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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the, the at least 11 palestinians are killed in southern gaza after and is really airstrikes fits a tense filtering displaced people the time several venue. this is elza 0 line from the also coming up. the us begins in the air drop of 8 over guns that critics say, it's not enough and what's needed is a ceasefire. a british cargo ship a sunk in the red sea after it was attacked by humans for the fighters last month. and the countries have control the world's natural gas reserves, discuss energy security or summits. and algeria, the
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as we begin in southern gaza, where it is really drone attack has killed at least 11 palestinians and wounded. many more troops have attacked the area near the em around the hospital where hundreds of people had sort shelter. israel had previously established a safe zone in that area. the palestinians fleeing constant bombardment expos, i'm of which begins our coverage goes up under fire again. and is rarely drone strike new damage. we're at the hospital, killed a doctor and several palestinians and move to rocket stripe targeted attend housing displays. people, you know, suppose the safe zone in detail. also tiny area of rough on the attack follows a night of relentless airstrikes. is really rockets destroyed homes in a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax
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period, no one feeling alex, the hospital with victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food, more bodies have been found. you in teams, it met the victim says many of those days. so in a north guys, a hospital had suffered gunshots once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just undergoing a very, very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain. and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of gunshot wounds and people had clearly injured maybe and running away would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians for struggling to survive . the un,
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he's now demanding full access to north and gaza. a sustainable delivery of the goods that people need has to function in an environment that have assumptions of really law assessments of some kind of systematic ability to access the aides that people need. but despite globalized cry and condemnations, 8 efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. and there's been a sort of yeah, monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us. and as a result, the number of desktop any, when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal got smoke enough for him. doctors and 8 groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront israel for its military reactions. and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population. axels i much out here. okay, tara cobbler. zoom is joining us now on the phone from southern gaza for the very
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latest from the strip. so since that report, since we put it together topic there been more strikes on the rasa. what have you been able to find out? yes, in fact uh rough district in the past few hours had been mostly target said, why do use for the fi tickets? one of the latest that kind of targeted? i think we talked to them to close to the board is but the judge said they charges that they're reported to now on the strength of being tarrytown neighborhoods in the eastern part of law. and now these kinds of military attempts continued. and one of the duties today, in fact i've been cherry got within the past a few hours on the as definitive on university hospital, the type of super neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated area which right now because it has to be a please center for evacuation where hundreds of thousands of palestinian about teaching shelter inside this neighborhood. it's very busy in the crowded streets and
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according to the ministry of health, i police 11 telephones that have been killed along side with at least 50 others being wanted, including one of the bomb attacks who has been also sustained to his board from being killed by he is running a straight out, some of the strikes continued in an area that supposed to be a safe. so and also one of the latest theories development is that it's ready for school. so how to open the front ident on people who are waiting for humanitarian supplies and then they will see around the boss and the font note of the gaza strip at the bottom. i'm going minutes reparations. yeah, and, and talking about that in the midst of this q minutes here in crisis, in the gaza strip, to the us has carried out it's 1st air drop of aid. what do you know about that? yes, ajax, uh, its had been within the past few days, multiple repeater, the 10 by different states, including key to including georgia. now the united states of america to a talk more humanitarian supplies for people in the know the pots with golf and
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generally on the golf was driven beast. i kind of f, it's have been made and bowed a to help to mitigate the growth aging humanitarian crisis. cannot be the optimal solution to help people to keep with the situation on the ground. because people in the north people and going to switch and even in the south. how big the pride from humanitarian supplies for long days, long weeks of the since the beginning of the fighting them later after the partial flow of humanitarian supplies into gone. but i'd be receiving only very limited amount. if you minutes, every of 8 is sufficient for the family members. by the same time, the purse is a paid proofing will be submitted to earn your supplies from practically create a state of k as among people as they were fighting, just running off the coping to get onto the scene where some people are not totally lucky to get some of the 2nd monetary tasks since, because you cannot call the intelligent goals as to that means that they're not even guaranteed for 100 percent reach to the hands of people who are in
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a very desperate need for it in different areas in the country. yeah, absolutely, it's been well established at the amount of a getting into the gaza strip does is not enough to address the massive, massive needs of palestinians in gaza at tar god was. we were reporting from rafa. thank you very much for that. let's get more on this us air drop now. rosalyn jordan is standing by your in washington dc ross. what are you learning about these air drops the us sun. com, which is the part of the us military, responsible for military activities in the middle eastern north africa is confirming that 3 c, $130.00 cargo planes with the us air force carried out about a 2 hour long. the air drop along the coast of garza in tandem with the jordanian air force on saturday afternoon. local time. the military is confirming that some 60 some 38000 meals were dropped to, for people to consume. of course,
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given that the population of gaza is more than 2000000 people, that's a very small amount of aid. but this is something that the u. s. military says that it will continue doing. it was a groups have been criticizing this. uh, i'd like you to tell us about that just before we get to that though, is this going to be a regular thing going forward? well, this is something which i'll send comments saying we'll continue. it said edit statement that is planning further uh, drops into gaza in order to help alleviate tell the suffering of the palestinians living there. okay. about the age groups. interesting. leave the same groups up saying and warning that there needs to be a whole lot more a going into gaza. they're criticizing this. what are they saying? and they say that so the us government's efforts would be much better spent putting more pressure on israel to open more land crossings and to provide security so that
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the aid that crosses out those land border, the locations can actually be distributed that much more a can be delivered that way, and these groups are also calling on the us to not to put planes in the air to drop of material because they say that's a very dangerous for the people who are on the ground. they also say that the us is not using it's leverage to convince israel to agree to a temporary cease fire or pause in the fighting, something which the wasn't ministration house that it wants to achieve. but in light of thursdays, of fighting and shooting of palestinians by the israeli military, at an a delivery side, the us administration is worried that this effort to put in a ceasefire could be falling apart. and so while it is putting in more diplomatic effort, it is saying that it needs to address the needs of the people on the ground inside
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garza. but a group say that don't worry about delivering aid worry about trying to make it possible for the work. the humanitarian groups that know how to do this work, make it possible for us to do our work, make it possible for the israeli military to stop. but it's air war and it's round war inside gone. so they say those are the things that are necessary in order to help the people living and also okay, that's, that's all really interesting rather than jordan reporting from washington dc. thank you very much for that. is even when people in gaza do get some aid. it's not without risks. george's patropolis is from the un office of the coordination if you manage your own affairs. and as you heard in our earlier report, he's in gaza. he told us about meeting some of those were injured when israel attack palestinians waiting for food of what we saw when i went to see for hospital with the show and use of the call weeks to deliver on the sheet. a few medicines
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and vaccines was the hospital and in full, a full note to support the more than 200 people that were currently be treated. almost 800 people had originally been moved to the hospital after the shooting incident. most of those were either transferred to other hospitals. oh, could, could be discharged. but what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. um, any had just had to go on a very, very urgent uh, draw surgery and were uh, in deep pain. and of course, suffering uh from baby boomers. uh, we witnessed a lot of uh, gunshot wounds and people had clearly be injured. maybe and running away would be trampled there have been incidents in the past. it's for us, it's for us,
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it's very clear we'd be, we'd be then we'd be trying to engage um, every inch of last year. i mean everyone that was here. so the one that was to work together to understand that actually monitoring a sustainable delivery of the goods of people in the past, the function and, and environment that have assessments of root of law assessments of some kind of systematic ability to access the aides. that people need, whether it's in a hospital at the distribution site and you know, pre pre discussed or understood system that you go from here to there and you get the assistance that you need. we do not have that. gotcha today. as israel now organizers of a protest, march, say 15000 people have joined the families of captives in gaza to urge their release . many had been marching for 4 days from the southern border and their journey is due to and soon with a solidarity rally in west jerusalem. protesters are urging israel's government to
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secure deal with home us to free the captives. let's go live to honda. so who didn't tell of eve, i'm that you're covering and you're covering the protests that march as well. their number of events today. and really together, they're pushing a number of different demands on the is really government. tell us about that of the whole number of protest happening all over the country. first we have that march. that is on its way to jerusalem with nearly 15000 people in attendance there . and here behind me in what's become known as hostage square of thousands of people joining families of is really captives every single week for the last 21 weeks. in order to call on these really government to bring back their loved ones. now that's the 1st step in station that's going to be happening here until a beef right across the street, outside of israel's defense industry,
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known as the key the there's going to be the 3rd n t government demonstration. last week's protest was the biggest in both size and scale. when it came to the anti government march is now they had a list of demands. first they were calling on the is really a government to hold the elections immediately and they wanted these really prime minister to resign. but they also wanted to see deals that would bring back is really kept. it was last saturdays demonstration white violin to stand off between demonstrators and is really police a lot of back up was called in the officers mounted on horseback as well as water cannons. that spray the entire perimeter of what has become known as a kathlyn democracy square. this is the area where there were demonstrations held before the war against the countries judicial reforms. but that protest movement is now back in full force against the government for not just those policies,
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but the policies, the nothing yahoo and the government have have throughout this war policies that have not seen any sort of deal to bring back the captives just yet. and that's something the demonstrators are going to be calling on tonight. yeah. and you are right in the middle of those protests last week as your again this week. honda. so who reporting from tel aviv? thank you very much. i and is really strange on the car in southern lebanon has killed 3, has been off fighters. the attack targeted a vehicle in the motor town of look through. the strike comes 24 hours after his belong. fighters said that they carried out 6 of tanks against is really forces near the lebanese border as well on israel, have exchanged near a daily fire since israel's war on guy. so began last october is still a head on elsa 0 votes counting is underway in iran after friday's parliamentary election. we'll have more from different after quick break the
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brought to you by visit castle hello. after the snow storm in afghanistan and the flooding rains and focused on things of turn choir, but colder. so you know, it's never good when we got the colors on dark, the purple, the lower the temperature we can up sunday morning and cobble to minus 15. that is well below where your should be for this time of year, just up to a high of minus 3. by sunday afternoon, we did see snow for the 1st time in march in 5 years and quite a load of stones capital in buckets. sconces been quite the system that the energy has pushed into northwest india. highest level alerts were issued for india administered kashmir rate through him up trooper dash for heavy rounds of snow. that's now locked up against the foothills of the himalaya. also pushing in nepal, temperatures still on the high side input can were talking 37 degrees on sunday. you've had a week of temperatures about 3738,
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and that is set to continue. temperatures are coming up through a huge spots of china. give it a bit for hong kong you'll get there. for now though, you are below average and temperatures have bounced back quite nicely through the korean peninsula at 12 degrees in song. still a few stove, flurries and stuff all over the contents of japan's honshu island and on some ultra island in indonesia dang, looking at half a month's worth of brain over 48 hours. so your next stop the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination the silver joint. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the
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news the your watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. at least 11 people have been killed in rasa and southern gaza is really forces launched a drone attack near the end, around the hospital where hundreds of displaced people have been staying more strikes are currently taking place. the us military says it has air dropped, 38000 meals and guns, and this is the 1st round of emergency humanitarian aid announced by presidential binding on friday. joining me now to discuss that as mushrooms where he director of the gulf study center at the guitar university. i'm sure the us has been saying for
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a while now for a long while that there needs to be more a going into a gaza. they in theory, have leverage of israel to allowed more a to go in, but get their resort resorting to the 0 drops. how do you analyze that? everyone knows what you have set up some of the accurate that america has the right and should be able to impose solution on the is what it is to be implemented because it's what it is. uh, jenna rose and politicians. they said without the american support we, we come up, continue in this war. so the question, it's very obvious that the administration may be voices within the administration. they still see that this word should continue. and that's the reason they should not. they are not putting the push out on the thing you know, to stop. so, you know, what's the, they've been unable to know the restaurant as well. they've been unwilling and willing to do it. and, and they say they say, you know, that they're always a present to the media. that is a class 15 by didn't understand, you know,
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nothing you know is not listening. there was one month of this communication between that and you know, and by the, the end of the day we had many cases. the last 20, it was the president of the state, the 4 and i said, do it 202021. this happened actually where, where according to the, i'm just of the war against that, that's the top it so the, when, when there is a willingness to can do it. what, you know, what's and, and talking about this when you talk about linked it to the humidity alien. uh, 8. it's what the people they say, you know, a matter of your talk about, you don't feel what people are self. i don't know because we are, we are, you know, basically feeling the pain of them. but the issue is we don't want the oil to you. i was watching this image. that is what it is getting and people out of feeding people repeat things off. so i, those are feeding, under the architect. that image is, is absolutely upset. no one can accept it if you want the solution, stop the war. so this is,
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this gets to the core really cuts to the heart of the criticism that we heard from the a depths about this, this, these air drops. these are the same. on the face of it, it could sound strange, right? the air group and 8 groups want to see more 8 and gaza, or criticizing the air drops through their argument is, is it in a way? and i'm paraphrasing here in a way it allows the conflict to continue you. you killed them and you feed them at the same time. yes. because because how come in, but it's time because you have somebody has a 1000 and lots that are because that is and then many times the last 2 i what they said was sent to a 1000 needs and they didn't know 6 something packet baggage or something bag noodles. so yeah, $13000.00 allowing meals cut out and so, so the question is, you know, how much of this wouldn't be actually a helping those people in, in does that. how many people they would benefit from that, where this wouldn't go, considering the fact that destruction and because the people they would not be able to learn and find, there are no cause you know,
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the place you will be with the that age will go that no one knows that people have excess ability to go that so that we go back to the idea that, you know, you cannot argue with that, that, you know, we want to continue using this tool. why it is what you think is killing the part of things that doesn't sound reasonable and that is not pushing around. now. shields worry. thank you very much for joining by for the british cargo ship has sunk in the red sea 2 weeks after being hit by hosting this site was fired from yemen, the ruby more as the 1st ship to sink, since attacks began in november because of israel's war and guns that the $24.00 crew abandoned ship soon after they were fired upon last month. and the boat carrier has already leaked fuel and there are fears of an environmental disaster because the ship was carrying $40000.00 tons of fertilizer. well, john stuart in london is the senior manager of environment and trade of the
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international shaver of shipping. i spoke to him last hour. he says the sinking ship is creating has it's from a real life, the environment and people's livelihoods in the red sea. the risk presented by the, the fertilizers, if it does spill into the marine environment, which seems possible given the ship is now, so it presents or beautification risk. and that results in oxygen depletion is extremely severe. so for the marine environment, i think also the sinking gives of ruby ma demonstrates the severe threat to the a t a tax present to the lives of ship of c firas transiting 3 of these waters. and they all the, the principal concern of, of the shipping industry. it's unacceptable that the men and women who serve international trade coming on the search threat. and it's, she a look that we've not seen a much severe incidence. the situation is obviously deteriorated considerably
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because salvage may not be impossible depending on the depths to which the the ship is sunk and that will need to be assessed. i think your salvage operation would have a code much sooner hot than not being available, stretch made by the who t's and the such an operation would only be permissible if aid was it was made into garza. and so unfortunately what was already a very complicated situation, his gall considerably was the rest of the about 60 percent going through the red sea. it's important to remember and that the eighty's have been very clear on that targeting criteria side dispatch, he's not generic, it's, he's variable depending on whether a vessel is perceived to be linked to israel, the cable, the us. how this thing in the solidarity rallies are being held around the world this weekend from copenhagen, denmark to france, italy, germany, the u. k, and level known as part of a global day for action, a day of action for palestine calling for
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a ceasefire and gaza. the security of energy supplies is being discussed in algeria, the gas, ex, 14 countries for him. the 12 members control more than 70 percent of the world's natural gas reserves, russia, iran and guitar have the 3 largest reserves attacks on the russian and they range and pipelines as well as the war and ukraine and israel's war on gaza have highlighted the markets vulnerabilities but some of interest aid has more from the summit, janelle chairs, it is a 3 where this 19 member block has the meeting. we saw heads of state come together . we saw them discussing with each other. what is the future of what is the way forward and how to ensure that there is a reliable supply of natural gas, as well as a safety and security of not just gas infrastructure,
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but pipelines and other vehicles which carry gas as well. so there's a number of challenges which you face these, a gas exporters, and one of them is the environment and the move towards renew clean energy, which is both a blessing and a curse for them. because yes, they are still hydrocarbons and created outside of a gas being the keenest off of coal and boil presents the longevity that these produces expect and lost them in the market. so in the last few hours they've been speaking to officials from various sites and they expect that these 3 major issues, one about the supply chain, the 2nd about more investment into gas gas exploration. and the 3rd and foremost being the price of gas is going to be discussed. and there's going to be some sort of a joint vision which all of these countries can come together and present as the russian energy minister told us that now, especially for russia, the vision and the way forward is not to we're looking towards the rest,
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but towards east and an africa where there's going to be increasing demand, and there's going to be more and more investment into gas interest. a drone attack has targeted st. petersburg and russia. the city and its suburbs are hundreds of kilometers from the front line and ukraine. but there have been several attacks there recently and, and ukraine, a russian drone attack has killed at least 5 people include a 3 year old boy whose body was found into the rubble in odessa. probably bride reports from keith or a total of 17 and rain. you made shy, he drones being targeted against you, cranes in these overnight attacks, some of them directed against the sumi and how to key regions in the north and the east of ukraine. but the most serious attack coming in the south on the port city of desta 8 drones launch than most of them being intercepted. but there was a direct strike on the 9 story apartment building. that's why we've seen most casualties with several people being reported killed, including
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a very young child with others injured. emergency services have been up the scene of going through the rubble looking for other victims and survivors. this attack has been condemned by president followed them. is a landscape of ukraine saying this is once again, he says, russia continuing gets fight against a ukraine's civilians and cooling on ukraine's overseas. back is to provide more ad defense saying that defense missiles he says, save lives, rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, to iran. now where accounting is underway after friday's parliamentary elections, conservative candidates are expected to do well. we're still sort our reports from different iranians voted for the new parliament on friday in an election scene as a test for the political establishment in the country. this election is the 1st form, a measure of public opinion cease nationwide. protests in 2022 spots by the death of 22 year old mess and many in police cost. you running officials have enjoyed
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high water turned out since the establishment of the stomach, the popular fuel run in 1979. but that change in 2020 parliamentary elections were turned out to remain at 42.5 percent a significant throughout compared to previous elections, the rest. but as you move from now, the government and institutions are seeking a high turn out to restore the less than the seats, which was damaged by you quite a bit cautious social unrest. andrews judgment, the eyes of the world are on the wrong and on the, on the people of iran, they want to see what you will do, that you both are friends and foes from all sides. their eyes are on us so. so pay attention to the ministry of interior fields is in charge of conducting the elections extended working time by 6 hours hoping to secure high turn out. well, you know, yes, it was always tell you that in considering reports received from cities and requests from local governors, the interior ministry based on the election law with the approval of guardian
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council, announces that the voting hours across the country are extended until midnight. while you so many, many reformist, including for more than a sampler, you're running, present several honey, we're bare from the race ready. i'm supposed to vote. as for members of the company's 88 c s, i'm beat for x. there's an 80 of turn on a panel that's with potentially a point. the company is next up in the leader of the company. that's why does election, may have a significant impact on the future of the islamic republic in the wrong the what the terminology is a primary source of an estimate before the political establishment of the worst are students with being counted. turn off may indicate a decline in public support, but the high turnout will give you good as a significant victory by the clinton committees.


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