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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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the, the way you still living palestinians are killed in southern gaza after and is really air strikes, hips of 10 sheltering, displaced people, the 5 sort of any age group to have you with us. this is elsa 0 light from the also coming up. the us begins and the air drop of aid, overdone, critics say it's not enough and what's needed is a ceasefire. a british cargo ship has sunk in the red sea after it was attacked by humans, who's the fighters last month. plus vote counting is underway in iran after friday's parliamentary election. we'll have more on that for me to run the
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we begin in southern gaza where it is really drone attack has killed at least 11 palestinians and wounded. many more troops have attacked the area near the emerald city hospital where hundreds of people have sought shelter. israel had previously established a safe soon in that area. the palestinians fleeing constant bombardment accept assignment which begins our coverage goes up under fire again and is rarely drone strike new damage. we're at the hospital, killed a doctor and several palestinians and move to rocket stripe targeted attend housing displays. people, you know, suppose the safe zone in detail also tiny area of roughly the attack follows a night of relentless airstrikes. is really rockets destroyed homes in a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax
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period, no one feeling alex, the hospital with the victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food, more bodies have been found. the u. n team that met victim says many of those days . so in a north guys, a hospital had suffered gunshot once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just gone a very, a very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of a gunshot wound and people i clearly be injured, maybe and running away would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians who are struggling to survive. the un,
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he's now demanding full access to northern gaza. sustainable delivery of the goods that people need pastor function and environment that have assessments for read a law assessments of some kind of systematic ability to access the aides that people need. but despite global outcry and condemnations, 8 efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. with the monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us as a result, the number of desktop any. when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal smoke enough for him. doctors and 8 groups in gauze are calling on the international community to confront israel for its military reactions. and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population axles. i much i'll just here. how's the zeros?
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terry covers, who is on the phone with us from southern gaza, tara, so there's been more strikes on your office since we put that report together. what have you been able to find out to? yes, in fact, here we've been seeing more tax and more for our district. within the past few hours. multiple strikes had targeted the eastern side there and that was prim. parts of the city where an agriculture land had been talking to the wrong side with another alarm, the was 28 area of a rough i knew, casualty. still now i reported in the latest attack spot. one of the duties to tax today was in the vicinity or in the right to hospitality and tell us will time neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated areas where people the are completely taking shelter away from the east money bombing into costs. surprisingly, how is bill targeted? a the make shift 10th only just a few meters away from the gates of the hospital where people, patients, visitors are completely at been crowded. i can the streets are trying also to buy
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the evidence based because it says check on the other patients inside the hospital . i police according to the guy who has health ministry, 11th house themes that have been killed. and also there are the 15th of this being warranted, according to also the latest updates by the ministry of health. the death toll from the deadly attack, by his body forces, or on thousands of palestinians waiting to receive food. or you just for a couple of days as rise into 116000 units as the managed to day to recover more to did buddies from the previous attacks. stark. we also just caught footage of the 1st american air drops of a humanitarian aid into garza. what do you know about those? that's what i've been seeing. the american military plains have been talking to frontier mandatory and supplies to the people see it in december. huh. looms sides of the northern areas we'd be speaking to be here and for being had been landed in the coast to line on the beach will come you in a city where people rush to
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a completely take a call to take some of the even to cherry supplies being talked to him, this is absolutely seen the tell us the names they have not used to have informed me cool. in previous confrontations and conflicts were up to the truth from us. and each po, box policy is also feedback. be on the ongoing assets and the ongoing a truck in because of strep, cannot be deliver to a solution for the humanitarian crisis. and peoples were afraid that 8 chopping might be an alternative for the aid. getting for out a profile course thing i'm calling was 7 coasting border, but they are also requiring and demanding that there must be much more flow between many cherry and supplies from golf course thing to help to mitigate the military crisis. simply because people cannot completely have a complete access to such humanitarian supplies being dropped. and at the same time,
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not only people can get to access that because people are gathering a file i think to get caught you monetary needs are a couple assumes thank you very much for that context and all that reporting there from rossa rosalyn. jordan is standing by for us in washington dc. raw's let's, let's discuss this uh these us air drops 1st time since the beginning of the war. what's in the packages that they've dropped to these are pre prepared meals, which are said to be how long some 38000 individual packets of meals have been dropped by us air for c 130 cargo planes along the garza coast line. that's according to officials. with sun com, they said this air drop, i took place over a couple of hours on saturday afternoon in tandem with the jordanian air force. and they say that there are plans of foot to make more air drops in the coming days possible. this raises the question from the bible says that he intends to put more
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pressure on israel to allow more aid into gaza. so i was wondering, what has he done so far, demonstrably done so far to pressure israel. when you ask that question, us officials will say that this is the hard work of diplomacy. and it's also the hard work that they don't want put out in public because they say doing so inevitably is a way of torching efforts to increase pressure on jerusalem to do the kind of things that the us says needs to be done in order to help alleviate the suffering of the people inside gauze, or they say that in general that they are making it clear to the israelis that's impeding delivery of humanitarian aid is not boating well for israel standing on the world stage. and that if it wants to retain any sympathy and various countries
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or in various regions, it needs to show that it is not just carrying out its ground war in a way that protects up how standing and civilians. but that it is also doing everything possible to make certain that food medicine, emergency shelter supplies are being delivered in increasing numbers into gaza. but they don't want to get into specifics because they say doing so runs the risk of destroying the very leverage that the was is trying to exert. and it's about leverage in their telling of it in their explanation. rosalyn jordan, thank you very much. that's something we'll pursue with our guest in just a moment. how it 1st though, in israel organizers of a protest, march, say, 15000 people have joined families of captives and guns that to urge their release and many have been marching for 4 days from the southern border. and their journey is due to end soon with
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a solid guarantee rally in west jerusalem. protesters are urging israel's government to secure a deal with homos to free the captives offices here as honda. so who does intel of eve covering all of this for us? multiple events today, but you're covering doc for the last few weeks. there had been antique government protest, that's where you are right now. what's happening there? well, this is just the beginning of the 3rd section of anti government demonstration against these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government route here wants me to resign. they want to elections to be helped immediately. and they also wanted the field to secure the release of is really captive health concepts. now these protests, large jobs when the, remember that this is a plaintiff movement against the government when there were judicial reforms that were going to be passed. but this movement has been started up again in protest,
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right? policies, the warranty condensed into 5 months without fuel to bring back policies. really, captain demonstrators say they hold be really prime minister directly respond to the state of affairs, the news room for it to be an international pressure on the country as well. and just in general, they want to see a change in the policies that are governing israel permanently because they think that this is the way that is going to be led in the right direction. so this demonstration just started and expected to 01000 in the next hour or so. also happening today and gatherings in solidarity with is really captive in gaza. i mean, specifically targeted at that issue and is really, is have been steadfast since the beginning of the war in demanding the captives release. tell us what you're expecting from those events.
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well for 21 weeks in a row, right across the street as hostage square families of this really captives are gathering in hopes of calling on the government to some for the release of their loved ones. they've been asking the government for almost 5 months now saying that they should be offering any sort of concessions to bring those top this back from don stuff. but these really government is not listening to them. they're also afraid that their loved ones are going to die and is really bombardment that is the aging, the gaza strip. so that demonstration happening right across the street. but in the last, russo, i'm, you also have that march of more than 15000 people that has arrived to its final point after marching for nearly 4 days from the southern border. and there are protesting in the same way, but outside the prime minister's house, calling for a change, calling for new policy for new deals that would bring that back to captive. so
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tonight, for 21 weeks in a row, that demonstration happening just right across the street. from the cell who's importing from television. thank you very much for that. we will continue to check in with you throughout the evening. joining me now is mushrooms where we director of the go study center at guitar university. i'll shoot by wanted to circle back on the 8 and the 1st us air drop of 8 into the gaza strip. 38000 to allow meals, you know, dropped into gaza city just couple of hours ago. is this a band aid or is this a significant development? i think it's a, it's an important this. the, however, it's not enough. it does not help to solve the major problem, which is basically the war and killing disability is the start the schools hayes when it's a black company, the sorry to say this, it says that, you know, we, we feel feed them and that will kill them. that's is, that is the situation is why is it, you know, it's as they say, look, you know,
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you'll save them, i will kill them. so i'm not sure what that is really something good to be watched or, or to follow on. i think it's, there is really concerned about disability and also because the under for her father also funding does what one point for people, 1400000, those people also the suffering from, from the lack of food and health status and everything. i think the, the, the, i think to be done is calling for an immediate cease fire. i'm been get all of this into has been tried to get, you know, the, you know, it was, it is, there's some reports talk about does and people need 5 to 10 years to secure that health after this war because what they lost the medication on that health it needs 5 to 10 needs to be fixed. so you're kind of imagine this. it reminds me of the, a sanction impose that a lock 19 nineties because was tough. it was really me generations of the
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rockies. this is really interesting and if it is worth taking a moment to think about that, what you're saying that the impact on the human bodies, the impact on palestinians, from the health perspective, it'll take a decade, up to a decade, to get over it for the people of course will be enough to survive to get in this for you heard that discussion with our correspondence in washington just a month, a moment ago i i asked or, well they did. the us says it wants to put more pressure on israel. where is that pressure? her answer was in the us says they're putting the pressure on is real privately, that it is counter productive to do it publicly. your thoughts on that. people want to say something, action on the ground, they want to see what type of their lives. i mean, what does that mean to that for this thing, you know, get some people of this way of questioning. and so 8 is. the fact is, is that for this thing, you're not killed, you know, every day at these times, it's a 150 purpose than what killed and as long as this number is increasing. so i don't
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believe that any when, when will accept death, an odd that's arguments are tool and, and let me just add one 4th. no. go ahead. 88 to 5000 palestinians. expected to die within 6 months of the because of the farm. if occasion of the health as to it, yeah, that's the $85.00 that sounds like you were making and it's and it's true. we report on the number of people killed more than 30000 palestinians have been killed . but there are many more still in the 45000 expect to die with this 6 months because of the hailstorm, if occasion. yeah, the long tail of this war once it's hands and it's nowhere near ending by the way. unfortunately, my shoes very thank you so much for your reviews today. thanks still ahead on else 0, chance military ruler announces that he will run for president and a bid to officially succeed. his father will have one that after the break, the
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frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash, but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial morgan. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, asking questions. were you ever warrants about the health effects of power? no. understanding the reality. reporting from the action the, the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact to h as an in depth coverage, tying on stakes it's future on fossil fuels. nope,
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renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. this is the 1st she saw that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers hub in use is called the the, the watching else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour, at least 11 people have been killed in rasa is southern gaza. is really forces wants to draw on attack near the end, around the hospital where hundreds of displaced people have been staying. more strikes are currently taking the u. s. military says it has air dropped,
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38000 meals and gaza. this is the 1st round of emergency humanitarian aid announced by presidential by on friday, thousands of his release of joint families of captives and gaza and a march to west jerusalem. the protesters are urging israel's government to secure a deal with him. mazda free to captain a british cargo ship has sunk in the red sea, 2 weeks after being hit by hosting this site was fired from yemen. the ruby moore is the 1st ship to sink since attacks began in november because of israel's warren garza. the $24.00 crew abandoned ship soon after they were fired upon last month. the boat carrier has already leaked fuel and now fear is of an environmental disaster are increasing because of the $40000.00 tons of fertilizer on board. well, john store for it is from the international change chamber of shipping. he says that the best way is creating hazards for marine life, for the environment, and for people's livelihoods in the red sea. the risk presented by the,
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the fertilizers, if it does spill into the marine environment, which seems possible, given the ship is now. so it presents or beautification risk and that results in oxygen depletion is extremely severe. and so for the marine environment, i think also the sinking of the ruby mall demonstrates the severe threats that the who t of tax present to the lives of ship of c fires transiting through these waters. and they all to the principal concern of, of the shipping industry. it's unacceptable that the men and women who serve international trade coming on the search threat. and it's, she a look that we've not seen a much survey of incidence. the situation is obviously deteriorated considerably because salvage may now be impossible depending on the depths to which the the ship is sunk and that will need to be assessed. i think your salvage operation would
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have a code much sooner hot than not being available, stretch made by the who t's and the such an operation would only be permissible if aid was it was made into garza. and so unfortunately what was already a very complicated situation, his gall considerably was the rest of the about 60 percent going through the red sea. it's important to remember and of the eighty's have been very clear on the targeting criteria side dispatch. he's not generic, it's, he's variable depending on whether a vessel is perceived to be linked to israel, the cable, the us how this thing and solidarity rally is being held around the world this weekend from copenhagen, denmark, the france, italy, germany, the u. k and 11 on this is part of the global day of action for palestine calling for a ceasefire in gauze of the
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military ruler of chat. it says that he will be running for president in an election being planned for may know how much interest debbie it know to power 3 years ago after his father was killed by rebels. yeah, zillow, chad's main opposition leader and his cousin was killed on wednesday during an army assault on his parties. headquarters in the capital address has more on this from jemina of how much it was debbie said his intention was not to run for president. he said, useful cause when he took over from his father, when he was killed on the frontlines, was to stabilize, tried to use short, the big institutions of governors continued and also as well as to provide peace and stability to the country. and the region now has been endorsed by a coordination of more than one would and print reports, clauses and associations here in german or what color racing. it's called by shuttled by event of the past week, which of course include the read on the main or position project quote is the demolition of the project quarters. and of course,
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the killing of its leader as well as the risk of several other members of the police could part as many people feel that that could affect the credibility of the elections on may 6th. but again, chart is a very, very significant. i like to many countries from in particular, which has moved a lot of groups since it was ordered out of menu. so you didn't countries how about why the has grown, it's basically in charge and of course the west is relying on mr. debbie and his government to provide additional support when it, when it's needed. one of the main things, one of the main challenges remaining of the raise the phrase mr. debbie is the current prime minister. it wasn't the position what he's doing, the government as a prime minister, he refused to say whether or not you run, i guess a precedent. so right now we have more than $220.00 political parties and the association endorsing wisdom. how much interest debbie? how many degrees i'll just say to you a minute. ok, we've got some breaking news to bring you in. not sure where he has joined me for
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that. the director of the gulf study center here at guitar university last year. but here is what we're learning at the moment there, according to us officials, that the israelis have essentially agreed to a 6 week ceasefire. all of this, of course, in the context of the last few weeks where there haven't been talks active talks between indirect between israel and homos, mediated by the us guitar in egypt, talks about getting to a ceasefire. we know the positions were very far apart in the beginning, and we know that there's been what we figured that there was some kind of improvement, but we didn't exactly know where we were. the latest is this, the us a special saying israel has essentially signed on to deal with a provide for a 6 week ceasefire in gaza. what do you know? what i knew is done until this afternoon, there was a serious discussion about this, but there was a, a, a, a truman issue which is how much one to, to be accepted. one is that withdrawal from know, some of us as old as
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a withdrawal. they show from a, as a and secondly, allowing the guys and people to go back to the north, which basically around it took about $700000.00 plus something to go back. so those 2 points there with the major issue. in addition to that, they put valencia stop there for a 2nd. i wanna make sure because this is all developing and this is all i'm gonna want to make sure that we were all in agree with this. almost thomas wants israel to withdraw from northern gaza. yes. this is a change from what they were asking couple weeks ago, which was israel withdrawal from all of gaza. yes. and how much wants to palestinians real to allow palestinians to go back to the north, but you said 700000 meaning not all palestinians. we so we talk about northam has that used to have 1400000? yes. 7. have the thought of that they went to this house because i, they pressure me now how my says, bush, people just come back to the north along does so basically everyone in the north
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and as i shall go back that's, that's the point and exchange for that exchange for that 6 weeks of these files and the admission and they said the issue was there was a balance here and there was a huge difference about or the use of discussion about it is the equivalency of each cop to the 1st and then so use i say that that's, that's the issue. they used to talk about 14 or 110. yeah, this is the ratio of the powers 1000000 prisoners. you quoted ice from is really jails for one is really captive really soon. got this issue a sold last week because they talked about, i think $4045.00 is our eighty's or for these varies with $400.00 something, but his thing is including, i would say an importance that goes within the 1st thing in the present us. now what's happening in the last 24 hours, i kind of stand it into context when the flow of mess must have cut switch basically because what has it. but it's been in under the action of that,
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which basically motor pressure on the americans who are pins to do some very quick . we have just a few seconds left. and the 2nd point is actually this kind of thing. i'm going to turn in the class, this would be basically the causing drop in the end is there should be a solution to click ok. that's all really interesting. we're going to leave it at that for now. we're going to gather more information, bring back and give our view as a full slate of news, especially on this breaking news. that according to us, officials is really, is have essentially signed up on a deal that would involve a 6 weeks east fire. this would be to be implemented sometime before ramadan would shut out around march 10th. so in the coming days, we and that's where we are in the story. for now, we'll bring you much more at the very top of the hour on al jazeera. there was of course, always more information on our website down to 0 dot com. whether is next, then you've got inside story, which looks at the issue of growing calls for a ceasefire in gaza. exactly what we were just discussing. we're bringing on that at the top of the our stay without
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the the, let's get going with your weather uptake through the middle east and africa. so were tapping into a southerly wind in saudi arabia watched what that does, of that temperature and rehab potentially 30 degrees on sunday. but it's also starting around the sand and does for the eastern profits in saudi arabia. and same goes for quade. so he's a conditions there, but this warmer air will push into doha up to 27 degrees, but running the risk. i've seen a few showers on monday. now that that snow storm has moved away from mass kind of stand. it's been replaced by some bitterly cold air, a couple at minus 3. that's well below where your should be. now that we are in the month of march,
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a few showers across the western and central side of turkey. it'd be around is stumble, but where we've got some major rain fall north west africa, particularly l. jerry and to needs the weather alerts out for northern algeria. for just how blustery it's going to be. as we head towards the sunday, rain is locked into play across congo. this could produce some flooding over the next little bit. and we know a wildfire is burning not too far away from cape town, and those winds will still be a factor on sunday. but hang tight, there is some relief coming by monday. this storm system sweeps in, it's going to produce some showers, potentially thunder storms. cape town, shoot for a high of 26 degrees on monday. bye for now. the, in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. what they're should move in international law is vehicle b, this model on. so to discussions the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdoms.
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how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0. the goals for an immediate cease fire in gaza and growing louder. but he's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains defiance insisting he's military was backed down until hamas is destroyed. so what does that mean for negotiations and how serious is nothing yahoo about continued diplomatic efforts. they say is inside story the .


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