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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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must discover a better world. expo 2023. the dozens of people have been killed or wounded while waiting for aging casa city is the latest in a series of attacks on palestinians desperately seeking for the flow. this is algae 0 live from to hi. i'm for the back people also coming up is or at least keeping up as strikes on of the gaza strip. at least 20 palestinians have been killed in a tax on residential buildings. in northern gas. 15 children have died from a mile nutrition doctors. one more babies in garza will starve unless food is deliver. so i'm going to send that. i'm getting an order and put it on. be aware,
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honey, to raise the re, well, indigenous people fled their territory after on groups. violence broke out in their villages. the thank you for joining us. we begin in gaza city where dozens of people have been killed or wounded after these really military launch. another attack on palestinians waiting for a trucks. victims have been rushed to, i'll shoot for hospital civilians. we're waiting for trucks loaded with flour. when they say is ready to start is firing in all directions is or as constant military bombardment of guys, along with its targeted attacks make it extremely dangerous for those trying to find fluids that go on the line to address here is tie by them. who's in 7 guys? satari another. is there any attack on a humanitarian convoy?
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what more do you know about what happened today in golf? a city? yes, fully and all that this quest for many tree attack on 8, so you could do a rating for humanitarian chromeboys to get to the number of parts of guns. and now those people had been attacked well, not quite around the bathroom. somebody had deem road a very central point that links between the north and the south people, they were waiting as the war in a very desperate need to see with them. and it has been most of the record has to be it. most of it's really a tax on 8 see cuz i wouldn't different locations and calls i don't know those people are i've been getting through really drastically monetary and conditions within the past couple of months. and israel is targeting civilians hungry being also dehydrated, as israel also the cd talk claims that they are taking the ultimate precautions to avoid casualties amongst the buildings. but what we've been seeing is that the creat another tree attacks on age chromeboys or also aid work is it's happened
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today in there at a town where at least 8 policy it would have been killed as a humanitarian comb. boy was hit by and it's really a tech and this is absolutely a very catastrophe, succeed in the work kind of thing. it was in the north or really desperate and they need all kinds of basic necessities until now. there was no, any practical development or practical solution being applied on the ground to help to mitigate aggravating humanitarian crisis. a dropping that had been power shooting within the past few days, cannot be really sufficient under solution for the humanitarian crisis. and what is required from the policy perspective is a ceasefire. that guarantee for more human and show you this little dates into the most of the sick, this parts of the fighting. as people there are starving to death. according to the ministry pills, at least 16000 students, a cook children's have been now died because of did because completely mount
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nutrition and dehydration and this number is expect to rise in the coming phase. if there's new, any immediate, and humanitarian, the intervention should be may 20th. terry, thank you for the updates. so i'll just here as how recap was them on the line from a rough. now earlier in the day, at least age palestinians were killed in there are a lot in the central area of guys are while they waited for age to arrive access, i'm of a child's, the details these people are running for cover up to res. really, soldiers fired on a relief, conway in their last several philistines were killed as they were trying to get much needed food to survive. my number as of one of our i was on my way to the was well, suddenly we were showered with miss hobbs shrug know, flying around for the past in the tone to pieces. it's beyond description of this is the 2nd time in a week is really forces have targeted
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a crowd waiting for food on thursday. at least 118 palestinians were killed and hundreds injured while trying to climb on a truck carrying 8 according to you and workers. many of them headed gunshot ones, but israel says it was largely the result of a stampede. simon is ravaging gaza. despite some aid to drop you from the sky, the supplies for far short of events meet on the ground, need to cease fire, we need it immediately. we know it. we repeated to be able to increase. you entered 8. ed drops will look solve this renewed sustain ceasefire to bring in a safe way. but a to the people in the medical care as well. the constance showing an error strikes are worsening, disseminate here in crisis. well, they do in a rough i,
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in the south. this was the home of the i will answer the family, but now it's raised to the ground. the oven renews. entire family was killed, including for a new born twins and a half. and that means when we were sleeping, there felt like a bottle of water shoot me and my babies were next to me and i called a number of the same people told me that my babies were dead and the father was dead. 2 people here say this really armies targeting the last few pockets of safety, electing gaza and families like really is, are caught in the crossfire. again. i'm heart broken. these relays could have killed one child and left me another. but they're both dead. they're both gone. how can i bring them back? tell me how you con eunice. some people happy in order to move to another area.
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again. this voice message finding these really soldiers says the area near the how much towers is an active combat. so after 5 months of more and more than $30000.00 philistines killed human rights organizations warren, like is slowly draining out of gaza. they say only an immediate cease fire can bring in then to the sufferings axels i much alger 0 as he heard in the beginning of that report. he's really forces, again targeted on a tracking down below out early on sunday 8 people were killed. i'll just hear his hand told every was at the scene of the attack and has this update to where it currently on address sheets street where this truck that was carrying passengers from that is below 2 to 4 who were targeted by the is ready airplane. we know that
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most of the people have been taking these trucks as the only way of transportation because there has been no fuel and people who are only either taking trucks or donkey carts as you see on the truck is completely damaged. where here, there were passengers tumbling when they were targeted by the is ready forces. this, the paramedics run into the area and started collecting the parts and the bodies, and the injured people from this truck. it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this one is up at n g. those who are working on the ground in housing housing in the states, families because all of these vendors are for projects implemented on the ground. the people who are targeted are parts of this initiative is right,
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is not only located the aid into the causes for, but it's also killing palestinians who are working in housing, people from starvation. this is in the military, i just need a did by and in the last few minutes, we are getting reports of another attack. 10 people have been killed and others are missing. after is really showing targeted a house hosting disgrace palestinians in new sarate camp in northern garza in central guys. i should say, we'll have more on this when information becomes available. meanwhile, guys, as health ministry says at least 15 children have died from now nutrition and dehydration just one hospital in the past few days. for weeks, the u. n. has been wanting that 10000 children in gaza are at risk of starvation. in this video from northern gaza, a mother is mourning the death of her child. she told the palestinian journalist, her daughter died of mine nutrition and lack of oxygen. doctors at the hospital
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said the child was lacking critical vitamins and minerals. and then my daughter has died, she passed away due to mile nutrition, all vitamins and minerals dropped sharply and my daughter's body with an accepting heart. all i can do is pray to god one night, but the thing this child was suffering and acute lack of oxygen and so fee amount, nutrition. we did our best to save my life. unfortunately, the child died. we do not know how many like couple of father were, let's not speak to a data hotter, who's the regional director for middle east and north africa for unicef fee. when's children's fund? she's joining us from i'm on in jordan. thank you very much. sure. down for speaking charges here. so we have 15 children, dad, because of mom nutrition in come all add one hospital in northern guys alone. what is the rate the number of children across the guys a strip who have died because of lack of proper nutrition? or thank you,
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of course miss are the trajectory know about when we reported about this this morning and in our state, we have the information about 10 children of them in the afternoon. you are saying that are the for the blue 15 children. so the number is on that eyes, and this was the number of report that only from one hospital. so we really do not know about what happened is either the trip down to or do not have access or to the ministry of this won't have enough access or information. yeah. why no, i'm going to have to. yeah, yeah, go ahead, please finish your thought and then i'll get to my next question to, i mean, what do we know? and what we have been warning about is that the access to humanitarian a's and the deliberately offer him money data on a can be made, reduce the proportion of monitors on level $1.00 and $6.00 to them. and more of them has well $1.00 and $6.00 children,
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which means 15 percent of children and most of them have the under the age of 2 has to be accused nutrition. yeah, there's no portion is 5 percent so much less in the areas where the aid is around. right? yes, i want to ask you about the disparities before. no, be between north and south and just a moment, but i just wanted to find out about the reasons a little bit more. and i think it's really important for audience to know why this is happening. why are these children dying at such an alarming rate? i've read that such a decline in a populations nutritional status is, is unprecedented globally in just 3 months. why is this happening at such an alarming rate? its temperament 1st, because the babies do not have the appropriate food. usually babies got basketball from their mothers of the mothers. i'm funny, my motors. we know that they did all the adults and no them as well. i'm guessing
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why don't need birthday and if it mother gets one me, but they that there's no way that you can best with the child as as a result the trunk would not get. or then you can see which one is the best place is necessity for ever the same for the tribes can give all the new bands. but then these cases, when the mother is cut off more than one need per day, of course the child's is going to be my motors. they do not cover. the babies also are not like the adults. they cannot eat the normal food that any i bank guns. and all of those stories about what the tea party, the adults are to do things. and this type of food cannot be given to babies. what are they available to a what the availability of high g and the fact that there is no, i've been told that we already report indicates that the access to water in the parks of north them has the is one listed for the day with as of the
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emergency condition, the minimum is 3 users. so this is of course where to cause a more disease because they cannot pick it off the high gene and now they are feeding the babies. yeah. and in this situation, the dog, oh yeah, i understand the situation extremely dire, particularly extreme. i understand in northern guys are the northern gaza strip, which is almost completely cut off from a talk to us about that disparity between northern and southern gaza. yeah, i mean we all have the sense that the, the, uh, the uh, the house is really preventative and, and, and north of guys. so 15 percent of the children under 2 years are suffering from severe acute monitored session, this proportion and the other parts of it as well as far. which means that when you,
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we are able to have your money, stadium, a deliver to the people that the number of deaths among them will be less. so it is preventive, right? and we can reduce the number of children who are dying by making sure that we deliver all the 8th to the people who need it. adel, i just wanted to ask you one last question. i mean, this war has had a devastating toll on children as the un children's agency. your mandate is to save children. slice, prevent them from dying of hunger, defend their rights. you must feel today a sense of helplessness, despair, and even failure. i imagine for not being able to prevent these children in dire engagement from die when we never give up on drink, that's for sure. and we are dry and everything. and in fact, on the 1st of march,
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before 2 days we were able to deliver a very small supply of like fans as off some essentially a medical supplies to not the but this is only one time since the 23rd of january. and that's not enough. so we need access to, we not give up. and we need access to different tools we need for the month to stop . we need as far to be able to deliver to the truth around what they need, but we will never give up. our games are steady on the wrong drive to reach as much as they can or done as well, and sometimes book and their own lives. and the danger to be able to reach those trips, but we knew for on the last will still be open at 9 in definitely a ceasefire. that's what enables us to reach those that are most new for them and have
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a good thank you very much for speaking to us. a data honda regional director for middle east and north africa for unicef. thank you for your time. thank you. are still head on alger 0. find out why thousands of striking doctors inside korea define the that was more right on its way from spain. disgusting to the next 24 hours. but we should probably concentrate what's happening just here. south of monica and west. eventually that low that well developed into something quite substantial, it'll produce fairly strong winds. great deal of rain, usually it's on its way across the traffic and on there's no open flank, some snow as well. so close again then for the rest of monday is the right and that's probably the focus particularly on these eastern area codes. so from example,
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albania, down through degrees, co, fast, to get some snow on the high ground here. and the winds are very strong behind it. so for example, if i didn't, yeah, you'll get with ins. northwest india gale's on monday with them. right. and then it stays wouldn't even not so much. so on tuesday, wednesday. so this window, so effects out year into needs here that we will carry on this the whole system moves across eventually to affect for example, ball gary romania and then talk you against them on the high ground. right by this time is dispersed over western europe. but a huge amount of snow, maybe a meter, sorry, it's a full new tab and the swiss alps. so you know what's happening continues, you know g area. now let's look for this as more dustin, the breeze, for example, in montane and cheryl is going a long way north since here in the air, for example. and the con, call the generation football folks for the french captain, teresa bra mcclintic t j. c,
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waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating, open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse is you have thought i am a u n b. and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the footfall. this is fluff dennis done to escape the telephone generation for the episode one on the the, the watching out you 0 live from a reminder about top stories. dozens of people have been killed or wounded after israel launched another attack on palestinians trying to get aid in. got the secret
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civilians were waiting for trucks loaded with flour. when they say is there any troops started firing, you know, directions in northern guys, at least 20 palestinians were killed in these really strikes on residential buildings. these reinforces targeted homes, you need your body of refugee camp and the stopped while we area of casa city and the house ministry. and guys says at least 15 children have died from malnutrition and dehydration at just one hospital in the past few days. for weeks the u. n. has been wanting that 10000 children in. gotcha, all right, risk of salvation are now. meanwhile, the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week see fire in garza israel has not turned it down. now the weight is on for her mouse to respond parties involved in negotiations and hoping to have a deal in place by the holy month of ramadan. in about a weeks time. we'll talk to him to sound holding ok bodies through. so let me just a moment, but 1st as cross over to washington dc. and rosalind jordan,
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because ross is really will cabinet minister benny gas is on his way to washington for talks. what do we know about the scope of his visit? who is he going to be meeting, and what is he going to talk about to? well, this is according to multiple news reports, including a quote in a named white house sources that benny gans who is a member of the as really work cabinet. we'll be meeting with the vice president, comma, la harris on monday, as well as with the national security advisor jake sullivan. harris, according to these news report, is basically going to go over the entirety of the war on garza, the humanitarian crisis. the ongoing negotiations for a 6 week long temporary ceasefire. the efforts to engage and a swap of captives held and garza as well as the release of some palestinians from his really presence as well as looking towards the next phase. be on this immediate
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ongoing war. this is probably likely going to be the agenda for jake sullivan. we don't know if that meeting is going to happen yet on monday. there's also now reporting from reuters, indicating that gap will be meeting with the secretary of state attorney blinking on tuesday. but we have not been able to independently confirm that that meeting will take place and then gallon so according to multiple. busy reports putting it in his office says that he will be meeting with congressional leadership. both the democratic and republican leaders again to talk about the war and gods. all right, well thank you very much for that last name. jordan. so i've, there in washington, dc, less costs over not 2 hondas on hotels in occupied east jerusalem. home to what's being said, there about this is sci fi idea of the talk of the sci fi to the, of the well, i mean really side talks are stalled and that's according to anonymous official
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speaking to is really media who have also made note that the israelis have decided not send a delegation to cairo to meet with mediators for further talks. and they're citing . the reason for this is because how mass has refused to release a list of names of all of the captives for currently being held in casa, who are alive and that's in yahoo himself had specifically asked for this list. these rallies had said that they needed this in order to continue the negotiations, but how much has said that they simply cannot divulge that kind of information until there is a final deal in place. now what the term final do means exactly is a for interpretation. however, you have sticking points that both sides aren't seemingly willing to budge on. a mouse has said that their position is the same and they reiterated that they are not just looking for a pause in the fighting. they are looking for a permanent ceasefire, an end to the war,
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whereas these rallies have said that even if there is a 6 week pause in the fighting, they're going to continue their military activity right after that. and remember, there is anticipation for this ground invasion instead of just this evening. israel's defense minister jo off kalonde has said that there is no situation in which these really is and the war until there was a total defeat of how mass and all of the war and goals are achieved. this is something they have been reiterating for 5 months now. these really prime minister himself has said that even though there are negotiations going on, there are talks around the ceasefire around a potential release of the captive. nothing has been finalized and until something is set in stone and confirmed on by both sides, it doesn't seem like we are anywhere closer to getting the deal folly. how do i thank you for that? have the son who live for us a and occupied east jerusalem as the
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sun 2 out of world news now and hundreds of indigenous people in northern columbia have been forced to free their villages after an increasing power military violence . they've taken shelter in the city of rio hatcher, from where alexander i'm getting reports. gary's who knew their children have been sleeping on hammocks under this 3 since playing their village a week ago. part of the we wouldn't be doing this community. they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in order to columbia. but they were forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying paramilitary groups, piping for control of a key corridor. for cocaine trafficking in other illegal activities, relocated, we had no other option but to come here because these 2 groups are fighting for control of our territory. my kids were screaming and fear hearing the shot, explosions and bones. we were among the hundreds,
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the flags in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city of video watcher. it's not the 1st time the community has experienced this violence 22 years ago. at least 50 people were killed by paramilitaries, among them did his father for the guy fiddle k. and we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately, the pain and sadness is back. and again, we abandoned our animals and our crops to the village. indeed use out. dorothy said they believed president gustavo pitt. there's government plans that starting piece ducks with all i'm groups would have ended the violence bundling, which we heard a lot about the total peace plans to the press and we wish it would work. but the reality for us has been the opposite or united nations reports published last week, confirmed that despite the they're meant to ask for the legal on groups have
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expanded their control over columbia territory in 2023 and almost 15 per same. think creve and the number of towns and villages affected by violence, similar to the one. this community is facing instances. most people, the local un refugee office says they fear the changing conflict means the confrontations will continue and overwhelmingly affect indigenous populations. okay, i, you mean fact, all displacement has a disproportionate impact on ethnic indigenous groups because that territory defines that physical cultural identity. what concern that the isn't an effective response to mitigate these risks for the population institutional capacities, all limited in the face of what could become a major emergency? back at the shelter, gary's is sharing a major meal with their family, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home or for how long they will receive assistance. allison, the beach, and just need
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a few extra in south korea rami against the government's medical reform meshes has drawn its largest crowds. yet, the doctor's association warns that is only the start of what it expects will be long fights is prob, plans to significantly raised the number of doctors eunice came re forced himself. as the organizers say, tens of thousands came from across south korea to fight against the government's medical reform plans. it's the largest crowd yet in this weeks long battle, 2 people. but other than that, the government deceives the public size in order to exploits policies. um, systems to make doctors tunnel medical slaves. the doctors group says the plan to add an additional $10000.00 doctors within 10 years. not only is premature, but we'll also further drive doctors away from areas of need towards the more lucrative private practice. one of the sectors the government is looking to enhance
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is probably run hospitals to address a shortage and essential medical care, especially in rural areas which account for less than 10 percent of south korea's medical system, which is already struggling to fill vacancies. despite offering competitive pay, even public hospitals within sol are in a difficult situation. and according to the cities mere since coming to office 2 years ago, i've been working to improve working conditions for doctors and propose considerable salaries. but there are no applicants. as a standoff, enter as a 3rd week, the government is preparing to suspend the medical licenses of the 1st batch among the thousands of young doctors who blocked off a job in protest. the type of war has galvanized public support for president hughes on yeah. who struggled and the pools latest figures to adjust his approval rating has increased by a whopping 10 percentage points since
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a month ago. still some veteran politicians who agree with raising the number of doctors are calling for a more deliberate approach to going to one's hill. somebody in the ruling party may be looking to emulate the us as president reagan, or do you k stature and the forceful resolution of labor strikes. but this approach doesn't always succeed. and i hope the government knows disc haven't medical crisis is much more complex. in the absence of dialogue, medical workers filling the void left by the striking junior doctor's warrant of a further reduction in crucial medical services and growing fatigue among staff. you know skim, alda 0. so russia says it's destroyed drones, launched by ukraine targeting the cry. me and.


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