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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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they refuse to die. certainly they refuse to buy quite an opening submission, only to be closed after the war. and as it drags on menu on these paintings. maybe a survivor of causes are the ones we are saying every day. and god is devastating. using some of the strongest woods since the will become the us vice president calls for an immediate cease fire in garza. the colors of romney watching, obviously, over lunch. but headquarters here in the hall also coming up is where it launches overnight to time. so rather than so they've gone so kidding. at least 13 people is where the fault is. carry out. small rates across the occupied west bank will have
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the latest from the law. also had hated class a state of emergency up to hundreds of gang members escape the countries to largest prison. the welcome to the back of the us, vice president as cold for an immediate c, sauntering gauze, or using some of the strongest language from washington since the start of as well as well. the strip campbell harris says palestinians in gauze so it's definitely a humanitarian catastrophe. she says, a c sorry is essential to secure the flight, much needed aid and the release of captives and given as the immense scale of suffering in gaza. there must be an immediate cease fire for at least the next which is what is currently on the table. this will get some hostages out
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and get a significant amount of aid and this will allow us to build something more enduring . but mostly in jordan hospital from washington dc are essentially the vice president, comma la harris is responding to domestic political criticism and grassroots criticism. in this country that the by the administration is on the wrong side of history in the war on garza, that it has been giving israel too much cover as it carries out its war against tomas and other groups. inside garza while not doing enough to actually protect the palestinians who live in garza, the vice president using the word ceasefire repeatedly during her remarks at a bloody sunday commemoration in selma, alabama. underscored the need to try to get this temporary 6 week long ceasefire
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into effect as quickly as possible. she also had tough language for the as rarely government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that much more needs to be done to get payment out of terry. and aid, and she called on the israeli government to try to help restore basic services inside garza, notably because so many buildings and communities have been destroyed and is really air strikes. and harris also said that basically the is really narrative that this was a stampede on this past thursday that led to the depths of more than a $100.00. and in rough uh, at a convoy your truck instead of the fact that these people were shot at by is rarely forces she indirectly, but very plainly refuted. these regular narrative about what happened at that humanitarian delivery. psych, a couple of hours is that to me before was by the defense minutes done. covered
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member of the wall cabinet, many guns in washington. later on monday. the accounts will also meet with other senior american officials, including the secretary states of the defense minister discussions are expected to focus on a c. 5 agreement is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, reportedly instructed embassy staff in washington, not to help in facilitating guns this trip. well, the boxes are caused by the choices of bulky parties. teresa about the guns is a member of the will cabinet. as we sat, a full of prime ministers in the us to meet pamela harris. i mean, any sort of doing his own thing, which may well, a prime minister netanyahu, what's going on here? well, these are 2 men who have had the political differences, both prior to the service of the tax and since then off to a guns bolden to, to serve in the war cabinet. something the other the slip and it's
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a netanyahu were not prepared to do. those public differences have occasionally bust interview when they have been issues that have been crucial to the pursuit of as well as items as part of this conflict. but what seems to happen here is that as of friday night, according to the gun stuff, se in full nuts and yahoo, he was traveling to washington. we haven't had any response from nothing. you know his office about this visit, but guns his office that they did coordinate on the messages that would be delivered to these various us officials. he just mentioned to hell. so it does seem that that has been that coordination. whether this is a, an attempt to try and create a power auto track, because the difference is between us and yahoo, in the, by the ministration again. no secret here has not been old, but rosie over the past few months. we don't know whether there's the power at all try it, but it does seem to be another potential opportunity to unlock some of these, these fund the go sions. so in terms of those e sign negotiations here we,
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there is this. so the news about doing that these, right, these have not sent delegates to kai, right? it's a continue talking about the si size. so, you know, what does wonder whether it's all the, all 4 still up for negotiation really to the fact that they haven't said that it goes and does not necessarily indicate that these have ended these negotiations. it could indicate the not happy, as they've said publicly with the i did a mass has been unwilling to release the names of captives in gaza, who was still alive. how must have told us that's not something that prepared to do until as a final deal. but that doesn't mean that some of the other elements of this field cannot be more fine tuned between a mass officials and mediators from cats or egypt and the us. so with that in kyra wisdom, there is another major, major sticking point. of course, besides the release of the names of these concepts and that's the long term status of this conflict with israel repeatedly saying they would like to have the
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opportunity to continue with faritax on a mouse in gauze. or even if there is a temporary c spot, a mouse insisting that any c spot has to lead to an end to this full. that is a very difficult gap for these 2 sides to bridge. so for the box with the latest that costs will continue to monitor what happens with you through the day. thank you. it's are still hopes. so i see saw can be reached by rabbit. after the warrenton said, there was a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks, e sign, a mouse has clarified what are the types richie from a pulse and fighting? how about spokesman said that a top priority is align more humanitarian aid into the strip of my soul? so what is palestinians to be able to return to the northern parts of gauze? and finally, it won't say complete withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza while we join now by how said but on a he's a political and less stands in office of international relations at cut hall university. could have you guys with us on the product. i'm just sort of us who
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didn't really see our previous conversation in chat this intervention by america's vice president campbell of harris. what one does why she's raised her voice now. she's been pretty quiet. or is it more about domestic politics about the democrats, the standing amongst a large propulsion of know that need that right and policy, but that wrote in voters? yes, i think it is because the american administration is embarrassed now simply because by then he said that monday would be would be the day for uh, signing a truce or a ceasefire. and then nothing. y'all is not budget. he's trying to evade everything . and he's trying to put all of these of sections and office to goes because he's not interested in us. he's for right now. he wants to have all of his condition met . and by how much and how much is unwilling also to budge. and unless there's something that they feel that they, they gain out of this truce, so kind of the highest and their presence by the not inverse,
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simply because as seen as the one who was, was being of been protecting danielle. and i mean is right. and in the united nations security council and also, and the international community, and they're doing everything. yeah, they're doing whatever it takes in order to protect as well. but at the same the same time, nothing else is defined as he is putting his own private person and just had the right interest on the head of american interest as well. and that's why it fully, uh, coming to how does is, is raising his voice and add to this sizing anything you know, and, and talk to him, the rock, the contradictory messages being sent to an actions on one side. we see the americans and bite and say we want more aid as come a couple of hours of saying to going to go. so we want to help the policy is we see that suffering on the other hand, the sending millions and millions of dollars worth of new additions to as well. it will be easy to stop those munitions going good into it. but the bible still keeps push, pushing congress for more money and more verification of verification,
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more on approval of financial approval to send those munitions to his trial. you know, is america, you know, it sounds like a part of this, but it is not simply because the americans agrees with the americans, every, with his way to government them all of the war objectives and they, they want to and nothing that they want to invest when they want time as to leave that they want to this month and how much and they even the how much does it cost to route? so this is one thing, another thing, the one that's in the whole to comply with their needs to they need. this is fair simply because the 1st thing is in general, i left without anything getting the brink of them and actually, and he's affecting the, the a that you know, what happened on thursday, the convoy and the people were killed, lice verifies, i mean, this is an at the deliberate that tends white is where it is to drive those people to just operation as the best way by them is really and know by this way. the tactics. 0, one of the sort of political machinations and all of this is the public don't buy
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it and it doesn't matter whether it's in the us. so whether it's in a 0 africa or we'll certainly across europe. we seen a, a bi election in the united kingdom in the north west of england where the candidates stood on the gauze issue and he won, decimating the the, the ruling parties vote and the opposition vote in that area. we've got very important elections happening in europe. european elections happened in june, spain, belgium, positive funds. it's really very, as a defense ministers and foreign ministers as well as prime ministers. now this course of political voices doesn't seem to be all the same page as the united states when it comes to what's happening cause so how do you assess this, this, the current sort of mood swing that we've seen globally. the 2 things here. this the what we call the pet assigning global and allies. and here i'm talking about the public opinion, new york, but also even in, within the united states. and this is a global allies,
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was mainly the government's here and like the governments in europe. mainly. i mean, some of them i actually get back tracking, but still it the on the or against how much the biden is on board with the, with the israeli government to this month and how much. and that's where the and that's even listening to all of these changes in our split the shift and moved any of it is very important for a citizen, i see. but at the same time, it wouldn't make the difference when it comes to the way to government decisions, because they think that they still can win. and the kindest method how much and they can release the the, the hostages. and this is exactly one infiniti of ones because he wants to take this as a ticket to the elections and to so this will probably be that these, this phone man will kind of this month. and how may i ask, who can win, and who kind of goes to the fight americans and, and their minded to see a solution. this is very important for me to finish out. so for this reason, unless there is an american flush, a real one here, i'm talking about 5 sites. so if you didn't do this, this is going to happen. nothing it has the beginning, but we'll see what happens is here the hours of monday morning in the us. uh many people will have to come in when they wake up for the night with the house and
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they're all ready. thank you. now to southern garza where israel has intensified as the bombing off the densely populated city of an offer, at least 7 people being killed and is very strong on the house and get rid of this neighborhood. rescue is that being said, you can double by hand to find survivors under a cup of bodies in the attacking. so the city at least 6 palestinians have been killed at a stronghold of home. several others were wounded and taken to the nearby in the job hospital and gone to the city. several people have been killed over with the doctor. the is really military of types of palestinians waiting for the aid. victims have been rushed to the ship. a hospital civilians waiting for trucks loaded with flour. they say is a trip sausage. farming indiscriminately is rails. comes to the bombing of calls along with its targeted attacks, make it extremely dangerous for those trying to find food, honey. but for you join us on the phone now from raw for the honey of cool save.
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and i raise continue in discriminative play. and you know, everyone is trying to be hopeful of his pending c 5, which is still in the works. how do you i hope you can hear me. uh, can you hear me in russell? yes, i do. yeah. hey, is gonna help you with this roughly. we know communications are sporadic at the moment at this very difficult time for us to speak to a teams on the ground. obviously indiscriminate firing a bombardment continues over night and people are waiting to hear whether there will be any blasted relief in the terms of a ceasefire to yes, the island, this has been the most intriguing part of what's going on. people have their, i, on the and years and the talks in cairo and all the leak reports of, by the, they're making a progress or their case, the regression in the top best. and also they keep their eye then an ears also on
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what's going on. the overnights a month with a tax in central and lived in the city and we just got within the pop, i won't record so that least in the residential home in french, i was the that's a bit and on in the area. and then during the daytime, you can literally see the 1500000 display palestinians taking this particular marketplace. it's a vital role in the central part of the class and everybody just despite the horror of what happened at midnight when the residential home was targeted and 13 people reported scouts, but either one all to get started bad. it, it just happened at night when the world was not busy. it had, it happened during the day we were looking at the, the magic a couple of 100 people in that particular site. there has been fairly close to 10 more people are still under the rubber that we were told to were to display families inside this big and then show home be rented to the building and they've
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been shouldering there within the past 2 months. just this led the horror of the ongoing one to know the apartment guide is in the northern part of the city, another residential home. a targeted date for the multiple injuries are reported to the hospital, but i will aid the pop it 12 hours. we're looking at please do quote, 290. 2 people were being killed including those who were waiting for the a. the truck at the 2 weeks round about. that's an area between a separate got a city and the central area, regardless of where you are, the people gather at that point waiting for a truck and they will shut out by this very military and a number then where they put it into the gold rush. do a ship a hospital, honeywell moves that for us and rossa, thank you. a well, still a head here all down to 0 will be looking at why thousands of really don't vision software. could have the medical license was suspended. that story after the break,
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the frank assessments, here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not be a to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash, but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. and you live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, asking questions, were you ever worn about the health effects of our clark? no understanding the reality. reporting from the action of the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me. hundreds of people have
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seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the colleges here with the, the, of the book about kill watching all does that release the whole rahman and the reminder of all told stories. the us vice president has called for an immediate cease firing. garza using some of the strongest language in washington since assault of israel's
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will. on the strip. terminal harris says palestinians, and concerts suffering. a humanitarian catastrophe is rather as intense spot as plumbing, a reference southern gauze, or at least 6 tell us to me as being killed by his trying talk to me about the family home in the east of alpha and 7 others were killed in a strong can house and the kid with a desk neighborhood is ready for the carrier that low rates across the cities in the occupied westbank earlier. and novelist, the me rated, most of my suite assembly home and demolished it's about was, was killed. last may have to be accused of killing 3 settlers and they know shelves, refugee camp, an explosive device, was used to destroy it is very bold as to enter the camp is ready for the be conducting raise and destroying buildings nearly every night since october, the 7th but it's beth joyce's on line from robot land. the occupied westbank competitor. just bring us up to speed on the on getting go right. send a tax on palestinians in the occupied westbank through the day and through the
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night because they haven't halted have a i know. so how that happened that? well, at least 7 raise across the occupied west bank over night. the average around 40 every 24 hours to about figure this latest figured, bit lower than the average, but the day is younger than that could be more ice throughout the day. the most consequential of those rates was not far from here on the edge of ramallah, right on the l amare camp that resulted in the death of a 19 year old man. young man in the stuff of abu shell by shell back, who was killed, who was shocked in the knack little confrontations between these riley forces and palestinians in not comp and have been 25 arrest stove. and i said, well, most of those around hyper on, on the right, still going on at the moment in to us. and of course a part of the seas find deal which with things will emerge from cairo. so includes the palestinians, it'd be interested in the occupied west by nothing to do with dogs. so, i mean,
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it's a delicate situation for those that are incarcerated. and even mostly for those that eventually do get released as, as time progresses. if there is any sci fi deal, it will all, most certainly result in or present as policy in prison is being released for the last sci fi deal. in november, 214 men and women were released back to the families here in the, in the occupied westbank. some of them a bit in jail so many is um not means they have to adjust back to life on now. so it's been 3 months since no one. honda was released from in his rate in prison, but she says she still doesn't feel free and the seat up we are a prisoner or is it released as part of the day? so of course the whole lives are and they told us we're under surveillance. things haven't gone back to them. and i haven't less time since i was released at the
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chick points those with i'm afraid i would get picked on the middle of the one was convicted of using scissors to try to stop shop was at a market in west jerusalem in 2015 a 14 year old cousin hatfield was with both girls, was shot by pressing soldier. title was killed. one of no hands bus stops up to her release was our cousins greg? hey, i'm gonna put them in this. then after being away for 8 years, there are new challenges to face because there have been so many changes. i'd like to pick up my education lead a normal life and to tackle these challenges ahead on no, i'm so it is of a 10 year sentence. a family hasn't been allowed to see her since october 7th, so fucked me with somebody in the drum. there is been a 180 degree shift in the family, so you should go down and we went on a, we were not allowed to come to. and from now we see a remarkable transformation. and she supposed to differently performed despite the trips in prison. she came up as an educated culture, unsuccessful pass,
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and durham was one of 240 pilots, jeanine's freed in november, and exchange for a 110 captives released by how much in gaza. the 10 of those palestinians have since been re a rest advise. rarely for bonus me, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank, the eighty's government testified the state of emergency and the nighttime cuff, you follow your search and gun violence of the stall being of the countries to biggest prisons. prime minister ariel already has be visiting. can you trying to find that the international police force to help control the street sounds on the home? it's helpful if i got to make it an i've left him. the national potentially is where hate is higher profile and also a locked up for the government set in stone. the data of the fee
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has gone sites down the streets of the printer into a bundle drawn. they succeeded in releasing federal government bus. disobedience was caught in the middle of the street buttons and gangs around to us. we can't take it anymore. we have nowhere to go with. no police to be seen in several parts of the city. shops and properties have been due to police say no to be quick to deal with. the gun button is not ready. just talk to one of the companies authority, the driving around the nomic calls, while the people have no on the vehicles and the police don't even have it present . i paid for this bullet proof vests. i'm just telling me that somewhere in right now, out of my own pocket of the gun members who controlled large parts of the country, demanding that is the condition of the prime minister audio. henry, thank you. he flew to king you last week to try. i'm finalize a needed to send king security personnel to haiti us part of why you and but task
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force to restore order, but with no sign of ford and forces arriving. see patients input the prince, i left with no option, but to flee the violence in any way. the con, how does that? how much does the south coast health, but it's very distracting to suspend the medical licenses of 70000 judy adult as who walked out of hospitals 3 weeks ago. when the striking don't visibility, ignore a back to a quarter to try to ease of protesting against government plans to increase the number of admissions at medical schools. now they say the government's plan to solve a shortage home patient. can you this kid has moved from so we are entering the 3rd week of his doctor, his walk out and already there are reports of hospital personnel maintaining operations nearing breaking point in the absence of these junior doctors who have played important roles in the operations of ice use of p r as and cancer words
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including at this hospital. so national university hospital where they account for some 40 percent of the overall hospital, a doctor population. there also concerns over how many of the new intern and resident doctors that were supposed to on board this month will do so or join the boy card instead. now as to the medical license inspections, we did hear from the vice minister of health saying that administrative procedures have begun on this monday. but we are expecting it to be a protracted process, given that they have some $7000.00 cases to deal with a likely start with a small group questioning individual doctors as to what their situations are. and that alone is expected to take a couple weeks. now, since walking off the jobs at the do your doctors have largely avoided the limelight and kept her silence. add, critics say that they are able to exude this confidence of essentially ignoring the back to what orders because of the successes that the korean medical association
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was able to procure in previous public fights with the government since the year 2000 concessions. and that is why the government now is saying that that will not be the case this time, you know, skim out a 0. so the buck as the heavy rain and snow has taken floods and land slides killing 32 people of injuring dozen small, not most of the casualties in the cardboard box to inquire providence on the border with buckets on extreme. what the weather has become more common inbound, consolidated with the past few years with thousands dining and floods that cause billions of dollars worth of damage. now vigilance being held by families of people on board, the missing malaysia allies slide time, age 37 a which disappears while traveling from colorado pool to beijing. nearly 10 years ago, it was coming 239 passengers and crew when it disappeared from great i'll show to have to take off. on march the 8th, 2014 malaysia is pushing for
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a renewed search for the plane. well will of course, continue to follow those stories on our website as well as how does that come it's updated throughout the day. the weather is nice, so that'll inside story. we examine the effectiveness of the us dropping age into costs to sit with us the to mass right. that is moderate. concerning western fives of the river levels might get a bit high because it's already saturated ground and it's just wave of wave after rain coming in. but we'll concentrate for the next few seconds on this thing here. this is a low, a storm if you like, just the rest of italy. now it's prompted warnings of strong wading through salt in the air and sicily, for example, of the amount of rain folding and his audrey attic ends potential to the upcoming
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potentials. so just to the north of that, so fairly stormy central measured, nothing unusual but with the rocky airport. now during tuesday that would have all moved east woods taking stairs, the high ground of bulk area, greece and romania. and of course dorothea and leaving behind. yes, again, a potential for of off the mattress snow in italy in the swiss and the french owls with an increasingly high, possibly severe avalanche risk, the amount of snow folding so quickly it is not, is pretty heavy. so the forwarding on the drive that's been waiting for, for quite a while, jumping size, and we're going back to today's full cost strong wins. now jerry and to dizzy, possibly bringing the desktop for the size in algeria and showers in west africa. now i'm moving quite a long way in line. the, the latest news as it breaks on the thing is very blue paste. they used to be able
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to face up to 37 kilometers out to the scene, but not anymore from the hearts of the story. this is how this experience it was really military occupation, paula to tax the legal supplements, and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population. already starving, the u. s. begins and dropping food into casa, as palestinians that faced of ation the agency. so it's an ineffective ways of deliver much needed assistance. so kindly alice to make a big difference for the so many desperate to each. this is inside story, the .


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