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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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on out to 0, the is there any forces bomb residential areas across garza, 7 palestinians are killed him giovanni, a refugee camp in the north and 15 all dead in a row. could strike in rough the elevator until now. this is held 0 line from tow. so coming up to us at drops food into a gossip of a group, say the focus should be on getting a into border crossings. the us says this a framework. the agreement on the table for a 6 week also cease 5. israel has turned down while i'm honest yet to respond and politicians, it focused on about infinity prime minister,
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the latest from the but we beginning northern guys aware, and he's really strong because he's a residential building in the jump valley, a refugee camp emergency services recovered the bodies of at least 7 civilians killed in the attack. the destroyed home is beside the school, which houses displaced. civilians is where the forces have intensified the result. on the rough in southern gaza, at least 15 palestinians were killed in an ass, drank there on the residential building of the night. felix and you know, our reports and a warning that some of the images in his report or the step when nighttime falls in gaza is really forces intensify bombings on the besieged. strip of this full story building lies in ruins, in the ultimate, i'm neighborhood,
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east of drop off. it's the optimize of the residential buildings being bombarded overnight and like the strikes before it. the result is to begin blood should v. as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured people. gases, emergency crews say many people are still trapped under the rubble. but without any equipment they lift, trying to save lives with their bare hands, any of the info or how often we have limited scant resources and this war is entering it 6 months. there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment. we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residential sound. some of the wounded have been rushed to the elbow, yusef,
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all nyja hospital among the children, still struggling to comprehend the onslaught on each of them. the this boy says he was with this time of year when the building gave dan from above. this last refuge for more than 1500000 palestinians is coming under is really fire every day. even us fee is loom of a ground invasion, a for alpha helix, new r o o g 0. what else? well, how about move joins been out on the phone from rough and honey. i know that they've been intense strikes in rough uh overnight including i believe, very close to where you were spending the night. i guess. all right, and in the year we're at in chauffeur and going on with my family members and other members of the family and in laws in the neighborhood that states i'm part of the
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city and a very over a credit right now with many displays, california is but attacks and tends at the top, the area area spikes then on. so there's that we started at usually hours of last night and extended all the way to midnight. where as we're talking about the 3 residential homes, one in the eastern part of the, of the, of say, a lot of neighborhood, the other one to the east trent to the southern eastern part of the need of the same neighborhood that within the vicinity, wherever we have been children to the coins and given the intensity of the box spring and the level of destruction we were forced to be evacuated into a safer air in the mystery. that 4 blocks away from the house where it shows or ink. and we could see all the degrees of the shrapnel falling under the top of the house and went on. it's a courtyard,
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but so far 15 people have been killed in these relentless air strikes on residential homes and mostly, and women and children and multiple other injuries, old ross doing a job, a hospital now the, the, the fear is that those injuries at the hospital risk of losing their lives in it just because of the, the street there's a medical supplies on the inability of the medical staff into the hands feet wide right. right away. and that's all part of the i'm going to block the unit restrictions on a humanitarian getting into the god this trip here in overcrowded but the have little long these situations in the northern part of, of the god. that's true. but we're talking about no medical supplies, no seals, and no essential survival items that i could be helpful to stabilize right now is still there. people under the did rather as we were told just. but in the past hour or so,
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which one of the volunteers in the area who said that they're still using those a manually as a all right, did the tool distribute large pieces of concrete and try to see if there's still people under the robins because they don't have the exact number of how many people were inside these residential homes so far. are we talking about these homes and the are overcrowded with more than one display families in every house just to accommodate the large number of exactly and honey, given all of that, with these developing moves towards a potential cx, 5 deal. i imagine people in the gaza strip watching and listening with great anticipation. the yes in the d. b. i they, they are watching and listening with a great deal of anticipation. but it's very cautious right now because the data being a following the newest in the past couple weeks,
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the beginning of the of the talked about a potential says buyer and, and the reason we keep it like reminding everyone it's a potential fees fire deal with it which means that given the difficulty of the shroud in and it's not possible 100 percent, there are so many obstacles ahead of it. and that so far we have people heard about the delegation of the i have to be arriving to cairo. and that includes the deputy director of the, the, the viewers as well as the other members at, but with the preconditions one of them is that the deadline to how much they give in at the beginning of ramadan. and that the meet that would be a march 11th the 1st day of ramadan, possibly. and also the other precondition that involves the no information will be given about the captive without a price and with that kind of $0.74. and the day is really at i
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would their list of precondition just caught doubts about the possibility of the deal to be a any time soon. and that's the reason why people are very cautious about their anticipation. and at the same time, they are looking forward to hearing about a permanent deal that could stop the ongoing history and ongoing massengill inc and the ongoing starvation and the know that part where more people are dying of the hydration and star vision. right now they are not interested and i can confidently say that right now people are not interested in a temporary feed buyer deals. do you want something that wasn't bringing in to this ongoing, that just right now. okay, honey must load with the very latest for us that from gaza. many thanks. i a united nation special wrap hotel or on the right to food is cooling for sanctions
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on israel. michael factory says the israel has been intentionally stopping the palestinian people in garza since the start of the war. now, famine may very well be already occurring. he adds that the only way to end will prevent this. family is an immediate cease fire. the only way to a cease fire is through sections. united states is carried out, it's 1st and dropped the theme out of town and 8 into gaza building. 38000 ready to eat meals were dropped on to pots of the strip present. joe biden upset the amount of aid floating into gaza is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized to move saying the us should instead ensure that israel allows 18 through land border crossings, which i'm a cone. and dick is president of refugees international and a former disaster relief official in the obama. and by the ministrations he says, ed dropping is the west way to get
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a to people. when i worked on this for the us government and you bought ministration and i, i coordinated air air drops and their deliveries and a number of disasters including the earthquakes and type fluids and examines mores . you know, you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you from using better forms of transportation of air list and air drops in particular, are the worst of the cost of the worst possible way to deliver it. they're very expensive, they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong when those things drop and they deliver very small volume of a. so you're relative to the level of need that existing guys are today. this is not enough to really make a meaningful dent in the military and crisis. i think you have to ask, why is this necessary? well, it's necessary because over the last nearly 5 months, these really military offensive has made it virtually impossible for normal
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humanitarian operations to exist in gaza. they could be opening more border crossings. they have refused to do that. even the 2 crossings in the south that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks and, and they've been very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within gaza. there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities. there was a naval strike on a u. n. food convoy heading to the north that was actually stopped at an is really check point at the time. so you know that this resort to airstrikes is a reflection of how impossible this really government has made it to conduct normal and frankly more effective humanitarian operations. since i got that. meanwhile, the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire in gaza. israel hasn't turned it down. now the weight is on for her mouse to respond to is involved in negotiation. so hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan. in about a week's time,
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rosalind jordan has more from washington, dc. one of the 3 officials who braved said that in principle, the israeli government has agreed to a 6 week cease fire between the israelis, homos and other fighters. inside garza, in order to increase the amount of humanitarian aid going into garza, as well as allowing for the release of more captives currently being held and daughter, those captives would belong to one of 4 categories. women, the elderly, the injured and the sick. now, according to these us officials, it's now up to him off to decide whether it can comply with that term in order to start the ceasefire, which everyone is hoping could start before ramadan, which is either march 10th, or march 11th. the ghost agents have been under way around the clock, according to us officials in doha. so there are reports that the negotiations could
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move to cairo as early as sunday. separately, the us government, which has been under pressure to do more, to try to help the people of gaza is reportedly going to be meeting with benny, get a member of the is really wor cabinet. and we have several news reports indicate that gant who is traveling without the explicit permission of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is supposed to be meeting with the vice president tom le harris, as well as with the national security advisor jake sullivan. perhaps as early as monday, those news reports indicate that both harris and sullivan are going to be pressuring gaps to deliver the message to the non yahoo government. that much more needs to be done to protect civilians. and much more needs to be done to try to bring the war in gaza to an end, sooner rather than later. well, someone jordan, elders, era, washington as well, let's get more on the sticking points to deal with with the mox,
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who joins us from occupied east jerusalem. and then from these riley perspective, any sign of any sort of shift to move this c 5 deal forward will negotiate. just for instance, joint talks in cairo. do you think it's not yet clear? if i'm being completely honest, we've done it. we've reached out to the prime minister's office here this morning on more than one occasion. they on no offering comment about whether a delegation will be traveling to cairo or date has already arrived. the important to note of the last few days on more than one occasion is randy officials. public key including the prime minister have said they want to see a list of the captives who was still alive and gauze that as a precondition to resuming tools in cairo. anywhere else, and yet we hit on more than one occasion from a mass directly to me yesterday. and again, in various media outlets today that they are not going to be sharing names of captives alive or dead to confirm that kind of information until there is
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a deal reached. that seems to be one of the major sticking points. and of course, the broad irreconcilable difference between these 2 sides is focused on whether this is a temporary truce, a 6 week c spot, or an end to the war. a mass would like this to be the end of the war, at least a parkway. the end of the war, whereas these railways have repeatedly said they do not want to have the hands tied . they want to be able to continue fighting and destroy him, us off to any spots like face. and for them, tell me what you can about this alternate. so that avenue of communication that seems to be opening up now ben, against the opposition data, is he is a member of the world cabinet set to be off to dc. he's got a meeting set up with the vice president, comment on how it's that whole bit not with the express permission or section of prime minister netanyahu was settled about of the what is the secret that the us government and present abide and in particular have not found
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conversations, negotiations, discussions with nothing yahoo to be easy over the last few months. benny guns is a political opponent and nothing you know, who, who in the early days of this war put his hand off to volunteer to serve in the war cabinet along side of the split plan. and he has since then on a number of occasions publicly had differences with other members of netanyahu's government. and it seems that as of friday, according to the statement put out by his office to his writing media, he contacted netanyahu and said on down to washington, what would you like me to say? we've not had a reaction from that to me all his office about this trip. but clearly this is going to be significant as a way to try and continue conversations. coordinating messages. the question is, will again, try to move further than nothing yahoo might be willing to do when it comes to the sci fi and then also like personally about the future status of gaza. okay,
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for walking bodies truce in there on the latest on moves towards the possible seats . find the box. thanks very much. i and still ahead on al jazeera, thousands of doctors in south korea refused to return to work defying a government deadline that ended on status to lead to potentially the trust of the latest from chad of the election prospect. so beats military included the generation football folks, old french captain, teresa bra, unit j. c, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an aluminum to open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse is you. i am a u n b and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the football. this is the flight of dentist done to escape the television
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generation for episode one of our injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day, whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the weld. the the
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the back of watching l g 0. a reminder about top storage this, our israel has continued its bombardment across the gaza strip in kept bobby a refugee camp in the north. at least 7 civilians were killed in a strike on a residential building. indeed, rough are in the southeast 15 in the united states is kind of down since 1st and dropped a few monetary and 8 in 203-8000 ready to eat meals were dropped off to hospice strip. 8 organizations have criticized to move st. us city and state ensure that is run allows aging through land forward across the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire and causes. israel hasn't turned down. now the way it is on for how much to respond. volts negotiations are hoping to have a deal in place. 5,
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ramadan politicians in pocket style of voting for a new prime minister. a former prime minister shabbos sheriff, is expected to be elected as premier elections last month with mod, by violence allegations of mo, drinking, and the imprisonment of former prime minister in wrong. com. i'll come, i'll hide the joins us from the capital. he's lama bad with that votes. been taking place in parliament and come, i'll bring us up to date on who she about. sheriff is stable. the coalition that he will leave will be the judge before i get to that it's important to know. busy that under the procedure, the batteries are right or wrong for about 5 minutes of to raise the door close. nobody's able to go in. no, uh, and to uh, the area have been designated the one on the right is b a. and the one on the
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left and not be be the supported of shop by should he really be going to lo be a that procedure that already underway. but your boss should have is no new come or politics. he's been a leader of the bug. there's not much they believe now why he's been chief minister of the country is much ball for the problems that ended up on job for the 11 years . it also came into bible for the 1st time as prime minister, back in april 2022. when they were the award of no confidence against him, ron con, died 13 part the lions den road of the country for several months before the elections. and so siobhan should have likely to become the prime minister for the 2nd time. now he has the support of a key allied bar did, and then they expected to get the number 169, which is needed to become the prime minister. these supports to get that expected.
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sorry to get that comfortably with people claiming that is likely to get close to 200 wards also. and they all position that is focused on said you're getting soft bar d. oh my i you have the nephew of a former military ruler. he of course, has been deb, provide that focused on teddy can. southbridge, of course, right now is under another party by now because the same, but it was denied through them. and he of gods really be a good and testing again, troubleshoot a deal, positions candidates for the prime minister ship. i would assume that he does assume the position of prime minister come all he will face during his tenure, the likelihood of continued continued street protests warranty by supporters of child, former prime minister in wrong con, they alleged the election was ranked absolutely
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. as far this claim that this was, this is the stolen mandate, a big parliament. but they said they will not give the ruling party of, of a free hand. and that they will continue to protest and are just outside. but even inside parliament, they want m. ron con, to be released, it was slogans inside parliament or day or so. and they also warned that the stolen mandate should be done. and they said that they will continue to protest and are just outside, but inside fall limited, ready? come on how to live for us with the very lights from his level about thanks. come off. i mean south korea, thousands of doctors from across the country rallying and support of junior medics who worked out nearly 2 weeks ago. health services have been interrupted since then . some patients turned away from hospitals. the trainees are opposed to government plans to increase admissions into medical schools aimed at solving
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a shortage of doctors when a government ultimatum to return to work expired at the start of this month. even this kim gives us that has now from the capital. so the organizers say tens of thousands have come out to joined this sunday afternoon rally in what they the main doctor as lobby group says, as to mark a long journey toward opposing government policies. now the pre and medical association are calling for the scrapping of a medical report plan announced by the government, which includes significantly the number of medical students next year by 2000 to get 210000 doctors. within a decade time, a boost the government says is needed to address a current doctor shortage in essential medicine and rural areas. and to keep up with the needs of an aging population for the doctors of the key and may say the government's plan is ill side out there warning the plan will lead to a lapse in the quality of south korea's world class medical care and slam. what
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they called unreasonable pressure of dr. julio. this is due to time. the government is fully aware of the reason why all the just including president doctors and medical students unanimously posted the increase in medical school quote, as yet they did see the public to exploit policies and systems to make. don't disagree. total medical slaves. tensions have been soaring. as police search and sees the offices of the academy leadership on friday, who they suspect encourage the thousands of junior dr. is to walk off the job in mass flow in a race general hospitals across the country. no signs of an off ramp in this weeks long stand off between the doctors and the government as it enters a 3rd greek unit skim, alda 0. so the transmitter trailer has announced that he's running for president. as off of interest reports from the capital in german or the declaration follows
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the killing of an opposition lead in a raid by security forces. for most trojans, this was expected, but how much debbie says it was an image was work on the job at the beginning of the transition. i didn't see myself as a candidate in this selection. my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. but his candidacy is almost shadowed by events of the past few days. at the end of february security forces rated officers of the countries, mino, position their way accused of attacking the offices of the national intelligence agency and the supreme court. now the leading opposition candidate is dead. the party and its headquarters are important. the opposition is demanding an independent investigation into the rates by security forces and describes the beginning of a position due to a dental us. an assassination by the government says the rates are legitimate,
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was supposed to lie spring frickin as a threat to the future of charge. so more than $220.00 political parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammedan his father got back to endorse the president . for the me elections or there was no mention of the position socialist party without voters in the president's speech. or what's that reference to the rate or the leader of the opposition? the rates of race to consent. and i thought that along with that he will. there are social consequences for the coming, but politically, the opposition leaders death will not stop the election july. many western powers consider chide, dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of frost. we just moved a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of this a hell the may 6 election could be i've indicated whether chide hits into an eat or stability or chaos. degrees. i'll give you the jamaica. well that's all the news for now inside story is next was more on
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a possible cease 5 teen god. so statement the the hello yesterday's raining weightings in portugal in spain is now today's storm system in the south of france and monica, this one's packing and punched in terms of moisture. so for monte carlo, we're looking at them fonts worth of rain in 24 hours, but sean's will dry off on monday, and your temperature is pretty well where they should be for this year. this is also going to done some serious snow for the italian lp's and this with selves. in fact, the peaks of this with selves, we could see a 120 centimeters over the next little bit. this will run through italy on monday, impact the eastern shores of the age we had exceeded and we've got the risk of funding for countries like albania, on monday,
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back to the here. and now today on sunday, just a few showers across the turkey. mostly claudia, could see that shower few spits of rain and is stumble with a height of 11 degrees. and why was it wendy? and algeria will get there in one second, but i wanted to show you the northwest not much going on here. a dryer pitcher temperatures still struggling to get to double digits. but we didn't talk about algeria outdoors, is looking at windows here of about 70 kilometers per hour. that's what and when the weather will swoop into an easy as we head toward tomorrow, and we've got some rain coming into the western cape providence that should dump and down the wildfires. burning near cape town. see a unique perspective that plays students up and they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities, inconsistency. then upon proceeding that's local landscape,
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connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tests and media attention. the stream on out to 0 of the goals for an immediate cease fire in gaza and growing louder, but he's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains defiance insisting he's military was backed down until hamas is destroyed. so what does that mean for negotiations and how serious is nothing yahoo about continued diplomatic efforts. they say is inside story the .


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