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tv   101 East The Route P2  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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from tech ron pates, these governments has declared a state of emergency and nighttime for a few following a surge in gang violence. and the storming of the countries to biggest prisons, prime minister or yet on re, has been visiting kenya, trying to firm up an international police force to help patrol the streets. stephanie decker reports the deadline in the streets. the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the bible, i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. but as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns have stepped up. there are tax including on the international airport. the powerful
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guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of yellow only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for tenure last week to finalize the deal for an international force to help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have prompted the latest finance is partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a known as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's mainly linked to that official trip that the prime minister took to kenya as the torrent gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs uh, rival gains and part of has to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal, that the apartment is to assign with the acadia and government gang violence. and
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then security has a casey for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l. more say no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday, when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. south korea's health ministry is threatening to suspend the medical licenses of 7000 junior doctor as we went on strike 2 weeks ago. many doctors have already ignored a box to work order. the trainees are protesting against government funds to increase the number of admissions medical school. they say the government's plan to solve a dr. shortage will harm patients care. coming up next on out to 0. it's one on east. thanks for watching. bye bye. for now, the
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on march, the 7th us president, joe 5 and will deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda. environment. re up to his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington, who the 20th tens of thousands of chinese migrants typing taking the dangerous routes through lots in america to the united states where they plan to seek asylum towards risking everything in that quest. but back to lives. point i value. so in the 2nd half of our 2 pot investigation, $1.00 oh, $1.00 east finds out what happens to the microns once they've made it to the top of the single coon on us. as you check on cars. we meet
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so secretive cost to discover his plan for new arrivals. ok, but moment the judge and then she had a job. we learned why, despite the risks, many more chinese are willing to undertake the same perilous journey. and we ask if the american dream is really what the sacrifice the one children young has made it to america, the chinese migrant sent his wife june. u chan arrived in july 2023. they now live with relatives in the small city of habits in california. okay,
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and that kind of thing. well, hey, oh, i see. anyway, a legal call and you the couple are among the 31000 chinese migrants who enter the us via risky track through latin america in 2023 on social media. this expedition is known as jo. see, and for the war king roots currently and what the angels, the images are you got those have a good yeah. you know what, how, how we 1st minutes to young and then you can in the calculated columbia near the starts of the journey to latin america. they chose the walking route because they felt they had no future in china, but didn't think they could get visas for the united states. what are the? so mike was going home to him was traveling with them. the
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group spent 2 days preparing for what would be the hardest part of that journey. then on a sweltering, often noon, the 3 migrants took a fairy to a town in neighboring panama. the following night, human traffic has put them on a smaller boat and smuggled them across the border. you'll never tried to get into the account. let me go to her, shutting this shot and the law had to be. and i'll tell you that there were many more nerve wracking moments ahead. the weeks long expedition took the microns across the dense, the far as the dairy and gap entered multiple countries and check points by nama. griffith is out. you don't all want on the last medium, a lot, the city modules,
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and this was the moment home june cross the us border. he says he wants to test it for hours tide. and so i see before being discovered by police officers spending 2 days in the migration detention. he was released foot now home john lives with his brother in los angeles and help sales at this time. these bed and breakfast. he wants to find a regular full time work. by time the us little asylum seekers have to wait a 100 and a few days for unemployment permits. without one, they can no need to casual jobs since you brought popularize, triple 0, triple hold on to an e mail to go out there and kind of you, me to court other than the one on the top gave me that goes, which would be you, me a 100 and higher to day when you trade it. he says he's luckier than many of the other
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chinese migrants key match on the walking route. any other other than they are going to change your mind to 90. not sure how to the fields. she to shop with data to save money, one, your rival is living well off the beaten path and we've come to the california desert to meet him. live we love to show 10 or 10. good. as he is better known, says he's getting by thanks to the kind the so strange is to watch them. we will call you more into poetry more about why they, i don't have, i stopped by them eventually. what can i answer? that could be because online, he is now famous to and decided to leave china off to subbing a 14 month sentence for social media posts that were deemed to have in danger of
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the country. that's off. he had very little money when he sets off, but 10 guy started life streaming, his johnny messing tens of thousands of followers to was he managed to crowd fund his way to those us with the majority of on the flag phone, dollar move or yes or the to appoint them a 1000 by the to the to see them the through the so that shouldn't have the use. how will do the crazy go home for now is a half finished room in a resort. he is helping to build some way i could, can, i can go what, how it all it's basic, but it's also free of charge to and guy says he's taking each day as it comes, send to that home. i would help the local. how do you know they know that whole con, no, no,
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by what the cohort bought now you're and then what i to to the single cool 9 us as you can check on kaiser karma and lisa agrees work entre usually young in here right in the us after a physically and mentally exhausting trick through latin america. but the ordeal wasn't over yet. so may for you begin to order 10 for your size of your time. the developed christian on says he left china because his church leaders were being detained and tortured the despite to assurances from badging that respects religious freedom, hon says, p lifting, fear to hear them my way me gather, show you a deed. so can you, me an
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e mail to her, you know me a file. ok. the wind i for the to show me or sort of a friend who the new at that time. but that then move to showing an immigration lawyer helped to get him out of detention and was able to find casual work one week off to his release. but it's nothing like his old job to how on last year in that culture, that's one of the steve hands of it's not easy. finding stable work for other chinese migrants new to los angeles. the search often begins at one of the many employment agencies. so having recent arrivals like them, we've received information that some businesses might be involved in questionable activities posing as new the arrived,
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chinese micro and seeking work are such as have come to investigate. and it's not long before one of them is offered. a job is also in terms of research at and the legal, narrow one of them is which is you get is get your thoughts about it. and jesus christian is of the agents easily high paying and she's working for the bethany agency which has its name with a nearby church. and all the north pole told her to know what it says or i ordered a good beer in the end of the job for you to go towards the shop you know, to watch as you've had to go with the one over the place. and it, it appears that the big parts of lease work is to persuade chinese migrants to go to a bethany church when joshua don't want them to be a telephone, someone your muscle. so i'm showing you what time she says the church has
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a pastor and julia is who can help with assign them applications for a fee to do that. sure. to finish the kind of car wash so tell social to whole was you. those are for drop off to tell without doing this until some kids will just wonder if you just let me push on for one additional by itself and push out. i'm looking for the motion of some of i'm talking about to my package of 2 days later, lee takes are such a to charge the users don't know it's an imposing building that sits on a quiet street. inside they meet past the frank chang from the churches, chinese congregation. i saw those on it's not long before he
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gets down to business. washing the itemized association, folded towards the bottom. all of that is the young ones are all saying you said something was the weight of a positive change doesn't ask if our search here was a christian or even if he's interested in becoming one. instead, he talks about money or mission the same. say again, this is to say the, the cheese is furniture, so there is none face to face. here you can change the name of the judge and then she thought, and you need all of these, well you a waste means,
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or the goal is 0 and mino, us, yeah, plus as, let's say you want to solve that in a subsequent meeting or a set your oscar chang, it's a church could help some of his friends. the pastor makes him the sofa e t. so that would be the kind of us all this incentive could explain why the recruitment agents for the high paying was so eager to take chinese migrants to see past the chinese. we sense another researcher to pay her visits. to get a replacement says his name is lee, you are a search or tells him she's just are right from china and needs a job on the
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most like his pre to assess a div says the pastor can help our research and get religious asylum. so you don't need to advise the you know, what was the function lee hyping, pester franca chang and best and the charge did not respond to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east requests for comment uses. he's a staunch christian who is helping to spread the gospel activist and immigration lawyer turn twang twan ones. it's
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a legal to align in an immigration application. you've february kits. the facts that's fraud to us immigration law, punish the immigration fraud. the jeep terrifies that. mike wins can get assign them based on activities they genuinely participate and often arriving in america. the assign um application does not require the applicant has been particular to ends at home countries. it only requires them to prove that they are likely to be posts accurate on. we tend to that home countries on glance of political opinion as an easy to religion, particular social group. and that's not it, it's showing is national date and there's a protest outside. it's considered in los angeles for many
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here, it's a new experience for many of attendees. i believe it's the 1st time to personally participate in extra protests against the assign his comment. some of those who do find that they enjoy the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly of freedom of demonstration here. oh jackson. wong stanley, across the southern us border in may. 2023. they wanted to live in a country where they could practice that christian faith, freely casual or saelens or do the job you all down with alicia changed a lot. sounds when you've got any type of mean here, you know, again, this is how that was all the kids all said isn't the only thing that night. yeah. yes. and that a him will do those on sunday and there's one, yes, you always hear turnkey, to sony, the one the not everyone here wants to be photographed
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throughout the afternoon. most men, although on the fringes of the protest watching silently does that mean says the activist jang show and the husband helped organize today's rally. cheaper lease the mosque men are just following orders. how much hotel i just i suppose. yeah. so how do i find for your sure? yeah, so the ball go get down to the side. would need those to go to what else would you have to start seeing now? $200.00 of value dollars with these analia, your license send you a way to know what this is just to have your to use. and when we don't have them on the google sign, that the jang show has been hosting to relatives who managed to leave china despite being allegedly surveilled
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by all thought is that the younger brother shown you home is just 15 going home june. when we interviewed earlier, is her brother in law still more family members, making their way through latin america and are expected to join them in the coming days. she says her parents played when that government mind is was paying attention. so to show it to you, the email that you have a video call may be google to show you the opposite jackson's in north. oh, so in latin america traveling overland to the united states. his wife
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says they've been having a hard time. oh, well i think people how, how evaluations i'm being told by my mother used to say that's kind of where, so those are all not in or this out to the news has to go your how do you guys have when you're done india and his brother leeway has been sending updates for me a lot. that's kind of the charge of it anyway. saw me until the and i can't lose so no, not just say your name don't, don't think a lot. i don't, i don't finding a salt dental group was on has a lot when you watch him not to allow what's, what would you us, i'm using yet. would you mind me pull so that drop off what i will go do me by module by sitting on the video. that's just the question. i'm good. how long was all that to me? what's that to me?
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what can sevalla would your, would you what kind of soon code it to you to a dollar tell you every day. oh, it's 2 months since we last saw cheer and he's left the test. it found a new home and started a new job with us or was that you say the home is new? i don't want to say that and he pays $500.00 a month for the space in the shed house. it doesn't look like much, but 10 go says it's a stock then highly to what kind of what higher for the time when you add colorado con, call google people in the town. see one be so it's a monk gen kaiser. i'm going to have kaiser deal point with them. so kind of the how that look at the end of it. he's now what delivery drive a 10 go says this is his best job. so funny. so i hit where
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doable for that. and then a to tell me why my value is you can tell someone that all but i'm going going on. i was only, it was a general mean the 5 was on the money to pay. i own a table where you are a legal point on by the president with our phone, which we're able to kind of some of id, right? to go says he makes a bit more than a 100 dollars a day. he is rich. i notice by the i have a look. i seem to, i have another over money is rich, but it's a different story a week later. or the we seen the way pass on handle. sounds like even by somebody for with you and call us at julia to come back
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on social media and post a series of videos. he says he's folder and victim to a scam. cool. and his delivery lightnings have disappeared. so you know how to find jim? how you all to the music they, that's when to when the find you that and then i get out control has is what was hands are going to bless your last test to go to college. so you don't seem to guess how so yeah. students hire by been k, find that out, that it's in as in tom r o l y a n d v way l square in the city to move these more upbeat. and his parents and brothers family are in america right last. so you, king, i, law, has their own kind of seem to find
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a sister in law. she now it's an emotional end to, along with, you know, they will almost see the kind of a chance to get the policy. so, you know, i went into your, into which is there something to do the way that what you can tell me would someone pass the whole e t the the name. so what is your wish, what is a total $11.00 to put it on the one that has so for their own we have what i got to receive. sure. and such as, oh, well, i'm able to see all your using the, it's a big day for young show that she does actually. yeah. it's
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been 5 years since they last saw each other and 3 months since our parents fled china has the control center. just have had the courts here that's just gone. the friends already picked up our parents and is driving them half way. you take the read union takes place in a parking lots next to a fast food restaurant. this is the 1st time little frankie. he's meeting his grandma in person, the
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young shows parents are still traumatized by the events that drove them out of china. joan says local police harass them over her daughter's activism in the united states. the. the on. yeah. i mean that evening. that's the stand on the game shows parents
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everyone here, right on those 1st and what it means to take the walking route or is related to someone who does. people have struggles and there might be more to come are but for now, this group is celebrating new beginnings in in the final charges would switch to new extinction. now the ami enjoys and community groups. the group the back from the brain. when east investigates early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of joel southern melisha, which one works here occasionally after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years
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ago. when my phone was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly, in less than 5 minutes, that would launch waves and my load was sent. i only thought of getting back safely . i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. changing width of mountains means that fuel months with safe for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena rahman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on root communities. so everybody knows the temperature of the oceans. increasingly, it is also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed for species season now. latino, they know where they used to be sufficient or coming in. i so easy to touch 20 grams of clips before. no, it is difficult to. you wouldn't get 5 kilograms. national fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on. different, unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency,
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but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable hard to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out just the or the, the, the hello, i'm somebody say that this is the news. our live from bill coming off in the next 60 minutes as well. busy which is a tax on or off in southern gaza. kidding. at least 17 people. i was sitting here minus heavy and crisis in gaza. another child dies from malnutrition, bringing the total and the last 2 days to 16. so now it's in your rounds.
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parliamentary elections is the law.


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