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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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or a climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. that these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one, out of here. the and is really air strikes on a house, enough in southern gaza, kills at least 15 pounds. the you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate also coming off. the us says there was a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week gaza ceasefire. israel didn't turn it down and is now waiting for how boss is response. meanwhile,
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israel carries out more deadly attacks on palestinians waiting for aids in central guys on, on the us air drop supplies over gaza. president biden admits it's not nearly enough with many continuing to calls for a ceasefire. the we begin in southern gaza where israel continues to target the residential areas. at least 15 palestinians have been killed and several others injured in a strike overnight. a 4 story building in the center neighborhood. the desktop was kits. rescuers and residents rushed to the scene to recover bodies and take the injury to hospital or somebody of lucky. as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured
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people, but many more civilians, women and children are still under the rubble. we have limited, scant resources and this war is entering at 6 months. there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment and we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residence. meanwhile, the white house says there was a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week ceasefire and gaza. israel has not turned it down. now the weight is on how much to agree talks are ongoing here in delphi, with parties hoping to have a deal in place fight amazon. that's been around a week's time. bernard smith and i'm a lot in the occupied. westbank has further reaction to the prospect of a deal. this looks like the us is increasing the pressure on how much to agree the broad terms of the 6 week cease fire deal, how my says it will deliver its official answer. in cairo,
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on sunday of us when media is from the us casa, and egypt are expected to meet again according to different media on my team sometimes. and israel are expected to turn up by no means clear that how much is going to accept this deal that they, although they have previously insisted on a full permanency spot. and the complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza demands that is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cold, delusional man, yahoo has said he's not going to send anyone to cairo. these are reports from is really media isn't gonna send anyone to cairo until i'm us, gives up a list of all the hostages that are still alive. and again, we'd heard earlier from how much they are not prepared to do this. so both sides on the face of it. seeing still to be far apart. burnett smith, i was just era ramallah and the occupied westbank. rosalind jordan is in washington
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dc with more of the details that are coming out from the white house. one of the 3 officials who braved said that in principle, the israeli government has agreed to a 6 week cease fire between the israelis, homos and other fighters. inside garza, in order to increase the amount of humanitarian aid going into garza, as well as allowing for the release of more captives currently being held and daughter. those captive would belong to one of 4 categories. women, the elderly, the injured and the sick. now, according to these us officials, it's now up to him off to decide whether it can comply with that term in order to start the ceasefire, which everyone is hoping could start before ramadan, which is either march 10th, or march 11th. the ghost agents have been under way around the clock, according to us officials in doha. and there are reports that the negotiations
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could move to cairo as early as sunday. separately, the us government, which has been under pressure to do more, to try to help the people of gaza is reportedly going to be meeting with benny, get a member of the is really wor cabinet. and we have several news reports indicate that gant who is traveling without the explicit permission of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is supposed to be meeting with the vice president tom le harris, as well as with the national security advisor jake sullivan. perhaps as early as monday, those news reports indicate that both harris and sullivan are going to be pressuring get to deliver the message to the non yahoo government. that much more needs to be done to protect civilians. and much more needs to be done to try to bring the war in gaza to an end, sooner rather than later. well, someone jordan, elders, era, washington? oh, for the 2nd time in 3 days, is really army has shots of palestinians waiting for aids near the sea. round about
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south west of garza city saucer supervision on one person was killed and at least 26 people wounded on thursday. at that same location, at least the 118 palestinians were killed by that is really military. while waiting for desperately needed foods. the united states has carried out its 1st era drop off humanitarian aid into gaza. more than 38000 ready to eat meals were dropped onto the strip. president joe biden has said the amount of age flowing into gaza is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized this move, saying that the u. s. should instead ensure that is real. it allows aid in through crossings. moreno bonnie is a non resident fellow at the center of conflict on humanitarian studies. and here's how she describes us. a drops into gaza. i think it's worse than useless. it's
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the equivalent of putting a band aid on the task to sizing tumor and then claiming a medical break through every age organization that has involves every serious analyst who has looked at this has indicated that there is severe hunger and malnutrition throughout the gaza strip. that feminism and that children already dying because of lack of access to food. and most importantly that the only way that this can be addressed is through a massive infusion of urgently needed aid overland. the united states, which is a full partner. and israel's genocide alonzo locked on the gaza strip and which is a full partner in the seat of the gaza strip. is seeking to divert attention from its role and from israel's role. and seeking to provide legitimacy to the siege by dropping a few 1000 meals ready to eat from the sky, which again,
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everyone who has looked at says this is a drop in the bucket and will make them off no meaningful difference to the overall situation of the gaza strip, and i think what the us is trying to do now is to as others, have noted, legitimize the siege and legitimize agend inside long slot by throwing a few packets of food from the air at the starving population. i think another factor that's worth considering here is that as with the attempt to achieve a pause in this genocide alon slot, the us appears to be very concerned by the onset of the most with months of i don't know done in about 9 days and is very concerned that this could be a period of height and opposition to the us is really policy and is keen to have some kind of stability for that period. again, to gain legitimacy for the renewal and intensification of the off of the onslaught
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end of the siege. ones that are on the net. and so i think the us deserves absolutely no credit for what it's doing. as the units, as chief catherine russell says that children in dogs, i need an immediate cease fire to save them from starvation. she describes her fake news out of gaza. at least 10 children have reportedly died of mel nutrition and the hydration so far. while many more are on the brink, one in 6 children under the age of 2 in the north of gaza, or acute sleep mountain, malnourished, and the doctor in northern gauze besides, his team is struggling to provide a to half the babies that enter his hospital. most of the issue stem from a lack of food, which is leaving many of the babies and they come out of one hospital malnourished . if a dozens come quickly, he says there is nothing more he can do in this window. so it's both of, you know, nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of
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deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up in a one meal. that's not enough for them that much. your body becomes deficient and carbohydrates, vitamins proteins and deficient in fans that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration state. i can honestly say that we can't, you've been deal property with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them, say, lean solution or sugars solution overall, another form over some of and then all of this is happening due to the lack of food when a child supposed to 3 meals a day and only needs one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of the thing. and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a lung section or a blood infection in front of itself. so it's the most effective way to get in is
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known as economy. it was a mazda, however, we received a case from elsa. honda medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have is another case comes in that requires the same device on, is it the we won't be able to do anything for them to devices we have are not working. we're now in the neonatal intensive care unit, and as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department, the status of the message has been out of me. definitely been popping up. my message is an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical a fuel to the hospital and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to leave to the south. he's a thought toward my stock immediately. vista height is going to somebody is really military has announced the deaths of 3 soldiers and gaza. they were all killed in
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hon. unice. the army says 14 other troops were injured. that brings the total number of his really soldiers killed to $585.00 organizers or for protest march. and israel say 15000 people have joined families of captives in gaza to urge their release. many had been marching for 4 days from the southern gospel border towards west jerusalem and protest as are calling on the government to secure a deal with him us to free the captives. honda, some photos more from tel aviv is now a chance by these protesters that has become the rally and called to bring their loved ones home. families of captive as being held in gauze were joined by thousands of his release as they marched from the gauze of border to west jerusalem, demanding for the remaining captives to be released. we're here in march and
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support those. now we see that they will be released soon and be safe and we're praying for them. and every step over the course of 4 days, these demonstrators try to send a message to israel government, but not enough is being done to secure the captives release. meanwhile, behind the scenes, mediators are hoping to solidify a deal that would see a 6 week pause in the fighting and the release of thousands of captives and didn't tell a v. it's this 3rd week of mt government demonstrations, protest or say they want elections to be held immediately and saying it's in yahoo is to blame for the countries current state of affairs. i'm against the government . which the have like that was last year that ever be
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face value, everybody's think that gemini needs to us we are doing and now the funniest payments. and the, the only thing that i can do is demonstrate at least 7 people were arrested after demonstrators broke through police barricades and blocked roads. as a deal to release the captives and ensure a ceasefire remains elusive. it is unlikely that people here will be deter, heard from speaking up and continuing to take to the streets, is really police say they want to crack down on what they're calling a legal demonstrations that walk road, which is why they've set up some of these iron dates that you can see behind me for demonstrators are valving to block roads every single saturday until there is a change within israel's government. time the central jersey to tell a be
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a 13 year old boy is the latest child to be killed by that is really military and they occupied westbank. how much carla jacobs was shot near the zone? refugee camp. that's north of from a la medics from the palestinian red cross and tried to resuscitate him. but they couldn't. is where the army claims that he threw a molotov cocktail at a nearby military post on the funeral. is that house for another palestinian boy kills ringing? is really right here, the overnight hundreds of mourners during the 1st session from how much have moved on to this family size. the 16 year old was out with friends when the rate began. they became trapped and he was shot in the head. when is really forces open fire a still a heads on out to 0. it's been a week of political violence, inch cods, where a leading opposition figure has been killed. and now the military rulers says that
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she'll run in this year's election the landlord day in the race for the president's march 5th. we'll see millions votes across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump, a step closer to a re match, stay with alger 0, so continue to cover it should be us selections 2020 hod hitting intervenes. as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block is a problem to access it, you hear the story on told to how does era
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the scars of the warden. you praise run deep. but the devastation of the country's precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear the people in power documents the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows ukrainian war prize investigators as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site. ukraine ground 0 on just the the here's a reminder of the top stories and alda 0 this our a piece for steam, palestinians have been killed and several others injured. and it is really or striking southern gaza that attack had
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a house belonging to one family in the and so now neighborhood and just saw the us says there's a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week ceasefire in gaza. israel has not turned it down and it's kind of waiting for some masters response. topics are ongoing here in customer with parties hoping to have a deal in place by ramos, on and around. a week's time on the is really military has again, shots of palestinian was waiting for food aid, south west of gaza city. one person was killed in at least 261 visit on saturday, on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed while waiting for desperately needed a senior who is the leader. it says that he holds the you case. prime minister wishes to not responsible for the sinking of the ruby mart a british owns cargo ship. that ship sang 2 weeks after being hit by full steam
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solves fired from human sir. is this an environmental disaster had been raised because of the 40000 tons of fertilizer on board. john southport is from the international chamber of shipping. he thinks that the vessel is creating hazards for the environment and people's livelihoods in the red sea. the risk presented by the the fertilizer is um, if it does spill into the marine environment, which seems possible given the shape is now, so um it presents or beautification risk and that results in oxygen depletion is extremely severe. and so for the marine environment, i think also the sinking of the ruby mall demonstrates the, the severe threats to the he t attacks present to the lines of ship of sea fires trumpeting through these waters . and they all to the principal concern of the shipping industry. it's unacceptable that the men and women who serve international trade coming on the search threat
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and it's she a look that we've not seen a much survey of incidence. the situation is obviously deteriorated considerably because salvage may now be impossible depending on the depths to which the the ship is sunk and that will need to be assessed. i think you salvage operation would have a code much sooner than not being available. threats made by the who t's and the such an operation would only be permissible. if aid was it was made into garza. and so unfortunately what was already a very complicated situation. his gall considerably was the rest of about 60 percent guidance. read the read say it's important to remember and that the eighty's have being very clear on that targeting criteria. so dispatch is not generic. it's these variable depending on whether a vessel is perceived to be linked to israel, the cable to us. it's been another day of palestinians solidarity around the world
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from the middle east to europe and north america, thousands riley to call for peace in gauze up. and we had the library, the reports. 6 a global initiative, united people from all walks of life and sort of devotee with the listing in call for of copenhagen to be utilized and from london to room and different cities in the u. k. to test as we've policy new flags high in response to the escalate, the military and crisis in gaza. it's a global day of action for palestine. the mom being an immediate cease fire. and in denmark, there has been closed and the blood shed has more than 30000 people, including 13000 children in the united states protest of taking place in washington. several 100 people demonstrated outside the is really embassy, something carrying signs, urging for the killer to and,
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and the eccles put this as voices reached as far as how far not in cuba. i sort of went to but it's dana, the solution that by the scene in question is not displacement or the times what of name tai people or do i the region. the only solution is just us for the palestinians may obtaining the legitimate site to set up with them a nation, and to live indignant food testers were also seen carrying flags through the streets to the easily embassy in ecuador is capital key to welding lebanon. tell us the deputies have joined the march invaded the all of europe is against us. they are firing at us. they are providing weapons to is rand, i'm giving us right. this is unreasonable and cannot be accepted by anyone in the world of israel's military operations intensified displaced, civilian struck by is really fire faced. imminent danger, excess, repeating the already devastating. that's 2 international medi does have been
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working to broker deal to hold, to fighting the for the muslim holy month of ramadan begins around march, the 10th to the realities 50, see to not have less than 5 months into the world, gaza united individuals instead saw sort of gary to get the phone calls and you hit the d as a 0. now to charge where the military ruler says he'll contest the serious presidential election. the announcement came at the end of a violence week for the country. the main opposition figure was killed in a raids by security forces. denise reports in the capital, in jamaica, for most champions. this was expected, but how much debbie says it was an image was work on the job at the beginning of the transition. i didn't see myself as a candidate and the selection my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. but his candidacy is almost shadowed by events of the past few days.
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at the end of february, security forces rated officers of the countries to be no position their way accused of attacking the offices of the national intelligence agency and the supreme court . now, the leading opposition candidate is dead. the party and its headquarters are important . the opposition is demanding an independent investigation into the rates by security forces and describes the beginning of a position due to a dental us. an assassination by the government says the rates are legitimate, was supposed to lie spring fucking as a threat to the future of charge. so more than $220.00 political parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammedan his father got back to endorse the president . for the me elections, there was no mention of the position socialist party without borders in the president speech. what's that reference to the right to the leader of the
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opposition? the rates of race to consent. at the funeral, there are social consequences for the coming. but politically, the opposition leaders death will not stop the election. many wisdom poets consider chide, dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of falls. we just moved a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of the sale. the may 6 election could be an indicator where the chide hit into an equal stability. ok of how many degrees i would do that gives me that a and m p. 's impact hassan will elect a new prime minister later on sunday and ship as a reef is expected to be confirmed and the top job for a 2nd time his party, the p. m. o n will lead a coalition government earlier supporters of the jailed former leader and ron con protested against a legit rigging in last month's election. come out of hi, there has more on that. if i have a rain the board, the budget on day again,
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solve but out the number i did and it's lama, but they have got dropped drug testing. i guess what they say was massive rigging and the electron that documented and focused on they have of course being a number to verify that security portraits based on job proven my paper. here are they tell me and they're making their protests. busy we've been talking to some of the project to, to tell us why there. yeah, cuz we can do that again. that took place in the election on it's february. the guy was reading on almost $186.00 on the night of the election. but in the morning the results would when he predicted and we have not been reduced to only 96 in the restroom assembly on monday into punjabi. somebody has been stolen in the son of these have been stolen and even know as we stand for testing the election commission is reducing 50 eyes uh sits in the next assembly. the idea to get back us golden rule that stolen mandate. you know,
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the whole want to know the about ample form of a problem. 45. it is there. not nobody wants sitting in on the top of the institution, the markets that they have cited with the b and the tub. so it is not acceptable to the comment about this on i can't even imagine. so why did we under the government? i have to come back to the office on the part the fund wasn't safe. i'm no, i'm really what. how did fraud, as i like me to continue at the moment jane pressure tactic. i can state governments which dave dave damien to follow through rigging. and this, of course is likely to gain momentum because other parties are also like need to join hands invoicing, the protest across the country come out of how you doing. i just it off. it's normal, but the former us president donald trump is 3 stays closer to clinching. the republican party is nomination for november's election. trump one party contests in michigan,
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missouri, and idaho. easily defeating his nearest rival, the former us ambassador nikki haley, and he's expected to sweep 15 similar votes to be held this week on super tuesday. we have more news at the top of the our talk to i'll to 0. so that's by the right. 12, by the time you get to sunday, the believe this been occurring of this here in the founder and northern california should have most the blue not this toby state would fall into the west. it might be over is particularly cold in calgary. and this in central part of the prairies of, of canada, minutes, late, cold snow as you can see. but everywhere for this i have quite well many after 21 degrees. this rain running out from florida, the eastern states. i suspect of the next day or says and start renting in
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d. c. 18 degrees home by the same time. there's still some snow at the high drive in california, all right, and on the low ground, as you can see, jumping to central america just a bit high in panama, it has been for weeks on end. the breezes now floating nice. they've been fairly frequent chairs to the small items, the edge of the caribbean, otherwise it's a dry looking picture, just occasional challenging land been much what to so the sense in fact we've had reco breaking heat, which tends to generate thunderstorms quite often. so for example, in the northwest, a product quite a new national record of 43.3. this is for much, for the heart of the country. full cost wise for sunday, running up into that he talked to wash and teen and particularly have some pretty big charles more to come in the front of the areas in those. and believe you the the asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding
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the reality reporting from the action of the hospital with fear this gentleman isn't just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. the in the world with short food and governmental and international responses to global challenges, a glaring non governmental organizations step in to bridge the gap. providing critical services and support. these organizations reach the most vulnerable, often overlooked population being not just age, but has the full front of this humanitarian efforts. as the international rescue committee led by david men of on founded at the behest of albert einstein and 1933
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c i o. c has become a beacon of relief and recovery. so those costs and the cost was.


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