straight kids attend housing displaced, palestinians and southern gaza. at least 11 people are killed. the o. m several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from the also coming up. many palestinians injured by is really forces while waiting for food aid on thursday suffered gunshot was we hear from a senior and u. n. team member seen those injuries. bring them home. now, family members of the captives held in guys have put increasing pressure on the is really government demanding their immediate release. and the british cargo ship has
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sunk into red sea after it was attacked by humans who see fighters last month. the so it is really drone attack and southern guys it has killed at least 11 palestinians, injuring many. others is really forces attacked the area near the and around the hospital where hundreds of people saw a shelter. israel had previously established a safe zone in the targeted area to accommodate palestinians fleeing the bombardment access i'm of which has more goes up under fire again. 2 and it's really drawing strike new damage. we're at the hospital, killed a doctor and several of palestinians and move to rocket stripe targeted attend housing displays. people, you know, suppose the safe zone in detail. also tiny area of rough on the attack follows a night of relentless airstrikes. is really rockets destroyed homes in a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax
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period, no one feeling alex, the hospital with victims of all ages. in the aftermath of the thursday, striking post, you need an skewing for food. more bodies have been found a u. n team that met the victim says many of those days, so in a north guys a hospital had suffered gunshot once, as i speak to you. this hospital is treating more than 200 people that were injured yesterday you have seen people with gunshot was you have seen up to tease and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that weren't injured. yes. street. these events should not be about want uh, we need to have a secure passage throughout canada to reach the people that need somebody to take me. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians who are struggling to
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survive. of the un is now demanding full access to northern gaza. we need every single crossing into guys that hosting that we need them to. and people need to have not to do was putting the date, specialist services any special machines. but despite global outcry and condemnations, efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. and this minister was the monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us as a result, the number of desktop any. when a charlie supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal i smoke enough for him. doctors and age groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront is role for its military reactions and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its
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besieged population axles. i much i'll just here alpha 0 is mommy. know scruffy is in rasa, and he has the latest on the is really attack. i'm finally said no 5, that can be a mean. i still had that the is really a war. planes are getting out strikes, which goes large number of fatalities. this is the 5 this, the bottom of the point of what alpha residents should come to. it is alleged by there is a delta based on forces that this is a safe area. however, the rough uh is also the link under danielle bombardment by these a war planes. the pace and intervals of is a war plays have and then slide to the degree that the is a war planes targeted sand which it was housing hundreds
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of displays civilians as that is all the many civilian. and so what a kid in addition to the bottom, a dix, what a thing. and then he had to buy a house, but that is that it says, god also is home to thousands of this place to get them. many have taken centered in the hospitals. schools, public squares, even you and run school public institutions. also, i've been taken as sent those by this place and it's in civilians who have blocked through dropbox city. i'm a very the living conditions as that is of any thinking. it is thrice, is closing maximum of destruction and closing the highest number of fatalities. the guitar, a foreign minister, has met with his egyptian counterpart in doha to discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire guitar, egypt, and the us are actively working to mediate between israel and how much the fast to facilitate the lasting piece plan. the captive held inside gaza are
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a central focus of ceasefire. negotiations is real insists. it wants to know which captives are still alive and the families are not the enemy, the enemy to come. the enemy is radical. economic agenda. the big one. all of us. thank you for being here. thank you for your support is so important. come these evening and our capital duty to be with us and to yell as loud as we can bring them home. now. a honda fellow who joins his life from tel aviv honda. i know you're covering multiple rally, isn't protests that will begin. and israel today, some are already underway. we'll talk about that in a 2nd. first though, i'd like you to address how mazda is statement yesterday. that 7 is really captives were killed by is really bombardments in gaza. i wonder how that has been reverberating through is really society or
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well, you know, any time there is any sort of statement about the captives from him as these really is usually dismissed as what they call quotes propaganda and psychological warfare . the families of is really captives have been growing frustrated with the government and one of the concerns that actually the families have that they voice here at hostage square every single week for nearly 5 months has been that they are afraid their loved ones are going to die and the relentless bombardment that is beseeching gauze as we speak. so i must releasing that statement yesterday, releasing a video along with it. and in fact, 3 of the captives that were mentioned in that video, they had released that video of them previously months prior. so it was initially a sort of sign of life for those loved ones and now being received with a lot of frustration. but that frustration is being directed at the is really
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government that there's simply not enough being done to bring back the captives. okay, how do you expect all of that to, to pan out and play out in the process that you're going to be watching today as well. there are going to be several demonstrations all across the country. but tonight in tel aviv, the 1st one will be taking place here where i'm standing and what's become known as hostage square families of is really captives gathering here in a rally to call on the government to do everything they can to bring about the release of their loved ones. now just across the street, outside of israel's defense ministry, known as the q, the, there's going to be an anti government demonstration. it's going to be the 3rd week in a row. that of protests, of a massive size and scale is going to take place. now the demands of those demonstrators are 3 full. the 1st is calling on these really prime minister to resign. the 2nd is that they want to see elections held immediately. and finally,
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they want to see deal that would bring back the captive. so all of these demonstrations over arching, we have the same theme in that they want to see something that will bring back the captive last saturday's demonstrations. you'll remember got a little bit out of hand quite violent. stand off between is really demonstrators and police water cannons sprang the perimeter of protesters blocked the roads. and that protest movement is saying that every saturday until there is a change within israel's governance. they're going to continue taking to the streets, making their voices heard disrupting every day. life until there is a change within israel's government. absolutely, and our viewers were watching you last saturday. well, remember you were bringing us those events live. you're covering that today as well . we'll be talking to you throughout the afternoon. honda so who from tell of these? thank you. are the us as it plans to air drop humanitarian aid into gaza and
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president joe buttons as he's pushing for israel to allow more aid trucks into the area like hannah reports from the white house that is meeting with the tele and prime minister. president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza this in conjunction with the jordanian air force. these are likely to be m. r. e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition to expanding deliveries by land. as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now, snow was nearly enough. and as a large are on the line and shoulders lives on the line, and we won't stand by,
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but until we get more 8 in there, we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time, president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to well, that's what becky said a few days ago that he expects a ceasefire to be in place on monday, next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of kind of sitting in prison is however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduce creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington. i am
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a habit in las ray is professor of media studies at the doha institute, the graduate studies, and joins us to discuss this issue of the a that's getting or not getting as it were in the gaza. so joe biden saying, now the us is going to air drop. busy a, they're also considering a maritime cord or so sending it through the see what is this to force israel's hand to allow in more aid? i don't think so. that's now how i read it. that's not how i read. how do you find it? i read it as a public relations maneuver by, by the us administration. i think they understand that they look bad internationally. i also think that they understand that in a few years it's possible that israel is going to be convicted of of genocide, or they want to be able to create a trail to be able to say, well, look, we told as real, not enough aid was going in we even did these air drops of age, so we weren't complicit in this genocide. right. i don't think that's gonna go over very well because the us has been obviously supplying weaponry to these rarely
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military are they even bypassed congress twice to send more weapons into israel. and so i think this is a p r move. it's grossly and effective. i mean, you're going to be dropping the equivalent of to trucks of aid and bite and just said and those comments that you just played that hundreds of trucks are needed every day. so it's just, it's really absurd. and in a satellite pictures, by the way, we'll all show this and bear this out and we will run them pretty pretty regularly . here you see the hundreds of trucks of aid that are stuck and waiting outside the, the, the check points, and they're unable to go into guys. most recently, israel has said that his blame that you went actually for not bringing in f, a, which the u. n. is obviously denied at as so many will be asking the question, well it has the us been unwilling or unable to put pressure on israel to allow in more aid. you're saying unwilling yeah, i think that the us holds all the leverage over israel. i believe that the us could
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pick up the phone and, and all of this right now, why don't they use it the leverage because they don't want to, they're making strategic calculations. and so they don't want more 8 into gaza according to you. i don't believe so. i think there's fully support israel's mission here, and i'm not suggesting that the us administration of those officials are happy when they see pictures of of starving children and i'm dying children. but i think that that they believe they have higher priorities like supporting is real estate. so there are calculus then to tell us about that these competing priorities, right, well they have, they have a strategic interest. they believe that supporting israel is in this procedure interest of the united states. they're also terrified of what the, what a pack, what their pro israel lobby might do inside the united states. they could wreak havoc on the upcoming elections. so there are a lot of things that they have to weigh. and unfortunately for palestinians and for people who are interested in human rights, a palestinian life isn't particularly high on that priority list. it is high on the
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priority list of international law by the way, and i think it's worth reminding our viewers. israel is under the obligation under international law to allow in more a there's a december the united nations security council that was specifically on this israel needs to allow in more aid. and there's an aid coordinator that was appointed by the u. n. a. and also the ruling of the international court of justice was issued a provisional order saying there needs to be more agents a gaza as well. i mean, israel's also obligated on tracking, under international law to not target civilians to not, you know, a bomb schools and universities and shelters and residential buildings. but we know from some of that reporting, even the reporting inside of israel by plus $97.00 to magazine, just one of the very few critical outlets in israel, that israel is targeting civilian infrastructure to try to kill a lot of people so that they can quote create a shock and then ultimately caused thousands to do want to flee,
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to want to abandon from us. so as real isn't particularly concerned with the international law. i think they feel confident that the united states has their back and that the united states is the only superpower and the only true policeman in the international community. and other useful reminder, we're having this conversation. we're just 3 days removed from is really troops attacking palestinians, hundreds of palestinians who had mast in northern guys to get some of the what literally does get through to them. so that's the context of this conversation mom and at last we thank you very much for joining us to so at least 3 people have been killed. the internet's really strike in southern 11 on the attack. targeted a vehicle in the board, a town of the correct, the air strike comes 24 hours after his beloved fighters said that they carried out 6 attacks against is really forces near the lebanese border. cargo ship has sunk into red sea 2 weeks after being hit by hosting this site was fired from yen and
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the british own ruby more as the 1st shipping loss since attacks began in november because of israel's war and gaza. the $24.00 crew abandoned ship soon after they were fired upon last month. the boat carrier had around $40000.00 tons of fertilizer on board, and that's raising concerns of an environmental disaster. mohammed i'm thought is following developments from center. the thinking of the ship and the robi ma uh, the coin siding. what we did the describe the severe weather conditions on strong grounds with most of the say the so also expressed as requests over the, sinking of the strip. uh, also the way which was that was which will close also an environment of disaster. so we have many to tell you what the and to the red c. it's also confirmed that the result was expected due to the leaving the ship to its face for 12 days. i'm not responding to what the describe,
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the i'm on the government. those appeals to avoid the day because as feel free, the cell also confirms that it is in the common and stage of conveying the to consider the subsequent steps on to determine the best ways to deal with the risk the precautions and also address the environmental disaster resulting from the accident. 5 on february 19th, and so a lot of military spokesperson, a general major has already declared that targeting or v won't be ma, uh, and response to what do you describe the british griffin, i guess. yeah, man, it's, it was on, it was hatch and the gulf of aidan, of the gulf of aden, a. m a dollar stop reporting there are still ahead on else 0 childs military ruler, announces that he will run for president the and protest in argentina as right wing president. 5 year malay threatens to override
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congress and his plans for economic reform. the, the hello after the snow storm in afghanistan in the flooding range and focused on things have turned quite or but colder. so you know, it's never good when we got the colors on dark, the purple, the lower the temperature we can up sunday morning and cobble to minus 15. that is well below where your should be for this time of year, just up to a high of minus 3. by sunday afternoon, we did see snow for the 1st time in march in 5 years and quite the largest stands capital in august on. so it's been quite the system that the energy has pushed into northwest india. highest level alerts where issue for india administered kashmir rate through him. actual per dash for heavy rounds of snow that's now locked up
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against the foothills of the himalaya. also pushing in to nepal. temperatures still on the high side input can were talking 37 degrees on sunday. you've had a week of temperatures about 3738, and that is set to continue. temperatures are coming up through a huge spots of china. give it a bit for hong kong. you'll get there for now though you are below. average and temperatures have bounced back quite nicely through the korean peninsula at 12 degrees in song. still a few stove, flurries and stuff all over the contents of japan's honshu island and on some other island in indonesia. dang. looking at half a month's worth of brain over 48 hours. so your next stop the the export. $2023.00. the fascination to
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join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news the you are watching else 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour. at least 11 people have been killed and rough side southern gaza is really forces launched a drone attack near the m a rocky hospital where hundreds of displaced people have been staying in targeted area was previously designated a safe zone by israel's palestinians. plains bombardment in other parts of guns.
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are you in teams says that many of the palestinians were interested in gus. the city on thursday separate gunshot was, is really soldiers opened fire on a large crowd of people as they gathered to collect to date, at least 116 people were killed. a cargo ship has sunk into red sea 2 weeks after being hit by the messiahs fired from yemen. the british registered ruby moore is the 1st shipping loss since the who's the started attacks in november because of israel's warrant guys on the boat carrier has around $40000.00 tons of fertilizer on board raising concerns of an environmental disaster. the security of energy supplies is being discussed in algeria as the gas exports in countries for the 12 members control more than 70 percent of the world's natural gas reserves, russia, iran and guitar have the 3 largest reserves. natural gas is seen as a cleaner source of power than other fossil fuels, but attacks on the russian any range and pipelines, the war and ukraine and israel's war on goes to demonstrate the markets
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vulnerability. some of inch of a to is at the summit and al jersey are joining us live with the very latest. you're still waiting. i know for that final press conference to camp office summit . what are you expecting, or something of the vin speaking to delegates in the last couple of days, people who've been coming to get that people who've been discussing a how are they going to talk about the future course of action and what will they be doing? and according to at least one capital must go. uh, the situation seems to be stable in terms of what the vision is that they are looking for, securing, as you said, the supply room. so i'll gosh, making sure that there is the infrastructure of guys that is also protected, but also looking at other places instead of europe, which has been passing on more and more sections on russian guys to try and look for other alternatives in the global south. but pressure says that it is a moving to words uh,
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securing its future in gas as it sees it as an transitional energy to where it's going to agree new sources and it is confident that the future is bright and the future is process much. it's judy and exports cost to you. this is the export policy, because all african countries develop that expert to support the economies regarding russia as a presidency. if there are no gods deliveries to you by ukraine, we will live with that because we have been opening all the exports into east asia pacific countries. countries of global saucers come on, we also develop the domestic market, increasing local justification for the, the russian regions. g e c, f has 70 percent of the reserves of natural gas and oil leak producers about 40 percent. so in going forward, what is the plan as of russia, as the gts? how are you going to boost global output? and is this a move towards teen green energy and water shit?
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and pretty much we understand that moving to green energy is a gradual process. well measured in and replacing gusts with renewable on top and soon because because what's important is not to fight with fuel varieties, but through is the emissions. this is the actual task a ton. i think the african countries, including countries of northern africa will have large results of the future really only for the liberties to you. but the chance to develop the economies of it, i think the time will come when they will use mall. gus in domestic economies. the military ruler of chad says that he will be running for president in an election being planned for may mohammed to address debbie at no seized power 3 years ago after his father was killed by rebels trans. that child's may not position leader. your zillow was killed on wednesday during an army assault on his parties. headquarters in the capstone jeanina address has more from jemina. how much interest debbie said his intention was not to run for president. he said his full
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cause when he took over from his father when he was killed on the frontlines, was to stabilize, tried to use short, the big institutions of governors continued as well as well as to provide peace and stability to the country and the region. now has been endorsed by a coordination of more than one would and print reports, parties and associations. yeah. in jemina, but not the color, racing is shuttled by event over the past week, which of course include the read on the main opposition. project quote is the definition of the project quarters. and of course, the killing of its leader as well as the risk of several other members of the political parties. many people feel that that could affect the credibility of the elections on may 6th. but again, chart is a very, very significant. i like to many countries from in particular, which has moved a lot of it's groups since it was ordered out of menu. so you didn't. countries has a white a as it has grown. it's based. yeah. in charge. and of course the west is relying
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on mr. debbie and his government to provide additional support when it, when it's needed. one of the main things, one of the main challenges remaining of the raise, the phrase mr. derby, is the current prime minister. it wasn't the position what he's doing, the government. as a prime minister, he refused to say whether or not you run, i guess a precedent. so right now we have more than $220.00 political parties and the association endorsing wisdom. how much interest debbie? how many degrees i'll just say to jemina. this is ambia has announced a state of emergency to attack list. severe drought is government is seeking international aid to make up for a fluid shortfall after annual rains. failed. dry conditions have threatened corn crops and the livelihoods of small scale farmers. a suspect. a drone attack has targeted the city of st. petersburg and russia. the mayor says residents were evacuated from their damage departments and there were no casualties. the city and its suburbs are hundreds of kilometers from the front line and ukraine,
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but several attack drones have landed there recently. and ukraine, russian drone attack is killed at least 5 people. they included a 3 year old boy whose body was found under the rubble in odessa. 6 people are missing in the port city after the early morning attack on the high rise apartment block from mcbride has more from keith. a total of 17 and rain. you made shy, he drones being targeted against ukraine in these overnights attacks, some of them directed against the sumi and how to key regions in the north and the east of ukraine. but the most serious attack coming in the south on the port city of desta 8 drones loads than most of them being intercepted. but there was a direct strike on the 9 story apartment building. that's why we've seen most casualties with several people being reported killed, including a very young child with those injured emergency services, have a being at the scene of going through the rubble looking for other victims and
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survivors. this attack has been condemned by president followed them. is the landscape of ukraine saying this is once again, he says, russia continuing its fight against ukraine's civilians cooling on ukraine's overseas back is to provide more ad defense saying that defense missiles he says, save lives. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, the origin team as president has delivered a major policy address to congress. heavier malays said his nation has no future unless its economic model is changed. there were public protests ahead of his speech with people angry about his economic reforms. theresa bo reports from the side us precedent have you had a really was a beat and i'm faced was entering congress to nag with the annual sessions after feeding to pass a landmark bill that would have helped him carry out. he's promised economic
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reforms and they'll stay with the measures. we don't have any stuff you couldn't meet. the libertarian president says, can continue to fight against those who have drugs argentina down. so nobody knew most of what we did not come to play the game of politics. that's why before approving a load, that was what the less because of what changes we withdrew to go from. we want to change again. tina, we do not negotiate change, and we will fulfill the promise we made to the people with or without the support of the political costs. but if any more issue will take us in the future we speech the late also again promised to cut government spending on politicians are taking away benefits like private jets. he still wants to bill to put in prison. those who print money to cover argentina's deficit. as a man made by man.


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