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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm AST

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akins without hesitation. fulton died for power that finds out while we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate enclosed is and questions they use them to be of our around because now to sierra the u. s. begins and dropping food into casa, as palestinians that faced obligations the agency. so it's some ineffective ways of deliver much needed assistance. so kindly alice to make a big difference for the so many desperate to each. this is inside story, the
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probably welcome to the program. i'm adrian instead of going to the united states is the latest country to add drop food into does have as fears of famine increase. and for the 1st time the us air force power shoes. it in $38000.00 meals with the promise of more to come. but agencies a critical saying the ministry, a lift and not be on. so instead they want to israel to open more border crossings to allow trucks to drive in. is way that's accused of limiting a deliveries despite warnings, but many of stopping the, the task it in is not nearly enough for 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians in gaza. and to complicate the crisis as well as constant. but if we bump bump and makes it difficult and dangerous a to be distributed, so how effective an ad drops. we'll discuss all of this more without guess in a moment, but 1st a report from local, some sharif off months. so for length is warming on casa, comes 8 from above. in the united states,
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air force has the gun and dropping food in casa the mission, photos 5 months of war back. but substantial milfey aid from israel is closest ally, the us. the goal has already killed more than $30000.00 palestinians, has led to a humanitarian catastrophe, and warnings a small salvation. the us is accused of doing too little too late. the united states, which is a full partner in israel's genocide alone slots on the gaza strip. and which is a full partner in the seat of the cause, a strip is seeking to divert attention from its role and from israel's role. and seeking to provide legitimacy to the siege by dropping a few 1000 meals ready to eat from the sky, which again, everyone who has looked at says this is a drop in the bucket, and will make more no meaningful difference. us preston joe biden, to announce the annual plan. often more than 100 palestinians were killed in
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northern casa on thursday. witnesses say they were killing for food when that was shop by israeli troops said wilco is that critical of the eye drops calling them in efficient and effective. you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you from using better forms of transportation, air list and air drops in particular, are the worst. the cost of the worst possible way to deliver it, the very expensive they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong when those things drop and they deliver very small volume of they did you damian, f o says also part of suited in food and medical aid, along with egypt, phone's cut, the, and the united arab emirates that the most effective way of delivering humanitarian aid has been deliberately block bye as well. only to border crossings are open and lendy is rarely security. checks have held up trucks with crucial supplies,
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and continuing is rarely strikes and ground operations have made it impossible for the safe delivery of fate. would drop in some food and we're dropping the bombs and the, and the tanks and the built bullets and everything else at the same time. that's what he's got to do. stop sending the money and the weapons, the united nation says simon, is in, is it to the, the majority of goes us 2400000 people already depending on who man to try to eat before the rules. again. the us says it's helping address the die, or humanitarian crisis, and casa, the sort of population. on the brink assignment dropping aid from the in doesn't address literally, problems in the garage. the system should ease on to see the full inside story. let's bring in
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a panel of experts from ramallah were joined by brochure kelly the, the policy lead and the occupied palestinian territory. it as well from fox from joining us here in doha is telecomm moods. a professor of public policy up at the institute for graduate studies, he specializes an international aid and also in rama is a feel by doing the acting director of advocacy and campaigns for the charge. the medical aid for palestinians. welcome to you. we'll push that start with you as you heard and that report data dropped has been widely criticized by 8 groups. why is that? is it not the most effective way to quickly get in food a disturbing people? well, i mean, we're talking about 2200000 people. so, you know, let's just do some basic math. we're talking about, you know, 3 meals a day, 3 times to about, you know, 7000000 to 8000000 meals a day to air drops. i mean, does that sound, you know, i think
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a normal person that sounds and effective and extremely easy to do, particularly the 1st one is real controls. the aerospace is great that there's been negotiations on this and the, the joint, damian's and others have been able to coordinate, including the last have been able to coordinate some access to the aerospace but it, this is not addressed the solution. again, it was the same thing during the temporary cause, the 5, the pause, this was this is a similar, similar solution were criticized. were criticizing the pause, but the pause brought in effectively nothing to guys in except a few more trucks. but look at us as 5 months starting the line. so the beginning of the work and we are at the brink assignment, we have 10 children that have died from starvation last week. and, and again, the humanitarians are being used. a humanitarian crisis is being leverage of a solution to all this when really the solution to all of this is a longstanding 17 year old blockade on,
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on gas up and the military occupation that policy makers have not been wanting to deal with. and again, this is another, you know, clear show that they will not address the root causes and instead of to find technical solutions to address the humanitarian crisis until this situation has been painted as a humanitarian crisis, when effectively this is a political issue. and the solution is a political one, and we, as humanitarians should not be used to address a political solution, we should have company a political solution if there's been no political solution yet reached. despite the fact that millions of poses of global citizens, including world leaders around the world and policy because they've been calling for a cease fire for the last 5 months, including calling for a spot to as a sale of arms. because effectively, if you get a ceasefire,
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then you can get the trucks and then you can get the humanitarian workers it and then we can do our job. so still the air tops, we still cannot do our job. but the situation on the, on the ground remains exactly the same time a professor. do you agree they may not be effective, but at least something is getting to those who need it most, as well as in, at this stage when then then tied into a national community. as for the stands. i mean, of course, i mean getting some food to the, to the, to the rest of the guys and it was fucking the north. i mean, it's okay, but it's, it's not enough. i mean to let me put it in this way. i mean that, that is what i have full control of the board. those that are the border crossings that lead to that goes a step. you have hundreds of trucks messing a mess and when digits in boulders, and these are the ages of the leading that, that the, the process to, to allow it to enter. and the just allowing the mental unlimited number of 8 to
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enter is that are could easily afford exact and opened, comfortable signing, crossing, which leads to guys on the north. and then i'll tax to, to go inside a book. but that's what's happening. i mean, what's, what's, what's happening now, we see that they have noticed as being caught on as related from the rest of the gaza strip. that the standards were left over to what i mean. the, there's the being installed now, and there is no set and all that. and that's very important. when we talk about a delivery unit in conflict times, there should be a good contact of delivery means you do no harm. you tried to do your best to not to do any on. so what's happening now when you add a drop, these a deliveries. and basically it's a sort of 5 out of the 50. so you put people to the situation where they had us on the call to go and get the aid. so it's like 1st come 1st serve and then you see incidence. so then sort of even also getting injured that happens and even shocked at by these ladies. so it's k as by design, while the solution is very clear on all of us,
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it's less than all the selections on aids opening the board. this and most importantly, they made up says 5 because you cannot deliver aid what the order has been ongoing . and that's the thing. so i think what's happening is more or less is, is a show. and it's an insult on, it's like adding more salt on to the end, the, to, to, to the injury. it when, when these countries influential countries especially that the us, the results. so this means just more or less to save face the position and say when we're trying to do something. but the, the, the function of obstacles existing on the, on the control bye, is that i, and the only way to do with is to pressure is what it is to remove and left the some selections and also allow agencies to the work and goes up until just to be with the 8 in the food and the humane way and start off pushing. but a steam is to fight over aid, and then an unintended good guys in
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a jungle. what people are on the left of that just to find food. and that's the, this is the way we all know. so i see nothing. what about medical later ed drops at least an effective way to ensure that vital medicines of life saving medical equipment. get into guys a quickly. yes, and the but, but, but, but the, that's the minds of you was the entire house. the system in augusta has been demolished the only few hospital, the only one or 2 hospitals lifting the load water box audio. but i think most of the doctors have been exposed to the south or even left that goes to that. so who is gonna process these? me the construct moments or even provide treatment to the people. and you know what, i mean, once the, a drops out, i dropped to the slip, the, i'm not month whether i mean the coordinated with, i mean, so they're all the ground. so the modem. okay? yes. okay, let's, let's, let's say from, from a sale. then i still, you know,
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doing an agreement, what do you think about that? it is, i think the question by itself is the magic. we know that we are and we're talking about the situation of possibly risk of genocide. and there drops usually are used when there is a natural disaster. and the only way to reach the people because of financial reasons is by here. and what you're seeing here for me is when it comes to medic and such context reservation as man me the other is i thought the agree more with the, with the show on the i mean it's like the very drugs sort of intentional or not is to release just for the support, there's a dresser to this, but the stage where it has the criminal justice causing maximum suffering and the, and to as many people as possible. like for me, i cannot find the words to describe cause like a u. s. been responsible for the opening of the crossing like kind of crossing and it is crossing and the system as it goes to insurance company will start mation and
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they just decide not to just drop it from the car. i mean, some of this agent on the see and the most one of those people who were talking about anyways, people are, must really, really like, there's think they're hungry, they're injured, they cannot speak has any way. what others think. it's, imagine you being start intentionally. then that's going to be under bombardment, and then you have to read for some kind of a to be dropped from the sky. and most spoke to you again soon as we're trying to give this age. so for me, the community is actually expanding a lot of levels, just ensuring that to us, if you need to open the coffee and let us new, i would work. let me space access for 88 workers and listing the fees of the media to spoken of the survey shouldn't go through some interesting for me, what's really important for us to understand is the surgeon are being starved.
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the fastest street the world has ever seen. and the risk and this to model if only they have the political will to do so. and for us, i'm going to get 8 for bossing as you read it. that is stated by the system. i think this was hosted by the surveys are made by the nurse children especially need to correct the 250. and so there are no can this morning of the start patients with us having 4 take positions talking about air drops. so u. s. a. so think about it's difficult and the reason why not because increasing is difficult for best foot is the so you can get difficult, it's a political decision and that's sort of scared decision to be me know, for sure. what are we to make of it? but of course that's what i say. i dropped books you're signaling appeals don't attempt to assuage the guilty consciences of us officials. these policies are contributing to the ongoing atrocities in farming as one of your colleagues at ox phone. put it. yeah, i mean we, we,
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we know that the us has leverage. and we know all the leverage that give us can have on the situation and the us is choosing not to use that leverage. so how are we supposed to understand that otherwise? and it states think that by air dropping fluid, they are being themselves from their duties and obligations. the 3rd states in accordance with the i c, j order. i am very confident that it is likely not the case that they are absolving any of their duties obligations by air dropping aid. in fact, they should be using that they should be implementing real measures to put pressure on israel. this does not put pressure on israel. in fact, actually it absolved israel's from his duties and obligations to protect the civilian population. and both by israel occupies the posting and civilian population and gaza. and as an occupier, it has clear duties and obligations to protect and serve the post a new population in garza by providing them with the basic essentials to survive.
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it's not doing so, it's doing the complete opposite. in fact, it's using starvation techniques to co workers and collectively punishments punish an entire civilian population. and so not abiding by its own duties and obligations in the same breath as allies are doing, are supporting it by filling in the void and the vacuum of israel's duties and obligation in that portable thinking. the air drops. what a fulfill these duties and obligations under international law? absolutely not. and what i think one more point is air drops should come with a full response, right? air drops should be used. i'm, you know, it's, it's, we have to make it very clear. we're not against air drops, of course not. we're, you know, all or anybody getting any of the possible. but this should be part of our humanity and response. right now, we don't have a meaningful response. that part and abrupt should be, should not be even like considered at this point. because there's so many other or
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options of lover, lovers, the number so you can use to be able to enter 8 in one of which is opening one of the other 7 crossings and letting the tops that are full with food and water reading in the for the book for a couple months, steven? um, so that's my reflections on, on that question. kind of picking up on, on the 1st of bushes, points that what does this tell us about the us leverage of israel, as we've heard many times on this program and elsewhere on, i'll just see where the us could stop as well as will today by cutting off supply the supply bombs to what is ram and using it's, it's leverage. so on the one hand it supplying the bones that are coming in as people buy the filings and all the other. it's dropping food to feed the starving survivors. it's map this, isn't it? correct it's, it's, it's, it's really outside of madness. and it's, um, and you know, what's, what's that about that, that situation. i mean, we know that is what it has to submit those. so it's sort of put to the i c j
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because it's, it's that because it's monday to, to do so. and it seems like is one is even does not even care about this fund extent. the problem that the us is orchestra. think this a to drop a with some other countries just to, again say phase. what i'd say is that it has allowed us in coordination and coordinated with us to allow this happening. you know, and the, and again, i mean the key question here is that before this war, i mean there was a very strong owner. well, pet ation in the gaza strip. and that's to mind the view, what is the owner was a, it was up to own the, i don't know was being the funded, know, fort accusations that have not been investigated yet. it's a systematic operation. so what you're seeing here is, it seems like there is a system at the company in all fairness of old, the destroying or diminishing any presence for 8 organization, including 100, once the creating these,
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the precedence with it is being dropped. the aids being dropped from a to please and the gaza strip. and then the what and then creating this k is in, in, in the population to the human eyes. them turned them into name as a fights in times of force that left use this. when you see the scenes, i mean people fighting over a will comes 1st. the one was has i, i have a chance to survive and that's bite. so this is old human made project the it's by design. and that soul said again, yes, we know the pursuit of the us, i, i'm, i'm, i'm in no position to defend the u. s. i mean, the americans can defend themselves. i mean, the us government in particular and but, but again, back to the national, the protection and international humanity and that's a new it some of the fee to have to watch this happening. it's like a dog called me the and it's a sad, total secrecy to see this happening. and the guys are sort of the inability of the
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national system, the u. n. to kick in and do something about it. it's it's, it's a feeling that it's, it's like, it was fed up. i, i, what about the future? i mean, we will see a similar situation happening in other countries because garza is, has become a precedent and has become a case study of, of d and d, legalizing it the national. busy busy weakening it human rights and good. i see it all for the future for, for, for, for you might have to even, because of this context. yeah, i want to talk to you about the humanitarian lloyd special in just a few moments, a tunnel, but 1st i see is israel actively blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid by road into gaza, or off? as it argues, 8 agencies at the phone. i just want to read you a quote here from a spokes person. these really embassy in london who said recently the israel is enabling the entrance of humanitarian. it's into the gaza strip. is facilitating
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the transfer of any amount of a requested? the scope of the incoming 8 is limited only by the handling capabilities of the you and other agencies within the gaza strip claims regarding the fluid situation and cause an accurate that are intended to divert the focus from the ongoing failure of these organizations in handling and managing the distribution of aid to the residents who need it. what do you make of that? i mean, we haven't working so hard and security all these effects and most of them are just keeping the waiting for approval. security approval is resume the design sort in 3, a really complex and we were talking about really look of folks the you and because yesterday of the and he went through an agency that has been really getting everything needed. just rating it along with them course and have saying that the humanitarian that it has been written perfectly of the core and the root issue is
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a love in the 8th century integrates. i have been after these, we will be reading for hours will even days for reading for our trucks to enter garza and what's making them break is us policies. so for, for us, for you just say that it's not the duty of the substitute of the return in agencies as opposed to the occupation. well, actually announced that they won't be able to and goes up to be to use a starvation as a what the for. so this is my response as well. sure. i, i know you want to pick up on that, but i'll, i've a question to, to, to that the, by the administration says, but it's also considering uh, shipping a directly to gauze or from cypress by boat. i mean, it's not a viable alternative disguise or even to have a functioning pulse right now, once it gets to the port, it's gonna face the same problem, is that who, who distributes the aid? i mean again, i mean i, you know, i,
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i totally agree with this use point. i think again the main duties and obligations i mentioned, i shall or israel israel's occupier. and therefore israel has clear duties and obligations to the ocoee be occupied. people it occupies in gaza. so that needs to be made very clear when you know, we, we, we talk about, you know, who has responsibility, who has the greater responsibility. sure, the humanitarian community also has a responsibility. we also have a responsibility of duty of care to our staff and to our colleagues sending our colleagues to deliver food and provide medical aid and medical supplies. under bon is that principle? what do we do? we, i mean, we are having, you know, we have questions within the minds, including real conversations about how are we reaching our duty of care to our staff as well by, by, you know, asking them to work and deliver food during these times when the bombs are raining on them, of course not. we should not be something or teams. so it's been,
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you know, so the, the, i mean beyond is really just is really restrictions. let's just talk about the relentless bombardment that's been happening over the gotten strip for the last 5 months. that's also impeded our work, not only in terms of the, the amount of band damage on roads, which makes it, you know, which delays the entire, you know, uh, a delivery process. but also the fact that there are live bombs. but while trucks are on their way to deliver aid, so you know, really a ceasefire is the 1st step to have a meaningful you might have respond to last without a ceasefire, without you know, the crossings in place without all this restriction, no meaningful. you might intend responsible happen in the plaza. ok, tom, i'm in a few remaining minutes. we've got laptop. try to get one more question to a see you as well, but want to come back to the politics of this and under the motives of, of the us in, in ad dropping 8 in its entry and findings. the international court of justice
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found that at least some of his rails actions in does appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the genocide convention, as, as we have established on this program for nations, the provide israel with support could be found to be complicit if the court ultimately finds this way. i have committed genocide, but the u. s. argue that by add dropping aid, it isn't compresses in any active genocide. yes, of course. i mean, it could also defend days that i didn't say this happened in coordination with is that on is what i thought out. this will happen. and this means that is what it is doing. it's best to allow aid input that goes to that. and that's what they've vision strategy. again, the vision from that in issue on from the, the other a huge crimes on the ground. and so, so, so the, the u. s. as default since the beginning of this war is basically 2 choices. the thing is to strategies buying more time please. what i'm, i'm protecting is that i'm using that us as an influence on the village and also
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the v 2 followed in the u. n. to stop any or to block any attempts by the international community to stop this war and to allow agencies to act into that goes to the and the us as they know this, the score. i don't see any, a shame in this policy. even in the negotiations process, the boeing now to release captives uh to try to get to uh, a 6 weeks uh, through scan. so that's the us position so far. okay. i say we have about a minute left on the program as a final thoughts. just remind us once again as if we needed reminding about the situation in gaza in terms of people's suffering right now, how close to famine is garza what's needed by how many people right now. it's because so think about it just $1.00 to $2.00 and the drugs. i think that it's some kind of flip, again, the imagery. so be suggesting that the us as we get the best people because
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obviously the significance assistance i know is like a sense to see we're going to help them by a we're going to help. and by this the, this one through mind, the audience is but again, regarding the situation in gaza. it's devastating emergency medical teams are seeing evidence of serious and addition in blood sugar out of those we're talking about in type of pollution over 2000000 a so accurate for the insecurity. we have 5 to 576000 people in gus estimated to be experiencing f, a stuffing, the hunger last severe phase of expertise of accurate, sweet, and security. that is more of twice to ration. we're talking about $1.00 and $6.00 to the 2 years old and goes to a 15. i noticed 90 percent under 5 suffering from infectious diseases. reaction studies is evidence of production. so these are estimating $58000.00 additional stuff over the next 6 months. there's no ceasefire. the from injuries
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both from scratch, which is new and my new kitchen. they have like a full water and the some of, of his classes that are put in security, sale, manufacture, date, rape out of time. many thanks to all of you for taking part in the discussion today brochure for lady telecom vote and a seal by doing and as always, thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the website, but you'll find out just 0, don't com. for further discussion, you're welcome to join us on facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash h i inside story. and of course, you can join the conversational impacts. i'll handle that as a great inside story from the atrium that again the team. and so we'll see you at the, the landlords day in the race for the president march. they will see millions votes across the 15 states as
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a super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump a step closer to a re match. stay with alger 0, so continue to cover it to the us elections. 2020 rights organizations filed a civil suit against the dutch states saying supply is around with via parts for f . 355 projects makes the netherlands complicit. impossible war crimes in gaza. then that lens has house the repeal distribution center for f. $35.00 spare parts from we are also supplies is were out in 2022 and exported spear parts worth $2400000.00 to the country with the escalation of the war. and guys at this number is now predicted to be much higher. for the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel. the verdict is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping is gone for the ocean to the ex. 35 programs would jeopardize excites with us, and it's, well,
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i must have specific areas, economic impacts in this product. the judge argued that political and economic interests can be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news on life from headquarters and don't find any navigators that's coming up in the next 60 minutes is where a launch is. a tax fund dropped off in southern gaza, killing at least 17 people were sitting humanitarian crisis in gauze on another child dies from malnutrition, bringing the total to 60 and in the past 2 days is really for says carry out more


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