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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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as the people have seen as actuators and in depth coverage, thailand, states execution of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the hello i my name sides, the news life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week faced by israel has on and tied it down on. it's now waiting for how much does response across because of the bodies keep putting up with israel carrying out attacks on displace palestinians. and those weights seems to have a place and more health don't does in gauze and say time is running out to now
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nourish babies. us ad drops aid of gaza at president barton admits it's not enough, but critics say what's needed is a ceasefire. the we begin with developments on the will on god. so the white house says there is now a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week c spy. israel has not turned it down now the weight is on for how much to agree to wilkes ongoing. here in doha with policies hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan in around one week. let's go straight to rosalind jordan who is standing by for us in washington, dc ross. and what exactly have we had from the u. s. and the last few as us in the last few hours, we have heard from 3 us officials who were briefing reporters on this framework for
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a 6 week long cease fire, which they are calling phase one. in an effort to try to bring an extended peaceful period as a war and eventually an end to the war on gone. so these officials said that under this framework be, is railings basically have signed off on it more or less? they say that it's now up to him off to agree to this framework in which it would agree to facilitate the release of those captives who fall into one of 4 categories. the sick, the injured women, and the elderly. if this is all worked out, the idea is to have the start by the beginning of ramadan, which is either march 10th or march 11th, depending on where you are in the world. these officials say that in light of thursday's shooting of palestinians who were reading on a truck out by and who were shot by is really soldiers. the us is really,
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really keen to try to hold this deal together to not let the advance of the last 48 hours break this deal a part because they say they know that ultimately trying to bring it in to the war, trying to bring more humanitarian assistance to palestinians living inside garza really, those are the top 2 priorities that need to happen as quickly as possible. yeah, tell, tell us a bit more about why president buys and the buys and administration is now the so much pressure to get some sort of deal agreed. well, clearly before thursday's shooting. in rafa, there was a lot of optimism here in washington that this agreement could have been concluded by the end of this current weekend. obviously, the events of the last 48 hours really had to lead to another round of political
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diplomacy with the president speaking with his counterpart in cutter, in egypt, other top by us officials making phone calls to their counterparts. anything they could do to try to keep this negotiation on track. the president joe biden is facing increasing domestic political pressure because the u. s. has not used. what many people consider it's singular leverage on benjamin netanyahu and his israel and government to dial back the ground war inside garza as well as dialed back the air war. all in an effort to wipe out the mos of fighters and their leadership. they say that there's been too much of a political cost and really a cost to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people living inside garza. so you have this come fluids of pressure on the, by the administration. what they were trying to say on saturday is that they are
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very much aware of all of these dynamics. and that they are trying to do the very best that they can to try to bring this more to intervention will and, but it won't be as quickly as the many people would hope. and rather than just that, one more thing to discuss, we've been hearing again this evening that penny counts. that's the is riley, will cabinet minnesota is due to travel to washington and intends to meet with the vice president. come on the harris. what more do we know about this as well, there are about numerous public reports. now suggesting that there is going to be such a meeting between vice president carmela howards and benny gans, who was a member of the war cabinet in israel. this is not an official is really visit as it were because there are reports adjusting that gaps decided to come to washington without the blessing or approve. busy of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and there's some reporting suggesting that that could lead to tensions within
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members of the work cabinet. but that said, these reports also indicate that not only is gant's going to meet with the vice president, but he's also going to meet separately with jake sullivan, the national security advisor. both of these officials, according to report, are going to put a lot of pressure on benny, get on all things involved in the war on gone. so everything from the humanitarian crisis to trying to end the ground and air wars on how most targets in order to try to start the process of establishing some sort of uh, end to the war. and eventually trying to establish a separate poll standing in the state a lot, a lot to be discussed supposedly in these meetings on monday here in washington. thank you for that rosalyn jordan that for us in washington dc. well, ben smith is in ramallah in the occupied west buying cars and has further reaction
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to the prospect offices 5 deal. and this looks like the us is increasing the pressure on how much to agree the broad terms of the 6 week see spot deal. how much says it will deliver its official answer in cairo on sunday, that's when media is from the us casa, and egypt to expect it to meet again, according to different media on my team sometimes. and israel are expected to turn up. it's by no means clear that how much is going to accept this deal. that bill, though they have previously insisted on a full permanency spot on the complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza, demands that is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, ass cold, delusional. and yahoo is his said. he's not going to send anyone to cairo. these are reports from israeli media. he's not going to send anyone to cairo until i'm us, gives up a list of old hostages that are still alive. and again, we'd heard earlier from how much they are not prepared to do this. so both sides on
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the face of it seems still to be far apart. burnett smith, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank autonomy. capitalism is in russia in southern cause i, he says, palestinians that on hopefully for last increase fine, a dealership guarantee, the full precision of cold military backs and the food military disability with the trouble from the going just to this very moment, there was any official comment being made or from us in terms of the parties proposal. ready and in terms of their response to the a, to the proposal itself, or to reach for a cease fire at the same time a policy. and i'm just, i'm back in the 1st phase of the agreement the, the last would reduce a number of is there any talk does include things like women, children, and elderly people and in return. and if they will exchange, they will produce more, is fairly, at more powerful entities from the hispanic detention. but people here are
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completely afraid from the fact that the fighting might receive. and again, after the end of the 6 week truce issues, find out which means that there's going to be more expansion of the fighting. but they are having a sense. and the gleam of hope regarding the possibility for reaching for a see for the at the same time, they are afraid of the collapse of the ongoing tooth for negotiations. and specifically, if the deal did not include the 2 points that we have mentioned, because 80 potential to supply or that cannot guarantee the return. and the facilitation of the existence from the golf strip. it means that it will be needed to support our students a late to easily just spend the whole the month of ramadan in their houses, despite the fact that they are being destroyed completely or partially that a highly a is a senior associate fellow and international security at the royal united services industry in london, he says, guys that needs a permanent sci fi so that he minds,
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hearing aid, can enter at the scale needed. i think it's important just for the context here. this isn't a ceasefire deal that's being proposed per se. but rather, it's a suggest in the a pause in the fighting. and what we mean by that really is a person opposed. and these really bombardment of garza for a certain period of time. it's not a cease fire, per se, star would mean the end of hostilities. these various have made a very clear that once they got the house which is out, then bombardment will continue. there are after whether it's a few days later or a few weeks. but the bombardment will continue, so it's not exactly a ceasefire deal. it's a pause, a pa. busy as that will be a welcome rest spite to the people of gaza. but of course what they really need, especially in the, in the midst of this incredible humanitarian crisis that has been on the screens of the world's media for so long is for a ceasefire. actually to take place,
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so that aid can get in really construction can begin and a proper relief for the people of guys that can begin to announce made it clear that they were interested in the cease fire. and for all of the criticisms that can be made upon us, and i've made many of them myself, i'm not sure that they're the ones that are standing in the way of a serious fire. i think that's on this re these um, but indeed i suspect that tomorrow they will announce the acceptance of the deal. i hope they do. um, it would be incredibly unwise of them not to agree to such a deal because the people of guys of themselves really need this break and the fighting. it's an incredibly desperate humanitarian situation in the strip. and any pause would be a rest bite for the people there. i think there is a very good chance the agreement will be pens tomorrow in cairo. i don't think model one, but vote it is likely to be a part of that deal in the slightest. but i do think that they will overcome that
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particular sticking point because i think time us knows as well as everyone else the the, the situation for the people who garza is incredibly desperate and they need this trust by and also the 2nd time in 3 days. the user is ready on his shots at palestinians waiting for food aid. near the now lucy round about south west of kansas city. also supervision on one person was killed at least 26 of these wounded on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed by these randy ministry while waiting for desperately needed food. or meanwhile, in southern dogs and his writing, drone attack has killed at least 11 palestinians and wounded. many more troops have attacked the area near the and larose hospital way. hundreds of people have sort shelter. israel had previously established a safe stone in the area of the palestinians, flemming clinic,
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constant bombardment, axles, they move, which as well, goes up under fire again. and is really drawn strike new damage. we're at the hospital killed a doctor and several palestinians. the rugged strike targeted attend housing displays. people in a supposed to safe zone in detail. also con area of rough or doesn't. on the southern me, there was a bigger explosion. these really all me from the place crowded with people. destruction is everywhere. there are many marks us. suddenly the gloss shot to the fire broke out. everyone flip, some of you will market and all the engine was injured on my hands. i'm head on to my brother was also in the attack follows a night of relentless air strikes. is really rockets destroyed homes and a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax period,
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no one feeling alex the hospital with the victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food, more bodies have been found. a u. n team that met the victim says many of those days, so in a north guys a hospital had suffered gunshot once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just time to go on a very, very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain. and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of gunshot, and people who had clearly been injured. maybe in running away would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians who are struggling to survive. the un, he's now demanding full access to northern, gaza,
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sustainable to deliver the goods that people need, has to function in an environment that have a semblance of root of law. assessments of some kind of systematic ability to access the aides that people need. but despite global outcry and condemnations, 8 effort still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children and this minister with the monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us. as a result, the number of desktop and even when a charlie supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up, it's 1000000 on the decimal enough for you. doctors and 8 groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront israel for its military reactions. and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population. axels i much out just here. all united states as carried out. it's fast ad drop
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a few monetary and 8 into gaza. more than 38000 hello news was sent into the strip president joe biden has said the amount of 8 floating into garza is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized to move saying the us should instead insure israel allows aid in through the crossings. as bringing and moving rabbani is a non resident fellow at the center of conflicts and humanitarian studies, co editor and job aliya, which is an online magazine. he joins us now live for montreal, thank you for joining the program. so what, what is your reaction to these a drops a coming from the us today? well, i think it's worse than useless. it's the equivalent of putting a band aid on the task to sizing tumor and then claiming medical break through every age organization that has involves every serious analyst who has looked at this as indicated that there are
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a severe and hunger and malnutrition throughout the gaza strip. that feminism and that, that children already dying because of lack of access to food. and most importantly, that the only way that this can be addressed is through a massive infusion of urgently needed aid overland. the united states, which is a full partner. and israel's genocide alone slots on because a strip and which is a full partner in the siege of the gaza strip is seeking to divert attention from its role and from israel's role. and seeking to provide legitimacy to the siege by dropping a few 1000 meals ready to eat from the sky, which again, everyone who has looked at. so this is a drop in the bucket and we'll make them off no meaningful difference. what to the overall situation in the us and the defense of the countries including castle and jordan, have also dropped 8 into the costs of this way. yes, there can be no defense of the us. we will indeed genocide,
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a long slots of the gaza strip. i'm sorry, you're correct. that other countries have also engaged in their drops, but the only reason that they're engaging in their jobs is because israel with the full and unconditional support of the united states, is preventing the delivery of sufficient amounts of aid overland. and i think what the us is trying to do now is to, as others, have noted, legitimize the siege, and legitimize the genocide long slot by throwing a few packets of food from the air at the starving population. i think another factor that's worth considering here is that as with the attempt to achieve a pause in this genocide, a long slot. but us appears to be very concerned by the onset of the most with months of i don't know done in about 9 days and is very concerned that this could be periods of heightened opposition to the us is really policy and is keen to
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have some kind of stability for that period again to gain legitimacy for the renewal and intensification of the off of the onslaught having a besieged one settlement on that. and so i think the us deserves absolutely no credit to, for what it's doing because you know, the, please go ahead then what will that has been an increase tone of exasperation from the us and present in bought into eds as well. but, but i mean, how much is that down the thing to the pressure that president biden is on the domestically, as i say, my sense is that bite and genuinely doesn't care. and if he'd have to sacrifice his re election in order to stand with israel, he's fully prepared to do so. others and his leadership and in the democratic party are of course, extremely concerned. and these air drops may be one way of, of, of addressing this, but again, you know,
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given the severity of the reality and given the direct us rule and engineering this reality, i think the us deserves absolutely no credit for it. again, effect for this smoke and mirrors for this diversion or a charade. or as i mentioned earlier, putting a band aid on a task, the sizing tube or, and then claiming a medical breakthrough. we've been reporting this evening that the framework for a deal that would establish a 6 week see spot in gaza is now in p. busy ice, israel agrees to this framework, and now it's down to how mass uh, to tell us what you know, what they make of it. and apparently they will tell us tomorrow, what is your reaction to those license developments as well? i can fully understand the given the desperation of, of, of the policy, the population and the gaza strip, the any rest. it is a welcome respite. but if it's simply a stay of execution, and if it's
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a sit and if it's a stay of execution, whose primary purpose is to legitimize the renewal. and the intensification of the genocide, a lot of slots of the gaza strip. it will lump ultimately be meaningless, and if i can just make one additional point. yes, there is a desperate humanitarian situation of the gaza strip. and yes, this desperate humanitarian situation needs to be immediately and birds of the address. but let's not go back to the late 19 forties of 19 fifties and pretend that the question of palestine, the soul, you humanitarian question of giving these people the basic necessities of life. and that there is no undermine fundamental political issue. the national rights that need to be addressed unfulfilled in order for this crisis to be alternately resolved and nobody got to talk to non resident fellow at the center of conflict and humanitarian studies. thank you. thank you. soonest. as chief counselor and
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russell says, children in goals, i need an immediate cease fire to save them from starvation. she describes her effect news as a gauze, and these 10 children have reportedly died of non nutrition and dehydration so far . many more on the brink, one in 6 children under the age of 2 in new garza acutely non nourished. and meanwhile, dr. northern gaza says his team is struggling in providing a to hop. the babies that enter his hospital, most of the issues stem from a lack of food which is needing many of the babies in come all at one hospital, malnourished is a doesn't come quickly says there is nothing more he can do in this window. so it's both of you now nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up being a one meal that's not enough for them to your body become deficient in
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carbohydrates, vitamins proteins and deficient in fans that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration status. i can honestly say that we can't even deal property with 50 to 60 percent of the cases. we received this because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them say lean solution for sugar solution or another for most of of and then all of this is happening due to the lack of foods. when a child supposed to eat 3 meals a day and only each one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of it wasn't that then. and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a lung affection or a blood infection in one of the stuff. so it's the most effective way to get it now . and then we'd have had, when it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa, how to medical complex that needed a device that we barely manage to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator,
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so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child that she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have. if another case comes in that requires the same device, honestly, that we won't be able to do anything for them. the devices we have are not working . we are now in the neonatal intensive care unit, as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department. i said it's ellen, this is an out of me. the my message is an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical aid and fuel to the hospital and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to leave to the south. toward my stock immediately vista hired as an aside, samuel boy is the latest child to be killed. 5 years right. the ministry and the occupied westbank behind the college zayed was shot near the java zone camp north
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as well. and all the medics from the palestinian red crescent trying to resuscitate him, but couldn't be, is really on the claims he threw molotov cocktail at a nearby administrative post on the funeral. it's been held for now the palestinian boy killed during and is really re made for a lot of the night. hundreds of moon is joining the procession, the 100 how buddha. i'll dig his family, says the 16 year old was out with friends. and the raid began, they became trapped and he was shot in the head. when is ready for says i can find the is really ministry, has announced the death of 3 soldiers in gaza in on it's on the market on the fick, terry oil killed in hon. eunice, the army says 14, all the troops were injured and brings a total number of fish. rarely, soldiers killed 2585 organizes of a protest march. and israel say 15000 people have joined families of captives and
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gaza edge for their release. many have been marching for full days from the southern border protest is all urging israel's government to secure a deal with how much to free the captives. honda salute has the latest from tel aviv a fully anti government demonstration has completely dispersed police set up a number of different roadblocks and blockades to try and prevent demonstrators from getting in the way and blocking major highways. but however, some demonstrators did manage to break their way through these barricades and block the roads, is really the lease arresting around 7 demonstrators. but the protest has completely dispersed, as i've said, because it is quite cold intel of leave and is really police setup iron gates across several different intersections. so that's demonstrators couldn't even reach
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certain points. they're also trucks that were blocking the major intersection so that demonstrators also wouldn't make their way through. so after about, i would say 25 minutes demonstrators began to disperse. we also saw last week, police that were mounted on horseback, but because of the number of injuries that demonstrators had experience because of the shocking video footage of officers hitting demonstrators with their reigns on the horseback. this week is really police decided that officers would be on sag ways and other sorts of motor bikes instead of the horses. but as you can see here, behind me, the number of police officers is out numbering the demonstrators. and that was the case for perhaps the last 30 minutes of the protests, but the main message they were trying to get across is that they want to see elections health immediately. they want these really prime minister to resign and
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they want to see a deal that would bring back the remaining is really captive to our health in gone . so now they're battling that every saturday until there's a change in israel's governance. they're going to come out in the streets and protest are so heads on al jazeera, it's been a week of political violence in child, where a leading opposition figure was killed. now the ministry renaissance, he will run in this, he is election, will have a report from the grounds, plus wells, top natural gas explosives, and leasing an old area. and despite some challenges facing home, full about the future prospects, the now the funding writing that's been coming through new south wales is maxed as moving slowly northwards across the boulder into queens and now leaving behind
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slowly moving sunshine to melbourne. the eventually get up to about 27 in a couple of days time. and for the 1st time for weeks re new showing itself very close to path which is about $34.00 on sunday. the major range more likely be further north, but it's still quite top. another top of it was, even though it is new south wales and victoria, a more or less free of ready for the most part of the end of monday. right. is running out through both sizes in new zealand. warnings prompt promptly because of it mostly of rain. it moves very quickly. you know, she's christ church at $22.00 is not benefiting much from what is normally a woman for an effect. we've got tons to brought degrees, all the same. still the rainy season in indonesia, and in fact somebody's java and zoom off from possibly the west side of bonia. the risk of studying is quite high from these particularly heavy cheryl at the moment and also that they're still almost reco, breaking the so again into cats and pretty cost and coach human as well. the. so
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when to cold around in china, hobbins at minus 4 as a match, and that's going across the sea of japan would use most snow for on show, but it's warming up now in some china the, the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. here's from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0. new at you think? is it the, the, the the, the watching out, is there a mind of the top stories this our, the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week face fi and gaza as well, and has not turned it down. and it's now waiting for how much this response to accept ongoing here in the home with policies hoping to have a deal in place 5 or on the done in around one week. the is really ministry,
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has again self at palestinians waiting for food, a in south west of garza city, one past and was killed. and these 26 wounded on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed. one wasting desperately needed. 8, the us ministry says it has agile. 38000 me. it was in gaza. suffice around if emergencies, monetary and 8 announced by president joe biden on friday. the another 9 people were killed as nice in gaza off to is really as strikes, has a most nowhere displace palestinians with sheltering and could die reports from the scene of the attack and did all by a change in indian village square. last night there was a heavy bombardment in the middle area. on my left is a mazda that has been completely blocked and through the floor as the is really
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forces targeted. this was with at least 2 air strikes. and as you see, the destruction is massive. the mosque became literally flat on the ground, but the story is not here. the story is, is this area that is completely up close to them was where the families from bit had noun that were internally displaced 1st to a 2 days. and then to this area to one are this place in this area came to this area and took it as a refuge for more than 2 months. i saw that side many from bit news were 1st displaced in the days and then came here. the family are telling us that there dotted with that side. that's her there. 26 year old daughter was sleeping here on this great not before. she was killed by the is ready air strikes. the targeted the
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mask last night. the minimum which was i was lying under the was concrete during my chest, the plains where to zooming over the overhead. i called out to my daughter, went out to help me. my son came over and put me out. as to both my daughter, i suppose she was helping others somewhere. she was old, was courageous and generous. i found her lying dead. she was killed. i keep dreaming. she was lying soaked in her blood. she was working all night long. everything fell as the news agency. she was the bread one that for our family. she was working hard till her last. the 50 palestinians were sleeping here yesterday night when the is ready for us is targeted. the must hear by palestinians believe they have no place to see where everywhere is packed nowhere estates. this
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is in the city address, ita daddy. but in the united states purchase have been taking place in washington dc and solidarity with policies and gaza. several 100 people demonstrated outside these riley embassy expressed a wish. the kings and thousands of people have died and all of the blood is on my hands and feels like just because it's my tax dollars that are and it and i don't want that to happen. i don't want to, i don't want my tax money to support the slaughter. hundreds of demonstrators in the malaysian capital call around 4 have also been cooling for a cease fire. florence lew. wait is that the strategy is organized by local civil society organizations and has the endorsement of at least a 100 in jewels and various political parties is now ready to go with had gathered earlier in the afternoon outside the us and the modified kind of message and the
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rat. yeah. a lot of the anger is directed at the us. that's continued support eventually. we've had speeches describing us action. and of course at israel has continued from boston and garza now it's been nearly 6 months since israel's war and gaza began. and in that time, relations of organized a dozen of psycho tech, malaysia, children to some people. they say, i'm not sure what the presence at the valued kind of companies. they feel that it's important to come here to show that solidarity for palestinian young funding when the direct as a d. i feed a deep sense of sadness and i feel angry because there's nothing that we can physically do to help. what malaysians can do at this point is to boycott, but you have to play cold, a 100 percent. organize this up in the dining, this riley for weeks. so the timing of this riley coincides with the on demand for risk assembly and gaza desktop costing 30000 people. many of the women and children
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. it's really trans opening fi on how to seniors, ways and for a killing. it was a 100 people. the malaysian for an industry issued a statement on soft today condemning is those actions calling it's how it's late in violation of international law. lawrence the out to 0. and it's not just malaysia. it's been a day of palestinian soul of darcy around the world. tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets from babies 11 on to copenhagen in denmark, multiple cities and from italy, germany on the u. k. but also as far as keep his capital havana into a positive and global dave action for palestine with protest is demanding an immediate cease, find gaza at an end to the blanchette. this is riley strike on a car in saw the 11 on has killed 3 has bought a fight. has the attack told us is a vehicle in the boat. a town from the clara was running comes 24 hours out. the
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who bought the car to said they carry it out 6 attacks against is there a forces near the lebanese border has bought in israel, have exchanged near daily fires since as well as one goes up again last october. a senior who's a need, a says that he holes u. k. prime minister originally. so you're not responsible for the sinking of the ruby non partition congo ship ship song 2 weeks ago. also being hit by who the missiles fired from human phase of an environmental dissolves to have been raised because of the 40000 tons of fats lies on board, a se, so you're not, can recover the ship if a trucks are allowed in to casa, the todds military where it says he will contest his, this is presidential election. the announcement came at the end of a vine and weeks of the country. the main opposition figure was killed in
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a reign by security forces and interest reports from the capital in jemina. for most champions, this was expected, but how much debbie says it was an image was work on the job at the beginning of the transition. i didn't see myself as a candidate and the selection my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. but his candidacy is always shadowed by events of the past few days. at the end of february security forces rated officers of the countries, mino, position their way accused of attacking the offices of the national intelligence agency and the supreme court. now the leading opposition candidate is dead. the party and its headquarters are important. the opposition is demanding an independent investigation into the rates by security forces and describes the beginning of a position due to a dental us an assassination. but the government says the rates are legitimate,
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was forced to lie spring fucking as a price to the future of charge. so more than $220.00 political parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammedan his father got back to endorse the president for the me elections. there was no mention of the position socialist party without borders in the president speech. what's that reference to the rate or the leader of the opposition? the rates of race to consent. at the funeral, there are social consequences for the coming, but politically and the opposition leaders. death will not stop the election to live. many wisdom poets consider chide a dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of frost. we just moved a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of this the hell. the may 6 election could be i've indicated whether chide hits into an equal stability or chaos. how many degrees? i would just get a, get me that one is in russia,
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i've been laying flowers at the grave of criminal and critic lexi nev only a day off to his funeral. thousands attended the ceremony in moscow with slogans against president flattery, a pension, which onset in a rash of public defense, russian authorities said invalid the died of natural death syndrome. many have blamed president vladimir putin for his death in ukraine. a russian drone attack has killed 7 people, including a 3 year old boy whose body was found under the rubble in odessa. 6 people are missing in the port city onto the early morning attack on a high rise apartment block. rob mcbride has moved for a total of 17 and rain. you made shy, he drones being targeted against ukraine in these overnight the tax, some of them directed against the sumi and how to key regions in the north and the east of ukraine. but the most serious attack coming in the south on the port city
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of desta 8 drones launch than most of them being intercepted. but there was a direct strike on the 9 story apartment building. that's why we've seen most casualties with several people being reported killed, including a very young child with others injured. emergency services have a being at the scene of going through the rubble looking for other victims and survivors. this attack has been condemned by president followed them. is a landscape of ukraine saying this is once again. he says, russia continue and gets fight against a ukraine's civilians and cooling on ukraine's overseas. back is to provide more ad defense saying that defense missiles he says, save lives, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. keith jordan attack has targeted the city of st. petersburg and russia. the may as, as residents were evacuated from that damaged apartments, um, there were no casualties. the city on its southern, so hundreds of kilometers from the front line in ukraine. but they have been
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several attacks that recently. and he's and focused on will elect to new prime minister and they sit on sunday. she vows. reef is expected to be confirmed and the top job for a 2nd time. he's potty the pml and, and will lead a coalition government. now they have thousands of supports is if the jail food may need a wrong context to the streets, to protest against alleged reading. and last month selection come on high to explains. despite heavy rain, the board, the buckets on day again solved by the number i did and it's lama, but they have got chopped. busy testing against what they say was massive rigging and the electron desktop plants and focused on they have of course being a number of addressed by the security for kids based on job proven by people here are the domain and they're making their protests tag. we've been talking for some
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of the project to to tell us why they're yeah, cuz we can do that again. that took place in the election on it's february. the guy was reading on almost $186.00 on the night of the election. but in the morning that is, that's what i'm going to put a good and we have now going to do the only 96 in the national assembly on monday independent august. somebody has been going on in the sun. i'll see something's going on and you will know, at least it's done, general testing. the elections. everything is concrete. the eyes uh, sits in the nation assembly, the idea to get back us golden rule that stolen mondays. you know, the whole world knows you have but ample form of a palm 45. it is there, not nobody wants sitting in on the top of introducing the market. they have cited with the c and the tubs. so it is not acceptable to the common docusign. i can't even imagine to survive yet under the government. i have to come back to the office
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on the part the fund was in favor. i'm no, i'm really what i'll do is broad as i like me to continue as the mounting pressure . the fact that against the government, which the days came into power through rigging. and this, of course is likely to gain momentum because other parties are also likely to join hands invoicing, their protest across the country, some of the data off. it's not my boss. and so this is thousands of members of the largest labor union have been purchasing in front of the prime minister's office has cooled the greatest social freedoms and denounced a crackdown on union riots in rising prices. rodney was organized by the technician, the technician, general labor union. it's been one of the strongest critics since president case i seized most of the powers in 2021 in the move, wiley described as a case the daughter. so i was wanting to is, yeah,
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we are accustomed to accept the differences of opinion to formulate the content. we do not accept silence invoices nor do we accept the policy of southern tara betrayal, distortion. i'm dividing society, all of this is rejected in the mentality of the tenants in general, labor union, 12 major gas producing countries say they will read double efforts to tackle challenges affecting supplies to the global markets that been missing out of summits in old jerry where they discussed issues affecting the trade, including israel's one, gaza, and a tax on global pipelines. salma been divided reports from the meeting in algae is it's the cleanest of fossil fuels and natural gas produces are confident of sustain demand for decades. 70 percent of the boys gas are those belong to the 19 member gas exporting countries for them or g e c, f. and then heads of state gather do now. chairs do explore ideas and develop
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consensus. in addition to rebuilding the energy sector off to the growing dividers, pandemic and lack of adequate investment challenges from attacks and pipelines and gas explore codes were the focus of discussions. attributed reiterated to delegates, the gas is affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly. while exports is called the green credentials of gas, they simultaneously reject the use of climate change issues to hinder investment. and as the agreed to expand and build a consensus to invest more dcf ones implementation of international trade goals to where discrimination or restriction members have agreed to tackle issues with the united big gas export to say that gas can be used to achieve climate neutrality is like minimal financial burden on the global economy. for the member said, the group does not limit gas production or input supporters like the orange content . opec splintered or not confident in global demand means countries such as russia can, would stand restriction and crippling wisdom function of the much. it's
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a judy and exports castillo. this is the export policy, because all african countries develop that expert to support the columbus regarding russia as our presidency. if there are no guns deliveries to you by ukraine, we will leave with that. because we have been opening all the exports into east asia pacific countries, countries of global saucers come on, we also develop the domestic market, increasing local justification for the the russian regents. gas exporters are looking to ensure investment, expand production, and more importantly, make sure that there is a steady gas price. unlike oil gas produces, do not have the ability to control the gas prices by limiting how much gas they pretty just as alliances such as the dfcs can help them achieve these goals. if the want to ensure the student supplies, we need to entice more investments and we need to get a civilized with price. that's if we'll want to insure a very good supplies. let's say that to ensure
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a stability in the global natural gas market. gas produces not just benefit from increasing consumer demand, but also the attempts to reduce cold and for the dependency. with an estimated 34 percent growth in global demand by 2056, you have profits for gas, which countries are predicted. so i'm a driving down to 0 as years from london homes in bolivia. awesome ned stuff to severe flooding. most of the damage has been done in the remote village of catch your eye. later with flooding was his castle roads. heavy rain has hit the on the in region, the amazon on the values of central olivia and california, a powerful blizzard is hit, nevada county, it's already shot down main highways and is expected to bring most of the 3 nice as of snow. the weather service is warning, travel conditions will be extremely dangerous. staying in the us,
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a truck drivers had a lucky escape in kentucky. this was the scene and newest fell off to a 3 vehicle collision on a bridge over the ohio river. i thought it was lowered down by a crane to free demand. is lorrie was hanging off the edge of the bridge. she can see it. i thankfully, no one was hummed and the crash started. storms heavy, rain and land slides in pockets. don have killed me. 17 people, an injured dozens, mountain areas in the north, west uh west affected land slides have blocked roads and homes of blankets. it and snow rescue crews went to the aid of taurus trapped in snow. address the head on out. is there a, the next goes race for president officially gets on the way? why not? why this votes will be historic? the
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more than half of the population of the cause of the trend is risk examined. since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal per day a that is coming in of because the strip is not preaching. all of the people and people are starving. we are in as police department in get it where they're making their house as a kitchen. they start very early in the morning. they're using wood fire because there is no cooking, discuss this dentist do is cooked without any specialist. they are using on your house or an alternative to the onions except the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and bits of casing, but a search. how many do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians to this place starving?
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and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their people. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the pause and date as president harvey and minay has told congress his nation has no future unless it's economic model is changed and will public purchase ahead of his speech with people angry about his planned economic reforms. so he's a bi reports from witness aries. precedent have you had a really was
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a beat and i'm faced. what entering congress doing that great. the annual sessions after speeding to pass a landmark bill that would have helped him carry out. he's promised economic reforms and they'll stay with the measures. we don't have any such, you'll meet the libertarian president says he'll continue to fight against those who have drugs, argentina, down. so there nobody knew most of what we did not come to play the game of politics. that's why before approving a load, that was what the less because of what changes we would choose to go from. we want to change again tina, we do not negotiate change, and we will fulfill the promise we made to the people with or without the support of the political costs. but if any more issue, and i will say guessing the few we speech the late also again promised to cut government spending on politicians taking away benefits like private jets. he still wants to bill to put in prison. those who print money to cover argentina's deficit
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demand made by many of those who voted for him. but outside congress, the environment was completely different. kind of take the the people in the time the me on that are generally it will be the 2nd one since he took office almost 3 months ago. the lady has reduced the deficit by 5 points, is taking office and says this will destroy the sewing annual inflation, which has to be an exceeding 250 percent. but not everyone is convinced. there is no society and he's economy. it's only where it's only got scotts, scotts, scotts, a like these are all that he's doing. it's only for one group of people that are and really owners that are the, and the power, the people in the power from,
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from all the time charges. you know, you don't go more, got a ton of what really has called for the opposition to join him in signing a 10 point plan to transform argentina. but he would likely faced push back from neighbor unions and left leading political parties. so now it seems most of the population is willing to give him the time he needs, but nobody here knows how long that patients with left really. so we'll just see that when a site is presidential candidates and mexico, how big on the account pains? very thing is used to take place on june. the 2nd john, how many reports it was a statement in time to be showing down to mexico city central plaza, the hall of the country to launch a presidential campaign about $200000.00 people showed up to the front of the
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presidency in large poll because she's chosen to the current populate incumbent and today's manual lopez over the door and she's not afraid to play on that. you cannot . so you gotta, yeah. and then shouts so that the president can hear. it's an honor to follow over the door to not. 7 to the pulmonary or mexico city environmental engineer, pledge to continue have predisposes, look them all up, and i'll be going to let the privilege then corrupt return. that's why we're going to keep fighting for the trunk of the nation of mexico for opponent the opposition candidates. so to, to go was up to, to start her own campaign with a midnight rephrase me. your, the town in mexico with most residents, fee for the safety and no insight. facebook 96 percent of the people in the city still in secure and no one to there must because some sites missing people, models of civilians and police offices. here in front of me. i, as in all of mexico,
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people are afraid she's trying to type the achilles heel of showing bowman lopez over that, those ruling policy morrenda that it hasn't been able to stop mexico's and demick violets. so now the 1st guy is plain spoken with indigenous roots and mysterious side. the ones who will have parade through the country, send it in a t rex cost you to protest outdated policies. gov is how's the popular touch? rise somewhere. but she's facing an up hill back to the post, showing them would move in double her projected bugs. whatever happens when they do this, selection is going to be historical. and that's been the next person i have is the president for a country that studies with ceilings for women and pretty much she's got huge now come 3 months of grueling campaigning for so to to go was to try and break what looks like an unshakable lead showing about john home and how does it
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a mexico city. okay, and i said for me, my name's size. this is on my 28 daren jordan will be here in just a moment with much more today's news to stay with us. the, the scars of the war and you pray, run deep, but the devastation of the country is precious eco. systems may take the longest to hear people and power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows ukrainian war prize investigators. as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site, ukraine, ground 0 on the jersey to blank like police brutality and indigenous mother inbox on an incredible jenny for justice. time as the seeking reparation full of this. like with no political
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background, she inspires to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roman correspondence, i am constantly on the go covering topic from politics to environmental issues, scalable sounds like nothing ever seen. what we want to know is how do these things affect people? we revisit places that or even when there are no international headline, the houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, what do you consume? amazing alexis and we believe in the luxury of choice. introduce each class
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the each the power of the session with you energy reveals itself analysis, plug in hybrid electric, the another night of devastation in southern gaza at least 10 palestinians are killed off to israel is really forces talk of the house and roughly the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out, is there a life and go home? so coming in the us says the is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week does a ceasefire. israel didn't turn it down and is not waiting for how may i assist with schools across goes to the bodies,
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keep piling up with israel carrying out the tax on displace palestinians. and those of waiting for 8 on the us ad drops 8 of the gaza as an invite in the mix. it's not


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