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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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thing, it is always an attempt to same as the true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the us says there is a framework agreements on the table for a 6 weeks faced by israel hasn't turned it down and it's now waiting for how much does the response the hi, my name's sight. sound, is there a life from dental or so coming up. right now the soul continue. israel has once again attacks, palestinians who are waiting for aid in gauze. the city. one person has been killed . at least 11 palestinians are killed in south and gone so often as rainy as strike
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hips the tent, sheltering, displaced people on the plea for more. a doctors in gaza, se time is running out from now. norris, babies the we begin with developments on the wall and gaza. the white house says there is now a framework agreement on the table for 66 weeks, face 5, which is real, has not 10 down. now the weight is on for how much to agree. torques have been ongoing here in doha with policies hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan, which is in around a week. we have the correspondence following developments from all sides of the story. in a moment. we get reaction from rushman. jordan, in the united states fast less speak to ben, it's smith in ramada. so bennett, as it stands, we have now, according to the united states,
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the framework facies 5 deal, which is real, has more or less accepted. and how much has to decide now to accept or reject on the surface? this does sound like a significant development. it does sound like a significant development from the us perspective. big seems though, to be putting the pressure on how much to come up with to agree to this framework deal is being offered is just suggest a 6 week cease fire. and they'll be ramping up significant ramping up of a deliveries to gaza. and the release of is really captives in return for significant number of palestinian prisoners. now, how much is being quoted by one? use agency differential use agency at the a setting it will deliver its official answer in cairo on sunday, egypt for media is reporting, but it gyptian category new s negotiated us to negotiate as we'll meet again in
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cairo on sunday, with teams from home, us and israel for weeks now, the egyptians, the countries, and the americans have been shocking between how my son is ralph. try and how about how to deal. as you say, the american say it's now up to how much, right, as you, as, as you was saying, i mean, months, it's been months that we've had these negotiations involving various countries from castle to egypt to come up with a framework that both sides would agree on and it has been incredibly difficult, so remind us what were the sticking points of what is being incredibly difficult because of the very different demands of both sides. thomas has repeatedly asked for an a permanent sees find the total withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza from the outset is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it previously is cold, this request, delusional. he says these really say we want to, they
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a list of all the names of the captives that are still alive before we'll give you a cease fire. how must have said that all the told out is there early today then, or they don't think that they're in a position to do that. these really so you see why the 2 sides of so far pos and these really media is reporting that they're not going to send anyone to cairo on sunday unless they get this list from home us. so while the americans talking it up, it's still not, not clear. these riley's and how much of a come particularly closer together. okay, for now. thank you, ben. it's miss that for us in ramallah in the occupied westbank. let's get the view from washington. we have rosalind jordan standing by for us, and rosalind robin mix picture here because a few days ago we had president biden having to row back on earlier comments that we would have ceased by dale. by monday. yes, here we are again with the women momentum back on for
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a dale. tell us what you're hearing as well. basically this is all what is been happening in the last 48 to 72 hours. certainly after is really forces fired on palestinians who were trying to approach a truck that had humanitarian aid in rafa on thursday, the u. s. has been understandably, quite upset by this turn of events and officials were very quick to say that they did not want this incident to somehow give israel the where with all to walk away from this framework 6 week long, the cease fire or pause and fighting, and certainly not give home also any reason to do the same. and so us officials really have been scrambling to try to keep this deal alive to keep the negotiations going. because they say that while the now believe that the 6 week break in the
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fighting could be phase one. and that's the point house as language for trying to get to a longer viable piece, or certainly an a prolonged and to the war on gaza. now this is the situation that us officials, brief reporters on here in washington on saturday. and they said that trying to get in humanitarian aid really does underscore the fact that civilians in garza had been paying the biggest price during this more. and that regardless of the ongoing negotiations, something has to be done in order to make certain that people have food medicine and emergency shelter given that so many homes have been destroyed since the war began in the middle of october to okay, rosalind for now. thank you, rosalyn jordan, that for us in washington dc. and as a rushman was saying whether so really matches is on the ground in gauze or where we,
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where we can speak now. challenges there. as tara gumbo assume he is in southern gaza for us target. what would a potential cease fire deal mean right now to the people in gaza? yes, in fact, smelling a potential ceasefire right now. i'm a, the ongoing, a unrelenting is very from bottom. it means more dave, a term quality and relief on the ground. as people can no longer be a subject to, to any is really funny, is that mike kim hoping to the people that the loved ones are even palestinians, wiping mostly displaced from their homes and houses. and this is absolutely part of the, of the palestinian. we've been living in the industry since the direction of this round of conflict, but also for palestinians. it's important for any potential sci fi to include and to guarantee the return of all of those displaced to the northern parts of casa, and also to guarantee the full, especially with the true,
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from the territory in order to guarantee key palestinian mobility on the ground. the people can pick 10 back again, can move and turn stub with the north and south safely without any threats. and this is, this was the main key arguments between almost and the east belt as to this very moment there. is there any further official comments from, from us really in which simulation to the use very agreement on this very at a proposal for the ceasefire. and also, it seems that it's going to be, if there's going to be approval for how much that will be, a multiples page cease by an agreement. that means that the 1st phase will include the results, pick, elderly women and children. those is very being talked to a big kept that you took by how much you insight console and another. another important issue for policies being that another piece fine, that means most flu or the humanitarian supplies. and also the deal did not show it's such humanitarian supplies will be delivered to the know the pot with
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sufficient amounts and sufficient level that can have a boost. people have been hungry, delta staged in the hydrated to recover and also to coup with the situation on the around waiting for the coming days to show us smoke related to the points that put on top of grades on approved kids. i'd like to talk and i'm the shot to american and sion efforts to now we've got some disagreement between both part. okay, so now out is there as part of the assume that for us in some, in gaza. well for the 2nd time and 3 days, fee is really ami his shot at palestinians waiting for food. 8 near the bull see round about south west of golf and city walters. one person was killed and at least $26.00. all those wounded on thursday at the same location, at least a 118 palestinians were killed by these randy ministry while waiting for
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desperately needed food. meanwhile, in salvation, gaza the attacks continue on rafa and is ready. drone has killed at least 11 palestinians and wounded many more troops of attack. the area near the m a ride to the hospital where hundreds of people have salt shelter, accel, some of which has all the guys up under fire again. and it's rarely drones strike new damage. we're at the hospital killed a doctor and several palestinians. the rugged strike targeted attend housing displays. people in a supposed to safe zone in detail. also con area of growth on the southern the, there was a big explosion. these ran, the army bombed the place, crowded with people, destruction is everywhere. there are many boxes. suddenly, the gloves shot to the fire broke out. everyone flipped, some of you were mounted, and others injured. was injured on my hands and head on to my brother was also in
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the attack fellows a night of relentless air strikes. is really rockets destroyed homes and a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax period, no one feeling alex, the hospital with the victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food, more bodies have been found. the u. n team that met victim says many of the was the saw in a north gauze. the hospital had suffered gunshots once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just had to go on a very, very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of a gunshot, and people had clearly injured maybe,
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and running away would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians who are struggling to survive. the un, he's now demanding full access to northern gaza, a sustainable delivery of the goods to see what need has to function in an environment that has a sentence of the law. assessments of some kind of systematic ability to access the aides that people need. but despite global outcry and condemnations, efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children in this, minnesota, the monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us . and as a result, the number of desktop and even when a charlie supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal. but that's not enough for him. doctors and age groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront is role for
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its military reactions and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population axles. i much i'll just share the 13 year old boy is the latest child to be killed by the israeli military and the occupied westbank. mohammad. how did zaid was schultz near the gel a zone camp? no. of ramallah medics from the palestinian red crescent, tried to resuscitate him. but couldn't. is there any on the claims? he's very monotone cocktail at a nearby ministry post. meanwhile, a funeral has been held for another palestinian boy killed during is riley re near ronada as night. under just morning is joined the procession for mohammad. how move out date on the side of the 16 year old was out with friends when the rain began and they became trapped. and he was shot in the head and is ready for his opened fire. is there any military has announced
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a desk of 3 soldiers in gaza? know you'd sac totally, monica, and i think terry killed in hon. eunice, the army, says 14 all the troops, what are injured and brings a total number of is rarely soldiers killed to 585 organized as a protest march in israel as a 15000 people have joined families of captives in gauze at edge that release many have been marching for 4 days from the southern boat. a and johnny's jews, and soon with a solid guarantee, riley in west jerusalem protest as urging, as well as government to secure a deal with ham us to free the captives. i'm the seller which has the latest from tel aviv a fully anti government demonstration, has completely dispersed police set up a number of different roadblocks and blockades to try and prevent demonstrators
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from getting in the way and blocking major highways. but however, some demonstrators did manage to break their way through these barricades and block the roads, is really the lease arresting around 7 demonstrators. but the protest has completely dispersed, as i've said, because it is quite cold intel of leave and is really police setup iron gates across several different intersections so that demonstrators couldn't even reach certain points. they're also trucks that were blocking the major intersection so that demonstrators also wouldn't make their way through. so after about, i would say 25 minutes demonstrators began to disperse. we also saw last week, police that were mounted on horseback, but because of the number of injuries that demonstrators had experience because of the shocking video footage of officers hitting demonstrators with their reigns on
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the horseback. this week is really police decided that officers would be on sag ways and other sorts of motor bikes instead of the horses. but as you can see here, behind me, the number of police officers is out numbering the demonstrators. and that was the case for perhaps the last 30 minutes of the protests, but the main message they were trying to get across is that they want to see elections health immediately. they want these really prime minister to resign and they want to see a deal that would bring back the remaining is really captive to our health in gone . so now they're battling that every saturday until there's a change in his roles. governance, they're going to come out in the streets and protest to so has on out is there a child submitted free rule that announces that he will run the president's and have been to officially succeed his father, the
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hard. he came into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided. hang on my question to you . all. the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a may just something go because they've gone to the exit or to hear the story on told to how does era blind by police brutality and indigenous mother and inbox on an incredible jenny for justice time as the seeking reparation for all this, like with no political background, she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st line sen. within the realm of politics, the road to accounts ability is never straightforward. a vision of justice,
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a witness documentary on how to 0 with fear and this gentleness of just behind me, hundreds of people have been about 2 inches in depth coverage. thailand, stakes it's future on fossil fuels. out just ears, teens on the ground to bring you closer to the house, but this truly or the the, the watching out is there a mind if i told the story is this our, the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 weeks these find in gaza. israel has not turned it down and it's now waiting for how much this response talks have been ongoing. here in doha with policies
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hoping to have a deal in place. my ramadan, which is in around a week's time. is there any ministry is again, shots of the simians wasting for a few days south west of guns, 51 person was killed and res 26 wounded on thursday at the same location, at least a 118 palestinians were killed or wasting some desperately needed age the united states has carried out it's fast and drop a few amount of tearing 8 into gaza. more than 38000 meals was sent into the strip . on 66 pallets so fast round if emergencies united tearing aid announced by president joe biden on friday. 8 organizations have criticized move saying the us should. instead in show israel allows a in through across things adult to in northern gaza. says his team is struggling to help hoff the babies that enter his hospital. most of the
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issues stem around lack of food, which isn't even many of the infants in come all add one hospital malnourished. if help doesn't come quickly, he says they will be nothing more, he can do to yes minutes. the now nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up in a one meal. that's not enough for that unless your body becomes deficient in carbohydrate vitamins proteins and deficient in fans that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration state. i can honestly say that we can't even deal properly with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them say lean solution for sugar solution another one moment suburban enough to pull it. all of this is happening due to the lack of food. when a child supposed the 3 meals a day and only each one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and,
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and all of the diseases that come because of the thing. and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a long infection or blood infection in of itself. so it's the sickness really getting now. and then we just kind of, and it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa. how the medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and was this case basically took everything we have. if another case comes in that requires the same device on as of the, we won't be able to do anything for them. the devices we have are not working. we are now in the neonatal intensive care unit, as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department to what i said, it doesn't necessarily anatomy. the my message is an appeal to the entire world to
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intervene and save all the children to bring medical aid and fuel to the hospitals and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to leave to the south. toward my stock immediately vista, i just sent it out on the bus, bringing you some avenue administrative unit of todd says he will be running for president in an election plan for may. how much interest and debbie it know to power 3 years ago off to his father was killed by rebels. yeah, yeah. the child's main opposition need on his cousin was killed on wednesday during an army a sold on his policies headquarters and the capital. i'm an address has moved from jemina, how much interested decide his intention was not to run for president. he said useful cause when he took over from his father when he was killed on the frontlines, was to stabilize,
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tried to use sure. the big institutions of governors continued as well as well as to provide peace and stability to the country. and the region now has been endorsed by a coordination of more than one wouldn't print reports, clauses and associations here in german or what not the color, racing is public shuttled by you've been over the past week, which of course include the read on the main opposition project for just the definition of that project quarters and of course the killing of its leader as well as the risk of several other members of the political process. many people feel that that could affect the credibility of the elections on may 6th. but a game chart is a very, very significant. i like to many countries from in particular, which has moved a lot of groups since it was ordered out of many. so you didn't countries how about why the has grown, it's basically in charge and of course the west is relying on mr. debbie and his government to provide additional support when it,
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when it's needed. one of the main things, one of the main challenges remaining in the raise the phrase mr. debbie is the current prime minister. it wasn't the position what he's doing, the government. as a prime minister, he refused to say whether or not to run, i guess a precedent. so right now we have more than $220.00 political parties and the association endorsing wisdom. how much interest debbie? how many degrees? i'll just need to jump into one is in russia, i have been laying flowers at the grave of the kremlin chris and collect seen a volume a, a day off to his funeral. thousands attended the ceremony in most gay wes slogans against president vladimir opinion which counted in a rash show of public defense. russian authorities say no volume died of natural death syndrome. many have blamed president vladimir putin 1st f in the ukraine. a russian drone attack has killed 7 people, including a 3 year old boy whose body was found under the rubble in odessa. 6 people are missing in the port city often the early morning attack on
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a high rise apartment block from mcbride has been a total of 17 and rain. you made shy, he drones being targeted against ukraine and these overnight attacks some of them directed against the sumi and how to key regions in the notes and the east of ukraine. but the most serious attack coming in the south on the port city of desta 8 drones launch than most of them being intercepted. but there was a direct strike on the 9 story apartment building. that's why we've seen most casualties with several people being reported killed, including a very young child with those injured emergency services have been at the scene of going through the rubble looking for other victims and survivors. this attack has been condemned by president followed them. is a landscape of ukraine saying this is once again, he says, russia continuing its fight against a ukraine's civilians and cooling on ukraine's overseas. back is to provide more ad
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defense saying that defense missiles he says, save lives, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, in tennessee, a thousands of members of the largest labor union have been protesting in front of the prime minister's office. demonstrates has cooled the greatest social freedoms and denounced a crackdown on union rise. i'm rising prices and union has been one of the strongest critics since president case. i seized power in 2021 and it may have widely described as a qu of these doors. so i was that i didn't choose yeah, we are custom to accept the differences of opinion to formulate the content. we do not accept silence invoices nor do we accept the policy of southern tara betrayal, distortion. i'm dividing society, all of this is rejected in the mentality of the tenants in general. labor union. hodge and tina's president has delivered
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a major policy address to congress. javier minay said his nation has no future unless it's economic model is changed. from a public purchased ahead of his speech with people angry about his economic reforms . malay has rolled back many subsidies since he came to power in december. from london, homes and bolivia, aust of nudged off to severe flooding. most of the damage has been done in the remote village of capturing nita with flung more to comp off roads. every rain has hit the m, the region, the amazon and the valley is the central bolivia, main wall and california of household lives and has hit nevada county for the shut down main highways and is expected to bring more than 3 meters of snow when the service is wanting travel conditions will be extremely dangerous. i'll take a look at this uh, in the us a truck driver has had
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a lucky escape in kentucky. this was the scene in louisville off to a 3 vehicle collision on a bridge near the ohio river. no one is hedge, that's it for me. i'll be back in the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. now the thing writing that's been coming through new south wales is max is moving slowly northwards across the boulder into queens and not leaving behind, slowly moving sunshine to a melvin eventually got about 27 in the couple of days time. and for the 1st time for weeks, rain is showing itself very close to path which is about $34.00 on sunday. the major range is more likely be further north, but it's still quite hot and noticed how does it was,
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even though it is new south wales and victoria, a more or less free or free for the most part or the end of monday. right, is running out through both sizes in new zealand buildings from pump to because of it mostly of right. but it moves very quickly. you know, she's christ church at $22.00 is not benefiting much from what is normally a woman for an effect. we've got tons to brought degrees, all the same. still the rainy season in indonesia, and in fact the vice java mc mount from possibly the west side of bonia. the risk of studying is quite high from these particularly heavy shows at the moment, know that they're still almost reco breaking the so again, into casting pretty cost and coach human as well. the so went to cold around in china, hobbins at minus 4 as a match, and that's going across the siege of our abuse most noted for home show, but it's warming up now in some china the weather brought to you by visit council. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the, the, the in the world with short food and governmental and international responses to global challenges. a glaring, non governmental organizations step in to bridge the gap. providing critical services and support. these organizations which the most vulnerable, often overlooked population being not just age, but has at the full front of this humanitarian efforts. as the international rescue committee led by david middle bonds founded at the behest of albert einstein and
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1933 c i o. c has become a beacon of relief and recovery. so those court and the cross was.


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