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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the, the why each, the power of session with you energy reveals itself analysis, plug in hybrid electric, the another night of devastation in southern gaza at least 10 palestinians are killed off the israel is really forces talk of the house and roughly the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out, is there a life and go home? so coming in the us says the is a framework agreement on the table for 6 week does a ceasefire. israel didn't turn it down and is not waiting for how may i assist with schools across goes to the bodies, keep piling up with israel carrying out the tax on displace palestinians. and those
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of waiting for 8 on the us ad drops 8 of a gaza president biden, to mix it's not enough on critics sites. what's needed is a ceasefire. the very beginning, southern guns that way as well continues targeting residential areas of these 10 palestinians have been killed. and 7, i was injured in the past hour. the attack struck a house belonging to one family in the outside of neighborhood. and rafa rescuers and residents were seen rushing to the scene to recover buddies and injured. i mean all the white house there's. there's a framework agreement on the table if for 6 weeks the spot in garza, israel has not turned it down. but now the weight is on for him as to agreed towards the ongoing here in dough with policies hoping to have a deed in place by rema down in around a weeks time. but it wasn't. jordan joins us live now from washington, dc, rather than so took us through what we've heard from us. officials that us
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officials a brief to free up reporters here in washington earlier on saturday to say that they have a framework in place for a 6 week pause or cease fire in the war on gaza. according to these us officials, these really government has more or was signed off on the deal. and now everyone is waiting to hear from the leadership of how mos on whether it will meet its obligations under the deal. namely, to release a number of captives held in garza who belonged to one of 4 categories, the elderly women, the sick and the injured. now, so far, there has not been any response from her malls, but us officials said that child, they were continuing negotiations, not just in doha, but with partners in the region in order to try to make this framework, which they're now calling the 1st phase or phase a to well get to the next step,
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which would be one step closer to an end to the war. and god, yeah, roles i'm just a few days ago, president biden seemed to be rubbing back on the prospect of an imminent deal. but now it appears that the deal is back on the table as well. that's because you saw a renewed burst of diplomacy, of high level diplomacy after thursday's incident. and rafa and which is really troops fired on this. a civilians who were reading a convoy a truck that was bringing humanitarian a d, as really is claim that they felt threatened by someone in the group. those on the ground say that these railways simply opened fire without justification. there are investigations underway. but because of that incident, us officials were very worried about having this negotiated a 6 week ceasefire. fall apart after weeks of negotiation between doha
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and paris and cairo. and so they were new sense of optimism if we can call it that is because officials on saturday here in washington believe that there is still this commitment to try to get this. um, this seems fire in place before the start of ramadan and growth. just a final thought to you, we're hearing that is ready. will cabinet minister penny guns is due to travel to washington? tell adults with vice president comes on. how is what more do we know about this as well? there are numerous news reports here in washington, suggesting not only that mr. guns will be in washington for in the early part of the coming week, but that he is supposedly going to meet with the vice president tomlin harris, as well as with the national security advisor jake solomon. on monday, according to these reports, the to us officials are talking everything done. so with benny gas, they're talking about the need to increase dramatically the amount of humanitarian
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aid to the palestinian people living inside gaza. efforts to try to engage in some sort of prisoner swap under guarding that 6 weeks face fire. and trying to actually get to a point where you can get one step closer. not just ending this war, but to trying to set up the framework for the eventual establishment of a separate palestinian state. there is a lot there, and it is noteworthy that benny gas reportedly as making this trip without the support or permission of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so it will be very interesting to see what all of the things reported meetings take place to see what that impact is on the ongoing efforts to setup this framework for as a 6 weeks east fire, correct? our roles, jordan live for us there in washington, dc. rugs, thank you. i was just, it was brandon smith is in ramallah in the occupied westbank and he has further
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reaction to the prospect of a deal. this looks like the us is increasing the pressure on how much to agree the broad terms of the 6 week see spot deal, how my says it will be live. it's official answer. in cairo, on sunday of us when media is from the us casa, and egypt are expected to meet again according to different media on my team sometimes. and israel are expected to turn up by no means clear that how much is going to accept this deal. that bill though they have previously insisted on a full permanency spot and the complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza demands that is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, ass cold, delusional, and yahoo has said he's not going to send anyone to cairo. these are reports from is really media. he's not going to send anyone to kind of go until i'm us, gives up a list of all the hostages that are still alive. and again, we'd heard early from how much they are not prepared to do this. so both sides on
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the face of it seems still to be far apart. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank blood topic, eyebrows. who is in rafa in southern gaza? he says, palestinians that i'm hopeful for last spring, c 5, a dealership guarantee. to full sufficient cold military backs and the food military is really worth the trouble from the going just to this very moment. there was any official comment being made or from us in terms of the parties, proposals and in terms of their response to the a, to the proposal itself, or to reach for a cease fire. at the same time a time for me. and i'm just, i'm back in the 1st phase of the agreement the, the last would reduce a number of is an attempt to include things like women, children, and elderly people. and in return, if they, if they will exchange, they will produce more, is fairly, at more powerful entities from the hispanic detention for people here are
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completely afraid from the fact that the fighting might receive. and again, after the end of the 6 week cruise issues find out which means that there's going to be more expansion of the fighting. but they are having a sense. and the give us hope regarding the possibility for reaching, for our see, for the at the same time, they are afraid of the collapse of the ongoing troops for negotiations. and specifically, if the deal did not include the 2 points that we have mentioned, because 80 potential to supply or that cannot guarantee the return. and the facilitation of the existence from the golf strip. it means that it will be needed to support our students a late to easily just spend the whole the month of ramadan in their houses, despite the fact that they are being destroyed completely or partially that well h, i have you guys from the royal united services institute in london, he says guys and needs a permanent ceasefire, so that humanitarian aid can enter at the scale needed. and i think it's important
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just for the context here. this isn't a ceasefire deal that's being proposed per se, but rather it's a suggest john, the oppose in the fighting. and what we mean by that really is a person opposed, and these really bombardment of garza for a certain period of time. it's not a cease fire, per se star would mean the end of hostilities. these various have made it very clear that once they got the house which is out, then bombardment will continue there for after whether it's a few days later or a few weeks. but the compartment will continue, so it's not exactly a ceasefire deal. it's a pause, a pa. busy is that will be a welcome, russ spiked uh to the people of gaza. but of course what they really need, especially in the, in the midst of this incredible humanitarian crisis that has been on the screens of the world's media for so long as for a ceasefire. actually to take place so that it can get in reconstruction can begin
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and a proper relief for the people of guys that can begin. so most made it clear that they were interested in the cease fire. and for all of the criticisms that can be made upon us, and i've made many of them myself, i'm not sure that they're the ones that are standing in the way of a serious fire. i think that some of these reviews um, but indeed i suspect that tomorrow they will announce acceptance of the deal. i hope they do. it would be incredibly unwise of them not to agree to such a deal because the people of guys of themselves really need this break and the fighting. it's an incredibly desperate humanitarian situation in the strip. and any pause would be a rest bite for the people there. i think there is a very good chance the agreement will be pens tomorrow in cairo, i don't think model one, but vote it is likely to be a part of that deal in the slightest. but i do think that they will overcome that particular sticking point because i think time us knows as well as everyone else
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the the, the situation for the people who garza is incredibly desperate and they need this trust by, as well as for the 2nd time in 3 days these randy ami, her shots at palestinians waiting for food, a navy and a bulky round about south west of gauze. a city one person was killed and at least 26 people wounded on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed by these rarely made a tray while waiting for desperately needed to, to adam southern, gaza and his ready drone attack as fuel levies, 11 palestinians, and wounded many more troops of attack. the ariadne, the morality hospital with hundreds of people have sold shelter as well, have previously established a safe zone in the area. it's about us to be in sling constant bombing ourselves on in the triple the guys up under fire again. and
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it's really drawn strike new damage. we're at the hospital killed a doctor and several palestinians. the rocket strike targeted, attend housing displays. people in a supposed to safe zone in detail. also kind of area of rough or doesn't. on the southern me, there was a big explosion. these really all me from the place crowded with people. destruction is everywhere. there are many marks us. suddenly the gloss shot to the fire broke out. everyone flipped, some of you were monitored and others injured. was injured on my hands, i'm head on to my brother was also in the attack follows a night of relentless airstrikes. is really rockets destroyed homes and a mosque and did all by law adding to the total of palestinian casualties. the tax period, no one feeling alex, the hospital with the victims of all ages. in the aftermath of thursday, striking palestinians queuing for food,
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more bodies have been found. a u. n team that met the victim says many of those days. so in a north guys, a hospital had suffered gunshots once. what we saw were the 200 people in the emergency room that was still a serious condition. many had just time to go on a very, very urgent draw surgery. and we're in deep pain and of course, suffering from baby boomers. we witnessed a lot of a gunshot, and people had clearly injured maybe, and running away would be trampled. there had been air drops of fluid from some countries, but it has to be nearly enough for the many palestinians for struggling to survive . the un, he's now demanding full access to northern, gaza, sustainable to deliver the goods of people in the past to function in an environment that have sometimes a root of law assessments or some kind of systematic ability to access the aides
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that people need. but despite the little blogs, cry and condemnations, 8 efforts still face relentless obstruction and wellness. friction has a huge problem, especially for children. the monday children play some major role in the number of children that come to us as a result, the number of desktop and even when a charlie supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up getting one meal smoke enough for you. doctors and 8 groups and guys are calling on the international community to confront israel for its military reactions and ensure that there is urgent humanitarian relief for its besieged population axles. i much out just here. you must have chief. catherine was sales as children and girls. i need an immediate cease fire to save them for salvation. she describes her risk news out of gaza. at least 10 children have reportedly died of malnutrition, duration so far, well, many more. on the brink,
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one and 6 children under the age of 2 in north garza, or acutely malnourished when a doctor in northern gods as his team is struggling to provide a to half the babies until his hospital, most of the issues them from a lack of food which is leaving many of the babies and they come out loud when hospital malnourished. it's a doesn't come quickly. he says, there's nothing more you can do in this minute. so it's best of, you know, nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up eating with one meal. that's not enough for them that your body becomes deficient, and carbohydrates, vitamins proteins and deficient in fans that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration state. i can honestly say that we can't, you've been deal property with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received, because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either
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give them, say, lean solution or sugars solution. another for most of and then that the lucky all of this is happening due to the lack of food. when a child, suppose the 3 meals a day and only needs one off the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of the and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a lung affection or a blood infection in front of itself, so it's the signal really good enough. and the kind of when it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa, how the medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have is another case comes in that requires the same device honestly, that we won't be able to do anything for them. so devices we have are not working.
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we are now in the neonatal intensive care unit, as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department. as i said, it doesn't necessarily out of me. she's definitely been popping up my messages, an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical a and fuel to the hospital and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to lead to the south. toward my stock immediately vista. perfect. so a break here and i'll just share a when we come back, it's been a week of political violence in charge. were leading the opposition to get was killed. and now the military ruler says he'll run in this is election on the
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brought to you by visit capital to write to us by which time we get to sunday. the blizzard. this been occurring of the sierra nevada in northern california should at most the blue not this toby state would fall into the west. it might be over is particularly cold in calgary. and this in central part of the prairies of, of canada minutes, late, cold snow as you can see. but everywhere for this i have quite well minneapolis is 21 degrees. this rain running up from florida, the eastern states i suspect of the next day or says and start reading in d. c. 18 degrees on by the same time. there's still some snow at the high drive and in california, all right. and on the low ground, as you can see, jumping to central america just a bit high in panama, it has been for weeks on end. the breezes now floating nicely being fairly frequent chairs to the small items, the edge of the caribbean. otherwise it's a dry looking picture, just occasional challenging land been much what to so the sense in fact we've had to reco breaking heat,
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which tends to generate thunderstorms quite often. so for example, in the northwest, a pilot quite a new natural reco to 43.3. this is for much, for the heart of the country. full cost wise for sunday, running up into that heat up to auction, teen and particularly have some pretty big shows and more to come into flooded the areas in those. and believe you of the quote to you by visit president biden says $1.00 to $2.00 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. and i'm told stories from asia on notice here the,
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the, the welcome back you're watching. i'll just hear a quick reminder about top stories here. this i'll at least $10.00 demands have been killed. i'm 7 others injured in is randy strikes in southern gods. we have talked to the house belonging to one family. and then also i'm neighborhoods in the us says there was a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks. he's 5, gaza as well as not turned it down. i'm just now waiting for my master's response to, to i'm going into with parties hoping to have a good in place by one of them and around a week's talk. and these really ministry has, again shows that kind of simians wasting through the age southwest of gaza. such a one person was killed and at least 26 wounded on thursday at the same location.
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at least a $119.00 simians were killed or waiting for desperately need a well, as we mentioned, the united states has count out his 1st ad drop of humanitarian aid into gaza. hold on 38000 ready meals a drop down to the strip president biden. i said the amount of age leading into gaza is not nearly enough. a groups of criticize the move saying the u. s. should instead and show as well, allows aiden through crossings with jamie coming. dyke is president of refugees international and a former disaster relief official in the obama and bite and administration's. he says ad dropping is one of the least effective ways to get a to people's when i worked on this for the us government and the bond ministration and i, i coordinated air air drops and their deliveries and a number of disasters including the earthquakes and type fluids and, and, and sammons, mores. you, you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you
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from using better forms of transportation of air list and air drops in particular, are the worst, the cost of the worst possible way to deliver it. the very expensive they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong with those things drop and they deliver very small volume of a. so you know, relative to the level of need that exists in gaza today. this is not enough to really make a meaningful dent in the military and crisis. i think you have to ask, why is this necessary? well, it's necessary because over the last nearly 5 months, these really military offensive has made it virtually impossible for normal humanitarian operations to exist in gaza. they could be opening more border crossings. they have refused to do that. even the 2 crossings in this out that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks and, and they've been very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within gaza. there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities. there was
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a naval strike on a u. n. food convoy heading to the north. it was actually stopped at an it's really tech point at the time. so you know that this resort to airstrikes is a reflection of how impossible this really government has made it to conduct normal and frankly more effective humanitarian operations. and so i got this, i mean, all these really minutes for you has announced the best of 3 soldiers in gaza. you know, and you get sac, they'll have monica and fig. terry were all killed in hon. unice. the army says 14 of the troops were injured. it brings a total number of his ready soldiers killed the 585 organizes of a protest march in israel as a 15000 people have joined families of captives in gauze to their release. many have been marching for 4 days from the southern border protest as urging, as well as government to secure a deal with harm us to free the captives. i'll just see what time the fluid has the latest from tel aviv
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a fully anti government demonstration has completely dispersed police set up a number of different roadblocks and blockades to try and prevent demonstrators from getting in the way and blocking major highways. but however, some demonstrators did manage to break their way through these barricades and block the roads is really ways arresting around 7 demonstrators. but the process has completely dispersed, as i've said, because it is quite cold intel of leave and is really cool. we setup iron gates across several different intersections so that the demonstrators couldn't even reach certain points. there were also trucks that were blocking major intersection for the demonstrators also wouldn't make their way through. so after about, i would say 25 minutes demonstrators began to disperse. we also saw last week, police that were mounted on horseback, but because of the number of injuries that demonstrators had experience because of
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the shopping video footage of officers sitting demonstrators with their reigns on the force back this week is really the least decided that officers would be on sig weighs and other sorts of motor bikes instead of the horses. but as you can see here, behind me, the number of police officers is out numbering the demonstrators. and that was the case for perhaps the last 30 minutes of the protests. but the main message they were trying to get across is that they want to see elections health immediately. they want these really prime minister to resign and they want to see a deal that would bring back the remaining is really captives who are held in gone . so now they're battling that every saturday until there's a change in his roles. governance, they're going to come out in the streets and protests. the
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a chat submitted to your router says he'll contest this year's presidential election. the announcement came at the end of a vine and we for the country. the main opposition and figure was killed in a raid by security forces. i'll just say it was of interest reports from the capital in jamaica. for most champions, this was expected, but how much debbie says it was an image was work on the the at the beginning of the transition. i didn't see myself as a candidate. and this selection, my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. but his candidacy is almost shadowed by events of the past few days. at the end of february security forces rated officers of the countries, mino, position their way accused of attacking the offices of the national intelligence agency and the supreme court. now the leading opposition candidate is dead. the party and its headquarters are important. the opposition is demanding an
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independent investigation into the rates by security forces and describes the beginning of a position due to a dental us. an assassination by the government says the rates are legitimate, was supposed to lie spring front and the price to the future of charge. so more than $220.00 political parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammedan his father get back to endorse the president . for the me elections, there was no mention of the position socialist party without voters in the president speech. what's that reference to the rate or the leader of the opposition? the rates of race to consent. at the funeral, there are social consequences for the coming. but politically, the opposition leaders death will not stop the election. many wisdom poets consider chide, dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of falls. we just moved a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of the sale. the may 6
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election could be an indicator where the chide hit into an equal stability. ok of how many degrees i'll do that. jamaica intern is the thousands of members of the largest labor union have been protesting in front of the prime minister's office. demonstrations cool for greater social freedoms and denounced a crackdown on union rights and rising prices. ronnie was organized by the tennessee and general labor union. it's been one of the strongest critics of president chi site since he sees most powers in 2021. and i move widely seen as a cough of these daughters. so i was that i didn't choose. yeah, we are custom to accept the differences of opinion to formulate the content. we do not accept silence invoices, nor do we accept the policy of southern tara betrayal, distortion. i'm dividing society, all of this is rejected in the mentality of the tenants in general labor union. now
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the wells major gas producing countries say they're redouble their efforts to tackle challenges affecting supplies to the global market. they've been meeting at a summit in algeria. they discussed issues affecting the trade, including israel's war and garza and the tax on global pipelines. i'll just say it was a solid been to evade reports from the meeting in algae is it's the cleanest of fossil fuels and natural gas produces a confident of sustain demand for decades. 70 percent of the boys gas or those belong to the 19 member gas exporting countries for them or g e. c. f. the 10 heads of state gathered in algiers to explore ideas and develop consensus. in addition to rebuilding the energy sector off to the crew and a virus pandemic, and lack of adequate investment challenges from attacks and pipelines and gas explore crew, which were the focus of discussions attributed reiterate to the delegates. the gas is affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly. while exports is called the green credentials of gas,
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they simultaneously reject the use of climate change issues to hinder investment. and as the agreed to expand and build a consensus to invest more dcf ones implementation of international trade rules to where discrimination or restriction members have agreed to tackle issues with the united v dot export to say that gas can be used to achieve climate neutrality is like minimal financial burden on the global economy. for the members said the group does not limit gas production or input supporters like the own content. opec splintered or not confident in global demand means countries such as russia can, would stand, restriction and crippling wisdom function of the much. it's a judy and exports cost to you. this is the explorer policy, because all african countries develop the expert to support the economies regarding russia as a presidency. if there are no gods deliveries to you by ukraine, we will live with that. because we have been opening all experts in the east asia pacific country.


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