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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the community austin aside from the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of the . ready ready ready the hello i, my name's by the business, the news ally from de la coming up in the next 60 minutes. united states says there was a framework agreement on the table for a 6 weeks face fine as well, hasn't turned it down and it's now waiting for how much does miss phones been across gauze and the bodies keep coming up with israel carrying out the tax on displace palestinians and those waiting for have a place to move
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a doctors in gaza say time is running out now. now our savings us and drops aid. i haven't gotten the president biden admit sits. no, so not. but critics say what's needed is a says fine, i'm piece a statement with a little bit a sports news relevant to the car to using the way of valencia. and for me to one will check and next for stuff and winds this fall, rain growing pre that a whole later in the program. the hello welcome to the program. we begin with fresh developments on the wall and gauze of the white house says that there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week space. fine, israel has not turned it down now the weight is on. so how much to agree talks have been ongoing here in doha, with policies hoping to have a deal in place by rama done,
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which is in around one week. let's go straight to all us corresponding bozeman jordan roles and what exactly have we had from the united states as well, according to the 3 us officials who brief reporters on saturday here in washington, this is the situation. this would be for the us is now calling thing is one of a longer term effort to try to end the war ongoing. so this 1st phase is the 6 week ceasefire, or pause and fighting that we've been hearing about from the, by the administration for some time. but according to these officials, these railing government has more or less signed off on a deal. and i'm slightly power phrasing. these officials, language, these officials also go on to say that it's now up to her malls to respond by saying that they are going to release a certain number of captives who are being held and garza who fall into one of 4
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categories. women, the elderly, the sick, and those who have been injured during this war. so if her mazda comes through, according to these us officials, that 6 weeks cease fire, or pause and fighting, could start as soon as today, saturday, here, the was sunday in the middle east, but that hasn't happened. negotiations are said to be still underway and doha, reportedly there will be more talks starting in cairo on sunday. and the officials have said that in light of thursday's incident, and which is really forces fired on palestinians who were greeting a welcoming uh, a conflict truck filled with humanitarian aid. they say that they are very concerned about this negotiation falling apart, which is why you have seen senior us officials, including the president, joe biden, reaching out to leaders in the region to try to keep this negotiation open and to
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try to get to the moment where a 6 week pause or sees fire can actually take effect, right, rather than the us president tally under a lot of pressure. he had to row back on comments just a few days ago where he said at least 5 deal would happen by monday. now we're here again with a possible deal back on the table, talk us through how much pressure he's on the well, let's face it, the us president joe biden is facing increasing pressure. there is some growing of political pressure, all falling on him. we saw that with the 10s of thousands who voted not for him, but not for anyone else in the democratic primary in the state of michigan on tuesday. certainly the shooting in rafa on thursday really alarmed the president, and then just a day later, he announced that there would be an air drop or several air drops of humanitarian
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aid to try to relieve the suffering of the palestinians living inside garza because of course it's been very difficult for our land crossings to be used to bring in that aid by a tractor trailer. and we did see that 1st air drop on saturday on the dogs, a coastline carried out by both the us and jordan. but this is the kind of situation where the us knows that if it cannot find a way to end the suffering of those goals and those palestinians excuse me. living inside garza, that there could be more serious political implications here at home. and rather than just one more line i want to run by you were hearing reports and is really media that the is really will cabinet minister penny downs is now on the way to the white house. so i believe that there was a meeting on monday. is there anything more you can tell us about this to? well,
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there hasn't been an official announcement from the white house about what the vice president campbell harris is doing on monday. but numerous reports you're in washington now say that tell the vice president is going to be meeting with benny gapped at the white house on monday to talk about all things garza about the efforts to bring about this 6 week long ceasefire to deal with the suffering of the palestinian people inside garza to try to work on ways of strengthening the palestinian authority so that it can be the governing force in and as up of future palestinian state in trying to end the war once. and for all in dealing with some of the really, every part of this ongoing conflict is said to be on the table. they're the same news reports also indicate that benny gant is also going to be meeting with jake solomon, the national security advisor who would be expected to deliver the same message.
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clearly, this war is of the utmost priority for the by the administration, even as it tries to deal with the other war that had been dominating the political discourse here, which is of course, the war in ukraine. but this is a very significant move, given that reportedly benny gant is doing this trip with out the blessing of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. okay, good to get your thoughts. rosa. enjoying that for us in washington, d. c. a. c, a. now from ben, it's smith in ramallah in the occupied westbank was for the reaction on the prospects of the seas. 5 do this. this looks like the us is increasing the pressure on the how much to agree the broad terms of the 6 week see spot deal, how my says it will deliver its official answer. in cairo, on sunday of us when media is from the us casa, and egypt to expect to, to meet again according to different media on my team. so i'm homeless and israel
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are expected to turn up. it's by no means clear that how much is going to accept this deal? let bail though they have previously insisted on a full permanency spot on the complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. demands that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cold, delusional, and yahoo is has said he's not going to send anyone to cairo. these are reports from is really media, he's not going to send anyone to cairo until i'm us, gives up a list of all the hostages that are still alive. and again, we'd heard early from how much they are not prepared to do this. so both sides on the face of it, seeing still to be far apart. burnett smith, i'll just say error ramallah in the occupied westbank. okay. where the soul mass is really is on the ground in gaza, where we can speak now to out is there is tarik boy's room. he's on the phone in southern garza tarik, what would
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a potential cease fi deal mean right now to people that as well. right now if you swap for palestinians will enable them to have a sense of turn quality income specifically that they have been under unrelenting bombardment for long months of fighting. and right now, palestinians, i would like to wrap the chimes for this. going to see sonya just to give me kind of it more kind of efforts in order to re twice the bodies of their beloved ones from under the ruffles of the destroyed houses. and at the same time, d, c for cease fire that can guarantee the return to the know that part of the goals and also to help to see more with the crow, one of these big troops from the land of the territory. but previously, i must say that you're going to accept an deal that not can trista is on the fact that we will help to a issue with the withdrawal from the inside. the goal is a strict guarantee for return of the palestinians to their homeland,
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to their houses in the north and from the east. pretty sign that in. yeah. who said that he's going on to, he would achieve the goals of the world and present to the newman aging homeless ministry capabilities, the return of hostages to guaranteed that there was never a threat to be. it's a pretty far away to be existing inside the goal is to be on the scene behind the behind the scenes right now or so to that's what's being made by regional mediators to bridge the gaps of understanding. and this is what i was thinking of really hoping wouldn't be coming days that you were witness expire, that can bring content for the hospitality. boeing to the end of the lease back if the collapse of the dog. so this is fine, just collapse. there's going to be more expanded to the fighting and maybe you might see the transfer of the bottles to reach to reflect in length of all the is really a great office, a patient, and also the previous statements regarding the military in the page and overall
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will be you know, the couple for that. okay. to hire a couple assume out is there is targeted by zooms, reporting that from southern gaza. of us can move this, we can speak to ha heavier. he's a senior associate fellow in international security at the royal united services institute in london. he joins us from that good of you to join the program. let me start by getting your reaction to what we've been hearing this evening. that a framework for a sci fi deal is now in place. israel has more or less agreed to it and we're just waiting on how much now to decide so i think it's a. busy and uh, just for the context here, this isn't a ceasefire deal that's being proposed per se. but rather it's a suggest john, the oppose in the fighting. and what we mean by that really is a person opposed that is really bombardment of gaza for a certain period of time. it's not a cease fire, per se, so i would mean the end of hostilities. these various have made it very clear that
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once they got the house which is out, then bombardment will continue there for after whether it's a few days later or a few weeks, but the bum barton will continue. so it's not exactly a ceasefire deal. it's a pause, a pause that will be a welcome rest spite uh to the people of gaza. but of course, what they really need, especially in the, in the midst of this incredible humanitarian crisis that has been on the screens of the world's media for so long is for a ceasefire, actually to take place. so that it can get in, read a construction can begin and a proper release for the people of guys that can begin. right? and, and, and exactly what you say mean, a permanent face 5, if you like, has been a red line for how much as well. uh so what are the chances really, uh, what is on the table now being agreed to buy, how much a so i'm not sure it's
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a good one. so how about some of us made it clear that they were interested in this is fire and for all of the criticisms that can be made of thomas? and i've made many of them myself. i'm not sure that they're the ones that are standing in the way of a serious fire. i think that somebody is rabies um. but indeed i suspect that tomorrow they will announce acceptance of the deal. i hope they do. it would be incredibly unwise of them not to agree to such a deal because the people of guys have themselves really need this break in the fighting. it's an incredibly desperate humanitarian situation in the strip. and any pause would be a rest bite for the people there. the prisoner released ratio has been a big sticking point, has an it in the negotiations so far, remind us what the issues around that are and how difficult they would have been to result. i don't think it's a problem in terms of the ratio per se, it's about what prisoners that this really is currently holds. um,
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what prisoners are going to be released? there's a sticking point there in terms of who they're willing to release and who have mass wants to see release both in terms of actual names. but i think in terms of categories of people as well, um ages, gender and so forth, right? i think what you're referring to is, for example, how much has talked about getting more one for a good team, who was a long time prisoner protestant in prison in and is right in jail, they want him out. so what are the chances of reaching some sort of agreement on this issue? i think there is a very good chance the agreement will be penned tomorrow in cairo. i don't think motor one by boat is likely to be a part of that deal in the slightest. but i do think that they will overcome that particular sticking point. because i think time us knows as well as everyone else the, the, the situation for the people who gaza is incredibly desperate and they need this
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rest pipe. okay, appreciate you speaking to us. ha ha, senior associate father, an international security at the royal united services institute. thank you. thank you for the 2nd time in 3 days. these really ami his shots, palestinians waiting for food a nearby. now both the round about south west of garza city also supervision on one person was killed and at least 26 people wounded on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed by these rainy ministry or waiting for desperately needed food. meanwhile, in southern gaza and his riley drone attack has killed at least 11 palestinians and wounded. many more troops have attacked the area near the and the rossi hospital where hundreds of people have sort shelter. israel had previously established a safe zone in the area for palestinians cling constant abutment acts of same of
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which reports the gossip under fire again. and is rarely drawn strike, you damn, you're out. the hospital killed a doctor and several palestinians, the rocket striked targeted attend housing displays. people, you know, suppose the safe zone in detail. also kind of area of rough or doesn't on the southern the, there was a big explosion. these really only boomed to place crowded with people. destruction is everywhere. there are many boxes. suddenly the gloss, chuck and the fire breakouts. everyone flip some of the market and all this engine was injured on my hands and head on to my brother was also in the attack fellows a night of relentless airstrikes. is really rockets destroyed homes and a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the attack spirit to no one feeling alex the hospital with victims of all ages.
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in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food, more bodies have been found. the you in teams, it's meant victim says many of those the, so in a north guys a hospital had suffered gunshot. once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just time to go on a very, very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of a gunshot and people could clearly be injured. maybe in the way would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it hasn't been nearly enough for the many palestinians for struggling to survive. the un is now demanding full access to northern gaza,
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sustainable delivery of the goods that people need. it has to function in an environment that has something of really law assessments or some kind of systematic ability to access the age that people need. but despite global outcry and condemnations, 8 efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. and there's been a sort of w monday. children play some major role in the number of children that come to us. and as a result, the number of desktop any, when a charlie is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal get on the bus, smoked enough for him, doctors and age groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront is role for its military reactions and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population axles. i much i'll just here. but as we mentioned, the united states has carried out it's fast ad drop of humanitarian aid into gaza.
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within 38000 allowed meals was sent into the strip. president joe biden has said that the amount of aid flowing into garza is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized move saying the us should instead, instead and show that as well allows a through the crossings a. jeremy connie dick is the president of refugee's international and a form. it is almost a relief official in the a bond that invited administrations he joins not from washington dc. thank you so much for your time. we've had a number of humanitarian groups, criticize these, a drops uh one being rich and going from the international crisis group. saying that she monitoring work is always complain. the ad drops are good photo opportunity, but actually allows the way to deliver aid. so what exactly is the issue with delivering aid in this way? but i think that's a fair assessment by richard. when i worked on this for the us government and the
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bottom ministration and i, i coordinated air air drops and their deliveries and a number of disasters including the earthquakes and type fluids and examines mores . you know, you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you from using better forms of transportation. error list and air drops in particular are the worst, the cost to the worst possible way to deliver it, the very expensive. they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong with those things drop and they deliver very small volume of a. so you know, relative to the level of need that exists in gaza today. this is not enough to really make a meaningful dent in the military in crisis. and you have to ask, why is this necessary? well, it's necessary because over the last nearly 5 months, these really military defensive has made it virtually impossible for normal humanitarian operations to exist in gaza. they could be opening more border
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crossings. they have refused to do that. even the 2 crossings in this out that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks, and they've been very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within gaza. there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities. there was a naval strike on a u. n. food convoy heading to the north that was actually stopped at and it's really check point at the time. so you know that this resort to airstrikes is a reflection of how impossible this really government has made it to conduct normal . and frankly more effective humanitarian operations. since i got an i, i presume another big issue with a drops is you need to have someone on the ground who can distribute the aid, faddie and cleary in this situation. there is no one doing that. that was, that's, that's one of the risk of doing an air drop is you don't control what happens once it lands in a normal situation. when we did these, for example in south sedan,
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during the, during one of the cycles of drought and flooding there, the communities were cut off, but there would be a humanitarian partner on the ground that could secure the drop. so and that would take a take control of the items once it had dropped and then distribute them in a professional way. again, the matcher in groups that would in theory be able to do that have largely been blocked by uh, by the israeli military from accessing much of the population in gaza. almost completely blocked from the north, which is where the aid is needed, the most badly. and so you don't really have that ability right now. and what about the actual, the type of fe that can be dropped in this case? we have 38000 ready to eat meals. is there a reason why i just figured i'd was dropped. cook could use the medicine, so something else be dropped as well. it is not supposed to drop other things. i would imagine this came together rather quickly and they were probably trying to
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figure out what can we rapidly in a way our hands on palletized for an air drop get onto an airframe and, and begin dropping over guys up there always, a lot of them are ease around, they probably have been pretty staged in the, you know, in the region and, and were able to lay hands on those quickly. it wouldn't be possible to air drug medicine. that's something that's been done. again, the question has to be, why air drops? why not open a border crossing? why not drive the truck and the president bite, and also talked about maritime cordele to deliver aids? how feasible an idea is that he talks about shipping a by c from cypress. it, it could be possible. again, it adds another layer of logistical complexity that exists only because of israel's failure to cooperate with the military command to your team is just been on the ground. i've been even garza quite recently out what they see. we keep hearing that
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assignment is on the cards we. busy a step away from simon to work with sir. exactly what your team so and how close a, how di the situation on the ground is so it's quite dark. we had a team in the region who interviewed people who had recently escaped from gaza. also did virtual interviews with people who remained in gaza and facing some of the conditions there and talked extensively with humanitarians both inside and outside, gaza, who are working to try to deliver it, to bringing it and then deliver it inside garza, of all, all indications, both what we heard again are our 1st and research, but also what's coming out through humanitarian reporting channels indicates a population that is on the verge of. and i think at this point, possibly beginning to slip into found that there had been reports that the world health organization shared yesterday of a baby's beginning to die of now nutrition in the hospitals. there are more
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informal, kind of anecdotal reports that are beginning to, to filter out of starvation depths. and you're back in december the, the integrated the, the, the i p c committee which is the a group that evaluate simon risk on behalf of the international community. it's sort of the gold standard group that does that. they assessed the. a at about half a 1000000 people were projected to be on the brink of famine, and that number is only growing in the, in the time since december. there was a nutrition survey that was put out by yourself in the walk through the program that found that the one and 6 children in northern gaza were severely malnourished . that's halfway to the threshold broke down the form of famine declaration that's up from negligible severe mal nutrition before the war. so the deterioration has been extraordinarily rapid, perhaps the most rapid deterioration in nutrition conditions that we've seen. and
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in modern history and the level of aid access that exist today is totally insufficient to stop it. and that's why we and many other a groups have been calling now for several months for a ceasefire, because without a cease fire, it simply will not be possible to mount the kind of massive humanitarian operation that's going to be required to turn this situation around. you know, once you're on the verge of sam and it's not just food a that's needed, it's specialized nutrition assistance. it is a specialized nutrition treatment clinics that can save the lives of severely malnourished children. but only if they're able to operate. you need clean water. you need shelter for people and you need health care because in a, in a full blown famine, most of the depths actually come from disease. people are so you can buy them out nutrition that a, and otherwise sort of standard adoption can finish them off. so a truly comprehensive operation is needed at this point and there is, we're just nowhere close to that right now. jeremy, calling to president of the refugees international form it does,
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it does also relief official. thank you so much for speaking to us. thanks adult to in northern gaza says his team is struggling in providing aid to hosp the babies to enter his hospital. most of vision stem from lack of food, which is needing many of the babies in the canal, add one hospital malnourished. if he doesn't come quickly, he says there is nothing more he can do in this window. so instead of, you know, nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up eating one meal. that's not enough for that unless your body becomes deficient and carbohydrates, vitamins proteins and deficient in fat that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration state. i can honestly say that we can't even deal properly with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them, say,
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lean solution or sugars solution another for mobile cell robin, and that's enough to pull it. all of this is happening due to the lack of food. when a child, suppose the 3 meals a day and only needs one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of it the and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a lung section or a blood infection in front of itself, so it's the most effective way to get in is known as economy. it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa, how the medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have is another case comes in that requires the same device on, is it the we won't be able to do anything for them to devices we have are not
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working. we're now in the neonatal intensive care unit. as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department. but i said it doesn't necessarily not of me. the name of the my message is an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical a and fuel to the hospital and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to leave to the south. he's a thought toward my stop immediately vista. how does any of that 10 year old boy is the latest child to be killed by these ran the military and the occupied westbank? haven't had it said was short near the gel. his own accounts no. from allah. metix from the palestinian red crescent trying to resuscitation, but couldn't is ready on the claims that he threw a molotov cocktail of a nearby ministry post on a funeral has been held for another palestinian boy killed during. and is there any raid never mala as a 9th, hundreds of what is joined the procession and how that how to do?
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i'll dig his family. he says the 16 year old is that with friends when the rate began and they became trapped. he was shot in the head. and is there any forces and find the is ready? ministry is announced the desk. the 3 soldiers in gaza in on each sack don't laugh naca on a fick, terry. what were killed in hon. unice? the army says 14, all the troops were injured and brings the total number of his riley soldiers killed $2585.00 to organize as a protest march. and israel say 15000 people have joined families, have kept as in gaza for that release. many have been marching for full days from the southern border at johnny's due to end soon with a solid diety, riley, in west jerusalem protest as have been urging, as well as government to secure
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a deal with homeless to free the captives. i'm the seller which has the license from tel aviv a fully anti government demonstration has completely dispersed police set up a number of different roadblocks and blockades to try and prevent demonstrators from getting in the way and blocking major highways. but however, some demonstrators did manage to break their way through these barricades and block the roads, is really the lease arresting around 7 demonstrators. but the practice has completely dispersed, as i've said, because it is quite cool with intel of leave and is really police setup iron gates across several different intersections so that the demonstrators couldn't even reach certain points. they're also trucks that were blocking the major intersection so that demonstrators also wouldn't make their way through. so after about, i would say 25 minutes demonstrators began to disperse. we also saw last week,
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police that were mounted on horseback, but because of the number of injuries that demonstrators had experience because of the shopping video footage of officers hitting demonstrators with their reigns on the horseback. this week is really police decided that officers would be on sag ways and other sorts of motor bikes instead of the horses. but as you can see here, behind me, the number of police officers is out numbering the demonstrators. and that was the case for perhaps the last 30 minutes of the protests, but the main message they were trying to get across is that they want to see elections health immediately. they want these really prime minister to resign and they want to see a deal that would bring back the remaining is really captive to our health in gone . so now they're battling that every saturday until there's a change in his roles. governance, they're going to come out in the streets and protest in the united states purchase
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have been taking place in washington, dc in support of palestine. several 100 people purchased said outside these ready m . c. h on tiffany carried signs and expressed a wish for the killings and thousands of people have died and all of the blood is on my hands and feels like just because it's my tax dollars that are and it and i don't want that to happen. i don't want to, i don't want my money to support the slaughter. hundreds of demonstrations in the malaysian capital, kuala lumpur, been quoting for us. these 5 lawrence louis has more strategy is organized by local civil society organization and has the endorsement of at least a 100 in jewish and various political parties is now ready to go with had gathered earlier in the afternoon outside the us and the 5 kind of message and the rat. yeah . a lot of the angus direct to that the us cuz continued support eventually with her speech is describing us action. and of course, at israel says,
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continued from la garza, now it's been really 6 months since israel's war on god's i began. and in that time, malaysians have organized a dozen low tech malaysia to some people. they have not sure what doesn't have the presence at the valued kind of completion. so they feel that it's important to come here to show that's called a direct team for palestinians. young funding when the address is 50, so i see the deep sense of sadness and i feel angry because there's nothing that we can physically do to help. what malaysians can do at this point is to boycott. but you have to play cold, a 100 percent. organize this up in the dining, this riley for weeks. so the timing of this riley coincides with the risk assessment and gaza desktop costing 30000 people. many of the women and children. it's really trans opening fi on how the sinews waves me for a killing. it was a 100 people. the malaysian for an industry issued a statement on saturday. condemning is those actions calling it's how it's late in
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violation of international law. lawrence the out to 0. and it's been a day, a palestinian solidarity, and all the parts of the world, tens of thousands of people are taken to the streets from babies 11 on to copenhagen in denmark, multiple cities, and from se, jenny, on the united kingdom. but also as far as keep us capital havana as whole parts of the global day faction, the palestine purchase is demanding an immediate cease. fine garza and the blood shed still a head on out, is there a child's ministry? we're the analysis that he will run for president and it been to officially succeed his father and the weld in the long jump champions written stick with. find out why would peter install the
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well with 3 weeks from the spring? i couldn't else, but the changeable season that is spring is probably what do you, what are your policies quite warmer than most of your huge mass applied in a large extent of what you would tool unsettled whether wind and rain typically now what's coming through on sunday is most significant rain, i think, for knolls missing a snow on the knolls and fired from the higher ground has been snow from the parent east from south of day dying out on the sand. as you see. and the temperature is as high as 16 vienna 17, possibly in soccer bravo, higher than it should be at this time of the year to written so western side of knolls, initially over the flat plane we'll see right on sunday. and again on tuesday, the window the strongest on sunday, temperatures rising though, as of right and eventually goes away and the sun comes out. that rate in crossing adriatic, posing a potential fed problem briefly. a problem for all the country on the eastern side
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was and still on the high ground right down through greece. most of your frequency is to relative the model of the cooler in 0 rick at 9 degrees and there's more rain coming through from farms. our oldest of course, does affect the northwest of africa, particularly for out you area where the warnings of strong wind throughout saturday and sunday investors for this aspect. rather more obvious showers in west africa. the african narrative from african for spring is you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to do short documentary fine for can still make it from ivory coast. and the sea turtle got an estimate in zambia, a new series of africa direct on algebra heroes from al jazeera
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on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and have to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the in the the, you're watching out as a reminder of our top story is with our us says there is
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a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks. these find garza israel has not turned it down and it's now waiting for how much this response talks to ongoing. here in doha with policies, how things happen during plays by ramadan in around the us ministry says it has dropped 38000 meals in gaza as the 1st round of emergency monitoring aid announced by president joe biden. on friday. these really ministry is again songs at child, a simians waiting to see a south west of gauze just to see one person was killed on at least 26 wounded on thursday on the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed while waiting desperately needed. 8 another 9 people were killed as a nice in gaza off to is riley asteroids hit a mosque near where displaced palestinians with sheltering. hint could diary reports from the scene of the attack and darrow bhalla,
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carrington indian village square. last night there was a heavy bombardment in the middle area. on my left is a mazda that has been completely blocked and through the floor as the is really forces targeted. this was with at least 2 air strikes. and as you see, the destruction is massive. the mosque became literally flat on the ground, but the story is not here. the story is, is this area that is completely up close to them was where the families from bit to noon that were internally displaced 1st to a 2 days and then to this area to one are displaced in this area. came to this area and took it as a refuge for more than 2 months. i saw that side many from bit to noon. were 1st displaced in the days and then came here. the family are telling us that they're
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dotted with that side. that's hurt. their 26 year old daughter was sleeping here on this great not before she was killed by the is ready air strikes, the targeted the mask last night. the minimum, what i was lying under the concrete, one of my chest, the plains where to zooming over the overhead. i called out to my daughter, went out to help me. my son came over and put me out. as to both my daughter, i suppose she was helping others somewhere. she was always courageous and generous . i found her lying dead. she was killed. i keep dreaming. she was lying soaked in her blood. she was working all night long. everything fell as the news agency. she was the bread one that for our family, she was working hard till her last the 50 palestinians were sleeping here
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yesterday night when the is ready for us is targeted. the must here by palestinians believe they have no place to fly. ready where everywhere is packed nowhere estates . this is in the city, i just need a steady bus. and is rainy strike on a card in southern lebanon has co, 3 has full of sizes. the attack tells us of the vicar in the town of nicola, it happened 24 hours after his qualified to set they carried at 6 attacks against is there any forces near the lebanese border has bullet and israel have exchanged in daily fire since israel's will, and gaza began last october, a senior who theda says he holds the u. k. prime minister. wish you so you're not responsible for the sinking of feet. ruby ma, am purchase and condo ship and song, 2 weeks off to being hit by here. the missiles fired from human phase. if an
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environmental disaster have been raised because of the $40000.00 tons of fetch allies on board, the se, so that can recover the ship if a trucks are allowed into casa, the, the ministry where the of john says he will be running for president and election being planned for may, how much interest debbie ignore took power 3 years ago off to his father was killed by rebels. yeah, yeah. diddo todd's main opposition leda and his cousin was killed on wednesday during an army, a sold in his policies, had courses. i'm it interest has moved from jemina. mama edwards, debbie said his intention was not to run for president. he said his full cause when he took over from his father when he was killed on the frontlines, was to stabilize, tried to use short,
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the big institutions of governors continued as well as well as to provide peace and stability to the country and the region. now has been endorsed by a coordination of more than one would and print report is conf. watches and associations. yeah. in german or what deductible erasing is shuttled by event over the past week, which of course include the read on the main opposition for the project porters, the definition of the project quarters. and of course, the killing of its leader as well as the risk of several other members of the political parties. many people feel that that could affect the credibility of the elections on may 6th. but a game chart is a very, very significant. i like to many countries from in particular which has moved a lot of its groups since it was ordered out of many cited in countries has r y that has grown. it's based here in charlotte. and of course the west is relying on mr. debbie and his government to provide additional support when it, when it's needed. one of the main things,
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one of the main challenges remaining in the raise, the phrase mr. derby, is the current prime minister. it wasn't the position what he's doing the government. as a prime minister, he refused to say whether or not you run, i guess the president. so right now we have more than $220.00 political parties and associates. you endorsing mr. mohammed's business debbie. how many degrees i just need to jump in a bonus in russia, i have been laying flowers out. the grave of the criminal increase the collection of only a day off to his funeral. thousands attended the ceremony in moscow. west slogans against president vladimir putin. which onset in a rash of public defend russian authorities, se, and of only died of national natural depths syndrome. many have blamed president vladimir putin for his desk or and ukraine, or russians running a tank is killed. 7 people, including a 3 year old boy whose body was found under the rubble in odessa. 6 people missing
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in the full city off to the morning attack on a high rise upon this rock. rubbing the front has moved from keys. a total of 17 and rain you made shy, he drones being targeted against ukraine in these overnight attacks. some of them directed against the sumi and how to key regions in the north and the east of ukraine. but the most serious attack coming in the south on the port city of desta, h drones launch than most of them being intercepted. but there was a direct strike on the 9 story apartment building. that's why we've seen most casualties with several people being reported killed, including a very young child with others injured. emergency services have been up the scene of going through the rubble looking for other victims and survivors. this attack has been condemned by president followed them. is a landscape of ukraine saying this is once again, he says, russia continuing gets fight against a ukraine's civilians and cooling on ukraine's overseas. back is to provide more ad
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defense saying that defense missiles he says, save lives, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, thousands of people from the policy of buckets. don's jail, full not prime minister and wrong con, have rallied across the country. that protesting alleged rigging in last month's national elections. cologne, hyde. it has the wrong despite the heavy rain, the board, the buckets on day again solved by the number i did, and it's lama, but they have got chopped for a test thing. i guess what they said was massive rigging and the electron back to planted and project on. they have, of course, being a number to verify that security portraits based on job proven my paper. here are the domain and they're making their protests. busy we've been talking for some of the project to tell us why they are. yeah. cuz we can do that again. that took place in the election on it's february. the guy was reading on almost 186 on the
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night of the election, but in the morning the results were when he predicted and we have no introduce the only 96 in the restroom assembly on monday into punjabi. somebody has been stolen in the sun, our seats have been stolen and even know as we stand for testing the election commission is reducing the eyes uh sits in the next assembly. the idea to get back us golden rule that stolen mandates. you know, the whole want to know if you have bought ample form of a problem. 45, it is there, not nobody wants sitting in on the top. 1 introducing the market, they have sided with the tea and the tub. so it is not acceptable to the comments august on. i can't even imagine. so why did, under the government, have them to come back to the office on the part the fund wasn't safe? i'm no, i'm really why did, how did fraud as i like me to continue as amongst a pressure tactic against the government,
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which the days came into power through rigging. and this, of course is likely to gain momentum because other parties are also like need to join hands invoicing, the protest across the country come out of how you doing. i just it off. it's not me of odd. in tennessee, a thousands of members of the largest labor union happens protesting in front of the prime minister's office. demonstrates has cooled for greatest social freedoms on denounced a crackdown on union rights and rising prices. riley was organized by the tennessee in general labor union. it's been one of the strongest critics since president case . i seized power in 2021 and then move widely described as a to so as on the algebra, a 25 year old frenchman has achieved something in tennis that is not, not even know about joe for which has pizza will be here in
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a few minutes to tell us the, this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves long recorded. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. examining the impact of today's headline, if objectivity is still possible for you, we're not only pushing the most, this looks, we are moving just alger 0, sets the stage a i is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really
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hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on alger 0, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the time for the school he has the to me, thank you very much. spanish lead is around the doodle currently drawing to to against valencia in the closing moments of the legal match. valencia who could go a if they can still win this match for my son, the rick with spanish champions,
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with to 1st off strikes due to school in the 27th minutes. ive been 3 minutes late today. roman young just took advantage of some full full defending spell the administer pool one back just before health time and left school. the game quotes to run over the hoping that round juniors because that plays the get down to 6 points. but the cat's name club having a game and, and ask them for the school to late when a at loose ends to maintain a 5 point gap between themselves and taught them how to be in the rightful champions league football. full space. but i had moved into a comfortable to go on to eat away from home here in this premium. you can count to start on watkins with both goals. but by the 72nd minute, the home side with level colton. mars with the equalizer, i suppose, were in the process of using crystal palace, 31. but then it still the when in the eyes you know, i committed could see a french list. i could do cub premium, the latest livable of bees and nothing. and far as one knows we extend, they leave at the top of the standings all the other man so that he and also did not stay on saturday and now have games in hand though when noon is at school,
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the winning goal for the 19th on english champions last week, level one, the lead cap and the remain in the 3 for the truck because there was more disappointment. the chelsea, the latest set that came in to, to to jordan's brain foot and a stated one mill before 40 to one behind the managed flies of lights on the driver's seat. fortunately, it has been already living in the standings. hold onto in a tony. yeah, i think event this manager must emiliano allegories saves the side of last and extraordinary play off the pool pump. it was banned for full use from the sport. probably received the ban of the testing positive, full test of strength. but the french midfielder as denied any wrong doing, and we'll try and clear he's name legally has been published manager at you've a cost to spells with the club going back 10 years. so most of these pictures will go on a human level. i'm very sorry. and sports wise football, this is an extraordinary play, a i have a chance to work with him and to coach him. it is hard to find plans like him, i call and comments on the ruling. i leave that to the bodies responsible for us.
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personally, i'm very sorry for him because paul is a very good person. an important time in future, full managers will be able to make additional permanent concussion substitutions. a play with the suspected head injury can be replaced without counting towards the allocation of substitutes. the international football association board, which is responsible for making the school tools announced this earlier. the little will come into effect on july 1st, but were made an option for implementation on a competition by competition basis. for line, i'm having a concussion sub, so i think that's coming in so long as the game already posted and everyone's made that step. and that applies to nice. you know, i'm sense of the game. we're little bit of fall and sense of opinions and sense of whether some of the concussion substitutes would be about to model for the lead possibly getting um because of the extra prices for that size and for me to one champion next for stuff and it started the new season with victory at the ball,
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rain growing pretty the rainbow drive it started on pole position and because of a seriously challenged stuff and has won each of the last 3 drivers championships. this is also the documents. when in a row, going back to september, he himself holds the sports record of 10 consecutive wins, which you chief last year stuff in the teammate. so jeff parents took 2nd place called a science junior, was food in he's for rory. unbelievable . um i think today when even better than expected, i think the car was really nice to drive when every come from. i think we had a lot of face. and uh yeah, which is super enjoyable to drive today. we really stayed out of trouble and uh, yeah, great subsidy or, i mean it could have been better. the news for you now from the world into athletics championships, taking place in glasgow and the tooth on long john champion has made quite a sweeping statement. greece is multi artist tentatively as pregnancy, quit softer pertaining these type of with a jump of a point to,
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to meet as well. the basics has proposed a rule change introducing a type of service to help with the discipline of file gems, but tentatively saves. if that happens, he will be else i can see that loves him to be one of the hardest events because of a more than the i q to. so you need, you know, you to do it on like speed. it should the board perfectly. this is a difficult bundle of them. the job is easy to be designed itself. it's very easy for somebody because they don't have enough many people say it's probably going to be go, it's like that. so they will do that. they want the movies and the now the author of the serial number of will be, be, you know, the easiest event then one cub wouldn't be able to do long them. so my seconds comedy is that your valve covers will not be lives on by tomorrow. frances own bed has become only the 3rd player in the professional event. so when he's 1st 6 to a level finals and exclusive tab,
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that does not even include the likes of roger federal ref on the dental know that junk of which lot fee is ernest, who this and so of aki is monitoring please them all. the other 2 things for etc. defeated alexander, public conflicts. it's the claims to do by tennis championships. 6 will, 63 eliminated the new meditative. so both well ahead of the 1st mazda is 1000. eventually susan indian wells, stopping on wednesday. meanwhile, the women stood, so i'll see jessica of the glaze through to the semi finals of the san diego open. she beat and blink about and $0.03, and we'll face ukraine's at mazda of custom faced the fine game. phillips took 5 wickets as new zealand full back strongly on day 3 of the 1st test against australia. philips became the 1st news. even spencer reached at milestone at home for 60 years as a stray, doable down for $164.00. that's what was supposed to do is
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we'll have more again, tomorrow, money. okay, thanks for that. okay, so that's it for me. mounting sides this these out though, i will be back in just a moment with much more of the day. seems disagree. the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland,
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best produced is the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the weld. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line from counting the call save rule rebels. farm is around the world protests. the guys fee can only unemployment policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico . of coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central bindings put interest rate soon? counting the cost on i'll just they're asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power?
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no understanding the reality reporting from the action. the hospital with fear this gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground, bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the hello, i'm not inside the news ally from coming off in the next 60 minutes. for us says, there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week faced by israel has on and turned it down on. it's now waiting for how my system is phones across because of the bodies. keep putting up with israel and


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