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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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all people pay attention to this one here and i'll just leave is very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the at least 90 palestinians killed in the past. 24 hours is ready for us is a bombing residential areas across garza refugee camps and family homes among the target. the find this i may say that this is out to 0 live from dell hall. so coming up, the us says there's a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week garza seats. 5 says israel hasn't turned it down. mass hasn't responded. we all know how much of us should each sub has secured, $201.00 more and peas in pockets,
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telling me like 2 of us cities as prime minister for a 2nd time clock and rob rentals and los angeles, with the story of a legal debate over whether to criminalize people who live on the streets the we begin in golf so where these riley ministry has targeted the residential building in jabante, a refugee camp, emergency services would cover the bodies of at least 7 civilians. be destroyed. home is next to a school which houses displaced, civilians is right. the forces of also intensified the result on the roof in southern garza, at least 15 palestinians were killed that and in the strong come to a residential building. overnight. 92 people have been killed in gauze or in the past 24 hours. felix delata report saying, we should warn you. some of the images and news report disturbing when
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nighttime falls in gaza is really forces intensify bombings on the besieged strip of this full story building lies in ruins, in the ultimate i'm neighborhood, east of rough uh its the optimize of the residential buildings being bombarded overnight and like the strikes before it, the result is to begin blood should v. as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured people. garza's, emergency crews say many people are still trapped under the rubble. but without any equipment they lift, trying to save lives with their bare hands, any of the info or how if we have limited scan resources and this war is entering its 6 months, there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment. we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and
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children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residential sound. some of the wounded have been rushed to the elbow, yusef, all nyja hospital. among them, our children still struggling to comprehend the onslaught on each of them. the this boy says he was with this time of year when the building gave dan from above. this last refuge for more than 1500000 palestinians is coming under is really fire every day. even us fee is loom of a ground invasion, a for alpha helix, new r o g 0. what us with highly, my mood isn't dropped off with more on the strikes the. and what's shocking about these that's talking overnight, centered hours this morning,
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and this is the pattern within the past few days. it's more entire families are being targeted at the progress of these. but let's look at talk just it was reviewing the names of the people who were killed in overnight as happened to be in the 14 people listed as from the jar hospital, all happened to be from one family. and it's not the 1st that would seem to have ends of the targeted killings of entire families. it's happened before in hon units and to do bid, how long in the central area, what looks like right now. this board has been adjusted to cause a great deal of pain and, and damage to the way this society has those. that truck charge a social structure of it. also, people who, where a very the very hours of this morning and get it from a food, stand it up in to a value. oh, it's a 10 of them are from one family. we seen this out and happening every time an
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overnight at packed and dropping. it caused a great deal of damage and destruction to residential homes. this particular neighborhood, the eastern part of the city is over crowded with dislike family. i'm not seeing them since the beginning of the genocide of we're coming to this area as we were told by just really military in order to avoid being bombed into not as hard as in dog. and so, and they should come here a more reason to pro communist as is really monetary intensify. it's that i did in the northern part is particularly and get more people is still under the rubble of the, from the leads. and i that tax on residential home, particularly in giovanni refugee, have, and also in con, you and his right now, they're in the military, the around how much the residential compound where people's residence of be rid of interest tyler is, are calling for the appeal for the international red cross for the housing
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president society to provide them with the faith, cold, or just to leave that area. well, the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week since 5 and garza israel has not turned down. now the weight is on for how mass to respond says washington policies involved in negotiations are hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan. that's in about a week's time. and these really minute trace says most people killed in 1st days, food aid shooting attack died as a result of a stem pete, israel's report says it's false is did not strongly cause the crowd of palestinians at the distributing point near garza city as well. instead says it's all just 5 warning shots at several individuals. it says, posed and immediate, correct? well, that version contradicts the statements of the u. n. team that met injured people inside. many of himself, with gunshot wounds, the information we gathered from the commanders and forces on the ground. our
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initial review is indicated that following the warning shots fired to disperse the stampede, an after hour forces had started retreating. several looters approach though, forces imposed an immediate threat to them. let's go live now to the south ho. she joins us from tel aviv. so 1st of all, let's start with that idea fruitful. how does it say it's in the history we encode of that of previous is riley statements about that incident on 1st day. that of the will, the is really army, not exactly absolving themselves here, but rather deflecting the blame so to speak. this is a common theme we actually see in a lot of situations that be, is really military does not acknowledge flame for. so in this latest statement,
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they are saying that a group of individuals who they have identified as looters. these are people who are desperate for food and humanitarian aid, a population that is being starved as a result of this war. they say that these individuals were posing a threat to is really forces and they were then the forces quotes responded meaning that they were fired upon after these really army says that they fired these warning shots, but against doctors and gaza, say that to the injuries that had come to the hospitals and medical facilities were, in fact, gunshot wounds and other injuries that resembled gunshot buildings. where these really are me, is alleging that most of those killed in the incidents in this massacre really were all killed in that stampede. these really are we says that they are conducting more investigations into this and that there are going to be more updates
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about the situation. so we can expect another statement from these really are me in this same type of manner. what can you tell us about what is right, the officials the saying you've had to think about sci fi talks at this point. a full, there is a know is really a delegation, as we know it, that's in cairo for these discussions. and something these really side has been wanting to see is a list of names of captives who are currently being held in gaza, who are alive now. how math said that they're not really willing to give up a list like this until a final deal is in place. but what a final deal means is quite ambiguous. there are still a lot of sticking points, but both sides have, remember that have mass wants to see an entirely end to the war. and they say that
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that position has not changed, whereas these rallies have said repeatedly, even if there is a 6 week pause in the fighting, they will continue military activity. and in fact, that invasion instead of law is something they are still waiting for saying that until the objectives of the war are achieved, they are going to continue with military activity, even if there is that pause in the fighting. so mediators here are still dealing with a lot of unknowns, while the united states is seemingly the most optimistic, of the mediators. there's still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. and these really prime minister has said repeatedly that there is no indication that the deal is on the table that we are anywhere closer to a deal until there is a deal on the table that both sides have signed and agreed on. that is the only time these really say they will confirm that. all right,
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thanks so much from the sun. so this is why the forces of killed more palestinians while they were trying to get food in central garza and a trunk belonging to the coy. the association was targeted in depth and about killing 8 people. 8 workers in gauze say they've been at least 14 incidents of is randy forces targeting distribution points since mid january. we're joined now by my as kayla. she's the can take of palestinian health minister joins us now . live from rome i left. so another incident today, in which way we're getting reports of people dying as they're trying to access a how credible do you find the latest is riley narrative on what happened in 1st days incident? i think this is, this is an incidence that's just going to whom and it did and what you mean for the 2 children and come out of the house with them to know?
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no, i'm talking about the incident on the 1st day over a 100 pallets, the indians were killed and they said that they came on the 5 by his way, the forces, the un says they visited it at the moment. she said, yeah, yes. at that, what is the said could you mean? and actually they would go to the humanitarian assistance and once they would and do a gathering good. they would want, according to the notes that to the news that for you that have to us, i think and right now, not only this but also for the 15. try the 2 that have that and just died in the last 2 days. and due to the high pollution and my not position, and i've add one commander of land hospital in these issues. and actually the other more eh, test took events in gaza. they couldn't put who money to, to, to, to move, to move. i had to save the life of the,
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of the children one and then the people because what's going and goes up now it's a, it's by, i'm just joking. going down and it's to, to take an action, especially after the, the, the best and, uh, just the score. and i have the really, some of the issues about, you know, so let me jump in and i'll ask you then, because since you mentioned taking action, the us is doing a drops with the us presidents a, b, b us will not stand by and watch from your perspective is this, the necessary action from the united states. and i saw the uh, the, the is the assistance that is by dropping the fluid and towards the people. uh, what happens with the on said the people would like me to take some of these. are you meant getting assistance? i think that's a good. thank you very much for these us as does what i believe,
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as well as team and living in this country. now because of what's going on, i believe she's right, that is much more important than having food on the ceasefire because having to assistance and this is where it happens, what happens on it to that is. so i think i'm getting the people, the top priority is to have issues fired. because once we have issues fab done, everything can be much easier. because when you see the people that mean to me about the seeing the people on, on the television, that the people running from one place to another, just to save their lives. and this is really, is, is it is, oh, sure, sure, mobilize a humanity over the world. when you see the people they are going in the streets. let me ask that question that we've heard from us. folks posted there on the record as saying that israel is the southern country and they cannot force israel owen
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post policy upon israel. that's coming of calls from the country, which is currently the largest se sending weapons to israel weapons which israel is using in gaza. and what human rights groups, several human rights groups and un experts, coal violations of international law. does the us have a lot of credibility when it talks about that, you know, it's doing what it can while it's continuing to send weapons. this is the 2nd one that i was going to commission and you've given me food and the same time giving good, giving gluten and resumes and set that up for exam to continue. uh, if i can, can we use that for me? is it is, is that, does it have any benefits for the visit? the 1st part to ask is his father. second to stop providing is a, with the workers acted to, to put designs under
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a comfortable for the commission on these 3 points. and they are very important and we need to elaborate on these and because they have gone by and by on the bottom, the mission number you're asking us publishing is why his name is, is above the intermission. you know, um is continue with this with its uh publicity is on the policy now people are trained that women, the civilians in the, in the community is not working because they have to be comfortable in that study to build stub of the sort of october. it is saw some of the 5 years back, and we are still on the all these uh these the sit, despite exam since 75 use is only 5 years. so significantly, the goal is to help people understand what i'm seeing. the sounds my, my grandmother was telling me laptop is 924 is when they have to move for a release to, to, to de la. um, no, uh, she's died of course now, but i am,
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i'm remembering what you say, you know, what happens. it goes as much more. okay, so then wrapped up in one of them and then you said it's not giving me the time to mind you understand. right. and given the other hand in hand, right, you made that point. but there was, there is criticism towards the palestinian authority as well as because one element that is new since 1948 is since the also cause the palestinian authority has been set. how has this conflict not shown just how effective the policy that authority is in, in the offering protection to palestinians. the learning goals are, but even in the west bank of this policy, it's also really conte exercise. it's solving well on the palestinian territories as it lets me to use is something is i end up having is above the end. so in this number is i can do whatever. if you remember is,
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is it it hit one and syria is i'm just, i'm bold and liberal. is that i am hit a bump it on it and bump it up as land. i have the kind of it. oh, what about this? you are under a condition and we are lieutenant this. we don't have open then they, i just seem to us every single moment. we said the some of the i'm now going back to the assume the national threat. you can assume the mission of the to the it has it became of that also agreement. and then it was in that be meant something that was good, it clear but power. but is that this is a, by the, even the district, the, the signature of the, of their leadership by the time. and that'll be in. and it didn't, didn't happen. what should have happened. it's a, in the oh sure agreement to have an independence on his team has to know. it didn't happen in this head has to be it has to be
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a long in 1999. now we are here under a position and no, yes, it's the tuesday or the mission of providing services by the people. but yeah, i'm better condition because they are not respecting. right. but because being signed by the creative sort of dues, instead of each and every, it was $56.00 even said it was even the, to the end of the 60 right. it's right here, right? yeah, i'm gonna find we already off times we'll have to leave with the may as kayla. thank you so much. thank you. i said i had an al jazeera, thousands of doctors in south korea refused to return to work to find a government deadline that ended on the 1st day. the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense,
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say they want to find time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions. we don't live in a post colonial award, and we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera because of the war. and you pray, run deep, but the devastation of the country's precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear people in power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows the premium for prizes investigators, as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site. ukraine ground 0 on the jersey with fitness jen, and it's just behind me. hundreds of people have been evacuated in depth coverage,
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thailand, states it's future of fossil fuels. found to do is teens on the ground when you close to the house of the story of the watching, i'll just here at the time. so we can all headlines now as well is continued. it's from boston's across the gaza strip. in the jabante, a refugee camp in the north, at least 7 civilians were killed in a strong kind of residential building in or off in the south. at least 15 tons, experience killed these right. he met 3 sides. most people killed the 1st days food, a tutoring attack, died as a result of a stampede. that motion contradicts the statements were un team that met injured
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people and said many stuff, a gunshot time to strike the forces of killed mole, palestinians, while they were trying to get food in central. dallas in a truck was target, isn't that? and by killing a people, aid workers in gauze and say they've been at least 14 incidents despite the forces targeting distribution points in mid january and hold the results from the scene of the attacking data by as we're currently on other seed street, where this truck that was carrying passengers from that has been left to to were targeted by the is ready airplane. we know that most of the people have been taking these trucks as the only way of transportation because there has been no fuel. and people who are only either taking trucks or donkey carts as you see, the truck is completely damaged. where here there were passengers tons
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and when they were targeted by the is ready forces the, the paramedics run into the area and started collecting the parts. and the bodies and the injured people from this truck. it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this is one of the n t o 's who are working on the ground in housing housing in the states, families because all of these vendors are for projects implemented on the grounds. the people who are targeted are part of this initiative is right, is not only located the 8 into the causes for, but it's also killing palestinians who are working in housing, people from starvation. this is in the military, i just need to get it by politicians and focused on how they like to show about
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show a phys prime minister for a 2nd time share a secure 201. so it's be thing on what are you on the candidates, backed by jail, from a prime minister and run hon elections last month for log violence. and the allegation is a vote bringing no single policy. one majority of the 2 largest policies in parliament agreed to form a coalition government which enabled cities to be elected. the ssl is korea now with thousands of dogs as a routing and support of junior medics who walked out of the jobs maybe 2 weeks ago . health services have been disrupted since then. some patients turned away from hospitals trying these are opposed to government plans to increase to admissions, to increase admissions in medical schools, aimed at solving a shortage of doctors. a deadline to return to work expired at the start of this month. now to the united states where there have been efforts to criminalize people
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who live on the streets supreme court judges due to ruling whether a little that essentially makes being homeless. a crime is constitutional from reynolds results from los angeles. the routing could affect the lives of more than half a 1000000 people the cane enables, she calls herself omen, job own if she lives on a patch of broken sidewalk with a group of other homeless people. next to a busy street, it's a harsh existence. we're constantly shuffled around like you don't get stress like you're trying to, we just trying to pay attention and be aware of when everything is going to get this right stolen support, service providers for the whole, let's say people like omen are suffering the consequences of decades of failed national policy, we have a broken mental health system. we have a broken foster care system. we have some folks who ended up homeless because of an
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addiction. we have some folks who stop substance misuse once they become homeless. now possible changes to us law could make life more difficult for homeless people. in 2013 the town of grant pass, oregon passed an ordinance criminalizing any form of camping or staying overnight on public property in appeals court throughout the law. but the city took the case to the supreme court states and urban areas, including los angeles county, which as a homeless population of more than $75000.00 support the camping ban one l. a. county supervisor, catherine barger said, in a statement. if local governments are restricted from regulating and camping on public property, we are left powerless to effectively address our worsening homelessness crisis. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply will work, especially in a city like los angeles. you can criminalize people,
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we don't have space to put them in a jail. it's not going to happen. you can give every person even these tense as many tickets as you want. but where are you going to put them? if you pick them out of here, they'll go set up a block later. a colon who creates art from found object says she has no idea where she will be living in a week, a year or beyond. i don't know if the answer is, but it is not persecuting the people that have already suffered. so last year, more than $650000.00 people in the us were homeless at some point in time. the highest number recorded since data began being collected nearly 2 decades ago. rob reynolds, l, g 0, los angeles. all that say from the, for the sho, get much more information if you have a to our website. i'll just 0 don't com. whether it's next then inside stories up,
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web access and complete, the, the, the, the snow keeps coming for california is mountain community is everyone. so still hanging onto the blizzard warnings today through california, sierra nevada. by the time it's all said and done some spots, we're talking $4.00 to $500.00 centimeters of snow. and yesterday's snowing, alberta is providence is today's no instance schedule and we're trying to look into pick up about 40 centimeters of snow. the winds will be howling, cussing up to about 60 kilometers. prior to this we go. for the 1st time this year minneapolis could crack 20 degrees with that southerly breeze. and the rain stopped in new york paving the way for a beautiful day today. 17 degrees and the sun's out to the us call space. we go
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still dealing with fog issues here as warming, cold air or fighting it out. central america, it's fairly quiet. the most active weather will be around the bahamas. so some rounds of rain to go. sure. of course, where there's been copious amounts of rain northwest olivia, where disaster zone has been declared because of the funding there and still more rain in the forecast today on sunday is also been some flooding. in uruguay is capital montevideo. we saw that a months worth of rain in the span of a few hours so that produces flooded out streets. the storms are now marching into se brazil where we're running the risk of seeing some funding here. that's a snapshot of your weather bye for now. the african narratives from african perspectives, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key, is you to somebody to short documentary, find african filmmakers from an ivory coast. and somebody at the sea
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turtle got an estimate in zambia, new series of africa direct on which is 0. the goals for an immediate cease fire in gaza and growing louder, but he's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains defiance insisting he's military was backed down until a mazda is destroyed. so what does that mean for negotiations? and how serious is nothing yahoo about continued diplomatic efforts, they say is inside story the out of the and welcome to the program. i'm joe now how wills and 30000 palestinians killed tens of thousands more injured warnings.


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