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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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to 0, the the hello on saturdays i them. this is a news line from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel buttons at a truck in central gauze and killing at least a palestinians. we report some data by it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this is one of the n g o 's who are working on the growth in how things housing in displace families is right. a full series of also loans strikes and residential areas across garza, at least 90 palestinians to be killed in the past 24 hours. the us says there is
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a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week golf and seems fine as well, hasn't turned it down and it says, i'm us hasn't responded fox, i'm gonna send it, i'm getting an order and put it on be aware of 100 ways of re west, indigenous people fled to their territory after arms groups, violence broke out in their villages in sports as much to that will be day in english, premier league and never on james makes and be a history. easy reach is for 2003 point. go ahead from him tonight to this hour. and the next generation the, we begin in central golf. so where is riley falls is of killed more palestinians while they were trying to get food. the latest attack comes off, the res riley troops killed the $118.00 palestinians would gather. as in a distribution pointing gauze the city on thursday. in the past few hours,
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8 people were killed when an a trunk was targeted in data by law aid workers on the ground site. there were been at least 14 incidents of israeli forces targeting distribution points since mid january and hold. the begins are coverage from the scene of the attacking data by is currently on other seed streets where this truck that was carrying passengers from that is bella to, to a who were targeted by the is reggie airplane. we know that most of the people have been taking these trucks as the all the way off transport station, because there has been no fuel and people were only either taking trucks or donkey carts. as you see, the truck is completely damaged. where here, there were passengers, ton thing when they were targeted by that is ready for says that the paramedics run
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into the area and started collecting the parts and the bodies and the injured people from this truck. it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this is one of the n g o 's who are working on the ground and housing housing in displace families. because all of these vendors are for projects implemented on the ground. the people who are targeted are part of this initiative is right, is not only located the aid into the causes for, but it's also killing palestinians who are working in housing, people from starvation. this isn't them holiday, i just need to get it by all these right. the minute tree as dogs through the residential building in the giovanni a refugee camp, emergency services recovered the bodies of at least 7 civilians killed in the attack. the destroying home is next to
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a school which houses displaced civilians. this is why the full series of also intensified their assault on or off in southern gaza. at least 15 palestinians were killed there and then that strong kind of residential building of a 9th 90 people have been killed in garza in the past 24 hours. felix now a lot of reports and we should warn you. you may find some of the images in his report to be disturbing. when nighttime falls in gaza is really forces intensify bombings on the besieged strip. this full story building lives in ruins, and also i'm neighborhood east of drop off. it's the optimize of the residential buildings being bombarded overnight and like the strikes before it. the result is to be in blood should v, as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured
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people. garza's, emergency crews say many people still trapped under the rubble, but without any equipment they lift, trying to save lives with their bare hands, any of the info or how often we have limited scan resources and this war is entering it 6 months. there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment. we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residential sound, some of the wounded company and rushed to the elbow. yusef fall nyja hospital among the children. still struggling to comprehend the onslaught on each of them. the this boy says he was with this time of year when the building gave dan from above. this last refuge
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for more than 1500000 palestinians is coming under is really fire every day. even us fee is loom open ground invasion, a for alpha helix, new r o g 0. what us will have the, my low jones, as now on the phone, from rough. how. how does it start with the latest strike? in data by reports of an aide, con, void being struck again. oh yes. i mean, yeah, there's a looks like it from there's a pattern that is been going on for the past few days. this is part of the creating very difficult conditions on the ground to the point where mean volunteers will organize this con boy human. it's very uncommon, void that associated with the and vector waiting organization. also going to stop doing that because it could be coming call the at large the on stay for them to operate on the grounds of deliver it much needed in desperate need of the item for palestinians who not only started dying now in the northern parts and gotten this
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idea of the hydrogen a star vision, but now the very people are organizing their and their parents are dying of trying to get the food supplies. 8 people reported code so far as, according to a report statement by a lockbox hospital that's in the central area and did it by the way the traffic on board was targeted. consider other injuries among than those work on the sidewalks or trying to do to get to the park. they receive some much needed a, a good, a kid unfolding in the most of the most to try a tragic way. right now, as again there's a famine that is a spreading very, very quickly and, and another part in golf is, is causing great deal out of the hydration and star vision, particularly vulnerable groups. so far we look at 13 people who died of the hydrogen starvation all under the age of
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a 12 and got into known as hard as if it continues. but this way, we're not going to have more people die of this natalie to but now the lack of towards an essential supplies. those talk about a seas file, all the seas, 5 diplomatic effort getting on the way. what kind of sentiment is providing amongst palestinians that when they hear about things like this, it was so far since the early hours of this morning guys, the news is starting to break up a delegation policy in another station by and by how much in cairo and then later on, but the possibility of an is ready delegation arriving. i took a though this hasn't been confirmed yet, but the fact that it's been going on for a while now without the solid answer. what are we getting? so i do not. it's just called in and the 0 panic and concern as people are very conscious about this. often within the past few weeks i've been very tough on palestinian. we've seen a surgeon the affected return that i talked about
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a potential deal that is going to be reached our office because unfortunately they were raised by these really government as the invalid right now is using, according to a lot of people get their using the ongoing the threats of coming through off of how to expand the ground invasion by a waving that military and my it's in front in the face of the palestinians, but people why they are home for like now they're still concerned because they're within the past hour. some reports emerged from cairo, again, not confirmed, but that is it, sprague, of mine, people go to the, talked about a potential for have collapse and there are no progress happening to them yet. this has to be confirmed by those mediators who are taking care of the detox. but so far, the last thing that people want right now is a talk about comparative spires. because, you know, from past experience, there's been back into the are square where the on the link
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list bombing took place and code more palestinians across the ghosts are the ones that a permanent and immediate, it's part of the, in this ongoing madness and math going of their children who are not now dying of bonds, but also diana from starvation. and it's happening in the northern part and guys of all right, thanks so much, honey. must load this the united nation, special russel total or on the right to food is calling for sanctions on israel. michael finally says, israel has been intentionally solving the palestinian people in garza since the start of the war. now farm and may very well be already occurring. he adds the only way to end or prevent this. timing is an immediate cease, fine. and the only way to a cease fire is through sanctions. mining nikolai is
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a general directs her doctors without borders. she's just return from garza and told me how a building bent it out for the age group stuff. and the families was targeted even off to they informed these right the government of their location, the nights it so we have gold is for 80. so we have somebody in jerusalem, that's called your shooting, it's a building, but you, me turns inside a stop. we have informed us of these incidents and we asked for clarification up to now we have not received a report back from the east, or at least they did, you know, far away, acknowledge it was their fire. but the reasons why remain for us to know, and we asked clarification, we asked, what does notification of our buildings mean to you? because we have to be able to work. and as you know, the number of hospitals that are accessible and functioning is reducing. whereas
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the number one did is increasing. so you haven't had any explanation as to why your facilities in the civilian building was targeted. have you received any apology? have you received any information about disciplinary action being taken? all that an investigation is on the way an investigation. yes, we've been in fold. an investigation is being done. an all acknowledgement that it come from an x ray, the tank. uh the reasons why not. uh, they have said it could be a been a mistake. they were looking to was it a human or a material error? uh, but as i told you, we have had no official reports. i certainly know the written report back. how does that make you and your teams feel? well, uh, renewal already no worries. safe but uh our staff is traumatized. busy so i
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fidgeted them the following day, even the events is during the night didn't feel safe enough to reach the building to be able to get the wounded and the deceased out. so there, luckily the united nations and i really want to thank them. they helped with the come void for the b. i. c. s. ambulances to reach to building. our stuff is traumatized, and they know movers see. so, but we haven't given up to work. i spoke with them, of course, as jim director, i stayed almost 2 weeks with them. so we, we try to mitigate the risk on movements, are notified to the strategies they know where we are working. they know where we are staying. they know what we are doing, so we care for the wounded. that's what we do in several points. we try to work an elgin or not job hospital that you mentioned just earlier. uh,
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in your new stories of the day. a bit of work is very difficult, the hospitals are overloaded. uh they are, hospitals are targeted to, they are encircled, the medical staff is being arrested. it's extremely difficult, but we keep on trying to do our work, but we do is to little a laser by the minutes where he says most people killed and says, days, food, days, shooting, attack died as a result of a stampede. that was so it was for full size, its forces did not strike of the crowd of palestinians at the distributing point near a gauze the city. instead, it says its soldiers fide warning shots of several individuals who posed and immediate threats. well, that version contradicts the statement of the un team that met injured people and said, many of them suffered gunshot wounds. the information we gathered from the commanders and forces on the ground. our initial review is indicated that following the
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warning shots fired to disperse the stampede, an after hour forces had started retreating. several looters approached our forces and posed an immediate threat to them or joined now by entering the lo and stay, and he is a journalist and author of palestine. lamar treat, joins us live from sidney. now good to have you with us. so 1st of all, and say what i want to do is i want to read out a few statements about the same incidents. there's the incident on 1st day involving an a truck and palestinians, ending up being killed and wounded. now, let me read to you this statement 1st by less tenant connell. pizza, luna. okay, and this is what he told the case. channel 4 news. he said mom storm to come. void bringing it at some stage to hold. it says the tanks that was there to secure the
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convoy see, the gulls ends being trampled and cautiously trying to disperse the mob with a few warning shots is now the same day, actually at around $1800.00 gmc on thursday. mont. craig is another reason why these folks person and he's view k, the bus to, to view tie before side to cnn. israel was not involved directly in any way that was gone fine, but it was in his riley forces. he says, because it's really full says the want is really full, sees on the trucks or around the trucks. that was palestinian groups. he was very clear to say the want is ready forces on the trucks or even around the trucks. now we come to today's video statement posted online by
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daniel gallery. these really ministry spokesperson, who says, no strike was carried out by the idea of towards the a convoy. the majority of palestinians were killed or injured. as a result of this time, pete, several looters approached all forces and posed an immediate threat to them. the soldiers responded towards several individuals. so basically, anthony, when you look at this, there's a few issues here about whether it's right or false is whether or not, whether it's right a false, his shots on. what does that out to you in terms of credibility of being able to rely on the latest is riley report a very little and it's interesting to know the language that but that has various types of people use things like mobs stand pains, what does that say to people it says that these people are unruly that they're out
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of control, that they crazy a take being palestinians and why would pay for them a side dish or because they being deliberately starved. and it's a long history really that goes back long before on type assessment of age riley claims around this in gaza, being clearly false. and it's been huge amounts of allegation since on the side, but 7, the ease riley officials trying the stories. they're not true. so we should take anything they say we'd, they'd says face get to sit and then finally design witness accounts of gunshots coming from is really position stays guys, and hospital officials saying that the injuries came from is riley weapons. so i much prefer to take those testimonies then from an id, so it has a long history of line. you mentioned some of the terms and it's not just moms but also words like lucas being used just to put that in context. when you talk about that, and you are actually the occupation forces, this is not your territory. and plenty of your soul just have filmed themselves
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rummaging through the personal possessions of palestinians. and you talk about how all those palestinians looting a trucks. how does that, how is that going to sit with public opinion a bad way? because essentially israel is fighting a and information war when losing. and i say that because, well, the public opinion polls in some countries and mixed, there's no doubt them to be with the younger generation in many countries, 18 to 35. israel is not this losing that t, i will. but last that because the images speak for themselves, people are not increasingly engaging with mainstream media and looking on social media instagram to talk, etc. and what this saying of these crashing images of people being shot or stopped all guys in children to the i may see aged that have not been given enough food. and that was interesting or for the last 3 days,
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which day child how israel is deliberately keeping food and various other essential supplies alice of gaza. however, the ease i'm talking is reporting myself, in fact, from guys or in the last 10 years or so many products and not allowed into guys that during the siege. because the religious lead you'll use, which was always nonsense, by the way. but what justification could the base not allowing medical supplies of food, which is exactly what's happening needs this massive amounts of this aid in warehouses outside the v 0 and every single aid organization from the u. n. and now there's a saying we do not have enough food and aid. it's really as simple as that. and having done this, a reading about this issue for a long time, it's pretty disturbing. i want to just keep a little bit of a sense to me. he likes relates to documenting more than 10 years ago, which founded in 2008 at the beginning of this age, essentially young casa israeli officials, a told americans that they were attempting to put a 1000 people on the brink of catastrophe, but not stylization in other words,
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so actually measuring the amount of calories that were being allowed into guys that for people to have that was obviously then. so essentially there was a radio of philosophy or an ideology that palestinians in gaza definitely deserved so evenly leaves. on the brink of starvation, he, we, i use later in 2024 and people in guys are being deliberately starved, which is not just a violation of human rights a little. it's also a moral abomination. to be thank you so much. good to talk to anthony lowenstein. they're also joining us from sydney, australia. now the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week sees following garza israel has not turned it down. now the way it says is on for how much to respond policies involved in negotiations are hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan that's about in
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a week's time. let's go live to have the sun which isn't occupied east jerusalem. so what can you tell us about what is really officials maybe saying about these reports of c's 5 talks? well, just in the last hour we've been getting word from anonymous officials speaking to is really media that these really is, will not be sending a delegation to cairo because they are dissatisfied with the fact that how mass is unwilling to release a list of names of captives who are still alive. now, this is the 1st kind of confirmation we've gotten from these rarely so it is from an anonymous source that there will not be a delegation heading to cairo. but remember that there are quite a lot of sticking points still here. have also said that they're not willing to give up that kind of information until there is a deal that's finalized. but what's that word finalized means. we don't quite know
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. there is also the issue with the concessions they are on willing to, but john, have must have said that their position has not changed. they want to see an end to the war. whereas these railings have said, even if there is this 6 week pause in the fighting, they do want to resume and will military activity in the gaza strip after the cease fire deal if it were in place were to conclude. so you have these 2 varying schools of thought and then you have mediators in the middle who are trying to fill these gaps the united states. among those mediators who seems to be most optimistic about a deal coming into play is what these really prime minister himself has reiterated for the last week or so that just because there are all of these discussions around the deal doesn't mean that one is imminent. and until there is one in writing that is confirmed by both sides,
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we are not nearing the deal just yet. thanks so much. i'm the cellphone. i'm the mostly is professor of media studies at the the institute for graduate studies. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, where all we with this talk of a deal being on the table, it sounds like it's, it just needs a few signatures and we're ready for us is fine. is that the case? i don't think so i'm, i'm skeptical and until something is actually uh, agreed upon. i wanna point out, 1st of all that it's very easy for israel to agree to this deal, mostly because they're agreeing to their terms, the terms that they've put in place, right? it's much more difficult, much more complicated for a mazda mazda has a couple of different calculations or perspectives. i can't get into their heads. but i imagine that they're thinking about these 2 perspectives. on the one hand, palestinians and gaza are desperate for a break. they need a 3rd dying literally either of bombs or of lack of basic nutrients as we, as,
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as you've been reporting. on the other hand, i think it would be very difficult for her moss to accept a deal on israel's terms. and as i've stated and we've spoken about this before, but israel's terms are basically the complete destruction of, of cause or they've made that clear both in word and an action they want to destroy as much of gaza as possible, make conditions on livable and ultimately drive the palestinians out of kaiser, and so i think that's the sort of calculation that from us leadership is trying to work through when the us says there's a deal on the table. these re, these haven't rejected it all way through for am asked. which one do we have any idea? one of the controls of this deal are we talking about at least the basic most important point, which is, are we talking about an end of this conflict or another short temples off to which israel resumes this will. all indications so far. uh,
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both israel and the united states are not looking for a permanent series fire, which is obviously what from us wants, and it's what the entire world wants outside of the united states. and israel, israel has said repeatedly in their adamant that as soon as any temporary pause ends, they're going to resume their bombardment of gaza. so as the incentive for the palestinian factions then in the sci fi do, if they know they're going to get how much and the palestinian people are going to get homage even offer a deal is, is passed, right? i well, i know that there are analysts with different opinions and i've heard some people in here today on older 0 saying that from us would be crazy not to accept this or not to accept this deal. i'm of the opinion that how i shouldn't accept a deal under those conditions. i'm. i'm in no position to tell them what to do obviously. but i think that's
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a very difficult pill to swallow. mostly because we already saw what israel would do when it promises to resume fighting after a temporary pause. we saw this happen in november. israel went immediately back to the bone bombardment of gaza in some ways that even intensified their bombardment. post truce on some analysts at that time said that they were just making up for lost time. so i'm not sure why i'm honest would agree to this, especially given the fact that israel wants passengers back. so home us would also be giving up the only bargaining chips that it really has. all right, thanks so much for coming in is now northwest india is assessing the damage off through a tornado tool through putting jobs state. is jeff with a check of the weather? hello right after that we saw some pretty violent weather in northwest and yeah, so this was in punjab state here we had a tornado at overturn cars and toppled trees. it's a much quieter picture right across india though on monday,
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that's the good news. if we see any acts of whether it will be in the northeast with some showers and storms, but nothing major. now this was the same storm system that swept through afghanistan and focused on smell, being replaced by cold air, dropping down from siberia. okay. combo week and up to minus 13 monday morning that is well below average. and this cold air has slung as far south as karachi the other day for the 1st time in 40 years in march, the city of lights didn't get up to 20 degrees, but i think we'll change that by monday. we're shooting for a height of 25. let's go to indo china right now for the quiet pitcher is still hot in pool kat's at 37 degrees. and we're pumping in a lot of humidity and moisture of the south china sea. so that's going to produce some showers for southern and central china, maybe some heavier pockets of rain to be found in the east of the country. still talking about snow force japan's honshu island right through to whole kado. we're looking at about $25.00 centimeters of snow and 12 hours,
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and there's been flooding on borneo island in east calum $910.00 profit and see a the still ahead on al jazeera was sitting security situation in hazy, gang storm of prison in the capital. hundreds of inmates and now on the wrong added small conditions better susan, to this case, slopes and a full page heavy snow hits, amazingly soccer that's coming off with joe. the generation football focuses on the french captain. teresa brought the content to j . c, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating, open conversation. 3rd, very simple for that said, facing about child abuse. as you have done, i am a u. n. b. and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the footfall. this is the fluff dennis done to escape the
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telephone generation for the episode one out here in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water sheds. moments international law is vehicle . be this model on so to discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a psalm of 12. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0. the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hill watching out just here, mind the down on top stories. the south and sort of the falls is have killed more palestinians while they were trying to get food in central garza, in a truck was target isn't that? and by giving a table aid workers in gaza say they've been at least 14 incidents of israeli forces targeting distribution points since mid january, as well as continued. it's from baldwin's across the gaza strip. and the giovanni refugee camp in the north, at least 7 civilians were killed in a strike on a residential building. and they're off in the south. at least 15 palestinians were killed. the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for us 6 weeks. he's firing garza as well as not turned it down. now it says the weight is on for how much to respond. policies involved in negotiations are hoping to have a deal in place. fire on the golf. prosecute isn't beginning fast, so are investigating what's being described as the executions of
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a 170 people last week. others were injured in a tax on 3 villages. anom group affiliated to apply that has claimed responsibility . the state department recently voiced its grave concern at increasing violence against civilians in this a whole region. police in haiti are appealing for help from the army off the gang members still in the countries maine prison. hundreds of inmates escapes in the capital pull to prince. comfortable hamlet has this update. if i got to get it, i've left him. the national potentially is where hate is higher profile and also a locked up for the government set in stone. the data of the fee has gone sites down the streets of the printer into a bundled drum. they succeeded in releasing federal gung members. disobedience was caught in the middle of the street,
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but those gangs around to us. we can't take it anymore. we have nowhere to go with, no police to be seen in several parts of the city. shops and properties have been due to police say no to deal with the gun violence is not ready to start the all of the countries a forward to the driving around the nomic calls while the people have no ahmed vehicles and the police don't even have it present, i paid for this bullet proof vests. i'm just tell him that that's i'm wearing right now. out of my own pocket. that the gun members who controlled large parts of the country, demanding that as a nation of acting prime minister audio henry, he flew to king you last week to try. i'm finalize a deal to send king and security personnel to haiti us. part of why you and but task plus the restore order, but with no sign of foreign forces arriving to patients in for the prince, i left with no option but to lead to violence in any way they con,
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hands them. how much does the politicians impact this don have like to jump out of chevy phys prime minister for a 2nd time. he secured 201 folks to beat on the yukon was backed by jails. former prime minister named ron han, political violence and allegations of vote rigging monte like she was last month that a single thought he won a majority of the 2 largest policies in palm and agreed to form a coalition government which enabled shebye to be elected. come on. hi, that has more from the summer, but for elections. i never stay, but when it comes to broadcast on, also given the fact that these parties have come together because of val position to amazon con idea logically they have always been a boarding, a job, the accusing a job. but they have now a common enemy, and they've been run con, which from good progress on most of them leaving a wide range guard,
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the 2nd largest amount of roads and the papers far to restrict, to google form that correlation. 8 bar d h. parties coming together just following the correlation to elect shrub i sure do you find the target drive in minnesota? indeed it is going to be a huge challenge for m a of cause as experience and governance. he's being the chief minister of the one job programs we're doing the country's most file for uh, for the 11 years he would have called the prime minister focused on when he was elected by a 13 party correlation to our game. ron con, back in april 2022 to south korea now with thousands of doctors rallying in support of junior emetics who walks out of the jobs 92 weeks ago. health services have been disrupted since then and some patients turned away from hospitals. the trainees are opposed to government plans to increase admissions and medical schools aimed at solving
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a shortage of doctors. a deadline to return to work expired stuff of this month. eunice came, gives us the latest from the capital. so the organizers say tens of thousands have come out to joined this sunday afternoon, rally in what they the main doctor as lobby group says as to mark a long journey toward opposing government policies. now the korean medical association are calling for the scrapping of a medical report. the plan announced by the government, which includes significantly the number of medical students next year by 2000 to get 210000 doctors. within a decade time, a boost the government says is needed to address a current doctor shortage and essential medicine and rural areas. and to keep up with the needs of an aging population for the doctors of the key and may say the government's plan is ill side out there, wording the plan will lead to a lapse in the quality of south korea's world class medical care and slam. what
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they called unreasonable pressure of dr. julio. this thing was due to come. the government is fully aware of the reason why all the just including president doctors and medical students unanimously posted the increase in medical school quote, as yet they did see the public to exploit policies and systems to make. don't disagree . total medical slaves. tensions have been soaring. as police search and sees the offices of the academy leadership on friday, who they suspect encourage the thousands of junior dr. is to walk off the job in mass flow in a race general hospitals across the country. no signs of an off ramp in this weeks long stand off between the doctors and the government as it enters a 3rd greek unit skim. alda 0. so to all right, let's kind of help on all the smallest news with joe. now somebody thank you. lebron james has become the 1st class in n b a history to school,
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40000 points in his career. yeah. like his dollars in his 21st and be a season, but he's still going strong. i'm reached the historic month during the game with the denver nuggets on saturday. james had a layoff and the 2nd quotes are which go to most of the line. what was his 1400 and 75th regular season game as she finished the 9th with 40017 points. but even with that incredible feats, he couldn't stop the lakers from going down. $124.00 to $114.00 to the market. and their records always meant to be broken. um, you know, as you can never say, never of any records. you have to have some really good luck. you have to, you know, put a game in a hollow for a long time and, and we see my hands off to amazing, amazing braun. but it continues to this day. and then you know, everyone in our program, everyone within organization is extremely excited that we just hours away from the
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men, just adobe in english, premier league with city hosting united city a 2nd at the moment looking to close within a points of the pool and or the 15 points ahead of united who are in 6. he's another final for us. so, but if you are going to convince me that united is not this type of image of that think about that players are ready for it. plays i looking forward to i guess minutes. i'm around to speak with the players. so re enjoyable looking forward. excited as well as a full that was light control the sea on san today's a be nothing of forest and the 99 minutes. and the build up play a been stopped for the full head injury or for us were in possession, fox, the referee, wrong the allowed live with the restart. they then went up the pitch and school 3 dough and you and yes, the when extends living pulls lead at the top to full points. mo, troubles with chelsea's $1000000000.00 squads they were held to a to,
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to drill at breton foots. who went ahead with this fantastic effort from you on with the it was muddy templates and tina's birthday, but chelsea funds were chanting for him to go and queen the name of a full amount of just chosen ringers. they did for the way back to get the points with an equalizer from x. so to see a down in 11th place now to an eventful gave me the league which included full goals and jude funding. i'm being sent off to the final whistle rail was 6 points clear at the top of the table. that was valencia who found themselves to know at home of the half an hour, but by cambridge rate. and specifically even assist junior, who was playing valencia's misfire stadium for the 1st time since being racially views that last season, he schooled twice to get rail back on level times at 22 spelling of ben folds. he had been the when a well into, at a time, but it was not given because the final whistle had done before the cross had been delivered, foul play as itself angrily surrounded the rest who ended up sending valuables. they still come away with a tool to extend the lead of
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a sharona to 7 points. in major like soccer, los angeles, f. c. manager was left furious off to his side who made to play in heavy snow at rail salt lake. the weather had already quoted 2 hours delay and then the match was suspended for him and it sounds to kick off because of lightning when it resumes the pictures. as you can see that covered in snow and it continued to full throughout the match with rail salt lake to tugs best with the conditions within 3 knew what we saw. at least both steve children. delilah said the game should have been cleaned off and that was the one. it was one of the west professional sports events he's ever seen in his life. as a little woman for the florida derby low as far as schooled, his 1st goals into miami, to put them a head against reminder city. we didn't have to wait long for a 2nd. the uruguayan made it to know inside the 11 minutes far as set up miami's said before messy gordon on the act. so what do you hope is that that was kids? that messy was a to scramble home. the rebound, sorry,
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says crossed was and headed in by message that finished 5 new miami maintain the on the start to be my last season. mercedes seen both types. i will for said that max to stop and in a different league, he's in a different galaxy. that's off to his team's red bull arrival, won the opening brace of the new season. the stopping was dominance and behind starting from pole position as he seems to catch a full straight. well titled this season, he finished the rice 22.4 seconds clay augustine might such a paris with a fraud is a call of science and tells the clerk coming in the 3rd and 4th, respectively. well, the bell rang going pre was the only big race that took place in the middle east. on saturday castle hosted the season open of the 2024 world and germans championship german ash reports from the sale international circuit. the. the search bar drops another fast, so cat taught in motor sports, the country ready stages,
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formula one and may take g p. a now is paid haste to the world in george championship. for the 1st time. we want to be the help for motor sports and not only in the region, but maybe on the long run the world wide. so adding the holding you to shopping trip race, you didn't get to our was just the natural low step of the hosting international events. like, what did you see a form of the wonderful that with 2 types of cost competing in this 10 our race high to caused all the top tier, they all specialized prototypes with top speeds of 307 kilometers per hour. while the l m g t 3 caused a modified sports cause each call has 3 drivers and they take tons to the students behind the wheel. one i'm drawing in, the crowds was 7 time and those who g p. well, champion valentino rusty, he made his name on most of bikes and now he's trying to make his mock in call racing. i have come in to watch you. oh, why don't you don't. it's fantastic being an absolute legend. perform once again at a race track, i believe. you know,
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it is something truly truly special. rosie's team eventually finished falls, but the day belong to push. do you want both the height, the car and the l. m. g c. 3 races, but i to pass along the side with the numbers, but the stop have the sign in with the racing cost. in the width of the baseline. the motel g. p. c's and open a takes place next sunday with the riders. and bikes set to rise in the coming days . german ash out is there at least that international circuit? the thoughts were on that same couple has shown why she's considered one of the biggest stalls in athletics right now. she broke her in a full 100 me to what was i called the what was angels in gloucester? full beat. has he made like a club on today? crossing the line in 49.17, taking 9 hundreds of a 2nd off the mark. she said just over a year ago, she so that was quick. take a look at this from the nfl combine form a texas longhorns wide receive as a vi,
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a worthy pro silver code for the for to your dash you company. so she sent me to it just for point to one seconds. honestly, can see it just keeps on running. it beat the previous month, which has stood since 2017 and 10 is wrong, says uga has a. she's a rare feet. he's become, i need the 3rd play in professional era twin his 1st 6 to level finals, something not even which of federal are roughly on that out or not like joke of which we're able to do the for see, be alexander public in straight sets the keeps the divide tennis championships, 6463, australia is alex them and who has become the 1st plants went back to back titles and mexico in 12 years. the 3rd st. pete norwegian, opponent, caspar, reared, but straits also. when the middle was heading to san diego to support his girlfriend is reached the final at the va event, se k t both will face ukraine's month to cost to a for the title. the unseeded purchased play a,
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b. m. a navarro in straight sets in her semi to set up her 1st appearance in a v 8500 fine. all right, that is all you spoke for now. well with pizza, liza semi. thanks so much. i the still ahead on the, i'll just hear a news out from rob reynolds in los angeles with the story of a legal debate over whether to criminalize people who live on the street. the salvation is being used as a what the only way to stop cutting causation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks gold with the flour, just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet.
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it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, or does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the now hundreds of indigenous people in northern columbia have been forced to flee the villages off to an increase in power military violence. taken shelter in the city of little hutcher, its the lights of stop surging, the country's internal conflict, which has lost it for more than 6 decades. from on this side speak to alexander on pansy. he's in the hot shit in northern columbia. what can you tell us about that plight now? yes, sam is definitely a gloomy panorama for many indigenous populations that live in the sierra nevada. the sense that mazda of this huge mountain range in the north of columbia. this is a very remote area about one that has long been a key cory door for many enlisted activities. the trafficking of cocaine human trafficking, as also increased in the past few years,
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especially women that are brought into columbia from brittany square law and, and working in prostitution. here it also has become corey door for the movement of a gold in a legal mining in different areas of the country, the consequences, the human consequences are for these people, especially those that are a part of the we've a community that have a been forced to leave their villages in the last week. gary sonya and their children have been sleeping on the hammocks under this 3 since cling their village a week ago. part of the we wouldn't be doing this community. they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in order to columbia, but they were forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying paramilitary groups, piping for control of the key core. either for cocaine trafficking in other illegal
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activities. relocating we had no other option but to come here because these 2 groups are fighting for control of our territory. my kids were screaming in fear, hearing the shots, explosions and bones. so we were among the hundreds that flagged in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city of video watcher. it's not the 1st time the community has experienced this violence 22 years ago. at least 50 people were killed by paramilitaries among them did his father for the guy fiddle k. it. we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately the pain and sadness is back. and again, we abandoned our animals and our crops to the village. indeed use out. dorothy said they believed president gustavo pitt. there's government plans that starting piece ducks with all i'm groups would have and the violence on the left, which we heard
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a lot about the total peace plans to the press and we wish it would work. but the reality for us has been the opposite or united nations reports published last week, confirmed that despite the governments ask for the legal on groups have expanded their control over columbia territory in 2023 and almost 15 per same. think creve and the number of towns and villages affected by violence, similar to the one. this community is facing instances. most people, the local un refugee office says they fear changing costs. that means the confrontations will continue and overwhelmingly affect indigenous populations. okay . are you mean fact, all displacement has a disproportionate impact on asked nick indigenous groups because that territory defines that physical cultural identity. what concern that the isn't an effective response to mitigate these risks for the population institutional capacities, all limited in the face of what could become a major emergency?
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back at the shelter, gary's is sharing a major meal with their family, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home or for how long they will receive assistance. allison to be just need a view extra. now sammy, we understand that the columbia and military have started operations in that area to try and we take control of these villages and hopefully in the coming weeks uh, allow it for the flexibility for these people to return. uh, but we are asking for guarantees to be able to do that now. also back in 2002 when they faced the massacre from paramilitary groups. today, we're a ford, it's special protection status by the columbia and a states at the time that that has the promise to protect them. but as you can see, given the continued test information of the columbia in conflict,
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that seems not to be happening. all right, thanks so much show sound good. i'm here to brush it says it's a defense. systems have destroyed over the 8 drugs, launch my you cry and targeting the crime in peninsula. the announcement follows social media reports of early morning explosions near an oil depot in the black sea pulled the fee of the caea from mcbride's has more from kids. the reports from crime, it seemed to indicate that this was quite a substantial drone to attack. the rest and we'll start with these saying they intercepted all of the drones. a lot of the activity being reported around the port of c, a dozier in the south east of crime, in with a number of early morning explosions being heard that some of them from the vicinity of an oil depot. this seems to be in response to a rushing drone attack on ukraine the night before, closing damage in different parts of ukraine, most notably
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a direct hit on an apartment building in the southern port city of a desa. now emergency teams have continued to be searching through the rubble of that building, looking for more victims. but there have been a number of people killed and injured among them. several children including 2 infants. all of this comes as the latest part of nato exercises gets on the way across the board in poland. it's part of what's known as steadfast, defend the 2024, the largest such nato exercises since the cold war involving some 90000 troops. the latest part of this exercise is the deployments of nato's rapid reaction force to poland. all of this is intended to send a clear message to moscow, which is welcomed here in ukraine. but what would also be welcome to use more practical help, and especially as a load them is a landscape. and the presidents here is indicated after these latest as strikes
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more ad defense themselves, public broad. i'll just say eric keith now to the united states where the benefits to criminalize people who live on the streets supreme court judges due to rule on whether a little that essentially makes being homeless. a crime is constitutional rentals reports from los angeles of the canaan neighbors. she calls herself omen job. and if she lives on a patch of broken sidewalk with a group of other homeless people next to a busy street, it's a harsh existence. we're constantly shuffled around like you don't get to dress like your cons to. we just trying to pay attention and be aware of when everything is going to get destroyed, stole in support, service providers for the whole. let's say people like omen are suffering the consequences of decades of failed national policy. we have a broken mental health system. we have
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a broken foster care system. we have some folks who ended up homeless because of an addiction. we have some folks who stop substance misuse once they become homeless. now possible changes to u. s. law could make life more difficult for homeless people. in 2013 the town of grant pass, oregon passed an ordinance criminalizing any form of camping or staying overnight on public property in appeals court throughout the law. but the city took the case to the supreme court states and urban areas, including los angeles county, which as a homeless population of more than $75000.00 support the camping ban one l. a. county supervisor, catherine barger said, in a statement. if local governments are restricted from regulating and camping on public property, we are left powerless to effectively address our worsening homelessness crisis.
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advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply will work, especially in a city like los angeles. you can criminalize people, we don't have space to put them in a jail. it's not going to happen. you can give every person even these tense as many tickets as you want. but where are you going to put them? if you pick them out of here, they'll go set up a block later. a colon who creates art from found object says she has no idea where she will be living in a week, a year or beyond. i don't know what the answer is, but it is not persecuting the people that have already suffered. so last year, more than $650000.00 people in the us were homeless at some point in time. the highest number recorded since data began being collected nearly 2 decades ago. rob reynolds, l, g 0, los angeles, to well that set me for this news out back and let me with another show. so stay
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with us. the vis medical facility in the man incidents coughing so hard to him is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapids support forces. b u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound,
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or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many invest 15 volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict. tens of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. where in america, what happens once they make a big impact to of a special investigation? $1.00, oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is worth the risk and the sacrifice on out to 0. real people, true stories close to home for so essential and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning, so make his witness on how to say era landmark day in the race for the president. watch that we'll see millions vote across 15 states as super tuesday
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looks sense is joe biden. the donald trump step closer to a remax stay without a 0, so continue to cover it should be us elections 2020 the . ready israel buttons in a truck in central galls kidding, at least 8 palestinians. we report some data by the on some insight on this. i'll just say we're alive from del. how so coming up is ready for us is also long strikes on residential areas across scouts or at least 90


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