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tv   Generation Football Patrice Evra  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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were constantly shuffled around like you don't get stressed like you're constantly just trying to pay attention and be aware of when everything is going to get destroyed, stolen support, service providers for the whole. let's say people like omen are suffering the consequences of decades of fail. national policy, we have a broken mental health system. we have a broken foster care system. we have some folks who ended up homeless because of an addiction. we have some folks who stop substance misuse once they've become homeless. now possible changes to us law could make life more difficult for homeless people. in 2013 the town of grant pass, oregon passed an ordinance criminalizing any form of camping or staying overnight on public property and appeals court throughout the law. but the city took the case to the supreme court states and urban areas, including los angeles county,
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which is a homeless population of more than $75000.00 support the camping ban. one l. a. county supervisor, catherine barger said, in a statement. if local governments are restricted from regulating and camping public property, we are left powerless to effectively address our worsening homelessness crisis. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply will work, especially in a city like los angeles. you can criminalize people, we don't have space to put them in a jail. it's not going to happen. you can give every person even these tense as many tickets as you want. but where are you going to put them? if you pick them out of here, they'll go set up a block later. a colon who creates art from found object says she has no idea where she will be living in a week, a year or beyond. i don't know if the answer is, but it is not persecuting the people that have already suffered. so last year,
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more than $650000.00 people in the us were homeless at some point in time. the highest number recorded since data began being collected nearly 2 decades ago. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, have ok now in the remote scholastic as islands off the equity was coast has a rump to pick what it was. government says there was no immediate danger posed to humans as the island is uninhabited. officials say, while the russian has coals, gas emissions, tourism to the islands will not be affected, as well as of may tell him the price of the moment's generation. simple is coming up next. stay with us the on march, the 7th us president joe 5 and we'll deliver his state of the union address with
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issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda. environment. re up to his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington. the welcome to generation football. coming up, we find out what's happened. so i've got, it stands you swimming national football team instead of going to the side them in portugal, incense each one. what? how is the full effect that they live and what so the hoops for the future? nickel, i'm get a i need both cabinets, thought a football bush and puts us is the life of the football for the tires. i sat down with the trees ever fonts is full of football practice. right now. the vision children affected by violence at manchester, united he won 5 english premier league and the champion in his man.
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well, i love this game. he opened up to the 1st time about his experience and the piece of the child for people. it was like really weird for patrice to be talking about child abuse because of my i am a human being. but he also said that football was the lifeline that saved him. the trees. thank you for coming to speak for me today. you. i called you on one of the my successful football heads and reasoning history, but since we're tired, perfectly done so many things you've done pundits treat lots of social media. activism. well is the thing you most enjoy doing with your time at the moment is finally don't set up in a loud noise. these like meeting people inspired people helping
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people. 3 things i didn't of the time to do it. you know? because i always say when you a football player, you leaving the bubbles and you're like, it's like trapped inside the box. and it doesn't allow you to do many things you would like to do. so now i be honest, i a c and a free as it as a best one, but also mentally. and i can think about different things. we should talk about your back. you mentioned the neighborhood lives released by your from and a lot of really, really successful parents came from that like to your own, we must as a, what do you think is about the french suburbs that produces such successful k is, is so many different nationality. you know, is a mix and do your laser, these we are the only to be really to c t we, we every trophy like between me and mosse and like differently. so is so many buttress ever so many children, all these so many miles. so it might lead to a town. oh to say it is because he's so many go to lie and you're going to have
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like people from sending out for months. yeah, yeah. for money and all this mix and we live play industry. i think playing football. save, you still need to stay away from being naughty or whatever. so good bodies, a way to communicate with all the people. and when you're leaving the street football is the most important thing. many people have spoken about, you know, coming hardships as a child, policy, drugs, violence, but there are very few for owners at your level with that spoken about child abuse . as you have done, the book opens with that. why was it important for you to start to fix that way? uh, i never talked about it before, but way to me is because i opened myself to the woman of my life, margot and we were watching something on tv about the fatal fire. and we look into so and my god is someone do that to a key that we go crazy and she sold my of it. my face was really like, you know, angry interest to you. okay. and i say yes, i'm fine, just to know, you know, took
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a bunch of switch them out to. so when i tell her she cry of schools and i cried to from that day i start to understand, you know, i need to get rid of that. don't seem escalated to you because i go, advised crying is a sign of weakness. so she unlocked something and i was like, okay, i con my did my october fee and don't tell everything. and after, of course, for people it was like really weird for poetry is to be a kept in, i'm refreshing us and that too much to say united to talking about is a child abuse. but because of my, i am a human being and i think we need to help each other. and me really think this book has been so many of the past and i should really be less than grateful to you at point. feel a bit exposed to having spoken about it or has it been positive april because of the reaction that you've had when things happen like that, you don't talk about that because you just like raise them from your memory. and
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sometimes it can be shame about yourself. so it's not like i was like, worry about what the, the people will think about it. my, my biggest meeting was when i was in virus and i see my mom and to tell a face to face my abuse up and when i was 13 years old and now going to see when you're 39. and do you know, i don't see that she was the best that she was like, but patrice, uh you say you're going to release your book, you're going to mention it. and i say, yes ma'am. she say i you sure you're not the scale to. and i say mom, i'm not doing my book for myself, i do it to, to have for the children. and she was like, uh, go for it. and how do you think the experience kind of holding on to that besides long affected the personnel profession a didn't make a difference? do you think? but of course you make me a, a robots, a machine. you don't trust people. you don't trust. don't always eat because he was my, my head teacher. and actually i realize every time, you know, i was like, oh,
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why sometimes aggressive why? i'm a soldier eyes because i from the street you know, from street you have to pretend to be a guy state about you not to use just a way of surviving. and since i open myself to, to margot and i start to realize actually uh, damaged me so much. i was someone, uh trying didn't, wasn't in part of my life. you know, i couldn't believe people even just watching a movie. good price. so i keep all those emotion inside, and you just like even some, some people who are like, wow patrice, you know, oh, you old with the strong like dodge, you never show any, any weakness, you know, you never feel like you there now, but or whatever. but now i'm a different man, you know, i'm all much you and i, i can control my emotion and i'm happy to try. and with only that experience and now that you're speaking out about it, how does that link to what's the kind of advocacy and are required to doing? so, what i'm trying to achieve is i want to change everything myself. but i think i
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want to make sure like those, those kid, you know, have the strains to say like, okay, you know, i've actually save, right. exposed himself in front of a medium people. i think i should talk to someone. so that's the just people to try to, to up and do you think that there's something about football that specifically makes it difficult to speak about these things compared to other sports, for example, or the space it's football is the light, like they say you, you can show and even, you know, ability and i pay i play we've um gave players and they were coming and talking to me because they knew all hope and that was about it. but there we never speaking front of a one because people will reject them. and i have a perfect example when i was playing for wisdom and someone from the english federation comment talk about the subject, you know, we need to accept, that'd be one. and you can see in the room some people where like going crazy and
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body someone is gay of to leave. after i stood up and i say about silence to everyone. can you believe in 2020 at the time? we still like say we're going to reject you don't use is not fair. you've been involved in some of the most kind of contentious debates about base a one time you were quoted against her in french government because you had taken a stand and you were supporting one if you'll finally pay is and you went on strike when you look back is that how do you feel and do you think that things have changed? now do you think things are better or what? no, nothing change. because like i said, football is a platform where you can send a message. but the problem is that society, like you said, you cation, no, nope, baby born as a racist pass on, or what 7 different. so, i'm not surprised. i remember when he was 3 english player and they missed a pen idea and they get to lots of abuse and people start pointing or doing each
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find the races. i was like old on, you know, is the same everywhere and footboards like we falls when we strike for, for, for the quote, another guy. so the lea, uh, they forget your french possible since the new just the sending of. so i was like, this is let's, let's still be portrayed in the football where that's the way happen. but to blame the food boys, things it is not just that if the society is bigger than that, but i think we should do a lot more than what we do a and i say to people, we have to stop pretending and you know, you know, not talking silence is a crime and we can change things, but like i say, i'd like to give that example about the soup at lee. and you could see like, like y and z, one was unique, then the fine they, they put this to whatever i see some of my x 2 made in 28 and he was on t v. like as we meet with 2 people were just talking about it and i look at it and it was like, but i wish, you know, we got the same and as she to fighting you know,
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against a race is the truth is when, you know, do, don't touch the pocket of people, they want change things, a number of high profile that man including the born james and daniel lee. i have spoken about the addictive feeling of being in the zone at the top of you. okay. and, and how winning can become this? you for it, the thing that you're always chasing is that how you felt in 2014 of the intensity paying with much so united and if it keeps, say during that time you felt quite depressed to do your robot then especially, you know, when you get under someone like, so i'd expect your son for august on teach you. winning is not important. winning is normal. and every year, if i don't win the lee or the jump, because whatever you feel like a failure, i remember sometimes we are likes going go to whatever i was even like, don't need to celebrate because it's nobody's your job, but actually is not. if you asked me, you know, i, i don't live with any of it,
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right? but you, you can enjoy the moment because it's so much pressure. so much focus. and when you play from phones, a brazilian globe, what people expect you to win the tournament. so you know, when you don't have a good tournament, after you have to, you have one month on the day, everyday people we talk about it, you have to go back to your club. you don't have time to, to reach out. that's why we should leave the work up every 4 year. if we care about the mentor of the player, because the human being and we need to stop thinking about business because this is business, this is the money. but what about the mentor you and i know we are toys. you get injury out. we buy you blair and you've been so successful with football is given you the freedom to travel and be in different places. and i wonder if you would have been able to have that kind of growth and experience if you hadn't faithful and what would have happened if you didn't have to create a tide. whether or not you would have made that for most of my life without it
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allowed me to speak 6 different languish. i wasn't that great. that's good. but you know, traveling with the, with the team isn't make sure that's why i say to every child in the world, when you get the opportunity to travel, to meet different people, to or to do it. you open your mind a worldly, so be. but if you stay just where you leave and you don't travel, you won't understand what do you want, understand different people, different religion. but of course the way i grow up, most of my friends, you know, some of them said someone of deadline jets. it could be, it could be like a, a bug join, a full picture, and that's why i always ask the bless and grateful you do have. and every comment to you about you, you know, i can feel like what you're saying to me and that you've been through this process and really kind of put things in their place. is that little of that down to the book or what we, what are you going to say? i don't, i, i'm really don't know is just like, i'm so passionate about life. and i don't like to find, excuse when you get sexually abused at the edge of the new grew up with these
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trauma when the, you know, you're dropping this read is on about like so 5 a and uh when you, you bought and as of like best at least it doesn't vision this with i don't have their own for me. i can tell you is because i, i talked with my goal because of my book. i don't have that on. so it's just nice to see. anyway, you know cannot, but it cannot been and it's beautiful because even many people they were like, wow, partridge, you so nice! you can be a clown, you can be funny, whatever. but when you're angry, something different and yours is a fight or something. we all have a dock side and i think me was become a lot from my trauma and i realized that whenever you felt my satisfied now, i feel confident. and when you play, you never content because you keep chasing, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, and told you a motion as on the side. now i am leaving my best by to know if that's the. yeah. oh not,
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no. i just want to say thank you so much. you enjoy coming and speaking to me. thank you. it was no ordinary football tool. as the tell about games that control of us get us started in 2021. it took numerous failed attempts, a safe house to flight, and that zip domestic efforts a full country for these players from the countries used women's national football team to make it to this portuguese page. 24 year old after and canadian folks in douglas tash captain of the gun women's national team, coordinated the evacuation of david, 200 football as the family member last time i was in portugal. so a couple months ago i doing to on a visit to see how that goes, especially into the new life in portugal,
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off to the perilous job. and when the calvin took over a dentist in the government tell, the football federation asked me to help evacuate the national players because their lives were at risk. and so immediately i started looking for possibilities to get them out. unfortunately, i didn't get the response that i was looking for in canada. and so cap plus 3 i was a former, a ronnie, national team had coach. she's in a ronnie american. she connected me with us government officials through her sister and immediately we started got started on an evacuation of all the countries in the world that you could be evacuating refugees to why was it puts, you know, it just made sense for everyone to come to one nation and uh, portugal was willing to support them and their family members as well, whereas other nations just wanted to support the girls and that just wasn't going to be a viable options. the. can you tell me
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a little bit about the goals and what they're like? so the girls are predominantly 14 to 18 years old. they're some of the most passionate and dedicated girls to the game. some of their parents support is i'm but a lot of them didn't and didn't know that they were competing and learn always um and all of them being an athlete. so today we're going to visit us what i us. unfortunately, she did not come with her parents, and so she's looking after her siblings. she's playing football, she's learning online. she's doing an incredible job. the usual use to come the sariah. so she's at the, wasn't able to make it out in the fast, like the
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3 months later she made it to him to another flight that the couldn't negotiated the german understand what go story like football. how did you get into it? and to learn it? magazines that i had them when she was the 5th grade when she was younger, associate actually does like were i told her the passion for like surface and juggling and such. and then the kids would play like football and girls and boys together there. and so she would join it in and that's kind of where she like began play was also uh at the start, the 2nd medium and one of her friends were playing on the national teams and like the national you 15 team and asked her to come with try out so she try it out. um god, it's fit into that like made the teams in the house?
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absolutely. do you feel that you want to continue that about any she wants to continue to use those because repairs and the over the why didn't they come with the how was it cut off those charm? i thought of hire and method out of my boss. don't pay that and we'll figure out why that is no matter why that amount is going to be the kind of long stegham to have been for that. and i made them j. measured in a me is the hard them yet. yeah. then all of them they do me get the extra i don't, i didn't get that. what is not a one that is to me. okay. well and just no matter what size i mean big yeah. i need to find out about that. and is that how much can a, how do they do it? oh, that's what was done on there. how about sense? oh, my god, that you, that was okay and we got it. you're gonna have the time. what does it can to do? and i should of as, as maybe give you a midline basically give you and make a new start course. can i made a good? yeah, i mean, you, obviously the cost gauge not asking me with a i'm,
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i'm well that's gonna be josh. a sharma zang, is that guy on with unexpected? sure. good. good afternoon. as any right? yeah. how that's good. hi to somebody to come us class. that's cool. that's good. i have to do. feel safe. is it okay? i don't like as soon as you don't know that i understand them. yes, ma, pushed in on this thing. i've told them i exit personnel last so if you're looking up the, your siblings, that's a big responsibility. how do you find it? that's, that's, that's, that's the, that's the, that's who is the time is how was the best. so the only kind of best ones data said you made time left gigabytes. you've had to do them no signature for them to have mission. last night from visual that'd be done everything. i'm all that i said is that enough? so i'm not, i'm a good start and have a plan for me. daughter stuck. i know she has skipped behind, but i'm in the act. so i thought the question now
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in case change, question, dish the patient that is that the, the because the goal is to spread out across the country, events like this awards ceremony or an opportunity for them to catch up. thank you so much for taking care of the national players and continue to empower these young girls. thank the it was also a chance to me to meet on the play is on the team. what's the transition been like for you over the period of months?
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so you've been here, actually good still a we have a new place to leave and we have a phone for you though the do you know that it has also there has, she's like, oh, you know, no language. we're just trying to get up to the new environment. you know, the jensen is a different country completely. are you still in touch with a lot of people from that kind of kind of jazz curse. yeah. and what's that relationship like now? now the, you're here, i mean it's didn't, you don't get what else do i personally do so that you feel guilty? yeah. so you sometimes i think it's, oh, i'm guilty because why i couldn't, i cannot help what people and why the end part today. and you know, do this, they do a, this can mean calm is that to think about the future? so try alone right now, transferred and making strong do that can help their pupil like that the didn't people can. how to of her give me the for
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an hour and a half from lisbon. 17 year old. now janine saline is training with her local club . the i was told that you came on the 2nd round of slides. what was that experience like fi, india, football. let me tell the most about i'm sure. um, what would you tell by just like in composing? remember? well, what's best on that kid and dr. button uh yeah, currently a comes out of the mileage um from, from, from them, but uh, bottom of my face got can nemo cartridge, making them k, i mean group, it will make it done up on some of that. not because she was and i've had that you are a stokes, a, a,
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and that you're going to play some international games that must be really exciting . well is you'll kind of vision of the heat. so when it comes to football mix, i'm good. and yeah, and it will come yet started football motion, but i'm to not that are in them. you can get an accessible from k, i name um the the uh, the cadillac mount of the microphone moving it to any custom bookcase uh, cost. what i see are joy, give me a hust. let's see. and who are you ramos? i don't know that a football um would agreement and the sea water and all this. but i love any, not my phone kid. miss lou will not push on. michel, i'm to hold them bushel money and it needs to come. lim, get lost. i'm really not misled. get misty when i was on the find that as an ocean and a lot of colors come to find the best doesn't know much them the um,
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the function that has strong ambitions for the future these play is and for the ask on women's leads. we might not be in afghanistan anymore, spart might be on band for female footballers, but the mission is to get that restarted, allowing them to inspire future generations as well. and we're back on the international stage, competing and see if competitions and international friendly, the
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a generation, subordinates, premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts and appear. and it is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggle for liberation to the 20000000 to protest the political reform generation system episode to phone which is area early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of joel southern melisha. while my richmond works here, okay, usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago, when my phone was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly,
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in less than 5 minutes, that would launch waves and my load was sent. i only thought of getting back safely . i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. changing with patterns, meaning that fewer months would say for small scale fishermen to head up to see serena rahman is a conservation scientist who's been studying the impact of climate change on root communities. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean's i creasing this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed for species season. now let's you know, they know where they used to be. official not coming in. i so easily touched and keep kilograms of clips before. no, it is difficult to you wouldn't get 5 kilograms. usual fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on. different machines in the gaza strip, as is the last continues. there's a deliberate emission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as,
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as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the a. this rattle intensifies a tax on rougher and southern garza of a nice at least 13 people. accounts the on summit credit. this is just their life and also coming up thousands of people have been killed or wounded as well. licensed agent, kansas city. it's the latest and the series on this friday attacks on palestinians desperately seeking fits and given the amends,
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scale, suffering any god there must be an immediate cease fire for you as far as president.


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