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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the these business uptake these me, why this exact proton of on the dashboard to use the the, you're watching the news, our life. i'm a headquarters and i'll find daddy navigate that. here's what's coming up for the next 60 minutes morning in southern gaza after israel launches overnight, strikes, killing a, please. 17 people is really government must do more to significantly increase the flow of
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a no excuse since using some of the strongest words since the war began. us vice president calls for an immediate cease fire in gauze, all is really forces carry out more res. across the occupied westbank of these 20 palestinians are arrested. we'll have the latest from it on law. also a has hate to declare as a state of emergency after a jail break by hundreds of gang members in sports, breaking the ground and us college basketball k in clause that comes the old time and leaving for a male or female passenger record which stood to 5, a half a century, the color we start in southern gaza. that's where israel has continued targeting residential areas, densely populated by scores of displace palestinians. at least 17 people were killed. and rough uh has 2 homes were targeted. now is really forces have kills
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more than $30500.00 palestinians since the start of its war on gaza. you hello, hello, hold. you want to have the demo. shame on demo stopped this like, why are they exterminating this? well, if they want to annihilate those, why don't they just do it once and for all. there is no safe case. and who told you rough? i say for every day funding bombings, bombings and this really forces have carried out more rates in drama and other cities in the occupied westbank. at least one person has been killed on monday and what's thought to be the biggest incursion into the territories capital in years. meanwhile, talks between the us, vice president, complet harris, and is really war cabinet member benny guns are expected to focus on a cease fire agreement, guns in washington to speak to senior officials without the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose official approval we have honey, must move. he's joining us now on the phone from jeff also, honey,
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the indiscriminate attacks continue indefinitely and elsewhere in the gaza strip. to talk to us about what you've been hearing and seeing yes, very. and this over at night a pack and then to drop a 100 northern part of the city cause the depth of almost 13 people so far. i confirmed by the jar hospital in the city that we were told by people in the area. that's a part of dropbox. that is really busy. the residential home. that was time. it is located on very busy road better and more and back to the road where you literally just a brief walk during the day you would, you would feel the 1500000 this place, how opinions are taking this road and everybody decide this for what happened and overnight at the top and the death of 13 people mostly turned it on women. everybody is quite relieved that it happens other than i haven't happen to during the day we would have been looking at at least couple 100 people died from this
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thing. go a very stripe, it's still very horrible and the another residential homeless targeted and most of the injury is reported to an adult hospital among the women and children, as well as the god to serve in july, the refugee avenue. this is not the 1st time developers you can get friday has been repeatedly targeted and the vast majority of it's presidents of building that infrastructure and public facility a been destroyed or severely damaged to the point, the people, residents of the refugee cabinet. so pardon, and even through the night major part of the physical landscape or having the chance people are still dying with the high version and starvation in the northern part of the port advice cannot go on hospice only been on and part of the goddess of work at least 17 children, under the age of a 12 have died already all the start of ation and the high version of the found and continued to spread. people are also being target on kills and they were trying to
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reach the ada truck either in all i had been road. there is an area better known as that to wait round about. and that's an area between god city and the central area of the god affinity. we're also targeted and code embedded by yesterday of the data chromeboys organized by i can wait a charge of an organization. it will also reported what's going on right now. not only people are dying because of the start patients is chosen and the hydration, but also they're here and we're trying to get the food are targeted. and kind of all of this course is happening by the talks about a potential to 5 that have been very exhausting and draining for people here because they, they keep their eye on here on the talked in cairo when i'm older, they lead reports of the it's the part of the talks progressing are,
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are they going to be something that defend time to keep an eye on here on the, the ongoing express, so by his road to expand the ground invasion and 12 by 3, which has already caused a great deal to panic, among people. okay, how do you thank you so much anymore. what is reporting for us from going off in the gaza strip? but us vice president has called for an immediate cease fire and gaza using some of the strongest language from washington since the start of israel's were on the strip. kind of the harris says, palestinians and gaza are suffering at humanitarian catastrophe. she says a ceasefire is essential to secure the flow of much needed aid and the release of is really captives. and given as the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire or at least the next which is what is currently on the table. this
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will get the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in this would allow us to build something more in during rosalind jordan has more from washington dc. essentially the vice president, carmella harris is responding to domestic political criticism and grassroots criticism in this country that the by the administration is on the wrong side of history in the war on garza that it has been giving is real too much cover as it carries out its war against thomas and other groups inside garza while not doing enough to actually protect palestinians who live in dogs, are the vice president using the word cease fire repeatedly during her remarks at a bloody sunday commemoration in selma, alabama, underscored the need to try to get this temporary 6 week long ceasefire into
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effect as quickly as possible. she also had tough language for the israel government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that much more needs to be done to get payment or terry and aid. and she called on these rarely government to try to help restore basic services inside garza, notably because so many buildings and communities have been destroyed and is really airstrikes to will complet harris the set to meet the former is really defense minister and the current member of the war cabinet benny gans and washington later on monday gans will also meet with other senior american officials, including the secretaries of state defense and discussions are expected to focus on a ceasefire agreement is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reportedly instructed embassy staff in washington, not to help and facilitating guns this trip. so here's a closer look at who by any chance is the retired army general,
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with israel's minister of defense between 20202022. and during his time, more than 250 palestinians were killed in the 2021 war on gauze up. he was chief of staff of the is really military from 2011 to 2015 during the 2014 war on garza more than 2000 palestinians were killed. and a civil lawsuit filed in 2018, sought damages from guns. i'm blame to him for violating international humanitarian law by deliberately targeting civilians. but adults court then rejected the legal action opinion polls since the war on gaza have consistently shown guns leading prime minister benjamin netanyahu. when asked, who's the most suitable to be prime minister of israel guns has around 50 percent of support with 33 percent for nothing. yahoo, let's fix it for the marks of them. as joining us now from occupied is through some to 1st tell us how this guns trip to the us is being views in israel, a victim,
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and whatever he comes back with to israel. how much leverage does he actually have? it was there, and this was a surprise announcement over the course of the weekend and what guns has office set . and the statement was that he reached out to the prime minister's office on friday to say that he would be traveling over the weekend. so not a huge amount of notes as part of the statement that included the fact that he wanted to coordinate the messages i missed. and that's now what would you like to say to the by the ministration. since i'm going to be going any way, in terms of what he may bring back from these meetings, we don't and tati know why he's going a sol as close to him. it said that it was both at the invitation of us administration officials as well as on as an initiative. but quite what he's hoping to achieve is not clear. one potential opportunity is to essentially unlock these these find a ghost ations that seem to have slightly slower to the last few days because it
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causes the us that has been the most optimistic about progress over the past week or so. right. and where do things stand when it comes to these negotiations, this framework agreement that had been discussed or so there's a huge number of details out there during the, on the subject of these conversations involving these mediators from guitar, from egypt, from the us between these 2 sides a sticking point last week came when nothing y'all, who was prime minister in a public address said he was insisting the israeli government was insisting on the names of those held captive and garza who was still alive. i got on the phone and tried to reach people inside him, some one officials that to me, that was not something they were pads offered to these rates and that's a final deal was agreed. well, we're not waiting to understand is whether the x rays are able to soften that position. and instead of accepting the specific names of those the rest of the live inside garza, perhaps,
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except the number of those for the live events that the mind. it may be a mass of willing to accept that and move forward. they've said repeatedly, they're willing to be flexible about a whole other range of issues, particularly. and this will be crucial to implementation. the sequencing of those various conditions that are under discussion, the positioning of is ready for us, is the end of recognizance from the at all of these kinds of technical issues that will make this kind of present exchange physically possible. i'm not saying that wouldn't be flexible. okay, well, i'm thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem. so there are still hopes a cease fire can be reached by ramadan. that's after the white house said there, there was a framework agreements on the table for a 6 weeks east fire and kind of says, clarified what it hopes to achieve from a pause and fighting how my spokesman set a top priority is allowing more humanitarian aid into the strip chemist, also ones, palestinians to be able to return to the northern part of gauze on. and finally it once
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a complete withdrawal off is really forces from gaza itself. we're joined by how somebody who's a political analyst and an officer of international relations. i've come to our university to talk to all this. welcome back to algebra 0. we also understand that the is really is didn't send a delegation to cairo for these follow up talks. are these talks now in jeopardy because the is really, is, are not in attendance or does or not matter opportunity. there's a risk here that because we know nothing, always trying to obstruct the peace talks in all the talks about the truth or this is fair simply because he wanted to perpetuate the state of war. he benefits from that domestically and he think this is, this will serve his own and political interest and he and i'm, and i'm not talking about these right interest. his own political interest defined as political surviving. mr. sees fan would probably put him in the trouble inside this one because many voices would be raised against him. and as you know, there's
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a lot of demonstrations and people say that he is not even here in doesn't affect the will of leadership. so afraid of that, so the best thing, the best bet for him is to keep on the war as much as he can because as we go the but that's exactly it. you said as much as he can. i mean, that's, can hear how, how long kind of keep doing this for there's a little there seems to be a lot of domestic as well as international pressure on him. yeah, the domestic pressure now is, is mounting in his running. they know many people leave him for failing to come up with penny initiative to and every the hostages advocated the captain. but at the same time that a lot of pressure is coming from the, from the us. and we've seen that coming out as now and in public criticizing him in a very strong word. and at the same time they receive has been against his competitor. and, and this would probably, they wouldn't do. it says um either want to remind him that, you know, with the one who called the shot to the end of the day is united states of america
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with a dis, a 14, there's a lot of different texting is i but he is in, he has defined goal of that, so that's why benny gans is not in line with nothing. you only want us to get the hostages released. and here we see, you know, the game is taking place these days on these issues. so once many guns goes back to israel, what are you going to be looking out for? what do we expect to happen there? what mean? what's he going to take from the us? yeah. well, 1st of all, he would go there in bolden might be backing to the night of state because he is more in to secure the release of the hostages. we know the price, the price is a to 6 week. as the coming i said, this is the framework that everyone agrees on, but nothing else is trying to undermine who to process. and as i told you, this is, this will serve as on, on the interest i think, been against when we go back and he will challenge him. and we know that even by the and said not quite a long time ago that nothing y'all is the obstacle and he is looking for the time
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to work with his success has been against the scene as his replacement, as if it is going to happen soon. i don't know, but you know, many people in his and now the thing done, if any, i will take them to a deadlocked. okay. how somebody? thank you so much for that. now is there any soldiers or caring out raids on a number of cities in the occupied westbank could on my last saw one of the largest raids on the city in years dozens of military vehicles were used in that res where the administrative headquarters of the palestinian authority is based on the 16 year old palestinian was killed by is really forces is really forces also search the homes of several palestinians. many of them say that soldiers gave them no reason why they show the philosophy when these really show to enter the house. he slapped me in the face and told me to give him my id card. so i did. he bought my mother father and everyone into a room in the house and put me in the corner of the room and started hitting me. all of this without me speaking to him while he was speaking to me,
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i don't know why. then he started telling me you belong to him, us. i told him i don't belong to him. i recently got out of his really prison. all right, burners rep is joining us now live from it on my let in the occupied westbank. so what does that look like, bernard? when we say that, what was the biggest re, the under, i'm a law in years as well during the nightly rates have been for many years and there's been an increase, significant increase in them since october 7th, but were at least 7 rates overnight across the occupied west bank and the most consequential of them was a next to ramallah alamo, a refuge account which is next to ramallah. i'm consequential, because in that raid a 19 year old young man was killed at the stuff or the shell shell back. he was shots in the neck by is really forces that were on confrontations between palestinians and all. i'm already come on these riley forces id and all that been
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55 arrests across the occupied westbank. most of those arrests were following raids in hyper and bernard look, part of any ceasefire deal is will include palestinians that have been arrested palestinians who are currently in is really jails. and i understand that you've spoken to some palestinians who are released in the last 6 fire agreements. what did they tell you? a yeah, any ceasefire agreement. if there isn't another subscribe of 5 agreement was certainly include the release of the box and many, many hundreds of palestinians in these riley jails in the last seas. finding november 240 men and women were released from custody on some of them. i served many years in prison and have to stop beginning again to adjust to life on the outside. it's been 3 months since no one. honda was released from in his rate of
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prison, but she says she still doesn't feel free. and the seat up, we are a prisoner or is it released a spot or we need to force the whole lives are, are nice. know they told us we are under surveillance. things haven't gone back to them and i haven't left home since i was released at the check point, so i'm afraid i would get picked on the middle of the one was convicted of using scissors to try to stop shop was at a market in west jerusalem in 2015, a 14 year old cousin to have the old was with both girls was shot by pressing soldier. title was killed. one of no hands bus stops up to her release was our cousins greg? hey, i'm going to put them in the student after being away for 8 years. there are new challenges to face because there have been so many changes. i'd like to pick up my education lead a normal life and to tackle of these challenges ahead on some of the ones that 8 years of a 10 year sentence. a family hasn't been allowed to see her since october 7,
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10 for to me or from any data drawn. there is been a 180 degree shift in the family, so you should go down and we went on a, we were not allowed to come to. and from now we see a remarkable transformation and she's supposed to differently performed despite todd ships in prison. she came up as an educated culture unsuccessful pass, and durham was one of 240 pilots, jeanine's freed in november, and exchange for a 110 captives released by how much in gaza. the kind of those palestinians have since been re arrest, advise rarely for bernard smith, i'll just say to ramallah in the occupied west bank. the cheese government has declared a state of emergency a nighttime curfew following a surgeon gang violence on the storming of the countries too. because prisons prime minister are y'all, henri, has been visiting kenya,
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trying to firm off an international police force to help control the streets. stephanie decker reports. the deadline in the streets are the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. remove the i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest, but as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns of stepped up. there were tax including on the international airport. the powerful gangs are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of yellow only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for tenure last week to finalize the deal for an international force to
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help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have prompted the latest violence is partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a known as barbecue, who's been sanctioned by the us in the us. many linked to that official trip that the prime minister took to kenya. as the notorious gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs uh, rival, gangs, and part of has to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal that the apartments are assigned with the can government gang violence and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say. no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday,
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when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. truly us now are a powerful winter storm and the days of icy blizzards have dumped around 3 meters of snow on northern california. the sierra nevada mountains are worst affected by high winds on dangerous travel conditions. snow drifts have closed around a 160 kilometers of roads. another half meter of snow is expected for the next 48 hours. and the northern focused on heavy rain and snow has triggered floods and land slides killing at least 35 people and injuring thousands. most of the casualties are in chiropractor to inquire province on the border with i've got a son extreme. what weather has become increasingly common in pockets? dawn over the past few years. tuesday, we'll see the start of china's biggest political gathering up the year. the national people, congress outlines the countries vision further here and comes as the world's 2nd largest economy,
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is struggling with stalled growth and the demographic crisis. katrina, you reports from basing at this job market on the outskirts of beaching. advocates joso for attention from recuz's. most advertised positions of the salaries of about $700.00 a month. lower the average wage earned in the capital, but many here can't afford to be picky, including recent graduate young who call it just came back to china from studying abroad and the salary offerings i most companies here is much lower than i expected . when the to do you find your office growing up, china was riding high on decades of double digit growth. but since the end of the curve of 19 pandemic, it's economy has stagnated. and walk up with your disease for those whose age are difficult to come by here and new rising unemployment is just one of the challenges the government faces as it convenience. but this is national people's commerce. people have a lot of questions about where the economy's going and whether the central
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leadership has a plan to respond to this more negative reality been expected on the carpet. and so far, we haven't really seen a lot in the way of your new policy approaches or, or new structural reforms from the leadership. chinese leaders say they are determined to shift away from china's old growth model of relying on risky debt. much of it in the once booming property sector, but efforts to prevent a real estate bubble by reading its huge debt, has crippled the industry, dealing a blow to consume and business confidence, as well as cutting into household wealth at o, adding more pressure to families who are having fewer babies than ever before. the president season thing has spent the last decade consolidation power and there are no visible signs of leadership, is under threats. however, the leader is attending. this is national people's congress all under pressure to stable potential unrest unconvinced. the public,
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the chinese economy is not in decline. officials have refused to roll out, need to economic stimulus, instead, doubling down in close for so called high quality development included in how to bestow intelligence and create technology. 2 this will take time launch paintings. message is the short term suffering will be with the long term gains. it's a message 1400000000 people will need to be convinced of including those huge desperate to find work. katrina, you all to 0 staging. south korea is health ministers threatening to suspend the medical licenses of 7000 junior doctors who walked out of hospitals 2 weeks ago. many striking doctors have already ignored a back to work order training use or protesting against the government plans to increase the number of admissions at medical school. they say the government's plan to solve a dr. shortage will harm patients care. what are the things i'm from them doing from yourself up to opinion starting today?
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we'll proceed with law enforcement still on site inspections and other measures. governmental utilize board available means to ensure that this situation doesnt post a threat to the health implies of citizens by robustly operating the emergency medical system and ensuring there are no issues with the dimensions the medical that we promised to do at most in this regard. and furthermore, although the days passed, we once again appeal to the residents who were still pulling about whether or not to return to work to do so as soon as possible. and your name is kim has more from the capital. so we are entering the 3rd week of those doctor's walk out and already there are reports of, of hospital personnel maintaining operations nearing breaking point in the absence of these junior doctors who have played important roles in the operations of ice use of e, r as and cancer words including at this hospital,
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so national university hospital for the account for some 40 percent of the overall hospital, a doctor population. there also concerns over how many of the new intern and resident doctor is that were supposed to on board this month will do so or join the boy card instead. now as to the medical license inspections, we did hear from the vice minister of health saying that administrative procedures have begun on this monday. but we are expecting it to be a protracted process, given that they have some $7000.00 cases to deal with a likely start with a small group questioning individual doctors as to what their situations are. and that alone is expected to take a couple weeks. now since walking off the job at the do, your doctors have largely avoided the limelight and kept their silence. and critics say that they are able to exude this confidence of essentially ignoring the back to work orders because of the successes that the korean medical association was able
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to procure in previous public fights with the government since the year 2000 concessions. and that is why the government now is saying that that will not be the case. this is kim, i'll just sarah. so well, simon kwan is a professor of health economics. i'm policy, it's sole national university. he says doctor is in south korea. don't think it's in their interest for their numbers to increase in terms of the number of doctors protected the career is the lowest i'm on or you see the countries. but at the same time christ experiencing a very record aging of population. so there's some rapidly increasing demand and youtube creation of healthcare services. while the, there's a huge, a shortage of doctors, you know, the korean health care system. it's a pretty doggy not to be private. so that means that the more doctors means
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a more competition. and obviously reduced income for doctors and these training doctors, they are basically uh they will get board certified in a few years and then they will be practicing doctors. so for them, the increasing number of doctors means the immediate decline potential income after these training soccer. and when they get the open to practice the position of the career, the medical association is the korea does not need any more. so in my view, the, the, the doctors did not has not been responding to government, some communications and discussions. and then finally the government declared this, the implementation of this policy. and then the medical association and the junior doctor's, i mean, then okay, this policy and the kind of honest right now,
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the still ahead on the officer and his hour will tell you why russell, a summons the german ambassador in moscow is coming up and support a great school by the player many are calling the best in the primarily fast stories coming up with you on the the the thread that is moderate, concerning west and 5. so the river levels might get a bit high because it's already saturated to ground. and it's just wave of wave after rain coming in, but we'll concentrate for the next few seconds on this thing here. this is a low, a storm if you like, just the rest of italy. now i was prompted warnings of strong wading through sod in year in sicily, for example,
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of the amount of rain folding in his audrey attic ends potential. took the upcoming potential of snow just to the north of that. so very stormy, central measured, nothing unusual, but with through knocking your car. now during tuesday that was a whole moved east woods taking stairs, the high ground of bulk area, greece and romania. and of course dorothea and leaving behind. yes. again, a potential for a vast amount of snow in the italian, the swiss and the french owls with an increasingly high, possibly severe avalanche risk. the amount of snow folding so quickly does not, is pretty heavy. so the forwarding on the driver has been waiting for it for quite a while. jumping size, and we're going back to today's full cost strong wins. now jerry, and to dizzy, possibly bringing the desktop for the size in algeria and showers in west africa. now i'm moving quite a long way in like the
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generation football focuses on the french captain. teresa, you never content keep j. c waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating, open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse is you? i am a u n b, and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the foot folders and fluff dennis done to escape the television generation for episode one, which is 0. demetrius means as it breaks, and i think it's very blue case, the used to be able to face up to 37 kilometers out to the scene, but don't anymore from the hall. so the story, this is how this experience is waiting for the 3 of your patients, paula to tax the legal supplements and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population already starving. the.
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the problem again, the top stores on the alta se renews our israel has continued targeting densely populated areas in southern gauze, off for hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians are taking shelter of these 17 people were killed in rafa as to homes were targeted for us. the vice president come a hair, a suspect to meet the former is really defense minister on the current member of the war cabinet, veney, gans, and washington. later on monday, harris has called for an immediate cease fire in garza, a gauze as health industry. so as a place 15 children have died from malnutrition and d hydration,
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a just one hospital in the past few days. in this video from northern gaza, a mother is mourning the desk of her child's for weeks the u. n. has been warning for 10000 children and gaza, or at risk of starvation. in some sense, my daughter has died. she passed away due to mel nutrition, all vitamins and minerals dropped sharply in my daughter's body with an accepting heart. all i can do is pray to god, why don't i put the number that this child was suffering and acute lack of oxygen and severe amount nutrition. we did our best to save a life. unfortunately, the child died. we do not know how many, like what's called a dell, so that is the regional director for the middle east and north africa for unicef. she says the known deaths of children from malnutrition could be just a fraction of the true number. these are the children guthrie know about when we reported about this this morning and in our state,
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we had the information about 10 children of them in the afternoon. you are saying what are the for the blue 15 children. so the number is on that eyes, and this was the number of the port authority from one hospital. so we really do not know about what's happening to other children, to or do not have access or to the ministry or how does not have enough access or information. what we have been warning about is that the access to humanitarian 8 and the delivery offered him. any data on a can be made, reduce the proportion of monitoring additional functions to $1.00 and $6.00 to them . and more of them has well $1.00 and $6.00 to them, which means 15 percent of children and most of them has the under the age of 2 has to be accurate nutrition. this proportion is 5 percent. so much less in the
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areas with the aid is around right. so just do not have the appropriate for yours. what do you babies got that estimate from the mothers of the mothers? i'm barely my motors. we know that there are the adults ignore them as a guessing one will need birthday and if a mother gets one me, but that is no way that you can best with the child. and as a result, the trunk would not get or the new to m. c was one is the best place is necessity for ever the same for the try to give all the new trims. but and these cases, when the mother cannot, is more than one need per day. of course the truck is going to be my motors. they do not have. the babies also are not like the adults. they cannot be the normal for that. any a bank. guns is to, i'll see you then all of those stories about what the tea party, the adults are eating and this type of food cannot be given to babies. the workers, the availability to afford the availability of hydrogen. the fact that there is no,
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i've been put toward that we already reports, indicate that the access to water in the parks of northern mazda is one. you need to put the web as on good, an emergency condition. the minimum is 3 meters. so this of course will cause more disease because they cannot pick it off the hygiene and now they are feeding the baby's to the destruction of gaza is unprecedented. entire neighborhoods have been flattened, leaving them unrecognizable to palestinians who used to live there in does a 2 neighborhood and central gaza. people are returning to see what's left image and kimber has more pertaining to survey the damage of the days. if it's really raid some tank for the day to neighborhood sights of goals, the city is almost unrecognizable with entire blocks of apartments reduced to
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rubble. when the low one i can't even just do it. my daughter was staying at her in law, so she was young only 20 years old. they were besieged by israeli tanks for a month. when the innocent people were killed, the 6 story building was destroyed on their heads. in toy families have been killed, with all their all buried under the ruin of salami. my daughter was killed along with her daughter. they were all women and children. 5 whole families were killed by these roommates in cold blood. for the more than 2000000 people have been displaced in garza, many will be returning to a similar scene, a 70 percent of homes that believe to have been destroyed. and it's all modern robots and then of simple pull out the model. once we had homes we gathered, we age, we talked to the friends, now there's nothing but devastation. it's israel savage. we bob over some look
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around. there's no sign of life of the frontier. well, that's no, any homes have been destroyed. but infrastructure to across garza, schools and universities, hospitals, the courthouse government buildings including central archive cemeteries and over $200.00 alt logical sites, have been what died. the experts say the destruction of garza is the worst enrolled in history and it will continue until the bombardment stops image and came out 0. the specialist for a ministry has some and the german ambassador in moscow that's after russian media published a recording. so to be of the german army officers discussing supplying weapons to ukraine on the potential attack and crimea, germany's defense minister is accused the crumbling of conducting what he called an
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information war to create divisions within the berlin governments. so i'm gonna, ken is joining us now from berlin. so how much embarrassment is this we causing in germany as well as environment for all sorts of eminent gym and officials and ministers in the 1st place, the ambassador called in by the russian government to account for what was said in this conversation, to explain. but in venice thought to the ambassadors role to do that. but then here in germany, well, the generals who were involved in the conversation, well the go to have to account for how they were talking about such sensitive messages and also talking about potential allies and real allies in a. so a button that pricing so notes in on you current in ukrainian soil and that sort of thing. then that is the embarrassment level of difficulty for or off shots in so far as his position is stated, position visa v. this ms saw system and what the general's appeared to have been
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saying saying they cannot understand why he is opposed to it. oh is that this level of difficulty that mr. shots find himself in? well, he has spoken in the course of the past few hours about this taurus me saw system. i'm just quote, what do i have in front of me? he is close to the saying, you cannot deliver a weapon system that has a very wide reach and then not think about how control over the system can take place if you want to have control. and it's only possible if german soldiers are involved. the size of the question for me, but lots of this, the lots of conditionality, the points that was made in the conversation that was overheard was perhaps driven control might not necessarily be real quiet in order for ukraine to use them. and particularly maybe those soldiers might not need to be on ukrainian so, so as it were almost a non denial denial for mr. shaw. so lots of difficulty for him here in the end
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today. right. so what's the likely of fall out of all of us going to be domini? well, here's the interesting fact, because in the 1st instance, the russians cooling in the boxes to talk about what they have published the material, what they've been listening into. how long have the russian intelligent surfaces have access to these sorts of conversations that will expose a weakness in german communication security? what else of the russians being listening to that might be of interest that we don't know about? and then there is the sense here in this country, politically, the opposition parties making great play of us and saying, well, mister schultz appears to be isolated in his own government, but also from his minute treat. and then you have in other countries, some of the countries to whom reference was made in that conversation, the british and the french, specifically in person. you have some newspapers saying that mister shots. so quoting british politicians saying that mister shots appears not to be the man for
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the occasion. so all sorts of problems there and clearly from the ne, so perspective, certainly as regards its relationship with the training, the assistance it's being given. it places lots of questions the as to what seems to shots wants to do what he's prepared to do, what stands behind all of this. and there is one final thought that he as a german shots. so that does not want to be seen to be a person sending german soldiers to ukraine to fights against russia. that is something that's absolutely sacrosanct from his perspective, right, dominic and reporting from berlin. thank you. time for all the sports. those here's drama. thank you. during, we'll start with a groundbreaking performance and us college basketball. kayden clark has become the old time leading score a male or female, surpassing a record that has stood for more than half a century. david states for votes for college basketball history. it was low key when arrived,
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but this was the moment taking clock moved out on her own, the highest scoring quiet in college basketball, history, breaking pistol, peep marrow, but his month, which it stood 54 years. it happened not a free throw. were you disappointed that the paddling pistol p wasn't a more dramatic shot? no, i mean now it will take free throws. you've got to make them there for it. that's why. so i get them released to 22 year old clock. he's known her longer. right. and she wants, she averages moving 28 points, the game. and now having wrecked up 3685 points altogether. she's become one of the biggest names in us sport. brian james is tweeting yet you travis scott, is here. what is this moment in history mean for women's basketball that all eyes are on you? well, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people that came before me. i feel like i'm living in a dream, honestly, holly and hopefully i can inspire a lot of young girls to be able to dream to be on the surface like this. and i think it's moving on the 4th floor and not just women's basketball. we're seeing that across all $0.04. you know,
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women are pretty great. book is confirmed at college career is coming to a close to enter the 2020 full draft for the women's and be a what she's projected to be the number one overall picked by the indiana fever. yeah, i'm on the floor like w a. b. yeah. use already seeing a rise and ticket sales savings. folks, how would you say one, as the boston celtics continued to fly high in the n b a having just recorded? that's the largest franchise, winning margin, the best performing seen in the late thrush, the golden state warriors 140 to 88. jaden brown school, 29. and jason tyson have 27. and what was the 26th last day that some evan wins, innovative of, of pep wireless says that feels tight and is the best plan in the premier league off this going to goes to help help. so victory and the man just adobe defending champions. cecilia at home for this one,
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but it was united you went in front thanks with stunning strength from mock as much, but in the 8 minutes definitely was another let this one echo each bar that was then followed by one of the mrs of the season, a red one from adding call into the other end the he's the 2nd to off and it was about food and he equalized with his own also sauce into the top corner in the 56 for that lovely finish. the ad was 10 minutes left of the 23 year old in the mid focus for again, sitting in front, taking his tale to 11 for the season, and that was still so on. so holland to make up for his audio ms. to complete the 31 victory with his a seems go on 6 of the week city on basin, and 19 much susan will competitions and next step in the lea. a face lead as livable, who are just one point ahead of them. to the spanish tied to a race and baseball savannah, i'm trying to fail to take advantage of rail madrid. dropping points to right, it would be one that it be ok
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a while boss. so how to an oldest girl at the athletic them file route on top 7 points. claire withdrew right on 8 ahead of boston right now. a ranada in tina edison. kalani is going to have treat for book a genius, the full of power, the size of my on manchester, united strength of securing a 3 c went over battle ground a the when me spell for interest this place in receipt of the origin. tina premera division. christie on even holidays. i don't know. so we'll continue the quest for assessed asian champions league title a. so when the quarter finals kick off, rinaldo is backbone left his 1st leg you a side out a enough to subbing a one game suspension. so making an offensive gesture of position funds, i left the online points of the pace and the salary partly this on base and in the last 8 games in this competition. while the 2003 champions ally increased by former chelsea forward. and then chris by and the back in the quarter finals for the 1st time since 2017. so i lane i last the is the 1st all of those quotes, the final ties on tuesday. it's an old south korea mont shop between june book and
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it'll send an a clash of too heavy weights and the saudi pro leak out loud against is yet. i'm time this is sean. don't touch on face japanese side. you can home f mariners on wednesday. that's bringing out port williams, who's coast of the asian game of cost in abilene. so cool. thank you very much for your time. as i mentioned that the quarter finals kick off with the christiane every now there's only against ally. and how do you see this one guy? and i think this is going to be a really, really tight match. it's to very, very good. so it's coming up against each other. you mentioned the direct quote, but don't also have in, in this competition on the faded in build last night. they probably come into this a slot favorites. but what we'll do a lie in a little bit of 5 is the defensive record recently hasn't been great. they've run the kit to claim shapes in the last 12 and i can see the full on the weekend against the, at the bottom. if i saw it in the savvy, probably like out as them. so that will give a line a little bit of hope coming into this kind of the, you know,
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they know that on us we're going to concede opportunities. the big life of a line has been missing this task. strike a coach, a lot of who's is going to be out with injury. was there any stats early as go to $65.00 goals and his last 2 and a half seasons, but a lie and he's going to be a big mis for them. it's, it's hard to replace that kind of for them at the point of the attack. so i think this is going to be really, really open and attacking dimes with football, which is great for the fans. but it makes it impossible to predict at the same time out of the, of the course of finals, which tire ties found out people. or it's, it's going to be the static cost. it goes on your reference just the full between the out the whole hour and, and i'll, if you have, i mean need to have the defending champions and sadie right of us not having the best season. the $25.00 points off the price already behind our allowed, and each on these $2.00 slides made it's always a tasty encounter regardless of whether they're sitting on the table. and with that kind of being treated to a little bit of
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a face to minute. the moment i met on friday, not in the savvy, probably like i'll sort of age to victory and that 131 without this task right? colleagues onto each of which was suspended as well. so i stayed in imperious form at the moment. it's been 3 years, almost 3 years since, as he had actually won a match in this fixture, which is quite staggering to think about. so i thought i would love to get some, some bragging rights either either the arrivals and perhaps didn't in the hopes of, of going on to faded, throw at the lake and champions league as well. but talk to look pastelo in this one. i'm for what you're saying. so i saw her. do you think all the favorites to win the whole thing i'd have to be on the allow is it just mentioned that i mean the form is quite remarkable. undefeated in by the savvy, probably. and the champions like this saves and the 2020 winds from 20. so in the savvy like 7 winds from i in the champions league,
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they've got an incredible defense of go any incredible attack on the last last kind of packing in august in what was essentially a praise and competition. the king solomon count against el nasa. said that they full of his imperious. they've got style plaza, low of the field in in utah home. it's hard to say anyone being able to not most the purchase decision for williams, the christ of the asian game pod costs. thank you very much for your time. i a call us al crosby, i found a dial in the netflix of slammed exhibition match the path played each other in front of a sellout crowd in las vegas process. netflix is push it to life, a stream of sports events that that was being struggling with injury in many aspect last season. but he started some of the skills that have and him 22 grand slams. is that a to 7 year old? the eventually news things out across he was about number 2, i'm 17 years younger. the big question for one of them now is whether he'll be fit to play in mays franchise in which he's one full team at times with you and from
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the one that's last rugby seven's type. so in 19 years they beat scrapers in 21. then in the fine with the last on to the 7 boys by the presence of antoine to pull the switch from 15 rugby new zealand on the women's final instead of race it by performing that is what you'll support. for now, i will have another update placed on okay to him. i thank you so much. we'll still ahead on the officer, renews our i'm going to send that. i'm getting an order in for the hundreds of revised. indigenous people fled their territory after on group violence broke out in their villages. the business like to exp,
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be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the the business relations to be sponsored by intellect. tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the is to an increase in parent military attacks and northern columbia has forced hundreds of indigenous people to flee their villages. it's the latest search in the internal conflict which has lost it for more than 60 years asunder and p a. t isn't really watch off where they've taken shelter more than 500 indigenous, we have, have been sheltered in locations like this one across the city of video watch up for over a week now, after having to flee from their villages in their territory for being caught in the middle of fighting between 2 different paramilitary groups that are fighting for control of a territory that has become and has been for a long time and keep cory the are for a number of illicit sex tvs, including the trafficking of the cocaine. and this is the 2nd time that this community please from violence. the 1st time was
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a little over 20 years ago when. a at least 50 members of the community were killed by another on the group. and at that time, they were already granted this special per section staff status here in columbia due to the ex, essential threats for their life and their livelihood in their territory. and any here hope that not to have to deal with this kind of violence again, but unfortunately this has been the case for them. and a for other indigenous people that have been over whelming leave target said the by these on group and what appears to be a reconfiguration of the conflict that inside the columbia, despite at times by the government of a goose, double festival, a to initiate the talks with the remaining arm, the groups in the country. the question now for the people is just for how long
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they will have to remain here. so far, local authorities have been helping them with fluids. madison and other basic needs . but the fear is that this emergency good worst and in the coming days and weeks and that they could remain transits here for months. i listened that i'm 50. i just see that view watcher to the us. now we're nikki haley has won the republican primary in washington dc. it's for only victory so far over former president donald trump. he's already the big favorite to win the parties nomination to run again against president joe biden in november's election. and haley is the 1st woman to win any republican party primary focused on this new prime minister has been sworn in distribution. advisory of 2nd term is prime minister, his party pockets on muslim league, up the 2nd highest number of seats, but formed a coalition government with the pockets on people's party. last month,
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selection was marked by political violence as well as allegations of vote rigging. that's it for me for this news hour. so hell, romans with you in just a moment with much more of today's news. bye for now. the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. there should moment international law is vehicle be this model. and so the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? it sends that message that antibiotic bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront one out to 0, hod he came in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by, well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts
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provided? hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of joel southern melisha, walmart richmond works here locations after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago when my thought was on the way back to shore the winds changed suddenly, in less than 5 minutes, that would launch waves and my load was and i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. changing with patterns means that few months with safe for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena rama is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on root communities. so everybody knows the temperature of the oceans i creasing. this also affects the movements of
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the species. so we have changed for species season now. latino then not where they used to be. official not coming in. i so easily touched when people are grants of clips before. no, it is difficult to. you wouldn't get 5 kilograms. national fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on the threat, the molding in southern gaza after israel loan, just over nighted strikes, kind of getting the 17 people the colors, the whole roman. what they were like, my headquarters here in the also coming up is really government must do more to significantly increase the level of a no excuse for change of message from washington. and the rebuke to israel. the us


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