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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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us and somebody in the seattle journal got an estimate in zambia, a new series of africa direct on algebra. the the so i'm funding back to bo, this is in use. our on ouch is here. i live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, dozens of people have been killed or wounded while waiting for aging guys. a city is the latest in a series of attacks on palestinians desperately seeking for. 15 children have died from mild nutrition doctors, one more babies in gaza, or starve and less fluid is delivered. so and given the
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amounts, scale of suffering. any god there must be an immediate ceasefire. the us vice president, judges israel to increase the flow of a to east in humane conditions in casa, also this our worsening security situation in haiti. gang storm, at present in the capital and hundreds of inmates, and now on the vine. i'm going to send that. i'm getting an order and put it on there were hundreds of revised. indigenous people fled to their territory after on groups. violence broke out in their villages. the would begin in gaza city where dozens of people have been killed or wounded. after these really military launched another attack on palestinians waiting for a trucks. victims have been rushed to al schieffer hospital. civilians were waiting
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for the trucks loaded with flour. when they say is really true, started firing indiscriminately is or as constant military bombardment of guys along with its targeted attacks make it extremely dangerous. for those trying to find food. diary gap was zoom, is in rafa. southern garza with more details on that attack. in the military and deadly attack, the people who are waiting for a future needs to get to the number of parts of garza now, according to the ministry chills, at least a dozens of policies being killed and injured. they were very desperate need for food in order to have something to sleep on the phone. and this is not the to tech and have been carried out to tell you earlier. you said you have a tax. i you, boy, that was loaded with a number of i'm going to tell you, supplies were delivered to people in there, even alongside that. previously these very poor targeted people, there's people waiting for it,
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even to charity and chokes in the number of pods and knuckles. the round about where more than 100 kind of things have been killed and it's was so p how israel is remarkably increasing. it's military attacks, not only and people only say on a truck where that's compete very key to much. the change as people in the north are compete this topic and they have nothing to feed on. they are saying that we are no longer able to cooper the situation up. specifically that to are you close that to them to form a bronze where we cannot really go on with the situation on the ground like that to what is important to be done. what does the coming tell you is a client that can guarantee the flu if you need a military supplies to the very district pocket because district in the north square people. yes, the have nothing to feed on just the grass and i didn't receive that is rallies relentlessly bombing the gaza strip. at least 12 people have been killed in one of
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the latest strikes on the new savage camp in central gaza. does into more with wounded early in the day, at least 8 palestinians were killed in darrow black, also in central gaza. while they waited for a to arrive accel di movie chas. a detail these people are running for cover up to res. really, soldiers fired on their relief, conroy in their own fall off the several philistines were killed as they were trying to get much needed food to survive. and the i was on my way to the was well, suddenly we was showered with miss hobbs shrug know, flying around for the past of the tone to pieces. it's beyond description of this is the 2nd time in a week is really forces have targeted a crowd waiting for food on thursday, at least 118 palestinians were killed and hundreds injured while trying to climb on
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a truck carrying 8 according to you, one workers, many of them had a gunshot ones, but israel says it was largely the result of a stampede. simon is ravaging gaza. despite some aid to drop you from the sky, the supplies fall far short of the men's to meet the ground. need to see, so we need it immediately. we know it, we repeated to be able to increase. you entered 8 ed drops will look for this renewed sustain ceasefire to bring in a safe way. but a to the people and the medical care as well to the constance shelling and air strikes are worth sending. the community are in crisis. they do in a rough i in the south. this was the home of the i will answer family. but now it's raised to the ground. the oven renews. entire family was killed,
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including turn, you weren't twins and had it. that means when we were sleeping, there felt like a bottle of water shoot me and my babies were next to me and i called a number of the 10 people told me that my babies were dead and the father was dead . 2 people here say this really armies targeting the last few pockets of safety, lifting, gaza and families like for nias are caught in the crossfire. again. i'm heartbroken. these relays could have killed one child and left me another. but they're both dead. they're both gone. how can i bring them back? tell me how. he's hun eunice, some people heavy in order to move to another area. again. this voice message plane is really soldier, says the area near to how much towers is an active combat. so
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after 5 months of war and more than $30000.00 philistines killed human rights, organizations warrant life is slowly draining out of gaza. they say only an immediate cease fire can bring in then to the sufferings axles i much alger 0. as you heard at the beginning of that report, is there any forces again targeted on a tracking down by law early on sunday 8 people were killed. i'll just hear his hand told every was half a scene any immediate aftermath of the attack to work currently on other sheets street where this truck that was carrying passengers from that has been left to the flowers targeted by the is ready airplane. we know that most of the people have been taking these trucks as the only way off transport station, because there has been no fuel and people were only either taking trucks or donkey
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carts. as you see, the truck is completely damaged. where here, there were passengers tumbling when they were targeted. by the is ready forces. the, the paramedics run into the area and starts. it's projecting the parts and the bodies and the injured people from this truck. it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this is one of the n g o 's who are working on the ground and housing housing in displace families. because all of these vendors are for projects implemented on the ground. the people who are targeted are part of this initiative is right, is not only located the 8 into the causes to but it's also killing palestinians who are working in helping people from starvation. this is and i just need to get it by
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hi guys, us health ministry says at least 15 children have died from malnutrition and dehydration just one hospital in the past few weeks. for weeks the u. n. has been wanting that 10000 children in gaza at risk of starvation. and this video from northern guys mother is mourning the death of her child. she told a palestinian janice, had daughter died of mine nutrition and lack of oxygen. doctors at the hospital said the child was lacking critical vitamins and minerals and then my daughter has died. she passed away due to mal nutrition, all vitamins and minerals dropped sharply in my daughter's body with an accepting heart. all i can do is pray to god one night, but the number that this child was suffering and acute lack of oxygen and severe amount nutrition. we did our best to save my life. unfortunately, the child died. we do not know how many like what's on the early i spoke to our data hotter, who's
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a regional director for the middle east and north africa for you. and it says, she says, the latest best of children from malnutrition, could be just a fraction of the true number. these are the trajectory, know about when we reported about this this morning. and in our statement, we had the information about 10 children. but then in the afternoon you are said to go to our, the 4th of the 15 children. so the number is on that eyes. and this is the number of the port authority from one hospital. so we really do not know about what's happening to other children, to or do not have access or to the ministry or how does not have enough access or information. what we have been warning about is that the access to humanitarian aids and the delivery of humanitarian aid can be made. reduce the proportion of monitors on the mountain to $1.00 and $6.00 to them. and more of them has well
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$1.00 and $6.00 to them, which means 15 percent of children and most of them has the under the age of 2 has to be accurate nutrition. this bill portion is 5 percent so much less in the areas was the aide is around right. just do not have the appropriate for yours. what do you babies got that estimate from the mothers of the mothers? i'm fairly my motors. we know that there are the adults ignore them as well of guessing why don't need birthday. and if a mother gets one me, but that is no way that you can best with the child. and as a result, the trunk would not get or then you can choose. one is the best place is necessity for ever. the same for the child can give all the new trims. but and these cases, when the mother cannot be more than one need per day, of course the child is going to be my motors. they do not have. the babies also are
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not like the adults. they cannot eat the normal for that. any a bank. guns is too, i'll see you then all of those stories about what the tea party, the adults on ethan and this type of food cannot be given to babies. the workers are they available to afford the availability or high g? and the fact that there is no, i be put toward that we already reports indicate that the access to water in the parks of north, the mazda is one, you need to put the web as on good, an emergency condition, the minimum is 3 liters. so this of course will cause more disease because they cannot pick it off the hygiene and out they are feeding the babies or he's really media is reporting negotiations versus 5 dia with hamas has sold with these. are the government deciding, again, sending a delegation to the latest talks in cairo,
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that'd been host deal could been placed by a rama, don, after the white house said they was a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week ceasefire. i'm the son who has moved from occupied east jerusalem negotiations around cease fire talks have stalled, is really official speaking anonymously to is really media have said that israel decided against sending a big. busy cation to cairo, and that's because how much did not release a list of names of all of the captives who are still alive. this is something that came out the request of this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who said that she needed this in order to move forward with these talks. however, her mess has said that they're not willing to give up that kind of information until there was a finalized deal in place. but what the term finalized deal means is quite elusive . at this point, how mass, however, it has said that their position remains the same and they wanted to reiterate that, but they are looking for a permanent ceasefire an end to the war. whereas these rallies have said,
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even if there is a 6 week pause in the fighting, they are going to continue on with their military activities just on sunday. israel's defense minister jo after launch has said that under no circumstances will the war and until there was total defeat of him, ass mediators are trying to bridge these gaps and bridge these sticking points to see what kind of concessions can be made by both sides in order to achieve a deal, but nothing yahoo himself has said that even though there are discussions around a ceasefire, it doesn't mean we're anywhere closer to getting a deal from the central as, as ita, occupied east jerusalem. i mean, while the us vice president, pamela harris says, promising in these palestinians in garza suffering a humanitarian catastrophe, she's called on the meat on an immediate cease fire to secure the flow of age and the release of captives. and given the amends scale
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of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire or at least the next which is what is currently on the table. this will give the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in this would allow us to build something more in during that spring in law's name. jordan in washington dc was the vice president beck calling on israel to increase the flow of 8 into guys a tell us more about what she's had to say about the war as well. essentially, the vice president carmella harris is responding to domestic political criticism and grassroots criticism in this country that the by the administration is on the wrong side of history in the war on gaza. that it has been giving is world too much
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cover as it carries out its war against thomas and other groups inside gaza. while not doing enough to actually protect palestinians who live in garza, the vice president using the word cease fire repeatedly during her remarks at a bloody sunday commemoration in selma, alabama. underscored the need to try to get this temporary 6 week long ceasefire into effect as quickly as possible. she also had tough language for the israeli government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that much more needs to be done to get payment or terry and aid. and she called on these rarely government to try to help restore basic services inside garza, notably because so many buildings and communities have been destroyed and is really air strikes. and harris also said that uh, basically the is really narrative that this was
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a stampede on this past thursday that led to the depth of more than a $100.00 and in rough at a convoy your truck instead of the fact that these people were shot at by is rarely forces she indirectly, but very plainly refute these regular narrative about what happened at that time, the humanitarian delivery. psych so top language coming from the vice president, she is expected to meet with benny gas who was a member of the as really were a cabinet during his visit to washington on monday. although that is not something that we have had any official read out on multiple organizations, news organizations as well as gaps as office have said, this meeting will take place. all right, ross will need it there for now. was thing jordan live for us? the in washington dc to have these early militaries, as most people killed in thursday's food, a shooting attack died as a result of
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a stamp deed. israel's report says it's horses did not strike in a convoy. you guys are on thursday, but towards what it calls looters. the military says soldiers fide warning shots 1st to disperse this time feed, and then responded to several individuals who they say posed a threat. that contradicts the statement. the u. n. team that many injured people and said, many of them suffered gunshot wounds. the information we gathered from the commanders and forces on the ground. our initial review is indicated that following the warning shots fired to disperse the stampede, an after hour forces had started retreating. several looters approached out forces and posed and immediate threat to them. well, they've been contradictory statements, armies ready officials about what happened in thursday's food, a shooting attack on thursdays really forces folks when peter learners said, quote, the mob storm the convoy, bringing it at the sound, say, shore, hold the time,
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set with it to secure the convoy see the guidance being trampled and cautiously trying to disperse them off with a few warning shots. on the same day, the old mock re gabby's dress for a master to the u. k. told media israel was not involved directly in any way. it was gun fired, but it wasn't his really forces. they weren't is ready forces on the trucks all around the trucks. that was palestinian on books. he said in a video statement posted online on sunday. daniel had gary these really forces spokesman said no strike was carried out by the idea of towards the convoy. the majority of palestinians were killed or injured. as a result of this, some peas, several looters approach our forces and posed an immediate threat to them. the soldiers responded towards several individuals. it's not really and my colleagues time is they don spoke with on to the low end seen agenda as an author of palestine . the board 3. he says, use of evidence show statements from these really military can not just be accepted
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outright. interesting to know the language that but it has various books. people use things like mobs stand page. what does that say to people? it says that these people are on raleigh that they're out of control, that they crazy. they take being palestinians and why would people be so desperate? because they've been deliberately starved and has a long history really that goes back long before october 7, division riley claims around this in gaza, being clearly false and has been huge amounts of allegation since october 7. the is riley officials drank these stories. they're not true. so we should take anything they say with a says face skepticism. and finally there's i witness. accounts of gunshots coming from is really positions these guys and hospital officials saying that the injuries came from is riley weapons. so i much prefer to take those testimonies then from an id, so it has
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a long history of line. you mentioned some of the terms and it's not just moms but also words like lucas being used just to put that in context. when you talk about that, and you are actually the occupation forces, this is not your territory. and plenty of your soldiers have filmed themselves rummaging through the personal possessions of palestinians. and you talk about how all those palestinians looting a trucks. how does that, how is that gonna state with public opinion a bad way? because essentially israel is fighting a and information war when losing. and i say that because all that public opinion polls in some countries and mixed, there's no doubt to be to be with the younger generation in many countries, 18 to 35. israel is not as losing that t i will. but last that because the images speak for themselves, people are not increasingly engaging with mainstream media and looking on social
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media instagram to talk, etc. and what they're saying of these classic images are people being shot or stuffed all guys in children that i may see aged, but have not been given enough food. and there was interesting report in the last 3 days. which date child how israel is deliberately keeping food and various other essential supplies alas of gaza. ultra orthodox jews of font with these really police on the outskirts of tel aviv. they were protesting in the town of ne brock, angry about possible changes to requirements for military service. the officer orthodontics community exempt is exempt from conscription and government officials are calling for that to change the not to out of world news and police in haiti are appealing for help from the army after gang members storm the countries main prison. hundreds of inmates have
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escaped in the capital photo prince. i'm hom, it has more. if i got the like left him and the national potentially is where hate is higher profile and also a locked up for the government set in stone. the data of the fee has gone sites down the streets of the printer into a bundled drum. they succeeded in releasing federal government bus. disobedience was caught in the middle of the street buttons, gangs around to us. we can't take it anymore. we have no way to go with no police to be seen in several parts of the city. shops and properties have been due to police say they're not dealing with the gun, but it's just not ready to start. the. all of the companies look forward to the driving around the nomic calls while the people have no on the vehicles and the police don't even have it present. i paid for this bullet proof vests. i'm just
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telling me that this i'm wearing right now. out of my own pocket that the gun members who controlled large parts of the country demanding that is the condition of the prime minister audio henry. a fleet to king your last week to try. i'm finalized adidas to send king security personnel to haiti us part of why you and but task force to restore order, but with no sign of for them forces arriving. see patients in photo prince, i left with no option, but to lead to violence in any way they con. how does that? how much does it? early i spoke to harold isaac, who is an independent journalist in photo prince, and he gave us an update on what's happening on the ground sometime last night uh, coordinated the gang action, an attack against the main detention facility. important prince has led to nearly 3600 uh inmates clean the facility its a bit of
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a mixed bag. uh you have uh petty criminals and you also have high profile inmates . uh, such as those involved in the assassination of president trump. now he's uh, as it stands right now, uh, the columbia and mercenaries, uh, 17 of them who are involved in the assassination are still in the facility. it's disrupted the day in part of france today. and it's a very bold, a tile situation. as gains are still in full control of several parts of the city and are threatening to wage have been more violence on the rest of the city. as it stands right now, the whereabouts of prime minister island we are on known as he was to return from his trip in kenya, where a ink to deal with the canyon officials and government to have uh, 10 in police officers come and help with uh, getting volunteering he, well, it's mainly linked to that the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya
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as the torrent gang leader barbecue, claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of brands to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal, that the apartment is to or sign with the canyon government right now. and that's pretty much the question that everybody's asking is the response from the government. the did issue communicate where they are press statement, where andy essentially called out the attacks and the violence. i've been waiting in the country in the city for the past few days, but no official uh, decoration, or, or of presence as been seen on the haitian government had requested uh for any assistance since october of 2022. and ever since, as been in this international process to try and gotten gather the, the support,
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the funding and the troops that would be eventually coming. so here on the ground in haiti, most people are out of state where they are pretty much trying to cling onto whatever hold they can get. and um, and if something happens, uh they would look into a development of some sorts as they've been caught in that cycle of violence. uh for the past few years. um and it's clear um at this stage when, if ever the terms are coming up. but for our pulse, you talk to the feel that it may be more into urgent than ever. russia is a sad defense systems have destroyed all 38 drones launched by ukraine targeting the cry me and been instant up. the announcement follows reports of explosions in near an oil devil in the black sea port town of phil dosier, bob mas vibrate voice. when keith, the reports from crime, it seemed to indicate that this was quite
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a substantial drone to attack the rest. and we'll start with these saying they intercepted all of the drones, a lot of the activity being reported around the pull to fee a dozier in the southeast of crime it with a number of early morning explosions being heard that some of them from the vicinity of an oil depot, this seems to be in response to a rushing drone attack on ukraine the night before. closing damage in different parts of ukraine, most notably a direct hit on an apartment building in the southern port city of a desa. now emergency teams have continued to be searching through the rubble of that building, looking for more victims. but there have been a number of people killed and injured among them. several children including 2 infants. all of this comes as the latest part of nato exercises gets on the way across the board in poland. it's part of what's known as steadfast, defend the 2020 full,
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the largest starts nato exercises since the cold war involving some 90000 troops. the latest part of this exercise is the deployments of nato's rapid reaction force to poland. all of this is intended to send a clear message to must go, which is welcomed here in ukraine. but what would also be welcome to use more practical help, and especially as load them is a landscape and the present. and here is indicated after these latest as strikes more ad defense themselves. public broad. i'll just say era keith and still ahead on al jazeera. let me ask how much your boss should. e sub has secured 201 boards. and he's in pakistan. electra by sharif as a prime minister for a 2nd time fuss. find out why. see thousands of striking doctors in south korea. i define the cost, the,
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the big flushing side of the stalls being over new south wales, this line here, and not over the science of queens and not quite trust the bordering tale, but that is the full castle. keep moving northwards and then the bloom general during the afternoon as the temperatures. right. that's right, and actually it's right, a hold of know from australia and property is heaviest in western australia. and this of course is generally a drawing area. so will be some flooding here. i'm seeing the written reports in pers lightning. yes, but no significant. right. and i don't think we'll get a great deal more, but a bit further east and west australia, there will be some significant on property wanted right. at the same time, no bugs up to 32 is, is nice and warm and victoria, and indeed an apple aid, another shopping temperature for you, whereas, and use even no such luck. on the 18 in christ church, the readings gone through and this just shows to follow with cold. and if i, for
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a bit of snow in the fall, sense of south thumbs up in the mountains because they were hunting funding recently in east kind of montana on the, on the boy i, i think this way we repeated that wasn't a huge amount of a but it was full cost as it was into that are channels for roads, but to see from the orange top, see a something sumatra java on property search kind of mountain are at risk in the next 24 hours or so. more snow on its way for home shoot and re shanghai, the fiscal as of award, and you praise, run deep. but the devastation of the country is precious eco. systems may take the longest to hear people and power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows ukrainian war prize investigators as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site. ukraine . ground 0 on
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a jersey to asking questions. were you ever worn about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h as an in depth coverage, tying on states its future on fossil fuels know renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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brought them back, a recap of our top stories on this, and these, our dozens of people have been killed or wounded after israel launch. another attack on policy means trying to get aging guys, a cd civilians or waiting for trucks loaded with fly. when they say he's ready to have started firing in all directions in northern guys, at least 20 policy means were killed in these early strikes on residential buildings. is there any forces targeted homes, image or body of actually to camp and the stuff probably area of got a seat and guys health ministry says at least 15 children have died from mine nutrition and dehydration at just one hospital in the past few days. a weeks the u . n. has been warning that 10000 children in gaza are at risk of salvation. the destruction in guys is unprecedented. entire neighborhoods have been flattened, leaving them unrecognizable by palestinians who used to live there in as a to neighborhood in central guys. the residents are returning to see what's left image in cuba has
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a story pertaining to survey the damage of the days. if it's really raid some tank for the day to neighborhood side of goal is the city is almost unrecognizable within tie up blocks of apartments reduced to rubble cost when the low what i, what i can just do it. my daughter was staying at her in law, so she was young. only 20 years old. they were besieged by is rarely times for a month. 20 innocent people were killed. the 6th story building was destroyed on their heads in toys, families who have been killed. what's out there all buried under the window? my daughter was killed along with her daughter. they were all women and children. 5 whole families were killed by these roommates in cold blood. for the mold in 2000000 people have been displaced in garza. many will be returning to a similar scene, a 70 percent of homes that believe to have been destroyed. and it's all modern
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robots and then of simple pull out the model. once we had homes, we gathered, we age, we talk to the friends. now there's nothing but devastation. it's israel savage. we bob over some look around. there's no sign of life of the frontier. well, that's no, any homes have been destroyed. but infrastructure to across garza, schools and universities, hospitals, the quote highest government buildings, including central archive cemeteries and over $200.00, all the local sites have been what died ex. but say the destruction of goza is the worst involved in history. and it will continue until the bombardment stops image and came out 0 the united nation special wrap a tour on the right to for this calling for sanctions on israel, microsoft races that israel has been intentionally starving the policy,
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me and people in guys i sense the start of the war. now finding me very well be already occurring. he adds that. the only way to end or prevent this. timing is an immediate cease fire. and the only way to a cease fire is to sanctions. mean any, nikolai is general director at doctors without borders. she's dressed just returned from garza and told my colleagues, sammy's aidan, how a building rented out for the aide, go staff and their families was targeted even after they informed these ready government of its location. the nights it so we have goals is for 80, so we have somebody in jerusalem that's called your shooting. it's a building, but you me turns inside a stop. we have informed us of these incidents and we've asked for clarification up to now we have not received a report back from the is, or at least they did, you know, oral, we acknowledge it was the fire,
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but the reasons why remain for us to know and we asked clarification, we asked, what does the notification of our buildings mean to you? because we have to be able to work. and as you know, the number of hospitals that are accessible and functioning is reducing. whereas the number one did is increasing. so you haven't had any explanation as to why your facilities in the civilian building was targeted. have you received any apology? have you received any information about disciplinary action being taken all that an investigation is on the way an investigation? yes, we've been in fault and investigation is being done. an all acknowledgement is that it come from an x ray, the tank. uh the reasons why not. uh, they have said it could be a been a mistake. they were looking to, was it a human or a material error,
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but as i told you, we have had no official reports. i certainly know the written report back. how does that make you and your team's feel? well uh, renewal already know where it's safe but to our staff is traumatized. busy so i fidgeted them the following day, even the events is during the night didn't feel safe enough to reach the building to be able to get the wounded and the deceased out. so there, luckily the united nations and i really want to thank them. they helped with a come void for the b r. c. s. ambulances to reach to building a stops traumatized. and they know movers see so, but we haven't given up to work. i spoke with them, of course, as jim director, i stayed almost 2 weeks with them. um we, we tried to mitigate the risk on movements, are notified to the strategies they know where we are working. they know where we
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are staying. they know what we are doing, so we care for the wounded. that's what we do in several points. we try to work in elgin or not job hospitals that you mentioned just earlier. uh, in your new stories of the day. a bit of work is very difficult, the hospitals are overloaded. uh they are, hospitals are targeted to, they are encircled, the medical staff is being arrested. it's extremely difficult, but we keep on trying to do our work with what we do is to little the now don't use not politicians in docusign have elected to buy sharif as prime minister for a 2nd time political violence and obligations of vote breaking monte elections last month no single party won a majority,
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but the 2 largest bodies in parliament agreed to form a coalition government which allowed sharif to be elected. could all hide every for some islamic. but mohammed chevron city itself is declared to have been elected as a prime minister of islamic republic on august shop, archery deliberate being elected prime minister for the 2nd time. you think your 201 was to be home, or are you upon a word bag by former prime minister amber on con speedy, i party bernard redoubts, aboard from the allied barky, including the buckets on post party that skirt 3rd in the recent election. although a chat board should have added up rather than a watch, it a was hoping to become prime minister for the 4th time. after returning from maybe island london edge up there to let your body take the top job. several political parties including current speed,
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t i m o is the single largest group after lots bunk selection. but did fade go in enough water to secure the majority deck us buckets on military establishment of rigging the war and war and what day called their stolen mandate. to be the gun and the release of parn from prison lost your body. so now here's the glory. elation government says it's the government to bring the nature now to vicar nomic pricing buckets on the $2.00 billions of dollars in loans from the international monetary fund to help it out of spiraling that yeah, that i'm name may have done, but now we've opted for deep surgery, we have to bring revolutionary changes to the system. we will bring basically phones to different departments. we have decided to overcome all the issues. we will not like pug the stones. people live in an embarrassing situation. but many people head on the streets of islam about the not goodwin guys over the internet. the inflation skyrocketed during the previous 16 months, 10 years,
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they doubled gas electricity, the level of prices. they've sold into people's mandates. p t. i was winning, but they rigged. the results are requests they instead of stealing from practiced on buying flux and england rather do something for free people. what do you city to say? oh yes, we all know how the government came into power. they should have respected the people's mandate, however, we hope they will get the act together and also relief to the common man. may god have mercy on us, get the new government fidget, a huge economic crisis along with going political instability and serious security today. on interesting part of the bonus, dawn ended on the people and focused on one the new government to scare the country out of trouble. what good, but not everyone head is going. if it is up to the dog, come on like that is your need. uh, it's not my but in south korea apropos po,
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opponents rider proposed health sector reforms have how the biggest protests yet the government wants to boost a number of doctors by increasing admissions to medical school. but doctors say the quality of health care will suffer if the changes go ahead. eunice came reports from the capital, so the organizers say tens of thousands came from across south korea to fight against the government's medical reform plans. it's the largest crowd yet in this week's long battle to people. but other than that, the government deceives the public size in order to exploits policies um systems to make doctors tunnel medical slaves. the doctors group says the plan to add an additional $10000.00 doctors within 10 years. not only is premature, but we'll also further drive doctors away from areas of need towards the more lucrative private practice. one of the sectors the government is looking to enhance is probably run hospitals to address a shortage and essential medical care,
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especially in rural areas which account for less than 10 percent of south korea's medical system, which is already struggling to fill vacancies. despite offering competitive pay, even public hospitals within sol are in a difficult situation. and according to the cities mere since coming to office 2 years ago, i've been working to improve working conditions for doctors and propose considerable salaries. but there are no applicants as a standoff, enter as a 3rd week. the government is preparing to suspend the medical licenses of the 1st batch among the thousands of young doctors who blocked off a job in protest. the type of war has galvanized public support for president units on. yeah. who struggled and the pools latest figures suggest his approval rating has increased by a whopping 10 percentage points since a month ago. still some veteran politicians who agree with raising the number of doctors are calling for
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a more deliberated approach to going to one's hill. somebody in the ruling party may be looking to emulate the us as president reagan, or the u. k. stature and the forceful resolution of labor strikes. but this approach doesn't always succeed. and i hope the government knows this current medical crisis is much more complex. in the absence of dialogue, medical workers filling the void left by that striking junior doctor's warrant of a further reduction in crucial medical services and growing fatigue among staff you know, skim algebra. so, opec members and allies led to by saudi arabia and russia, have agreed to extend oil production costs through june. the measures is seen as an effort to maintain prices as countries outside of back increased oil production. despite a boost because of g of political tensions and he'll see a tax on right. see shipping, concerns about economic growth have weighed on demand. the prosecutors in booking
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at 5. so we're investigating what's being described as the executions of a 170 people last week. others were injured in the attacks on 3 villages. survivors say dozens of women and young children were among the victims. the usa department recent, the voice, it's grave concern at increasing violence against civilians. in this i have region recovery, easy during the space and book and advice was capital walk. i do go. he told us the attacks were likely an attempt to buy on drugs to show they're still relevant in the country. actually don't have a claim from anyone who did that is that tax. but what we know is that the country has been on the effect of, from tories groups. that's what we know. and the investigation is going to probably to, to lead us uh, to the, the people who are responsible for that. because the prosecutor is asking for any
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body in the, in the battlement was information's housing, the country, the goals, let him know what it knows about it. tremendously. den devin having a hard time with the strikes, you know, from the government troops and the tax also is there kind of comp out roads in action that the government is cutting out right now. so they don't have, let's see, much power right now to act in the country. so the, carrying out what they've become to do to show that they are still relevant in the country. and their presence is that hundreds of indigenous people in northern columbia has been forced to flee the villages after an increasing power. military violence is a native storage and the countries internal conflicts which has lasted for more than 6 decades, less on the run. pity is in every all child where they have taken shelter. the community here is facing
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a difficult humanitarian situation. the local authorities have been providing food and medicines for over a week. now that many of servers will tell you that the fear is that they might remain here for weeks or even months. a given the fact that nobody knows for how long fighting will continue in their territory. and they live in the ceiling of others, some, some minus the mountain in this range, that is a sacred place for a number of indigenous people. it's an area of difficult access, but also one that over the years has become a kick corey door for on the groups and the trafficking of a cocaine. and as it relates to this, david, this is who knew their children have been sleeping on hammocks under this 3 since playing their village. a week ago, part of the we wouldn't be doing this community. they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in nor to columbia, but they were forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying
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paramilitary groups, piping for control of the key core. either for cocaine trafficking in other illegal activities, relocating we had no other option but to come here because these 2 groups are fighting for control of our territory. my kids were screaming and fear, hearing the shots, explosions and bones. we were among the 100 steps flagged in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city of video atcha. it's not the 1st time the community has experienced this violence 22 years ago. at least 50 people were killed by paramilitaries among them. did his father put them in a way for me now? i know guys that ok it, we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately the pain and sadness is back. and again, we abandoned our animals and our crops to the village indigenous out. dorothy said
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they believed president gustavo peters government plans of starting peace ducks with all i'm groups would have ended the violence a bundle, which we heard a lot about the total peace plans to the press and we wish it would work. but the reality for us has been the opposite or united nations reports published last week confirmed that despite the government's efforts, the legal on groups have expanded their control over columbia territory in 2023. and almost 15 per same thing. creve. and the number of towns and villages affected by violence, similar to the one this community is facing the most people, the local un refugee office says they fear the changing conflict means the confrontations will continue and overwhelmingly affect indigenous populations. okay . i mean, fact, all displacement has a disproportionate impact on tabatchnik indigenous groups because that territory defines that physical cultural identity will concern that the isn't an effective
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response to mitigate these risks for the population. institutional capacities all limited in the face of what could become a major emergency back at the shelter. gary's the sharing a major meal with their family, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home or for how long they will receive assistance. addison, the beach, and just need a few extra still ahead on algebra. one, rob rentals in los angeles with the story of a legal debate over whether to criminalize people who live on the streets the on march, the 7th us president, joe 5 and we'll deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda,
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environment re up to his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington. the ship is home to survivors of loss is earthquakes, inter keeps a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from their or to 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the c a we are leaving on a ship bill, a small world. hey, we our family and eventually they have something to look for, for the nearest part, reopened every minute here for the life is a loss returning to normal, they're playing nothing. but the trauma is never far away. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to the us where they have been f as to criminalize people who live on the streets. supreme court judges are due to vote on whether a law that essentially makes being homeless. a crime is constitutional as rob reynolds free for some of the federalist the ruling could affect the lives of more than half a 1000000 people. the cane enables she calls herself omen job own if she lives on a patch of broken sidewalk with a group of other homeless people next to a busy street. it's a harsh existence or carnes too. we shuffled around like you don't get to dress like your cons. to we just trying to pay attention and be aware of when
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everything is going to get destroyed, stolen support, service providers for the whole. let's say people like omen are suffering the consequences of decades of failed national policy. we have a broken mental health system. we have a broken foster care system. we have some folks who ended up homeless because of an addiction. we have some folks who start substance misuse once they become homeless . now possible changes to us law could make life more difficult for homeless people . in 2013 the town of grant pass, oregon passed an ordinance criminalizing any form of camping or staying overnight on public property in appeals court throughout the law. but the city took the case to the supreme court states in urban areas, including los angeles county, which as a homeless population of more than $75000.00 support the camping ban one l. a. county supervisor, katherine barger said in a statement,
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is local governments are restricted from regulating and camping on public property . we are left powerless to effectively address our worsening homelessness crisis. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply will work, especially in a city like los angeles. you can criminalize people, we don't have springs to put them in a jail. it's not going to happen. you can give every person even these tense as many tickets as you want. but where are you going to put them? if you pick them out of here, they'll go set up a block later. a colon who creates art from found object says she has no idea where she will be living in a week a year or beyond. i don't know what the answer is, but it is not persecuting the people that have already suffered. so last year,
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more than $650000.00 people in the us were homeless at some point in time. the highest number recorded since data began being collected nearly 2 decades ago. rob reynolds, l, g 0, los angeles. harry ties from the national homelessness law center explains the legal arguments around the case. the question in this case is simple. continues that fail to meet everybody's basic needs for housing, or even emergency shelter, punish people with no choice, but to sleep outside for using things like blankets or pillows. this is the most important supreme court case on homelessness in 40 years. and i, basically, the question is, is it cruel and unusual punishment under our 8th amendment in our constitution to force people to make this impossible choice right now in grant pass oregon, where this case originates, there's a winter storm warning. there's below freezing temperatures, snow falling high winds, but the 2nd people wrap a blanket around themselves to protect themselves from the elements that to be
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committing a crime. and so it's what we're saying is that it's pearl and unusual. want to force people to make that choice, whether to protect themselves from the omens, or have to go to jail. the residents in northern california are digging out of a major storm that left homeless for me to is a snow on the ground. the blizzard that started on thursday coast nearly a 160 kilometers a votes sunday. so a brief break. the region is preparing for another half mito snow to fall before wednesday this week. have ok, know in the remote got a pack of silence off eco doors coast has erupted jacob doors. guffman says there is no immediate danger posed to humans as the island is uninhabited. official say, while eruption has caused gas emissions. tories him to the islands will not be affected. the archipelago is listed as the unesco world. heritage cited whole several active volcanoes across more than
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a 100 islands. and that's in use are on algae 0. that's it from me for the back to the whole team. say with this, my colleague jaron jordan is with you next with more of a day's top stories here on out just here. the early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of joel southern melisha. walmart, richmond works here locations after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago . when my phone was on the way back to shore, the winds changed suddenly, in less than 5 minutes, that would launch waves and my load was hit. i only thought of getting back safely . i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. changing with patterns means that few months with safe for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena rahman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on root communities. so everybody knows the temperature of the oceans i creasing with this also affects the movements
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of the species. so we have changed for species season now. latino, then not where they used to be. official not coming in. i so easily touched when kilograms of clips before. no, it is difficult to you wouldn't get 5 kilograms. usual fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on district. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves long before. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered by police brutality
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and indigenous mother inbox. on an incredible jenny for justice time was to be seeking reparation for others. like with no political background, she inspired to become chimneys 1st lying senate to within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. the dozens of people have been killed or wounded while waiting for a aid in gaza city. it's the latest and a series of is randy attacks on palestinians desperately seeking for the alarms are enjoying themselves. they are licensed on so coming on 15 children up


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