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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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this is sasha what there should be to national law to be this month on sort of discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to do the this is where the forces from residential areas across garza 7. our students are killed in giovanni, a refugee camp in the north of 15 or dead in a row, striking rough out of there on till now. this is the rely from co ha also coming up to us says that's a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week gaza cx. 5 is ro, hasn't turned it down while a mouse is yet to respond. mia know how much your boss should. each sub has secured,
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201 boards and facing pockets down elect chavez sharif as prime minister for a 2nd time. and thousands of doctors in south korea refused to return to work defying a government deadline. and indeed on says that the beginning knows and guides awareness radio strikes has hit a residential building and the job of the a refugee camp emergency services recovered the bodies of at least 7 civilians killed in that attack. they destroyed home is beside a school which houses displaced civilians. these rarely forces have intensified their results on rough on in stopping casa, but these 15 palestinians were killed in an astro icon, a residential building of the night. 90 people have been killed in gauze in the
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past 24 hours. felix know our reports and a warning that some of the images in his report on the stepping when nighttime falls in gaza, is really forces intensify bombings on the besieged. strip of this full story building lies in ruins. and also i'm neighborhood east of drop off. it's the aftermath of the residential buildings being bombarded overnight and like the strikes before it. the result is to begin blood should v. as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured people. gases, emergency crews say many people are still trapped under the rubble. but without any equipment they lift, trying to save lives with their bare hands, any of the info or how often we have limited scan resources and this war is
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entering it 6 months. there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment. we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residence to some, some of the wounded have been rushed to the will use f o nyja hospital among the children. still struggling to comprehend the onslaughts on each of them the this boy says he was with this time of year old. when the building gave din from above this last refuge for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians is coming under is re fire every day. even us fee is loom of a ground invasion, a for alpha helix, new r o o g 0 honey. my food joins me now on the phone from rough in southern gaza
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and honey, yet more strikes not far from you in rough overnight, with fatal consequences. tell us more, says john, i know what's talking about the that's talking over nice and here now this morning and this is the pattern within the past few days. it's more entire families are being the targeted uh the progress of these. but let's, let's, let's talk just, it was reviewing the names of the people who were killed in overnight as happens to be in the 14 people listed as from the jar hospital. the old happened to be from one family and this is not the 1st that was seen as hobbins or targeted killings of entire families. this happened before and hon units and to do bid, how long and then truck area what looks like right now. this floor has been adjusted to cause a great deal of pain and damage to the way this society has. those,
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the track charges, social and structure of it. also, people who, where a very the very hours of this morning and get it from a food stamp. the deaf in july, the a o 810 of them are from one family. we seem to have been happening every time an overnight at packed and broken. it's called a great deal to damage and destruction to residential homes. this particular neighborhood, the eastern part of the city is over crowded with dislike family. i'm not seeing them since the beginning of the genocide of we're coming to this area as we were told by just really military in order to avoid being bombed into not as hard as in dog. and so, and they should come here. i'm always in the cold hot unit as is really military intensify. it's a positive in the northern part in particular. i mean, did i, there are more people is still under the rubble of the, from the leads and i that tax on residential home, particularly in giovanni, a refugee have. and also in con, units right now,
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they're in the military. see around how much residential compounds where people, residents of these with visuals towers are calling for the appeal for the national, the cross for the housing president society to provide them with the state condo or just to leave that area. there are times there on the day cuz i got the package on as the definitive day or the shooting, get you a brief moving objects. unfortunately, we're seeing a complete failure. all of this really providing any sort of house of protection to civilians as they are becoming the means target right now. and honey, i'm middle of that. tell me about what i imagine must be an immense sense of expectation on the ground as, as these moves that develop towards the possible sci fi yes,
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so there is a great deal of expectations in anticipation and people when they don't like to sound very hopeful. these, they've given them many failures that'd be happening counter within the top of the week. then since the beginning of the talks about that stuff. and so the read, you're looking at the next 2448 hours, the very critical either we are going to do a deal that will put us in, at least for some weeks, do the ongoing math go in and go over how the city and children build early on women, or we are going to see more intensive side the length. let's talk across the gods trip. so they are why their home for their so very cautious about their, their, their hopes because they don't want to end up being in the full direction of what they have heard so far. there is a delegation of how much the radio, right? i wrote and there are talked about giving a deadline to march 3rd,
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which was denied it positively with the 1st day of run, the founder of, of these rarely delegation that will be arriving to cairo either within the coming days or the day after. but everything seems to be pushing for that. however, people are self, again deciding just because nothing will satisfy people that compete and in the fire. okay. all the lights that from honey must move in or i'll find some guy so many. thanks honey. as we just mentioned, the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire in gaza. israel hasn't turned it down now. the weight is on for how much to respond. well, policies involved in negotiations are hoping to have a deal in place by rama down in about a week's time, but of boxes in occupied east jerusalem. he says it's been difficult to confirm with these reading government, whether they're taking part in cx. 5 talks in kyra as of the last few days on more
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than one occasion is rarely officials public, including the prime minister said they want to see a list of the captives who are still alive and gaza as a precondition to resuming tools in cairo or anywhere else, and yet we hit on more than one occasion from a mass directly to me yesterday. and again, in various media outlets today that they are not going to be sharing names of captives alive or dead to confirm that kind of information until there is a deal reeks that seems to be one of the major sticking points. and of course, the broad irreconcilable difference between these 2 sides is focused on whether this is a temporary truce, a 6 week c spot, or an end to the was a mass with light. this to be the end to the war, at least the parkway, 3 and to the war. whereas these railways have repeatedly said they do not want to have the hands tied. they want to be able to continue fighting and destroy him. us off the any see spotlights space the us government and present invited in
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particular, have not found conversations, negotiations, discussions with nothing yahoo to be easy over the last few months. benny guns is a political opponent and nothing yahoo, who in the early days of this war put his hand off to volunteer to serve in the war cabinet alongside political opinion. and he has since then on a number of occasions publicly had differences with other members of nothing y'all, his government. and it seems that as of friday, according to the statement put out by his office to his writing media, he contacted nothing yahoo and said on going to washington, what would you like me to say? we've not had a reaction from destiny all his office about this trip, but clearly this is going to be significant as a way to try and continue conversations. coordinating messages. the question is, will guns try to move further than nothing yahoo might be willing to do when it comes to the sci fi? and then also increasingly about the future status of gaza? the united nations special russell to our on the right to food is calling for
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sanctions on israel. michael factory says israel has been intentionally stopping the palestinian people in kansas since the staff of the war. now, famine may very well already be occurring. he adds the only way to end to prevent this famine is an immediate cease fire. and the only way to a cease fire is through sections of the united states. this kind of that it's 1st ed drop a few minutes every night into a garza moles and $38000.00 ready to eat meals would drop the cost of the strip. present joe biden, to set the amount of age slipping into gauze. it is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized to move saying the us should instead ensure that israel allows a through land border crossings with jeremy cohen and dick is president of refugees international and a former disaster relief official in the obama. and by the ministrations he says, dropping aid from the air is the very worst way to get
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a to people. when i worked on this for the us government and the bottom ministration and i, i coordinated air air drops and their deliveries and a number of disasters including earthquakes and ty fluids and, and, and san ins moore's. you know, you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you from using better forms of transportation of air list and air drops in particular, are the worst. the cost of the worst possible way to deliver is a very expensive. they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong with those things drop and they deliver very small volume of a. so you're relative to the level of need that exist in gaza today. this is not enough to really make a meaningful dent in the military and crisis. i think you have to ask, why is this necessary? well, it's necessary because over the last nearly 5 months, these really military offensive has made it virtually impossible for normal
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humanitarian operations to exist in gaza. they could be opening more border crossings. they have refused to do that. even the 2 crossings in this out that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks and, and they've been very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within gaza. there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities. there was a naval strike on a u. n. food convoy heading to the north. it was actually stopped at an it's really check point at the time. so you know that this resort to airstrikes is a reflection of how impossible this really government has made it to conduct normal and frankly more effective humanitarian operations. and so i've got that. well, let's talk about the moving parts now around this developing situation towards the potentials to cease fire with neuro de, who is a political analyst and columnist who joins us from ramallah in the occupied westbank at so new as we see us
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a drops on the way from the air into casa city, unlikely to ease the situation much for most palestinians. and the sign, presumably that the by the administration has been unable with one of its suppose it leverage to convince these writers to lie to 80 and on the ground. the deal is in place, we understand for 6 weeks causing the fighting, the pressure appears to be on hold loss to accede to that the do you think they will? i think they will find it very difficult not to ultimately of egypt. and i thought who have been working around the clock for the past months to get to a cease fire to get to an agreement that would end the war. and that would necessarily require some sort of political framework. they need how much this cooperation for this deal and they have been making the point that without it, it will be very difficult to find a pathway towards the end of the war. mass of course is also under
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a lot of pressure domestically. they need to be able to say that the 6 week ceasefire will make a difference, that there would be enough aid flowing in the people would be able to return to the north and not starve to this because you monetary and aid is not allowed. and that there would be no restrictions, like some of the things that we heard, that only women and children and the elderly would be allowed wildman up to age 45 would still be a you know, a kept in the south. many of those details i think is where the sticking points are . we're going to hear a lot of rhetoric in, in the hours and days before an announcement, and we're going to see an escalation on the ground. that's how these things have played out. unfortunately in the past, but i think ultimately will be very difficult for him. us to say no to caught that in egypt at this point. but broadly speaking,
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what are the elements that need to come into play or forward into a place in order to shift talks towards a pause in the fighting on 2 talks towards an end game, an end, a permanent end to the fighting to? well, i think that really the missing part, the big gap is the american role and as we've heard, you know, throughout the coverage today, the biden administration is, you know, resorting to extreme measures like dropping a because it kept bring, gets ally of the country that depends on it, for this war to open more, cross its to allow food into the strip to save lives. of people that is realist has been starving for 5 months. and so the, the, you know, the unwillingness of buy them to use that leverage has put the american administration in a very uncomfortable position, seeming weak,
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seeming unable to deliver unable to, you know, a take on its role, the role that it likes to take on as the leader of the world as the most powerful country in the world, unable to push its ally in the right direction. and that means the talking and gain talking an end to the war. and how is real would withdraw is almost nearly impossible right now. that perhaps explains why the americans are keen on receiving any guns and kind of pushing that then yahoo showing him that. there are other options in these really political scene. they can talk to, to make him understand that this impasse is untenable for them, especially as they approach a you know, ever closer to election day in november. meanwhile, the courses we've been hearing from a correspondent, honey, my food on the ground ramadan looms 10 days or so away. still the strength over the
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heads of those people in guys or other potentially catastrophic attack by these readings on or off of the 8th situation. we know all about the people living in abject misery and as honey said, tired of false hope. first, they watch helpless as these negotiations unfold. absolutely, they are tired of false hopes and they are not really looking forward to. and one of the deals with see a pause in the fighting and then the resumption of the queue like after 6 weeks, they want to believe that those 6 weeks could bring on a political process the end of the war. and that's what time us needs to convince the public that it can do and it needs the arab countries for that. and it needs the americans to take on a very different active role in that all of those pieces of the puzzle still remains elusive. and that's why they use these discussions. and these negotiations,
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taking place in cairo are so difficult because nobody wants to seek to be seen as the reason for not having a cease fire doing them alone. but at the same time, nobody wants to be seen as having caved in because of pressure while not being able to deliver on the things that matter the most of their public comprehensive analysis that from noon to day in ramallah. very many thanks for your time. a sense to the head on out to 0 from qu, leader, to potential presidents with the nicest from chance and the election prospect's of its been a tribute the low there is severe storms are marching north out of new south wales states. now coming in to queensland, so this is impacting brisbin. but another thing i wanted to show you on tuesday. so
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put this a date for it's really starting to dial up temperatures and adelaide and melbourne . this is well above for you should be now that we're in the month of march and still pesky storms for brisbin on tuesday. back to monday, the rain still locked over into the kimberly region temperatures down in purse after a few bits of rain. but that's nothing compared to what's going on in new zealand across both islands, rain and wind warnings here. this is going to be a washout any way you look at it. and then other places we've seen copious amounts of rain is on calum and 10 on borneo islands here. so east calum and 10 province. certainly the streets have been funded out there. and i got to tell you on monday, the flood risk looks to be on the police side of borneo island, north of this, not much going on the monsoon range, taking a bit of a break right now. so let's go to china for, for getting this free is off the south china sea. so that's going to produce some showers for southern and central china temperatures and hong kong. now to $22.00 degrees on monday and still is snow locked over the mountains of honshu island
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looking to pick up, i'd say $25.00 centimeters of the next 12 hours. the landmark day in the race for the president watched. we'll see millions vote across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump a step closer to the re max. stay without a 0, so continue to cover it should be us selections 2020 examining the impact of today's headline. which is there a sense the stage giving voice to the voice of program producing rise to an alternative view of the world today on ouch is in the
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the talking about you're watching office here is a reminder about top stories. israel has continued its bombardment across the gaza strip. in the giovanni a refugee camp in the north, at least 7 civilians were killed. strike on a residential building that on the roof, fox in the south, at least 15 other students were killed. the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire and gaza. israel hasn't turned it down, but the way to his own from us to response parties involved in the negotiations and hoping to have a deal in place by ramah to the united states has carried out its 1st and drop a few minutes here and 8 into gaza. $38000.00 ready to eat meals were dropped off the pots of the strip. 8 organizations have criticized to move. psych the us should instead insure the israel allows aiding through land crossings. when
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a doctor in northern gauze, it is warning, the babies will die of starvation unless food is delivered. soon. talk to him, i don't know is who's a pediatrician to come? i'll add one hospital, says many infants. he's seeing, i'm not rich. and he has nothing to give the and this one is what it's w. now nutrition plays a major role in the number of children that come to us and us and the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up eating one meal. that's not enough for them that unless your body becomes deficient and carbohydrate vitamins proteins and deficient in fat that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration status. i can honestly say that we can't even deal properly with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them, say, lean solution or sugars solution another for most of them. and then
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all of this is happening due to the lack of food. when a child supposed the 3 meals a day and only needs, one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of the thing. and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get a lung infection or blood infection in front of this, up to something in the mail, didn't really get enough. and then we just kind of, and it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa, how the medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have. if another case comes in that requires the same device on as of the, we won't be able to do anything for them. the devices we have are not working. we are now in the neonatal intensive care unit, as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department to what i
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said, it doesn't necessarily anatomy. she doesn't know that the, my message is an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical a and fuel to the hospital. and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to leave to the south. toward my stock immediately vista, i understand it's a lot of alterations we've focused on elected to ship out sharif as prime minister sharif was elected in with 201 votes. this will be his 2nd time is prime minister, his main rival on that i con the p t. i's candidates secured $92.00 volts come on high to jordan's us now from the capital is lama. but so come out shut eyes series, prime minister for a 2nd time in pakistan. he's a known quantity in focus on the politics. really be able to hold his coalition together. well, that's
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a question. everybody had and focused on his last game because if history is anything to go by, correlations do not last long in this country. given the fact that the country is also going to, it's more severe economic crisis that has to be negotiated with the i man for another bailout. and that they've got really put more weight and pressure on the people of focused on we have been a tremendous ride in the prices of oil, electricity, gas. so it's going to be a very challenging task for the dropbox. j. e of gods is upbeat and said that the really be able to bring the country out of a crisis. however, of the plug is gone. daddy can solve is continuing to hold, protest outside, as well as inside parliament saying that the mandate was stolen, the quotes that always are demanding the needs of the j. nita,
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him ron console job i should have had of course of a difficult task ahead of him. and all lies really beyond this parliament to see whether the state a 2nd time that job i should have of course, becoming the prime minister for the 2nd time. will be able to deliver on this from the 1st come out of you mentioned the supporters of him are on con, there the full and the prime minister. he's in jail, of course now they determined to continue the protests. how powerful all day, how significant a challenge did they oppose to ship, answer eve. well that of course is something that the government great be what it about because power then the people came out yesterday that saturday across the country uh with the products demanding that the stolen mandates should be returned to the people. and they did gaining momentum because. busy the political party or. busy so so said
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that the elections were vague, that included the jump out this law me, ah, richard, the religious party day of cards, where they expected to get several seats in the southern province of then they said that that election was stolen. so all of these parties may combine that, but the board more pressure on the government and that of cause res continued to really do instability, political instability, ridge of gods does not all go read for economic stability. come on how to live for us there. and there's number one, thanks. come off to south korea now with thousands of doctors, a rallying and supportive junior emetics. we walked out to the jobs nearly 2 weeks ago. eunice kim gives us this update from the capital sol. the organizers say tens of thousands have come out to joined this sunday afternoon, rally in what they. the main doctor as lobby group says is to mark
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a long journey toward opposing government policies. now the pre and medical association are calling for this scrapping of a medical report plan announced by the government, which includes significantly the number of medical students next year by 2000 to get you 10000 doctors. within a decade time, a boost the government says is needed to address a current doctor shortage in a central medicine and rural areas. and to keep up with the needs of an aging population for the doctors of the key and may say the government's plan is ill side out there warning the plan will lead to a lapse in the quality of south korea's world class medical care and slam. what they called unreasonable pressure of dr. julio. this is due to time. the government is fully aware of the reason why all the dis, including resident doctors and medical students unanimously posted the increase in medical school quote is, get they to see the public to exploit policies and systems to make don't physically
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tunnel medical slaves. tension is happens during as police search and sees the offices of the academy leadership on friday who they suspect encourage the thousands of junior dr. is to walk off the job in mass flow in operation general hospitals across the country. no signs of an off ramp in this weeks long stand off between the doctors and the government as it enters a 3rd week. you know skim, alda 0. so to transmit the trailer, as announced, he's running for president us off, but interest reports from the capital in german of the declaration follows the killing of an opposition leader in the raid by security forces for most champions. this was expected, but how much says it was in his image was work on the dock at the beginning of the transition. i didn't see myself as a candidate and this selection my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and
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united. but his candidacy is almost shadowed by events of the past few days at the end of a.


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